Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

CSCSegtoRPC Class Reference

#include <CSCSegtoRPC.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CSCSegtoRPC (edm::Handle< CSCSegmentCollection > allCSCSegments, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::Event &iEvent, bool debug, double eyr)
RPCRecHitCollectionthePoints ()
 ~CSCSegtoRPC ()

Private Attributes

bool inclcsc
double MaxD
edm::OwnVector< RPCRecHitRPCPointVector

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCSegtoRPC::CSCSegtoRPC ( edm::Handle< CSCSegmentCollection allCSCSegments,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::Event iEvent,
bool  debug,
double  eyr 
) [explicit]

Definition at line 59 of file

References _ThePoints, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::barePhi(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::begin(), CSCDetId::chamber(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, funct::D, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::end(), CSCDetId::endcap(), edm::EventSetup::get(), ObjectMapCSC::GetInstance(), ObjectMapCSC::GetRolls(), CSCChamber::id(), RPCRoll::id(), MaxD, RPCRoll::nstrips(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), RPCDetId::ring(), CSCDetId::ring(), RPCPointVector, RPCGeomServ::segment(), mathSSE::sqrt(), RPCDetId::station(), CSCDetId::station(), GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), GeomDet::toGlobal(), GloballyPositioned< T >::toLocal(), GeomDet::toLocal(), RPCRoll::topology(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), X, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmax, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmin, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), Gflash::Z, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
  edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeo;

  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t Number of CSC Segments in this event = "<<allCSCSegments->size()<<std::endl;

  _ThePoints = new RPCRecHitCollection();

    if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC 0 segments skiping event"<<std::endl;
  }else {
    std::map<CSCDetId,int> CSCSegmentsCounter;
    CSCSegmentCollection::const_iterator segment;
    int segmentsInThisEventInTheEndcap=0;
    for (segment = allCSCSegments->begin();segment!=allCSCSegments->end(); ++segment){
    if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t loop over all the CSCSegments "<<std::endl;
    for (segment = allCSCSegments->begin();segment!=allCSCSegments->end(); ++segment){
      CSCDetId CSCId = segment->cscDetId();
      if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t This Segment is in Chamber id: "<<CSCId<<std::endl;
      if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Number of segments in this CSC = "<<CSCSegmentsCounter[CSCId]<<std::endl;
      if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Is the only one in this CSC? is not ind the ring 1 or station 4? Are there more than 2 segments in the event?"<<std::endl;

      if(CSCSegmentsCounter[CSCId]==1 && CSCId.station()!=4 && CSCId.ring()!=1 && allCSCSegments->size()>=2){
        if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
        int cscEndCap = CSCId.endcap();
        int cscStation = CSCId.station();
        int cscRing = CSCId.ring();
        int rpcRegion = 1; if(cscEndCap==2) rpcRegion= -1;//Relacion entre las endcaps
        int rpcRing = cscRing;
        if(cscRing==4)rpcRing =1;
        int rpcStation = cscStation;
        int rpcSegment = CSCId.chamber();
        LocalPoint segmentPosition= segment->localPosition();
        LocalVector segmentDirection=segment->localDirection();
        float dz=segmentDirection.z();

        if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Information about the segment" 
                           <<"RecHits ="<<segment->nRecHits()
                           <<"Angle ="<<acos(dz)*180/3.1415926<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Is a good Segment? dim = 4, 4 <= nRecHits <= 10 Incident angle int range 45 < "<<acos(dz)*180/3.1415926<<" < 135? "<<std::endl;

        if((segment->dimension()==4) && (segment->nRecHits()<=10 && segment->nRecHits()>=4)){
          //&& acos(dz)*180/3.1415926 > 45. && acos(dz)*180/3.1415926 < 135.){ 
          //&& segment->chi2()< ??)Add 3 segmentes in the endcaps???

          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t CSC Segment Dimension "<<segment->dimension()<<std::endl; 
          float Xo=segmentPosition.x();
          float Yo=segmentPosition.y();
          float Zo=segmentPosition.z();
          float dx=segmentDirection.x();
          float dy=segmentDirection.y();
          float dz=segmentDirection.z();

          if(debug)  std::cout<<"Calling to Object Map class"<<std::endl;
          ObjectMapCSC* TheObjectCSC = ObjectMapCSC::GetInstance(iSetup);
          if(debug) std::cout<<"Creating the CSCIndex"<<std::endl;
          CSCStationIndex theindex(rpcRegion,rpcStation,rpcRing,rpcSegment);
          if(debug) std::cout<<"Getting the Rolls for the given index"<<std::endl;
          std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisCSC = TheObjectCSC->GetInstance(iSetup)->GetRolls(theindex);
          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Getting chamber from Geometry"<<std::endl;
          const CSCChamber* TheChamber=cscGeo->chamber(CSCId); 
          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Getting ID from Chamber"<<std::endl;
          const CSCDetId TheId=TheChamber->id();

          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Number of rolls for this CSC = "<<rollsForThisCSC.size()<<std::endl;

          if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Printing The Id"<<TheId<<std::endl;

          if(rpcRing!=1&&rpcStation!=4){//They don't exist!

            if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t Loop over all the rolls asociated to this CSC"<<std::endl;      
            for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisCSC.begin();iteraRoll != rollsForThisCSC.end(); iteraRoll++){
              const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);
              RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t We are in the roll getting the surface"<<rpcId<<std::endl;
              const BoundPlane & RPCSurface = rollasociated->surface(); 

              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t RollID: "<<rpcId<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Doing the extrapolation to this roll"<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t CSC Segment Direction in CSCLocal "<<segmentDirection<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t CSC Segment Point in CSCLocal "<<segmentPosition<<std::endl;  
              GlobalPoint CenterPointRollGlobal = RPCSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) of the Roll in Global"<<CenterPointRollGlobal<<std::endl;
              GlobalPoint CenterPointCSCGlobal = TheChamber->toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) of the CSC in Global"<<CenterPointCSCGlobal<<std::endl;
              GlobalPoint segmentPositionInGlobal=TheChamber->toGlobal(segmentPosition); //new way to convert to global
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Segment Position in Global"<<segmentPositionInGlobal<<std::endl;
              LocalPoint CenterRollinCSCFrame = TheChamber->toLocal(CenterPointRollGlobal);

              if(debug){//to check CSC RPC phi relation!
                float rpcphi=0;
                float cscphi=0;
                  rpcphi = 2*3.141592+CenterPointRollGlobal.barePhi():rpcphi=CenterPointRollGlobal.barePhi();
                  cscphi = 2*3.1415926536+CenterPointCSCGlobal.barePhi():cscphi=CenterPointCSCGlobal.barePhi();

                float df=fabs(cscphi-rpcphi); 
                float dr=fabs(CenterPointRollGlobal.perp()-CenterPointCSCGlobal.perp());
                float diffz=CenterPointRollGlobal.z()-CenterPointCSCGlobal.z();
                float dfg=df*180./3.14159265;

                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t z of RPC="<<CenterPointRollGlobal.z()<<"z of CSC"<<CenterPointCSCGlobal.z()<<" dfg="<<dfg<<std::endl;
                RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
                  if (debug) std::cout
                    <<"\t \t \t CSC Station= "<<CSCId.station()
                    <<" Ring= "<<CSCId.ring()
                    <<" Chamber= "<<CSCId.chamber()
                    <<" cscphi="<<cscphi*180/3.14159265
                    <<"\t RPC Station= "<<rpcId.station()
                    <<" ring= "<<rpcId.ring()
                    <<" segment =-> "<<rpcsrv.segment()
                    <<" rollphi="<<rpcphi*180/3.14159265
                    <<"\t dfg="<<dfg
                    <<" dz="<<diffz
                    <<" dr="<<dr
              float D=CenterRollinCSCFrame.z();
              float X=Xo+dx*D/dz;
              float Y=Yo+dy*D/dz;
              float Z=D;

              const TrapezoidalStripTopology* top_=dynamic_cast<const TrapezoidalStripTopology*>(&(rollasociated->topology()));
              LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t xmin of this  Roll "<<xmin<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)rollasociated->nstrips());
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t xmax of this  Roll "<<xmax<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              float rsize = fabs( xmax.x()-xmin.x() );
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Roll Size "<<rsize<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              float stripl = top_->stripLength();
              float stripw = top_->pitch();

              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Strip Lenght "<<stripl<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Strip Width "<<stripw<<"cm"<<std::endl;

              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t X Predicted in CSCLocal= "<<X<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Y Predicted in CSCLocal= "<<Y<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Z Predicted in CSCLocal= "<<Z<<"cm"<<std::endl;
              float extrapolatedDistance = sqrt((X-Xo)*(X-Xo)+(Y-Yo)*(Y-Yo)+(Z-Zo)*(Z-Zo));

              if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Is the distance of extrapolation less than MaxD? ="<<extrapolatedDistance<<"cm"<<" MaxD="<<MaxD<<"cm"<<std::endl;

                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;

                GlobalPoint GlobalPointExtrapolated=TheChamber->toGlobal(LocalPoint(X,Y,Z));
                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Point ExtraPolated in Global"<<GlobalPointExtrapolated<< std::endl;

                LocalPoint PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame = RPCSurface.toLocal(GlobalPointExtrapolated);

                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Point Extrapolated in RPCLocal"<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame<< std::endl;
                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Corner of the Roll = ("<<rsize*eyr<<","<<stripl*eyr<<")"<<std::endl;
                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Info About the Point Extrapolated in X Abs ("<<fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x())<<","
                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t dz="
                                   <<fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z())<<" dx="
                                   <<fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x())<<" dy="
                if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t Does the extrapolation go inside this roll????"<<std::endl;

                if(fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) < 1. && 
                   fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) < rsize*eyr && 
                   fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) < stripl*eyr){ 
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t \t Creating the RecHit"<<std::endl;
                  RPCRecHit RPCPoint(rpcId,0,PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame);
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t \t Clearing the vector"<<std::endl;        
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t \t Pushing back"<<std::endl;       
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"CSC \t \t \t \t Putting the vector"<<std::endl; 
CSCSegtoRPC::~CSCSegtoRPC ( )

Definition at line 282 of file



Member Function Documentation

RPCRecHitCollection* CSCSegtoRPC::thePoints ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

References _ThePoints.

Referenced by RPCPointProducer::produce().

{return _ThePoints;}

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 17 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by CSCSegtoRPC(), and thePoints().

bool CSCSegtoRPC::inclcsc [private]

Definition at line 19 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

double CSCSegtoRPC::MaxD [private]

Definition at line 20 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by CSCSegtoRPC().

Definition at line 18 of file CSCSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by CSCSegtoRPC().