Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

cms::GammaJetAnalysis Class Reference

#include <GammaJetAnalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for cms::GammaJetAnalysis:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
 GammaJetAnalysis (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~GammaJetAnalysis ()

Private Attributes

bool allowMissingInputs_
int Code [4000]
double CutOnEgammaEnergy_
int EcalClusDet [20]
std::string ecalInput_
float ecut [3][3]
int event
std::string fOutputFileName
std::string gammaClus_
float GammaIsoEcal [9][20]
float GammaIsoHcal [9][20]
float GammaRecoEt [20]
float GammaRecoEta [20]
float GammaRecoPhi [20]
const CaloGeometrygeo
std::string hbheInput_
float HcalDet [8000]
float HcalRecoEt [8000]
float HcalRecoEta [8000]
float HcalRecoPhi [8000]
std::string hfInput_
std::string hoInput_
TFile * hOutputFile
std::string jetCalo_
float JetGenEt [10]
float JetGenEta [10]
float JetGenPhi [10]
float JetGenType [10]
float JetRecoEt [10]
float JetRecoEta [10]
float JetRecoPhi [10]
float JetRecoType [10]
int Mother1 [4000]
std::string myName
std::ofstream * myout_ecal
std::ofstream * myout_hcal
std::ofstream * myout_jet
std::ofstream * myout_part
std::ofstream * myout_photon
TTree * myTree
std::string nameProd_
int NumGenJets
int NumPart
int NumRecoGamma
int NumRecoHcal
int NumRecoJets
int NumRecoTrack
float parte [4000]
float partm [4000]
float partpx [4000]
float partpy [4000]
float partpz [4000]
float partvt [4000]
float partvx [4000]
float partvy [4000]
float partvz [4000]
float risol [3]
int run
int Status [4000]
float TrackRecoEt [10]
float TrackRecoEta [10]
float TrackRecoPhi [10]
std::string Tracks_
bool useMC

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cms::GammaJetAnalysis::GammaJetAnalysis ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 44 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and PatBasicFWLiteJetAnalyzer_Selector_cfg::useMC.

  // get names of modules, producing object collections

  nameProd_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("nameProd");
  jetCalo_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("jetCalo","GammaJetJetBackToBackCollection");
  gammaClus_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("gammaClus","GammaJetGammaBackToBackCollection");
  hbheInput_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hbheInput");
  hoInput_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hoInput");
  hfInput_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hfInput");
  Tracks_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("Tracks","GammaJetTracksCollection");
  CutOnEgammaEnergy_  = iConfig.getParameter<double>("CutOnEgammaEnergy");

  myName = iConfig.getParameter<std::string> ("textout");
  useMC = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useMCInfo"); 
  // get name of output file with histogramms
  fOutputFileName = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("HistOutFile"); 
  risol[0] = 0.5;
  risol[1] = 0.7;
  risol[2] = 1.0;
  ecut[0][0] = 0.09;
  ecut[0][1] = 0.18;
  ecut[0][2] = 0.27;
  ecut[1][0] = 0.45;
  ecut[1][1] = 0.9;
  ecut[1][2] = 1.35;
  ecut[2][0] = 0.5;
  ecut[2][1] = 1.;
  ecut[2][2] = 1.5;
cms::GammaJetAnalysis::~GammaJetAnalysis ( )

Definition at line 81 of file

   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)


Member Function Documentation

void cms::GammaJetAnalysis::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 161 of file

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, gather_cfg::cout, cond::rpcobgas::detid, alignCSCRings::e, DetId::Ecal, eta, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getAllProvenance(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), DetId::Hcal, i, edm::EventBase::id(), j, metsig::jet, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), phi, pos, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, edm::EventID::run(), DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, and mathSSE::sqrt().


   edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pG;
   geo = pG.product();

  using namespace edm;
  std::vector<Provenance const*> theProvenance;
//  for( std::vector<Provenance const*>::const_iterator ip = theProvenance.begin();
//                                                      ip != theProvenance.end(); ip++)
//  {
//     cout<<" Print all module/label names "<<(**ip).moduleName()<<" "<<(**ip).moduleLabel()<<
//     " "<<(**ip).productInstanceName()<<endl;
//  }
// Load generator information
// write HEPEVT block into file
   run =;
   event =;
  (*myout_part)<<"Event "<<<<" "<<<<endl;
  (*myout_jet)<<"Event "<<<<" "<<<<endl;
  (*myout_hcal)<<"Event "<<<<" "<<<<endl;
  (*myout_ecal)<<"Event "<<<<" "<<<<endl;
  (*myout_photon)<<"Event "<<<<" "<<<<endl;

    std::vector<edm::InputTag>::const_iterator ic;
    int jettype = 0;
    int jetexist = -100;
    int reco = 1;
    double etlost = -100.1;
    NumRecoJets = 0;
     try {
       edm::Handle<reco::CaloJetCollection> jets;
       iEvent.getByLabel(nameProd_, jetCalo_, jets);
       reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator jet = jets->begin ();
       cout<<" Size of Calo jets "<<jets->size()<<endl;
       if(jets->size() > 0 )
         int ij = 0;
         for (; jet != jets->end (); jet++) 
            cout<<" Jet et "<<(*jet).et()<<" "<<(*jet).eta()<<" "<<(*jet).phi()<<endl;
            if(ij<4) (*myout_jet)<<jettype<<" "<<reco<<" "<<ij<<" "<<(*jet).et()<<" "<<(*jet).eta()<<" "<<(*jet).phi()
            <<" "<<<<endl;
            jetexist = ij;
            if( NumRecoJets < 8 )
             JetRecoEt[NumRecoJets] = (*jet).et();
             JetRecoEta[NumRecoJets] = (*jet).eta();
             JetRecoPhi[NumRecoJets] = (*jet).phi();
             JetRecoType[NumRecoJets] = jettype;
     } catch (cms::Exception& e) { // can't find it!
       if (!allowMissingInputs_) {
         cout<< " Calojets are missed "<<endl;
         throw e;
     cout<<" We filled CaloJet part "<<jetexist<<endl;
     if( jetexist < 0 ) (*myout_jet)<<jetexist<<" "<<reco<<" "<<etlost
                         <<" "<<etlost<<" "<<etlost
                         <<" "<<<<endl;
// Load EcalRecHits
    std::vector<edm::InputTag>::const_iterator i;
    vector<CaloRecHit> theRecHits;
    try {
      edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> ec;
      iEvent.getByLabel(nameProd_, ecalInput_,ec);
       for(EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator recHit = (*ec).begin();
                                                recHit != (*ec).end(); ++recHit)
// EcalBarrel = 1, EcalEndcap = 2

         GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(recHit->detid());

         if( (*recHit).energy()> ecut[recHit->detid().subdetId()-1][0] )
                    (*myout_ecal)<<recHit->detid().subdetId()<<" "<<(*recHit).energy()<<" "<<pos.phi()<<" "<<pos.eta()
                                 <<" "<<<<endl;
    } catch (cms::Exception& e) { // can't find it!
    if (!allowMissingInputs_) {
      cout<<" Ecal collection is missed "<<endl;
      throw e;

     cout<<" Fill EcalRecHits "<<endl;
//  cout<<" Start to get hbhe "<<endl;
// Hcal Barrel and endcap for isolation
    try {
      edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhe;

//      (*myout_hcal)<<(*hbhe).size()<<endl;
  for(HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hbheItr = (*hbhe).begin();

      hbheItr != (*hbhe).end(); ++hbheItr)
        DetId id = (hbheItr)->detid();
        GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(hbheItr->detid());
        (*myout_hcal)<<id.subdetId()<<" "<<(*hbheItr).energy()<<" "<<pos.phi()<<
                                      " "<<pos.eta()<<" "<<<<endl;

    } catch (cms::Exception& e) { // can't find it!
      if (!allowMissingInputs_) {
        cout<<" HBHE collection is missed "<<endl;
        throw e;

 for(int i = 0; i<9; i++)
    for(int j= 0; j<10; j++) GammaIsoEcal[i][j] = 0.;

// Load Ecal clusters
 jetexist = -100; 
 int barrel = 1;
 NumRecoGamma = 0;
 try {
 int ij = 0;
  // Get island super clusters after energy correction
  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> eclus;
  iEvent.getByLabel(nameProd_,gammaClus_, eclus);
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* correctedSuperClusters=eclus.product();
  // loop over the super clusters and fill the histogram
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator aClus = correctedSuperClusters->begin();
                                                           aClus != correctedSuperClusters->end(); aClus++) {
    double vet = aClus->energy()/cosh(aClus->eta());
    cout<<" Supercluster " << ij<<" Et "<< vet <<" energy "<<aClus->energy()<<" eta "<<aClus->eta()<<" Cut "<<CutOnEgammaEnergy_<<endl;

    if(vet>CutOnEgammaEnergy_) {
      float gammaiso_ecal[9] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
     for(vector<CaloRecHit>::iterator it = theRecHits.begin(); it != theRecHits.end(); it++)
           GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(it->detid());
           double eta = pos.eta();
           double phi = pos.phi();
           double deta = fabs(eta-aClus->eta());
           double dphi = fabs(phi-aClus->phi());
           if(dphi>4.*atan(1.)) dphi = 8.*atan(1.)-dphi;
           double dr = sqrt(deta*deta+dphi*dphi);
           double rmin = 0.07;
           if( fabs(aClus->eta()) > 1.47 ) rmin = 0.07*(fabs(aClus->eta())-.47)*1.2;
           if( fabs(aClus->eta()) > 2.2 ) rmin = 0.07*(fabs(aClus->eta())-.47)*1.4;
           int itype_ecal = 0;
           double ecutn = 0.;
           for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j<3; j++)
                if(it->detid().det() == DetId::Ecal ) 
                  if(it->detid().subdetId() == 1) ecutn = ecut[0][j];
                  if(it->detid().subdetId() == 2) ecutn = ecut[1][j];
                  if( dr>rmin && dr<risol[i])
                   if((*it).energy() > ecutn) gammaiso_ecal[itype_ecal] = gammaiso_ecal[itype_ecal]+(*it).energy()/cosh(eta);
                if(it->detid().det() == DetId::Hcal ) 
                   ecutn = ecut[2][j];
                   if( dr>rmin && dr<risol[i])
                     if((*it).energy() > ecutn) 
                        gammaiso_ecal[itype_ecal] = gammaiso_ecal[itype_ecal]+(*it).energy()/cosh(eta);
                jetexist = ij;
             } // Ecal
           } // cycle on iso radii      
      } // cycle on rechits
// Fill Tree      
           if( NumRecoGamma < 10 ) 
            for (int ii = 0; ii<9 ; ii++)
             GammaIsoEcal[ii][NumRecoGamma] = gammaiso_ecal[ii]; 
             EcalClusDet[NumRecoGamma] = 1;
             GammaRecoEt[NumRecoGamma] = vet;
             GammaRecoEta[NumRecoGamma] = aClus->eta();
             GammaRecoPhi[NumRecoGamma] = aClus->phi();
    (*myout_photon)<<ij<<" "<<barrel<<" "<<vet<<" "<<aClus->eta()<<" "<<aClus->phi()<<" "<<<<endl;
    (*myout_photon)<<ij<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[0]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[1] <<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[2]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[3]
                   <<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[4]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[5]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[6]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[7]<<" "<<gammaiso_ecal[8]<<endl;
       jetexist = ij;
    } //vet  
  } // number of superclusters
  } catch (cms::Exception& e) { // can't find it!
    if (!allowMissingInputs_) {
       cout<<" Ecal barrel clusters are missed "<<endl;
       throw e;

    cout<<" After iso cuts "<<jetexist<<endl;

    double ecluslost = -100.1;
    if(jetexist<0) (*myout_photon)<<jetexist<<" "<<barrel<<" "<<ecluslost<<" "<<ecluslost
                                  <<" "<<ecluslost<<" "<<<<endl;
    cout<<" Event is ready "<<endl;
} // analyze method
void cms::GammaJetAnalysis::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 89 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, event(), and DTTTrigCorrFirst::run.

   hOutputFile   = new TFile( fOutputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE" ) ; 
   myTree = new TTree("GammaJet","GammaJet Tree");
   myTree->Branch("run",  &run, "run/I");
   myTree->Branch("event",  &event, "event/I");
   NumRecoJets = 0;
   NumGenJets = 0;
   NumRecoGamma = 0;
   NumRecoTrack = 0;
   NumPart = 0;
// Jet block
   myTree->Branch("NumRecoJets", &NumRecoJets, "NumRecoJets/I");   
   myTree->Branch("JetRecoEt",  JetRecoEt, "JetRecoEt[10]/F");
   myTree->Branch("JetRecoEta",  JetRecoEta, "JetRecoEta[10]/F");
   myTree->Branch("JetRecoPhi",  JetRecoPhi, "JetRecoPhi[10]/F");
   myTree->Branch("JetRecoType",  JetRecoType, "JetRecoType[10]/F");
// Gamma block for ECAL isolated gammas
   myTree->Branch("NumRecoGamma", &NumRecoGamma, "NumRecoGamma/I");
   myTree->Branch("EcalClusDet", &EcalClusDet, "EcalClusDet[20]/I");
   myTree->Branch("GammaRecoEt",  GammaRecoEt, "GammaRecoEt[20]/F");
   myTree->Branch("GammaRecoEta",  GammaRecoEta, "GammaRecoEta[20]/F");
   myTree->Branch("GammaRecoPhi",  GammaRecoPhi, "GammaRecoPhi[20]/F");
   myTree->Branch("GammaIsoEcal",  GammaIsoEcal, "GammaIsoEcal[9][20]/F");

// Tracks block
   myTree->Branch("NumRecoTrack", &NumRecoTrack, "NumRecoTrack/I");
   myTree->Branch("TrackRecoEt",  TrackRecoEt, "TrackRecoEt[200]/F");
   myTree->Branch("TrackRecoEta",  TrackRecoEta, "TrackRecoEta[200]/F");
   myTree->Branch("TrackRecoPhi",  TrackRecoPhi, "TrackRecoPhi[200]/F");

// end of tree declaration

//   edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pG;
//   iSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(pG);
//   geo = pG.product();

  myout_part = new ofstream((myName+"_part.dat").c_str()); 
  if(!myout_part) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
  myout_hcal = new ofstream((myName+"_hcal.dat").c_str()); 
  if(!myout_hcal) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
  myout_ecal = new ofstream((myName+"_ecal.dat").c_str()); 
  if(!myout_ecal) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
  myout_jet = new ofstream((myName+"_jet.dat").c_str()); 
  if(!myout_jet) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
  myout_photon = new ofstream((myName+"_photon.dat").c_str()); 
  if(!myout_photon) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
void cms::GammaJetAnalysis::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 143 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.


   cout << "===== Start writing user histograms =====" << endl;
   hOutputFile->Close() ;
   cout << "===== End writing user histograms =======" << endl; 

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 77 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

int cms::GammaJetAnalysis::Code[4000] [private]

Definition at line 96 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 72 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 93 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::ecalInput_ [private]

Definition at line 66 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::ecut[3][3] [private]

Definition at line 100 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 89 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 76 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::gammaClus_ [private]

Definition at line 65 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::GammaIsoEcal[9][20] [private]

Definition at line 94 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::GammaIsoHcal[9][20] [private]

Definition at line 94 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 94 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 94 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 94 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 103 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::hbheInput_ [private]

Definition at line 67 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::HcalDet[8000] [private]

Definition at line 95 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::HcalRecoEt[8000] [private]

Definition at line 95 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::HcalRecoEta[8000] [private]

Definition at line 95 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::HcalRecoPhi[8000] [private]

Definition at line 95 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::hfInput_ [private]

Definition at line 69 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::hoInput_ [private]

Definition at line 68 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 80 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::jetCalo_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetGenEt[10] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetGenEta[10] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetGenPhi[10] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetGenType[10] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetRecoEt[10] [private]

Definition at line 90 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetRecoEta[10] [private]

Definition at line 90 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::JetRecoPhi[10] [private]

Definition at line 90 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 90 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

int cms::GammaJetAnalysis::Mother1[4000] [private]

Definition at line 96 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myName [private]

Definition at line 71 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::ofstream* cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myout_ecal [private]

Definition at line 84 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::ofstream* cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myout_hcal [private]

Definition at line 83 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::ofstream* cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myout_jet [private]

Definition at line 85 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::ofstream* cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myout_part [private]

Definition at line 82 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::ofstream* cms::GammaJetAnalysis::myout_photon [private]

Definition at line 86 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 81 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::nameProd_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 88 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::parte[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partm[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partpx[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partpy[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partpz[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partvt[4000] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partvx[4000] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partvy[4000] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::partvz[4000] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

float cms::GammaJetAnalysis::risol[3] [private]

Definition at line 99 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 89 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

int cms::GammaJetAnalysis::Status[4000] [private]

Definition at line 96 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 92 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 92 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 92 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

std::string cms::GammaJetAnalysis::Tracks_ [private]

Definition at line 70 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.

Definition at line 78 of file GammaJetAnalysis.h.