Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes

XmasToDQMSource Class Reference

#include <XmasToDQMSource.h>

Inheritance diagram for XmasToDQMSource:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 XmasToDQMSource (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~XmasToDQMSource ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
 Fake Analyze.
void beginJob ()
void beginLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &context)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endJob ()
void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c)
 DQM Client Diagnostic.
void endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)

Private Attributes

int counterEvt_
std::map< std::string, struct
Data * > 
std::string monitorName_
std::string NBINS
edm::ParameterSet parameters_
int prescaleEvt_
std::string previousTimestamp
std::string XMAX
std::string XMIN

Detailed Description

* DQM Test Client

Definition at line 35 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XmasToDQMSource::XmasToDQMSource ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

book some histograms here

Definition at line 36 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dbe_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), monitorName_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, parameters_, and prescaleEvt_.

    cout << "Constructor of XmasToDQMSource called...." << endl;
     dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
     parameters_ = ps;
     monitorName_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<string>("monitorName","DAQ");
     cout << "Monitor name = " << monitorName_ << endl;
     if (monitorName_ != "" ) 
        monitorName_ = monitorName_+"/" ;
     prescaleEvt_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("prescaleEvt", -1);
     cout << "===> DQM event prescale = " << prescaleEvt_ << " events "<< endl;
  //const int NBINS = 50; XMIN = 0; XMAX = 20000;
    // create and cd into new folder
  //h1 = dbe_->book1D("histo", "Example 1D histogram.", NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
  //h1->setAxisTitle("x-axis title", 1);
  //h1->setAxisTitle("y-axis title", 2);
  // assign tag to MEs h1, h2 and h7
  //const unsigned int detector_id = 17;
  //dbe_->tag(h1, detector_id);
XmasToDQMSource::~XmasToDQMSource ( )

Definition at line 68 of file

   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)

Member Function Documentation

void XmasToDQMSource::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]

Fake Analyze.

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 94 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), counterEvt_, gather_cfg::cout, dbe_, HostSlotMap, i, instance, xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance(), monitorName_, pileupCalc::nbins, NULL, prescaleEvt_, alignCSCRings::r, alignCSCRings::s, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmax, and SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmin.

        /*time_t start,end;
        static int times_called=0;
        //std::cout << "inside Analyze.... " << std::endl;
        std::map<std::string, std::string, std::less<std::string> >::iterator i;
        //cout << "DQMSourceExample::analyze before BSem_.takeO()" << endl;

        std::cout << "inside DQMSource::Analyze...ready to lock the data mutex" << std::endl;
        //protect access to the queue
        std::cout << "inside DQMSource::Analyze...check (...and possible wait) if data queue is empty" << std::endl;
        //check if the queue is empty and wait (a signal that informs that an element has been pushed)
        while(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->/*QTable_*/MemoryTable_.size() <= 0)
                pthread_cond_wait(&xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->more_, &xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->LASmutex_);
        std::cout << "inside queue has elements...proceeding..." << std::endl;
        //start = time(NULL);
        //xdata::Table::Reference ref_table;
        xdata::Table *ref_table = NULL;
        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->/*QTable_*/MemoryTable_.size() > 0)
                //cout << " DQMSourceExample::analyze : Queue size  > 0 " << xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->QTable_.size() << endl;
                //pop an element from the queue of the LAS data
                ref_table = xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->/*QTable_*/ MemoryTable_.front();
        //Insert data to histograms transfered to DQM GUI servers (print the table)
        if(ref_table != NULL)

                for ( size_t r = 0; r < ref_table->numberOfRows_; r++ )
                        //check if the  flashlist contains the element we want to monitor
                        /* remove prints for benchmarking*/
                        std::cout << "********* Printing table inside DQMSourceExample ***************" << std::endl;
                        std:: cout << ref_table->columnData_["context"]->elementAt(r)->toString() << std::endl;
                        std:: cout << ref_table->columnData_["slotNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString() << std::endl;*/
                        //if(ref_table->columnData_["wcHistogram"]->elementAt(r)->toString() == "[]")
                        if(ref_table->columnData_[xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString()]->elementAt(r)->toString() == "[]")
                                /* remove prints for benchmarking*/
                                /*std::cout << ref_table->columnData_["context"]->elementAt(r)->toString() << " has empty bxHistogram" << std::endl;*/
                        //check if there is a column runNumber in the LAS table
                                /* remove prints for benchmarking*/
                                //if runNumber in LAS record different than currnet runNumber go to next LAS record
                                if (xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->runNumber_.toString() != ref_table->columnData_["runNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString())
                                //std::cout << "runNumber ... = " << ref_table->columnData_["runNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString() << std::endl;
                        //boost::tokenizer<> Context_tokens(ref_table->columnData_["Context"]->elementAt(r)->toString());
                        boost::char_separator<char> sep(":/.");
                        tokenizer Context_tokens(ref_table->columnData_["Context"]->elementAt(r)->toString(), sep);
                        //check if the combination Host + slotNumber exists already in the set of hosts + slotNumbers
                        //if not book a new histogram with correspondent name and push data, else push data to existent histogram
                        //std::string host_slot = *(++Context_tokens.begin()) + "_" + ref_table->columnData_["slotNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                        std::string host_slot;
                        host_slot = *(++ Context_tokens.begin());

                        //check if there is a column slotNumber in the LAS table in order to use as key for the histogram map the combination of host+slot
                        //useful mostly for bxHistogram, wcHistogram of frlHisto, where the histograms (flashlist elements) refer to host+slot
                                //host_slot = *(++ Context_tokens.begin()) + "-" + *(++ ++ Context_tokens.begin()) + "-" + *(++ ++ ++Context_tokens.begin()) + "_" + ref_table->columnData_["slotNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                                host_slot = host_slot + "_" + ref_table->columnData_["slotNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                        //host_slot = host_slot + "_" + ref_table->columnData_["slotNumber"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                        //check if there is no entry in the map for this host (+slot in case of wcHistogram, bxHistogram)
                        if( HostSlotMap.find(host_slot) == HostSlotMap.end())
                                /* remove prints for benchmarking*/
                                std::cout << "booking new histogram..." << host_slot << std::endl;
                                HostSlotMap[host_slot] = new /*struct*/ Data();
                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->lastTimestamp = ref_table->columnData_["timestamp"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                                // create and cd into new folder 
                                //dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + "wcHisto");
                                dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_ + xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString());
                                //the wcHistogramResolution equals the value of the register Histogram of the FRL, not the value of the bytes resolution for the bin
                                // the value of the register multiplied by 16 gives the byte resolution - range of a wcHistogram bin
                                // if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "wcHistogram")
//                              {
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D = dbe_->book1D("wc_"+ host_slot, "FRL wcHisto", WCBIN, 
//                                      MIN_EVENT_FRAGMENT_SIZE, MIN_EVENT_FRAGMENT_SIZE + WCBIN*16*atoi(ref_table->columnData_["wcHistogramResolution"]->elementAt(r)->toString().c_str()));
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle("Event fragment size (Bytes)"/*"x-axis title"*/, 1);
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle("Events"/*"y-axis title"*/, 2);
//                              }
//                              else if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "bxHistogram")
//                              {
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D = dbe_->book1D("bx_"+ host_slot, "FRL bxHisto", BXBIN, 1, BXBIN);
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle("LHC orbit Bunch"/*"x-axis title"*/, 1);
//                                      HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle("Events"/*"y-axis title"*/, 2);
//                              }
                                std::istringstream str2num;
                                int nbins;
                                double xmin,xmax;

                                str2num >> nbins; // now stream is in end of file state
                                str2num.clear(); // clear end of file state

                                str2num >> xmin; // now stream is in end of file state
                                str2num.clear(); // clear end of file state

                                str2num >> xmax; // now stream is in end of file state
                                str2num.clear(); // clear end of file state

                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D = dbe_->book1D(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() + "_" + host_slot, "", nbins, xmin, xmax);
                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.xtitle.toString()/*"x-axis title"*/, 1);
                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setAxisTitle(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.ytitle.toString()/*"y-axis title"*/, 2);
                                /* remove prints for benchmarking*/
                                /*std::cout << "booked histogram = " << host_slot << std::endl;*/
                                boost::char_separator<char> histo_sep("[,]");
                                tokenizer Histogram_values(ref_table->columnData_[xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString()]->elementAt(r)->toString(), histo_sep);
                                int iwc=0; //bin counter
                                for(tokenizer::iterator itok=Histogram_values.begin(); itok!=Histogram_values.end();++itok)
                                        //remove for benchmarking
                                        //std::cout << "iwc = "<< iwc << " *itok = " << *itok << std::endl;
                                        string s = *itok;
                                        //std::cout << "iwc = "<< iwc << " s = " << s << std::endl;
                                        std::istringstream istrfloat(s);
                                        float bin_value;
                                        istrfloat >> bin_value;
                                        //std::cout << "iwc = "<< iwc << " bin_value = " << bin_value << std::endl;
                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "wcHistogram" || xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "bxHistogram")
                                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setBinContent(iwc-1, bin_value/*atoi(s.c_str())*/);
                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "wcHistogram" && iwc >= nbins /*WCBIN*/)
                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "bxHistogram" && iwc >= nbins /*BXBIN*/)
                                std::istringstream str2num;
                                int nbins;

                                str2num >> nbins; // now stream is in end of file state
                                str2num.clear(); // clear end of file state
                                //check if the timestamp has changed and proceed adding data only if timestamp has changed
                                if(HostSlotMap[host_slot]->lastTimestamp == ref_table->columnData_["timestamp"]->elementAt(r)->toString())
                                        //std::cout << host_slot << " same timestamp found..." << std::endl;
                                        //std::cout << host_slot << " different timestamp found..." << std::endl;
                                        HostSlotMap[host_slot]->lastTimestamp == ref_table->columnData_["timestamp"]->elementAt(r)->toString();
                                //insert wcHistogram values
                                boost::char_separator<char> histo_sep("[,]");
                                tokenizer Histogram_values(ref_table->columnData_[xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString()]->elementAt(r)->toString(), histo_sep);
                                int iwc=0; //bin counter
                                for(tokenizer::iterator itok=Histogram_values.begin(); itok!=Histogram_values.end();++itok)
                                        //remove for benchmarking
                                        //std::cout << "fill booked histogram iwc = "<< iwc << " *itok = " << *itok << std::endl;
                                        string s = *itok;
                                        std::istringstream istrfloat(s);
                                        float bin_value;
                                        istrfloat >> bin_value;
                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "wcHistogram" || xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "bxHistogram")
                                                HostSlotMap[host_slot]->Histogram1D->setBinContent(iwc-1, bin_value/*atoi(s.c_str())*/);

                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "wcHistogram" && iwc >= nbins/*WCBIN*/)
                                        if(xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm::instance()->flashlistMonitor_.bag.element.toString() == "bxHistogram" && iwc >= nbins /*BXBIN*/)
        std::cout << "after poping from the data Queue...."<< std::endl;
        if(ref_table !=NULL)
        //std::cout << "after calling xdata::Table::Reference destructor...."<< std::endl;
        delete ref_table ;
        //std::cout << "after call of delete...."<< std::endl;
        /*end = time(NULL);
        std::cout << "time called = " << times_called << " time in seconds needed = " << (end - start) << std::endl;*/
        //cout << "DQMSourceExample::analyze before BSem_.give()" << endl;
        //signal that a new element has been inserted
        //std::cout << "after signaligng less...." << std::endl;
        //allow access to the queue
        std::cout << "after unlocking the mutex...." << std::endl;

        if (prescaleEvt_ > 0 && counterEvt_%prescaleEvt_!=0) return;
        // cout << " processing conterEvt_: " << counterEvt_ <<endl;
        /*if(counterEvt_%100 == 0)
                cout << " # of events = " << counterEvt_ << endl;
        //std::cout << "returning from XmasToDQMSource::analyze...." << std::endl;

void XmasToDQMSource::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 78 of file


void XmasToDQMSource::beginLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup context 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 88 of file

void XmasToDQMSource::beginRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 83 of file


void XmasToDQMSource::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 440 of file

void XmasToDQMSource::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]

DQM Client Diagnostic.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 429 of file

void XmasToDQMSource::endRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 433 of file




Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 70 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 68 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and XmasToDQMSource().

every n events FIXME, make prescale module?

Definition at line 76 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

std::map<std::string, struct Data * > XmasToDQMSource::HostSlotMap [private]

Definition at line 82 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::string XmasToDQMSource::monitorName_ [private]

Definition at line 69 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and XmasToDQMSource().

std::string XmasToDQMSource::NBINS [private]

Definition at line 85 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Definition at line 66 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by XmasToDQMSource().


Definition at line 71 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and XmasToDQMSource().

std::string XmasToDQMSource::previousTimestamp [private]

Definition at line 84 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

std::string XmasToDQMSource::XMAX [private]

Definition at line 87 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.

std::string XmasToDQMSource::XMIN [private]

Definition at line 86 of file XmasToDQMSource.h.