![]() |
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#include <PhotonValidator.h>
$Id: PhotonValidator
$Id: PhotonValidator
Definition at line 49 of file PhotonValidator.h.
PhotonValidator::PhotonValidator | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | pset | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 93 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
{ fName_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("Name"); verbosity_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Verbosity"); parameters_ = pset; fastSim_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("fastSim"); isRunCentrally_= pset.getParameter<bool>("isRunCentrally"); photonCollectionProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("phoProducer"); photonCollection_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("photonCollection"); label_tp_ = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("label_tp"); barrelEcalHits_ = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelEcalHits"); endcapEcalHits_ = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapEcalHits"); conversionOITrackProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("conversionOITrackProducer"); conversionIOTrackProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("conversionIOTrackProducer"); minPhoEtCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minPhoEtCut"); convTrackMinPtCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("convTrackMinPtCut"); likelihoodCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("likelihoodCut"); trkIsolExtRadius_ = pset.getParameter<double>("trkIsolExtR"); trkIsolInnRadius_ = pset.getParameter<double>("trkIsolInnR"); trkPtLow_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minTrackPtCut"); lip_ = pset.getParameter<double>("lipCut"); ecalIsolRadius_ = pset.getParameter<double>("ecalIsolR"); bcEtLow_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minBcEtCut"); hcalIsolExtRadius_ = pset.getParameter<double>("hcalIsolExtR"); hcalIsolInnRadius_ = pset.getParameter<double>("hcalIsolInnR"); hcalHitEtLow_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minHcalHitEtCut"); numOfTracksInCone_ = pset.getParameter<int>("maxNumOfTracksInCone"); trkPtSumCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("trkPtSumCut"); ecalEtSumCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("ecalEtSumCut"); hcalEtSumCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("hcalEtSumCut"); dCotCutOn_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("dCotCutOn"); dCotCutValue_ = pset.getParameter<double>("dCotCutValue"); dCotHardCutValue_ = pset.getParameter<double>("dCotHardCutValue"); }
PhotonValidator::~PhotonValidator | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 143 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
void PhotonValidator::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | e, |
const edm::EventSetup & | esup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1486 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References abs, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), reco::Photon::chargedHadronIso(), ChiSquaredProbability(), conversions_cfi::conversions, reco::Photon::conversions(), gather_cfg::cout, delta, HLTFastRecoForTau_cff::deltaEta, SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::deltaPhi, dPhi(), reco::Photon::ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04(), edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::end(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::Photon::etOutsideMustache(), event(), HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::find(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, edm::RefToBase< T >::get(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), reco::Photon::getCorrectedEnergy(), reco::Photon::hadronicOverEm(), reco::Photon::hadTowOverEm(), reco::Photon::hcalTowerSumEtBcConeDR04(), reco::Photon::hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04(), i, edm::EventBase::id(), getHLTprescales::index, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), SLHCCaloTriggerAnalysis_cfi::mcPhotons, reco::TrackBase::momentum(), reco::Photon::nClusterOutsideMustache(), reco::Photon::neutralHadronIso(), reco::Photon::nTrkSolidConeDR04(), p1, p2, parents, benchmark_cfg::pdgId, reco::Photon::pfMVA(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::Photon::photonIso(), pi, funct::pow(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::push_back(), lumiQueryAPI::q, diffTwoXMLs::r1, reco::Photon::r1x5(), diffTwoXMLs::r2, reco::Photon::r2x5(), reco::Photon::r9(), reco::Photon::regression1, reco::Photon::regression2, hitfit::scalar(), reco::Photon::sigmaIetaIeta(), funct::sin(), findQualityFiles::size, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), mathSSE::sqrt(), reco::Photon::superCluster(), trackingParticlesFastSim_cfi::trackingParticles, testEve_cfg::tracks, and reco::Photon::trkSumPtSolidConeDR04().
{ using namespace edm; // const float etaPhiDistance=0.01; // Fiducial region // const float TRK_BARL =0.9; const float BARL = 1.4442; // DAQ TDR p.290 // const float END_LO = 1.566; // unused const float END_HI = 2.5; // Electron mass //const Float_t mElec= 0.000511; nEvt_++; LogInfo("PhotonValidator") << "PhotonValidator Analyzing event number: " << e.id() << " Global Counter " << nEvt_ <<"\n"; // std::cout << "PhotonValidator Analyzing event number: " << e.id() << " Global Counter " << nEvt_ <<"\n"; // get the geometry from the event setup: esup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(theCaloGeom_); edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> vtxH; e.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVertices", vtxH); h_nRecoVtx_ ->Fill (float(vtxH->size())); // Transform Track into TransientTrack (needed by the Vertex fitter) edm::ESHandle<TransientTrackBuilder> theTTB; esup.get<TransientTrackRecord>().get("TransientTrackBuilder",theTTB); Handle<reco::PhotonCollection> photonHandle; e.getByLabel(photonCollectionProducer_, photonCollection_ , photonHandle); const reco::PhotonCollection photonCollection = *(photonHandle.product()); if (!photonHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the Photon collection "<< std::endl; return; } Handle< edm::View<reco::Track> > outInTrkHandle; Handle< edm::View<reco::Track> > inOutTrkHandle; if ( !fastSim_) { e.getByLabel(conversionOITrackProducer_, outInTrkHandle); //std::cout << "ConvPhoAnalyzerWithOfficialAssociation outInTrack collection size " << (*outInTrkHandle).size() << "\n"; e.getByLabel(conversionIOTrackProducer_, inOutTrkHandle); //std::cout << " ConvPhoAnalyzerWithOfficialAssociation inOutTrack collection size " << (*inOutTrkHandle).size() << "\n"; // Loop over Out In Tracks int iTrk=0; int nHits=0; for( View<reco::Track>::const_iterator iTk = (*outInTrkHandle).begin(); iTk != (*outInTrkHandle).end(); iTk++) { // std::cout << " Barrel Out In Track charge " << iTk->charge() << " Num of RecHits " << iTk->recHitsSize() << " inner momentum " << sqrt( iTk->innerMomentum().Mag2() ) << "\n"; // std::cout << " Barrel Out In Track Extra inner momentum " << sqrt(iTk->extra()->innerMomentum().Mag2()) << " inner position R " << sqrt( iTk->innerPosition().Perp2() ) << "\n"; h_OIinnermostHitR_ ->Fill ( sqrt( iTk->innerPosition().Perp2() ) ); for ( trackingRecHit_iterator itHits=iTk->extra()->recHitsBegin(); itHits!=iTk->extra()->recHitsEnd(); ++itHits ) { if ( (*itHits)->isValid() ) { nHits++; // cout <<nHits <<") RecHit in GP " << trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()) << " R "<< trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()).perp() << " Z " << trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()).z() << "\n"; } } iTrk++; } // Loop over In Out Tracks Barrel iTrk=0; for( View<reco::Track>::const_iterator iTk = (*inOutTrkHandle).begin(); iTk != (*inOutTrkHandle).end(); iTk++) { //std::cout << " Barrel In Out Track charge " << iTk->charge() << " Num of RecHits " << iTk->recHitsSize() << " inner momentum " << sqrt( iTk->innerMomentum().Mag2()) << "\n"; // std::cout << " Barrel In Out Track Extra inner momentum " << sqrt(iTk->extra()->innerMomentum().Mag2()) << "\n"; h_IOinnermostHitR_ ->Fill ( sqrt( iTk->innerPosition().Perp2() ) ); nHits=0; for ( trackingRecHit_iterator itHits=iTk->extra()->recHitsBegin(); itHits!=iTk->extra()->recHitsEnd(); ++itHits ) { if ( (*itHits)->isValid() ) { nHits++; //cout <<nHits <<") RecHit in GP " << trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()) << " R "<< trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()).perp() << " Z " << trackerGeom->idToDet((*itHits)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal((*itHits)->localPosition()).z() << "\n"; } } iTrk++; } } // if !fastSim //get simtrack info std::vector<SimTrack> theSimTracks; std::vector<SimVertex> theSimVertices; edm::Handle<SimTrackContainer> SimTk; edm::Handle<SimVertexContainer> SimVtx; if ( ! fastSim_) { e.getByLabel("g4SimHits",SimTk); e.getByLabel("g4SimHits",SimVtx); } else { e.getByLabel("famosSimHits",SimTk); e.getByLabel("famosSimHits",SimVtx); } theSimTracks.insert(theSimTracks.end(),SimTk->begin(),SimTk->end()); theSimVertices.insert(theSimVertices.end(),SimVtx->begin(),SimVtx->end()); std::vector<PhotonMCTruth> mcPhotons=thePhotonMCTruthFinder_->find (theSimTracks, theSimVertices); edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> hepMC; e.getByLabel("generator",hepMC); const HepMC::GenEvent *myGenEvent = hepMC->GetEvent(); // get generated jets Handle<reco::GenJetCollection> GenJetsHandle ; e.getByLabel("iterativeCone5GenJets","",GenJetsHandle); reco::GenJetCollection genJetCollection = *(GenJetsHandle.product()); // Get electron tracking truth bool useTP= parameters_.getParameter<bool>("useTP"); TrackingParticleCollection trackingParticles; edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> ElectronTPHandle; if ( useTP) { if ( ! fastSim_) { e.getByLabel(label_tp_,ElectronTPHandle); // e.getByLabel("mergedtruth","MergedTrackTruth",ElectronTPHandle); trackingParticles = *(ElectronTPHandle.product()); } } std::vector<reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator> StoRMatchedConvertedPhotons; reco::SimToRecoCollection OISimToReco; reco::SimToRecoCollection IOSimToReco; // Reco to Sim reco::RecoToSimCollection OIRecoToSim; reco::RecoToSimCollection IORecoToSim; if ( useTP) { if ( ! fastSim_) { // Sim to Reco OISimToReco = theTrackAssociator_->associateSimToReco(outInTrkHandle, ElectronTPHandle, &e); IOSimToReco = theTrackAssociator_->associateSimToReco(inOutTrkHandle, ElectronTPHandle, &e); // Reco to Sim OIRecoToSim = theTrackAssociator_->associateRecoToSim(outInTrkHandle, ElectronTPHandle, &e); IORecoToSim = theTrackAssociator_->associateRecoToSim(inOutTrkHandle, ElectronTPHandle, &e); } } // vector<reco::SimToRecoCollection*> StoRCollPtrs; StoRCollPtrs.push_back(&OISimToReco); StoRCollPtrs.push_back(&IOSimToReco); vector<reco::RecoToSimCollection*> RtoSCollPtrs; RtoSCollPtrs.push_back(&OIRecoToSim); RtoSCollPtrs.push_back(&IORecoToSim); // for (int i=0; i<2; i++) nSimPho_[i]=0; for (int i=0; i<2; i++) nSimConv_[i]=0; std::vector<reco::Photon> myPhotons; for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = photonCollection.begin(); iPho != photonCollection.end(); iPho++) { if ( fabs(iPho->eta()) > 2.5 ) continue; myPhotons.push_back(*iPho); } std::sort(myPhotons.begin(), myPhotons.end(), sortPhotons()); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { if ( myPhotons.size() >=2 ) { if ( myPhotons[0].et() > 40 && myPhotons[1].et() > 25 ) { math::XYZTLorentzVector p12 = myPhotons[0].p4()+myPhotons[1].p4(); math::XYZTLorentzVector p12_regr1 = myPhotons[0].p4(reco::Photon::regression1)+myPhotons[1].p4(reco::Photon::regression1); math::XYZTLorentzVector p12_regr2 = myPhotons[0].p4(reco::Photon::regression2)+myPhotons[1].p4(reco::Photon::regression2); float gamgamMass2 = p12.Dot(p12); float gamgamMass2_regr1 = p12_regr1.Dot(p12_regr1); float gamgamMass2_regr2 = p12_regr2.Dot(p12_regr2); if ( gamgamMass2 > 0 ) { // total h_gamgamMass_[0][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMass_[0][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMass_[0][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); // Golden photons if ( myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.94 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.94 ) { h_gamgamMass_[1][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMass_[1][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMass_[1][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } // both photons converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() >0 ) { if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 && myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); float chi2Prob2 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 && chi2Prob2 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMass_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); { } } } } else if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } } } } else if ( myPhotons[1].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[0].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMass_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2 )); } } } } } // gamgamMass2 > 0 if ( gamgamMass2_regr1 > 0 ) { // total h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); // Golden photons if ( myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.94 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.94 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } // both photons converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() >0 ) { if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 && myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); float chi2Prob2 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 && chi2Prob2 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); { } } } } else if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } } } } else if ( myPhotons[1].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[0].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr1 )); } } } } } // gamgamMass2_regr1 > 0 if ( gamgamMass2_regr2 > 0 ) { // total h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); // Golden photons if ( myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.94 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.94 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } // both photons converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() >0 ) { if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 && myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); float chi2Prob2 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 && chi2Prob2 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } if ( ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEE() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) || ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEE() ) ) h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); { } } } } else if ( myPhotons[0].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[1].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[1].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[0].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } } } } else if ( myPhotons[1].conversions().size() > 0 && myPhotons[0].conversions().size() ==0 && myPhotons[0].r9() > 0.93 ) { // one photon converted if ( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->nTracks() ==2 ) { float chi2Prob1 = ChiSquaredProbability( myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().chi2(), myPhotons[1].conversions()[0]->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob1 > 0.0005 ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][0] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); if ( myPhotons[0].isEB() && myPhotons[1].isEB() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][1] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } if ( myPhotons[0].isEE() || myPhotons[1].isEE() ) { h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][2] -> Fill(sqrt( gamgamMass2_regr2 )); } } } } } // gamgamMass2_regr2 > 0 } } // } // cout << " PhotonValidator mcPhotons.size() " << mcPhotons.size() << endl; for ( std::vector<PhotonMCTruth>::const_iterator mcPho=mcPhotons.begin(); mcPho !=mcPhotons.end(); mcPho++) { if ( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() < minPhoEtCut_ ) continue; for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator mcIter=myGenEvent->particles_begin(); mcIter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); mcIter++ ) { if ( (*mcIter)->pdg_id() != 22 ) continue; bool isTheSame= false; HepMC::GenParticle* mother = 0; if ( (*mcIter)->production_vertex() ) { if ( (*mcIter)->production_vertex()->particles_begin(HepMC::parents) != (*mcIter)->production_vertex()->particles_end(HepMC::parents)) mother = *((*mcIter)->production_vertex()->particles_begin(HepMC::parents)); } float mcPhi= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().phi(); mcPhi_= phiNormalization(mcPhi); mcEta_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity(); mcEta_ = etaTransformation(mcEta_, (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); mcConvR_= (*mcPho).vertex().perp(); mcConvX_= (*mcPho).vertex().x(); mcConvY_= (*mcPho).vertex().y(); mcConvZ_= (*mcPho).vertex().z(); mcConvEta_= (*mcPho).vertex().eta(); mcConvPhi_= (*mcPho).vertex().phi(); if ( fabs(mcEta_) > END_HI ) continue; if ( mother ==0 || (mother != 0 && mother->pdg_id() == 22) || (mother != 0 && mother->pdg_id() == 25) || (mother != 0 && mother->pdg_id() == 35) ) { //std::cout << " ZERO mother or Higgs or primary photon " << std::endl; //if (mother !=0) std::cout << mother->pdg_id() << std::endl; double dPt = fabs((*mcIter)->momentum().perp() - (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); float phiMother=(*mcIter)->momentum().phi(); double dPhi = phiNormalization(phiMother) - mcPhi_ ; double dEta = fabs( (*mcIter)->momentum().eta() - (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity() ); //std::cout << " HEP photon pt " << (*mcIter)->momentum().perp() << " eta " << (*mcIter)->momentum().eta() << " phi " << (*mcIter)->momentum().phi() << std::endl; //std::cout << " (*mcPho).motherType() selection " << (*mcPho).motherType() << " pt " << (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() << " eta " << (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity() << " phi " << mcPhi_ << std::endl; //std::cout << " dPt " << dPt << " dEta " << dEta << " dPhi " << dPhi << std::endl; if ( dEta <=0.0001 && dPhi <=0.0001 && dPt <=0.0001) isTheSame = true; } if ( ! isTheSame ) continue; // std::cout << " HEP photon pt " << (*mcIter)->momentum().perp() << " eta " << (*mcIter)->momentum().eta() << " phi " << (*mcIter)->momentum().phi() << std::endl; //std::cout << " (*mcPho).motherType() after " << (*mcPho).motherType() << " pt " << (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() << " eta " << (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity() << " phi " << mcPhi_ << std::endl; // if ( ! ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL || ( fabs(mcEta_) >= END_LO && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI ) ) ) // continue; // all ecal fiducial region nSimPho_[0]++; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_SimPhoMotherEt_[0]->Fill( (*mcPho).motherMomentum().et() ); h_SimPhoMotherEta_[0]->Fill( (*mcPho).motherMomentum().pseudoRapidity()); } h_SimPho_[0]->Fill ( mcEta_); h_SimPho_[1]->Fill ( mcPhi_); h_SimPho_[2]->Fill ( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() ); bool goodSimConversion=false; bool visibleConversion=false; bool visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks=false; if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() == 1 ) { nSimConv_[0]++; h_AllSimConv_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_AllSimConv_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_AllSimConv_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_AllSimConv_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_AllSimConv_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { if ( mcConvR_ <15) h_SimConvEtaPix_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; } if ( ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL && mcConvR_ <85 ) || ( fabs(mcEta_) > BARL && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI && fabs( (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 210 ) ) visibleConversion=true; theConvTP_.clear(); //std::cout << " PhotonValidator TrackingParticles TrackingParticleCollection size "<< trackingParticles.size() << "\n"; for(size_t i = 0; i < trackingParticles.size(); ++i){ TrackingParticleRef tp (ElectronTPHandle,i); //std::cout << " Electron pt " << tp -> pt() << " charge " << tp -> charge() << " pdgId " << tp->pdgId() << " Hits for this track: " << tp -> trackPSimHit().size() << std::endl; //std::cout << " track vertex position x " << tp->vertex().x() << " y " << tp->vertex().y() << " z " << tp->vertex().z() << std::endl; //std::cout << " track vertex position x " << tp->vx() << " y " << tp->vy() << " z " << tp->vz() << std::endl; //std::cout << " conversion vertex position x " << (*mcPho).vertex().x() << " y " << (*mcPho).vertex().y() << " z " << (*mcPho).vertex().z() << std::endl; if ( fabs( tp->vx() - (*mcPho).vertex().x() ) < 0.001 && fabs( tp->vy() - (*mcPho).vertex().y() ) < 0.001 && fabs( tp->vz() - (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 0.001) { //std::cout << " From conversion Electron pt " << tp -> pt() << " charge " << tp -> charge() << " pdgId " << tp->pdgId() << " Hits for this track: " << tp -> trackPSimHit().size() << std::endl; // std::cout << " track vertex position x " << tp->vertex().x() << " y " << tp->vertex().y() << " z " << tp->vertex().z() << std::endl; //std::cout << " conversion vertex position x " << (*mcPho).vertex().x() << " y " << (*mcPho).vertex().y() << " z " << (*mcPho).vertex().z() << " R " << (*mcPho).vertex().perp() << std::endl; theConvTP_.push_back( tp ); } } // std::cout << " PhotonValidator theConvTP_ size " << theConvTP_.size() << std::endl; if ( theConvTP_.size() == 2 ) visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks=true; goodSimConversion=false; if ( visibleConversion && visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks ) goodSimConversion=true; if ( goodSimConversion ) { nSimConv_[1]++; h_VisSimConv_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_VisSimConv_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_VisSimConv_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_VisSimConv_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_VisSimConv_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); if ( useTP ) { if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { for ( edm::RefVector<TrackingParticleCollection>::iterator iTrk=theConvTP_.begin(); iTrk!=theConvTP_.end(); ++iTrk) { h_simTkPt_ -> Fill ( (*iTrk)->pt() ); h_simTkEta_ -> Fill ( (*iTrk)->eta() ); } } } } } float minDelta=10000.; std::vector<reco::Photon> thePhotons; int index=0; int iMatch=-1; bool matched=false; //std::cout << " Reco photon size " << photonCollection.size() << std::endl; for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = photonCollection.begin(); iPho != photonCollection.end(); iPho++) { reco::Photon aPho = reco::Photon(*iPho); thePhotons.push_back(aPho); float phiPho=aPho.phi(); float etaPho=aPho.eta(); float deltaPhi = phiPho-mcPhi_; float deltaEta = etaPho-mcEta_; if ( deltaPhi > pi ) deltaPhi -= twopi; if ( deltaPhi < -pi) deltaPhi += twopi; deltaPhi=pow(deltaPhi,2); deltaEta=pow(deltaEta,2); float delta = sqrt( deltaPhi+deltaEta); if ( delta<0.1 && delta < minDelta ) { minDelta=delta; iMatch=index; } index++; } // end loop over reco photons if ( iMatch>-1 ) matched=true; if ( matched ) { nSimPho_[1]++; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_SimPhoMotherEt_[1]->Fill( (*mcPho).motherMomentum().et() ); h_SimPhoMotherEta_[1]->Fill( (*mcPho).motherMomentum().pseudoRapidity()); } h_MatchedSimPho_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_MatchedSimPho_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_MatchedSimPho_[2]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); } if ( ! matched) continue; bool phoIsInBarrel=false; bool phoIsInEndcap=false; bool phoIsInEndcapP=false; bool phoIsInEndcapM=false; reco::Photon matchingPho = thePhotons[iMatch]; if ( fabs(matchingPho.superCluster()->position().eta() ) < 1.479 ) { phoIsInBarrel=true; } else { phoIsInEndcap=true; if ( matchingPho.superCluster()->position().eta() > 0) phoIsInEndcapP=true; if ( matchingPho.superCluster()->position().eta() < 0) phoIsInEndcapM=true; } edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> ecalRecHitHandle; if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { // Get handle to rec hits ecal barrel e.getByLabel(barrelEcalHits_, ecalRecHitHandle); if (!ecalRecHitHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<barrelEcalHits_.label(); return; } } else if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { // Get handle to rec hits ecal encap e.getByLabel(endcapEcalHits_, ecalRecHitHandle); if (!ecalRecHitHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<endcapEcalHits_.label(); return; } } int type=0; const EcalRecHitCollection ecalRecHitCollection = *(ecalRecHitHandle.product()); float photonE = matchingPho.energy(); float photonEt= matchingPho.energy()/cosh( matchingPho.eta()) ; float photonERegr1 = matchingPho.getCorrectedEnergy(reco::Photon::regression1); float photonERegr2 = matchingPho.getCorrectedEnergy(reco::Photon::regression2); float r9 = matchingPho.r9(); float r1 = matchingPho.r1x5(); float r2 = matchingPho.r2x5(); float sigmaIetaIeta = matchingPho.sigmaIetaIeta(); float hOverE = matchingPho.hadronicOverEm(); float newhOverE = matchingPho.hadTowOverEm(); float ecalIso = matchingPho.ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04(); float hcalIso = matchingPho.hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04(); float newhcalIso = matchingPho.hcalTowerSumEtBcConeDR04(); float trkIso = matchingPho.trkSumPtSolidConeDR04(); float nIsoTrk = matchingPho.nTrkSolidConeDR04(); // PF related quantities float chargedHadIso = matchingPho.chargedHadronIso(); float neutralHadIso = matchingPho.neutralHadronIso(); float photonIso = matchingPho.photonIso(); float etOutsideMustache = matchingPho.etOutsideMustache(); int nClusterOutsideMustache = matchingPho.nClusterOutsideMustache(); float pfMVA = matchingPho.pfMVA(); std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator rhIt; bool atLeastOneDeadChannel=false; for(reco::CaloCluster_iterator bcIt = matchingPho.superCluster()->clustersBegin();bcIt != matchingPho.superCluster()->clustersEnd(); ++bcIt) { for(rhIt = (*bcIt)->hitsAndFractions().begin();rhIt != (*bcIt)->hitsAndFractions().end(); ++rhIt) { for(EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator it = ecalRecHitCollection.begin(); it != ecalRecHitCollection.end(); ++it) { if (rhIt->first == (*it).id() ) { if ( (*it).recoFlag() == 9 ) { atLeastOneDeadChannel=true; break; } } } } } if ( atLeastOneDeadChannel ) { h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[2]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); } h_scEta_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta() ); h_scPhi_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->phi() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_scEtaWidth_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->etaWidth() ); h_scPhiWidth_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->phiWidth() ); } h_scE_[type][0]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy() ); h_scEt_[type][0]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/cosh( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta()) ); if ( phoIsInEndcap ) h_psE_->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->preshowerEnergy() ) ; // h_r9_[type][0]->Fill( r9 ); h2_r9VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, r9); h2_r9VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r9); // h_r1_[type][0]->Fill( r1 ); h2_r1VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, r1); h2_r1VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r1); // h_r2_[type][0]->Fill( r2 ); h2_r2VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, r2); h2_r2VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r2); // h_sigmaIetaIeta_[type][0]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, sigmaIetaIeta ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), sigmaIetaIeta); // h_hOverE_[type][0]->Fill( hOverE ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_hOverEVsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, hOverE ); h2_hOverEVsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hOverE); } p_hOverEVsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, hOverE ); p_hOverEVsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hOverE); // h_newhOverE_[type][0]->Fill( newhOverE ); p_newhOverEVsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, newhOverE ); p_newhOverEVsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), newhOverE); // h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[type][0]->Fill( ecalIso ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, ecalIso ); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, hcalIso ); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); } p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, ecalIso ); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); // h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[type][0]->Fill( hcalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, hcalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); // h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[type][0]->Fill( newhcalIso ); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, newhcalIso ); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), newhcalIso); // h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][0]->Fill( trkIso ); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, trkIso ); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), trkIso); // h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][0]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[0] -> Fill (mcEta_, nIsoTrk ); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[0] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), nIsoTrk); // h_chHadIso_[0]-> Fill (chargedHadIso); h_nHadIso_[0]-> Fill (neutralHadIso); h_phoIso_[0]-> Fill (photonIso); h_nCluOutsideMustache_[0]->Fill(float(nClusterOutsideMustache)); h_etOutsideMustache_[0]->Fill(etOutsideMustache); h_pfMva_[0]->Fill(pfMVA); // h_phoEta_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.eta() ); h_phoPhi_[type]->Fill( matchingPho.phi() ); h_phoDEta_[0]->Fill ( matchingPho.eta() - (*mcPho).fourMomentum().eta() ); h_phoDPhi_[0]->Fill ( matchingPho.phi() - mcPhi_ ); h_phoE_[type][0]->Fill( photonE ); h_phoEt_[type][0]->Fill( photonEt); // h_phoERes_[0][0]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[0][0]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[0][0]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h2_eResVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_eResVsEt_[0][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEt_[0][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h2_eResVsR9_[0]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h2_sceResVsR9_[0]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsR9_[0]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_sceResVsR9_[0]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; // if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() == 0 ) { h2_eResVsEta_[1]->Fill (mcEta_, photonE/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h2_r9VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, r9); h2_r9VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r9); // h2_r1VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, r1); h2_r1VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r1); // h2_r2VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, r2); h2_r2VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), r2); // h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, sigmaIetaIeta ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), sigmaIetaIeta); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_hOverEVsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, hOverE ); h2_hOverEVsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hOverE); } // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, ecalIso ); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, hcalIso ); } p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, ecalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, hcalIso ); // h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, trkIso ); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), trkIso); // h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[1] -> Fill (mcEta_, nIsoTrk ); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), nIsoTrk); } if ( photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() < 0.3 && photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() > 0.1 ) { // std::cout << " Eta sim " << mcEta_ << " sc eta " << matchingPho.superCluster()->eta() << " pho eta " << matchingPho.eta() << std::endl; } if ( (r9>0.94 && phoIsInBarrel) || (r9>0.95 && phoIsInEndcap) ) { h_phoERes_[1][0]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][0]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][0]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_eResVsEt_[0][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEt_[0][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEta_[1]->Fill (mcEta_,photonE/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } else if ( ( r9 <= 0.94&& phoIsInBarrel) || ( r9 <= 0.95&& phoIsInEndcap) ) { h_phoERes_[2][0]->Fill(photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][0]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][0]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); p_eResVsEt_[0][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEta_[2]->Fill (mcEta_,photonE/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_eResVsEt_[0][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h_EtR9Less093_[0][0] ->Fill ( photonEt ); } } if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_scE_[type][1]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy() ); h_scEt_[type][1]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/cosh( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta()) ); h_r9_[type][1]->Fill( r9 ); h_r1_[type][1]->Fill( r1 ); h_r2_[type][1]->Fill( r2 ); h_sigmaIetaIeta_[type][1]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h_hOverE_[type][1]->Fill( hOverE ); h_newhOverE_[type][1]->Fill( newhOverE ); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[type][1]->Fill( ecalIso ); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[type][1]->Fill( hcalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[type][1]->Fill( newhcalIso ); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), newhcalIso); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][1]->Fill( trkIso ); h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][1]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h_chHadIso_[1]-> Fill (chargedHadIso); h_nHadIso_[1]-> Fill (neutralHadIso); h_phoIso_[1]-> Fill (photonIso); h_nCluOutsideMustache_[1]->Fill(float(nClusterOutsideMustache)); h_etOutsideMustache_[1]->Fill(etOutsideMustache); h_pfMva_[1]->Fill(pfMVA); h_phoE_[type][1]->Fill( photonE ); h_phoEt_[type][1]->Fill( photonEt ); h_nConv_[type][1]->Fill(float( matchingPho.conversions().size())); h_phoERes_[0][1]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[0][1]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[0][1]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h2_eResVsR9_[1]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h2_sceResVsR9_[1]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsR9_[1]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_sceResVsR9_[1]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); h2_eResVsEt_[1][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } p_eResVsEt_[1][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( r9 > 0.94 ) { h_phoERes_[1][1]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][1]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][1]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_eResVsEt_[1][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEt_[1][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } if ( r9 <= 0.94 ) { h_phoERes_[2][1]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][1]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][1]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); p_eResVsEt_[1][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_eResVsEt_[1][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h_EtR9Less093_[0][1] ->Fill ( photonEt ); } } } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_scE_[type][2]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy() ); h_scEt_[type][2]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/cosh( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta()) ); h_r9_[type][2]->Fill( r9 ); h_r1_[type][2]->Fill( r1 ); h_r2_[type][2]->Fill( r2 ); h_sigmaIetaIeta_[type][2]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h_hOverE_[type][2]->Fill( hOverE ); h_newhOverE_[type][2]->Fill( newhOverE ); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[type][2]->Fill( ecalIso ); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[type][2]->Fill( hcalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[type][2]->Fill( newhcalIso ); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), newhcalIso); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][2]->Fill( trkIso ); h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[type][2]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h_chHadIso_[2]-> Fill (chargedHadIso); h_nHadIso_[2]-> Fill (neutralHadIso); h_phoIso_[2]-> Fill (photonIso); h_nCluOutsideMustache_[2]->Fill(float(nClusterOutsideMustache)); h_etOutsideMustache_[2]->Fill(etOutsideMustache); h_pfMva_[2]->Fill(pfMVA); h_phoE_[type][2]->Fill( photonE ); h_phoEt_[type][2]->Fill( photonEt ); h_nConv_[type][2]->Fill(float( matchingPho.conversions().size())); h_phoERes_[0][2]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[0][2]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[0][2]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h2_eResVsR9_[2]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h2_sceResVsR9_[2]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsR9_[2]->Fill (r9, photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_sceResVsR9_[2]->Fill (r9, matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] -> Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), hcalIso); h2_eResVsEt_[2][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } p_eResVsEt_[2][0]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( r9 > 0.95 ) { h_phoERes_[1][2]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][2]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][2]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_eResVsEt_[2][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_eResVsEt_[2][1]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } if ( r9 <= 0.95 ) { h_phoERes_[2][2]->Fill( photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][2]->Fill( photonERegr1 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][2]->Fill( photonERegr2 / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); p_eResVsEt_[2][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_eResVsEt_[2][2]->Fill ((*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(), photonE/(*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; h_EtR9Less093_[0][2] ->Fill ( photonEt ); } } } if ( ! (visibleConversion && visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks ) ) continue; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_r9_[1][0]->Fill( r9 ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) h_r9_[1][1]->Fill( r9 ); if ( phoIsInEndcap ) h_r9_[1][2]->Fill( r9 ); h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ; if ( fabs(mcEta_) <=1.) { h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[1] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ; h_simConvVtxYvsX_ ->Fill ( mcConvX_, mcConvY_ ) ; } else h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[2] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ; } if ( ! fastSim_) { h_nConv_[type][0]->Fill(float( matchingPho.conversions().size())); reco::ConversionRefVector conversions = matchingPho.conversions(); for (unsigned int iConv=0; iConv<conversions.size(); iConv++) { reco::ConversionRef aConv=conversions[iConv]; double like = aConv->MVAout(); if ( like < likelihoodCut_ ) continue; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsEta_[1]->Fill (mcEta_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_EoverEtrueVsEta_[1]->Fill (mcEta_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; //std::vector<reco::TrackRef> tracks = aConv->tracks(); const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > tracks = aConv->tracks(); if (tracks.size() < 1 ) continue; h_mvaOut_[0]-> Fill(like); if ( tracks.size()==2 ) { if ( sqrt( aConv->tracksPin()[0].Perp2()) < convTrackMinPtCut_ || sqrt( aConv->tracksPin()[1].Perp2()) < convTrackMinPtCut_) continue; } else { if ( sqrt( aConv->tracksPin()[0].Perp2()) < convTrackMinPtCut_ ) continue; } if ( dCotCutOn_ ) { if ( (fabs(mcEta_) > 1.1 && fabs (mcEta_) < 1.4 ) && fabs( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ) > dCotHardCutValue_ ) continue; if ( fabs( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ) > dCotCutValue_ ) continue; } //std::cout << " PhotonValidator converison algo name " << aConv->algoName() << " " << aConv->algo() << std::endl; nRecConv_++; std::map<const reco::Track*,TrackingParticleRef> myAss; std::map<const reco::Track*,TrackingParticleRef>::const_iterator itAss; std::map<reco::TrackRef,TrackingParticleRef>::const_iterator itAssMin; std::map<reco::TrackRef,TrackingParticleRef>::const_iterator itAssMax; // int nAssT2=0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<tracks.size(); i++) { // reco::TrackRef track = tracks[i].castTo<reco::TrackRef>(); type =0; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) nHitsVsEta_[type] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits())-0.0001 ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) nHitsVsR_[type] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits())-0.0001 ); p_nHitsVsEta_[type] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) ); p_nHitsVsR_[type] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) ); h_tkChi2_[type] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); RefToBase<reco::Track> tfrb = tracks[i]; RefToBaseVector<reco::Track> tc; tc.push_back(tfrb); // reco::RecoToSimCollection q = theTrackAssociator_->associateRecoToSim(tc,theConvTP_,&e); reco::SimToRecoCollection q = theTrackAssociator_->associateSimToReco(tc,theConvTP_,&e); std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > trackV; int tpI = 0; if (q.find(theConvTP_[0])!=q.end()){ trackV = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q[theConvTP_[0]]; } else if (q.find(theConvTP_[1])!=q.end()){ trackV = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q[theConvTP_[1]]; tpI = 1; } if ( !trackV.size() ) continue; edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> tr = trackV.front().first; myAss.insert( std::make_pair (tr.get(),theConvTP_[tpI] ) ); nAssT2++; } /* TrackingParticleRef myTP; for (size_t j = 0; j < RtoSCollPtrs.size(); j++) { reco::RecoToSimCollection q = *(RtoSCollPtrs[j]); RefToBase<reco::Track> myTk( track ); if( q.find(myTk ) != q.end() ) { std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp = q[myTk]; for (unsigned int itp=0; itp<tp.size(); itp++) { myTP=tp[itp].first; // std::cout << " associated with TP " << myTP->pdgId() << " pt " << sqrt(myTP->momentum().perp2()) << std::endl; myAss.insert( std::make_pair ( track , myTP) ); nAssT2++; } } } } */ type=0; // float totP = sqrt(aConv->pairMomentum().Mag2()); float refP =-99999.; float refPt =-99999.; if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { refP=sqrt(aConv->refittedPairMomentum().Mag2()); refPt=sqrt(aConv->refittedPairMomentum().perp2()); } float invM = aConv->pairInvariantMass(); h_invMass_[type][0] ->Fill( invM); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) h_invMass_[type][1] ->Fill(invM); if ( phoIsInEndcap ) h_invMass_[type][2] ->Fill(invM); if ( tracks.size() ==1 ) { h_SimConvOneTracks_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_SimConvOneTracks_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_SimConvOneTracks_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_SimConvOneTracks_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_SimConvOneTracks_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); } else if ( tracks.size() ==2 ) { h_SimConvTwoTracks_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_SimConvTwoTracks_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_SimConvTwoTracks_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_SimConvTwoTracks_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); h_convEta_[1]->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ); float trkProvenance=3; if ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" ) trkProvenance=0; if ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv" ) trkProvenance=1; if ( ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv") || ( tracks[1]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[0]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv") ) trkProvenance=2; if ( trkProvenance==3 ) { // std::cout << " PhotonValidator provenance of tracks is " << tracks[0]->algoName() << " and " << tracks[1]->algoName() << std::endl; } h_trkProv_[0]->Fill( trkProvenance ); if ( nAssT2 ==2 ) { if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_r9_[2][0]->Fill( r9 ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) h_r9_[2][1]->Fill( r9 ); if ( phoIsInEndcap ) h_r9_[2][2]->Fill( r9 ); } h_convEta_[2]->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ); nRecConvAss_++; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { if ( trkProvenance==3 ) std::cout << " PhotonValidator provenance of tracks is mixed and vertex is valid " << std::endl; float chi2Prob = ChiSquaredProbability( aConv->conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv->conversionVertex().ndof() ); if ( chi2Prob > 0) { h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); } if ( chi2Prob > 0.0005) { h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ ); h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et()); } if ( chi2Prob > 0.0005 ) { h_convEta_[0]->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ); h_convPhi_[0]->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->phi() ); h_convERes_[0][0]->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->energy() / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][0]->Fill( r9, aConv->nTracks() ) ; h_EtR9Less093_[1][0] ->Fill ( photonEt ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) h_EtR9Less093_[1][1] ->Fill ( photonEt ); if ( phoIsInEndcap ) h_EtR9Less093_[1][2] ->Fill ( photonEt ); } if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_convERes_[0][1]->Fill(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->energy() / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][1]->Fill( r9, aConv->nTracks() ) ; h_mvaOut_[1]-> Fill(like); } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_convERes_[0][2]->Fill(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->energy() / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][2]->Fill( r9, aConv->nTracks() ) ; h_mvaOut_[2]-> Fill(like); } } } type =1; h_trkProv_[1]->Fill( trkProvenance ); h_invMass_[type][0] ->Fill( invM); float eoverp= -99999.; if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { eoverp= aConv->EoverPrefittedTracks(); h_convPtRes_[type][0]->Fill( refPt / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() ); h_EoverPTracks_[type][0] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracks_[type][0] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[0] ->Fill( eoverp,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[0] ->Fill( eoverp, refP/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverPVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_, eoverp); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverPVsR_[0]->Fill (mcConvR_, eoverp); p_EoverPVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_, eoverp); p_EoverPVsR_[0]->Fill (mcConvR_, eoverp); p_eResVsR_ ->Fill ( mcConvR_, photonE / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PoverPtrueVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_,refP/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_PoverPtrueVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_,refP/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsR_[0]->Fill (mcConvR_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_EoverEtrueVsEta_[0]->Fill (mcEta_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; p_EoverEtrueVsR_[0]->Fill (mcConvR_,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_etaVsRsim_[0]->Fill (mcEta_,mcConvR_); /* reco::TrackRef track1 = tracks[0].castTo<reco::TrackRef>(); reco::TrackRef track2 = tracks[1].castTo<reco::TrackRef>(); reco::TransientTrack tt1 = (*theTTB).build( &track1); reco::TransientTrack tt2 = (*theTTB).build( &track2); TwoTrackMinimumDistance md; md.calculate ( tt1.initialFreeState(), tt2.initialFreeState() ); if (md.status() ) { //cout << " Min Dist " << md.distance() << std::endl; h_distMinAppTracks_[1][0]->Fill ( md.distance() ); } else { nInvalidPCA_++; } */ // here original tracks and their inner momentum is considered float dPhiTracksAtVtx = aConv->dPhiTracksAtVtx(); h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[type][0]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, dPhiTracksAtVtx); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, dPhiTracksAtVtx); p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, dPhiTracksAtVtx); p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, dPhiTracksAtVtx); h_DCotTracks_[type][0] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DCotTracksVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DCotTracksVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); p_DCotTracksVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); p_DCotTracksVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_invMass_[type][1] ->Fill(invM); if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { h_convPtRes_[type][1]->Fill( refPt / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() ); h_EoverPTracks_[type][1] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; if ( mcConvR_ < 15 ) h_EoverPTracks_[0][0] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; if ( mcConvR_ > 15 && mcConvR_< 58 ) h_EoverPTracks_[0][1] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; if ( mcConvR_ > 58 ) h_EoverPTracks_[0][2] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracks_[type][1] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[1] ->Fill( eoverp,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[1] ->Fill( eoverp, refP/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[type][1]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); h_DCotTracks_[type][1] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_invMass_[type][2] ->Fill(invM); if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { h_convPtRes_[type][2]->Fill( refPt / (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et() ); h_EoverPTracks_[type][2] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracks_[type][2] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[2] ->Fill( eoverp,matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[2] ->Fill( eoverp, refP/ (*mcPho).fourMomentum().e() ) ; } h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[type][2]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); h_DCotTracks_[type][2] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); } if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { h_convVtxdX_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_); h_convVtxdY_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_); h_convVtxdZ_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_); h_convVtxdR_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_); if ( fabs( mcConvEta_ ) <= 1.2 ) { h_convVtxdX_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_); h_convVtxdY_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_); h_convVtxdZ_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_); h_convVtxdR_barrel_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_); } else { h_convVtxdX_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_); h_convVtxdY_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_); h_convVtxdZ_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_); h_convVtxdR_endcap_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_); } h_convVtxdPhi_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().phi() - mcConvPhi_); h_convVtxdEta_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().eta() - mcConvEta_); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_convVtxdRVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_convVtxdRVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ ); p_convVtxdRVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ ); p_convVtxdRVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ ); float signX= aConv->refittedPairMomentum().x()/fabs(aConv->refittedPairMomentum().x()); float signY= aConv->refittedPairMomentum().y()/fabs(aConv->refittedPairMomentum().y()); float signZ= aConv->refittedPairMomentum().z()/fabs(aConv->refittedPairMomentum().z()); p_convVtxdXVsX_ ->Fill (mcConvX_, (aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_)*signX ); p_convVtxdYVsY_ ->Fill (mcConvY_, (aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_)*signY ); p_convVtxdZVsZ_ ->Fill (mcConvZ_, (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_)*signZ ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_convVtxRrecVsTrue_ -> Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) ); //float zPV = aConv->zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks(); float thetaConv=aConv->refittedPairMomentum().Theta(); float thetaSC=matchingPho.superCluster()->position().theta(); float rSC=sqrt(matchingPho.superCluster()->position().x()*matchingPho.superCluster()->position().x() + matchingPho.superCluster()->position().y()*matchingPho.superCluster()->position().y() ); float zSC=matchingPho.superCluster()->position().z(); float zPV = sqrt(rSC*rSC+zSC*zSC)*sin( thetaConv - thetaSC)/sin(thetaConv); h_zPVFromTracks_[0]->Fill ( zPV ); h_dzPVFromTracks_[0]->Fill ( zPV- (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_zPVFromTracks_[1]->Fill ( zPV ); h_dzPVFromTracks_[1]->Fill ( zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); } else if ( phoIsInEndcap) { h_zPVFromTracks_[2]->Fill ( zPV ); h_dzPVFromTracks_[2]->Fill ( zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); } else if ( phoIsInEndcapP) { h_zPVFromTracks_[3]->Fill ( zPV ); h_dzPVFromTracks_[3]->Fill ( zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); } else if ( phoIsInEndcapM) { h_zPVFromTracks_[4]->Fill ( zPV ); h_dzPVFromTracks_[4]->Fill ( zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); } p_dzPVVsR_ ->Fill(mcConvR_, zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); p_dzPVVsEta_ ->Fill(mcConvEta_, zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_dzPVVsR_ ->Fill(mcConvR_, zPV - (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); } float dPhiTracksAtEcal=-99; float dEtaTracksAtEcal=-99; if (aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[0].isNonnull() && aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[1].isNonnull() ) { nRecConvAssWithEcal_++; float recoPhi1 = aConv->ecalImpactPosition()[0].phi(); float recoPhi2 = aConv->ecalImpactPosition()[1].phi(); float recoEta1 = aConv->ecalImpactPosition()[0].eta(); float recoEta2 = aConv->ecalImpactPosition()[1].eta(); float bcPhi1 = aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[0]->phi(); float bcPhi2 = aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[1]->phi(); // unused float bcEta1 = aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[0]->eta(); // unused float bcEta2 = aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[1]->eta(); recoPhi1 = phiNormalization(recoPhi1); recoPhi2 = phiNormalization(recoPhi2); bcPhi1 = phiNormalization(bcPhi1); bcPhi2 = phiNormalization(bcPhi2); dPhiTracksAtEcal = recoPhi1 -recoPhi2; dPhiTracksAtEcal = phiNormalization( dPhiTracksAtEcal ); dEtaTracksAtEcal = recoEta1 -recoEta2; h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[type][0]->Fill( fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); p_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); p_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[type][0]->Fill( dEtaTracksAtEcal); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[type][1]->Fill( fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[type][1]->Fill( dEtaTracksAtEcal); } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[type][2]->Fill( fabs(dPhiTracksAtEcal)); h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[type][2]->Fill( dEtaTracksAtEcal); } } for (unsigned int i=0; i<tracks.size(); i++) { RefToBase<reco::Track> tfrb(tracks[i] ); itAss= myAss.find( tfrb.get() ); if ( itAss == myAss.end() ) continue; float trkProvenance=3; if ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" ) trkProvenance=0; if ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv" ) trkProvenance=1; if ( ( tracks[0]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[1]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv") || ( tracks[1]->algoName() == "outInEcalSeededConv" && tracks[0]->algoName() == "inOutEcalSeededConv") ) trkProvenance=2; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) nHitsVsEta_[type] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) nHitsVsR_[type] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) ); p_nHitsVsEta_[type] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001); p_nHitsVsR_[type] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001); h_tkChi2_[type] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); h_tkChi2Large_[type] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_Chi2VsEta_[0] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_Chi2VsR_[0] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); p_Chi2VsEta_[0] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); p_Chi2VsR_[0] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() ); float simPt = sqrt( ((*itAss).second)->momentum().perp2() ); // float recPt = sqrt( aConv->tracks()[i]->innerMomentum().Perp2() ) ; float refPt=-9999.; float px=0, py=0; if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { reco::Track refTrack= aConv->conversionVertex().refittedTracks()[i]; px= refTrack.momentum().x() ; py= refTrack.momentum().y() ; refPt=sqrt (px*px + py*py ); float ptres= refPt - simPt ; // float pterror = aConv->tracks()[i]->ptError(); float pterror = aConv->conversionVertex().refittedTracks()[i].ptError(); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[0]->Fill ( simPt, refPt); if ( trkProvenance ==3 ) h2_PtRecVsPtSimMixProv_->Fill ( simPt, refPt); } h_TkPtPull_[0] ->Fill(ptres/pterror); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_TkPtPull_[0] ->Fill(mcEta_, ptres/pterror); h_TkD0_[0]->Fill ( tracks[i]->d0()* tracks[i]->charge() ); if ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i].isNonnull() ) hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[0]->Fill ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i]->energy()/sqrt(aConv->tracks()[i]->outerMomentum().Mag2()) ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_TkD0_[1]->Fill ( tracks[i]->d0()* tracks[i]->charge() ); h_TkPtPull_[1] ->Fill(ptres/pterror); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[1]->Fill ( simPt, refPt); if ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i].isNonnull() ) hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[1]->Fill ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i]->energy()/sqrt(aConv->tracks()[i]->outerMomentum().Mag2()) ); } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_TkD0_[2]->Fill ( tracks[i]->d0()* tracks[i]->charge() ); h_TkPtPull_[2] ->Fill(ptres/pterror); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[2]->Fill ( simPt, refPt); if ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i].isNonnull() ) hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[2]->Fill ( aConv->bcMatchingWithTracks()[i]->energy()/sqrt(aConv->tracks()[i]->outerMomentum().Mag2()) ); } } } // end loop over track } // end analysis of two associated tracks } // end analysis of two tracks } // loop over conversions } // if !fastSim } // End loop over generated particles } // End loop over simulated Photons if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_nSimPho_[0]->Fill(float(nSimPho_[0])); h_nSimPho_[1]->Fill(float(nSimPho_[1])); h_nSimConv_[0]->Fill(float(nSimConv_[0])); h_nSimConv_[1]->Fill(float(nSimConv_[1])); } if ( !fastSim_) { for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = photonCollection.begin(); iPho != photonCollection.end(); iPho++) { reco::Photon aPho = reco::Photon(*iPho); // float et= aPho.superCluster()->energy()/cosh( aPho.superCluster()->eta()) ; reco::ConversionRefVector conversions = aPho.conversions(); for (unsigned int iConv=0; iConv<conversions.size(); iConv++) { reco::ConversionRef aConv=conversions[iConv]; double like = aConv->MVAout(); if ( like < likelihoodCut_ ) continue; //std::vector<reco::TrackRef> tracks = aConv->tracks(); const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > tracks = aConv->tracks(); if (tracks.size() < 2 ) continue; RefToBase<reco::Track> tk1 = aConv->tracks().front(); RefToBase<reco::Track> tk2 = aConv->tracks().back(); RefToBaseVector<reco::Track> tc1, tc2; tc1.push_back(tk1); tc2.push_back(tk2); bool phoIsInBarrel=false; bool phoIsInEndcap=false; if ( fabs(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ) < 1.479 ) { phoIsInBarrel=true; } else { phoIsInEndcap=true; } if ( dCotCutOn_ ) { if ( ( fabs(mcEta_) > 1.1 && fabs (mcEta_) < 1.4 ) && fabs( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ) > dCotHardCutValue_ ) continue; if ( fabs( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ) > dCotCutValue_ ) continue; } h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[0]->Fill( aPho.eta() ) ; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[1]->Fill( aPho.phi() ); if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[2]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2() ); h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[3]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ); h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[4]->Fill( aPho.et() ) ; int nAssT2=0; for ( std::vector<PhotonMCTruth>::const_iterator mcPho=mcPhotons.begin(); mcPho !=mcPhotons.end(); mcPho++) { // mcConvPt_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et(); float mcPhi= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().phi(); //simPV_Z = (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z(); mcPhi_= phiNormalization(mcPhi); mcEta_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity(); mcEta_ = etaTransformation(mcEta_, (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() ); //mcConvR_= (*mcPho).vertex().perp(); //mcConvX_= (*mcPho).vertex().x(); //mcConvY_= (*mcPho).vertex().y(); //mcConvZ_= (*mcPho).vertex().z(); //mcConvEta_= (*mcPho).vertex().eta(); //mcConvPhi_= (*mcPho).vertex().phi(); if ( fabs(mcEta_) > END_HI ) continue; // if (mcConvPt_<minPhoPtForPurity) continue; //if (fabs(mcEta_)>maxPhoEtaForPurity) continue; //if (fabs(mcConvZ_)>maxPhoZForPurity) continue; //if (mcConvR_>maxPhoRForEffic) continue; if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() != 1 ) continue; if (!( ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL && mcConvR_ <85 ) || ( fabs(mcEta_) > BARL && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI && fabs( (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 210 ) ) ) continue; theConvTP_.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < trackingParticles.size(); ++i){ TrackingParticleRef tp (ElectronTPHandle,i); if ( fabs( tp->vx() - (*mcPho).vertex().x() ) < 0.0001 && fabs( tp->vy() - (*mcPho).vertex().y() ) < 0.0001 && fabs( tp->vz() - (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 0.0001) { theConvTP_.push_back( tp ); } } //std::cout << " ciao 5.3 " << std::endl; if ( theConvTP_.size() < 2 ) continue; reco::RecoToSimCollection p1 = theTrackAssociator_->associateRecoToSim(tc1,theConvTP_,&e); reco::RecoToSimCollection p2 = theTrackAssociator_->associateRecoToSim(tc2,theConvTP_,&e); std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > trackV1, trackV2; try { std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp1 = p1[tk1]; std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp2 = p2[tk2]; if (tp1.size()&&tp2.size()) { TrackingParticleRef tpr1 = tp1.front().first; TrackingParticleRef tpr2 = tp2.front().first; if (abs(tpr1->pdgId())==11&&abs(tpr2->pdgId())==11) { if ( (tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()==1) && (tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()==1)) { if (tpr1->parentVertex().key()==tpr2->parentVertex().key() && ((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22)) { // std::cout << " ciao 5.6 " << std::endl; // mcConvR_ = sqrt(tpr1->parentVertex()->position().Perp2()); //mcConvZ_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().z(); //mcConvX_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().x(); //mcConvY_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().y(); //mcConvEta_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().eta(); //mcConvPhi_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().phi(); //mcConvPt_ = sqrt((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->momentum().Perp2()); //std::cout << " Reco to Sim mcconvpt " << mcConvPt_ << std::endl; //cout << "associated track1 to " << tpr1->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr1->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr1->pt() << endl; //cout << "associated track2 to " << tpr2->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr2->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr2->pt() << endl; nAssT2 = 2; break; } } } } } catch (Exception event) { //cout << "do not continue: " << event.what() << endl; //continue; } } // end loop over simulated photons /* TrackingParticleRef myTP; for (size_t j = 0; j < RtoSCollPtrs.size(); j++) { reco::RecoToSimCollection q = *(RtoSCollPtrs[j]); RefToBase<reco::Track> myTk( track ); if( q.find(myTk ) != q.end() ) { std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp = q[myTk]; for (unsigned int itp=0; itp<tp.size(); itp++) { myTP=tp[itp].first; // std::cout << " associated with TP " << myTP->pdgId() << " pt " << sqrt(myTP->momentum().perp2()) << std::endl; myAss.insert( std::make_pair ( track , myTP) ); nAssT2++; } } } */ if ( nAssT2 == 2) { h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[0]->Fill( aPho.eta() ) ; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[1]->Fill( aPho.phi() ); if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[2]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2() ); h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[3]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ); h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[4]->Fill( aPho.et() ) ; } if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { float chi2Prob = ChiSquaredProbability( aConv->conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv->conversionVertex().ndof() ); double convR= sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()); double scalar = aConv->conversionVertex().position().x()*aConv->pairMomentum().x() + aConv->conversionVertex().position().y()*aConv->pairMomentum().y(); if ( scalar < 0 ) convR= -sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) h2_etaVsRreco_[0]->Fill (aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta(),sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) ); h_convVtxRvsZ_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) ) ; if ( fabs(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ) <= 1.) { h_convVtxYvsX_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() , aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() ) ; h_convVtxRvsZ_[1] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), convR ) ; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[0] ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() , aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() ) ; h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[1] ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() , aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() ) ; h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), convR ) ; h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[1] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), convR ) ; } } if ( fabs(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ) > 1.) h_convVtxRvsZ_[2] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), convR ) ; h_vtxChi2Prob_[0]->Fill( chi2Prob ); h_vtxChi2_[0]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().normalizedChi2() ); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_vtxChi2Prob_[1]->Fill( chi2Prob ); h_vtxChi2_[1]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().normalizedChi2() ); } if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_vtxChi2Prob_[2]->Fill( chi2Prob ); h_vtxChi2_[2]->Fill( aConv->conversionVertex().normalizedChi2() ); } } // end conversion vertex valid } // end loop over reco conversions } // end loop on all reco photons } // if !fastSim float nPho=0; for (reco::GenJetCollection::const_iterator genJetIter = genJetCollection.begin(); genJetIter != genJetCollection.end(); ++genJetIter) { if ( genJetIter->pt() < minPhoEtCut_ ) continue; if ( fabs(genJetIter->eta()) > 2.5 ) continue; float mcJetPhi= genJetIter->phi(); mcJetPhi_= phiNormalization(mcJetPhi); mcJetEta_= genJetIter->eta(); float mcJetPt = genJetIter->pt() ; h_SimJet_[0]->Fill ( mcJetEta_); h_SimJet_[1]->Fill ( mcJetPhi_); h_SimJet_[2]->Fill ( mcJetPt ); std::vector<reco::Photon> thePhotons; bool matched=false; reco::Photon matchingPho; for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = photonCollection.begin(); iPho != photonCollection.end(); iPho++) { reco::Photon aPho = reco::Photon(*iPho); float phiPho=aPho.phi(); float etaPho=aPho.eta(); float deltaPhi = phiPho-mcJetPhi_; float deltaEta = etaPho-mcJetEta_; if ( deltaPhi > pi ) deltaPhi -= twopi; if ( deltaPhi < -pi) deltaPhi += twopi; deltaPhi=pow(deltaPhi,2); deltaEta=pow(deltaEta,2); float delta = sqrt( deltaPhi+deltaEta); if ( delta<0.3 ) { matchingPho = * iPho; matched = true; } } // end loop over reco photons if (! matched ) continue; nPho++; h_MatchedSimJet_[0]->Fill( mcJetEta_ ) ; h_MatchedSimJet_[1]->Fill( mcJetPhi_ ); h_MatchedSimJet_[2]->Fill( mcJetPt ); bool phoIsInBarrel=false; bool phoIsInEndcap=false; if ( fabs(matchingPho.superCluster()->position().eta() ) < 1.479 ) { phoIsInBarrel=true; } else { phoIsInEndcap=true; } edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> ecalRecHitHandle; if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { // Get handle to rec hits ecal barrel e.getByLabel(barrelEcalHits_, ecalRecHitHandle); if (!ecalRecHitHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<barrelEcalHits_.label(); return; } } else if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { // Get handle to rec hits ecal encap e.getByLabel(endcapEcalHits_, ecalRecHitHandle); if (!ecalRecHitHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<endcapEcalHits_.label(); return; } } const EcalRecHitCollection ecalRecHitCollection = *(ecalRecHitHandle.product()); float photonE = matchingPho.energy(); float photonEt= matchingPho.et(); float r9 = matchingPho.r9(); float r1 = matchingPho.r1x5(); float r2 = matchingPho.r2x5(); float sigmaIetaIeta = matchingPho.sigmaIetaIeta(); float hOverE = matchingPho.hadronicOverEm(); float ecalIso = matchingPho.ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04(); float hcalIso = matchingPho.hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04(); float trkIso = matchingPho.trkSumPtSolidConeDR04(); float nIsoTrk = matchingPho.nTrkSolidConeDR04(); std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator rhIt; bool atLeastOneDeadChannel=false; for(reco::CaloCluster_iterator bcIt = matchingPho.superCluster()->clustersBegin();bcIt != matchingPho.superCluster()->clustersEnd(); ++bcIt) { for(rhIt = (*bcIt)->hitsAndFractions().begin();rhIt != (*bcIt)->hitsAndFractions().end(); ++rhIt) { for(EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator it = ecalRecHitCollection.begin(); it != ecalRecHitCollection.end(); ++it) { if (rhIt->first == (*it).id() ) { if ( (*it).recoFlag() == 9 ) { atLeastOneDeadChannel=true; break; } } } } } if ( atLeastOneDeadChannel ) { h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[0]->Fill( mcJetEta_ ) ; h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[1]->Fill( mcJetPhi_ ); h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[2]->Fill( mcJetPt ); } h_scBkgEta_->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta() ); h_scBkgPhi_->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->phi() ); h_scBkgE_[0]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy() ); h_scBkgEt_[0]->Fill( matchingPho.superCluster()->energy()/cosh( matchingPho.superCluster()->eta()) ); // h_phoBkgEta_->Fill( matchingPho.eta() ); h_phoBkgPhi_->Fill( matchingPho.phi() ); h_phoBkgE_[0]->Fill( photonE ); h_phoBkgEt_[0]->Fill( photonEt); h_phoBkgDEta_->Fill ( matchingPho.eta() - mcJetEta_ ); h_phoBkgDPhi_->Fill ( matchingPho.phi() - mcJetPhi_ ); h_r9Bkg_[0]->Fill( r9 ); h_r1Bkg_[0]->Fill( r1 ); h_r2Bkg_[0]->Fill( r2 ); h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[0]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h_hOverEBkg_[0]->Fill( hOverE ); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[0]->Fill( ecalIso ); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[0]->Fill( hcalIso ); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[0]->Fill( trkIso ); h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[0]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h2_r9VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, r9); h2_r9VsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, r9); h2_r1VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, r1); h2_r1VsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, r1); p_r1VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, r1); p_r1VsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, r1); h2_r2VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, r2); h2_r2VsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, r2); p_r2VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, r2); p_r2VsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, r2); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, sigmaIetaIeta ); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, sigmaIetaIeta ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_hOverEVsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, hOverE ); h2_hOverEVsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, hOverE); } p_hOverEVsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, hOverE ); p_hOverEVsEtBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetPt, hOverE); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, ecalIso ); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, hcalIso ); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); } p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, ecalIso ); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, hcalIso ); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, trkIso ); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, trkIso ); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, nIsoTrk ); p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ -> Fill (mcJetEta_, nIsoTrk ); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_r9Bkg_[1]->Fill( r9 ); h_r1Bkg_[1]->Fill( r1 ); h_r2Bkg_[1]->Fill( r2 ); h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[1]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h_hOverEBkg_[1]->Fill( hOverE ); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[1]->Fill( ecalIso ); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[1]->Fill( hcalIso ); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[1]->Fill( trkIso ); h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[1]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); } } else if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_r9Bkg_[2]->Fill( r9 ); h_r1Bkg_[2]->Fill( r1 ); h_r2Bkg_[2]->Fill( r2 ); h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[2]->Fill( sigmaIetaIeta ); h_hOverEBkg_[2]->Fill( hOverE ); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[2]->Fill( ecalIso ); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[2]->Fill( hcalIso ); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[2]->Fill( trkIso ); h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[2]->Fill( nIsoTrk ); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, sigmaIetaIeta); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, trkIso); h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill (mcJetPt, nIsoTrk); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, ecalIso); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] -> Fill ( mcJetPt, hcalIso); } } if ( !fastSim_) { reco::ConversionRefVector conversions = matchingPho.conversions(); for (unsigned int iConv=0; iConv<conversions.size(); iConv++) { reco::ConversionRef aConv=conversions[iConv]; //std::vector<reco::TrackRef> tracks = aConv->tracks(); const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > tracks = aConv->tracks(); double like = aConv->MVAout(); if ( like < likelihoodCut_ ) continue; if ( tracks.size() < 2 ) continue; h_convEtaBkg_->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ); h_convPhiBkg_->Fill( aConv->caloCluster()[0]->phi() ); h_mvaOutBkg_[0]-> Fill(like); float eoverp= aConv->EoverP(); h_EoverPTracksBkg_[0] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracksBkg_[0] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; h_DCotTracksBkg_[0] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); float dPhiTracksAtVtx = aConv->dPhiTracksAtVtx(); h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[0]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); if ( phoIsInBarrel ) { h_mvaOutBkg_[1]-> Fill(like); h_EoverPTracksBkg_[1] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracksBkg_[1] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; h_DCotTracksBkg_[1] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[1]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); } else if ( phoIsInEndcap ) { h_mvaOutBkg_[2]-> Fill(like); h_EoverPTracksBkg_[2] ->Fill( eoverp ) ; h_PoverETracksBkg_[2] ->Fill( 1./eoverp ) ; h_DCotTracksBkg_[2] ->Fill ( aConv->pairCotThetaSeparation() ); h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[2]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx); } if ( aConv->conversionVertex().isValid() ) { double convR= sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()); double scalar = aConv->conversionVertex().position().x()*aConv->pairMomentum().x() + aConv->conversionVertex().position().y()*aConv->pairMomentum().y(); if ( scalar < 0 ) convR= -sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_convVtxRvsZBkg_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), sqrt(aConv->conversionVertex().position().perp2()) ) ; if ( fabs(aConv->caloCluster()[0]->eta() ) <= 1.) { h_convVtxYvsXBkg_ ->Fill ( aConv->conversionVertex().position().y() , aConv->conversionVertex().position().x() ) ; h_convVtxRvsZBkg_[1] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv->conversionVertex().position().z() ), convR ) ; } } } // end vertex valid } // end loop over conversions } // if !fastSim } // end loop over sim jets h_nPho_->Fill(float(nPho)); }
void PhotonValidator::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Histograms for efficiencies
test track provenance
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 148 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), dbe_, jptDQMConfig_cff::eMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::etaMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::etaMin, jptDQMConfig_cff::etMax, reco::tau::qcuts::etMin(), cppFunctionSkipper::operator, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMin, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
{ nEvt_=0; nEntry_=0; nRecConv_=0; nRecConvAss_=0; nRecConvAssWithEcal_=0; nInvalidPCA_=0; dbe_ = 0; dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); double resMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("resMin"); double resMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("resMax"); int resBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("resBin"); double eMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eMin"); double eMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eMax"); int eBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("eBin"); double etMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etMin"); double etMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etMax"); int etBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etBin"); double etScale = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etScale"); double etaMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etaMin"); double etaMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etaMax"); int etaBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etaBin"); int etaBin2 = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etaBin2"); double dEtaMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaMin"); double dEtaMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaMax"); int dEtaBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dEtaBin"); double phiMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMin"); double phiMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMax"); int phiBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("phiBin"); double dPhiMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiMin"); double dPhiMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiMax"); int dPhiBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dPhiBin"); double rMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMin"); double rMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMax"); int rBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("rBin"); double zMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMin"); double zMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMax"); int zBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBin"); double r9Min = parameters_.getParameter<double>("r9Min"); double r9Max = parameters_.getParameter<double>("r9Max"); int r9Bin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("r9Bin"); double dPhiTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiTracksMin"); double dPhiTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiTracksMax"); int dPhiTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dPhiTracksBin"); double dEtaTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaTracksMin"); double dEtaTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaTracksMax"); int dEtaTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dEtaTracksBin"); double dCotTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dCotTracksMin"); double dCotTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dCotTracksMax"); int dCotTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dCotTracksBin"); double povereMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("povereMin"); double povereMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("povereMax"); int povereBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("povereBin"); double eoverpMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eoverpMin"); double eoverpMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eoverpMax"); int eoverpBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("eoverpBin"); double chi2Min = parameters_.getParameter<double>("chi2Min"); double chi2Max = parameters_.getParameter<double>("chi2Max"); int ggMassBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("ggMassBin"); double ggMassMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("ggMassMin"); double ggMassMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("ggMassMax"); double rMinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMinForXray"); double rMaxForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMaxForXray"); int rBinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("rBinForXray"); double zMinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMinForXray"); double zMaxForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMaxForXray"); int zBinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBinForXray"); int zBin2ForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBin2ForXray"); if (dbe_) { // SC from reco photons dbe_->setCurrentFolder("EgammaV/PhotonValidator/SimulationInfo"); // // simulation information about all MC photons found std::string histname = "nOfSimPhotons"; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_nSimPho_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Sim photons per event ",20,-0.5,19.5); histname = "SimPhoMotherEt"; h_SimPhoMotherEt_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"Sim photon Mother tranverse energy spectrum",etBin,etMin,etMax); h_SimPhoMotherEta_[0] = dbe_->book1D("SimPhoMotherEta"," Sim Photon Mother Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; histname = "SimPhoMotherEtMatched"; h_SimPhoMotherEt_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"Sim photon matched by a reco Photon: Mother tranverse energy spectrum",etBin,etMin,etMax); h_SimPhoMotherEta_[1] = dbe_->book1D("SimPhoMotherEtaMatched"," Sim Photon matched by a reco Photon: Mother Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; } histname = "h_SimPhoEta"; h_SimPho_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All photons simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimPhoPhi"; h_SimPho_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All photons simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimPhoEt"; h_SimPho_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All photons simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // Numerators histname = "nOfSimPhotonsMatched"; h_nSimPho_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Sim photons matched by a reco Photon per event ",20,-0.5,19.5); histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoEta"; h_MatchedSimPho_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoPhi"; h_MatchedSimPho_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoEt"; h_MatchedSimPho_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoBadChEta"; h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoBadChPhi"; h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimPhoBadChEt"; h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching photons simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); histname = "nOfSimConversions"; if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_nSimConv_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Sim conversions per event ",20,-0.5,19.5); histname = "nOfVisSimConversions"; h_nSimConv_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Sim conversions per event ",20,-0.5,19.5); } histname = "h_AllSimConvEta"; h_AllSimConv_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin,etaMax); histname = "h_AllSimConvPhi"; h_AllSimConv_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax); histname = "h_AllSimConvR"; h_AllSimConv_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated R",rBin,rMin,rMax); histname = "h_AllSimConvZ"; h_AllSimConv_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated Z",zBin,zMin,zMax); histname = "h_AllSimConvEt"; h_AllSimConv_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated Et",etBin,etMin,etMax); // histname = "h_VisSimConvEta"; h_VisSimConv_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_VisSimConvPhi"; h_VisSimConv_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_VisSimConvR"; h_VisSimConv_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated R",rBin,rMin,rMax); histname = "h_VisSimConvZ"; h_VisSimConv_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_VisSimConvEt"; h_VisSimConv_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneTracksEta"; h_SimConvOneTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneTracksPhi"; h_SimConvOneTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneTracksR"; h_SimConvOneTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneTracksZ"; h_SimConvOneTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneTracksEt"; h_SimConvOneTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEta"; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhi"; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksR"; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZ"; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEt"; h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksEta"; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksPhi"; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksR"; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksZ"; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksEt"; h_SimConvTwoTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_SimConvOneMTracksEta"; h_SimConvOneMTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco-matching tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneMTracksPhi"; h_SimConvOneMTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco-matching tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneMTracksR"; h_SimConvOneMTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco-matching tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneMTracksZ"; h_SimConvOneMTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco-matching tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvOneMTracksEt"; h_SimConvOneMTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 1 reco-matching tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtaAndVtxPGT0"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhiAndVtxPGT0"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksRAndVtxPGT0"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZAndVtxPGT0"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtAndVtxPGT0"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtaAndVtxPGT0005"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhiAndVtxPGT0005"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksRAndVtxPGT0005"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZAndVtxPGT0005"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtAndVtxPGT0005"; h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_SimConvEtaPix_[0] = dbe_->book1D("simConvEtaPix"," sim converted Photon Eta: Pix ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_simTkPt_ = dbe_->book1D("simTkPt","Sim conversion tracks pt ",etBin*3,0.,etMax); h_simTkEta_ = dbe_->book1D("simTkEta","Sim conversion tracks eta ",etaBin,etaMin,etaMax); h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[0] = dbe_->book2D("simConvVtxRvsZAll"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[1] = dbe_->book2D("simConvVtxRvsZBarrel"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[2] = dbe_->book2D("simConvVtxRvsZEndcap"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBin2ForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_simConvVtxYvsX_ = dbe_->book2D("simConvVtxYvsXTrkBarrel"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -80., 80., 100, -80., 80.); } histname = "h_SimJetEta"; h_SimJet_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Jet bkg simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_SimJetPhi"; h_SimJet_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Jet bkg simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_SimJetEt"; h_SimJet_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Jet bkg simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_MatchedSimJetEta"; h_MatchedSimJet_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimJetPhi"; h_MatchedSimJet_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimJetEt"; h_MatchedSimJet_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_MatchedSimJetBadChEta"; h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated #eta",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimJetBadChPhi"; h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_MatchedSimJetBadChEt"; h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," Matching jet simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); dbe_->setCurrentFolder("EgammaV/PhotonValidator/Background"); histname = "nOfPhotons"; h_nPho_ = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Reco photons per event ",20,-0.5,19.5); h_scBkgEta_ = dbe_->book1D("scBkgEta"," SC Bkg Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_scBkgPhi_ = dbe_->book1D("scBkgPhi"," SC Bkg Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ; // h_phoBkgEta_ = dbe_->book1D("phoBkgEta"," Photon Bkg Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_phoBkgPhi_ = dbe_->book1D("phoBkgPhi"," Photon Bkg Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ; // h_phoBkgDEta_ = dbe_->book1D("phoBkgDEta"," Photon Eta(rec)-Eta(true) ",dEtaBin,dEtaMin, dEtaMax) ; h_phoBkgDPhi_ = dbe_->book1D("phoBkgDPhi"," Photon Phi(rec)-Phi(true) ",dPhiBin,dPhiMin,dPhiMax) ; // histname = "phoBkgE"; h_phoBkgE_[0]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon Bkg Energy: All ecal ", eBin,eMin, eMax); h_phoBkgE_[1]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon Bkg Energy: barrel ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_phoBkgE_[2]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon Bkg Energy: Endcap ",eBin,eMin, eMax); // histname = "phoBkgEt"; h_phoBkgEt_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon Bkg Transverse Energy: All ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax); h_phoBkgEt_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon Bkg Transverse Energy: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_phoBkgEt_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon BkgTransverse Energy: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "scBkgE"; h_scBkgE_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," SC bkg Energy: All Ecal ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scBkgE_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," SC bkg Energy: Barrel ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scBkgE_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," SC bkg Energy: Endcap ",eBin,eMin, eMax); histname = "scBkgEt"; h_scBkgEt_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," SC bkg Et: All Ecal ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scBkgEt_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," SC bkg Et: Barrel ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scBkgEt_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," SC bkg Et: Endcap ",eBin,eMin, eMax); // histname = "r9Bkg"; h_r9Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9 bkg: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9 bkg: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9 bkg: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname="R9VsEtaBkg"; h2_r9VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg r9 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R9VsEtBkg"; h2_r9VsEtBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons r9 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname = "r1Bkg"; h_r1Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " Bkg photon e1x5/e5x5: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r1Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photon e1x5/e5x5: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r1Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photon e1x5/e5x5: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname="R1VsEtaBkg"; h2_r1VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e1x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); histname="pR1VsEtaBkg"; p_r1VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e1x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R1VsEtBkg"; h2_r1VsEtBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e1x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); histname="pR1VsEtBkg"; p_r1VsEtBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e2x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname = "r2Bkg"; h_r2Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " Bkg photon e2x5/e5x5: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r2Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photon e2x5/e5x5: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r2Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photon e2x5/e5x5: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname="R2VsEtaBkg"; h2_r2VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e2x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); histname="pR2VsEtaBkg"; p_r2VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e2x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R2VsEtBkg"; h2_r2VsEtBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e2x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); histname="pR2VsEtBkg"; p_r2VsEtBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons e2x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); histname = "sigmaIetaIetaBkg"; h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "Bkg sigmaIetaIeta: All Ecal",100,0., 0.1) ; h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","Bkg sigmaIetaIeta: Barrel ", 100,0., 0.05) ; h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","Bkg sigmaIetaIeta: Endcap ", 100,0., 0.1) ; // histname="sigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg"; h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); histname="pSigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg"; p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg"; h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="pSigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg"; p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname = "hOverEBkg"; h_hOverEBkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "H/E bkg: All Ecal",100,0., 1.) ; h_hOverEBkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","H/E bkg: Barrel ", 100,0., 1.) ; h_hOverEBkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","H/E bkg: Endcap ", 100,0., 1.) ; // histname="pHOverEVsEtaBkg"; p_hOverEVsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); histname="pHOverEVsEtBkg"; p_hOverEVsEtBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="hOverEVsEtaBkg"; h2_hOverEVsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="hOverEVsEtBkg"; h2_hOverEVsEtBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); } // histname = "ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg"; h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,50.); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,50.); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,50.); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); histname="ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg"; h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); histname="hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); histname="hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg"; h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); } histname="pEcalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","bkg photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname="pEcalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg"; p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","Bkg ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname = "hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg"; h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,20.); // histname="pHcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","bkg photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname="pHcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg"; p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","Bkg hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname = "isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg"; h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "isoTrkSolidConeDR04 Bkg: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","isoTrkSolidConeDR04 Bkg: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","isoTrkSolidConeDR04 Bkg: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname="isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); histname="pIsoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname="isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg"; h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); histname="pIsoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg"; p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap"," Bkg photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname = "nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg"; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "Bkg nTrkSolidConeDR04: All Ecal",20,0., 20) ; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","Bkg nTrkSolidConeDR04: Barrel ", 20,0., 20) ; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","Bkg nTrkSolidConeDR04: Endcap ", 20,0., 20) ; // histname="nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 20,0., 20) ; histname="p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg"; p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtaBkg_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 20,0., 20) ; // histname="nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg"; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; // histname="pnTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg"; p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","Bkg photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; // h_convEtaBkg_ = dbe_->book1D("convEtaBkg"," converted Photon Bkg Eta 2 tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_convPhiBkg_ = dbe_->book1D("convPhiBkg"," converted Photon Bkg Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ; // histname="mvaOutBkg"; h_mvaOutBkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," mvaOut conversions bkg : All Ecal",100, 0., 1.); h_mvaOutBkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," mvaOut conversions bkg: Barrel Ecal",100, 0., 1.); h_mvaOutBkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," mvaOut conversions bkg: Endcap Ecal",100, 0., 1.); histname="PoverEtracksBkg"; h_PoverETracksBkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," bkg photons conversion p/E: all Ecal ",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); h_PoverETracksBkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","bkg photons conversion p/E: Barrel Ecal",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); h_PoverETracksBkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," bkg photons conversion p/E: Endcap Ecal ",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); histname="EoverPtracksBkg"; h_EoverPTracksBkg_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," bkg photons conversion E/p: all Ecal ",eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax); h_EoverPTracksBkg_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","bkg photons conversion E/p: Barrel Ecal",eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax); h_EoverPTracksBkg_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," bkg photons conversion E/p: Endcap Ecal ",eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax); histname="hDCotTracksBkg"; h_DCotTracksBkg_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: all Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); h_DCotTracksBkg_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); h_DCotTracksBkg_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtxBkg"; h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[0] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " Bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: all Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[1] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", " Bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Barrel Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[2] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", " Bkg Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Endcap Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_convVtxRvsZBkg_[0] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZAllBkg"," Bkg Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_convVtxRvsZBkg_[1] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrelBkg"," Bkg Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_convVtxYvsXBkg_ = dbe_->book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrelBkg"," Bkg Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -80., 80., 100, -80., 80.); } // dbe_->setCurrentFolder("EgammaV/PhotonValidator/Photons"); h_phoEta_[0] = dbe_->book1D("phoEta"," Photon Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_phoPhi_[0] = dbe_->book1D("phoPhi"," Photon Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ; h_phoDEta_[0] = dbe_->book1D("phoDEta"," Photon Eta(rec)-Eta(true) ",dEtaBin,dEtaMin, dEtaMax) ; h_phoDPhi_[0] = dbe_->book1D("phoDPhi"," Photon Phi(rec)-Phi(true) ",dPhiBin,dPhiMin,dPhiMax) ; h_scEta_[0] = dbe_->book1D("scEta"," SC Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax); h_scPhi_[0] = dbe_->book1D("scPhi"," SC Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_scEtaWidth_[0] = dbe_->book1D("scEtaWidth"," SC Eta Width ",100,0., 0.1); h_scPhiWidth_[0] = dbe_->book1D("scPhiWidth"," SC Phi Width ",100,0., 1.); } histname = "scE"; h_scE_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," SC Energy: All Ecal ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scE_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," SC Energy: Barrel ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_scE_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," SC Energy: Endcap ",eBin,eMin, eMax); histname = "psE"; h_psE_ = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," ES Energy ",eBin,eMin, 50.); histname = "scEt"; h_scEt_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," SC Et: All Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax) ; h_scEt_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," SC Et: Barrel",etBin,etMin, etMax) ; h_scEt_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," SC Et: Endcap",etBin,etMin, etMax) ; histname = "r9"; h_r9_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname = "r9ConvFromMC"; h_r9_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname = "r9ConvFromReco"; h_r9_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r9_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; histname = "EtR9Less093"; h_EtR9Less093_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9 < 0.94 or 0.95 : All Ecal",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_EtR9Less093_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9 < 0.94 : Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_EtR9Less093_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9 < 0.95 : Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax); histname = "EtR9Less093Conv"; h_EtR9Less093_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " r9 < 0.94, 0.95 and good conv : All Ecal",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_EtR9Less093_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," r9 < 0.94 and good conv : Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_EtR9Less093_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," r9 < 0.95 and good conv : Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax); } histname="R9VsEta"; h2_r9VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons r9 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r9VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons r9 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R9VsEt"; h2_r9VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons r9 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r9VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons r9 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname = "r1"; h_r1_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " e1x5/e5x5: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r1_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," e1x5/e5x5: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r1_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," e1x5/e5x5: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname="R1VsEta"; h2_r1VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons e1x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r1VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons e1x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R1VsEt"; h2_r1VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons e1x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r1VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons e1x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname = "r2"; h_r2_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " e2x5/e5x5: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r2_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," e2x5/e5x5: Barrel ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; h_r2_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," e2x5/e5x5: Endcap ",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max) ; // histname="R2VsEta"; h2_r2VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons e2x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r2VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons e2x5/e5x5 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname="R2VsEt"; h2_r2VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons e2x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); h2_r2VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons e2x5/e5x5 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,1.1); // histname = "sigmaIetaIeta"; h_sigmaIetaIeta_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "sigmaIetaIeta: All Ecal",100,0., 0.1) ; h_sigmaIetaIeta_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","sigmaIetaIeta: Barrel ", 100,0., 0.05) ; h_sigmaIetaIeta_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","sigmaIetaIeta: Endcap ", 100,0., 0.1) ; // histname="sigmaIetaIetaVsEta"; h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons sigmaIetaIeta vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons sigmaIetaIeta vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="sigmaIetaIetaVsEt"; h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons sigmaIetaIeta vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname = "hOverE"; h_hOverE_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "H/E: All Ecal",100,0., 0.1) ; h_hOverE_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","H/E: Barrel ", 100,0., 0.1) ; h_hOverE_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","H/E: Endcap ", 100,0., 0.1) ; // histname = "newhOverE"; h_newhOverE_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "new H/E: All Ecal",100,0., 0.1) ; h_newhOverE_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","new H/E: Barrel ", 100,0., 0.1) ; h_newhOverE_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","new H/E: Endcap ", 100,0., 0.1) ; // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="hOverEVsEta"; h2_hOverEVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_hOverEVsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="hOverEVsEt"; h2_hOverEVsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); h2_hOverEVsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // } histname="pHoverEVsEta"; p_hOverEVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_hOverEVsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv"," All photons H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="pHoverEVsEt"; p_hOverEVsEt_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_hOverEVsEt_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv"," All photons H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="pnewHoverEVsEta"; p_newhOverEVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons new H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_newhOverEVsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv"," All photons new H/E vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname="pnewHoverEVsEt"; p_newhOverEVsEt_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons new H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); p_newhOverEVsEt_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv"," All photons new H/E vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.,0.1); // histname = "ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04"; h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,20.); h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","ecalRecHitSumEtDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,20.); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta"; h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); } histname="pEcalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta"; p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv","All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt"; h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); h2_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale); } histname="pEcalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt"; p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","All photons ecalRecHitSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname = "hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04"; h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,20.); // histname = "hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04"; h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,20.); h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,20.); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta"; h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); } histname="pHcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta"; p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1, ""); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv","All photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1, ""); histname="pHcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEta"; p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons hcalTowerBcSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1, ""); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv","All photons hcalTowerBcSumEtDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1, ""); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt"; h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," All photons hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04 vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax,etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," All photons hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04 vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax,etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); } histname="pHcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt"; p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","All photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","All photons hcalTowerSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname="pHcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt"; p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons hcalTowerBcSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","All photons hcalTowerBcSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); p_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","All photons hcalTowerBcSumEtDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*etScale, ""); // histname = "isoTrkSolidConeDR04"; h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "isoTrkSolidConeDR04: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","isoTrkSolidConeDR04: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","isoTrkSolidConeDR04: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname="isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta"; h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname="isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt"; h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons isoTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, etBin,etMin,etMax*0.1); // histname = "nTrkSolidConeDR04"; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "nTrkSolidConeDR04: All Ecal",20,0., 20) ; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","nTrkSolidConeDR04: Barrel ", 20,0., 20) ; h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","nTrkSolidConeDR04: Endcap ", 20,0., 20) ; // histname="nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta"; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ", etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 20,0., 20) ; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,20,0., 20) ; // histname="nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt"; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax, 20,0., 20) ; h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," All photons nTrkSolidConeDR04 vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,20,0., 20) ; // histname = "phoE"; h_phoE_[0][0]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon Energy: All ecal ", eBin,eMin, eMax); h_phoE_[0][1]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon Energy: barrel ",eBin,eMin, eMax); h_phoE_[0][2]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon Energy: Endcap ",eBin,eMin, eMax); histname = "phoEt"; h_phoEt_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon Transverse Energy: All ecal ", etBin,etMin, etMax); h_phoEt_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon Transverse Energy: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax); h_phoEt_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon Transverse Energy: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax); histname = "eRes"; h_phoERes_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon rec/true Energy: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon rec/true Energy: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon rec/true Energy: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvAll"," Photon rec/true Energy if r9>0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energy if r9>0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energyif r9>0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convAll"," Photon rec/true Energy if r9<0.0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energyif r9<0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoERes_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energyif r9<0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); histname="eResVsEta"; h2_eResVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 2.5); h2_eResVsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Unconv"," Unconv photons E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 2.5); histname="pEResVsEta"; p_eResVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin,etaMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Unconv","Unconv photons E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal",etaBin2,etaMin,etaMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEta_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Conv","Conv photons E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal",etaBin2,etaMin,etaMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="eResVsEt"; h2_eResVsEt_[0][0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[0][1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"unconv"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[0][2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"conv"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[1][0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[1][1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"unconvBarrel"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[1][2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"convBarrel"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[2][0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[2][1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"unconvEndcap"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); h2_eResVsEt_[2][2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"convEndcap"," All photons E/Etrue vs true Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin, etMax,100, 0.9, 1.1); } histname="pEResVsEt"; p_eResVsEt_[0][0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[0][1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"unconv","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[0][2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"conv","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: all Ecal ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[1][0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[1][1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"unconvBarrel","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[1][2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"convBarrel","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Barrel ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[2][0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[2][1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"unconvEndcap","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsEt_[2][2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"convEndcap","All photons E/Etrue vs Et: Endcap ",etBin,etMin,etMax,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); histname="eResVsR9"; h2_eResVsR9_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: all Ecal ",r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0., 2.5); h2_eResVsR9_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: Barrel ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0.,2.5); h2_eResVsR9_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: Endcap ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0., 2.5); histname="pEResVsR9"; p_eResVsR9_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: all Ecal ",r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsR9_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: Barrel ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_eResVsR9_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap"," All photons E/Etrue vs R9: Endcap ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); histname="sceResVsR9"; h2_sceResVsR9_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: all Ecal ",r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0., 2.5); h2_sceResVsR9_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: Barrel ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0.,2.5); h2_sceResVsR9_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: Endcap ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,100, 0., 2.5); histname="scpEResVsR9"; p_sceResVsR9_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: all Ecal ",r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_sceResVsR9_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Barrel"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: Barrel ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); p_sceResVsR9_[2] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"Endcap"," All photons scE/Etrue vs R9: Endcap ", r9Bin*2,r9Min, r9Max,resBin,resMin, resMax,""); // Photon E reslution when using energy values from regressions histname = "eResRegr1"; h_phoEResRegr1_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 : All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvAll"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 if r9>0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 if r9>0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 if r9>0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convAll"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1if r9<0.0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 if r9<0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr1_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression1 if r9<0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); histname = "eResRegr2"; h_phoEResRegr2_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 : All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvAll"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9>0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9>0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"unconvEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9>0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convAll"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9<0.0.94, 0.95: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convBarrel"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9<0.94: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_phoEResRegr2_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"convEndcap"," Photon rec/true Energy from Regression2 if r9<0.95: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); // Infos from Particle Flow - isolation and ID histname = "chargedHadIso"; h_chHadIso_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF chargedHadIso: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_chHadIso_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF chargedHadIso: Barrel",etBin,etMin,20.); h_chHadIso_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF chargedHadIso: Endcap",etBin,etMin,20.); histname = "neutralHadIso"; h_nHadIso_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF neutralHadIso: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_nHadIso_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF neutralHadIso: Barrel",etBin,etMin,20.); h_nHadIso_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF neutralHadIso: Endcap",etBin,etMin,20.); histname = "photonIso"; h_phoIso_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF photonIso: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_phoIso_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF photonIso: Barrel",etBin,etMin,20.); h_phoIso_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF photonIso: Endcap",etBin,etMin,20.); histname = "nCluOutMustache"; h_nCluOutsideMustache_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF number of clusters outside Mustache: All Ecal",50,0.,50.); h_nCluOutsideMustache_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF number of clusters outside Mustache: Barrel",50,0.,50.); h_nCluOutsideMustache_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF number of clusters outside Mustache: Endcap",50,0.,50.); histname = "etOutMustache"; h_etOutsideMustache_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF et outside Mustache: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_etOutsideMustache_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF et outside Mustache: Barrel",etBin,etMin,20.); h_etOutsideMustache_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF et outside Mustache: Endcap",etBin,etMin,20.); histname = "pfMVA"; h_pfMva_[0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", "PF MVA output: All Ecal",etBin,etMin,20.); h_pfMva_[1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", "PF MVA output: Barrel",etBin,etMin,20.); h_pfMva_[2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", "PF MVA output: Endcap",etBin,etMin,20.); // if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { // Photon pair invariant mass histname = "gamgamMass"; h_gamgamMass_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons invariant mass: All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons invariant mass: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons invariant mass: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassNoConv"; h_gamgamMass_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass: All ecal ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassConv"; h_gamgamMass_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with conversion invariant mass: All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with conversion invariant mass: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMass_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with conversion invariant mass: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // with energy regression1 histname = "gamgamMassRegr1"; h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons invariant mass Regr1 : All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons invariant mass Regr1 : Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons invariant mass Regr1 : Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassRegr1NoConv"; h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr1: All ecal ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr1: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr1: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassRegr1Conv"; h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr1: All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr1: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr1_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr1: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // with energy regression2 histname = "gamgamMassRegr2"; h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons invariant mass Regr2 : All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons invariant mass Regr2 : Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons invariant mass Regr2 : Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassRegr2NoConv"; h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr2: All ecal ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr2: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with no conversion invariant mass Regr2: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); // histname = "gamgamMassRegr2Conv"; h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr2: All ecal ", ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr2: Barrel ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); h_gamgamMassRegr2_[2][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","2 photons with conversion invariant mass Regr2: Endcap ",ggMassBin, ggMassMin, ggMassMax); //} dbe_->setCurrentFolder("EgammaV/PhotonValidator/ConversionInfo"); histname="nOfflineVtx"; h_nRecoVtx_ = dbe_->book1D(histname,"# of Offline Vertices",30, -0.5, 29.5); histname="nConv"; h_nConv_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: All Ecal ",10,-0.5, 9.5); h_nConv_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: Ecal Barrel ",10,-0.5, 9.5); h_nConv_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: Ecal Endcap ",10,-0.5, 9.5); h_convEta_[0] = dbe_->book1D("convEta1"," converted Photon Eta >1 track",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_convEta_[1] = dbe_->book1D("convEta2"," converted Photon Eta =2 tracks ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_convEta_[2] = dbe_->book1D("convEta2ass"," converted Photon Eta =2 tracks, both ass ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ; h_convPhi_[0] = dbe_->book1D("convPhi"," converted Photon Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ; histname = "convERes"; h_convERes_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Conversion rec/true Energy: All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax); h_convERes_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Conversion rec/true Energy: Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax); h_convERes_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Conversion rec/true Energy: Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax); histname="p_EResVsR"; p_eResVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs R: all Ecal ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100, 0.,1.5,""); histname = "convPtRes"; h_convPtRes_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Conversion Pt rec/true from tracks : All ecal ", resBin,0.,1.5); h_convPtRes_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Conversion Pt rec/true from tracks: Barrel ",resBin,0., 1.5); h_convPtRes_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Conversion Pt rec/true from tracks: Endcap ",resBin,0., 1.5); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="r9VsTracks"; h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons r9 vs nTracks from conversions: All Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max, 3, -0.5, 2.5) ; h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," photons r9 vs nTracks from conversions: Barrel Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max, 3, -0.5, 2.5) ; h_r9VsNofTracks_[0][2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," photons r9 vs nTracks from conversions: Endcap Ecal",r9Bin,r9Min, r9Max, 3, -0.5, 2.5) ; } histname="mvaOut"; h_mvaOut_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," mvaOut for all conversions : All Ecal",100, 0., 1.); h_mvaOut_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," mvaOut for all conversions : Barrel Ecal",100, 0., 1.); h_mvaOut_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," mvaOut for all conversions : Endcap Ecal",100, 0., 1.); histname="EoverPtracks"; h_EoverPTracks_[0][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"BarrelPix"," photons conversion E/p: barrel pix",eoverpBin, eoverpMin,eoverpMax); h_EoverPTracks_[0][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"BarrelTib"," photons conversion E/p: barrel tib",eoverpBin, eoverpMin,eoverpMax); h_EoverPTracks_[0][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"BarrelTob"," photons conversion E/p: barrel tob ",eoverpBin, eoverpMin,eoverpMax); h_EoverPTracks_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/p: all Ecal ",100, 0., 5.); h_EoverPTracks_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," photons conversion E/p: Barrel Ecal",100, 0., 5.); h_EoverPTracks_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," photons conversion E/p: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 5.); histname="PoverEtracks"; h_PoverETracks_[1][0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," photons conversion p/E: all Ecal ",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); h_PoverETracks_[1][1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," photons conversion p/E: Barrel Ecal",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); h_PoverETracks_[1][2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," photons conversion p/E: Endcap Ecal ",povereBin, povereMin, povereMax); histname="pEoverEtrueVsEta"; p_EoverEtrueVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion with 2 (associated) reco tracks E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100,0.,2.5,""); histname="pEoverEtrueVsR"; p_EoverEtrueVsR_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs R: all Ecal ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100, 0., 2.5, ""); histname="pEoverEtrueVsEta"; p_EoverEtrueVsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All2"," photons conversion 2 reco tracks E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 2.5,""); histname="pPoverPtrueVsEta"; p_PoverPtrueVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion P/Ptrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 5.,""); histname="pEoverPVsEta"; p_EoverPVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/P vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, 0., 5.,""); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="EoverEtrueVsEoverP"; h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs E/P: all Ecal ",100, 0., 5., 100, 0.5, 1.5); h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs E/: Barrel Ecal",100, 0., 5.,100, 0.5, 1.5); h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs E/: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 5., 100, 0.5, 1.5); histname="PoverPtrueVsEoverP"; h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion P/Ptrue vs E/P: all Ecal ",100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 2.5); h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel"," photons conversion P/Ptrue vs E/: Barrel Ecal",100, 0., 5.,100, 0., 2.5); h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[2] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap"," photons conversion P/Ptrue vs E/: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 2.5); histname="EoverEtrueVsEta"; h2_EoverEtrueVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion with 2 (associated) reco tracks E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 2.5); histname="EoverEtrueVsEta"; h2_EoverEtrueVsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All2"," photons conversion 2 reco tracks E/Etrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 2.5); histname="EoverEtrueVsR"; h2_EoverEtrueVsR_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/Etrue vs R: all Ecal ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, 0., 2.5); histname="PoverPtrueVsEta"; h2_PoverPtrueVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion P/Ptrue vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 5.); histname="EoverPVsEta"; h2_EoverPVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/P vs #eta: all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, 0., 5.); histname="EoverPVsR"; h2_EoverPVsR_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/P vs R: all Ecal ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, 0., 5.); histname="etaVsRsim"; h2_etaVsRsim_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," eta(sim) vs R (sim) for associated conversions: all Ecal ",etaBin, etaMin, etaMax,rBin,rMin, rMax); histname="etaVsRreco"; h2_etaVsRreco_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," eta(reco) vs R (reco) for associated conversions: all Ecal ",etaBin, etaMin, etaMax,rBin,rMin, rMax); } histname="pEoverPVsR"; p_EoverPVsR_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/P vs R: all Ecal ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100, 0., 5.,""); histname="hInvMass"; h_invMass_[0][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: all Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); h_invMass_[0][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Barrel Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); h_invMass_[0][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); histname="hInvMass"; h_invMass_[1][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: all Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); h_invMass_[1][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Barrel Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); h_invMass_[1][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5); histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtx"; h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][0] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"All", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: all Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][1] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Barrel Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][2] =dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Endcap Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta"; h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -0.5, 0.5); histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtxVsR"; h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs R",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.5, 0.5); histname="hDCotTracksVsEta"; h2_DCotTracksVsEta_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks vs #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -0.2, 0.2); histname="hDCotTracksVsR"; h2_DCotTracksVsR_ = dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks at vertex vs R",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.2, 0.2); histname="h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsR"; h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsR_= dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal vs R : all Ecal ",rBin,rMin, rMax, dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax); histname="h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta"; h2_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta_= dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal vs #eta : all Ecal ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax); } histname="pDPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta"; p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs #eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -0.5, 0.5,""); histname="pDPhiTracksAtVtxVsR"; p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs R ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.5, 0.5,""); histname="hDCotTracks"; h_DCotTracks_[1][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: all Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); h_DCotTracks_[1][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); h_DCotTracks_[1][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax); histname="pDCotTracksVsEta"; p_DCotTracksVsEta_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks vs #eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -0.2, 0.2,""); histname="pDCotTracksVsR"; p_DCotTracksVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks at vertex vs R ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.2, 0.2,""); histname="hDistMinAppTracks"; h_distMinAppTracks_[1][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: all Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,-0.1,0.6); h_distMinAppTracks_[1][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,-0.1,0.6); h_distMinAppTracks_[1][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,-0.1,0.6); histname="hDPhiTracksAtEcal"; h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[1][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal : all Ecal ",dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[1][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal : Barrel Ecal ",dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax); h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[1][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal : Endcap Ecal ",dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax); histname="pDPhiTracksAtEcalVsR"; p_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal vs R ",rBin,rMin, rMax, dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax,""); histname="pDPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta"; p_DPhiTracksAtEcalVsEta_ = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi at Ecal vs #eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,dPhiTracksBin,0.,dPhiTracksMax,""); histname="hDEtaTracksAtEcal"; h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[1][0]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#eta at Ecal : all Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,dEtaTracksMin,dEtaTracksMax); h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[1][1]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#eta at Ecal : Barrel Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,dEtaTracksMin,dEtaTracksMax); h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[1][2]= dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#eta at Ecal : Endcap Ecal ",dEtaTracksBin,dEtaTracksMin,dEtaTracksMax); h_convVtxRvsZ_[0] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZAll"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_convVtxRvsZ_[1] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_convVtxRvsZ_[2] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZEndcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBin2ForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray); h_convVtxYvsX_ = dbe_->book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -80., 80., 100, -80., 80.); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[0] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrelZoom1"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, -10., 40.); h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[1] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrelZoom2"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, -10., 20.); h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[0] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrelZoom1"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -40., 40., 100, -40., 40.); h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[1] = dbe_->book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrelZoom2"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -20., 20., 100, -20., 20.); } h_convVtxdX_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdX"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdY_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdY"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdZ_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdZ"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdR_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdR"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdX_barrel_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdX_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX, |eta|<=1.2",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdY_barrel_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdY_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY, |eta|<=1.2 ",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdZ_barrel_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdZ_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ, |eta|<=1.2,",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdR_barrel_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdR_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR, |eta|<=1.2",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdX_endcap_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdX_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX, |eta|>1.2",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdY_endcap_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdY_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY, |eta|>1.2",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdZ_endcap_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdZ_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ, |eta|>1.2",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdR_endcap_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdR_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR, |eta|>1.2 ",100, -20.,20.); h_convVtxdPhi_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdPhi"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dPhi",100, -0.005,0.005); h_convVtxdEta_ = dbe_->book1D("convVtxdEta"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dEta",100, -0.5,0.5); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_convVtxdRVsR_ = dbe_->book2D("h2ConvVtxdRVsR","Photon Reco conversion vtx dR vsR" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -20.,20.); h2_convVtxdRVsEta_ = dbe_->book2D("h2ConvVtxdRVsEta","Photon Reco conversion vtx dR vs Eta" ,etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -20.,20.); } p_convVtxdRVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pConvVtxdRVsR","Photon Reco conversion vtx dR vsR" ,rBin,rMin, rMax ,100, -20.,20., ""); p_convVtxdRVsEta_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pConvVtxdRVsEta","Photon Reco conversion vtx dR vs Eta" ,etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -20.,20., ""); p_convVtxdXVsX_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pConvVtxdXVsX","Conversion vtx dX vs X" ,120,-60, 60 ,100, -20.,20., ""); p_convVtxdYVsY_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pConvVtxdYVsY","Conversion vtx dY vs Y" ,120,-60, 60 ,100, -20.,20., ""); p_convVtxdZVsZ_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pConvVtxdZVsZ","Conversion vtx dZ vs Z" ,zBin,zMin,zMax ,100, -20.,20., ""); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_convVtxRrecVsTrue_ = dbe_->book2D("h2ConvVtxRrecVsTrue","Photon Reco conversion vtx R rec vs true" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,rBin,rMin, rMax); } histname="vtxChi2"; h_vtxChi2_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max); h_vtxChi2_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max); h_vtxChi2_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max); histname="vtxChi2Prob"; h_vtxChi2Prob_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, 0., 1.); h_vtxChi2Prob_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, 0., 1.); h_vtxChi2Prob_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, 0., 1.); histname="zPVFromTracks"; h_zPVFromTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks", 100, -30., 30.); h_zPVFromTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks",100, -30., 30.); h_zPVFromTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks",100, -30., 30.); h_zPVFromTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"EndcapP"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks",100, -30., 30.); h_zPVFromTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"EndcapM"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks",100, -30., 30.); histname="dzPVFromTracks"; h_dzPVFromTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks", 100, -10., 10.); h_dzPVFromTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks",100, -10., 10.); h_dzPVFromTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks",100, -10., 10.); h_dzPVFromTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"EndcapP"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks",100, -10., 10.); h_dzPVFromTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"EndcapM"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks",100, -10., 10.); p_dzPVVsR_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pdzPVVsR","Photon Reco conversions: dz(PV) vs R" ,rBin,rMin, rMax, 100, -3.,3.,""); p_dzPVVsEta_ = dbe_->bookProfile("pdzPVVsEta","Photon Reco conversions: dz(PV) vs Eta" ,etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -3.,3.,""); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { h2_dzPVVsR_ = dbe_->book2D("h2dzPVVsR","Photon Reco conversions: dz(PV) vs R" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -3.,3.); } if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="nHitsVsEta"; nHitsVsEta_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,25,0., 25.); histname="nHitsVsEta"; nHitsVsEta_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta associated tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,25,0., 25.); histname="nHitsVsR"; nHitsVsR_[0] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,25,0.,25); histname="nHitsVsR"; nHitsVsR_[1] = dbe_->book2D(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius associated tracks" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,25,0.,25); histname="h2Chi2VsEta"; h2_Chi2VsEta_[0]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, chi2Min, chi2Max); histname="h2Chi2VsR"; h2_Chi2VsR_[0]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs R: All ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100,chi2Min, chi2Max); } histname="h_nHitsVsEta"; p_nHitsVsEta_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 25,-0.5, 24.5,""); histname="h_nHitsVsEta"; p_nHitsVsEta_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta associated tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 25,-0.5, 24.5,""); histname="h_nHitsVsR"; p_nHitsVsR_[0] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks",rBin,rMin, rMax, 25,-0.5, 24.5,""); histname="tkChi2"; h_tkChi2_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max); histname="tkChi2Large"; h_tkChi2Large_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 1000, 0., 5000.0); histname="h_nHitsVsR"; p_nHitsVsR_[1] = dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius associated tracks",rBin,rMin, rMax, 25,-0.5, 24.5,""); histname="tkChi2"; h_tkChi2_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of associated tracks", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max); histname="tkChi2Large"; h_tkChi2Large_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"AssTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of associated tracks", 1000, 0., 5000.0); histname="pChi2VsEta"; p_Chi2VsEta_[0]=dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta : All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, chi2Min, chi2Max,""); histname="pChi2VsR"; p_Chi2VsR_[0]=dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vas R : All ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100,chi2Min, chi2Max,""); histname="hTkD0"; h_TkD0_[0]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Reco Track D0*q: All ",100,-0.1,0.6); h_TkD0_[1]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Reco Track D0*q: Barrel ",100,-0.1,0.6); h_TkD0_[2]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Reco Track D0*q: Endcap ",100,-0.1,0.6); histname="hTkPtPull"; h_TkPtPull_[0]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",100, -10., 10.); histname="hTkPtPull"; h_TkPtPull_[1]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Reco Track Pt pull: Barrel ",100, -10., 10.); histname="hTkPtPull"; h_TkPtPull_[2]=dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Reco Track Pt pull: Endcap ",100, -10., 10.); histname="pTkPtPullEta"; p_TkPtPull_[0]=dbe_->bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -10., 10., " "); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { histname="h2TkPtPullEta"; h2_TkPtPull_[0]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -10., 10.); histname="PtRecVsPtSim"; h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[0]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax); h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[1]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"Barrel", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax); h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[2]=dbe_->book2D(histname+"Endcap", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax); histname="PtRecVsPtSimMixProv"; h2_PtRecVsPtSimMixProv_ =dbe_->book2D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim All for mix with general tracks ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax); } histname="eBcOverTkPout"; hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"All","Matrching BC E/P_out: all Ecal ",100, 0., 5.); hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Barrel","Matrching BC E/P_out: Barrel ",100, 0., 5.); hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname+"Endcap","Matrching BC E/P_out: Endcap ",100, 0., 5.); h_OIinnermostHitR_ = dbe_->book1D("OIinnermostHitR"," R innermost hit for OI tracks ",50, 0., 25); h_IOinnermostHitR_ = dbe_->book1D("IOinnermostHitR"," R innermost hit for IO tracks ",50, 0., 25); h_trkProv_[0] = dbe_->book1D("allTrkProv"," Track pair provenance ",4, 0., 4.); h_trkProv_[1] = dbe_->book1D("assTrkProv"," Track pair provenance ",4, 0., 4.); // histos for fake rate histname = "h_RecoConvTwoTracksEta"; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoTracksPhi"; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoTracksR"; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoTracksZ"; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoTracksEt"; h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); // histname = "h_RecoConvTwoMTracksEta"; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[0] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco-ass tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoMTracksPhi"; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[1] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco-ass tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoMTracksR"; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[2] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco-ass tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoMTracksZ"; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[3] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco-ass tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax); histname = "h_RecoConvTwoMTracksEt"; h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[4] = dbe_->book1D(histname," All reco conversions with 2 reco-ass tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax); } // if DQM }
void PhotonValidator::beginRun | ( | edm::Run const & | r, |
edm::EventSetup const & | theEventSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1463 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References edm::EventSetup::get(), and edm::ESHandle< T >::product().
{ //get magnetic field edm::LogInfo("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " get magnetic field" << "\n"; theEventSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMF_); edm::ESHandle<TrackAssociatorBase> theHitsAssociator; theEventSetup.get<TrackAssociatorRecord>().get("trackAssociatorByHitsForPhotonValidation",theHitsAssociator); theTrackAssociator_ = (TrackAssociatorBase *) theHitsAssociator.product(); thePhotonMCTruthFinder_ = new PhotonMCTruthFinder(); }
void PhotonValidator::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 3513 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References dbe_, dumpDBToFile_GT_ttrig_cfg::outputFileName, DQMStore::save(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
{ std::string outputFileName = parameters_.getParameter<std::string>("OutputFileName"); if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) { dbe_->save(outputFileName); } edm::LogInfo("PhotonValidator") << "Analyzed " << nEvt_ << "\n"; // std::cout << "::endJob Analyzed " << nEvt_ << " events " << " with total " << nPho_ << " Photons " << "\n"; // std::cout << "PhotonValidator::endJob Analyzed " << nEvt_ << " events " << "\n"; return ; }
void PhotonValidator::endRun | ( | edm::Run & | r, |
edm::EventSetup const & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 1478 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
{ delete thePhotonMCTruthFinder_; }
float PhotonValidator::etaTransformation | ( | float | a, |
float | b | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 3544 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
References ETA, etaBarrelEndcap, funct::log(), PI, R_ECAL, funct::tan(), and Z_Endcap.
{ //---Definitions const float PI = 3.1415927; //---Definitions for ECAL const float R_ECAL = 136.5; const float Z_Endcap = 328.0; const float etaBarrelEndcap = 1.479; //---ETA correction float Theta = 0.0 ; float ZEcal = R_ECAL*sinh(EtaParticle)+Zvertex; if(ZEcal != 0.0) Theta = atan(R_ECAL/ZEcal); if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+PI ; float ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta)); if( fabs(ETA) > etaBarrelEndcap ) { float Zend = Z_Endcap ; if(EtaParticle<0.0 ) Zend = -Zend ; float Zlen = Zend - Zvertex ; float RR = Zlen/sinh(EtaParticle); Theta = atan(RR/Zend); if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+PI ; ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta)); } //---Return the result return ETA; //---end }
float PhotonValidator::phiNormalization | ( | float & | a | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 3528 of file PhotonValidator.cc.
Definition at line 98 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 95 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 96 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::bcEtLow_ [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file PhotonValidator.h.
std::string PhotonValidator::conversionIOTrackProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file PhotonValidator.h.
std::string PhotonValidator::conversionOITrackProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::convTrackMinPtCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file PhotonValidator.h.
DQMStore* PhotonValidator::dbe_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file PhotonValidator.h.
bool PhotonValidator::dCotCutOn_ [private] |
Definition at line 132 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::dCotCutValue_ [private] |
Definition at line 133 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::dCotHardCutValue_ [private] |
Definition at line 134 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::ecalEtSumCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 130 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::ecalIsolRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 99 of file PhotonValidator.h.
bool PhotonValidator::fastSim_ [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file PhotonValidator.h.
std::string PhotonValidator::fName_ [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_Chi2VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 441 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_Chi2VsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 443 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 414 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_convVtxdRVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 412 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 420 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 368 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_DCotTracksVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 370 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 380 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 378 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 362 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 364 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_dzPVVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 429 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 263 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 261 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 509 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 511 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_EoverEtrueVsEoverP_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 344 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_EoverEtrueVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 352 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_EoverEtrueVsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 354 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_EoverPVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 347 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_EoverPVsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 349 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_eResVsEt_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 299 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_eResVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 297 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_eResVsR9_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 302 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_etaVsRreco_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 342 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_etaVsRsim_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 341 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 269 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 267 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 516 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 518 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_hOverEVsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 248 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_hOverEVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 246 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 502 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_hOverEVsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 503 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 279 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 277 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 522 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 524 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 285 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 283 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 528 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 530 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_PoverPtrueVsEoverP_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 345 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_PoverPtrueVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 358 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 451 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 452 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r1VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 230 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r1VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 228 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r1VsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 485 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r1VsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 486 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r2VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 236 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r2VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 234 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r2VsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 490 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r2VsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 491 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r9VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 224 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r9VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 222 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r9VsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 482 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_r9VsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 483 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_sceResVsR9_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 304 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 242 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 240 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 496 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 498 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h2_TkPtPull_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 449 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_AllSimConv_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 178 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_chHadIso_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 317 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convERes_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 330 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 328 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 533 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convPhi_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 329 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convPhiBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 534 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convPtRes_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 333 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 408 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 409 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdR_ [private] |
Definition at line 396 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 401 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 406 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdX_ [private] |
Definition at line 393 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 398 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 403 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdY_ [private] |
Definition at line 394 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 399 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 404 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxdZ_ [private] |
Definition at line 395 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 400 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 405 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxRvsZ_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 388 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 390 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxRvsZBkg_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 543 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxYvsX_ [private] |
Definition at line 389 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 391 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_convVtxYvsXBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 542 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DCotTracks_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 367 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DCotTracksBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 541 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DEtaTracksAtEcal_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 384 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_distMinAppTracks_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 373 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DPhiTracksAtEcal_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 377 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 361 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_DPhiTracksAtVtxBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 540 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_dzPVFromTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 428 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 260 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 508 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_EoverPTracks_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 337 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_EoverPTracksBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 538 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_etOutsideMustache_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 322 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_EtR9Less093_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 220 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_gamgamMass_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 289 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_gamgamMassRegr1_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 290 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_gamgamMassRegr2_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 291 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_hcalTowerBcSumEtConeDR04_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 272 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 266 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 515 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_hOverE_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 245 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_hOverEBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 480 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_invMass_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 335 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 199 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 276 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_isoTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 521 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_MatchedSimJet_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 458 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_MatchedSimJetBadCh_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 459 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_MatchedSimPho_[3] [private] |
Numerator for efficiencies.
Definition at line 182 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_MatchedSimPhoBadCh_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 183 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_mvaOut_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 340 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_mvaOutBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 535 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nCluOutsideMustache_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 321 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nConv_[2][3] [private] |
info per conversion
Definition at line 327 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_newhOverE_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 251 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nHadIso_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 318 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nPho_ [private] |
Definition at line 462 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nRecoVtx_ [private] |
Definition at line 158 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nSimConv_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 166 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nSimPho_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 160 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nTrkSolidConeDR04_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 282 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_nTrkSolidConeDR04Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 527 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 198 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_pfMva_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 323 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgDEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 468 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgDPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 469 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgE_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 470 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 471 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 466 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoBkgPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 467 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoDEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 203 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoDPhi_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 204 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoE_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 293 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoERes_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 295 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoEResRegr1_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 311 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoEResRegr2_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 312 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoEt_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 294 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 307 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoIso_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 319 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_phoPhi_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 308 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_PoverETracks_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 338 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_PoverETracksBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 539 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_psE_ [private] |
Definition at line 218 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r1_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 227 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r1Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 478 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r2_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 233 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r2Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 479 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r9_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 221 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r9Bkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 477 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_r9VsNofTracks_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 336 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_RecoConvTwoMTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_RecoConvTwoTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 192 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scBkgE_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 474 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scBkgEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 475 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scBkgEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 464 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scBkgPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 465 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scE_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 215 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scEt_[2][3] [private] |
Definition at line 216 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scEtaPhi_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 212 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scEtaWidth_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 209 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scPhi_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_scPhiWidth_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 211 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_sigmaIetaIeta_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 239 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_sigmaIetaIetaBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 495 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimConvEtaPix_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 167 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimConvOneMTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 185 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimConvOneTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 184 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 187 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 189 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 190 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 188 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimConvTwoTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 186 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[4] [private] |
Definition at line 172 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_simConvVtxYvsX_ [private] |
Definition at line 173 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimJet_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 457 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimPho_[3] [private] |
Denominator for efficiencies.
Definition at line 177 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 164 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimPhoMotherEt_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 162 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimPhoMotherEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 163 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_SimPhoMotherType_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 161 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_simTkEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 170 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_simTkPt_ [private] |
Definition at line 169 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_tkChi2_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 439 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_tkChi2Bkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 537 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_tkChi2Large_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 440 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_TkD0_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 446 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_TkPtPull_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 448 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_trkProv_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 200 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_VisSimConv_[6] [private] |
Definition at line 179 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 180 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_vtxChi2_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 422 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_vtxChi2Prob_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 423 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::h_zPVFromTracks_[5] [private] |
Definition at line 427 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::hBCEnergyOverTrackPout_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 454 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::hcalEtSumCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::hcalHitEtLow_ [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::hcalIsolExtRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::hcalIsolInnRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 126 of file PhotonValidator.h.
bool PhotonValidator::isRunCentrally_ [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file PhotonValidator.h.
edm::InputTag PhotonValidator::label_tp_ [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::likelihoodCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 118 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::lip_ [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 145 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 144 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvR_ [private] |
Definition at line 140 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvX_ [private] |
Definition at line 143 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvY_ [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcConvZ_ [private] |
Definition at line 141 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 139 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcJetEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 146 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcJetPhi_ [private] |
Definition at line 147 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::mcPhi_ [private] |
global variable for the MC photon
Definition at line 138 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::minPhoEtCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nEntry_ [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nEvt_ [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::nHitsVsEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 436 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::nHitsVsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 536 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::nHitsVsR_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 438 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nInvalidPCA_ [private] |
Definition at line 86 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nMatched_ [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nRecConv_ [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nRecConvAss_ [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nRecConvAssWithEcal_ [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nSimConv_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::nSimPho_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::numOfTracksInCone_ [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_Chi2VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 442 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_Chi2VsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 444 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_convVtxdRVsEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 415 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_convVtxdRVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 413 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_convVtxdXVsX_ [private] |
Definition at line 416 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_convVtxdYVsY_ [private] |
Definition at line 417 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_convVtxdZVsZ_ [private] |
Definition at line 418 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 369 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_DCotTracksVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 371 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 381 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 379 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 363 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 365 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_dzPVVsEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 431 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_dzPVVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 430 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 264 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 262 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 510 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 512 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_EoverEtrueVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 353 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_EoverEtrueVsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 355 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_EoverPVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 348 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_EoverPVsR_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 350 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_eResVsEt_[3][3] [private] |
Definition at line 300 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_eResVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 298 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_eResVsR9_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 303 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_eResVsR_ [private] |
Definition at line 331 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 274 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 273 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 270 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 268 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 517 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 519 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_hOverEVsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 249 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_hOverEVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 247 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_hOverEVsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 504 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_hOverEVsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 505 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 280 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 278 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 523 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_isoTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 525 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_newhOverEVsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 253 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_newhOverEVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 252 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_nHitsVsEta_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 435 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_nHitsVsR_[2] [private] |
Definition at line 437 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 286 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 284 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 529 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_nTrkSolidConeDR04VsEtBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 531 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_PoverPtrueVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 359 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r1VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 231 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r1VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 229 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r1VsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 487 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r1VsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 488 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r2VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 237 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r2VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 235 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r2VsEtaBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 492 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r2VsEtBkg_ [private] |
Definition at line 493 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r9VsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 225 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_r9VsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 223 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_sceResVsR9_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 305 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEt_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 243 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 241 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 497 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEtBkg_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 499 of file PhotonValidator.h.
MonitorElement* PhotonValidator::p_TkPtPull_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 450 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 88 of file PhotonValidator.h.
std::string PhotonValidator::photonCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file PhotonValidator.h.
std::string PhotonValidator::photonCollectionProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::recMaxPt_ [private] |
Definition at line 157 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::recMinPt_ [private] |
Global variables for reco Photon.
Definition at line 156 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::simMaxPt_ [private] |
Definition at line 153 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::simMinPt_ [private] |
Definition at line 152 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 89 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 90 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 149 of file PhotonValidator.h.
edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> PhotonValidator::theMF_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 109 of file PhotonValidator.h.
Definition at line 110 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::trkIsolExtRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 119 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::trkIsolInnRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::trkPtLow_ [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file PhotonValidator.h.
double PhotonValidator::trkPtSumCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file PhotonValidator.h.
int PhotonValidator::verbosity_ [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file PhotonValidator.h.