Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

WenuPlots Class Reference

#include <WenuPlots.h>

Inheritance diagram for WenuPlots:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 WenuPlots (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~WenuPlots ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
Bool_t CheckCut (const pat::Electron *wenu, Int_t i)
Bool_t CheckCutInv (const pat::Electron *wenu, Int_t i)
Bool_t CheckCuts (const pat::Electron *ele)
Bool_t CheckCutsInverse (const pat::Electron *ele)
Bool_t CheckCutsNminusOne (const pat::Electron *ele, Int_t jj)
virtual void endJob ()
Bool_t PassPreselectionCriteria (const pat::Electron *ele)
Double_t ReturnCandVar (const pat::Electron *ele, Int_t i)

Private Attributes

Float_t calojet_et [5]
Float_t calojet_eta [5]
Float_t calojet_phi [5]
edm::InputTag caloJetCollectionTag_
Double_t cIso_EB_
Bool_t cIso_EB_inv
Double_t cIso_EE_
Bool_t cIso_EE_inv
std::vector< Double_t > CutVars_
Int_t DatasetTag_
Double_t deta_EB_
Bool_t deta_EB_inv
Double_t deta_EE_
Bool_t deta_EE_inv
Double_t dphi_EB_
Bool_t dphi_EB_inv
Double_t dphi_EE_
Bool_t dphi_EE_inv
Double_t DRJetFromElectron_
Double_t ecalIso_EB_
Bool_t ecalIso_EB_inv
Double_t ecalIso_EE_
Bool_t ecalIso_EE_inv
Double_t ecalIsoUser_EB_
Bool_t ecalIsoUser_EB_inv
Double_t ecalIsoUser_EE_
Bool_t ecalIsoUser_EE_inv
Float_t ele2nd_cand_et
Float_t ele2nd_cand_eta
Float_t ele2nd_cand_phi
Float_t ele2nd_cr_dcot
Float_t ele2nd_cr_dist
Int_t ele2nd_cr_mhitsinner
Int_t ele2nd_ctfCharge
Int_t ele2nd_ecalDriven
Float_t ele2nd_eop
Int_t ele2nd_gsfCharge
Float_t ele2nd_hltmatched_dr
Float_t ele2nd_id_deta
Float_t ele2nd_id_dphi
Float_t ele2nd_id_hoe
Float_t ele2nd_id_sihih
Float_t ele2nd_iso_ecal
Float_t ele2nd_iso_hcal
Float_t ele2nd_iso_track
Int_t ele2nd_passes_selection
Float_t ele2nd_pin
Float_t ele2nd_pout
Float_t ele2nd_sc_eta
Float_t ele2nd_sc_gsf_et
Float_t ele2nd_sc_phi
Float_t ele2nd_sc_rho
Int_t ele2nd_scPixCharge
Float_t ele2nd_tip_bs
Float_t ele2nd_tip_pv
Float_t ele2nd_tip_pvbs
Float_t ele2nd_vx
Float_t ele2nd_vy
Float_t ele2nd_vz
Float_t ele_cand_et
Float_t ele_cand_eta
Float_t ele_cand_phi
Float_t ele_cr_dcot
Float_t ele_cr_dist
Int_t ele_cr_mhitsinner
Int_t ele_ctfCharge
Float_t ele_eop
Int_t ele_gsfCharge
Float_t ele_hltmatched_dr
Float_t ele_id_deta
Float_t ele_id_dphi
Float_t ele_id_hoe
Float_t ele_id_sihih
Float_t ele_iso_ecal
Float_t ele_iso_hcal
Float_t ele_iso_track
Float_t ele_pin
Float_t ele_pout
Float_t ele_sc_energy
Float_t ele_sc_eta
Float_t ele_sc_gsf_et
Float_t ele_sc_phi
Float_t ele_sc_rho
Int_t ele_scPixCharge
Float_t ele_tip_bs
Float_t ele_tip_pv
Float_t ele_tip_pvbs
Float_t ele_vx
Float_t ele_vy
Float_t ele_vz
Double_t eop_EB_
Bool_t eop_EB_inv
Double_t eop_EE_
Bool_t eop_EE_inv
Float_t event_caloMET
Float_t event_caloMET_phi
Float_t event_caloMT
Float_t event_caloSumEt
Int_t event_datasetTag
Float_t event_pfMET
Float_t event_pfMET_phi
Float_t event_pfMT
Float_t event_pfSumEt
Float_t event_tcMET
Float_t event_tcMET_phi
Float_t event_tcMT
Float_t event_tcSumEt
Int_t event_triggerDecision
Long64_t eventNumber
TH1F * h_EB_deta
TH1F * h_EB_dphi
TH1F * h_EB_ecaliso
TH1F * h_EB_hcaliso
TH1F * h_EB_HoE
TH1F * h_EB_sIetaIeta
TH1F * h_EB_trkiso
TH1F * h_EE_deta
TH1F * h_EE_dphi
TH1F * h_EE_ecaliso
TH1F * h_EE_hcaliso
TH1F * h_EE_HoE
TH1F * h_EE_sIetaIeta
TH1F * h_EE_trkiso
TH1F * h_met
TH1F * h_met_EB
TH1F * h_met_EE
TH1F * h_met_inverse
TH1F * h_met_inverse_EB
TH1F * h_met_inverse_EE
TH1F * h_mt
TH1F * h_mt_EB
TH1F * h_mt_EE
TH1F * h_mt_inverse
TH1F * h_mt_inverse_EB
TH1F * h_mt_inverse_EE
TH1F * h_scEt
TH1F * h_scEta
TH1F * h_scPhi
TH1F * h_trackIso_eb_NmOne
TH1F * h_trackIso_ee_NmOne
Double_t hcalIso_EB_
Bool_t hcalIso_EB_inv
Double_t hcalIso_EE_
Bool_t hcalIso_EE_inv
Double_t hcalIsoUser_EB_
Bool_t hcalIsoUser_EB_inv
Double_t hcalIsoUser_EE_
Bool_t hcalIsoUser_EE_inv
TFile * histofile
Double_t hoe_EB_
Bool_t hoe_EB_inv
Double_t hoe_EE_
Bool_t hoe_EE_inv
Bool_t includeJetInformationInNtuples_
std::vector< Bool_t > InvVars_
Int_t lumiSection
Int_t maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_
Int_t nBarrelVars_
std::string outputFile_
Float_t pfjet_et [5]
Float_t pfjet_eta [5]
Float_t pfjet_phi [5]
edm::InputTag pfJetCollectionTag_
edm::InputTag PrimaryVerticesCollection_
edm::InputTag PrimaryVerticesCollectionBS_
Float_t pv_x
Float_t pv_y
Float_t pv_z
Float_t pvbs_x
Float_t pvbs_y
Float_t pvbs_z
Int_t runNumber
Double_t sihih_EB_
Bool_t sihih_EB_inv
Double_t sihih_EE_
Bool_t sihih_EE_inv
Bool_t storeAllSecondElectronVariables_
Bool_t storeExtraInformation_
Double_t tip_bspot_EB_
Bool_t tip_bspot_EB_inv
Double_t tip_bspot_EE_
Bool_t tip_bspot_EE_inv
Double_t trackIso_EB_
Bool_t trackIso_EB_inv
Double_t trackIso_EE_
Bool_t trackIso_EE_inv
Double_t trackIsoUser_EB_
Bool_t trackIsoUser_EB_inv
Double_t trackIsoUser_EE_
Bool_t trackIsoUser_EE_inv
Bool_t useConversionRejection_
Bool_t useExpectedMissingHits_
Bool_t usePrecalcID_
std::string usePrecalcIDSign_
std::string usePrecalcIDType_
Double_t usePrecalcIDValue_
Bool_t usePreselection_
Bool_t useValidFirstPXBHit_
TTree * vbtfPresele_tree
TTree * vbtfSele_tree
std::vector< Float_t > VtxNormalizedChi2
std::vector< Float_t > VtxNormalizedChi2BS
std::vector< Int_t > VtxTracksSize
std::vector< Int_t > VtxTracksSizeBS
TFile * WENU_VBTFpreseleFile_
std::string WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_
TFile * WENU_VBTFselectionFile_
std::string WENU_VBTFselectionFileName_
edm::InputTag wenuCollectionTag_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file WenuPlots.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WenuPlots::WenuPlots ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 61 of file

References caloJetCollectionTag_, cIso_EB_, cIso_EB_inv, cIso_EE_, cIso_EE_inv, gather_cfg::cout, DatasetTag_, deta_EB_, deta_EB_inv, deta_EE_, deta_EE_inv, dphi_EB_, dphi_EB_inv, dphi_EE_, dphi_EE_inv, DRJetFromElectron_, ecalIso_EB_, ecalIso_EB_inv, ecalIso_EE_, ecalIso_EE_inv, ecalIsoUser_EB_, ecalIsoUser_EB_inv, ecalIsoUser_EE_, ecalIsoUser_EE_inv, eop_EB_, eop_EB_inv, eop_EE_, eop_EE_inv, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hcalIso_EB_, hcalIso_EB_inv, hcalIso_EE_, hcalIso_EE_inv, hcalIsoUser_EB_, hcalIsoUser_EB_inv, hcalIsoUser_EE_, hcalIsoUser_EE_inv, hoe_EB_, hoe_EB_inv, hoe_EE_, hoe_EE_inv, includeJetInformationInNtuples_, maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_, outputFile_, pfJetCollectionTag_, PrimaryVerticesCollection_, PrimaryVerticesCollectionBS_, sihih_EB_, sihih_EB_inv, sihih_EE_, sihih_EE_inv, storeAllSecondElectronVariables_, storeExtraInformation_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tip_bspot_EB_, tip_bspot_EB_inv, tip_bspot_EE_, tip_bspot_EE_inv, trackIso_EB_, trackIso_EB_inv, trackIso_EE_, trackIso_EE_inv, trackIsoUser_EB_, trackIsoUser_EB_inv, trackIsoUser_EE_, trackIsoUser_EE_inv, useConversionRejection_, useExpectedMissingHits_, usePrecalcID_, usePrecalcIDSign_, usePrecalcIDType_, usePrecalcIDValue_, usePreselection_, useValidFirstPXBHit_, WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_, WENU_VBTFselectionFileName_, and wenuCollectionTag_.

//                   I N P U T      P A R A M E T E R S
//  WENU COLLECTION   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  wenuCollectionTag_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>
  // code parameters
  std::string outputFile_D = "histos.root";
  outputFile_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile", outputFile_D);
  WENU_VBTFselectionFileName_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("WENU_VBTFselectionFileName");
  WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName");
  DatasetTag_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Int_t>("DatasetTag");
  // use of precalculatedID
  // if you use it, then no other cuts are applied
  usePrecalcID_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("usePrecalcID",false);
  if (usePrecalcID_) {
    usePrecalcIDType_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("usePrecalcIDType");    
    usePrecalcIDSign_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("usePrecalcIDSign","=");    
    usePrecalcIDValue_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("usePrecalcIDValue");
  useValidFirstPXBHit_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("useValidFirstPXBHit",false);
  useConversionRejection_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("useConversionRejection",false);
  useExpectedMissingHits_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("useExpectedMissingHits",false);

  maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Int_t>("maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits",1);
  if (not usePrecalcID_) {
    if (useValidFirstPXBHit_) std::cout << "WenuPlots: Warning: you have demanded a valid 1st layer PXB hit" << std::endl;
    if (useConversionRejection_) std::cout << "WenuPlots: Warning: you have demanded egamma conversion rejection criteria to be applied" << std::endl;
    if (useExpectedMissingHits_) std::cout << "WenuPlots: Warning: you have demanded at most " 
                                           <<maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_ << " missing inner hits "<< std::endl;
  else {
    std::cout << "WenuPlots: Using Precalculated ID with type " << usePrecalcIDType_ 
              << usePrecalcIDSign_ << usePrecalcIDValue_ << std::endl;
  if ((useValidFirstPXBHit_ || useExpectedMissingHits_ || useConversionRejection_) && (not usePrecalcID_)) {
    usePreselection_ = true;
  } else { usePreselection_ = false; }
  includeJetInformationInNtuples_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("includeJetInformationInNtuples", false);
  if (includeJetInformationInNtuples_) {
    caloJetCollectionTag_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("caloJetCollectionTag");
    pfJetCollectionTag_   = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("pfJetCollectionTag");
    DRJetFromElectron_    = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("DRJetFromElectron");
  storeExtraInformation_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("storeExtraInformation");
  storeAllSecondElectronVariables_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("storeAllSecondElectronVariables", false);
  // primary vtx collections
    ("PrimaryVerticesCollection", edm::InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"));
  // the selection cuts:
  trackIso_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("trackIso_EB", 1000.);
  ecalIso_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("ecalIso_EB", 1000.);
  hcalIso_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hcalIso_EB", 1000.);
  trackIso_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("trackIso_EE", 1000.);
  ecalIso_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("ecalIso_EE", 1000.);
  hcalIso_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hcalIso_EE", 1000.);
  sihih_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("sihih_EB");
  dphi_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("dphi_EB");
  deta_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("deta_EB");
  hoe_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hoe_EB");
  cIso_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("cIso_EB", 1000.);
  tip_bspot_EB_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("tip_bspot_EB", 1000.);
  eop_EB_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("eop_EB", 1000.);
  sihih_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("sihih_EE");
  dphi_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("dphi_EE");
  deta_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("deta_EE");
  hoe_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hoe_EE");
  cIso_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("cIso_EE", 1000.);
  tip_bspot_EE_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("tip_bspot_EE", 1000.);
  eop_EE_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("eop_EE", 1000.);
  trackIsoUser_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("trackIsoUser_EB", 1000.);
  ecalIsoUser_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("ecalIsoUser_EB", 1000.);
  hcalIsoUser_EB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hcalIsoUser_EB", 1000.);
  trackIsoUser_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("trackIsoUser_EE", 1000.);
  ecalIsoUser_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("ecalIsoUser_EE", 1000.);
  hcalIsoUser_EE_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Double_t>("hcalIsoUser_EE", 1000.);
  trackIso_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("trackIso_EB_inv", false);
  ecalIso_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("ecalIso_EB_inv", false);
  hcalIso_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hcalIso_EB_inv", false);
  trackIso_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("trackIso_EE_inv", false);
  ecalIso_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("ecalIso_EE_inv", false);
  hcalIso_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hcalIso_EE_inv", false);
  sihih_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("sihih_EB_inv", false);
  dphi_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("dphi_EB_inv", false);
  deta_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("deta_EB_inv", false);
  hoe_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hoe_EB_inv", false);
  cIso_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("cIso_EB_inv", false);
  tip_bspot_EB_inv=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("tip_bspot_EB_inv", false);
  eop_EB_inv=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("eop_EB_inv", false);
  sihih_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("sihih_EE_inv", false);
  dphi_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("dphi_EE_inv", false);
  deta_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("deta_EE_inv", false);
  hoe_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hoe_EE_inv", false);
  cIso_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("cIso_EE_inv", false);
  tip_bspot_EE_inv=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("tip_bspot_EE_inv", false);
  eop_EE_inv=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("eop_EE_inv", false);
  trackIsoUser_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("trackIsoUser_EB_inv", false);
  ecalIsoUser_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("ecalIsoUser_EB_inv", false);
  hcalIsoUser_EB_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hcalIsoUser_EB_inv", false);
  trackIsoUser_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("trackIsoUser_EE_inv", false);
  ecalIsoUser_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("ecalIsoUser_EE_inv", false);
  hcalIsoUser_EE_inv = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<Bool_t>("hcalIsoUser_EE_inv", false);

WenuPlots::~WenuPlots ( )

Definition at line 190 of file

   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)


Member Function Documentation

void WenuPlots::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 205 of file

References calojet_et, calojet_eta, calojet_phi, caloJetCollectionTag_, reco::GsfElectron::chargeInfo(), CheckCuts(), CheckCutsInverse(), CheckCutsNminusOne(), pat::Electron::closestCtfTrackRef(), reco::GsfElectron::convDcot(), reco::GsfElectron::convDist(), gather_cfg::cout, DatasetTag_, pat::Electron::dB(), reco::GsfElectron::deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(), reco::GsfElectron::deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(), deltaR(), reco::GsfElectron::dr03IsolationVariables(), DRJetFromElectron_, reco::GsfElectron::ecalDrivenSeed(), pat::EcalIso, ele2nd_cand_et, ele2nd_cand_eta, ele2nd_cand_phi, ele2nd_cr_dcot, ele2nd_cr_dist, ele2nd_cr_mhitsinner, ele2nd_ctfCharge, ele2nd_ecalDriven, ele2nd_eop, ele2nd_gsfCharge, ele2nd_hltmatched_dr, ele2nd_id_deta, ele2nd_id_dphi, ele2nd_id_hoe, ele2nd_id_sihih, ele2nd_iso_ecal, ele2nd_iso_hcal, ele2nd_iso_track, ele2nd_passes_selection, ele2nd_pin, ele2nd_pout, ele2nd_sc_eta, ele2nd_sc_gsf_et, ele2nd_sc_phi, ele2nd_sc_rho, ele2nd_scPixCharge, ele2nd_tip_bs, ele2nd_tip_pv, ele2nd_tip_pvbs, ele2nd_vx, ele2nd_vy, ele2nd_vz, ele_cand_et, ele_cand_eta, ele_cand_phi, ele_cr_dcot, ele_cr_dist, ele_cr_mhitsinner, ele_ctfCharge, ele_eop, ele_gsfCharge, ele_hltmatched_dr, ele_id_deta, ele_id_dphi, ele_id_hoe, ele_id_sihih, ele_iso_ecal, ele_iso_hcal, ele_iso_track, ele_pin, ele_pout, ele_sc_energy, ele_sc_eta, ele_sc_gsf_et, ele_sc_phi, ele_sc_rho, ele_scPixCharge, ele_tip_bs, ele_tip_pv, ele_tip_pvbs, ele_vx, ele_vy, ele_vz, pat::Electron::electronID(), reco::GsfElectron::eSuperClusterOverP(), reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), event_caloMET, event_caloMET_phi, event_caloMT, event_caloSumEt, event_datasetTag, event_pfMET, event_pfMET_phi, event_pfMT, event_pfSumEt, event_tcMET, event_tcMET_phi, event_tcMT, event_tcSumEt, event_triggerDecision, edm::Event::eventAuxiliary(), eventNumber, edm::Event::getByLabel(), pat::Electron::gsfTrack(), h_EB_deta, h_EB_dphi, h_EB_ecaliso, h_EB_hcaliso, h_EB_HoE, h_EB_sIetaIeta, h_EB_trkiso, h_EE_deta, h_EE_dphi, h_EE_ecaliso, h_EE_hcaliso, h_EE_HoE, h_EE_sIetaIeta, h_EE_trkiso, h_met, h_met_EB, h_met_EE, h_met_inverse, h_met_inverse_EB, h_met_inverse_EE, h_mt, h_mt_EB, h_mt_EE, h_mt_inverse, h_mt_inverse_EB, h_mt_inverse_EE, h_scEt, h_scEta, h_scPhi, h_trackIso_eb_NmOne, h_trackIso_ee_NmOne, reco::GsfElectron::hadronicOverEm(), pat::HcalIso, i, includeJetInformationInNtuples_, pat::Electron::isElectronIDAvailable(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::EventBase::luminosityBlock(), lumiSection, CaloMET_cfi::met, PassPreselectionCriteria(), pfjet_et, pfjet_eta, pfjet_phi, pfJetCollectionTag_, pfJets_cff::pfJets, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), position, PrimaryVerticesCollection_, PrimaryVerticesCollectionBS_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), pv_x, pv_y, pv_z, pvbs_x, pvbs_y, pvbs_z, edm::Event::run(), runNumber, reco::GsfElectron::sigmaIetaIeta(), mathSSE::sqrt(), storeAllSecondElectronVariables_, storeExtraInformation_, pat::Electron::superCluster(), pat::TrackIso, reco::GsfElectron::trackMomentumAtVtx(), reco::GsfElectron::trackMomentumOut(), usePrecalcID_, usePreselection_, pat::PATObject< ObjectType >::userFloat(), vbtfPresele_tree, vbtfSele_tree, VtxNormalizedChi2, VtxNormalizedChi2BS, VtxTracksSize, VtxTracksSizeBS, reco::LeafCandidate::vx(), reco::LeafCandidate::vy(), reco::LeafCandidate::vz(), wenuCollectionTag_, x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and z.

  using namespace std;
  //  Get the collections here
  edm::Handle<pat::CompositeCandidateCollection> WenuCands;
  iEvent.getByLabel(wenuCollectionTag_, WenuCands);

  if (not WenuCands.isValid()) {
    cout << "Warning: no wenu candidates in this event..." << endl;
  const pat::CompositeCandidateCollection *wcands = WenuCands.product();
  const pat::CompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator 
    wenuIter = wcands->begin();
  const pat::CompositeCandidate wenu = *wenuIter;
  // get the parts of the composite candidate:
  const pat::Electron * myElec=
    dynamic_cast<const pat::Electron*> (wenu.daughter("electron"));
  const pat::MET * myMet=
    dynamic_cast<const pat::MET*> (wenu.daughter("met"));
  const pat::MET * myPfMet=
    dynamic_cast<const pat::MET*> (wenu.daughter("pfmet"));
  const pat::MET * myTcMet=
    dynamic_cast<const pat::MET*> (wenu.daughter("tcmet"));
  // _______________________________________________________________________
  // VBTF Root tuple production --------------------------------------------
  // _______________________________________________________________________
  // .......................................................................
  // vbtf  produces 2 root tuples: one that contains the highest pT electron
  //  that  passes a  user  defined selection  and one  other  with only the
  //  preselection criteria applied
  // .......................................................................
  // fill the tree variables
  runNumber   =;
  eventNumber = Long64_t( iEvent.eventAuxiliary().event() );
  lumiSection = (Int_t) iEvent.luminosityBlock();
  ele_sc_eta       = (Float_t)  myElec->superCluster()->eta();
  ele_sc_phi       = (Float_t)  myElec->superCluster()->phi();
  double scx = myElec->superCluster()->x();
  double scy = myElec->superCluster()->y();
  double scz = myElec->superCluster()->z();
  ele_sc_rho       = (Float_t)  sqrt( scx*scx + scy*scy + scz*scz );
  ele_sc_energy    = (Float_t)  myElec->superCluster()->energy();
  ele_sc_gsf_et    = (Float_t)  myElec->superCluster()->energy()/TMath::CosH(myElec->gsfTrack()->eta());
  ele_cand_eta     = (Float_t)  myElec->eta();
  ele_cand_phi     = (Float_t)  myElec->phi();
  ele_cand_et      = (Float_t)  myElec->et();
  ele_iso_track    = (Float_t)  myElec->dr03IsolationVariables().tkSumPt / ele_cand_et;
  ele_iso_ecal     = (Float_t)  myElec->dr03IsolationVariables().ecalRecHitSumEt/ele_cand_et;
  ele_iso_hcal     = (Float_t)  ( myElec->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth1TowerSumEt +
       myElec->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth2TowerSumEt) / ele_cand_et;
  ele_id_sihih     = (Float_t)  myElec->sigmaIetaIeta();
  ele_id_deta      = (Float_t)  myElec->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
  ele_id_dphi      = (Float_t)  myElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
  ele_id_hoe       = (Float_t)  myElec->hadronicOverEm();
  ele_cr_mhitsinner= myElec->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits();
  ele_cr_dcot      = myElec->convDcot();
  ele_cr_dist      = myElec->convDist();
  ele_vx           = (Float_t) myElec->vx();
  ele_vy           = (Float_t) myElec->vy();
  ele_vz           = (Float_t) myElec->vz();
  // get the primary vtx information
  // no BS
  edm::Handle< std::vector<reco::Vertex> > pVtx;
  iEvent.getByLabel(PrimaryVerticesCollection_, pVtx);
  const std::vector<reco::Vertex> Vtx = *(pVtx.product());
  // with BS
  edm::Handle< std::vector<reco::Vertex> > pVtxBS;
  iEvent.getByLabel(PrimaryVerticesCollectionBS_, pVtxBS);
  const std::vector<reco::Vertex> VtxBS = *(pVtxBS.product());
  if (Vtx.size() > 0) {
    pv_x = Float_t(Vtx[0].position().x());
    pv_y = Float_t(Vtx[0].position().y());
    pv_z = Float_t(Vtx[0].position().z());
    ele_tip_pv = myElec->gsfTrack()->dxy(Vtx[0].position());
  } else {
    pv_x = -999999.;
    pv_y = -999999.;
    pv_z = -999999.;
    ele_tip_pv = -999999.;
  if (VtxBS.size() > 0) {
    pvbs_x = Float_t(VtxBS[0].position().x());
    pvbs_y = Float_t(VtxBS[0].position().y());
    pvbs_z = Float_t(VtxBS[0].position().z());
    ele_tip_pvbs = myElec->gsfTrack()->dxy(VtxBS[0].position());
  } else {
    pvbs_x = -999999.;
    pvbs_y = -999999.;
    pvbs_z = -999999.;
    ele_tip_pvbs = -999999.;

  ele_gsfCharge    = (Int_t) myElec->gsfTrack()->charge();
  // must keep the ctf track collection, i.e. general track collection
  ele_ctfCharge    = (Int_t) myElec->closestCtfTrackRef().isNonnull() ? myElec->closestCtfTrackRef()->charge():-9999;
  ele_scPixCharge  = (Int_t) myElec->chargeInfo().scPixCharge;
  ele_eop          = (Float_t) myElec->eSuperClusterOverP();
  ele_tip_bs       = (Float_t) -myElec->dB();
  //ele_tip_pv       = myElec->userFloat("ele_tip_pv");
  ele_pin          = (Float_t)  myElec->trackMomentumAtVtx().R();
  ele_pout         = (Float_t)  myElec->trackMomentumOut().R();
  event_caloMET    = (Float_t) myMet->et();
  event_pfMET      = (Float_t) myPfMet->et();
  event_tcMET      = (Float_t) myTcMet->et();
  event_caloMET_phi= (Float_t) myMet->phi();
  event_pfMET_phi  = (Float_t) myPfMet->phi();
  event_tcMET_phi  = (Float_t) myTcMet->phi();
  event_caloSumEt  = (Float_t) myMet->sumEt();
  event_pfSumEt  = (Float_t) myPfMet->sumEt();
  event_tcSumEt  = (Float_t) myTcMet->sumEt();
  // transverse mass for the user's convenience
  event_caloMT     = (Float_t) TMath::Sqrt(2.*(ele_sc_gsf_et*event_caloMET -
     + ele_sc_gsf_et*TMath::Sin(ele_sc_phi)*event_caloMET*TMath::Sin(event_caloMET_phi)
     ) )  );
  event_pfMT       = (Float_t) TMath::Sqrt(2.*(ele_sc_gsf_et*event_pfMET -
     + ele_sc_gsf_et*TMath::Sin(ele_sc_phi)*event_pfMET*TMath::Sin(event_pfMET_phi)
     ) )  );
  event_tcMT       = (Float_t) TMath::Sqrt(2.*(ele_sc_gsf_et*event_tcMET -
     + ele_sc_gsf_et*TMath::Sin(ele_sc_phi)*event_tcMET*TMath::Sin(event_tcMET_phi)
     ) )  );
  event_datasetTag = DatasetTag_;
  // jet information - only if the user asks for it
  // keep the 5 highest et jets of the event that are further than DR> DRJetFromElectron_
  if (includeJetInformationInNtuples_) {
    // initialize the array of the jet information
    for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
      calojet_et[i] = -999999;  calojet_eta[i] = -999999; calojet_phi[i] = -999999;
      pfjet_et[i] = -999999;    pfjet_eta[i] = -999999;   pfjet_phi[i] = -999999;
    // get hold of the jet collections
    edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > pCaloJets;
    edm::Handle< reco::PFJetCollection > pPfJets;
    iEvent.getByLabel(caloJetCollectionTag_, pCaloJets);
    iEvent.getByLabel(pfJetCollectionTag_, pPfJets);
    // calo jets now:
    if (pCaloJets.isValid()) {
      const  reco::CaloJetCollection  *caloJets =  pCaloJets.product();
      int nCaloJets = (int) caloJets->size();
      if (nCaloJets>0) {
        float *nCaloET = new float[nCaloJets];
        float *nCaloEta = new float[nCaloJets];
        float *nCaloPhi = new float[nCaloJets];
        reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator cjet = caloJets->begin();
        int counter = 0;
        for (; cjet != caloJets->end(); ++cjet) {
          // store them only if they are far enough from the electron
          Double_t DR = reco::deltaR(cjet->eta(), cjet->phi(), myElec->gsfTrack()->eta(), ele_sc_phi);
          if (DR > DRJetFromElectron_) {
            nCaloET[counter]  = cjet->et();
            nCaloEta[counter] = cjet->eta();
            nCaloPhi[counter] = cjet->phi();
        int *caloJetSorted = new int[nCaloJets];
        TMath::Sort(nCaloJets, nCaloET, caloJetSorted, true);
        for (int i=0; i<nCaloJets; ++i) {
          if (i>=5) break;
          calojet_et[i] = nCaloET[ caloJetSorted[i] ];
          calojet_eta[i] = nCaloEta[ caloJetSorted[i] ];
          calojet_phi[i] = nCaloPhi[ caloJetSorted[i] ];
        delete [] caloJetSorted;
        delete [] nCaloET;
        delete [] nCaloEta;
        delete [] nCaloPhi;     
    } else {
      std::cout << "WenuPlots: Could not get caloJet collection with name " 
                << caloJetCollectionTag_ << std::endl;
    // pf jets now:
    if (pPfJets.isValid()) {
      const  reco::PFJetCollection  *pfJets =  pPfJets.product();
      int nPfJets = (int) pfJets->size();
      if (nPfJets>0) {
        float *nPfET  = new float[nPfJets];
        float *nPfEta = new float[nPfJets];
        float *nPfPhi = new float[nPfJets];
        reco::PFJetCollection::const_iterator pjet = pfJets->begin();
        int counter = 0;
        for (; pjet != pfJets->end(); ++pjet) {
          // store them only if they are far enough from the electron
          Double_t DR = reco::deltaR(pjet->eta(), pjet->phi(), myElec->gsfTrack()->eta(), ele_sc_phi);
          if (DR > DRJetFromElectron_) {
            nPfET[counter]  = pjet->et();
            nPfEta[counter] = pjet->eta();
            nPfPhi[counter] = pjet->phi();
        int *pfJetSorted = new int[nPfJets];
        TMath::Sort(nPfJets, nPfET, pfJetSorted, true);
        for (int i=0; i<nPfJets; ++i) {
          if (i>=5) break;
          pfjet_et[i]  = nPfET[ pfJetSorted[i] ];
          pfjet_eta[i] = nPfEta[ pfJetSorted[i] ];
          pfjet_phi[i] = nPfPhi[ pfJetSorted[i] ];
        delete [] pfJetSorted;
        delete [] nPfET;
        delete [] nPfEta;
        delete [] nPfPhi;       
    } else {
      std::cout << "WenuPlots: Could not get pfJet collection with name " 
                << pfJetCollectionTag_ << std::endl;

  // second electron information - in preselected ntuple only
  ele2nd_sc_gsf_et = -1; // also in sele tree
  ele2nd_sc_eta    = -1;
  ele2nd_sc_phi    = -1;
  ele2nd_sc_rho    =  0;
  ele2nd_cand_eta  =  0;
  ele2nd_cand_phi  =  0;
  ele2nd_cand_et   =  0;
  ele2nd_pin       =  0;
  ele2nd_pout      =  0;
  ele2nd_passes_selection = -1; // also in sele tree
  ele2nd_ecalDriven=  0; 
  // second electron selection variables: only if requested by the user
  ele2nd_iso_track = 0;
  ele2nd_iso_ecal  = 0;
  ele2nd_iso_hcal  = 0;
  ele2nd_id_sihih  = 0;
  ele2nd_id_deta   = 0;
  ele2nd_id_dphi   = 0;
  ele2nd_id_hoe    = 0;
  ele2nd_cr_mhitsinner = 0;
  ele2nd_cr_dcot       = 0;
  ele2nd_cr_dist       = 0;
  ele2nd_vx     = 0;
  ele2nd_vy     = 0;
  ele2nd_vz     = 0;
  ele2nd_gsfCharge   = 0;
  // must keep the ctf track collection, i.e. general track collection
  ele2nd_ctfCharge   = 0;
  ele2nd_scPixCharge = 0;
  ele2nd_eop         = 0;
  ele2nd_tip_bs      = 0;
  ele2nd_tip_pv      = 0;
  ele2nd_hltmatched_dr = 0;
  // convention for ele2nd_passes_selection
  // 0 passes no selection
  // 1 passes WP95
  // 2 passes WP90
  // 3 passes WP85
  // 4 passes WP80
  // 5 passes WP70
  // 6 passes WP60
  if (myElec->userInt("hasSecondElectron") == 1 && storeExtraInformation_) {
    const pat::Electron * mySecondElec=
      dynamic_cast<const pat::Electron*> (wenu.daughter("secondElec"));    
    ele2nd_sc_gsf_et = (Float_t) mySecondElec->superCluster()->energy()/TMath::CosH(mySecondElec->gsfTrack()->eta());

    ele2nd_sc_eta    = (Float_t) mySecondElec->superCluster()->eta();
    ele2nd_sc_phi    = (Float_t) mySecondElec->superCluster()->phi();
    double sc2x = mySecondElec->superCluster()->x();
    double sc2y = mySecondElec->superCluster()->y();
    double sc2z = mySecondElec->superCluster()->z();
    ele2nd_sc_rho    = (Float_t) sqrt(sc2x*sc2x + sc2y*sc2y + sc2z*sc2z);
    ele2nd_cand_eta  = (Float_t) mySecondElec->eta();
    ele2nd_cand_phi  = (Float_t) mySecondElec->phi();
    ele2nd_cand_et   = (Float_t) mySecondElec->et();
    ele2nd_pin       = (Float_t) mySecondElec->trackMomentumAtVtx().R();;
    ele2nd_pout      = (Float_t) mySecondElec->trackMomentumOut().R();
    ele2nd_ecalDriven= (Int_t)   mySecondElec->ecalDrivenSeed();
    // check the selections
    bool isIDCalc = mySecondElec->isElectronIDAvailable("simpleEleId95relIso") &&
      mySecondElec->isElectronIDAvailable("simpleEleId90relIso") &&
      mySecondElec->isElectronIDAvailable("simpleEleId85relIso") &&
      mySecondElec->isElectronIDAvailable("simpleEleId80relIso") &&
      mySecondElec->isElectronIDAvailable("simpleEleId70relIso") &&
    if (isIDCalc) {
      ele2nd_passes_selection = 0;
      if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId60relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 6;
      else if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId70relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 5;
      else if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId80relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 4;
      else if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId85relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 3;
      else if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId90relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 2;
      else if (fabs(mySecondElec->electronID("simpleEleId95relIso")-7) < 0.1) ele2nd_passes_selection = 1;
    if (storeAllSecondElectronVariables_) {
      ele2nd_iso_track = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->dr03IsolationVariables().tkSumPt / ele2nd_cand_et;
      ele2nd_iso_ecal  = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->dr03IsolationVariables().ecalRecHitSumEt/ele2nd_cand_et;
      ele2nd_iso_hcal  = (Float_t)  ( mySecondElec->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth1TowerSumEt + 
                                      mySecondElec->dr03IsolationVariables().hcalDepth2TowerSumEt) / ele2nd_cand_et;
      ele2nd_id_sihih  = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->sigmaIetaIeta();
      ele2nd_id_deta   = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
      ele2nd_id_dphi   = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
      ele2nd_id_hoe    = (Float_t)  mySecondElec->hadronicOverEm();

      ele2nd_cr_mhitsinner = mySecondElec->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits();
      ele2nd_cr_dcot       = mySecondElec->convDcot();
      ele2nd_cr_dist       = mySecondElec->convDist();
      ele2nd_vx        = (Float_t) mySecondElec->vx();
      ele2nd_vy        = (Float_t) mySecondElec->vy();
      ele2nd_vz        = (Float_t) mySecondElec->vz();
      ele2nd_gsfCharge   = (Int_t) mySecondElec->gsfTrack()->charge();
      // must keep the ctf track collection, i.e. general track collection
      ele2nd_ctfCharge   = (Int_t) mySecondElec->closestCtfTrackRef().isNonnull() ? mySecondElec->closestCtfTrackRef()->charge():-9999;
      ele2nd_scPixCharge = (Int_t) mySecondElec->chargeInfo().scPixCharge;
      ele2nd_eop         = (Float_t) mySecondElec->eSuperClusterOverP();
      ele2nd_tip_bs      = (Float_t) -mySecondElec->dB();
      if (Vtx.size() > 0) {
        ele2nd_tip_pv      =   mySecondElec->gsfTrack()->dxy(Vtx[0].position());
      if (VtxBS.size() > 0) {
        ele2nd_tip_pvbs      =   mySecondElec->gsfTrack()->dxy(VtxBS[0].position());
      ele2nd_hltmatched_dr = mySecondElec->userFloat("HLTMatchingDR");
  // some extra information
  event_triggerDecision = -1;
  ele_hltmatched_dr = -999.;
  if (storeExtraInformation_) {
    if (myElec->hasUserFloat("HLTMatchingDR")) {
      ele_hltmatched_dr = myElec->userFloat("HLTMatchingDR");
    if (myElec->hasUserInt("triggerDecision")) {
      event_triggerDecision = myElec->userInt("triggerDecision");
    // extra information related to the primary vtx collection
    for (Int_t i=0; i < (Int_t) Vtx.size(); ++i) {
    for (Int_t i=0; i < (Int_t) VtxBS.size(); ++i) {
  // if the electron passes the selection
  // it is meant to be a precalculated selection here, in order to include
  // conversion rejection too
  if (CheckCuts(myElec) && myElec->userInt("failsSecondElectronCut") == 0) {

  // _______________________________________________________________________
  // histogram production --------------------------------------------------
  // _______________________________________________________________________
  // if you want some preselection: Conv rejection, hit pattern 
  if (usePreselection_) {
    if (not PassPreselectionCriteria(myElec)) return;
  // some variables here
  Double_t scEta = myElec->superCluster()->eta();
  Double_t scPhi = myElec->superCluster()->phi();
  Double_t scEt = myElec->superCluster()->energy()/TMath::CosH(scEta);
  Double_t met    = myMet->et();
  Double_t metPhi = myMet->phi();
  Double_t mt  = TMath::Sqrt(2.0*scEt*met*(1.0-(TMath::Cos(scPhi)*TMath::Cos(metPhi)+TMath::Sin(scPhi)*TMath::Sin(metPhi))));

  Double_t trackIso = myElec->userIsolation(pat::TrackIso);
  Double_t ecalIso = myElec->userIsolation(pat::EcalIso);
  Double_t hcalIso = myElec->userIsolation(pat::HcalIso);
  Double_t sihih = myElec->scSigmaIEtaIEta();
  Double_t dphi = myElec->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
  Double_t deta = myElec->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
  Double_t HoE = myElec->hadronicOverEm();
  // the inverted selection plots:
  // only if not using precalcID
  if (not usePrecalcID_) {
    if (CheckCutsInverse(myElec)){
      //std::cout << "-----------------INVERSION-----------passed" << std::endl;
  // N-1 plots: plot some variable so that all the other cuts are satisfied
  // make these plots only if you have the normal selection, not pre-calced
  if (not usePrecalcID_) {
    if ( TMath::Abs(scEta) < 1.479) { // reminder: the precise fiducial cuts are in
      // in the filter
      if (CheckCutsNminusOne(myElec, 0)) 
    else {
      if (CheckCutsNminusOne(myElec, 0)) 
  // from here on you have only events that pass the full selection
  if (not CheckCuts(myElec)) return;


    h_EB_trkiso->Fill( trackIso );
    h_EB_ecaliso->Fill( ecalIso );
    h_EB_hcaliso->Fill( hcalIso );
    h_EB_sIetaIeta->Fill( sihih );
    h_EB_dphi->Fill( dphi );
    h_EB_deta->Fill( deta );
    h_EB_HoE->Fill( HoE );


    h_EE_trkiso->Fill( trackIso );
    h_EE_ecaliso->Fill( ecalIso );
    h_EE_hcaliso->Fill( hcalIso );
    h_EE_sIetaIeta->Fill( sihih );
    h_EE_dphi->Fill( dphi );
    h_EE_deta->Fill( deta );
    h_EE_HoE->Fill( HoE );

  // uncomment for debugging purposes
  std::cout << "tracIso: " <<  trackIso << ", " << myElec->trackIso() << ", ecaliso: " << ecalIso 
            << ", " << myElec->ecalIso() << ", hcaliso: " << hcalIso << ", "  << myElec->hcalIso() 
            << ", mishits: " 
            << myElec->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits()
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Electron ID: 95relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId95relIso")  
            << " 90relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId90relIso") 
            << " 85relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId85relIso") 
            << " 80relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId80relIso") 
            << " 70relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId70relIso") 
            << " 60relIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId60relIso") 
            << " 95cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId95cIso") 
            << " 90cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId90cIso") 
            << " 85cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId85cIso") 
            << " 80cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId80cIso") 
            << " 70cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId70cIso") 
            << " 60cIso=" << myElec->electronID("simpleEleId60cIso") 
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "mySelection: " << (CheckCuts(myElec) && PassPreselectionCriteria(myElec)) << endl;

void WenuPlots::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 861 of file

References calojet_et, calojet_eta, calojet_phi, cIso_EB_, cIso_EB_inv, cIso_EE_, cIso_EE_inv, CutVars_, deta_EB_, deta_EB_inv, deta_EE_, deta_EE_inv, dphi_EB_, dphi_EB_inv, dphi_EE_, dphi_EE_inv, ecalIso_EB_, ecalIso_EB_inv, ecalIso_EE_, ecalIso_EE_inv, ecalIsoUser_EB_, ecalIsoUser_EB_inv, ecalIsoUser_EE_, ecalIsoUser_EE_inv, ele2nd_cand_et, ele2nd_cand_eta, ele2nd_cand_phi, ele2nd_cr_dcot, ele2nd_cr_dist, ele2nd_cr_mhitsinner, ele2nd_ctfCharge, ele2nd_ecalDriven, ele2nd_eop, ele2nd_gsfCharge, ele2nd_hltmatched_dr, ele2nd_id_deta, ele2nd_id_dphi, ele2nd_id_hoe, ele2nd_id_sihih, ele2nd_iso_ecal, ele2nd_iso_hcal, ele2nd_iso_track, ele2nd_passes_selection, ele2nd_pin, ele2nd_pout, ele2nd_sc_eta, ele2nd_sc_gsf_et, ele2nd_sc_phi, ele2nd_sc_rho, ele2nd_scPixCharge, ele2nd_tip_bs, ele2nd_tip_pv, ele2nd_vx, ele2nd_vy, ele2nd_vz, ele_cand_et, ele_cand_eta, ele_cand_phi, ele_cr_dcot, ele_cr_dist, ele_cr_mhitsinner, ele_ctfCharge, ele_eop, ele_gsfCharge, ele_hltmatched_dr, ele_id_deta, ele_id_dphi, ele_id_hoe, ele_id_sihih, ele_iso_ecal, ele_iso_hcal, ele_iso_track, ele_pin, ele_pout, ele_sc_energy, ele_sc_eta, ele_sc_gsf_et, ele_sc_phi, ele_sc_rho, ele_scPixCharge, ele_tip_bs, ele_tip_pv, ele_vx, ele_vy, ele_vz, eop_EB_, eop_EB_inv, eop_EE_, eop_EE_inv, event_caloMET, event_caloMET_phi, event_caloMT, event_caloSumEt, event_datasetTag, event_pfMET, event_pfMET_phi, event_pfMT, event_pfSumEt, event_tcMET, event_tcMET_phi, event_tcMT, event_tcSumEt, event_triggerDecision, eventNumber, h_EB_deta, h_EB_dphi, h_EB_ecaliso, h_EB_hcaliso, h_EB_HoE, h_EB_sIetaIeta, h_EB_trkiso, h_EE_deta, h_EE_dphi, h_EE_ecaliso, h_EE_hcaliso, h_EE_HoE, h_EE_sIetaIeta, h_EE_trkiso, h_met, h_met_EB, h_met_EE, h_met_inverse, h_met_inverse_EB, h_met_inverse_EE, h_mt, h_mt_EB, h_mt_EE, h_mt_inverse, h_mt_inverse_EB, h_mt_inverse_EE, h_scEt, h_scEta, h_scPhi, h_trackIso_eb_NmOne, h_trackIso_ee_NmOne, hcalIso_EB_, hcalIso_EB_inv, hcalIso_EE_, hcalIso_EE_inv, hcalIsoUser_EB_, hcalIsoUser_EB_inv, hcalIsoUser_EE_, hcalIsoUser_EE_inv, hoe_EB_, hoe_EB_inv, hoe_EE_, hoe_EE_inv, includeJetInformationInNtuples_, InvVars_, lumiSection, nBarrelVars_, pfjet_et, pfjet_eta, pfjet_phi, pv_x, pv_y, pv_z, runNumber, sihih_EB_, sihih_EB_inv, sihih_EE_, sihih_EE_inv, storeAllSecondElectronVariables_, storeExtraInformation_, tip_bspot_EB_, tip_bspot_EB_inv, tip_bspot_EE_, tip_bspot_EE_inv, trackIso_EB_, trackIso_EB_inv, trackIso_EE_, trackIso_EE_inv, trackIsoUser_EB_, trackIsoUser_EB_inv, trackIsoUser_EE_, trackIsoUser_EE_inv, vbtfPresele_tree, vbtfSele_tree, VtxNormalizedChi2, VtxNormalizedChi2BS, VtxTracksSize, VtxTracksSizeBS, WENU_VBTFpreseleFile_, WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_, WENU_VBTFselectionFile_, and WENU_VBTFselectionFileName_.

  //std::cout << "In beginJob()" << std::endl;
  //  Double_t Pi = TMath::Pi();
  //  TString histo_file = outputFile_;
  //  histofile = new TFile( histo_file,"RECREATE");

  h_met         = new TH1F("h_met",         "h_met",         200, 0, 200);
  h_met_inverse = new TH1F("h_met_inverse", "h_met_inverse", 200, 0, 200);

  h_mt         = new TH1F("h_mt",         "h_mt",         200, 0, 200);
  h_mt_inverse = new TH1F("h_mt_inverse", "h_mt_inverse", 200, 0, 200);

  h_met_EB         = new TH1F("h_met_EB",         "h_met_EB",         200, 0, 200);
  h_met_inverse_EB = new TH1F("h_met_inverse_EB", "h_met_inverse_EB", 200, 0, 200);

  h_mt_EB         = new TH1F("h_mt_EB",         "h_mt_EB",         200, 0, 200);
  h_mt_inverse_EB = new TH1F("h_mt_inverse_EB", "h_mt_inverse_EB", 200, 0, 200);

  h_met_EE         = new TH1F("h_met_EE",         "h_met_EE",         200, 0, 200);
  h_met_inverse_EE = new TH1F("h_met_inverse_EE", "h_met_inverse_EE", 200, 0, 200);

  h_mt_EE         = new TH1F("h_mt_EE",         "h_mt_EE",         200, 0, 200);
  h_mt_inverse_EE = new TH1F("h_mt_inverse_EE", "h_mt_inverse_EE", 200, 0, 200);

  h_scEt  = new TH1F("h_scEt",  "h_scEt",  200,  0, 100);
  h_scEta = new TH1F("h_scEta", "h_scEta", 200, -3, 3);
  h_scPhi = new TH1F("h_scPhi", "h_scPhi", 200, -4, 4);

  h_EB_trkiso = new TH1F("h_EB_trkiso","h_EB_trkiso",200 , 0.0, 9.0);
  h_EB_ecaliso = new TH1F("h_EB_ecaliso","h_EB_ecaliso",200, 0.0 , 9.0);
  h_EB_hcaliso = new TH1F("h_EB_hcaliso","h_EB_hcaliso",200, 0.0 , 9.0);
  h_EB_sIetaIeta = new TH1F("h_EB_sIetaIeta","h_EB_sIetaIeta",200, 0.0 , 0.02 );
  h_EB_dphi = new TH1F("h_EB_dphi","h_EB_dphi",200, -0.03 , 0.03 );
  h_EB_deta = new TH1F("h_EB_deta","h_EB_deta",200, -0.01 , 0.01) ;
  h_EB_HoE = new TH1F("h_EB_HoE","h_EB_HoE",200, 0.0 , 0.2 );
  h_EE_trkiso = new TH1F("h_EE_trkiso","h_EE_trkiso",200 , 0.0, 9.0);
  h_EE_ecaliso = new TH1F("h_EE_ecaliso","h_EE_ecaliso",200, 0.0 , 9.0);
  h_EE_hcaliso = new TH1F("h_EE_hcaliso","h_EE_hcaliso",200, 0.0 , 9.0);
  h_EE_sIetaIeta = new TH1F("h_EE_sIetaIeta","h_EE_sIetaIeta",200, 0.0 , 0.1 );
  h_EE_dphi = new TH1F("h_EE_dphi","h_EE_dphi",200, -0.03 , 0.03 );
  h_EE_deta = new TH1F("h_EE_deta","h_EE_deta",200, -0.01 , 0.01) ;
  h_EE_HoE = new TH1F("h_EE_HoE","h_EE_HoE",200, 0.0 , 0.2 );

  h_trackIso_eb_NmOne = 
    new TH1F("h_trackIso_eb_NmOne","trackIso EB N-1 plot",80,0,8);
  h_trackIso_ee_NmOne = 
    new TH1F("h_trackIso_ee_NmOne","trackIso EE N-1 plot",80,0,8);

  // if you add some new variable change the nBarrelVars_ accordingly
  // reminder: in the current implementation you must have the same number
  //  of vars in both barrel and endcaps
  nBarrelVars_ = 13;
  // Put EB variables together and EE variables together
  // number of barrel variables = number of endcap variable
  // if you don't want to use some variable put a very high cut
  CutVars_.push_back( trackIso_EB_ );//0
  CutVars_.push_back( ecalIso_EB_ ); //1
  CutVars_.push_back( hcalIso_EB_ ); //2
  CutVars_.push_back( sihih_EB_ );   //3
  CutVars_.push_back( dphi_EB_ );    //4
  CutVars_.push_back( deta_EB_ );    //5
  CutVars_.push_back( hoe_EB_ );     //6
  CutVars_.push_back( cIso_EB_ );    //7
  CutVars_.push_back( tip_bspot_EB_);//8
  CutVars_.push_back( eop_EB_ );     //9
  CutVars_.push_back( trackIsoUser_EB_ );//10
  CutVars_.push_back( ecalIsoUser_EB_  );//11
  CutVars_.push_back( hcalIsoUser_EB_  );//12
  CutVars_.push_back( trackIso_EE_);//0
  CutVars_.push_back( ecalIso_EE_); //1
  CutVars_.push_back( hcalIso_EE_); //2
  CutVars_.push_back( sihih_EE_);   //3
  CutVars_.push_back( dphi_EE_);    //4
  CutVars_.push_back( deta_EE_);    //5
  CutVars_.push_back( hoe_EE_ );    //6 
  CutVars_.push_back( cIso_EE_ );   //7 
  CutVars_.push_back( eop_EE_ );    //9
  CutVars_.push_back( trackIsoUser_EE_ );//10
  CutVars_.push_back( ecalIsoUser_EE_  );//11
  CutVars_.push_back( hcalIsoUser_EE_  );//12
  InvVars_.push_back( trackIso_EB_inv);//0
  InvVars_.push_back( ecalIso_EB_inv); //1
  InvVars_.push_back( hcalIso_EB_inv); //2
  InvVars_.push_back( sihih_EB_inv);   //3
  InvVars_.push_back( dphi_EB_inv);    //4
  InvVars_.push_back( deta_EB_inv);    //5
  InvVars_.push_back( hoe_EB_inv);     //6
  InvVars_.push_back( cIso_EB_inv);    //7
  InvVars_.push_back( eop_EB_inv);     //9
  InvVars_.push_back( trackIsoUser_EB_inv );//10
  InvVars_.push_back( ecalIsoUser_EB_inv  );//11
  InvVars_.push_back( hcalIsoUser_EB_inv  );//12
  InvVars_.push_back( trackIso_EE_inv);//0
  InvVars_.push_back( ecalIso_EE_inv); //1
  InvVars_.push_back( hcalIso_EE_inv); //2
  InvVars_.push_back( sihih_EE_inv);   //3
  InvVars_.push_back( dphi_EE_inv);    //4
  InvVars_.push_back( deta_EE_inv);    //5
  InvVars_.push_back( hoe_EE_inv);     //6
  InvVars_.push_back( cIso_EE_inv);    //7
  InvVars_.push_back( eop_EE_inv);     //9
  InvVars_.push_back( trackIsoUser_EE_inv );//10
  InvVars_.push_back( ecalIsoUser_EE_inv  );//11
  InvVars_.push_back( hcalIsoUser_EE_inv  );//12
  // ________________________________________________________________________
  // The VBTF Root Tuples ---------------------------------------------------
  // ________________________________________________________________________
  WENU_VBTFselectionFile_ = new TFile(TString(WENU_VBTFselectionFileName_),
  vbtfSele_tree = new TTree("vbtfSele_tree",
               "Tree to store the W Candidates that pass the VBTF selection"); 
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("runNumber", &runNumber, "runNumber/I");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("eventNumber", &eventNumber, "eventNumber/L");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("lumiSection", &lumiSection, "lumiSection/I");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_gsf_et", &ele_sc_gsf_et,"ele_sc_gsf_et/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_energy", &ele_sc_energy,"ele_sc_energy/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_eta", &ele_sc_eta,"ele_sc_eta/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_phi", &ele_sc_phi,"ele_sc_phi/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_rho", &ele_sc_rho,"ele_sc_rho/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_cand_et", &ele_cand_et, "ele_cand_et/F");
  vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele_cand_eta", &ele_cand_eta,"ele_cand_eta/F");
  // the extra jet variables:
  if (includeJetInformationInNtuples_) {
  if (storeExtraInformation_) {
    vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele2nd_sc_gsf_et", &ele2nd_sc_gsf_et,"ele2nd_sc_gsf_et/F");
    vbtfSele_tree->Branch("ele2nd_passes_selection", &ele2nd_passes_selection,"ele2nd_passes_selection/I");
  // everything after preselection
  WENU_VBTFpreseleFile_ = new TFile(TString(WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_),
  vbtfPresele_tree = new TTree("vbtfPresele_tree",
            "Tree to store the W Candidates that pass the VBTF preselection"); 
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("runNumber", &runNumber, "runNumber/I");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("eventNumber", &eventNumber, "eventNumber/L");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("lumiSection", &lumiSection, "lumiSection/I");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_gsf_et", &ele_sc_gsf_et,"ele_sc_gsf_et/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_energy", &ele_sc_energy,"ele_sc_energy/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_eta", &ele_sc_eta,"ele_sc_eta/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_phi", &ele_sc_phi,"ele_sc_phi/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_sc_rho", &ele_sc_rho,"ele_sc_rho/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_cand_et", &ele_cand_et, "ele_cand_et/F");
  vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele_cand_eta", &ele_cand_eta,"ele_cand_eta/F");
  // the extra jet variables:
  if (includeJetInformationInNtuples_) {
  if (storeExtraInformation_) {
  if (storeAllSecondElectronVariables_) {
    vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele2nd_iso_track",&ele2nd_iso_track ,"ele2nd_iso_track /F");
    vbtfPresele_tree->Branch("ele2nd_cr_dist",&ele2nd_cr_dist ,"ele2nd_cr_dist/F");


  // _________________________________________________________________________

Bool_t WenuPlots::CheckCut ( const pat::Electron wenu,
Int_t  i 
) [private]

Definition at line 770 of file

References CutVars_, i, nBarrelVars_, ReturnCandVar(), and pat::Electron::superCluster().

Referenced by CheckCuts(), and CheckCutsNminusOne().

  Double_t fabseta = TMath::Abs(ele->superCluster()->eta());
  if ( fabseta<1.479) {
    return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i)) < CutVars_[i];
  return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i)) < CutVars_[i+nBarrelVars_];
Bool_t WenuPlots::CheckCutInv ( const pat::Electron wenu,
Int_t  i 
) [private]

Definition at line 778 of file

References CutVars_, i, InvVars_, nBarrelVars_, ReturnCandVar(), and pat::Electron::superCluster().

Referenced by CheckCutsInverse().

  Double_t fabseta = TMath::Abs(ele->superCluster()->eta());
  if ( fabseta<1.479) {
    if (InvVars_[i]) 
    return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i))>CutVars_[i];
    return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i)) < CutVars_[i];
  if (InvVars_[i+nBarrelVars_]) {
    if (InvVars_[i])
      return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i))>CutVars_[i+nBarrelVars_];    
  return TMath::Abs(ReturnCandVar(ele, i)) < CutVars_[i+nBarrelVars_];
Bool_t WenuPlots::CheckCuts ( const pat::Electron ele) [private]

Definition at line 723 of file

References CheckCut(), gather_cfg::cout, pat::Electron::electronID(), i, nBarrelVars_, usePrecalcID_, usePrecalcIDSign_, usePrecalcIDType_, and usePrecalcIDValue_.

Referenced by analyze().

  if (usePrecalcID_) {
    if (not ele-> isElectronIDAvailable(usePrecalcIDType_)) {
      std::cout << "Error! not existing ID with name: "
                << usePrecalcIDType_ << " function will return true!"
                << std::endl;
      return true;
    Double_t val = ele->electronID(usePrecalcIDType_);
    if (usePrecalcIDSign_ == "<") {
      return val < usePrecalcIDValue_;
    else if (usePrecalcIDSign_ == ">") {
      return val > usePrecalcIDValue_;
    else { // equality: it returns 0,1,2,3 but as float
      return TMath::Abs(val-usePrecalcIDValue_)<0.1;
  else {
    for (int i=0; i<nBarrelVars_; ++i) {
      if (not CheckCut(ele, i)) return false;
    return true;
Bool_t WenuPlots::CheckCutsInverse ( const pat::Electron ele) [private]

Definition at line 752 of file

References CheckCutInv(), i, and nBarrelVars_.

Referenced by analyze().

  for (int i=0; i<nBarrelVars_; ++i){
    if ( CheckCutInv(ele, i) == false) return false;
  return true;

Bool_t WenuPlots::CheckCutsNminusOne ( const pat::Electron ele,
Int_t  jj 
) [private]

Definition at line 761 of file

References CheckCut(), i, and nBarrelVars_.

Referenced by analyze().

  for (int i=0; i<nBarrelVars_; ++i){
    if (i==jj) continue;
    if ( CheckCut(ele, i) == false) return false;
  return true;
void WenuPlots::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1181 of file

References h_EB_deta, h_EB_dphi, h_EB_ecaliso, h_EB_hcaliso, h_EB_HoE, h_EB_sIetaIeta, h_EB_trkiso, h_EE_deta, h_EE_dphi, h_EE_ecaliso, h_EE_hcaliso, h_EE_HoE, h_EE_sIetaIeta, h_EE_trkiso, h_met, h_met_EB, h_met_EE, h_met_inverse, h_met_inverse_EB, h_met_inverse_EE, h_mt, h_mt_EB, h_mt_EE, h_mt_inverse, h_mt_inverse_EB, h_mt_inverse_EE, h_scEt, h_scEta, h_scPhi, h_trackIso_eb_NmOne, h_trackIso_ee_NmOne, runonSM::newfile, outputFile_, WENU_VBTFpreseleFile_, and WENU_VBTFselectionFile_.

  TFile * newfile = new TFile(TString(outputFile_),"RECREATE");
  // for consistency all the plots are in the root file
  // even though they may be empty (in the case when
  // usePrecalcID_== true inverted and N-1 are empty)






  // write the VBTF trees

Bool_t WenuPlots::PassPreselectionCriteria ( const pat::Electron ele) [private]

Definition at line 819 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, pat::PATObject< ObjectType >::hasUserInt(), maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_, useConversionRejection_, useExpectedMissingHits_, pat::PATObject< ObjectType >::userInt(), and useValidFirstPXBHit_.

Referenced by analyze().

  Bool_t passConvRej = true;
  Bool_t passPXB = true;
  Bool_t passEMH = true;
  if (useConversionRejection_) {
    if (ele->hasUserInt("PassConversionRejection")) {
      //std::cout << "con rej: " << ele->userInt("PassConversionRejection") << std::endl;
      if (not (ele->userInt("PassConversionRejection")==1)) passConvRej = false;
    else {
      std::cout << "WenuPlots: WARNING: Conversion Rejection Request Disregarded: "
                << "you must calculate it before " << std::endl;
      // return true;
  if (useValidFirstPXBHit_) {
    if (ele->hasUserInt("PassValidFirstPXBHit")) {
      //std::cout << "valid1stPXB: " << ele->userInt("PassValidFirstPXBHit") << std::endl;
      if (not (ele->userInt("PassValidFirstPXBHit")==1)) passPXB = false;
    else {
      std::cout << "WenuPlots: WARNING: Valid First PXB Hit Request Disregarded: "
                << "you must calculate it before " << std::endl;
      // return true;
  if (useExpectedMissingHits_) {
    if (ele->hasUserInt("NumberOfExpectedMissingHits")) {
      //std::cout << "missing hits: " << ele->userInt("NumberOfExpectedMissingHits") << std::endl;
      if (ele->userInt("NumberOfExpectedMissingHits")>maxNumberOfExpectedMissingHits_) 
        passEMH = false;
    else {
      std::cout << "WenuPlots: WARNING: Number of Expected Missing Hits Request Disregarded: "
                << "you must calculate it before " << std::endl;
      // return true;
  return passConvRej && passPXB && passEMH;
Double_t WenuPlots::ReturnCandVar ( const pat::Electron ele,
Int_t  i 
) [private]

Referenced by CheckCut(), and CheckCutInv().

Member Data Documentation

Float_t WenuPlots::calojet_et[5] [private]

Definition at line 205 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::calojet_eta[5] [private]

Definition at line 206 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::calojet_phi[5] [private]

Definition at line 207 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 65 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::cIso_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::cIso_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 160 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::cIso_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 137 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::cIso_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 168 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

std::vector<Double_t> WenuPlots::CutVars_ [private]

Definition at line 182 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), CheckCut(), and CheckCutInv().

Int_t WenuPlots::DatasetTag_ [private]

Definition at line 234 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::deta_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 126 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::deta_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 157 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::deta_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 134 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::deta_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 165 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::dphi_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 127 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::dphi_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 158 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::dphi_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 135 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::dphi_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 166 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::DRJetFromElectron_ [private]

Definition at line 233 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::ecalIso_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::ecalIso_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 149 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::ecalIso_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::ecalIso_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 153 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::ecalIsoUser_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 142 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 173 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::ecalIsoUser_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 145 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 176 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_cand_et [private]

Definition at line 237 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_cand_eta [private]

Definition at line 215 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_cand_phi [private]

Definition at line 216 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_cr_dcot [private]

Definition at line 240 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_cr_dist [private]

Definition at line 240 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 242 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_ctfCharge [private]

Definition at line 242 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 220 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_eop [private]

Definition at line 243 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_gsfCharge [private]

Definition at line 242 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 244 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_id_deta [private]

Definition at line 239 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_id_dphi [private]

Definition at line 239 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_id_hoe [private]

Definition at line 239 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_id_sihih [private]

Definition at line 239 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_iso_ecal [private]

Definition at line 238 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_iso_hcal [private]

Definition at line 238 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_iso_track [private]

Definition at line 238 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 219 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_pin [private]

Definition at line 217 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_pout [private]

Definition at line 218 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_sc_eta [private]

Definition at line 212 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_sc_gsf_et [private]

Definition at line 211 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_sc_phi [private]

Definition at line 213 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_sc_rho [private]

Definition at line 214 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 242 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_tip_bs [private]

Definition at line 243 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_tip_pv [private]

Definition at line 243 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_tip_pvbs [private]

Definition at line 250 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_vx [private]

Definition at line 241 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_vy [private]

Definition at line 241 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele2nd_vz [private]

Definition at line 241 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_cand_et [private]

Definition at line 191 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_cand_eta [private]

Definition at line 191 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_cand_phi [private]

Definition at line 191 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_cr_dcot [private]

Definition at line 194 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_cr_dist [private]

Definition at line 194 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 195 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::ele_ctfCharge [private]

Definition at line 199 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_eop [private]

Definition at line 200 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::ele_gsfCharge [private]

Definition at line 199 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_hltmatched_dr [private]

Definition at line 221 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_id_deta [private]

Definition at line 193 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_id_dphi [private]

Definition at line 193 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_id_hoe [private]

Definition at line 193 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_id_sihih [private]

Definition at line 193 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_iso_ecal [private]

Definition at line 192 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_iso_hcal [private]

Definition at line 192 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_iso_track [private]

Definition at line 192 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_pin [private]

Definition at line 197 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_pout [private]

Definition at line 197 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_sc_energy [private]

Definition at line 189 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_sc_eta [private]

Definition at line 189 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_sc_gsf_et [private]

Definition at line 190 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_sc_phi [private]

Definition at line 189 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_sc_rho [private]

Definition at line 189 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::ele_scPixCharge [private]

Definition at line 199 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_tip_bs [private]

Definition at line 200 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_tip_pv [private]

Definition at line 200 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_tip_pvbs [private]

Definition at line 250 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_vx [private]

Definition at line 196 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_vy [private]

Definition at line 196 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::ele_vz [private]

Definition at line 196 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Double_t WenuPlots::eop_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 131 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::eop_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 162 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::eop_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 139 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::eop_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 170 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_caloMET [private]

Definition at line 201 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_caloMET_phi [private]

Definition at line 203 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_caloMT [private]

Definition at line 204 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_caloSumEt [private]

Definition at line 202 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Int_t WenuPlots::event_datasetTag [private]

Definition at line 223 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_pfMET [private]

Definition at line 201 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_pfMET_phi [private]

Definition at line 203 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_pfMT [private]

Definition at line 204 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_pfSumEt [private]

Definition at line 202 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_tcMET [private]

Definition at line 201 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_tcMET_phi [private]

Definition at line 203 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_tcMT [private]

Definition at line 204 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::event_tcSumEt [private]

Definition at line 202 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 222 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Long64_t WenuPlots::eventNumber [private]

Definition at line 188 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_deta [private]

Definition at line 100 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_dphi [private]

Definition at line 99 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_ecaliso [private]

Definition at line 96 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_hcaliso [private]

Definition at line 97 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_HoE [private]

Definition at line 101 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_sIetaIeta [private]

Definition at line 98 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EB_trkiso [private]

Definition at line 95 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_deta [private]

Definition at line 108 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_dphi [private]

Definition at line 107 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_ecaliso [private]

Definition at line 104 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_hcaliso [private]

Definition at line 105 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_HoE [private]

Definition at line 109 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_sIetaIeta [private]

Definition at line 106 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_EE_trkiso [private]

Definition at line 103 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met [private]

Definition at line 75 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met_EB [private]

Definition at line 80 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met_EE [private]

Definition at line 85 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met_inverse [private]

Definition at line 76 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met_inverse_EB [private]

Definition at line 81 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_met_inverse_EE [private]

Definition at line 86 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt [private]

Definition at line 77 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt_EB [private]

Definition at line 82 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt_EE [private]

Definition at line 87 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt_inverse [private]

Definition at line 78 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt_inverse_EB [private]

Definition at line 83 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_mt_inverse_EE [private]

Definition at line 88 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_scEt [private]

Definition at line 91 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_scEta [private]

Definition at line 92 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TH1F* WenuPlots::h_scPhi [private]

Definition at line 93 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 112 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 113 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Double_t WenuPlots::hcalIso_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 119 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::hcalIso_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 150 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::hcalIso_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 123 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::hcalIso_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 154 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::hcalIsoUser_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 143 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 174 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::hcalIsoUser_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 146 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 177 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

TFile* WenuPlots::histofile [private]

Definition at line 69 of file WenuPlots.h.

Double_t WenuPlots::hoe_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 128 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::hoe_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 159 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::hoe_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 136 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::hoe_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 167 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 231 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

std::vector<Bool_t> WenuPlots::InvVars_ [private]

Definition at line 183 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and CheckCutInv().

Int_t WenuPlots::lumiSection [private]

Definition at line 187 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 61 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by PassPreselectionCriteria(), and WenuPlots().

Int_t WenuPlots::nBarrelVars_ [private]
std::string WenuPlots::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and WenuPlots().

Float_t WenuPlots::pfjet_et[5] [private]

Definition at line 208 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::pfjet_eta[5] [private]

Definition at line 209 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::pfjet_phi[5] [private]

Definition at line 210 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 66 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 67 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 68 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Float_t WenuPlots::pv_x [private]

Definition at line 198 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::pv_y [private]

Definition at line 198 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::pv_z [private]

Definition at line 198 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Float_t WenuPlots::pvbs_x [private]

Definition at line 249 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Float_t WenuPlots::pvbs_y [private]

Definition at line 249 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Float_t WenuPlots::pvbs_z [private]

Definition at line 249 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Int_t WenuPlots::runNumber [private]

Definition at line 187 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Double_t WenuPlots::sihih_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::sihih_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 156 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::sihih_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 133 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::sihih_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 164 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 236 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 232 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::tip_bspot_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 130 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::tip_bspot_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 161 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::tip_bspot_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 138 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::tip_bspot_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 169 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::trackIso_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::trackIso_EB_inv [private]

Definition at line 148 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::trackIso_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::trackIso_EE_inv [private]

Definition at line 152 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::trackIsoUser_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 141 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 172 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::trackIsoUser_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 144 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 175 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 59 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by PassPreselectionCriteria(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 60 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by PassPreselectionCriteria(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::usePrecalcID_ [private]

Definition at line 53 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), CheckCuts(), and WenuPlots().

std::string WenuPlots::usePrecalcIDSign_ [private]

Definition at line 54 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by CheckCuts(), and WenuPlots().

std::string WenuPlots::usePrecalcIDType_ [private]

Definition at line 55 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by CheckCuts(), and WenuPlots().

Double_t WenuPlots::usePrecalcIDValue_ [private]

Definition at line 56 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by CheckCuts(), and WenuPlots().

Bool_t WenuPlots::usePreselection_ [private]

Definition at line 62 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 58 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by PassPreselectionCriteria(), and WenuPlots().

TTree* WenuPlots::vbtfPresele_tree [private]

Definition at line 228 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TTree* WenuPlots::vbtfSele_tree [private]

Definition at line 227 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::vector<Float_t> WenuPlots::VtxNormalizedChi2 [private]

Definition at line 246 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::vector<Float_t> WenuPlots::VtxNormalizedChi2BS [private]

Definition at line 248 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::vector<Int_t> WenuPlots::VtxTracksSize [private]

Definition at line 245 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::vector<Int_t> WenuPlots::VtxTracksSizeBS [private]

Definition at line 247 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 225 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

std::string WenuPlots::WENU_VBTFpreseleFileName_ [private]

Definition at line 230 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 226 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 229 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and WenuPlots().

Definition at line 64 of file WenuPlots.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and WenuPlots().