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#include <GenPurposeSkimmerData.h>
Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> =============== Implementation: =============== This is a general purpose Skimmer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It reads datasets and keeps only the analysis-relevant information and stores it in a simple TTree. Code Inspired by the T&P code by Claire Timlin Note: a similar code to read PAT tuples is already available
History: 16.10.08: first version 24.10.08: added ECAL/HCAL isolation + sigma ieta ieta (S. Harper) 30.10.08: all isolations use isodeposits all parameters are untracked 18.03.09: modified to store just the 4 highest ET gsf electrons in the event 02.04.09: version for redigi including particle flow MET + gen level MET 04.04.09: version for redigi including tcMET, MET eta dropped 22.04.09: version for redigi including MET Type1 corrections 23.04.09: version completely changes to read from PAT....................... 07.09.09: version for 3_1_2 version 08.09.09: version for 3_1_2 that keeps all the trigger info and reduced number of the other collections
Further Information/Inquiries: Nikos Rompotis - Imperial College London Nikolaos.Rompotis@Cern.ch
Definition at line 67 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
GenPurposeSkimmerData::GenPurposeSkimmerData | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 58 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.cc.
References BarrelMaxEta, corHybridsc_, ctfTracksTag_, ElectronCollection_, EndcapMaxEta, EndcapMinEta, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), HLTCollectionE29_, HLTCollectionE31_, HLTTriggerResultsE29_, HLTTriggerResultsE31_, mcMetCollectionTag_, MetCollectionTag_, multi5x5sc_, outputFile_, pfMetCollectionTag_, ProbeHLTObjMaxDR, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, t1MetCollectionTag_, and tcMetCollectionTag_.
{ // // I N P U T P A R A M E T E R S // // output file name outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputfile"); // // Electron Collection ElectronCollection_=ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("ElectronCollection"); // // MC: //MCCollection_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("MCCollection"); //MCMatch_Deta_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MCMatch_Deta",0.1); //MCMatch_Dphi_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MCMatch_Dphi",0.35); // // MET Collections: MetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("MetCollectionTag"); mcMetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("mcMetCollectionTag"); t1MetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("t1MetCollectionTag"); pfMetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("pfMetCollectionTag"); tcMetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tcMetCollectionTag"); // genMetCollectionTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("genMetCollectionTag"); // // HLT parameters: // allow info for 2 paths and 2 filters // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLTCollectionE29_= ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTCollectionE29"); HLTCollectionE31_= ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTCollectionE31"); HLTTriggerResultsE29_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTTriggerResultsE29"); HLTTriggerResultsE31_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTTriggerResultsE31"); //HLTPath_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("HLTPath","HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R"); //HLTFilterType_ =ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTFilterType"); // // matching HLT objects to electrons ProbeHLTObjMaxDR= ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ProbeHLTObjMaxDR",0.2); // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // detector geometry // BarrelMaxEta = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("BarrelMaxEta"); EndcapMinEta = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EndcapMinEta"); EndcapMaxEta = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EndcapMaxEta"); // ctfTracksTag_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("ctfTracksTag"); corHybridsc_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("corHybridsc"); multi5x5sc_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("multi5x5sc"); }
GenPurposeSkimmerData::~GenPurposeSkimmerData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 111 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.cc.
{ // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.) }
void GenPurposeSkimmerData::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | evt, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 126 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.cc.
References BarrelMaxEta, corHybridsc_, gather_cfg::cout, ctf_track_eta, ctf_track_phi, ctf_track_pt, ctf_track_tip, ctf_track_tip_bs, ctf_track_vx, ctf_track_vy, ctf_track_vz, ctfTracksTag_, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), elec_1_duplicate_removal, elec_number_in_event, ElectronCollection_, HI_PhotonSkim_cff::electrons, EndcapMaxEta, EndcapMinEta, reco::CaloCluster::energy(), reco::CaloCluster::eta(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), event_mcMET, event_mcMET_phi, event_mcMET_sig, event_MET, event_MET_phi, event_MET_sig, event_pfMET, event_pfMET_phi, event_pfMET_sig, event_t1MET, event_t1MET_phi, event_t1MET_sig, event_tcMET, event_tcMET_phi, event_tcMET_sig, edm::Event::getByLabel(), HLTCollectionE29_, i, getHLTprescales::index, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), mcMetCollectionTag_, MetCollectionTag_, multi5x5sc_, metsig::muon, muon_eta, muon_phi, muon_pt, muon_tip, muon_tip_bs, muon_vx, muon_vy, muon_vz, pfMET_cfi::pfMET, pfMetCollectionTag_, reco::CaloCluster::phi(), reco::TrackBase::phi(), reco::BeamSpot::position(), probe_charge_for_tree, probe_classification_index_for_tree, probe_ecal_iso_user, probe_ecal_isolation_value, probe_ele_dfi, probe_ele_dhi, probe_ele_e1x5, probe_ele_e2x5, probe_ele_e5x5, probe_ele_eop, probe_ele_et_for_tree, probe_ele_eta_for_tree, probe_ele_hoe, probe_ele_phi_for_tree, probe_ele_pin, probe_ele_pout, probe_ele_shh, probe_ele_sihih, probe_ele_tip, probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree, probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree, probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree, probe_hcal_iso_user, probe_hcal_isolation_value, probe_iso_user, probe_isolation_value, probe_sc_et_for_tree, probe_sc_eta_for_tree, probe_sc_pass_fiducial_cut, probe_sc_phi_for_tree, probe_tree, edm::Handle< T >::product(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), sc_hybrid_et, sc_hybrid_eta, sc_hybrid_phi, sc_multi5x5_et, sc_multi5x5_eta, sc_multi5x5_phi, t1MetCollectionTag_, tcMetCollectionTag_, pat::Muon::track(), tree_fills_, reco::TrackBase::vx(), reco::TrackBase::vy(), and reco::TrackBase::vz().
{ // MC Collection ------------------------------------------------ // edm::Handle<reco::GenParticleCollection> pGenPart; // evt.getByLabel(MCCollection_, pGenPart); // if ( not pGenPart.isValid() ) { // std::cout <<"Error! Can't get "<<MCCollection_.label() << std::endl; // return; // } // const reco::GenParticleCollection *McCand = pGenPart.product(); // GsF Electron Collection --------------------------------------- edm::Handle<pat::ElectronCollection> pElectrons; try{ evt.getByLabel(ElectronCollection_, pElectrons); } catch (cms::Exception) { edm::LogError("")<< "Error! Can't get ElectronCollection by label. "; } // *********************************************************************** // check which trigger has accepted the event **************************** // *********************************************************************** // // path allocation: first 10 paths belong to the low lum menu, the rest // in the high lum one // // Low Luminosity Menu (8e29) // /* edm::Handle<edm::TriggerResults> HLTResultsE29; evt.getByLabel(HLTTriggerResultsE29_, HLTResultsE29); if (not HLTResultsE29.isValid()) { std::cout << "HLT Results with label: " << HLTTriggerResultsE29_ << " not found" << std::endl; return; } // edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent> pHLTe29; evt.getByLabel(HLTCollectionE29_, pHLTe29); if (not pHLTe29.isValid()) { std::cout << "HLT Results with label: " << HLTCollectionE29_ << " not found" << std::endl; return; } // int sum = 0; // for (int iT=0; iT<10; ++iT) { event_HLTPath[iT] = 0; numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] =0; // const edm::TriggerNames & triggerNames = evt.triggerNames(*HLTResultsE29); unsigned int trigger_size = HLTResultsE29->size(); unsigned int trigger_position = triggerNames.triggerIndex(HLTPath_[iT]); if (trigger_position < trigger_size ) event_HLTPath[iT] = (int) HLTResultsE29->accept(trigger_position); // numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] = 0; // check explicitly that the filter is there const int nF(pHLTe29->sizeFilters()); const int filterInd = pHLTe29->filterIndex(HLTFilterType_[iT]); if (nF != filterInd) { const trigger::Vids& VIDS (pHLTe29->filterIds(filterInd)); const trigger::Keys& KEYS(pHLTe29->filterKeys(filterInd)); const int nI(VIDS.size()); const int nK(KEYS.size()); numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] = (nI>nK)? nI:nK; } //if (iT==2) // HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R only this trigger is required sum += numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT]; } // // High Luminosity Menu (1e31) DISABLED - only low lumi level // edm::Handle<edm::TriggerResults> HLTResultsE31; evt.getByLabel(HLTTriggerResultsE31_, HLTResultsE31); if (not HLTResultsE31.isValid()) { std::cout << "HLT Results with label: " << HLTTriggerResultsE31_ << " not found" << std::endl; return; } edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent> pHLTe31; evt.getByLabel(HLTCollectionE31_, pHLTe31); if (not pHLTe31.isValid()) { std::cout << "HLT Results with label: " << HLTCollectionE31_ << " not found" << std::endl; return; } for (int iT=10; iT<25; ++iT) { event_HLTPath[iT] = 0; numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] =0; // const edm::TriggerNames & triggerNames = evt.triggerNames(*HLTResultsE31); unsigned int trigger_size = HLTResultsE31->size(); unsigned int trigger_position = triggerNames.triggerIndex(HLTPath_[iT]); if (trigger_position < trigger_size ) event_HLTPath[iT] = (int) HLTResultsE31->accept(trigger_position); // numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] = 0; // check explicitly that the filter is there const int nF(pHLTe31->sizeFilters()); const int filterInd = pHLTe31->filterIndex(HLTFilterType_[iT]); if (nF != filterInd) { const trigger::Vids& VIDS (pHLTe31->filterIds(filterInd)); const trigger::Keys& KEYS(pHLTe31->filterKeys(filterInd)); const int nI(VIDS.size()); const int nK(KEYS.size()); numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT] = (nI>nK)? nI:nK; } // not needed sum += numberOfHLTFilterObjects[iT]; } if (sum == 0) { //std::cout << "No trigger found in this event..." << std::endl; return; } */ //std::cout << "HLT objects: #" << sum << std::endl; // print out the triggers that exist in this event // comment this out if you want to see the names of the existing triggers edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent> pHLTe29; evt.getByLabel(HLTCollectionE29_, pHLTe29); if (not pHLTe29.isValid()){ std::cout << "Error!!! HLT is missing!" << std::endl; return; } /* else { // check explicitly that the filter is there const int nF(pHLTe29->sizeFilters()); for (int filterInd=0; filterInd< nF; ++filterInd) { const trigger::Vids& VIDS (pHLTe29->filterIds(filterInd)); const trigger::Keys& KEYS(pHLTe29->filterKeys(filterInd)); const int nI(VIDS.size()); const int nK(KEYS.size()); int nObjects = (nI>nK)? nI:nK; const edm::InputTag filterTag = pHLTe29->filterTag(filterInd); std::cout << "Found filter with name " << filterTag << " and #objects: #" << nObjects << std::endl; } } */ // ********************************************************************* // MET Collections: // edm::Handle<reco::CaloMETCollection> caloMET; evt.getByLabel(MetCollectionTag_, caloMET); // edm::Handle<pat::METCollection> t1MET; evt.getByLabel(t1MetCollectionTag_, t1MET); // edm::Handle<pat::METCollection> mcMET; evt.getByLabel(mcMetCollectionTag_, mcMET); // edm::Handle<reco::METCollection> tcMET; evt.getByLabel(tcMetCollectionTag_, tcMET); // edm::Handle<reco::PFMETCollection> pfMET; evt.getByLabel(pfMetCollectionTag_, pfMET); // // edm::Handle<reco::GenMETCollection> genMET; // evt.getByLabel(genMetCollectionTag_, genMET); // // initialize the MET variables ........................................ event_MET = -99.; event_MET_phi = -99.; event_MET_sig = -99.; event_mcMET = -99.; event_mcMET_phi = -99.; event_mcMET_sig = -99.; event_tcMET = -99.; event_tcMET_phi = -99.; event_tcMET_sig = -99.; event_pfMET = -99.; event_pfMET_phi = -99.; event_pfMET_sig = -99.; event_t1MET = -99.; event_t1MET_phi = -99.; event_t1MET_sig = -99.; // //event_genMET = -99.; event_genMET_phi= -99.; event_genMET_sig = -99.; // // get the values, if they are available if ( caloMET.isValid() ) { const reco::CaloMETRef MET(caloMET, 0); event_MET = MET->et(); event_MET_phi = MET->phi(); event_MET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); } else { std::cout << "caloMET not valid: input Tag: " << MetCollectionTag_ << std::endl; } if ( tcMET.isValid() ) { const reco::METRef MET(tcMET, 0); event_tcMET = MET->et(); event_tcMET_phi = MET->phi(); event_tcMET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); } if ( pfMET.isValid() ) { const reco::PFMETRef MET(pfMET, 0); event_pfMET = MET->et(); event_pfMET_phi = MET->phi(); event_pfMET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); } if ( t1MET.isValid() ) { const pat::METRef MET(t1MET, 0); event_t1MET = MET->et(); event_t1MET_phi = MET->phi(); event_t1MET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); } if ( mcMET.isValid() ) { const pat::METRef MET(mcMET, 0); event_mcMET = MET->et(); event_mcMET_phi = MET->phi(); event_mcMET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); } // if ( genMET.isValid() ) { // const reco::GenMETRef MET(genMET, 0); // event_genMET = MET->et(); event_genMET_phi = MET->phi(); // event_genMET_sig = MET->mEtSig(); // } // std::cout << "t1MET: " << event_t1MET << " twikiT1MET: " // << event_twikiT1MET << ", calo="<<event_MET << std::endl; // // some supercluster collections ........................................... // correcyedHybridSuperClusters //InputTag corHybridsc("correctedHybridSuperClusters","",InputTagEnding_); edm::Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> SC1; evt.getByLabel(corHybridsc_,SC1); const reco::SuperClusterCollection *sc1 = SC1.product(); // multi5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower //edm::InputTag multi5x5sc("multi5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower", // "", InputTagEnding_); edm::Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> SC2; evt.getByLabel(multi5x5sc_,SC2); const reco::SuperClusterCollection *sc2 = SC2.product(); // const int n1 = sc1->size(); const int n2 = sc2->size(); //std::cout << "SC found: hybrid: " << n1 << ", multi5x5: " // << n2 << std::endl; // keep details of the 5 highest ET superclusters for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { sc_hybrid_et[i] = -9999.; sc_hybrid_eta[i] = -9999.; sc_hybrid_phi[i] = -9999.; // sc_multi5x5_et[i] = -9999.; sc_multi5x5_eta[i] = -9999.; sc_multi5x5_phi[i] = -9999.; // } // sort the energies of the first sc std::vector<double> ETsc1; std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>::const_iterator sc; for (sc = sc1->begin(); sc != sc1->end(); ++sc) { reco::SuperCluster mySc = *sc; double scEt = mySc.energy()/(cosh(mySc.eta())); ETsc1.push_back(scEt); } int *sorted1 = new int[n1]; double *et1 = new double[n1]; for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i) { et1[i] = ETsc1[i]; } // array sorted now has the indices of the highest ET electrons TMath::Sort(n1, et1, sorted1, true); // ......................................................................... std::vector<double> ETsc2; for (sc = sc2->begin(); sc != sc2->end(); ++sc) { reco::SuperCluster mySc = *sc; double scEt = mySc.energy()/(cosh(mySc.eta())); ETsc2.push_back(scEt); } int *sorted2 = new int[n2]; double *et2 = new double[n2]; for (int i=0; i<n2; ++i) { et2[i] = ETsc2[i]; } // array sorted now has the indices of the highest ET electrons TMath::Sort(n2, et2, sorted2, true); // // for( int probeSc = 0; probeSc < n1; ++probeSc) { //std::cout<<"sorted["<< probeIt<< "]=" << sorted[probeIt] << std::endl; // break if you have more than the appropriate number of electrons if (probeSc >= 5) break; // int sc_index = sorted1[probeSc]; std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>::const_iterator Rprobe = sc1->begin() + sc_index; // reco::SuperCluster sc0 = *Rprobe; // now keep the relevant stuff: sc_hybrid_et[probeSc] = sc0.energy()/(cosh(sc0.eta())); sc_hybrid_eta[probeSc] = sc0.eta(); sc_hybrid_phi[probeSc] = sc0.phi(); } // ......................................................................... for( int probeSc = 0; probeSc < n2; ++probeSc) { //std::cout<<"sorted["<< probeIt<< "]=" << sorted[probeIt] << std::endl; // break if you have more than the appropriate number of electrons if (probeSc >= 5) break; // int sc_index = sorted2[probeSc]; std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>::const_iterator Rprobe = sc2->begin() + sc_index; // reco::SuperCluster sc0 = *Rprobe; // now keep the relevant stuff: sc_multi5x5_et[probeSc] = sc0.energy()/(cosh(sc0.eta())); sc_multi5x5_eta[probeSc] = sc0.eta(); sc_multi5x5_phi[probeSc] = sc0.phi(); } delete [] sorted1; delete [] sorted2; delete [] et1; delete [] et2; // edm::InputTag ctfTracksTag("generalTracks", "", InputTagEnding_); edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> ctfTracks; evt.getByLabel(ctfTracksTag_, ctfTracks); const reco::TrackCollection *ctf = ctfTracks.product(); reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator tr; const int ntracks = ctf->size(); // // get the beam spot for the parameter of the track edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> pBeamSpot; evt.getByLabel("offlineBeamSpot", pBeamSpot); const reco::BeamSpot *bspot = pBeamSpot.product(); const math::XYZPoint bspotPosition = bspot->position(); // for (int i=0; i<20; ++i) { ctf_track_pt[i] = -9999.; ctf_track_eta[i] = -9999.; ctf_track_phi[i] = -9999.; ctf_track_vx[i] = -9999.; ctf_track_vy[i]=-9999.; ctf_track_vz[i] =-9999.; ctf_track_tip[i] = -9999.; ctf_track_tip_bs[i] = -9999.; } // std::vector<double> ETtrack; for (tr = ctf->begin(); tr != ctf->end(); ++tr) { reco::Track mySc = *tr; double scEt = mySc.pt(); ETtrack.push_back(scEt); } int *sortedTr = new int[ntracks]; double *etTr = new double[ntracks]; for (int i=0; i<ntracks; ++i) { etTr[i] = ETtrack[i]; } // array sorted now has the indices of the highest ET electrons TMath::Sort(ntracks, etTr, sortedTr, true); // for( int probeSc = 0; probeSc < ntracks; ++probeSc) { //std::cout<<"sorted["<< probeIt<< "]=" << sorted[probeIt] << std::endl; // break if you have more than the appropriate number of electrons if (probeSc >= 20) break; // int sc_index = sortedTr[probeSc]; std::vector<reco::Track>::const_iterator Rprobe = ctf->begin() + sc_index; // reco::Track sc0 = *Rprobe; // now keep the relevant stuff: ctf_track_pt[probeSc] = sc0.pt(); ctf_track_eta[probeSc] = sc0.eta(); ctf_track_phi[probeSc] = sc0.phi(); ctf_track_vx[probeSc] = sc0.vx(); ctf_track_vy[probeSc] = sc0.vy(); ctf_track_vz[probeSc] = sc0.vz(); ctf_track_tip[probeSc] = -sc0.dxy(); ctf_track_tip_bs[probeSc] = -sc0.dxy(bspotPosition); } delete [] sortedTr; delete [] etTr; // // keep 4 of the selectedLayer1Muons for reference edm::Handle<pat::MuonCollection> pMuons; evt.getByLabel("selectedLayer1Muons", pMuons); const pat::MuonCollection *pmuon = pMuons.product(); pat::MuonCollection::const_iterator muon; const int nmuons = pMuons->size(); // for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { muon_pt[i] = -9999.; muon_eta[i] = -9999.; muon_phi[i] = -9999.; muon_vx[i] = -9999.; muon_vy[i] = -9999.; muon_vz[i] = -9999.; muon_tip[i] = -9999.; muon_tip_bs[i] = -9999.; } // std::vector<double> ETmuons; for (muon = pmuon->begin(); muon != pmuon->end(); ++muon) { pat::Muon mySc = *muon; double scEt = mySc.track()->pt(); ETmuons.push_back(scEt); } int *sortedMu = new int[nmuons]; double *etMu = new double[nmuons]; for (int i=0; i<nmuons; ++i) { etMu[i] = ETmuons[i]; } // array sorted now has the indices of the highest ET electrons TMath::Sort(nmuons, etMu, sortedMu, true); // for( int probeSc = 0; probeSc < nmuons; ++probeSc) { //std::cout<<"sorted["<< probeIt<< "]=" << sorted[probeIt] << std::endl; // break if you have more than the appropriate number of electrons if (probeSc >= 4) break; // int sc_index = sortedMu[probeSc]; std::vector<pat::Muon>::const_iterator Rprobe = pmuon->begin() + sc_index; // pat::Muon sc0 = *Rprobe; // now keep the relevant stuff: muon_pt[probeSc] = sc0.track()->pt(); muon_eta[probeSc] = sc0.track()->eta(); muon_phi[probeSc] = sc0.track()->phi(); muon_vx[probeSc] = sc0.track()->vx(); muon_vy[probeSc] = sc0.track()->vy(); muon_vz[probeSc] = sc0.track()->vz(); muon_tip[probeSc] = -sc0.track()->dxy(); muon_tip_bs[probeSc] = -sc0.track()->dxy(bspotPosition); } delete [] sortedMu; delete [] etMu; // if (n1+n2+ntracks == 0) { std::cout << "Return: no sc in this event" << std::endl; return; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // electron details const int MAX_PROBES = 4; for(int i =0; i < MAX_PROBES; i++){ probe_ele_eta_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_et_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_phi_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_ele_tip[i] = -999.; probe_sc_eta_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_sc_et_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_sc_phi_for_tree[i] = -99.0; probe_charge_for_tree[i] = -99; probe_sc_pass_fiducial_cut[i] = 0; probe_classification_index_for_tree[i]=-99; // // probe isolation values ............ probe_isolation_value[i] = 999.0; probe_iso_user[i] = 999.0; probe_ecal_isolation_value[i] = 999; probe_ecal_iso_user[i] = 999; probe_hcal_isolation_value[i] = 999; probe_hcal_iso_user[i] = 999; probe_ele_hoe[i] = 999.; probe_ele_shh[i] = 999.; probe_ele_sihih[i] = 999.; probe_ele_dhi[i] = 999.; probe_ele_dfi[i] = 999.; probe_ele_eop[i] = 999.; probe_ele_pin[i] = 999.; probe_ele_pout[i] = 999.; probe_ele_e5x5[i] = 999.; probe_ele_e2x5[i] = 999.; probe_ele_e1x5[i] = 999.; // // //for (int j=0; j<25; ++j) { // probe_pass_trigger_cut[i][j]=0; //} //probe_hlt_matched_dr[i]=0; //probe_mc_matched[i] = 0; //probe_mc_matched_deta[i] = 999.; //probe_mc_matched_dphi[i] = 999.; //probe_mc_matched_denergy[i] = 999.; //probe_mc_matched_mother[i] = 999; // // } const pat::ElectronCollection *electrons= pElectrons.product(); elec_number_in_event = electrons->size(); //std::cout << "In this event " << elec_number_in_event << // " electrons were found" << std::endl; // if (elec_number_in_event == 0) return; std::vector<pat::ElectronRef> UniqueElectrons; // edm::LogInfo("") << "Starting loop over electrons."; int index =0; //*********************************************************************** // NEW METHOD by D WARDROPE implemented 26.05.08 ************************ //************* DUPLICATE ****** REMOVAL ******************************* // 02.06.08: due to a bug in the hybrid algorithm that affects detid **** // we change detid matching to superCluster ref matching ****** for(pat::ElectronCollection::const_iterator elec = electrons->begin(); elec != electrons->end();++elec) { const pat::ElectronRef electronRef(pElectrons, index); //Remove duplicate electrons which share a supercluster pat::ElectronCollection::const_iterator BestDuplicate = elec; int index2 = 0; for(pat::ElectronCollection::const_iterator elec2 = electrons->begin(); elec2 != electrons->end(); ++elec2) { if(elec != elec2) { if( elec->superCluster() == elec2->superCluster()) { if(fabs(BestDuplicate->eSuperClusterOverP()-1.) >= fabs(elec2->eSuperClusterOverP()-1.)) { BestDuplicate = elec2; } } } ++index2; } if(BestDuplicate == elec) UniqueElectrons.push_back(electronRef); ++index; } // // debugging: store electrons after duplicate removal elec_1_duplicate_removal = UniqueElectrons.size(); //std::cout << "In this event there are " << elec_1_duplicate_removal // << " electrons" << std::endl; // // // duplicate removal is done now: // the electron collection is in UniqueElectrons // // run over probes - now probe electrons and store // // the electron collection is now // vector<reco::PixelMatchGsfElectronRef> UniqueElectrons std::vector<double> ETs; std::vector<pat::ElectronRef>::const_iterator elec; for (elec = UniqueElectrons.begin(); elec != UniqueElectrons.end(); ++elec) { pat::ElectronRef probeEle; probeEle = *elec; double probeEt = probeEle->caloEnergy()/(cosh(probeEle->caloPosition().eta())); ETs.push_back(probeEt); } int *sorted = new int[elec_1_duplicate_removal]; double *et = new double[elec_1_duplicate_removal]; //std::cout << "Elecs: " << elec_1_duplicate_removal << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<elec_1_duplicate_removal; ++i) { et[i] = ETs[i]; //std::cout << "et["<< i << "]=" << et[i] << std::endl; } // array sorted now has the indices of the highest ET electrons TMath::Sort(elec_1_duplicate_removal, et, sorted, true); // // for( int probeIt = 0; probeIt < elec_1_duplicate_removal; ++probeIt) { //std::cout<<"sorted["<< probeIt<< "]=" << sorted[probeIt] << std::endl; // break if you have more than the appropriate number of electrons if (probeIt >= MAX_PROBES) break; // int elec_index = sorted[probeIt]; std::vector<pat::ElectronRef>::const_iterator Rprobe = UniqueElectrons.begin() + elec_index; // pat::ElectronRef probeEle; probeEle = *Rprobe; double probeEt = probeEle->caloEnergy()/(cosh(probeEle->caloPosition().eta())); probe_sc_eta_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->caloPosition().eta(); probe_sc_phi_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->caloPosition().phi(); probe_sc_et_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEt; // fiducial cut ............................... if(fabs(probeEle->caloPosition().eta()) < BarrelMaxEta || (fabs(probeEle->caloPosition().eta()) > EndcapMinEta && fabs(probeEle->caloPosition().eta()) < EndcapMaxEta)){ probe_sc_pass_fiducial_cut[probeIt] = 1; } // probe_charge_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->charge(); probe_ele_eta_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->eta(); probe_ele_et_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->et(); probe_ele_phi_for_tree[probeIt] =probeEle->phi(); probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree[probeIt] =probeEle->vx(); probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree[probeIt] =probeEle->vy(); probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree[probeIt] =probeEle->vz(); probe_classification_index_for_tree[probeIt] = probeEle->classification(); double ProbeTIP = probeEle->gsfTrack()->d0(); probe_ele_tip[probeIt] = ProbeTIP; // isolation .................................. // these are the default values: trk 03, ecal, hcal 04 // I know that there is a more direct way, but in this way it // is clearer what you get each time :P probe_isolation_value[probeIt] = probeEle->dr03IsolationVariables().tkSumPt; probe_ecal_isolation_value[probeIt] = probeEle->dr04IsolationVariables().ecalRecHitSumEt; probe_hcal_isolation_value[probeIt] = probeEle->dr04IsolationVariables().hcalDepth1TowerSumEt + probeEle->dr04IsolationVariables().hcalDepth2TowerSumEt; // one extra isos: probe_iso_user[probeIt] = probeEle->dr04IsolationVariables().tkSumPt; probe_ecal_iso_user[probeIt] = probeEle->dr03IsolationVariables().ecalRecHitSumEt; probe_hcal_iso_user[probeIt] = probeEle->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth1TowerSumEt + probeEle->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth2TowerSumEt; // ele id variables double hOverE = probeEle->hadronicOverEm(); double deltaPhiIn = probeEle->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(); double deltaEtaIn = probeEle->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(); double eOverP = probeEle->eSuperClusterOverP(); double pin = probeEle->trackMomentumAtVtx().R(); double pout = probeEle->trackMomentumOut().R(); double sigmaee = probeEle->scSigmaEtaEta(); double sigma_IetaIeta = probeEle->scSigmaIEtaIEta(); // correct if in endcaps if( fabs (probeEle->caloPosition().eta()) > 1.479 ) { sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(fabs(probeEle->caloPosition().eta()) -2.3); } // //double e5x5, e2x5Right, e2x5Left, e2x5Top, e2x5Bottom, e1x5; double e5x5, e2x5, e1x5; e5x5 = probeEle->scE5x5(); e1x5 = probeEle->scE1x5(); e2x5 = probeEle->scE2x5Max(); // // electron ID variables probe_ele_hoe[probeIt] = hOverE; probe_ele_shh[probeIt] = sigmaee; probe_ele_sihih[probeIt] = sigma_IetaIeta; probe_ele_dfi[probeIt] = deltaPhiIn; probe_ele_dhi[probeIt] = deltaEtaIn; probe_ele_eop[probeIt] = eOverP; probe_ele_pin[probeIt] = pin; probe_ele_pout[probeIt] = pout; probe_ele_e5x5[probeIt] = e5x5; probe_ele_e2x5[probeIt] = e2x5; probe_ele_e1x5[probeIt] = e1x5; // // HLT filter ------------------------------------------------------ // // // low luminosity filters /************************************************************* for (int filterNum=0; filterNum<10; ++filterNum) { int trigger_int_probe = 0; //double hlt_matched_dr = -1.; const int nF(pHLTe29->sizeFilters()); // // default (tag) trigger filter // // find how many relevant const int iF = pHLTe29->filterIndex(HLTFilterType_[filterNum]); // loop over these objects to see whether they match const trigger::TriggerObjectCollection& TOC(pHLTe29->getObjects()); if (nF != iF) { // find how many objects there are const trigger::Keys& KEYS(pHLTe29->filterKeys(iF)); const int nK(KEYS.size()); for (int iTrig = 0;iTrig <nK; ++iTrig ) { const trigger::TriggerObject& TO(TOC[KEYS[iTrig]]); //std::cout << "--> filter: "<< HLTFilterType_[filterNum] <<" TO id: " << TO.id() << std::endl; // this is better to be left out: HLT matching is with an HLT object // and we don't care what this object is //if (abs(TO.id())==11 ) { // demand it to be an electron double dr_ele_HLT = reco::deltaR(probeEle->eta(), probeEle->phi(), TO.eta(), TO.phi()); if (fabs(dr_ele_HLT) < ProbeHLTObjMaxDR) {++trigger_int_probe; //hlt_matched_dr = dr_ele_HLT; } //} } } // if(trigger_int_probe>0) probe_pass_trigger_cut[probeIt][filterNum] = 1; //probe_hlt_matched_dr[probeIt] = hlt_matched_dr; } // high lumi filters for (int filterNum=10; filterNum<25; ++filterNum) { int trigger_int_probe = 0; //double hlt_matched_dr = -1.; const int nF(pHLTe31->sizeFilters()); // // default (tag) trigger filter // // find how many relevant const int iF = pHLTe31->filterIndex(HLTFilterType_[filterNum]); // loop over these objects to see whether they match const trigger::TriggerObjectCollection& TOC(pHLTe31->getObjects()); if (nF != iF) { // find how many objects there are const trigger::Keys& KEYS(pHLTe31->filterKeys(iF)); const int nK(KEYS.size()); for (int iTrig = 0;iTrig <nK; ++iTrig ) { const trigger::TriggerObject& TO(TOC[KEYS[iTrig]]); //if (abs(TO.id())==11 ) { // demand it to be an electron double dr_ele_HLT = reco::deltaR(probeEle->eta(), probeEle->phi(), TO.eta(), TO.phi()); if (fabs(dr_ele_HLT) < ProbeHLTObjMaxDR) {++trigger_int_probe; //hlt_matched_dr = dr_ele_HLT; } } } // if(trigger_int_probe>0) probe_pass_trigger_cut[probeIt][filterNum] = 1; //probe_hlt_matched_dr[probeIt] = hlt_matched_dr; } ******************************************/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // MC Matching ...................................................... // check whether these electrons are matched to a MC electron /* int mc_index = 0; int matched = 0; int mother_id = 999; double deta_matched = 999.; double dphi_matched = 999.; double denergy_matched = 999.; for(reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator McParticle = McCand->begin(); McParticle != McCand->end(); ++McParticle) { // check only for electrons if(abs(McParticle->pdgId())==11 && McParticle->status()==1) { mc_index++; // check whether it matches a gsf electron double deta = McParticle->eta() - probeEle->eta(); double dphi = McParticle->phi() - probeEle->phi(); if ( fabs(deta) < MCMatch_Deta_ && fabs(dphi) < MCMatch_Dphi_){ ++matched; deta_matched = deta; dphi_matched = dphi; denergy_matched = McParticle->energy() - probeEle->caloEnergy(); // find the mother of the MC electron const reco::Candidate *mum; bool mother_finder = true; if (abs(McParticle->mother()->pdgId()) != 11) mum = McParticle->mother(); else if (abs(McParticle->mother()->mother()->pdgId())!= 11) mum = McParticle->mother()->mother(); else { edm::LogInfo("info") << "Going too far to find the mum"; mother_finder = false; } if (mother_finder) { mother_id = mum->pdgId(); } } } } probe_mc_matched[probeIt] = matched; probe_mc_matched_deta[probeIt] = deta_matched; probe_mc_matched_dphi[probeIt] = dphi_matched; probe_mc_matched_denergy[probeIt] = denergy_matched; probe_mc_matched_mother[probeIt] = mother_id; */ } probe_tree->Fill(); ++ tree_fills_; delete [] sorted; delete [] et; }
void GenPurposeSkimmerData::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 896 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.cc.
References ctf_track_eta, ctf_track_phi, ctf_track_pt, ctf_track_tip, ctf_track_tip_bs, ctf_track_vx, ctf_track_vy, ctf_track_vz, elec_1_duplicate_removal, event_mcMET, event_mcMET_phi, event_MET, event_MET_phi, event_pfMET, event_pfMET_phi, event_t1MET, event_t1MET_phi, event_tcMET, event_tcMET_phi, histofile, muon_eta, muon_phi, muon_pt, muon_tip, muon_tip_bs, muon_vx, muon_vy, muon_vz, outputFile_, probe_charge_for_tree, probe_ecal_iso_user, probe_ecal_isolation_value, probe_ele_dfi, probe_ele_dhi, probe_ele_eop, probe_ele_hoe, probe_ele_pin, probe_ele_pout, probe_ele_sihih, probe_ele_tip, probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree, probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree, probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree, probe_hcal_iso_user, probe_hcal_isolation_value, probe_iso_user, probe_isolation_value, probe_sc_et_for_tree, probe_sc_eta_for_tree, probe_sc_phi_for_tree, probe_tree, sc_hybrid_et, sc_hybrid_eta, sc_hybrid_phi, sc_multi5x5_et, sc_multi5x5_eta, sc_multi5x5_phi, and tree_fills_.
{ //std::cout << "In beginJob()" << std::endl; TString filename_histo = outputFile_; histofile = new TFile(filename_histo,"RECREATE"); tree_fills_ = 0; probe_tree = new TTree("probe_tree","Tree to store probe variables"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_eta",probe_ele_eta_for_tree,"probe_ele_eta[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_phi",probe_ele_phi_for_tree,"probe_ele_phi[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_et",probe_ele_et_for_tree,"probe_ele_et[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_tip",probe_ele_tip,"probe_ele_tip[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_vertex_x",probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree, "probe_ele_vertex_x[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_vertex_y",probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree, "probe_ele_vertex_y[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_vertex_z",probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree, "probe_ele_vertex_z[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_sc_eta",probe_sc_eta_for_tree,"probe_sc_eta[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_sc_phi",probe_sc_phi_for_tree,"probe_sc_phi[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_sc_et",probe_sc_et_for_tree,"probe_sc_et[4]/D"); // trigger related variables //probe_tree->Branch("probe_trigger_cut",probe_pass_trigger_cut,"probe_trigger_cut[4][25]/I"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_hlt_matched_dr", probe_hlt_matched_dr,"probe_hlt_matched_dr[4]/D"); // mc matching to electrons // probe_tree->Branch("probe_mc_matched",probe_mc_matched,"probe_mc_matched[4]/I"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_mc_matched_deta",probe_mc_matched_deta, // "probe_mc_matched_deta[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_mc_matched_dphi",probe_mc_matched_dphi, // "probe_mc_matched_dphi[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_mc_matched_denergy",probe_mc_matched_denergy, // "probe_mc_matched_denergy[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_mc_matched_mother",probe_mc_matched_mother, // "probe_mc_matched_mother[4]/I"); // probe_tree->Branch("probe_charge",probe_charge_for_tree,"probe_charge[4]/I"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_sc_fiducial_cut",probe_sc_pass_fiducial_cut, // "probe_sc_fiducial_cut[4]/I"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_classification", // probe_classification_index_for_tree,"probe_classification[4]/I"); // // Isolation related variables ........................................ // probe_tree->Branch("probe_isolation_value",probe_isolation_value, "probe_isolation_value[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ecal_isolation_value",probe_ecal_isolation_value, "probe_ecal_isolation_value[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_hcal_isolation_value",probe_hcal_isolation_value,"probe_hcal_isolation_value[4]/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("probe_iso_user", probe_iso_user, "probe_iso_user[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ecal_iso_user",probe_ecal_iso_user, "probe_ecal_iso_user[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_hcal_iso_user",probe_hcal_iso_user, "probe_hcal_iso_user[4]/D"); //...................................................................... // Electron ID Related variables ....................................... probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_hoe",probe_ele_hoe, "probe_ele_hoe[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_shh",probe_ele_shh, "probe_ele_shh[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_sihih",probe_ele_sihih,"probe_ele_sihih[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_dfi",probe_ele_dfi, "probe_ele_dfi[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_dhi",probe_ele_dhi, "probe_ele_dhi[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_eop",probe_ele_eop, "probe_ele_eop[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_pin",probe_ele_pin, "probe_ele_pin[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_pout",probe_ele_pout, "probe_ele_pout[4]/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_e5x5",probe_ele_e5x5, "probe_ele_e5x5[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_e2x5",probe_ele_e2x5, "probe_ele_e2x5[4]/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("probe_ele_e1x5",probe_ele_e1x5, "probe_ele_e1x5[4]/D"); //....................................................................... // // each entry for each trigger path //probe_tree->Branch("event_HLTPath",event_HLTPath,"event_HLTPath[25]/I"); //probe_tree->Branch("numberOfHLTFilterObjects", numberOfHLTFilterObjects, // "numberOfHLTFilterObjects[25]/I"); // // debugging info: //probe_tree->Branch("elec_number_in_event",&elec_number_in_event,"elec_number_in_event/I"); probe_tree->Branch("elec_1_duplicate_removal",&elec_1_duplicate_removal,"elec_1_duplicate_removal/I"); // // Missing ET in the event probe_tree->Branch("event_MET",&event_MET,"event_MET/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_MET_phi",&event_MET_phi,"event_MET_phi/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_MET_sig",&event_MET_sig,"event_MET_sig/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_mcMET",&event_mcMET,"event_mcMET/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_mcMET_phi",&event_mcMET_phi,"event_mcMET_phi/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_tcMET",&event_tcMET,"event_tcMET/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_tcMET_phi",&event_tcMET_phi,"event_tcMET_phi/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_tcMET_sig",&event_tcMET_sig,"event_tcMET_sig/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_pfMET",&event_pfMET,"event_pfMET/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_pfMET_phi",&event_pfMET_phi,"event_pfMET_phi/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_pfMET_sig",&event_pfMET_sig,"event_pfMET_sig/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_genMET",&event_genMET,"event_genMET/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_genMET_phi",&event_genMET_phi, "event_genMET_phi/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("event_genMET_sig",&event_genMET_sig, "event_genMET_sig/D"); //..... type 1 corrected MET probe_tree->Branch("event_t1MET", &event_t1MET, "event_t1MET/D"); probe_tree->Branch("event_t1MET_phi", &event_t1MET_phi,"event_t1MET_phi/D"); //probe_tree->Branch("event_t1MET_sig",&event_t1MET_sig,"event_t1MET_sig/D"); // // some sc related variables probe_tree->Branch("sc_hybrid_et", sc_hybrid_et, "sc_hybrid_et[5]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("sc_hybrid_eta", sc_hybrid_eta, "sc_hybrid_eta[5]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("sc_hybrid_phi", sc_hybrid_phi, "sc_hybrid_phi[5]/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("sc_multi5x5_et",sc_multi5x5_et, "sc_multi5x5_et[5]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("sc_multi5x5_eta",sc_multi5x5_eta,"sc_multi5x5_eta[5]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("sc_multi5x5_phi",sc_multi5x5_phi,"sc_multi5x5_phi[5]/D"); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // general tracks in the event: keep 20 tracks probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_pt", ctf_track_pt, "ctf_track_pt[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_eta", ctf_track_eta, "ctf_track_eta[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_phi", ctf_track_phi, "ctf_track_phi[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_vx", ctf_track_vx, "ctf_track_vx[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_vy", ctf_track_vy, "ctf_track_vy[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_vz", ctf_track_vz, "ctf_track_vz[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_tip", ctf_track_tip, "ctf_track_tip[20]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("ctf_track_tip_bs", ctf_track_tip_bs, "ctf_track_tip_bs[20]/D"); // probe_tree->Branch("muon_pt", muon_pt, "muon_pt[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_eta", muon_eta, "muon_eta[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_phi", muon_phi, "muon_phi[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_vx", muon_vx, "muon_vx[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_vy", muon_vy, "muon_vy[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_vz", muon_vz, "muon_vz[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_tip", muon_tip, "muon_tip[4]/D"); probe_tree->Branch("muon_tip_bs", muon_tip_bs, "muon_tip_bs[4]/D"); }
void GenPurposeSkimmerData::endJob | ( | void | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1035 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, histofile, and tree_fills_.
{ //std::cout << "In endJob()" << std::endl; if (tree_fills_ == 0) { std::cout << "Empty tree: no output..." << std::endl; return; } //probe_tree->Print(); histofile->Write(); histofile->Close(); }
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::BarrelMaxEta [private] |
Definition at line 177 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 101 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_eta[20] [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_phi[20] [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_pt[20] [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_tip[20] [private] |
Definition at line 212 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_tip_bs[20] [private] |
Definition at line 212 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_vx[20] [private] |
Definition at line 211 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_vy[20] [private] |
Definition at line 211 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ctf_track_vz[20] [private] |
Definition at line 211 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 100 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::elec_1_duplicate_removal [private] |
Definition at line 189 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::elec_number_in_event [private] |
Definition at line 188 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 84 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::EndcapMaxEta [private] |
Definition at line 179 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::EndcapMinEta [private] |
Definition at line 178 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_HLTPath[25] [private] |
Definition at line 175 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_mcMET [private] |
Definition at line 203 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_mcMET_phi [private] |
Definition at line 203 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_mcMET_sig [private] |
Definition at line 203 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_MET [private] |
Definition at line 191 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_MET_phi [private] |
Definition at line 193 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_MET_sig [private] |
Definition at line 191 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_pfMET [private] |
Definition at line 195 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_pfMET_phi [private] |
Definition at line 197 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_pfMET_sig [private] |
Definition at line 195 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_t1MET [private] |
Definition at line 202 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_t1MET_phi [private] |
Definition at line 202 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_t1MET_sig [private] |
Definition at line 202 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_tcMET [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_tcMET_phi [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::event_tcMET_sig [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 92 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::GsfTrackMinInnerPt [private] |
Definition at line 186 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
TFile* GenPurposeSkimmerData::histofile [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
Definition at line 94 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 95 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by GenPurposeSkimmerData().
edm::InputTag GenPurposeSkimmerData::HLTFilterType_[25] [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Definition at line 96 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 97 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 85 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::MCMatch_Deta_ [private] |
Definition at line 164 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::MCMatch_Dphi_ [private] |
Definition at line 165 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Definition at line 87 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 86 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 101 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_eta[4] [private] |
Definition at line 214 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_phi[4] [private] |
Definition at line 214 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_pt[4] [private] |
Definition at line 214 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_tip[4] [private] |
Definition at line 216 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_tip_bs[4] [private] |
Definition at line 216 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_vx[4] [private] |
Definition at line 215 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_vy[4] [private] |
Definition at line 215 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::muon_vz[4] [private] |
Definition at line 215 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::numberOfHLTFilterObjects[25] [private] |
Definition at line 173 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
std::string GenPurposeSkimmerData::outputFile_ [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 89 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_charge_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_classification_index_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 141 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ecal_iso_user[4] [private] |
Definition at line 136 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ecal_isolation_value[4] [private] |
Definition at line 135 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_dfi[4] [private] |
Definition at line 152 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_dhi[4] [private] |
Definition at line 151 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_e1x5[4] [private] |
Definition at line 158 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_e2x5[4] [private] |
Definition at line 157 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_e5x5[4] [private] |
Definition at line 156 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_eop[4] [private] |
Definition at line 153 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_et_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 118 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_eta_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_hoe[4] [private] |
Definition at line 148 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_pass_et_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_pass_fiducial_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_phi_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_pin[4] [private] |
Definition at line 154 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_pout[4] [private] |
Definition at line 155 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_shh[4] [private] |
Definition at line 149 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_sihih[4] [private] |
Definition at line 150 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_tip[4] [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_Xvertex_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 119 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_Yvertex_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_ele_Zvertex_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_hcal_iso_user[4] [private] |
Definition at line 139 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_hcal_isolation_value[4] [private] |
Definition at line 138 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_hlt_matched_dr[4] [private] |
Definition at line 162 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_index_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_iso_user[4] [private] |
Definition at line 133 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_isolation_value[4] [private] |
Definition at line 132 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_mc_matched[4] [private] |
Definition at line 166 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_mc_matched_denergy[4] [private] |
Definition at line 169 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_mc_matched_deta[4] [private] |
Definition at line 167 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_mc_matched_dphi[4] [private] |
Definition at line 168 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_mc_matched_mother[4] [private] |
Definition at line 170 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_id_loose[4] [private] |
Definition at line 146 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_id_robust_loose[4] [private] |
Definition at line 144 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_id_robust_tight[4] [private] |
Definition at line 145 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_id_tight[4] [private] |
Definition at line 147 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_iso_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 130 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_recoEle_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_tip_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_pass_trigger_cut[4][25] [private] |
Definition at line 161 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_sc_et_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_sc_eta_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 109 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_sc_pass_et_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_sc_pass_fiducial_cut[4] [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_sc_phi_for_tree[4] [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TTree* GenPurposeSkimmerData::probe_tree [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ProbeHLTObjMaxDR [private] |
Definition at line 184 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by GenPurposeSkimmerData().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ProbeRecoEleSCMaxDE [private] |
Definition at line 182 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::ProbeSCMinEt [private] |
Definition at line 181 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::RecoEleSeedBCMaxDE [private] |
Definition at line 185 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_hybrid_et[5] [private] |
Definition at line 207 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_hybrid_eta[5] [private] |
Definition at line 207 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_hybrid_phi[5] [private] |
Definition at line 207 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_multi5x5_et[5] [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_multi5x5_eta[5] [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double GenPurposeSkimmerData::sc_multi5x5_phi[5] [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 90 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
Definition at line 91 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Definition at line 88 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and GenPurposeSkimmerData().
int GenPurposeSkimmerData::tree_fills_ [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file GenPurposeSkimmerData.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().