Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator Class Reference

#include <CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h>

Inheritance diagram for CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRegion * > 
regions (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) const
virtual ~CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator ()

Private Attributes

edm::ParameterSet conf_
float deltaEta_
float deltaPhi_
double deltaRExclusionSize_
bool doJetsExclusionCheck_
double jetsPtMin_
float ptMin_
edm::InputTag recoCaloJetsCollection_
edm::InputTag recoL2MuonsCollection_
edm::InputTag recoMuonsCollection_
edm::InputTag recoTrackMuonsCollection_
std::string regionBase_
edm::ParameterSet regionPSet
float rVertex_
std::string thePropagatorName_
float zVertex_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator::CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator ( const edm::ParameterSet conf) [explicit]

Definition at line 28 of file

References conf_, deltaEta_, deltaPhi_, deltaRExclusionSize_, doJetsExclusionCheck_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), jetsPtMin_, ptMin_, recoCaloJetsCollection_, recoL2MuonsCollection_, recoMuonsCollection_, recoTrackMuonsCollection_, regionBase_, regionPSet, rVertex_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, thePropagatorName_, and zVertex_.

  edm::LogInfo ("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Begin Run:: Constructing  CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator";

  regionPSet = conf_.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("RegionPSet");
  ptMin_        = regionPSet.getParameter<double>("ptMin");
  rVertex_      = regionPSet.getParameter<double>("rVertex");
  zVertex_      = regionPSet.getParameter<double>("zVertex");
  deltaEta_     = regionPSet.getParameter<double>("deltaEtaRegion");
  deltaPhi_     = regionPSet.getParameter<double>("deltaPhiRegion");
  edm::ParameterSet toolsPSet  = conf_.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ToolsPSet");
  thePropagatorName_           = toolsPSet.getParameter<std::string>("thePropagatorName");
  regionBase_                  = toolsPSet.getParameter<std::string>("regionBase");

  edm::ParameterSet collectionsPSet = conf_.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("CollectionsPSet");
  recoMuonsCollection_          = collectionsPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recoMuonsCollection");
  recoTrackMuonsCollection_     = collectionsPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recoTrackMuonsCollection");
  recoL2MuonsCollection_        = collectionsPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recoL2MuonsCollection");

  edm::ParameterSet regionInJetsCheckPSet = conf_.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("RegionInJetsCheckPSet");
  doJetsExclusionCheck_         = regionInJetsCheckPSet.getParameter<bool>("doJetsExclusionCheck");
  deltaRExclusionSize_          = regionInJetsCheckPSet.getParameter<double>("deltaRExclusionSize");
  jetsPtMin_                    = regionInJetsCheckPSet.getParameter<double>("jetsPtMin");
  recoCaloJetsCollection_       = regionInJetsCheckPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recoCaloJetsCollection");

  edm::LogInfo ("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Reco muons collection: "        << recoMuonsCollection_ << "\n"
                                               << "Reco tracks muons collection: " << recoTrackMuonsCollection_<< "\n"
                                               << "Reco L2 muons collection: "     << recoL2MuonsCollection_;
virtual CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator::~CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 51 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Member Function Documentation

std::vector< TrackingRegion *, std::allocator< TrackingRegion * > > CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator::regions ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) const [virtual]

Implements TrackingRegionProducer.

Definition at line 61 of file

References abs, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), kinem::delta_R(), deltaEta_, deltaPhi_, deltaRExclusionSize_, TrackingRegionBase::direction(), doJetsExclusionCheck_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::get(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), metsig::jet, jetsPtMin_, LogDebug, mag(), SurfaceOrientation::outer, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), Pi, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), ptMin_, recoCaloJetsCollection_, recoL2MuonsCollection_, recoMuonsCollection_, recoTrackMuonsCollection_, regionBase_, regionPSet, query::result, rVertex_, mathSSE::sqrt(), thePropagatorName_, Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), v, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and zVertex_.


  std::vector<TrackingRegion* > result;

  //Seeding on Sta muon (MC && Datas)

  if(regionBase_=="seedOnStaMuon"||regionBase_=="") {

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Seeding on stand alone muons ";

    //get collections

    //get the muon collection
    edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muonsHandle;
    if (!muonsHandle.isValid())
        edm::LogError("CollectionNotFound") << "Error::No reco muons collection (" << recoMuonsCollection_ << ") in the event - Please verify the name of the muon collection";
        return result;

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Muons collection size = " << muonsHandle->size();

    //get the jet collection
    edm::Handle<CaloJetCollection> caloJetsHandle;

    //get the propagator 
    edm::ESHandle<Propagator> thePropagator;
    es.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get(thePropagatorName_, thePropagator); // thePropagatorName = "AnalyticalPropagator"

    //get tracker geometry
    edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> theTrackerGeometry;
    //const TrackerGeometry& theTracker(*theTrackerGeometry);
    DetId outerid;

    //definition of the region

    int nmuons = 0;
    for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator staMuon = muonsHandle->begin();  staMuon != muonsHandle->end();  ++staMuon) {

      //select sta muons
      if (!staMuon->isStandAloneMuon()) {
        LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "This muon is not a stand alone muon";
      //bit 25 as a coverage -1.4 < eta < 1.4
      if ( abs( staMuon->standAloneMuon()->eta() ) > 1.5 ) continue;

      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Muon stand alone found in the collection - in muons chambers: \n " 
                                              << "Position = " << staMuon->standAloneMuon()->outerPosition() << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << staMuon->standAloneMuon()->outerMomentum() << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << staMuon->standAloneMuon()->eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << staMuon->standAloneMuon()->phi();
      //initial position, momentum, charge
      GlobalPoint initialRegionPosition(staMuon->standAloneMuon()->referencePoint().x(), staMuon->standAloneMuon()->referencePoint().y(), staMuon->standAloneMuon()->referencePoint().z());
      GlobalVector initialRegionMomentum(staMuon->standAloneMuon()->momentum().x(), staMuon->standAloneMuon()->momentum().y(), staMuon->standAloneMuon()->momentum().z());
      int charge = (int) staMuon->standAloneMuon()->charge();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Initial region - Reference point of the sta muon: \n " 
                                              << "Position = " << initialRegionPosition << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << initialRegionMomentum << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << initialRegionPosition.eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << initialRegionPosition.phi() << "\n "
                                              << "Charge = " << charge;
      //propagation on the last layers of TOB
      if ( staMuon->standAloneMuon()->outerPosition().y()>0 ) initialRegionMomentum *=-1;
      GlobalTrajectoryParameters glb_parameters(initialRegionPosition,
      FreeTrajectoryState fts(glb_parameters);
      StateOnTrackerBound onBounds(thePropagator.product());
      TrajectoryStateOnSurface outer = onBounds(fts);
      if (!outer.isValid()) 
          //edm::LogError("FailedPropagation") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;

      //final position & momentum
      GlobalPoint  regionPosition = outer.globalPosition();
      GlobalVector regionMom      = outer.globalMomentum();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Region after propagation: \n "
                                              << "Position = " << outer.globalPosition() << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << outer.globalMomentum() << "\n "
                                              << "R = " << regionPosition.perp() << " ---- z = " << regionPosition.z() << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << outer.globalPosition().eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << outer.globalPosition().phi();

      //step back
      double stepBack = 1;
      GlobalPoint  center = regionPosition + stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      GlobalVector v = stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Step back vector =  " << v << "\n";

      //exclude region built in jets
      if ( doJetsExclusionCheck_ ) {
        double delta_R_min = 1000.;
        for ( CaloJetCollection::const_iterator jet = caloJetsHandle->begin (); jet != caloJetsHandle->end(); jet++ ) {
          if ( jet->pt() < jetsPtMin_ ) continue;
          double deta = center.eta() - jet->eta();
          double dphi = fabs( center.phi() - jet->phi() );
          if ( dphi > TMath::Pi() ) dphi = 2*TMath::Pi() - dphi;
          double delta_R = sqrt(deta*deta + dphi*dphi);
          if ( delta_R < delta_R_min ) delta_R_min = delta_R;
        }//end loop on jets
        if ( delta_R_min < deltaRExclusionSize_ ) {
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Region built too close from a jet"; 
      }//end if doJetsExclusionCheck
      //definition of the region
      CosmicTrackingRegion *etaphiRegion = new CosmicTrackingRegion((-1)*regionMom,

      //return the result

      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator")   << "Final CosmicTrackingRegion \n "
                                                << "Position = "<< center << "\n "
                                                << "Direction = "<< etaphiRegion->direction() << "\n "
                                                << "Distance from the region on the layer = " << (regionPosition -center).mag() << "\n "
                                                << "Eta = " << center.eta() << "\n "
                                                << "Phi = " << center.phi();

    }//end loop on muons

  }//end if SeedOnStaMuon

  //Seeding on cosmic muons (MC && Datas)

  if(regionBase_=="seedOnCosmicMuon") {

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Seeding on cosmic muons tracks";

    //get collections

    //get the muon collection
    edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> cosmicMuonsHandle;
    if (!cosmicMuonsHandle.isValid())
        edm::LogError("CollectionNotFound") << "Error::No cosmic muons collection (" << recoTrackMuonsCollection_ << ") in the event - Please verify the name of the muon reco track collection";
        return result;

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Cosmic muons tracks collection size = " << cosmicMuonsHandle->size();

    //get the jet collection
    edm::Handle<CaloJetCollection> caloJetsHandle;

    //get the propagator 
    edm::ESHandle<Propagator> thePropagator;
    es.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get(thePropagatorName_, thePropagator); // thePropagatorName = "AnalyticalPropagator"

    //get tracker geometry
    edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> theTrackerGeometry;
    DetId outerid;

    //definition of the region

    int nmuons = 0;
    for (reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator cosmicMuon = cosmicMuonsHandle->begin();  cosmicMuon != cosmicMuonsHandle->end();  ++cosmicMuon) {
      //bit 25 as a coverage -1.4 < eta < 1.4
      if ( abs( cosmicMuon->eta() ) > 1.5 ) continue;

      //initial position, momentum, charge
      GlobalPoint initialRegionPosition(cosmicMuon->referencePoint().x(), cosmicMuon->referencePoint().y(), cosmicMuon->referencePoint().z());
      GlobalVector initialRegionMomentum(cosmicMuon->momentum().x(), cosmicMuon->momentum().y(), cosmicMuon->momentum().z());
      int charge = (int) cosmicMuon->charge();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Position and momentum of the muon track in the muon chambers: \n "
                                              << "x = " << cosmicMuon->outerPosition().x() << "\n "
                                              << "y = " << cosmicMuon->outerPosition().y() << "\n "
                                              << "y = " << cosmicMuon->pt() << "\n "
                                              << "Initial region - Reference point of the cosmic muon track: \n " 
                                              << "Position = " << initialRegionPosition << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << initialRegionMomentum << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << initialRegionPosition.eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << initialRegionPosition.phi() << "\n "
                                              << "Charge = " << charge;
      //propagation on the last layers of TOB
      if ( cosmicMuon->outerPosition().y()>0 && cosmicMuon->momentum().y()<0 ) initialRegionMomentum *=-1;
      GlobalTrajectoryParameters glb_parameters(initialRegionPosition,
      FreeTrajectoryState fts(glb_parameters);
      StateOnTrackerBound onBounds(thePropagator.product());
      TrajectoryStateOnSurface outer = onBounds(fts);
      if (!outer.isValid()) 
          //edm::LogError("FailedPropagation") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;

      //final position & momentum
      GlobalPoint  regionPosition = outer.globalPosition();
      GlobalVector regionMom      = outer.globalMomentum();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Region after propagation: \n "
                                              << "Position = " << outer.globalPosition() << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << outer.globalMomentum() << "\n "
                                              << "R = " << regionPosition.perp() << " ---- z = " << regionPosition.z() << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << outer.globalPosition().eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << outer.globalPosition().phi();

      //step back
      double stepBack = 1;
      GlobalPoint  center = regionPosition + stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      GlobalVector v = stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Step back vector =  " << v << "\n";
      //exclude region built in jets
      if ( doJetsExclusionCheck_ ) {    
        double delta_R_min = 1000.;
        for ( CaloJetCollection::const_iterator jet = caloJetsHandle->begin (); jet != caloJetsHandle->end(); jet++ ) {
          if ( jet->pt() < jetsPtMin_ ) continue;
          double deta = center.eta() - jet->eta();
          double dphi = fabs( center.phi() - jet->phi() );
          if ( dphi > TMath::Pi() ) dphi = 2*TMath::Pi() - dphi;
          double delta_R = sqrt(deta*deta + dphi*dphi);
          if ( delta_R < delta_R_min ) delta_R_min = delta_R;
        }//end loop on jets
        if ( delta_R_min < deltaRExclusionSize_ ) {
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Region built too close from a jet"; 
      }// end if doJetsExclusionCheck

      //definition of the region
      CosmicTrackingRegion *etaphiRegion = new CosmicTrackingRegion((-1)*regionMom,

      //return the result

      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator")   << "Final CosmicTrackingRegion \n "
                                                << "Position = "<< center << "\n "
                                                << "Direction = "<< etaphiRegion->direction() << "\n "
                                                << "Distance from the region on the layer = " << (regionPosition -center).mag() << "\n "
                                                << "Eta = " << center.eta() << "\n "
                                                << "Phi = " << center.phi();
    }//end loop on muons

  }//end if SeedOnCosmicMuon

  //Seeding on L2 muons (MC && Datas)

  if(regionBase_=="seedOnL2Muon") {

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Seeding on L2 muons";

    //get collections

    //get the muon collection
    edm::Handle<reco::RecoChargedCandidateCollection> L2MuonsHandle;

    if (!L2MuonsHandle.isValid())
        edm::LogError("CollectionNotFound") << "Error::No L2 muons collection (" << recoL2MuonsCollection_ <<") in the event - Please verify the name of the L2 muon collection";
        return result;

    LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "L2 muons collection size = " << L2MuonsHandle->size();

    //get the propagator 
    edm::ESHandle<Propagator> thePropagator;
    es.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get(thePropagatorName_, thePropagator); // thePropagatorName = "AnalyticalPropagator"

    //get tracker geometry
    edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> theTrackerGeometry;
    DetId outerid;

    //definition of the region

    int nmuons = 0;
    for (reco::RecoChargedCandidateCollection::const_iterator L2Muon = L2MuonsHandle->begin();  L2Muon != L2MuonsHandle->end();  ++L2Muon) {
      reco::TrackRef tkL2Muon = L2Muon->get<reco::TrackRef>();

      //bit 25 as a coverage -1.4 < eta < 1.4
      if ( abs( tkL2Muon->eta() ) > 1.5 ) continue;

      //initial position, momentum, charge
      GlobalPoint initialRegionPosition(tkL2Muon->referencePoint().x(), tkL2Muon->referencePoint().y(), tkL2Muon->referencePoint().z());
      GlobalVector initialRegionMomentum(tkL2Muon->momentum().x(), tkL2Muon->momentum().y(), tkL2Muon->momentum().z());
      int charge = (int) tkL2Muon->charge();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Position and momentum of the L2 muon track in the muon chambers: \n "
                                              << "x = " << tkL2Muon->outerPosition().x() << "\n "
                                              << "y = " << tkL2Muon->outerPosition().y() << "\n "
                                              << "y = " << tkL2Muon->pt() << "\n "
                                              << "Initial region - Reference point of the L2 muon track: \n " 
                                              << "Position = " << initialRegionPosition << "\n "
                                              << "Momentum = " << initialRegionMomentum << "\n "
                                              << "Eta = " << initialRegionPosition.eta() << "\n "
                                              << "Phi = " << initialRegionPosition.phi() << "\n "
                                              << "Charge = " << charge;

      //seeding only in the bottom
      if ( tkL2Muon->outerPosition().y() > 0 )
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "L2 muon in the TOP --- Region not created";
          return result;
      GlobalTrajectoryParameters glb_parameters(initialRegionPosition,
      FreeTrajectoryState fts(glb_parameters);
      StateOnTrackerBound onBounds(thePropagator.product());
      TrajectoryStateOnSurface outer = onBounds(fts);
      if (!outer.isValid()) 
          //edm::LogError("FailedPropagation") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;
          LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Trajectory state on surface not valid" ;

      //final position & momentum
      GlobalPoint  regionPosition = outer.globalPosition();
      GlobalVector regionMom      = outer.globalMomentum();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator")     << "Region after propagation: \n "
                                                  << "Position = " << outer.globalPosition() << "\n "
                                                  << "Momentum = " << outer.globalMomentum() << "\n "
                                                  << "R = " << regionPosition.perp() << " ---- z = " << regionPosition.z() << "\n "
                                                  << "Eta = " << outer.globalPosition().eta() << "\n "
                                                  << "Phi = " << outer.globalPosition().phi();

      //step back
      double stepBack = 1;
      GlobalPoint  center = regionPosition + stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      GlobalVector v = stepBack * regionMom.unit();
      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator") << "Step back vector =  " << v << "\n";
      //definition of the region
      CosmicTrackingRegion *etaphiRegion = new CosmicTrackingRegion((-1)*regionMom,

      LogDebug("CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator")       << "Final L2TrackingRegion \n "
                                                    << "Position = "<< center << "\n "
                                                    << "Direction = "<< etaphiRegion->direction() << "\n "
                                                    << "Distance from the region on the layer = " << (regionPosition -center).mag() << "\n "
                                                    << "Eta = " << center.eta() << "\n "
                                                    << "Phi = " << center.phi();

    }//end loop on muons

  }//end if SeedOnL2Muon

  return result;


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 56 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator().

Definition at line 62 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 63 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 73 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 72 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 74 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 59 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 75 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 70 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 68 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 69 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 66 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 57 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 60 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 65 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().

Definition at line 61 of file CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by CosmicRegionalSeedGenerator(), and regions().