![]() |
![]() |
#include <hcalCalib.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | Begin (TTree *tree) |
void | GetCoefFromMtrxInvOfAve () |
virtual Int_t | GetEntry (Long64_t entry, Int_t getall=0) |
virtual TList * | GetOutputList () const |
hcalCalib (TTree *=0) | |
virtual void | Init (TTree *tree) |
void | makeTextFile () |
virtual Bool_t | Notify () |
virtual Bool_t | Process (Long64_t entry) |
Bool_t | ReadPhiSymCor () |
void | SetApplyPhiSymCorFlag (Bool_t b) |
void | SetCalibAbsIEtaMax (Int_t i) |
void | SetCalibAbsIEtaMin (Int_t i) |
void | SetCalibMethod (TString s) |
void | SetCalibType (TString s) |
void | SetCaloGeometry (const CaloGeometry *g, const HcalTopology *topo) |
void | SetCombinePhiFlag (Bool_t b) |
void | SetConeMaxDist (Float_t d) |
void | SetHbClusterSize (Int_t i) |
void | SetHeClusterSize (Int_t i) |
void | SetHistoFileName (TString filename) |
virtual void | SetInputList (TList *input) |
void | SetMaxEOverP (Float_t e) |
void | SetMaxEtThirdJet (Float_t et) |
void | SetMaxProbeJetEmFrac (Float_t f) |
void | SetMaxTagJetAbsEta (Float_t e) |
void | SetMaxTagJetEmFrac (Float_t f) |
void | SetMaxTargetE (Float_t e) |
void | SetMaxTrkEmE (Float_t e) |
void | SetMinCellE (Float_t e) |
void | SetMinDPhiDiJets (Float_t dphi) |
void | SetMinEOverP (Float_t e) |
void | SetMinProbeJetAbsEta (Float_t e) |
void | SetMinTagJetEt (Float_t e) |
void | SetMinTargetE (Float_t e) |
virtual void | SetObject (TObject *obj) |
virtual void | SetOption (const char *option) |
void | SetOutputCorCoefFileName (TString filename) |
void | SetPhiSymCorFileName (TString filename) |
void | SetSumDepthsFlag (Bool_t b) |
void | SetSumSmallDepthsFlag (Bool_t b) |
void | SetUseConeClustering (Bool_t b) |
virtual void | Terminate () |
virtual Int_t | Version () const |
virtual | ~hcalCalib () |
Public Attributes | |
TBranch * | b_cells |
TBranch * | b_emEnergy |
TBranch * | b_etVetoJet |
TBranch * | b_eventNumber |
TBranch * | b_iEtaHit |
TBranch * | b_iPhiHit |
TBranch * | b_probeJetEmFrac |
TBranch * | b_probeJetP4 |
TBranch * | b_runNumber |
TBranch * | b_tagJetEmFrac |
TBranch * | b_tagJetP4 |
TBranch * | b_targetE |
TBranch * | b_xTrkEcal |
TBranch * | b_xTrkHcal |
TBranch * | b_yTrkEcal |
TBranch * | b_yTrkHcal |
TBranch * | b_zTrkEcal |
TBranch * | b_zTrkHcal |
TString | CALIB_TYPE |
std::vector< std::vector < Float_t > > | cellEnergies |
std::vector< std::vector < UInt_t > > | cellIds |
TClonesArray * | cells |
Bool_t | COMBINE_PHI |
Float_t | emEnergy |
Float_t | etVetoJet |
UInt_t | eventNumber |
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain | |
TTree * | fChain |
std::map< Int_t, Float_t > | iEtaCoefMap |
Int_t | iEtaHit |
UInt_t | iPhiHit |
Float_t | MAX_CONE_DIST |
Float_t | MAX_EOVERP |
Float_t | MAX_ET_THIRD_JET |
Float_t | MAX_TARGET_E |
Float_t | MAX_TRK_EME |
Float_t | MIN_CELL_E |
Float_t | MIN_EOVERP |
Float_t | MIN_TAGJET_ET |
Float_t | MIN_TARGET_E |
std::map< UInt_t, Float_t > | phiSymCor |
Float_t | probeJetEmFrac |
TLorentzVector * | probeJetP4 |
std::vector< std::pair< Int_t, UInt_t > > | refIEtaIPhi |
UInt_t | runNumber |
std::map< UInt_t, Float_t > | solution |
Bool_t | SUM_DEPTHS |
Float_t | tagJetEmFrac |
TLorentzVector * | tagJetP4 |
Float_t | targetE |
std::vector< Float_t > | targetEnergies |
const CaloGeometry * | theCaloGeometry |
const HcalTopology * | topo_ |
Float_t | xTrkEcal |
Float_t | xTrkHcal |
Float_t | yTrkEcal |
Float_t | yTrkHcal |
Float_t | zTrkEcal |
Float_t | zTrkHcal |
Definition at line 40 of file hcalCalib.h.
hcalCalib::hcalCalib | ( | TTree * | = 0 | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 90 of file hcalCalib.h.
{ }
virtual hcalCalib::~hcalCalib | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Definition at line 91 of file hcalCalib.h.
{ }
void hcalCalib::Begin | ( | TTree * | tree | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 70 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, cmsRelvalreport::exit, h1_allTrkP, h1_corResp, h1_corRespBarrel, h1_corRespEndcap, h1_corRespIEta, h1_numEventsTwrIEta, h1_rawResp, h1_rawRespBarrel, h1_rawRespEndcap, h1_rawSumE, h1_selTrkP_iEta10, h1_trkP, h2_dHitRefBarrel, h2_dHitRefEndcap, histoFile, i, and nEvents.
{ TString option = GetOption(); nEvents = 0; if (APPLY_PHI_SYM_COR_FLAG && !ReadPhiSymCor()) { cout << "\nERROR: Failed to read the phi symmetry corrections." << endl; cout << "Check if the filename is correct. If the corrections are not needed, set the corresponding flag to \"false\"\n" << endl; cout << "\nThe program will be terminated\n" << endl; exit(1); } // cellEnergies.reserve(1000000); // cellIds.reserve(1000000); // targetEnergies.reserve(1000000); histoFile = new TFile(HISTO_FILENAME.Data(), "RECREATE"); h1_trkP = new TH1F("h1_trkP", "Track momenta; p_{trk} (GeV); Number of tracks", 100, 0, 200); h1_allTrkP = new TH1F("h1_allTrkP", "Track momenta - all tracks; p_{trk} (GeV); Number of tracks", 100, 0, 200); h1_selTrkP_iEta10 = new TH1F("h1_selTrkP_iEta10", "Track momenta - tracks with |iEta|<10; p_{trk} (GeV); Number of tracks", 100, 0, 200); if (CALIB_TYPE=="ISO_TRACK") h1_rawSumE = new TH1F("h1_rawSumE", "Cluster Energy; E_{cl} (GeV); Number of tracks", 100, 0, 200); else h1_rawSumE = new TH1F("h1_rawSumE", "Cluster Energy; E_{cl} (GeV); Number of tracks", 1000, 0, 2000); h1_rawResp = new TH1F("h1_rawResp", "Uncorrected response: |iEta|<24; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_corResp = new TH1F("h1_corResp", "Corrected response: |iEta|<24; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_rawRespBarrel = new TH1F("h1_rawRespBarrel", "Uncorrected response: |iEta|<15; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_corRespBarrel = new TH1F("h1_corRespBarrel", "Corrected response: |iEta|<15; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_rawRespEndcap = new TH1F("h1_rawRespEndcap", "Uncorrected response: 17<|iEta|<24; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_corRespEndcap = new TH1F("h1_corRespEndcap", "Corrected response: 17<|iEta|<24; E_{had}/p; Number of tracks", 300, 0, 3); h1_numEventsTwrIEta = new TH1F("h1_numEventsTwrIEta", "h1_numEventsTwrIEta", 80, -40, 40); h2_dHitRefBarrel = new TH2F("h2_dHitRefBarrel","{#Delta}i{#phi} vs {#Delta}i{#eta} of hit and most energetic tower(|i{#eta}|<16);{#Delta}i{#eta}; {#Delta}i{#phi}", 10, -5, 5, 10, -5, 5); h2_dHitRefEndcap = new TH2F("h2_dHitRefEndcap","{#Delta}i{#phi} vs {#Delta}i{#eta} of hit and most energetic tower (16<|i{#eta}|<25) ;{#Delta}i{#eta}; {#Delta}i{#phi}", 10, -5, 5, 10, -5, 5); TString histoName = "isoTrack_"; for (Int_t i=0; i<48; ++i) { Long_t iEta; if (i<24) iEta = i-24; else iEta = i-23; TString hn = histoName + iEta; h1_corRespIEta[i] = new TH1F(hn, hn, 300, 0, 3.0); } } // end of Begin()
void hcalCalib::GetCoefFromMtrxInvOfAve | ( | ) |
Definition at line 522 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References funct::A, abs, b, begin, end, spr::find(), i, HcalDetId::ieta(), j, findQualityFiles::size, and x.
{ // these maps are keyed by iEta map<Int_t, Float_t> aveTargetE; map<Int_t, Int_t> nEntries; // count hits // iEtaRef iEtaCell, energy map<Int_t, map<Int_t, Float_t> > aveHitE; // add energies in the loop, normalize after that for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellEnergies.size(); ++i) { Int_t iEtaRef = refIEtaIPhi[i].first; aveTargetE[iEtaRef] += targetEnergies[i]; nEntries[iEtaRef]++; // for hybrid method: matrix inv of averages preceeded by L3 if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV") { for (unsigned int j=0; j<(cellEnergies[i]).size(); ++j) { aveHitE[iEtaRef][HcalDetId(cellIds[i][j]).ieta()] += (solution[cellIds[i][j]] * cellEnergies[i][j]); } } else if (CALIB_METHOD=="MATRIX_INV_OF_ETA_AVE") { for (unsigned int j=0; j<(cellEnergies[i]).size(); ++j) { aveHitE[iEtaRef][HcalDetId(cellIds[i][j]).ieta()] += cellEnergies[i][j]; } } } // end of loop of entries // scale by number of entries to get the averages Float_t norm = 1.0; for (map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator m_it = aveTargetE.begin(); m_it!=aveTargetE.end(); ++m_it){ Int_t iEta = m_it->first; norm = (nEntries[iEta] > 0)? 1.0/(nEntries[iEta]) : 1.0; aveTargetE[iEta] *= norm; map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator n_it = (aveHitE[iEta]).begin(); Float_t sumRawE = 0; for (; n_it!=(aveHitE[iEta]).end(); ++n_it) { (n_it->second) *= norm; sumRawE += (n_it->second); } } // end of scaling by number of entries Int_t ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE = CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX - CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN +1; // conversion from iEta to index for the linear system // contains elements only in the valid range for *matrix inversion* vector<Int_t> iEtaList; for (Int_t i=-CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX; i<=CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX; ++i) { if (abs(i)<CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN) continue; iEtaList.push_back(i); } TMatrixD A(2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE, 2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE); TMatrixD b(2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE, 1); TMatrixD x(2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE, 1); for (Int_t i=0; i<2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE; ++i) { for (Int_t j=0; j<2*ONE_SIDE_IETA_RANGE; ++j) { A(i, j) = 0.0; } } for (UInt_t i=0; i<iEtaList.size(); ++i) { b(i, 0) = aveTargetE[iEtaList[i]]; map<Int_t, Float_t>::iterator n_it = aveHitE[iEtaList[i]].begin(); for (; n_it!=aveHitE[iEtaList[i]].end(); ++n_it){ if (fabs(n_it->first)>CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX || fabs(n_it->first)<CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN) continue; Int_t j = Int_t(find(iEtaList.begin(),iEtaList.end(), n_it->first) - iEtaList.begin()); A(i, j) = n_it->second; } } TMatrixD coef = b; TDecompQRH qrh(A); Bool_t hasSolution = qrh.MultiSolve(coef); if (hasSolution && (CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV" || CALIB_METHOD=="MATRIX_INV_OF_ETA_AVE")) { for (UInt_t i=0; i<iEtaList.size(); ++i) { iEtaCoefMap[iEtaList[i]] = coef(i, 0); } } }
virtual Int_t hcalCalib::GetEntry | ( | Long64_t | entry, |
Int_t | getall = 0 |
) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual TList* hcalCalib::GetOutputList | ( | ) | const [inline, virtual] |
Definition at line 102 of file hcalCalib.h.
{ return fOutput; }
virtual void hcalCalib::Init | ( | TTree * | tree | ) | [virtual] |
void hcalCalib::makeTextFile | ( | ) |
Definition at line 674 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References abs, alignCSCRings::e, eta, HcalEndcap, HcalOuter, phi, and sd.
{ //{ HcalEmpty=0, HcalBarrel=1, HcalEndcap=2, HcalOuter=3, HcalForward=4, HcalTriggerTower=5, HcalOther=7 }; TString sdName[8] = {"EMPTY", "HB", "HE", "HO", "HF", "TRITWR", "UNDEF", "OTHER"}; FILE *constFile = fopen(OUTPUT_COR_COEF_FILENAME.Data(), "w+"); // header of the constants file fprintf(constFile, "%1s%16s%16s%16s%16s%9s%11s\n", "#", "eta", "phi", "depth", "det", "value", "DetId"); // Order loops to produce sequence of constants as for phi symmetry for(Int_t sd=1; sd<=4; sd++) { for(Int_t e=1; e<=50; e++) { Int_t eta; for(Int_t side=0; side<2; side++) { eta = (side==0)? -e : e; //ta *= (-1); for(Int_t phi=1; phi<=72; phi++) { for(Int_t d=1; d<5; d++) { if (!topo_->valid(HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(sd), eta, phi, d))) continue; HcalDetId id(HcalSubdetector(sd), eta, phi, d); Float_t corrFactor = 1.0; if (abs(eta)>=CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN && abs(eta)<=CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX && HcalSubdetector(sd)!=HcalOuter) { // if (abs(eta)>=CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN && abs(eta)<=22 && HcalSubdetector(sd)!=HcalOuter) { // need some care when depths were summed for iEta=16 => // the coeficients are saved in depth 1 of HB: affects Int_t subdetInd = sd; if (abs(eta)==16 && HcalSubdetector(sd)==HcalEndcap && SUM_DEPTHS) { subdetInd = 1; } if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3" || CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV") { if (SUM_DEPTHS && COMBINE_PHI) corrFactor = solution[HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(subdetInd), eta, 1, 1)]; else if (SUM_DEPTHS) corrFactor = solution[HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(subdetInd), eta, phi, 1)]; else if (COMBINE_PHI) corrFactor = solution[HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(sd), eta, 1, d)]; else corrFactor = solution[HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(sd), eta, phi, d)]; // Remark: a new case was added (sumSmallDepths) where the first two depths in towers 15,16 // are summed and stored in depth 1. // For now we create the correction coef for depth 2 (set equal to depth 1) // after the call to the L3 minimizer so that this case is also handled without modifying the // logic above. Probably it is better to move it here? }// L3 else if (CALIB_METHOD=="MATRIX_INV_OF_ETA_AVE") { corrFactor = iEtaCoefMap[eta]; } else if (CALIB_METHOD=="ISO_TRK_PHI_SYM") { corrFactor = solution[HcalDetId(HcalSubdetector(sd), eta, phi, d)]; } } // if within the calibration range fprintf(constFile, "%17i%16i%16i%16s%9.5f%11X\n", eta, phi, d, sdName[sd].Data(), corrFactor, id.rawId()); } } } } } return; }
virtual Bool_t hcalCalib::Notify | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Bool_t hcalCalib::Process | ( | Long64_t | entry | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 143 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References abs, diJetCalib::combinePhi, gather_cfg::cout, TCell::e(), filterCells3x3(), filterCells5x5(), filterCellsInCone(), getIEtaIPhiForHighestE(), h1_allTrkP, h1_rawSumE, h1_selTrkP_iEta10, h2_dHitRefBarrel, h2_dHitRefEndcap, HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalOuter, i, TCell::id(), M_PI, nEvents, edm::second(), TCell::SetE(), diJetCalib::sumDepths, and diJetCalib::sumSmallDepths.
{ // fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry); GetEntry(entry); set<UInt_t> uniqueIds; // for testing: check if there are duplicate cells (AA) Bool_t acceptEvent = kTRUE; ++nEvents; if (!(nEvents%100000)) cout << "event: " << nEvents << endl; h1_allTrkP->Fill(targetE); if (targetE < MIN_TARGET_E || targetE > MAX_TARGET_E) return kFALSE;; // make local copy as the cells may be modified due to phi/depth sum, phi corrections etc vector<TCell> selectCells; if (cells->GetSize()==0) return kFALSE; if (CALIB_TYPE=="DI_JET" && probeJetEmFrac > 0.999) return kTRUE; for (Int_t i=0; i<cells->GetSize(); ++i) { TCell* thisCell = (TCell*) cells->At(i); if (HcalDetId(thisCell->id()).subdet()== HcalOuter) continue; // reject HO, make a switch! if (HcalDetId(thisCell->id()).subdet() != HcalBarrel && HcalDetId(thisCell->id()).subdet() != HcalEndcap && HcalDetId(thisCell->id()).subdet() != HcalForward) { cout << "Unknown or wrong hcal subdetector: " << HcalDetId(thisCell->id()).subdet() << endl; } // Apply phi symmetry corrections if the flag is set if (APPLY_PHI_SYM_COR_FLAG) thisCell->SetE(phiSymCor[thisCell->id()] * thisCell->e()); if (thisCell->e() > MIN_CELL_E) selectCells.push_back(*thisCell); } if (selectCells.size()==0) { cout << "NO CELLS ABOVE THRESHOLD FOUND FOR TARGET!!!" << endl; } if (SUM_DEPTHS) sumDepths(selectCells); else if (SUM_SMALL_DEPTHS) sumSmallDepths(selectCells); // depth 1,2 in twrs 15,16 // most energetic tower (IsoTracks) or centroid of probe jet (DiJets) pair<Int_t, UInt_t> refPos; Int_t dEtaHitRef = 999; Int_t dPhiHitRef = 999; if (CALIB_TYPE=="ISO_TRACK") { Int_t iEtaMaxE; // filled by reference in getIEtaIPhiForHighestE UInt_t iPhiMaxE; // getIEtaIPhiForHighestE(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); dEtaHitRef = iEtaMaxE - iEtaHit; dPhiHitRef = iPhiMaxE - iPhiHit; if (dPhiHitRef < -36) dPhiHitRef += 72; if (dPhiHitRef > 36) dPhiHitRef -= 72; if (iEtaHit*iEtaMaxE < 0) { if (dEtaHitRef<0) dEtaHitRef += 1; if (dEtaHitRef>0) dEtaHitRef -= 1; } if (abs(iEtaHit)<16) h2_dHitRefBarrel->Fill(dEtaHitRef, dPhiHitRef); if (abs(iEtaHit)>16 && abs(iEtaHit)<25) h2_dHitRefEndcap->Fill(dEtaHitRef, dPhiHitRef); // -------------------------------------------------- // Choice of cluster definition // // fixed size NxN clusters as specified in to config file if (!USE_CONE_CLUSTERING) { if (abs(iEtaMaxE)<16 && HB_CLUSTER_SIZE==3) filterCells3x3(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); if (abs(iEtaMaxE)>15 && HE_CLUSTER_SIZE==3) filterCells3x3(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); if (abs(iEtaMaxE)<16 && HB_CLUSTER_SIZE==5) filterCells5x5(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); if (abs(iEtaMaxE)>15 && HE_CLUSTER_SIZE==5) filterCells5x5(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); } else { // calculate distance at hcal surface const GlobalPoint hitPositionHcal(xTrkHcal, yTrkHcal, zTrkHcal); filterCellsInCone(selectCells, hitPositionHcal, MAX_CONE_DIST, theCaloGeometry); } refPos.first = iEtaMaxE; refPos.second = iPhiMaxE; } else if (CALIB_TYPE=="DI_JET") { // Apply selection cuts on DiJet events here if (etVetoJet>MAX_ET_THIRD_JET) acceptEvent = kFALSE; Float_t jetsDPhi = probeJetP4->DeltaPhi(*tagJetP4); if (fabs(jetsDPhi * 180.0/M_PI) < MIN_DPHI_DIJETS) acceptEvent = kFALSE; if (probeJetEmFrac>MAX_PROBEJET_EMFRAC) acceptEvent = kFALSE; if (fabs(probeJetP4->Eta())<MIN_PROBEJET_ABSETA) acceptEvent = kFALSE; if (fabs(tagJetP4->Eta())>MAX_TAGJET_ABSETA) acceptEvent = kFALSE; if (fabs(tagJetP4->Et())< MIN_TAGJET_ET) acceptEvent = kFALSE; if (acceptEvent) { Int_t iEtaMaxE; // filled by reference in getIEtaIPhiForHighestE UInt_t iPhiMaxE; // getIEtaIPhiForHighestE(selectCells, iEtaMaxE, iPhiMaxE); // The ref position for the jet is not used in the minimization at this time. // It will be needed if we attempt to do matrix inversion: then the question is // which value is better suited: the centroid of the jet or the hottest tower... // refPos.first = iEtaHit; // refPos.second = iPhiHit; refPos.first = iEtaMaxE; refPos.second = iPhiMaxE; if (abs(iEtaMaxE)>40) acceptEvent = kFALSE; // for testing : set as parameter (AA) } } if (COMBINE_PHI) combinePhi(selectCells); // fill the containers for the minimization prcedures vector<Float_t> energies; vector<UInt_t> ids; for (vector<TCell>::iterator i_it = selectCells.begin(); i_it!=selectCells.end(); ++i_it) { // for testing : fill only unique id's if (uniqueIds.insert(i_it->id()).second) { energies.push_back(i_it->e()); ids.push_back(i_it->id()); } } if (CALIB_TYPE=="ISO_TRACK") { if (accumulate(energies.begin(), energies.end(), 0.0) / targetE < MIN_EOVERP) acceptEvent=kFALSE; if (accumulate(energies.begin(), energies.end(), 0.0) / targetE > MAX_EOVERP) acceptEvent=kFALSE; if (emEnergy > MAX_TRK_EME) acceptEvent=kFALSE; if (abs(dEtaHitRef)>1 || abs(dPhiHitRef)>1) acceptEvent=kFALSE; // Have to check if for |iEta|>20 (and neighboring region) the dPhiHitRef // should be relaxed to 2. The neighboring towers have dPhi=2... } h1_rawSumE->Fill(accumulate(energies.begin(), energies.end(), 0.0)); // here we fill the information for the minimization procedure if (acceptEvent) { cellEnergies.push_back(energies); cellIds.push_back(ids); targetEnergies.push_back(targetE); refIEtaIPhi.push_back(refPos); if (abs(refPos.first)<=10) h1_selTrkP_iEta10->Fill(targetE); } // Clean up energies.clear(); ids.clear(); selectCells.clear(); return kTRUE; }
Bool_t hcalCalib::ReadPhiSymCor | ( | ) |
Definition at line 615 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalOuter, geometryCSVtoXML::line, sd, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and relativeConstraints::value.
{ ifstream phiSymFile(PHI_SYM_COR_FILENAME.Data()); if (!phiSymFile) { cout << "\nERROR: Can not find file with phi symmetry constants \"" << PHI_SYM_COR_FILENAME.Data() << "\"" << endl; return kFALSE; } // assumes the format used in CSA08, first line is a comment Int_t iEta; UInt_t iPhi; UInt_t depth; TString sdName; UInt_t detId; Float_t value; HcalSubdetector sd; std::string line; while (getline(phiSymFile, line)) { if(!line.size() || line[0]=='#') continue; std::istringstream linestream(line); linestream >> iEta >> iPhi >> depth >> sdName >> value >> hex >> detId; if (sdName=="HB") sd = HcalBarrel; else if (sdName=="HE") sd = HcalEndcap; else if (sdName=="HO") sd = HcalOuter; else if (sdName=="HF") sd = HcalForward; else { cout << "\nInvalid detector name in phi symmetry constants file: " << sdName.Data() << endl; cout << "Check file and rerun!\n" << endl; return kFALSE; } // check if the data is consistent if (HcalDetId(sd, iEta, iPhi, depth) != HcalDetId(detId)) { cout << "\nInconsistent info in phi symmetry file: subdet, iEta, iPhi, depth do not match rawId!\n" << endl; return kFALSE; } HcalDetId hId(detId); if (!topo_->valid(hId)) { cout << "\nInvalid DetId from: iEta=" << iEta << " iPhi=" << iPhi << " depth=" << depth << " subdet=" << sdName.Data() << " detId=" << detId << endl << endl; return kFALSE; } phiSymCor[HcalDetId(sd, iEta, iPhi, depth)] = value; } return kTRUE; }
void hcalCalib::SetApplyPhiSymCorFlag | ( | Bool_t | b | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 173 of file hcalCalib.h.
References APPLY_PHI_SYM_COR_FLAG, and b.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetCalibAbsIEtaMax | ( | Int_t | i | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 169 of file hcalCalib.h.
References CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX, and i.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetCalibAbsIEtaMin | ( | Int_t | i | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 170 of file hcalCalib.h.
References CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN, and i.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetCalibMethod | ( | TString | s | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 162 of file hcalCalib.h.
References CALIB_METHOD, and alignCSCRings::s.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetCalibType | ( | TString | s | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 161 of file hcalCalib.h.
References CALIB_TYPE, and alignCSCRings::s.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ CALIB_TYPE = s; }
void hcalCalib::SetCaloGeometry | ( | const CaloGeometry * | g, |
const HcalTopology * | topo | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 184 of file hcalCalib.h.
References g, theCaloGeometry, and topo_.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ theCaloGeometry = g; topo_=topo; }
void hcalCalib::SetCombinePhiFlag | ( | Bool_t | b | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 156 of file hcalCalib.h.
References b, and COMBINE_PHI.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ COMBINE_PHI = b; }
void hcalCalib::SetConeMaxDist | ( | Float_t | d | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 167 of file hcalCalib.h.
References MAX_CONE_DIST.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MAX_CONE_DIST = d; }
void hcalCalib::SetHbClusterSize | ( | Int_t | i | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 163 of file hcalCalib.h.
References HB_CLUSTER_SIZE, and i.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetHeClusterSize | ( | Int_t | i | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 164 of file hcalCalib.h.
References HE_CLUSTER_SIZE, and i.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetHistoFileName | ( | TString | filename | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 181 of file hcalCalib.h.
References lut2db_cfg::filename, and HISTO_FILENAME.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ HISTO_FILENAME = filename; }
virtual void hcalCalib::SetInputList | ( | TList * | input | ) | [inline, virtual] |
void hcalCalib::SetMaxEOverP | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 159 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MAX_EOVERP.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MAX_EOVERP = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMaxEtThirdJet | ( | Float_t | et | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 171 of file hcalCalib.h.
References MAX_ET_THIRD_JET.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MAX_ET_THIRD_JET = et; }
void hcalCalib::SetMaxProbeJetEmFrac | ( | Float_t | f | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 175 of file hcalCalib.h.
References f, and MAX_PROBEJET_EMFRAC.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetMaxTagJetAbsEta | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 177 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MAX_TAGJET_ABSETA.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetMaxTagJetEmFrac | ( | Float_t | f | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 176 of file hcalCalib.h.
References f, and MAX_TAGJET_EMFRAC.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetMaxTargetE | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 153 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MAX_TARGET_E.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MAX_TARGET_E = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMaxTrkEmE | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 160 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MAX_TRK_EME.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MAX_TRK_EME = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMinCellE | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 157 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MIN_CELL_E.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MIN_CELL_E = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMinDPhiDiJets | ( | Float_t | dphi | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 172 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MIN_DPHI_DIJETS = dphi; }
void hcalCalib::SetMinEOverP | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 158 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MIN_EOVERP.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MIN_EOVERP = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMinProbeJetAbsEta | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 179 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MIN_PROBEJET_ABSETA.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetMinTagJetEt | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 178 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MIN_TAGJET_ET.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MIN_TAGJET_ET = e; }
void hcalCalib::SetMinTargetE | ( | Float_t | e | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 152 of file hcalCalib.h.
References alignCSCRings::e, and MIN_TARGET_E.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ MIN_TARGET_E = e; }
virtual void hcalCalib::SetObject | ( | TObject * | obj | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void hcalCalib::SetOption | ( | const char * | option | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Definition at line 99 of file hcalCalib.h.
{ fOption = option; }
void hcalCalib::SetOutputCorCoefFileName | ( | TString | filename | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 180 of file hcalCalib.h.
References lut2db_cfg::filename, and OUTPUT_COR_COEF_FILENAME.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetPhiSymCorFileName | ( | TString | filename | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 174 of file hcalCalib.h.
References lut2db_cfg::filename, and PHI_SYM_COR_FILENAME.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ PHI_SYM_COR_FILENAME = filename; }
void hcalCalib::SetSumDepthsFlag | ( | Bool_t | b | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 154 of file hcalCalib.h.
References b, and SUM_DEPTHS.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
{ SUM_DEPTHS = b; }
void hcalCalib::SetSumSmallDepthsFlag | ( | Bool_t | b | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 155 of file hcalCalib.h.
References b, and SUM_SMALL_DEPTHS.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::SetUseConeClustering | ( | Bool_t | b | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 166 of file hcalCalib.h.
References b, and USE_CONE_CLUSTERING.
Referenced by HcalCalibrator::endJob().
void hcalCalib::Terminate | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 352 of file hcalCalib.cc.
References abs, gather_cfg::cout, HcalDetId::depth(), h1_allTrkP, h1_corResp, h1_corRespBarrel, h1_corRespEndcap, h1_corRespIEta, h1_numEventsTwrIEta, h1_rawResp, h1_rawRespBarrel, h1_rawRespEndcap, h1_rawSumE, h1_selTrkP_iEta10, h1_trkP, h2_dHitRefBarrel, h2_dHitRefEndcap, HcalBarrel, histoFile, i, HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::ietaAbs(), HcalDetId::iphi(), MinL3AlgoUniv< IDdet >::iterate(), j, findQualityFiles::size, HcalDetId::subdet(), and CommonMethods::weight().
{ cout << "\n\nFinished reading the events.\n"; cout << "Number of input objects: " << cellIds.size() << endl; cout << "Performing minimization: depending on selected method can take some time...\n\n"; for (vector<pair<Int_t, UInt_t> >::iterator it_rp=refIEtaIPhi.begin(); it_rp!=refIEtaIPhi.end(); ++it_rp ) { Float_t weight = (abs(it_rp->first)<21)? 1.0/72.0 : 1.0/36.0; h1_numEventsTwrIEta->Fill(it_rp->first, weight); } if (CALIB_METHOD=="MATRIX_INV_OF_ETA_AVE") { GetCoefFromMtrxInvOfAve(); } else if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3" || CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV") { int eventWeight = 2; // 2 is the default (try at some point 0,1,2,3) MinL3AlgoUniv<UInt_t>* thisL3Algo = new MinL3AlgoUniv<UInt_t>(eventWeight); int numIterations = 10; // default 10 solution = thisL3Algo->iterate(cellEnergies, cellIds, targetEnergies, numIterations); // in order to handle the case where sumDepths="false", but the flag to sum depths 1,2 in HB towers 15, 16 // is set (sumSmallDepths) we create entries in "solution" to create equal correction here // for each encountered coef in depth one. if (!SUM_DEPTHS && SUM_SMALL_DEPTHS) { vector<UInt_t> idForSummedCells; for (map<UInt_t, Float_t>::iterator m_it = solution.begin(); m_it != solution.end(); ++m_it) { if (HcalDetId(m_it->first).ietaAbs()!=15 && HcalDetId(m_it->first).ietaAbs()!=16) continue; if (HcalDetId(m_it->first).subdet()!=HcalBarrel) continue; if (HcalDetId(m_it->first).depth()==1) idForSummedCells.push_back(HcalDetId(m_it->first)); } for (vector<UInt_t>::iterator v_it=idForSummedCells.begin(); v_it!=idForSummedCells.end(); ++v_it) { UInt_t addCoefId = HcalDetId(HcalBarrel, HcalDetId(*v_it).ieta(), HcalDetId(*v_it).iphi(), 2); solution[addCoefId] = solution[*v_it]; } } // end of special treatment for "sumSmallDepths" mode if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV") { GetCoefFromMtrxInvOfAve(); // loop over the solution from L3 and multiply by the additional factor from // the matrix inversion. Set coef outside of the valid calibration region =1. for (map<UInt_t, Float_t>::iterator it_s=solution.begin(); it_s!=solution.end(); ++it_s) { Int_t iEtaSol = HcalDetId(it_s->first).ieta(); if (abs(iEtaSol)<CALIB_ABS_IETA_MIN || abs(iEtaSol)> CALIB_ABS_IETA_MAX) it_s->second = 1.0; else it_s->second *= iEtaCoefMap[iEtaSol]; } } // if CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV" } // end of L3 or L3 + mtrx inversion minimization // done getting the constants -> write the formatted file makeTextFile(); // fill some histograms Float_t rawResp = 0; Float_t corResp = 0; Int_t maxIEta = 0; Int_t minIEta = 999; for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellEnergies.size(); ++i) { Int_t iEta; for (unsigned int j=0; j<(cellEnergies[i]).size(); ++j) { iEta = HcalDetId(cellIds[i][j]).ieta(); rawResp += (cellEnergies[i])[j]; if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3_AND_MTRX_INV") { corResp += (solution[cellIds[i][j]] * cellEnergies[i][j]); } else if (CALIB_METHOD=="L3") { corResp += (solution[cellIds[i][j]] * (cellEnergies[i][j])); } else if (CALIB_METHOD=="MATRIX_INV_OF_ETA_AVE") { corResp += (iEtaCoefMap[iEta]* cellEnergies[i][j]); } if (maxIEta < abs(iEta) ) maxIEta = abs(iEta); if (minIEta > abs(iEta) ) minIEta = abs(iEta); } rawResp /= targetEnergies[i]; corResp /= targetEnergies[i]; // fill histograms based on iEta on ref point of the cluster (for now: hottest tower) // expect range |iEta|<=24 (to do: add flexibility for arbitrary range) if (CALIB_TYPE=="ISO_TRACK") { Int_t ind = refIEtaIPhi[i].first; (ind<0) ? (ind +=24) : (ind +=23); if (ind>=0 && ind<48) { h1_corRespIEta[ind]->Fill(corResp); } // fill histograms for cases where all towers are in the barrel or endcap if (maxIEta<25) { h1_rawResp->Fill(rawResp); h1_corResp->Fill(corResp); } if (maxIEta<15) { h1_rawRespBarrel->Fill(rawResp); h1_corRespBarrel->Fill(corResp); } else if (maxIEta<25 && minIEta>16) { h1_rawRespEndcap->Fill(rawResp); h1_corRespEndcap->Fill(corResp); } } // histograms for isotrack calibration else { // put jet plots here } rawResp = 0; corResp = 0; maxIEta = 0; minIEta = 999; } // save the histograms h1_trkP->Write(); h1_allTrkP->Write(); h1_selTrkP_iEta10->Write(); h1_rawSumE->Write(); h1_rawResp->Write(); h1_corResp->Write(); h1_rawRespBarrel->Write(); h1_corRespBarrel->Write(); h1_rawRespEndcap->Write(); h1_corRespEndcap->Write(); h1_numEventsTwrIEta->Write(); h2_dHitRefBarrel->Write(); h2_dHitRefEndcap->Write(); for (Int_t i=0; i<48; ++i) { h1_corRespIEta[i]->Write(); } histoFile->Write(); histoFile->Close(); cout << "\n Finished calibration.\n " << endl; } // end of Terminate()
virtual Int_t hcalCalib::Version | ( | ) | const [inline, virtual] |
Definition at line 92 of file hcalCalib.h.
{ return 2; }
Definition at line 142 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetApplyPhiSymCorFlag().
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_cells |
Definition at line 71 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_emEnergy |
Definition at line 72 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_etVetoJet |
Definition at line 74 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_eventNumber |
Definition at line 67 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_iEtaHit |
Definition at line 69 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_iPhiHit |
Definition at line 70 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_probeJetEmFrac |
Definition at line 84 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_probeJetP4 |
Definition at line 87 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_runNumber |
Definition at line 68 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_tagJetEmFrac |
Definition at line 83 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_tagJetP4 |
Definition at line 86 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_targetE |
Definition at line 73 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_xTrkEcal |
Definition at line 79 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_xTrkHcal |
Definition at line 76 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_yTrkEcal |
Definition at line 80 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_yTrkHcal |
Definition at line 77 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_zTrkEcal |
Definition at line 81 of file hcalCalib.h.
TBranch* hcalCalib::b_zTrkHcal |
Definition at line 78 of file hcalCalib.h.
Definition at line 128 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCalibAbsIEtaMax().
Definition at line 129 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCalibAbsIEtaMin().
TString hcalCalib::CALIB_METHOD |
Definition at line 139 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCalibMethod().
TString hcalCalib::CALIB_TYPE |
Definition at line 138 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCalibType().
std::vector< std::vector<Float_t> > hcalCalib::cellEnergies |
Definition at line 194 of file hcalCalib.h.
std::vector< std::vector<UInt_t> > hcalCalib::cellIds |
Definition at line 195 of file hcalCalib.h.
TClonesArray* hcalCalib::cells |
Definition at line 48 of file hcalCalib.h.
Bool_t hcalCalib::COMBINE_PHI |
Definition at line 120 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCombinePhiFlag().
Float_t hcalCalib::emEnergy |
Definition at line 49 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::etVetoJet |
Definition at line 51 of file hcalCalib.h.
UInt_t hcalCalib::eventNumber |
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
Definition at line 44 of file hcalCalib.h.
TTree* hcalCalib::fChain |
Definition at line 42 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by GetEntry().
Definition at line 122 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetHbClusterSize().
Definition at line 123 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetHeClusterSize().
TString hcalCalib::HISTO_FILENAME |
Definition at line 145 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFileName().
std::map<Int_t, Float_t> hcalCalib::iEtaCoefMap |
Definition at line 202 of file hcalCalib.h.
Int_t hcalCalib::iEtaHit |
Definition at line 46 of file hcalCalib.h.
UInt_t hcalCalib::iPhiHit |
Definition at line 47 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_CONE_DIST |
Definition at line 126 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetConeMaxDist().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_EOVERP |
Definition at line 112 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxEOverP().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_ET_THIRD_JET |
Definition at line 115 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxEtThirdJet().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_PROBEJET_EMFRAC |
Definition at line 131 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxProbeJetEmFrac().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_TAGJET_ABSETA |
Definition at line 133 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxTagJetAbsEta().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_TAGJET_EMFRAC |
Definition at line 132 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxTagJetEmFrac().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_TARGET_E |
Definition at line 108 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxTargetE().
Float_t hcalCalib::MAX_TRK_EME |
Definition at line 113 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMaxTrkEmE().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_CELL_E |
Definition at line 110 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinCellE().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_DPHI_DIJETS |
Definition at line 116 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinDPhiDiJets().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_EOVERP |
Definition at line 111 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinEOverP().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_PROBEJET_ABSETA |
Definition at line 136 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinProbeJetAbsEta().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_TAGJET_ET |
Definition at line 134 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinTagJetEt().
Float_t hcalCalib::MIN_TARGET_E |
Definition at line 107 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetMinTargetE().
Definition at line 144 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetOutputCorCoefFileName().
TString hcalCalib::PHI_SYM_COR_FILENAME |
Definition at line 141 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetPhiSymCorFileName().
std::map<UInt_t, Float_t> hcalCalib::phiSymCor |
Definition at line 199 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::probeJetEmFrac |
Definition at line 64 of file hcalCalib.h.
TLorentzVector* hcalCalib::probeJetP4 |
Definition at line 61 of file hcalCalib.h.
std::vector< std::pair<Int_t, UInt_t> > hcalCalib::refIEtaIPhi |
Definition at line 196 of file hcalCalib.h.
UInt_t hcalCalib::runNumber |
Definition at line 45 of file hcalCalib.h.
std::map<UInt_t, Float_t> hcalCalib::solution |
Definition at line 201 of file hcalCalib.h.
Bool_t hcalCalib::SUM_DEPTHS |
Definition at line 118 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetSumDepthsFlag().
Bool_t hcalCalib::SUM_SMALL_DEPTHS |
Definition at line 119 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetSumSmallDepthsFlag().
Float_t hcalCalib::tagJetEmFrac |
Definition at line 63 of file hcalCalib.h.
TLorentzVector* hcalCalib::tagJetP4 |
Definition at line 60 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::targetE |
Definition at line 50 of file hcalCalib.h.
std::vector< Float_t> hcalCalib::targetEnergies |
Definition at line 197 of file hcalCalib.h.
Definition at line 148 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCaloGeometry().
const HcalTopology* hcalCalib::topo_ |
Definition at line 149 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetCaloGeometry().
Definition at line 125 of file hcalCalib.h.
Referenced by SetUseConeClustering().
Float_t hcalCalib::xTrkEcal |
Definition at line 56 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::xTrkHcal |
Definition at line 53 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::yTrkEcal |
Definition at line 57 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::yTrkHcal |
Definition at line 54 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::zTrkEcal |
Definition at line 58 of file hcalCalib.h.
Float_t hcalCalib::zTrkHcal |
Definition at line 55 of file hcalCalib.h.