![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
dictionary | archList = {} |
string | baseDirWeb = 'https://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/ME/' |
list | cat = catList[ent] |
dictionary | catList = {} |
tuple | cmsswbase = os.environ.get('CMS_PATH') |
string | default = "slc4_ia32_gcc345" |
string | dest = "arch" |
tuple | dir = os.path.dirname(fileOut) |
tuple | dlist = website.read() |
list | energy = energyList[ent] |
dictionary | energyList = {} |
tuple | file = line.split(' ') |
string | fileExpected = ':' |
string | fileOut = '/' |
tuple | fout = open(fileOut,'w') |
list | gen = genList[ent] |
dictionary | genList = {} |
string | help = "The CMSSW architecture (default=slc4_ia32_gcc345)" |
tuple | href = line.split('<a') |
string | listFileEnding = 'list' |
tuple | listing = listFile.read() |
tuple | md5Server = line.split(' ') |
tuple | mysum = md5.md5(open(fileOut).read()) |
int | needToGet = 0 |
tuple | parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) |
tuple | req = urllib2.Request(baseDirWeb) |
tuple | req2 = urllib2.Request(baseDirWeb+'/'+fileExpected) |
tuple | req3 = urllib2.Request(file) |
dictionary | tmpDict = {} |
usage = \ | |
list | ver = versionList[ent] |
dictionary | versionList = {} |
dictionary cmsDownloadME::archList = {} |
Definition at line 69 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::baseDirWeb = 'https://cmsrep.cern.ch/cmssw/ME/' |
Definition at line 50 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
list cmsDownloadME::cat = catList[ent] |
Definition at line 114 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by CSCStripAmpResponse::calculateAmpResponse(), CutBasedElectronID::cicSelection(), CutBasedElectronID::classify(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::fillDataSet(), edm::service::ELstatistics::formSummary(), DDStreamer::parts_read(), DDLLogicalPart::processElement(), AlgorithmCalibration< T, CO >::readCategories(), edm::service::ELstatistics::summaryForJobReport(), and TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().
dictionary cmsDownloadME::catList = {} |
Definition at line 71 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::cmsswbase = os.environ.get('CMS_PATH') |
Definition at line 52 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by RivetHarvesting::beginJob(), and RivetAnalyzer::beginJob().
string cmsDownloadME::default = "slc4_ia32_gcc345" |
Definition at line 27 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::dest = "arch" |
Definition at line 28 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::dir = os.path.dirname(fileOut) |
Definition at line 171 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::dlist = website.read() |
Definition at line 67 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
list cmsDownloadME::energy = energyList[ent] |
Definition at line 101 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
dictionary cmsDownloadME::energyList = {} |
Definition at line 72 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::file = line.split(' ') |
Definition at line 155 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::fileExpected = ':' |
Definition at line 134 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::fileOut = '/' |
Definition at line 157 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::fout = open(fileOut,'w') |
Definition at line 189 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
list cmsDownloadME::gen = genList[ent] |
Definition at line 89 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by __attribute__(), GaussNoiseFP420::addNoise(), METTester::analyze(), ZHistogrammer::analyze(), ZMuPtScaleAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTJetMETValidation::analyze(), zPdfUnc::analyze(), ZdcSimHitStudy::analyze(), EWKSystUnc::analyze(), ZLONLOHistogrammer::analyze(), ZMassHistogrammer::analyze(), myFastSimVal::analyze(), ValidIsoTrkCalib::analyze(), ZMCHistogrammer::analyze(), ValidIsoTrkCalib::beginJob(), cond::DecodingKey::createFromInputFile(), GenParticlesHelper::findParticles(), SherpaHadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), HcalBaseDQMonitor::getLogicalMap(), HcalBaseDQClient::getLogicalMap(), cond::CredentialStore::installAdmin(), hitfit::Resolution::pick(), DistortedMuonProducer::produce(), StGenEventReco::produce(), GenParticlePruner::produce(), DistortedPFCandProducer::produce(), TtGenEventReco::produce(), cms::METProducer::produce_GenMET(), HBHEStatusBitSetter::SetFlagsFromDigi(), HBHEStatusBitSetter::SetFlagsFromRecHits(), HcaluLUTTPGCoder::setLUTGenerationMode(), cond::CredentialStore::updateConnection(), and cond::CredentialStore::updatePrincipal().
dictionary cmsDownloadME::genList = {} |
Definition at line 70 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
string cmsDownloadME::help = "The CMSSW architecture (default=slc4_ia32_gcc345)" |
Definition at line 26 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::href = line.split('<a') |
Definition at line 77 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by L1TGMTClient::bookClone1D(), L1TGMTClient::bookClone1DVB(), L1TGMTClient::bookClone2D(), PlotCompareUtility::compare(), ManipHist::divideAndDrawEps(), ManipHist::divideAndDrawPs(), CalibClosureTest::drawEff(), PFBlockAlgo::link(), and PlotCompareUtility::makePlots().
string cmsDownloadME::listFileEnding = 'list' |
Definition at line 51 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::listing = listFile.read() |
Definition at line 151 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::md5Server = line.split(' ') |
Definition at line 156 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::mysum = md5.md5(open(fileOut).read()) |
Definition at line 162 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
int cmsDownloadME::needToGet = 0 |
Definition at line 160 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) |
Definition at line 23 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::req = urllib2.Request(baseDirWeb) |
Definition at line 61 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by TRootXTReq::ProcessQueue(), and RFIOStorageMaker::stagein().
tuple cmsDownloadME::req2 = urllib2.Request(baseDirWeb+'/'+fileExpected) |
Definition at line 145 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
tuple cmsDownloadME::req3 = urllib2.Request(file) |
Definition at line 183 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
dictionary cmsDownloadME::tmpDict = {} |
Definition at line 86 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Definition at line 17 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
list cmsDownloadME::ver = versionList[ent] |
Definition at line 128 of file cmsDownloadME.py.
Referenced by ChargeDividerFP420::ChargeDividerFP420(), CustomPhysics::CustomPhysics(), ora::Version::fromString(), GFlash::GFlash(), CosmicMuonGenerator::initialize(), CosmicMuonGenerator::nextEvent(), PixelVertexProducerMedian::produce(), PixelVertexProducerClusters::produce(), HIPixelClusterVtxProducer::produce(), HIPixelMedianVtxProducer::produce(), FourVectorHLTOffline::removeVersions(), FourVectorHLTClient::removeVersions(), RunConfigDat::setConfigVersion(), MonVersionDef::setMonitoringVersion(), and MonRunTag::setMonVersionDef().
dictionary cmsDownloadME::versionList = {} |
Definition at line 73 of file cmsDownloadME.py.