Variables | |
tuple | solutions |
00001 cms.EDProducer("StEvtSolutionMaker", 00002 metSource = cms.InputTag("patMETs"), 00003 muonSource = cms.InputTag("selectedPatMuons"), 00004 electronSource = cms.InputTag("selectedPatElectrons"), 00005 jetSource = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"), 00006 00007 ## lepton flavor 00008 leptonFlavour = cms.string('muon'), 00009 00010 ## choose jet correction scheme 00011 jetCorrectionScheme = cms.int32(0), 00012 00013 ## match to gen event? 00014 matchToGenEvt = cms.bool(False), 00015 00016 ## configuration of kinemtaic fit 00017 doKinFit = cms.bool(True), 00018 maxNrIter = cms.int32(200), 00019 maxDeltaS = cms.double(5e-05), 00020 maxF = cms.double(0.0001), 00021 constraints = cms.vint32(1, 2), 00022 jetParametrisation = cms.int32(0), 00023 metParametrisation = cms.int32(0), 00024 lepParametrisation = cms.int32(0), 00025 00026 ## configuration of private LH ratio method 00027 addLRJetComb = cms.bool(False), 00028 lrJetCombFile = cms.string('TopQuarkAnalysis/TopJetCombination/data/to_be_added.root') 00029 )
Definition at line 7 of file