![]() |
![]() |
#include <HiggsDQM.h>
Definition at line 43 of file HiggsDQM.h.
HiggsDQM::HiggsDQM | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
Definition at line 129 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References bookHistos(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and cppFunctionSkipper::operator.
{ //cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::HiggsDQM: "<<endl; edm::LogInfo("HZZ4LeptonsDQM") << " Creating HZZ4LeptonsDQM " << "\n" ; bei_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); bei_->setCurrentFolder("Physics/Higgs"); bookHistos(bei_); typedef std::vector<edm::InputTag> vtag; // Get parameters from configuration file theElecTriggerPathToPass = ps.getParameter<string>("elecTriggerPathToPass"); theMuonTriggerPathToPass = ps.getParameter<string>("muonTriggerPathToPass"); theTriggerResultsCollection = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("triggerResultsCollection"); theMuonCollectionLabel = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("muonCollection"); theElectronCollectionLabel = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("electronCollection"); theCaloJetCollectionLabel = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("caloJetCollection"); theCaloMETCollectionLabel = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("caloMETCollection"); thePfMETCollectionLabel = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("pfMETCollection"); // just to initialize isValidHltConfig_ = false; // cuts: ptThrMu1_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrMu1"); ptThrMu2_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrMu2"); //cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::HiggsDQM. "<<endl; }
HiggsDQM::~HiggsDQM | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 161 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
{ //cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::~HiggsDQM: "<<endl; edm::LogInfo("HiggsDQM") << " Deleting HiggsDQM " << "\n" ; //cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::~HiggsDQM. "<<endl; }
void HiggsDQM::analyze | ( | edm::Event const & | e, |
edm::EventSetup const & | eSetup | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 258 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References edm::EventID::event(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight, i, edm::EventBase::id(), reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), muon::isGoodMuon(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), j, LogDebug, RPCpg::mu, reco::LeafCandidate::p(), PFMET_cfi::pfMet, edm::Handle< T >::product(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), reco::LeafCandidate::pz(), edm::EventID::run(), reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration, muon::segmentCompatibility(), mathSSE::sqrt(), v, and GoodVertex_cfg::vertexCollection.
{ //cout<<"[HiggsDQM::analyze()] "<<endl; //------------------------------- //--- Trigger Info //------------------------------- // short-circuit if hlt problems if( ! isValidHltConfig_ ) return; // Did it pass certain HLT path? Handle<TriggerResults> HLTresults; e.getByLabel(theTriggerResultsCollection, HLTresults); if ( !HLTresults.isValid() ) return; //unsigned int triggerIndex_elec = hltConfig.triggerIndex(theElecTriggerPathToPass); //unsigned int triggerIndex_muon = hltConfig.triggerIndex(theMuonTriggerPathToPass); bool passed_electron_HLT = true; bool passed_muon_HLT = true; //if (triggerIndex_elec < HLTresults->size()) passed_electron_HLT = HLTresults->accept(triggerIndex_elec); //if (triggerIndex_muon < HLTresults->size()) passed_muon_HLT = HLTresults->accept(triggerIndex_muon); //if ( !(passed_electron_HLT || passed_muon_HLT) ) return; //------------------------------- //--- Vertex Info //------------------------------- Handle<VertexCollection> vertexHandle; e.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVertices", vertexHandle); if ( vertexHandle.isValid() ){ VertexCollection vertexCollection = *(vertexHandle.product()); int vertex_number = vertexCollection.size(); VertexCollection::const_iterator v = vertexCollection.begin(); double vertex_chi2 = v->normalizedChi2(); //v->chi2(); double vertex_d0 = sqrt(v->x()*v->x()+v->y()*v->y()); //double vertex_ndof = v->ndof();cout << "ndof="<<vertex_ndof<<endl; double vertex_numTrks = v->tracksSize(); double vertex_sumTrks = 0.0; for (Vertex::trackRef_iterator vertex_curTrack = v->tracks_begin(); vertex_curTrack!=v->tracks_end(); vertex_curTrack++) { vertex_sumTrks += (*vertex_curTrack)->pt(); } h_vertex_number->Fill(vertex_number); h_vertex_chi2->Fill(vertex_chi2); h_vertex_d0 ->Fill(vertex_d0); h_vertex_numTrks->Fill(vertex_numTrks); h_vertex_sumTrks->Fill(vertex_sumTrks); } //------------------------------- //--- Electrons //------------------------------- float nEle=0; Handle<GsfElectronCollection> electronCollection; e.getByLabel(theElectronCollectionLabel, electronCollection); if ( electronCollection.isValid() ){ int posEle=0,negEle=0; // If it passed electron HLT and the collection was found, find electrons near Z mass if( passed_electron_HLT ) { for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator recoElectron=electronCollection->begin(); recoElectron!=electronCollection->end(); recoElectron++){ // cout << "Electron with pt= " << recoElectron->pt() << " and eta" << recoElectron->eta() << " p=" << recoElectron->p() << endl; h_ePt->Fill(recoElectron->pt()); h_eEta->Fill(recoElectron->eta()); h_ePhi->Fill(recoElectron->phi()); if(recoElectron->charge()==1){ posEle++; }else if(recoElectron->charge()==-1){ negEle++; } // Require electron to pass some basic cuts //if ( recoElectron->et() < 20 || fabs(recoElectron->eta())>2.5 ) continue; // Tighter electron cuts //if ( recoElectron->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() > 0.58 || // recoElectron->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() > 0.01 || // recoElectron->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.027 ) continue; } // end of loop over electrons } // end if passed HLT nEle = posEle+negEle; if(nEle>9.) nEle=9.; h_eMultiplicity->Fill(nEle); // Z->ee: unsigned int eleCollectionSize = electronCollection->size(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<eleCollectionSize; i++) { const GsfElectron& ele = electronCollection->at(i); double pt = ele.pt(); if(pt>ptThrMu1_){ for(unsigned int j=i+1; j<eleCollectionSize; j++) { const GsfElectron& ele2 = electronCollection->at(j); double pt2 = ele2.pt(); if(pt2>ptThrMu2_){ const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoEE (ele.px()+ele2.px(), ele.py()+ele2.py() , ele.pz()+ele2.pz(), ele.p()+ele2.p()); h_dielemass->Fill(ZRecoEE.mass()); } } } } } //------------------------------- //--- Muons //------------------------------- float nMu=0; Handle<MuonCollection> muonCollection; e.getByLabel(theMuonCollectionLabel,muonCollection); if ( muonCollection.isValid() ){ // Find the highest pt muons int posMu=0,negMu=0; TLorentzVector m1, m2; if( passed_muon_HLT ) { for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator recoMuon=muonCollection->begin(); recoMuon!=muonCollection->end(); recoMuon++){ //cout << "Muon with pt= " << muIter->pt() << " and eta" << muIter->eta() << " p=" << muIter->p() << endl; if(recoMuon->isGlobalMuon()&&recoMuon->isTrackerMuon()){ h_mPt_GMTM->Fill(recoMuon->pt()); h_mEta_GMTM->Fill(recoMuon->eta()); h_mPhi_GMTM->Fill(recoMuon->phi()); }else if(recoMuon->isGlobalMuon()&&(muon::isGoodMuon( (*recoMuon),muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight))){ h_mPt_GMPT->Fill(recoMuon->pt()); h_mEta_GMPT->Fill(recoMuon->eta()); h_mPhi_GMPT->Fill(recoMuon->phi()); }else if(recoMuon->isGlobalMuon()){ h_mPt_GM->Fill(recoMuon->pt()); h_mEta_GM->Fill(recoMuon->eta()); h_mPhi_GM->Fill(recoMuon->phi()); }else if(recoMuon->isTrackerMuon()&&(muon::segmentCompatibility((*recoMuon),reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration))){ h_mPt_TM->Fill(recoMuon->pt()); h_mEta_TM->Fill(recoMuon->eta()); h_mPhi_TM->Fill(recoMuon->phi()); }else if(recoMuon->isStandAloneMuon()){ h_mPt_STAM->Fill(recoMuon->pt()); h_mEta_STAM->Fill(recoMuon->eta()); h_mPhi_STAM->Fill(recoMuon->phi()); } if ( recoMuon->charge()==1 ){ posMu++; }else if ( recoMuon->charge()==-1 ){ negMu++; } } nMu = posMu+negMu; if(nMu>9.) nMu=9.; h_mMultiplicity->Fill(nMu); } // Z->mumu: unsigned int muonCollectionSize = muonCollection->size(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<muonCollectionSize; i++) { const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(i); //if (!mu.isGlobalMuon()) continue; double pt = mu.pt(); if(pt>ptThrMu1_){ for(unsigned int j=i+1; j<muonCollectionSize; j++) { const Muon& mu2 = muonCollection->at(j); double pt2 = mu2.pt(); if(pt2>ptThrMu2_){ // Glb + Glb if(mu.isGlobalMuon() && mu2.isGlobalMuon()){ const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoGMGM (mu.px()+mu2.px(), mu.py()+mu2.py() , mu.pz()+mu2.pz(), mu.p()+mu2.p()); h_dimumass_GMGM->Fill(ZRecoGMGM.mass()); } // Glb + TM else if(mu.isGlobalMuon() && mu2.isTrackerMuon()){ const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoGMTM (mu.px()+mu2.px(), mu.py()+mu2.py() , mu.pz()+mu2.pz(), mu.p()+mu2.p()); h_dimumass_GMTM->Fill(ZRecoGMTM.mass()); } // TM + TM else if(mu.isTrackerMuon() && mu2.isTrackerMuon()){ const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoTMTM (mu.px()+mu2.px(), mu.py()+mu2.py() , mu.pz()+mu2.pz(), mu.p()+mu2.p()); h_dimumass_TMTM->Fill(ZRecoTMTM.mass()); } } } } } } //------------------------------- //--- Jets //------------------------------- Handle<CaloJetCollection> caloJetCollection; e.getByLabel (theCaloJetCollectionLabel,caloJetCollection); if ( caloJetCollection.isValid() ){ float jet_et = -8.0; // float jet_eta = -8.0; // UNUSED // float jet_phi = -8.0; // UNUSED int jet_count = 0; float jet2_et = -9.0; // float jet2_eta = -9.0; // UNUSED // float jet2_phi = -9.0; // UNUSED for (CaloJetCollection::const_iterator i_calojet = caloJetCollection->begin(); i_calojet != caloJetCollection->end(); i_calojet++) { float jet_current_et = i_calojet->et(); // if it overlaps with electron, it is not a jet //if ( electron_et>0.0 && fabs(i_calojet->eta()-electron_eta ) < 0.2 && calcDeltaPhi(i_calojet->phi(), electron_phi ) < 0.2) continue; //if ( electron2_et>0.0&& fabs(i_calojet->eta()-electron2_eta) < 0.2 && calcDeltaPhi(i_calojet->phi(), electron2_phi) < 0.2) continue; // if it has too low Et, throw away if (jet_current_et < 15) continue; jet_count++; if (jet_current_et > jet_et) { jet2_et = jet_et; // 2nd highest jet get's et from current highest // jet2_eta = jet_eta; // UNUSED // jet2_phi = jet_phi; // UNUSED jet_et = i_calojet->et(); // current highest jet gets et from the new highest // jet_eta = i_calojet->eta(); // UNUSED // jet_phi = i_calojet->phi(); // UNUSED } else if (jet_current_et > jet2_et) { jet2_et = i_calojet->et(); // jet2_eta = i_calojet->eta(); // UNUSED // jet2_phi = i_calojet->phi(); // UNUSED } } if (jet_et>0.0) { h_jet_et ->Fill(jet_et); h_jet_count->Fill(jet_count); } } //------------------------------- //--- MET //------------------------------- Handle<CaloMETCollection> caloMETCollection; e.getByLabel(theCaloMETCollectionLabel, caloMETCollection); if ( caloMETCollection.isValid() ){ float caloMet = caloMETCollection->begin()->et(); float caloMet_phi = caloMETCollection->begin()->phi(); h_caloMet ->Fill(caloMet); h_caloMet_phi ->Fill(caloMet_phi); } Handle<PFMETCollection> pfMETCollection; e.getByLabel(thePfMETCollectionLabel, pfMETCollection); if ( pfMETCollection.isValid() ){ float pfMet = pfMETCollection->begin()->et(); float pfMet_phi = pfMETCollection->begin()->phi(); h_pfMet ->Fill(pfMet); h_pfMet_phi ->Fill(pfMet_phi); } //------------------------------------- //--- Events with more than 2 leptons: //------------------------------------- if(nMu+nEle > 2 && nMu+nEle < 10){ if(nMu==0 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(0); if(nMu==0 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(1); if(nMu==0 && nEle==5) h_lepcounts->Fill(2); if(nMu==0 && nEle==6) h_lepcounts->Fill(3); if(nMu==0 && nEle==7) h_lepcounts->Fill(4); if(nMu==0 && nEle==8) h_lepcounts->Fill(5); if(nMu==0 && nEle==9) h_lepcounts->Fill(6); if(nMu==1 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(7); if(nMu==1 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(8); if(nMu==1 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(9); if(nMu==1 && nEle==5) h_lepcounts->Fill(10); if(nMu==1 && nEle==6) h_lepcounts->Fill(11); if(nMu==1 && nEle==7) h_lepcounts->Fill(12); if(nMu==1 && nEle==8) h_lepcounts->Fill(13); if(nMu==2 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(14); if(nMu==2 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(15); if(nMu==2 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(16); if(nMu==2 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(17); if(nMu==2 && nEle==5) h_lepcounts->Fill(18); if(nMu==2 && nEle==6) h_lepcounts->Fill(19); if(nMu==2 && nEle==7) h_lepcounts->Fill(20); if(nMu==3 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(21); if(nMu==3 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(22); if(nMu==3 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(23); if(nMu==3 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(24); if(nMu==3 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(25); if(nMu==3 && nEle==5) h_lepcounts->Fill(26); if(nMu==3 && nEle==6) h_lepcounts->Fill(27); if(nMu==4 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(28); if(nMu==4 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(29); if(nMu==4 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(30); if(nMu==4 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(31); if(nMu==4 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(32); if(nMu==4 && nEle==5) h_lepcounts->Fill(33); if(nMu==5 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(34); if(nMu==5 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(35); if(nMu==5 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(36); if(nMu==5 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(37); if(nMu==5 && nEle==4) h_lepcounts->Fill(38); if(nMu==6 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(39); if(nMu==6 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(40); if(nMu==6 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(41); if(nMu==6 && nEle==3) h_lepcounts->Fill(42); if(nMu==7 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(43); if(nMu==7 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(44); if(nMu==7 && nEle==2) h_lepcounts->Fill(45); if(nMu==8 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(46); if(nMu==8 && nEle==1) h_lepcounts->Fill(47); if(nMu==9 && nEle==0) h_lepcounts->Fill(48); } if ((nMu+nEle) >= 10) LogDebug("HiggsDQM") <<"WARNING: "<<nMu+nEle<<" leptons in this event: run="<<e.id().run()<<", event="<<e.id().event()<< "\n"; // std::cout <<"WARNING: "<<nMu+nEle<<" leptons in this event: run="<<e.id().run()<<", event="<<e.id().event()<< "\n"; /* /// channel conditions nElectron=0; nMuon=0; if (decaychannel=="2e2mu") { if ( posEle>=1 && negEle>=1 ) { nElectron=posEle+negEle; } if ( posMu>=1 && negMu>=1 ) { nMuon=posMu+negMu; } } else if (decaychannel=="4e") { if ( posEle>=2 && negEle>=2 ) { nElectron=posEle+negEle; } } else if (decaychannel=="4mu") { if ( posMu>=2 && negMu>=2 ) { nMuon=posMu+negMu; } } // Pairs of EE MuMu int nZEE=0,nZMuMu=0; if (decaychannel=="2e2mu"){ Handle<CompositeCandidateCollection> zEECandidates; e.getByLabel(zToEETag_.label(), zEECandidates); for ( CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator zIter=zEECandidates->begin(); zIter!= zEECandidates->end(); ++zIter ) { // cout << "Zee mass= " << double(zIter->p4().mass()) << endl; if ( double(zIter->p4().mass())> 12. ){ nZEE++; } } Handle<CompositeCandidateCollection> zMuMuCandidates; e.getByLabel(zToMuMuTag_.label(), zMuMuCandidates); for ( CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator zIter=zMuMuCandidates->begin(); zIter!= zMuMuCandidates->end(); ++zIter ) { // cout << "Zmumu mass= " << double(zIter->p4().mass()) << endl; if ( zIter->p4().mass()> 12. ){ nZMuMu++; } } } // exclusive couples ZEE and ZMUMU if (decaychannel=="4e" ){ Handle<CompositeCandidateCollection> higgsCandidates; e.getByLabel(hTozzTo4leptonsTag_.label(), higgsCandidates); for ( CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator hIter=higgsCandidates->begin(); hIter!= higgsCandidates->end(); ++hIter ) { if (nZEE<2) nZEE=0; for (size_t ndau=0; ndau<hIter->numberOfDaughters();ndau++){ if ( hIter->daughter(ndau)->p4().mass()> 12.){ nZEE++; } } } } // if (decaychannel=="4mu" ){ Handle<CompositeCandidateCollection> higgsCandidates; e.getByLabel(hTozzTo4leptonsTag_.label(), higgsCandidates); for ( CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator hIter=higgsCandidates->begin(); hIter!= higgsCandidates->end(); ++hIter ) { if (nZMuMu<2) nZMuMu=0; for (size_t ndau=0; ndau<hIter->numberOfDaughters();ndau++){ if ( hIter->daughter(ndau)->p4().mass()> 12. ){ nZMuMu++; } } } } // 4 lepton combinations Handle<CompositeCandidateCollection> higgsCandidates; e.getByLabel(hTozzTo4leptonsTag_.label(), higgsCandidates); int nHiggs=0; for ( CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator hIter=higgsCandidates->begin(); hIter!= higgsCandidates->end(); ++hIter ) { if ( hIter->p4().mass()> 100. ){ nHiggs++; } } */ // cout<<"Z and Higgs candidates: "<<nZEE<<" "<<nZMuMu<<" "<<nHiggs<<endl; //cout<<"[leaving HiggsDQM::analyze()] "<<endl; }
void HiggsDQM::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 171 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References pi.
{ //cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::beginJob: "<<endl; nLumiSecs_ = 0; nEvents_ = 0; pi = 3.14159265; //cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::beginJob. "<<endl; }
void HiggsDQM::beginLuminosityBlock | ( | edm::LuminosityBlock const & | lumiSeg, |
edm::EventSetup const & | context | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 198 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
{ //cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::beginLuminosityBlock: "<<endl; edm::LogInfo ("HiggsDQM") <<"[HiggsDQM]: Begin of LS transition"; //cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::beginLuminosityBlock. "<<endl; }
void HiggsDQM::beginRun | ( | edm::Run const & | run, |
edm::EventSetup const & | eSetup | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 184 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
{ edm::LogInfo ("HiggsDQM") <<"[HiggsDQM]: Begining of Run"; // passed as parameter to HLTConfigProvider::init(), not yet used bool isConfigChanged = false; // isValidHltConfig_ used to short-circuit analyze() in case of problems // const std::string hltProcessName( "HLT" ); const std::string hltProcessName = theTriggerResultsCollection.process(); isValidHltConfig_ = hltConfigProvider_.init( run, eSetup, hltProcessName, isConfigChanged ); }
void HiggsDQM::bookHistos | ( | DQMStore * | bei | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 209 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::cd(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().
{ bei->cd(); bei->setCurrentFolder("Physics/Higgs"); h_vertex_number = bei->book1D("h_vertex_number", "Number of event vertices in collection", 10,-0.5, 9.5 ); h_vertex_chi2 = bei->book1D("h_vertex_chi2" , "Event Vertex #chi^{2}/n.d.o.f." , 100, 0.0, 2.0 ); h_vertex_numTrks = bei->book1D("h_vertex_numTrks", "Event Vertex, number of tracks" , 100, -0.5, 99.5 ); h_vertex_sumTrks = bei->book1D("h_vertex_sumTrks", "Event Vertex, sum of track pt" , 100, 0.0, 100.0 ); h_vertex_d0 = bei->book1D("h_vertex_d0" , "Event Vertex d0" , 100, -10.0, 10.0); h_jet_et = bei->book1D("h_jet_et", "Jet with highest E_{T} (from "+theCaloJetCollectionLabel.label()+");E_{T}(1^{st} jet) (GeV)", 20, 0., 200.0); h_jet2_et = bei->book1D("h_jet2_et", "Jet with 2^{nd} highest E_{T} (from "+theCaloJetCollectionLabel.label()+");E_{T}(2^{nd} jet) (GeV)", 20, 0., 200.0); h_jet_count = bei->book1D("h_jet_count", "Number of "+theCaloJetCollectionLabel.label()+" (E_{T} > 15 GeV);Number of Jets", 8, -0.5, 7.5); h_caloMet = bei->book1D("h_caloMet", "Calo Missing E_{T}; GeV" , 20, 0.0 , 100); h_caloMet_phi = bei->book1D("h_caloMet_phi", "Calo Missing E_{T} #phi;#phi(MET)", 35, -3.5, 3.5 ); h_pfMet = bei->book1D("h_pfMet", "Pf Missing E_{T}; GeV" , 20, 0.0 , 100); h_pfMet_phi = bei->book1D("h_pfMet_phi", "Pf Missing E_{T} #phi;#phi(MET)", 35, -3.5, 3.5 ); h_eMultiplicity = bei_->book1D("NElectrons","# of electrons per event",10,0.,10.); h_mMultiplicity = bei_->book1D("NMuons","# of muons per event",10,0.,10.); h_ePt = bei_->book1D("ElePt","Pt of electrons",50,0.,100.); h_eEta = bei_->book1D("EleEta","Eta of electrons",100,-5.,5.); h_ePhi = bei_->book1D("ElePhi","Phi of electrons",100,-3.5,3.5); h_mPt_GMTM = bei_->book1D("MuonPt_GMTM","Pt of global+tracker muons",50,0.,100.); h_mEta_GMTM = bei_->book1D("MuonEta_GMTM","Eta of global+tracker muons",60,-3.,3.); h_mPhi_GMTM = bei_->book1D("MuonPhi_GMTM","Phi of global+tracker muons",70,-3.5,3.5); h_mPt_GMPT = bei_->book1D("MuonPt_GMPT","Pt of global prompt-tight muons",50,0.,100.); h_mEta_GMPT = bei_->book1D("MuonEta_GMPT","Eta of global prompt-tight muons",60,-3.,3.); h_mPhi_GMPT = bei_->book1D("MuonPhi_GMPT","Phi of global prompt-tight muons",70,-3.5,3.5); h_mPt_GM = bei_->book1D("MuonPt_GM","Pt of global muons",50,0.,100.); h_mEta_GM = bei_->book1D("MuonEta_GM","Eta of global muons",60,-3.,3.); h_mPhi_GM = bei_->book1D("MuonPhi_GM","Phi of global muons",70,-3.5,3.5); h_mPt_TM = bei_->book1D("MuonPt_TM","Pt of tracker muons",50,0.,100.); h_mEta_TM = bei_->book1D("MuonEta_TM","Eta of tracker muons",60,-3.,3.); h_mPhi_TM = bei_->book1D("MuonPhi_TM","Phi of tracker muons",70,-3.5,3.5); h_mPt_STAM = bei_->book1D("MuonPt_STAM","Pt of STA muons",50,0.,100.); h_mEta_STAM = bei_->book1D("MuonEta_STAM","Eta of STA muons",60,-3.,3.); h_mPhi_STAM = bei_->book1D("MuonPhi_STAM","Phi of STA muons",70,-3.5,3.5); h_eCombIso = bei_->book1D("EleCombIso","CombIso of electrons",100,0.,10.); h_mCombIso = bei_->book1D("MuonCombIso","CombIso of muons",100,0.,10.); h_dimumass_GMGM = bei->book1D("DimuMass_GMGM","Invariant mass of GMGM pairs",100,0.,200.); h_dimumass_GMTM = bei->book1D("DimuMass_GMTM","Invariant mass of GMTM pairs",100,0.,200.); h_dimumass_TMTM = bei->book1D("DimuMass_TMTM","Invariant mass of TMTM pairs",100,0.,200.); h_dielemass = bei->book1D("DieleMass","Invariant mass of EE pairs",100,0.,200.); h_lepcounts = bei->book1D("LeptonCounts","LeptonCounts for multi lepton events",49,0.,49.); bei->cd(); }
double HiggsDQM::calcDeltaPhi | ( | double | phi1, |
double | phi2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::deltaPhi.
double HiggsDQM::Distance | ( | const reco::Candidate & | c1, |
const reco::Candidate & | c2 | ||
) | [private] |
double HiggsDQM::DistancePhi | ( | const reco::Candidate & | c1, |
const reco::Candidate & | c2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::deltaPhi, and reco::Candidate::p4().
void HiggsDQM::endJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 665 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
{ // cout<<"In HiggsDQM::endJob "<<endl; edm::LogInfo("HiggsDQM") <<"[HiggsDQM]: endjob called!"; }
void HiggsDQM::endLuminosityBlock | ( | edm::LuminosityBlock const & | lumiSeg, |
edm::EventSetup const & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 638 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
References edm::LuminosityBlockBase::luminosityBlock().
{ // cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::endLuminosityBlock: "<<endl; edm::LogInfo ("HiggsDQM") <<"[HiggsDQM]: End of LS transition, performing the DQM client operation"; nLumiSecs_++; //cout << "nLumiSecs_: "<< nLumiSecs_ << endl; edm::LogInfo("HiggsDQM") << "====================================================== " << endl << " ===> Iteration # " << nLumiSecs_ << " " << lumiSeg.luminosityBlock() << endl << "====================================================== " << endl; // cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::endLuminosityBlock. "<<endl; }
void HiggsDQM::endRun | ( | edm::Run const & | run, |
edm::EventSetup const & | eSetup | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 653 of file HiggsDQM.cc.
{ // cout<<"Entering HiggsDQM::endRun: "<<endl; //edm::LogVerbatim ("HiggsDQM") <<"[HiggsDQM]: End of Run, saving DQM output "; //int iRun = run.run(); // cout<<"...leaving HiggsDQM::endRun. "<<endl; }
DQMStore* HiggsDQM::bei_ [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_caloMet [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_caloMet_phi [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_dielemass [private] |
Definition at line 134 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_dimumass_GMGM [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_dimumass_GMTM [private] |
Definition at line 132 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_dimumass_TMTM [private] |
Definition at line 133 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_eCombIso [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_eEta [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_eMultiplicity [private] |
Definition at line 109 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_ePhi [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_ePt [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_jet2_et [private] |
Definition at line 102 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_jet_count [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_jet_et [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_lepcounts [private] |
Definition at line 135 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mCombIso [private] |
Definition at line 130 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mEta_GM [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mEta_GMPT [private] |
Definition at line 118 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mEta_GMTM [private] |
Definition at line 115 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mEta_STAM [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mEta_TM [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mMultiplicity [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPhi_GM [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPhi_GMPT [private] |
Definition at line 119 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPhi_GMTM [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPhi_STAM [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPhi_TM [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPt_GM [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPt_GMPT [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPt_GMTM [private] |
Definition at line 114 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPt_STAM [private] |
Definition at line 126 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_mPt_TM [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_pfMet [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_pfMet_phi [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_vertex_chi2 [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_vertex_d0 [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_vertex_number [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_vertex_numTrks [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file HiggsDQM.h.
MonitorElement* HiggsDQM::h_vertex_sumTrks [private] |
Definition at line 100 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 80 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::ievt [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::irun [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file HiggsDQM.h.
bool HiggsDQM::isValidHltConfig_ [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::leptonflavor [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file HiggsDQM.h.
reco::CandidateCollection* HiggsDQM::leptonscands_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file HiggsDQM.h.
unsigned long long HiggsDQM::m_cacheID_ [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nElectron [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nEvents_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nfourlept [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nHiggs [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nLepton [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nLooseIsolEle [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nLooseIsolMu [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nLumiSecs_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nMuon [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nZEE [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
int HiggsDQM::nZMuMu [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file HiggsDQM.h.
float HiggsDQM::pi [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file HiggsDQM.h.
double HiggsDQM::ptThrMu1_ [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file HiggsDQM.h.
double HiggsDQM::ptThrMu2_ [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 89 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 90 of file HiggsDQM.h.
std::string HiggsDQM::theElecTriggerPathToPass [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 88 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 87 of file HiggsDQM.h.
std::string HiggsDQM::theMuonTriggerPathToPass [private] |
Definition at line 85 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 91 of file HiggsDQM.h.
Definition at line 86 of file HiggsDQM.h.