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#include <EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h>
Classes | |
struct | energiesEb_t |
struct | energiesEe_t |
class | Sorter |
Public Member Functions | |
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation (const edm::ParameterSet &ps) | |
Constructor. | |
~EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation () | |
Destructor. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | analyze (edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c) |
Analyzes the event. | |
void | beginRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) |
Calls at begin of run. | |
void | endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) |
Calls at end of run. | |
Private Types | |
typedef EcalRecHit | RecHit |
typedef EcalRecHitCollection | RecHitCollection |
enum | subdet_t { EB, EE } |
distinguishes barral and endcap of ECAL. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
template<class T , class U > | |
void | anaDigi (const T &frame, const U &srFlagColl) |
void | anaDigiInit () |
void | analyzeDataVolume (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &es) |
void | analyzeEB (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) |
void | analyzeEE (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) |
void | analyzeTP (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) |
template<class T > | |
void | checkSrApplication (const edm::Event &event, T &srfs) |
int | cIndex2iEta (int i) const |
int | cIndex2iPhi (int i) const |
int | cIndex2iTtEta (int i) const |
int | cIndex2iTtPhi (int i) const |
int | cIndex2iXY (int iX0) const |
template<class T > | |
void | compareSrfColl (const edm::Event &event, T &srfFromData, T &computedSrf) |
void | configFirWeights (std::vector< double > weightsForZsFIR) |
std::pair< int, int > | dccCh (const DetId &xtalId) const |
double | frame2Energy (const EcalDataFrame &frame) const |
template<class T > | |
double | frame2EnergyForTp (const T &frame, int offset=0) const |
double | getBytesPerCrystal () const |
int | getCrystalCount (int iDcc, int iDccCh) |
double | getDccEventSize (int iDcc0, double nReadXtals) const |
double | getDccOverhead (subdet_t subdet) const |
double | getDccSrDependentPayload (int iDcc0, double nReadRus, double nReadXtals) const |
double | getEbEventSize (double nReadXtals) const |
double | getEeEventSize (double nReadXtals) const |
double | getL1aRate () const |
int | getRuCount (int iDcc0) const |
int | iEta2cIndex (int iEta) const |
void | initAsciiFile () |
int | iPhi2cIndex (int iPhi) const |
int | iTtEta2cIndex (int iEta) const |
int | iTtPhi2cIndex (int iPhi) const |
int | iXY2cIndex (int iX) const |
void | myAna () |
void | normalizeHists (double eventCount) |
void | printAvailableHists () |
void | readAllCollections (const edm::Event &e) |
bool | registerHist (const std::string &name, const std::string &title) |
void | selectFedsForLog () |
void | setTtEtSums (const edm::EventSetup &es, const EBDigiCollection &ebDigis, const EEDigiCollection &eeDigis) |
void | SRFlagValidation (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) |
EcalScDetId | superCrystalOf (const EEDetId &xtalId) const |
void | updateL1aRate (const edm::Event &event) |
EcalTrigTowerDetId | readOutUnitOf (const EBDetId &xtalId) const |
EcalScDetId | readOutUnitOf (const EEDetId &xtalId) const |
MonitorElement * | bookFloat (const std::string &name) |
MonitorElement * | book1D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nbins, double xmin, double xmax) |
MonitorElement * | book2D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nxbins, double xmin, double xmax, int nybins, double ymin, double ymax) |
MonitorElement * | bookProfile (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nbins, double xmin, double xmax) |
MonitorElement * | bookProfile2D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nbinx, double xmin, double xmax, int nbiny, double ymin, double ymax, const char *option="") |
void | fill (MonitorElement *me, float x) |
void | fill (MonitorElement *me, float x, float yw) |
void | fill (MonitorElement *me, float x, float y, float zw) |
void | fill (MonitorElement *me, float x, float y, float z, float w) |
int | ruGraphX (const EcalScDetId &id) const |
int | ruGraphY (const EcalScDetId &id) const |
int | ruGraphX (const EcalTrigTowerDetId &id) const |
int | ruGraphY (const EcalTrigTowerDetId &id) const |
int | xtalGraphX (const EEDetId &id) const |
int | xtalGraphY (const EEDetId &id) const |
int | xtalGraphX (const EBDetId &id) const |
int | xtalGraphY (const EBDetId &id) const |
int | dccId (const EcalScDetId &detId) const |
int | dccId (const EcalTrigTowerDetId &detId) const |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static int | dccZsFIR (const EcalDataFrame &frame, const std::vector< int > &firWeights, int firstFIRSample, bool *saturated=0) |
static std::vector< int > | getFIRWeights (const std::vector< double > &normalizedWeights) |
Private Attributes | |
bool | allHists_ |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | availableHistList_ |
bool | collNotFoundWarn_ |
Switch for collection-not-found warning. | |
DQMStore * | dbe_ |
Histogramming interface. | |
energiesEb_t | ebEnergies [nEbEta][nEbPhi] |
int | ebZsThr_ |
energiesEe_t | eeEnergies [nEndcaps][nEeX][nEeY] |
int | eeZsThr_ |
const EcalElectronicsMapping * | elecMap_ |
int | firstFIRSample_ |
std::vector< int > | firWeights_ |
std::string | histDir_ |
std::set< std::string > | histList_ |
int | ievt_ |
bool | isRuComplete_ [nDccs_][nDccChs_] |
bool | localReco_ |
std::vector< bool > | logErrForDccs_ |
bool | logSrApplicationErrors_ |
bool | logSrpAlgoErrors_ |
MonitorElement * | meL1aRate_ |
int | nCompleteZS_ |
Counter of ZS-flagged RU fully read out. | |
int | nDroppedFRO_ |
Counter of FRO-flagged RU dropped from data. | |
int | nEb_ |
int | nEbFROCnt_ |
Counter of EB FRO-flagged RUs. | |
int | nEbHI_ |
int | nEbLI_ |
int | nEbZsErrors_ |
Counter of EB ZS errors (LI channel below ZS threshold) | |
int | nEbZsErrorsType1_ |
int | nEe_ |
int | nEeFROCnt_ |
Counter of EE FRO-flagged RUs. | |
int | nEeHI_ |
int | nEeLI_ |
int | nEeZsErrors_ |
Counter of EE ZS errors (LI channel below ZS threshold) | |
int | nEeZsErrorsType1_ |
int | nHiPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
int | nHiRuPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
int | nIncompleteFRO_ |
Counter of FRO-flagged RU only partial data. | |
int | nLiPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
int | nLiRuPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
int | nPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
int | nPerRu_ [nDccs_][nDccChs_] |
int | nRuPerDcc_ [nDccs_] |
std::string | outputFile_ |
Output file for histograms. | |
bool | SkipInnerSC_ |
std::ofstream | srApplicationErrorLog_ |
Output ascii file for unconsistency between Xtals and RU Flags. | |
std::string | srApplicationErrorLogFileName_ |
std::ofstream | srpAlgoErrorLog_ |
Output ascii file for unconsistency on SR flags. | |
std::string | srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_ |
bool | tpInGeV_ |
const EcalTPParameters * | tpParam_ |
const EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap * | triggerTowerMap_ |
double | ttEtSums [nTtEta][nTtPhi] |
bool | useEventRate_ |
bool | verbose_ |
Verbosity switch. | |
std::vector< double > | weights_ |
bool | withEbSimHit_ |
bool | withEeSimHit_ |
std::ofstream | zsErrorLog_ |
File to log ZS and other errors. | |
CollHandle< EBDigiCollection > | ebDigis_ |
CollHandle< EEDigiCollection > | eeDigis_ |
CollHandle< EBDigiCollection > | ebNoZsDigis_ |
CollHandle< EEDigiCollection > | eeNoZsDigis_ |
CollHandle< EBSrFlagCollection > | ebSrFlags_ |
CollHandle< EESrFlagCollection > | eeSrFlags_ |
CollHandle< EBSrFlagCollection > | ebComputedSrFlags_ |
CollHandle< EESrFlagCollection > | eeComputedSrFlags_ |
CollHandle< std::vector < PCaloHit > > | ebSimHits_ |
CollHandle< std::vector < PCaloHit > > | eeSimHits_ |
CollHandle < EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > | tps_ |
CollHandle< RecHitCollection > | ebRecHits_ |
CollHandle< RecHitCollection > | eeRecHits_ |
CollHandle< FEDRawDataCollection > | fedRaw_ |
int64_t | tmax |
int64_t | tmin |
int64_t | l1aOfTmin |
int64_t | l1aOfTmax |
bool | l1aRateErr |
MonitorElement * | meDccVol_ |
MonitorElement * | meDccLiVol_ |
MonitorElement * | meDccHiVol_ |
MonitorElement * | meDccVolFromData_ |
MonitorElement * | meVol_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolB_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolE_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolBLI_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolELI_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolLI_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolBHI_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolEHI_ |
MonitorElement * | meVolHI_ |
MonitorElement * | meChOcc_ |
MonitorElement * | meTp_ |
MonitorElement * | meTtf_ |
MonitorElement * | meTtfVsTp_ |
MonitorElement * | meTtfVsEtSum_ |
MonitorElement * | meTpVsEtSum_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbRecE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbEMean_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbNoise_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbRecEHitXtal_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbRecVsSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbNoZsRecVsSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeRecE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeEMean_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeNoise_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeRecEHitXtal_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeRecVsSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeNoZsRecVsSimE_ |
MonitorElement * | meFullRoRu_ |
MonitorElement * | meZs1Ru_ |
MonitorElement * | meForcedRu_ |
MonitorElement * | meLiTtf_ |
MonitorElement * | meMiTtf_ |
MonitorElement * | meHiTtf_ |
MonitorElement * | meForcedTtf_ |
MonitorElement * | meTpMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meFullRoCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbFullRoCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeFullRoCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbLiZsFir_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbHiZsFir_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbIncompleteRUZsFir_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeLiZsFir_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeHiZsFir_ |
MonitorElement * | meSRFlagsFromData_ |
MonitorElement * | meSRFlagsComputed_ |
MonitorElement * | meSRFlagsConsistency_ |
MonitorElement * | meIncompleteFRO_ |
MonitorElement * | meDroppedFRO_ |
MonitorElement * | meCompleteZS_ |
MonitorElement * | meIncompleteFROMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meDroppedFROMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meCompleteZSMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meIncompleteFRORateMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meDroppedFRORateMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meCompleteZSRateMap_ |
MonitorElement * | meIncompleteFROCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meDroppedFROCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meCompleteZSCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbZsErrCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeZsErrCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meZsErrCnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbZsErrType1Cnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeZsErrType1Cnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meZsErrType1Cnt_ |
MonitorElement * | meEbFixedPayload_ |
MonitorElement * | meEeFixedPayload_ |
MonitorElement * | meFixedPayload_ |
bool | ebRuActive_ [nEbEta/ebTtEdge][nEbPhi/ebTtEdge] |
bool | eeRuActive_ [nEndcaps][nEeX/scEdge][nEeY/scEdge] |
Static Private Attributes | |
static const int | ebTtEdge = 5 |
Number of crystals along an EB TT. | |
static const int | kByte_ = 1024 |
number of bytes in 1 kByte: | |
static const int | maxDccId_ = minDccId_ + nDccs_ -1 |
static const int | minDccId_ = 1 |
static const unsigned | nDccChs_ = 68 |
Number of input channels of a DCC. | |
static const int | nDccRus_ [nDccs_] |
number of RUs for each DCC | |
static const unsigned | nDccs_ = 54 |
Total number of DCCs. | |
static const int | nEbDccs = 36 |
number of DCCs for EB | |
static const int | nEbEta = 170 |
number of crystals along Eta in EB | |
static const int | nEbPhi = 360 |
number of crystals along Phi in EB | |
static const int | nEbRus = 36*68 |
number of RUs for EB | |
static const int | nEbTtEta = 34 |
Number of Trigger Towers in barrel along Eta. | |
static const int | nEeDccs = 18 |
number of DCCs for EE | |
static const int | nEeRus = 2*(34+32+33+33+32+34+33+34+33) |
number of RUs for EE | |
static const int | nEeX = 100 |
EE crystal grid size along X. | |
static const int | nEeY = 100 |
EE crystal grid size along Y. | |
static const int | nEndcaps = 2 |
number of endcaps | |
static const int | nMaxXtalPerRu = 25 |
Number of crystals per Readout Unit excepted partial SCs. | |
static const int | nOneEeTtEta = 11 |
Number of Trigger Towers in an endcap along Eta. | |
static const int | nTtEta = 2*nOneEeTtEta + nEbTtEta |
Number of Trigger Towers along Eta. | |
static const int | nTtPhi = 72 |
Number of Trigger Towers along Phi. | |
static const double | rad2deg = 45./atan(1.) |
Conversion factor from radian to degree. | |
static const int | scEdge = 5 |
Number of crystals along a supercrystal edge. |
Definition at line 49 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
typedef EcalRecHit EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::RecHit [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
typedef EcalRecHitCollection EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::RecHitCollection [private] |
Definition at line 53 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
enum EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::subdet_t [private] |
distinguishes barral and endcap of ECAL.
Definition at line 77 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
Definition at line 96 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References allHists_, availableHistList_, book1D(), book2D(), bookFloat(), bookProfile(), bookProfile2D(), configFirWeights(), dbe_, EB, ebZsThr_, EE, eeZsThr_, MonitorElement::Fill(), getDccOverhead(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), histDir_, histList_, logSrApplicationErrors_, logSrpAlgoErrors_, meChOcc_, meCompleteZSCnt_, meCompleteZSMap_, meCompleteZSRateMap_, meDccHiVol_, meDccLiVol_, meDccVol_, meDccVolFromData_, meDroppedFROCnt_, meDroppedFROMap_, meDroppedFRORateMap_, meEbEMean_, meEbFixedPayload_, meEbFullRoCnt_, meEbHiZsFir_, meEbLiZsFir_, meEbNoise_, meEbNoZsRecVsSimE_, meEbRecE_, meEbRecEHitXtal_, meEbRecVsSimE_, meEbSimE_, meEbZsErrCnt_, meEbZsErrType1Cnt_, meEeEMean_, meEeFixedPayload_, meEeFullRoCnt_, meEeHiZsFir_, meEeLiZsFir_, meEeNoise_, meEeNoZsRecVsSimE_, meEeRecE_, meEeRecEHitXtal_, meEeRecVsSimE_, meEeSimE_, meEeZsErrCnt_, meEeZsErrType1Cnt_, meFixedPayload_, meForcedRu_, meForcedTtf_, meFullRoCnt_, meFullRoRu_, meHiTtf_, meIncompleteFROCnt_, meIncompleteFROMap_, meIncompleteFRORateMap_, meL1aRate_, meLiTtf_, meMiTtf_, meSRFlagsConsistency_, meTp_, meTpMap_, meTpVsEtSum_, meTtf_, meTtfVsEtSum_, meTtfVsTp_, meVol_, meVolB_, meVolBHI_, meVolBLI_, meVolE_, meVolEHI_, meVolELI_, meVolHI_, meVolLI_, meZs1Ru_, meZsErrCnt_, meZsErrType1Cnt_, nDccs_, nEbDccs, nEeDccs, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, outputFile_, printAvailableHists(), alignCSCRings::s, srApplicationErrorLogFileName_, srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, lumiQTWidget::t, indexGen::title, tpInGeV_, and verbose_.
: collNotFoundWarn_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("warnIfCollectionNotFound", true)), ebDigis_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbDigiCollection"), false, collNotFoundWarn_), eeDigis_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeDigiCollection"), false, collNotFoundWarn_), ebNoZsDigis_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbUnsuppressedDigiCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), eeNoZsDigis_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeUnsuppressedDigiCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), ebSrFlags_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbSrFlagCollection"), false, collNotFoundWarn_), eeSrFlags_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeSrFlagCollection"), false, collNotFoundWarn_), ebComputedSrFlags_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbSrFlagFromTTCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), eeComputedSrFlags_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeSrFlagFromTTCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), ebSimHits_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbSimHitCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), eeSimHits_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeSimHitCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), tps_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("TrigPrimCollection"), false, collNotFoundWarn_), ebRecHits_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EbRecHitCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), eeRecHits_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EeRecHitCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), fedRaw_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("FEDRawCollection"), false, false/*collNotFoundWarn_*/), tmax(0), tmin(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()), l1aOfTmin(0), l1aOfTmax(0), triggerTowerMap_(0), localReco_(ps.getParameter<bool>("LocalReco")), weights_(ps.getParameter<vector<double> >("weights")), tpInGeV_(ps.getParameter<bool>("tpInGeV")), firstFIRSample_(ps.getParameter<int>("ecalDccZs1stSample")), useEventRate_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useEventRate")), logErrForDccs_(nDccs_, false), ievt_(0), allHists_(false), histDir_(ps.getParameter<string>("histDir")), withEeSimHit_(false), withEbSimHit_(false){ PgTiming t("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation ctor"); // std::vector<int> excludedFeds = // ps.getParameter<vector<int> >("excludedFeds"); // for(size_t i = 0; i < excludedFeds.size(); ++i){ // int iDcc = excludedFeds[i] % 600; // if(iDcc < minDccId_ || iDcc > maxDccId_){ // throw cms::Exception("config") << "Error in parameter excludedFeds of " // "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation module. Values must be between " // << 600 + minDccId_ // << " and " << 600 + maxDccId_ << "\n"; // } else{ // logErrForDccs_.at(iDcc-minDccId_) = false; // } // } double ebZsThr = ps.getParameter<double>("ebZsThrADCCount"); double eeZsThr = ps.getParameter<double>("eeZsThrADCCount"); ebZsThr_ = lround(ebZsThr*4); eeZsThr_ = lround(eeZsThr*4); //File to log SRP algorithem inconsistency srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("srpAlgoErrorLogFile",""); logSrpAlgoErrors_ = (srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_.size()!=0); //File to log SRP decision application inconsistency srApplicationErrorLogFileName_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("srApplicationErrorLogFile",""); logSrApplicationErrors_ = (srApplicationErrorLogFileName_.size()!=0); //FIR ZS weights configFirWeights(ps.getParameter<vector<double> >("dccWeights")); // DQM ROOT output outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("outputFile", ""); if(outputFile_.size() != 0){ LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Ecal Digi Task histograms will be saved to '" << outputFile_.c_str() << "'"; } else{ LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Ecal Digi Task histograms will NOT be saved"; } // verbosity switch verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false); // get hold of back-end interface dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); if(verbose_){ dbe_->setVerbose(1); } else{ dbe_->setVerbose(0); } if(verbose_) dbe_->showDirStructure(); dbe_->setCurrentFolder(histDir_); vector<string> hists(ps.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string> >("histograms", vector<string>(1, "all"))); for(vector<string>::iterator it = hists.begin(); it!=hists.end(); ++it) histList_.insert(*it); if(histList_.find("all") != histList_.end()) allHists_ = true; //Data volume meEbFixedPayload_ = bookFloat("ebFixedVol"); double ebFixed = getDccOverhead(EB)*nEbDccs; double eeFixed = getDccOverhead(EE)*nEeDccs; meEbFixedPayload_->Fill(ebFixed); meEeFixedPayload_ = bookFloat("eeFixedVol"); meEbFixedPayload_->Fill(eeFixed); meFixedPayload_ = bookFloat("fixedVol"); meFixedPayload_->Fill(ebFixed+eeFixed); meL1aRate_ = bookFloat("l1aRate_"); meDccVol_ = bookProfile("hDccVol", //"EcalDccEventSizeComputed", "ECAL DCC event fragment size;Dcc id; " "<Event size> (kB)", nDccs_, .5, .5+nDccs_); meDccLiVol_ = bookProfile("hDccLiVol", "LI channel payload per DCC;Dcc id; " "<Event size> (kB)", nDccs_, .5, .5+nDccs_); meDccHiVol_ = bookProfile("hDccHiVol", "HI channel payload per DCC;Dcc id; " "<Event size> (kB)", nDccs_, .5, .5+nDccs_); meDccVolFromData_ = bookProfile("hDccVolFromData", //"EcalDccEventSize", "ECAL DCC event fragment size;Dcc id; " "<Event size> (kB)", nDccs_, .5, .5+nDccs_); meVolBLI_ = book1D("hVolBLI",// "EBLowInterestPayload", "ECAL Barrel low interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolELI_ = book1D("hVolELI", //"EELowInterestPayload", "Endcap low interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolLI_ = book1D("hVolLI", //"EcalLowInterestPayload", "ECAL low interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolBHI_ = book1D("hVolBHI", //"EBHighInterestPayload", "Barrel high interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolEHI_ = book1D("hVolEHI", //"EEHighInterestPayload", "Endcap high interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolHI_ = book1D("hVolHI", //"EcalHighInterestPayload", "ECAL high interest crystal data payload;" "Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolB_ = book1D("hVolB", //"EBEventSize", "Barrel data volume;Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVolE_ = book1D("hVolE", //"EEEventSize", "Endcap data volume;Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meVol_ = book1D("hVol", //"EcalEventSize", "ECAL data volume;Event size (kB);Nevts", 100, 0., 200.); meChOcc_ = book2D("h2ChOcc", //"EcalChannelOccupancy", "ECAL crystal channel occupancy after zero suppression;" "iX -200 / iEta / iX + 100;" "iY / iPhi (starting from -10^{o}!);" "Event count", 401, -200.5, 200.5, 360, .5, 360.5); //TP string tpUnit; if(tpInGeV_) tpUnit = string("GeV"); else tpUnit = string("TP hw unit"); string title; title = string("Trigger primitive TT E_{T};E_{T} ") + tpUnit + string(";Event Count"); meTp_ = book1D("hTp", //"EcalTriggerPrimitiveEt", title.c_str(), (tpInGeV_?100:40), 0., (tpInGeV_?10.:40.)); meTtf_ = book1D("hTtf", //"EcalTriggerTowerFlag", "Trigger primitive TT flag;Flag number;Event count", 8, -.5, 7.5); title = string("Trigger tower flag vs TP;E_{T}(TT) (") + tpUnit + string(");Flag number"); meTtfVsTp_ = book2D("h2TtfVsTp", title.c_str(), 100, 0., (tpInGeV_?10.:40.), 8, -.5, 7.5); meTtfVsEtSum_ = book2D("h2TtfVsEtSum", "Trigger tower flag vs #sumE_{T};" "E_{T}(TT) (GeV);" "TTF", 100, 0., 10., 8, -.5, 7.5); title = string("Trigger primitive Et (TP) vs #sumE_{T};" "E_{T} (sum) (GeV);" "E_{T} (TP) (") + tpUnit + string (")"); meTpVsEtSum_ = book2D("h2TpVsEtSum", title.c_str(), 100, 0., 10., 100, 0., (tpInGeV_?10.:40.)); title = string("Trigger primitive E_{T};" "iEta;" "iPhi;" "E_{T} (TP) (") + tpUnit + string (")"); meTpMap_ = bookProfile2D("h2Tp", title.c_str(), 57, -28.5, 28.5, 72, .5, 72.5); //SRF meFullRoRu_ = book2D("h2FRORu", //"EcalFullReadoutSRFlagMap", "Full Read-out readout unit;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meFullRoCnt_ = book1D("hFROCnt", "Number of Full-readout-flagged readout units;" "FRO RU count;Event count", 300, -.5, 299.5); meEbFullRoCnt_ = book1D("hEbFROCnt", "Number of EB Full-readout-flagged readout units;" "FRO RU count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meEeFullRoCnt_ = book1D("hEeFROCnt", "Number of EE Full-readout-flagged readout units;" "FRO RU count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meZs1Ru_ = book2D("h2Zs1Ru", //"EbZeroSupp1SRFlagMap", "Readout unit with ZS-thr-1 flag;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY0 / iPhi0 (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meForcedRu_ = book2D("h2ForcedRu", //"EcalReadoutUnitForcedBitMap", "ECAL readout unit with forced bit of SR flag on;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meLiTtf_ = book2D("h2LiTtf", //"EcalLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap", "Low interest trigger tower flags;" "iEta;" "iPhi;" "Event count", 57, -28.5, 28.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meMiTtf_ = book2D("h2MiTtf", //"EcalMidInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap", "Mid interest trigger tower flags;" "iEta;" "iPhi;" "Event count", 57, -28.5, 28.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meHiTtf_ = book2D("h2HiTtf", //"EcalHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap", "High interest trigger tower flags;" "iEta;" "iPhi;" "Event count", 57, -28.5, 28.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meForcedTtf_ = book2D("h2ForcedTtf", //"EcalTtfForcedBitMap", "Trigger tower flags with forced bit set;" "iEta;" "iPhi;" "Event count", 57, -28.5, 28.5, 72, .5, 72.5); const float ebMinNoise = -1.; const float ebMaxNoise = 1.; const float eeMinNoise = -1.; const float eeMaxNoise = 1.; #if 0 const float ebMinE = 0.; const float ebMaxE = 120.; const float eeMinE = 0.; const float eeMaxE = 120.; #else const float ebMinE = ebMinNoise; const float ebMaxE = ebMaxNoise; const float eeMinE = eeMinNoise; const float eeMaxE = eeMaxNoise; #endif const int evtMax = 500; meEbRecE_ = book1D("hEbRecE", "Crystal reconstructed energy;E (GeV);Event count", 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE); meEbEMean_ = bookProfile("hEbEMean", "EE <E_hit>;event #;<E_hit> (GeV)", evtMax, .5, evtMax + .5); meEbNoise_ = book1D("hEbNoise", "Crystal noise " "(rec E of crystal without deposited energy)" ";Rec E (GeV);Event count", 100, ebMinNoise, ebMaxNoise); meEbLiZsFir_ = book1D("zsEbLiFIRemu", "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EB " "low interest crystals;" "ADC count*4;" "Event count", 60, -30, 30); meEbHiZsFir_ = book1D("zsEbHiFIRemu", "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EB " "high interest crystals;" "ADC count*4;" "Event count", 60, -30, 30); //TODO: Fill this histogram... // meEbIncompleteRUZsFir_ = book1D("zsEbIncompleteRUFIRemu", // "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EB " // "incomplete FRO-flagged RU;" // "ADC count*4;" // "Event count", // 60, -30, 30); meEbSimE_ = book1D("hEbSimE", "EB hit crystal simulated energy", 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE); meEbRecEHitXtal_ = book1D("hEbRecEHitXtal", "EB rec energy of hit crystals", 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE); meEbRecVsSimE_ = book2D("hEbRecVsSimE", "Crystal simulated vs reconstructed energy;" "Esim (GeV);Erec GeV);Event count", 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE, 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE); meEbNoZsRecVsSimE_ = book2D("hEbNoZsRecVsSimE", "Crystal no-zs simulated vs reconstructed " "energy;" "Esim (GeV);Erec GeV);Event count", 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE, 100, ebMinE, ebMaxE); meEeRecE_ = book1D("hEeRecE", "EE crystal reconstructed energy;E (GeV);" "Event count", 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE); meEeEMean_ = bookProfile("hEeEMean", "<E_{EE hit}>;event;<E_{hit}> (GeV)", evtMax, .5, evtMax + .5); meEeNoise_ = book1D("hEeNoise", "EE crystal noise " "(rec E of crystal without deposited energy);" "E (GeV);Event count", 200, eeMinNoise, eeMaxNoise); meEeLiZsFir_ = book1D("zsEeLiFIRemu", "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EE " "low interest crystals;" "ADC count*4;" "Event count", 60, -30, 30); meEeHiZsFir_ = book1D("zsEeHiFIRemu", "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EE " "high interest crystals;" "ADC count*4;" "Event count", 60, -30, 30); //TODO: Fill this histogram... // meEeIncompleteRUZsFir_ = book1D("zsEeIncompleteRUFIRemu", // "Emulated ouput of ZS FIR filter for EE " // "incomplete FRO-flagged RU;" // "ADC count*4;" // "Event count", // 60, -30, 30); meEeSimE_ = book1D("hEeSimE", "EE hit crystal simulated energy", 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE); meEeRecEHitXtal_ = book1D("hEeRecEHitXtal", "EE rec energy of hit crystals", 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE); meEeRecVsSimE_ = book2D("hEeRecVsSimE", "EE crystal simulated vs reconstructed energy;" "Esim (GeV);Erec GeV);Event count", 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE, 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE); meEeNoZsRecVsSimE_ = book2D("hEeNoZsRecVsSimE", "EE crystal no-zs simulated vs " "reconstructed " "energy;Esim (GeV);Erec GeV);Event count", 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE, 100, eeMinE, eeMaxE); meSRFlagsConsistency_ = book2D("hSRAlgoErrorMap", "TTFlags and SR Flags mismatch;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); //Readout Units histos (interest/Ncrystals) meIncompleteFROMap_ = book2D("hIncompleteFROMap", "Incomplete full-readout-flagged readout units;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meIncompleteFROCnt_ = book1D("hIncompleteFROCnt", "Number of incomplete full-readout-flagged " "readout units;" "Number of RUs;Event count;", 200, -.5, 199.5); meIncompleteFRORateMap_ = bookProfile2D("hIncompleteFRORateMap", "Incomplete full-readout-flagged readout units;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Incomplete error rate", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meDroppedFROMap_ = book2D("hDroppedFROMap", "Dropped full-readout-flagged readout units;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meDroppedFROCnt_ = book1D("hDroppedFROCnt", "Number of dropped full-readout-flagged " "RU count;RU count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meCompleteZSCnt_ = book1D("hCompleteZsCnt", "Number of zero-suppressed-flagged RU fully " "readout;" "RU count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); stringstream buf; buf << "Number of LI EB channels below the " << ebZsThr_/4. << " ADC count ZS threshold;" "Channel count;Event count", meEbZsErrCnt_ = book1D("hEbZsErrCnt", buf.str().c_str(), 200, -.5, 199.5); buf.str(""); buf << "Number of LI EE channels below the " << eeZsThr_/4. << " ADC count ZS theshold;" "Channel count;Event count", meEeZsErrCnt_ = book1D("hEeZsErrCnt", buf.str().c_str(), 200, -.5, 199.5); meZsErrCnt_ = book1D("hZsErrCnt", "Number of LI channels below the ZS threshold;" "Channel count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meEbZsErrType1Cnt_ = book1D("hEbZsErrType1Cnt", "Number of EB channels below the ZS " "threshold in a LI but fully readout RU;" "Channel count;Event count;", 200, -.5, 199.5); meEeZsErrType1Cnt_ = book1D("hEeZsErrType1Cnt", "Number EE channels below the ZS threshold" " in a LI but fully readout RU;" "Channel count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meZsErrType1Cnt_ = book1D("hZsErrType1Cnt", "Number of LI channels below the ZS threshold " "in a LI but fully readout RU;" "Channel count;Event count", 200, -.5, 199.5); meDroppedFRORateMap_ = bookProfile2D("hDroppedFRORateMap", "Dropped full-readout-flagged readout units" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Dropping rate", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meCompleteZSMap_ = book2D("hCompleteZSMap", "Complete zero-suppressed-flagged readout units;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Event count", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); meCompleteZSRateMap_ = bookProfile2D("hCompleteZSRate", "Complete zero-suppressed-flagged readout units;" "iX - 40 / iEta / iX + 20;" "iY / iPhi (iPhi = 1 at phi = 0 rad);" "Completeness rate", 80, -39.5, 40.5, 72, .5, 72.5); //print list of available histograms (must be called after //the bookXX methods): printAvailableHists(); //check the histList parameter: stringstream s; for(set<string>::iterator it = histList_.begin(); it!=histList_.end(); ++it){ if(*it!=string("all") && availableHistList_.find(*it)==availableHistList_.end()){ s << (s.str().size()==0?"":", ") << *it; } } if(s.str().size()!=0){ LogWarning("Configuration") << "Parameter 'histList' contains some unknown histogram(s). " "Check spelling. Following name were not found: " << s.str(); } }
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::~EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation | ( | ) |
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::anaDigi | ( | const T & | frame, |
const U & | srFlagColl | ||
) | [private] |
Accumulates statitics for data volume analysis. To be called for each ECAL digi. See anaDigiInit().
Definition at line 1511 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, dccCh(), ebRuActive_, ebTtEdge, EcalBarrel, eeRuActive_, Exception, iEta2cIndex(), createXMLFile::iphi, iPhi2cIndex(), iXY2cIndex(), minDccId_, nEb_, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, nEe_, nEeHI_, nEeLI_, nHiPerDcc_, nHiRuPerDcc_, nLiPerDcc_, nLiRuPerDcc_, nPerDcc_, nPerRu_, nRuPerDcc_, DetId::rawId(), readOutUnitOf(), scEdge, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL, and DetId::subdetId().
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
{ const DetId& xtalId = frame.id(); typedef typename U::key_type RuDetId; const RuDetId& ruId = readOutUnitOf(frame.id()); typename U::const_iterator srf = srFlagColl.find(ruId); bool highInterest = false; int flag = 0; if(srf != srFlagColl.end()){ // throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") // << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": SR flag not found"; // } flag = srf->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK; highInterest = (flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL); } bool barrel = (xtalId.subdetId()==EcalBarrel); pair<int,int> ch = dccCh(xtalId); if(barrel){ ++nEb_; if(highInterest){ ++nEbHI_; } else{//low interest ++nEbLI_; } int iEta0 = iEta2cIndex(static_cast<const EBDetId&>(xtalId).ieta()); int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(static_cast<const EBDetId&>(xtalId).iphi()); if(!ebRuActive_[iEta0/ebTtEdge][iPhi0/ebTtEdge]){ ++nRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; if(highInterest){ // fill(meFullRoRu_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); ++nHiRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } else{ ++nLiRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } // if(flag & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK){ // fill(meForcedRu_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); // } // if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1){ // fill(meZs1Ru_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); // } ebRuActive_[iEta0/ebTtEdge][iPhi0/ebTtEdge] = true; } } else{//endcap ++nEe_; if(highInterest){ ++nEeHI_; } else{//low interest ++nEeLI_; } int iX0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).ix()); int iY0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).iy()); int iZ0 = static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).zside()>0?1:0; if(!eeRuActive_[iZ0][iX0/scEdge][iY0/scEdge]){ ++nRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; if(highInterest){ // fill(meFullRoRu_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); ++nHiRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } else{ ++nLiRuPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } // if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1){ // fill(meZs1Ru_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); // } // if(srf->value() & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK){ // fill(meForcedRu_, ruGraphX(ruId), ruGraphY(ruId)); // } eeRuActive_[iZ0][iX0/scEdge][iY0/scEdge] = true; } } if(ch.second < 1 || ch.second > 68){ throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "Error in DCC channel retrieval for crystal with detId " << xtalId.rawId() << "DCC channel out of allowed range [1..68]\n"; } ++nPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; ++nPerRu_[ch.first-minDccId_][ch.second-1]; if(highInterest){ ++nHiPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } else{//low interest channel ++nLiPerDcc_[ch.first-minDccId_]; } }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::anaDigiInit | ( | ) | [private] |
Initializes statistics accumalator for data volume analysis. To be call at start of each event analysis.
Definition at line 1604 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References ebRuActive_, eeRuActive_, nEb_, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, nEe_, nEeHI_, nEeLI_, nHiPerDcc_, nHiRuPerDcc_, nLiPerDcc_, nLiRuPerDcc_, nPerDcc_, nPerRu_, and nRuPerDcc_.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
{ nEb_ = 0; nEe_ = 0; nEeLI_ = 0; nEeHI_ = 0; nEbLI_ = 0; nEbHI_ = 0; bzero(nPerDcc_, sizeof(nPerDcc_)); bzero(nLiPerDcc_, sizeof(nLiPerDcc_)); bzero(nHiPerDcc_, sizeof(nHiPerDcc_)); bzero(nRuPerDcc_, sizeof(nRuPerDcc_)); bzero(ebRuActive_, sizeof(ebRuActive_)); bzero(eeRuActive_, sizeof(eeRuActive_)); bzero(nPerRu_, sizeof(nPerRu_)); bzero(nLiRuPerDcc_, sizeof(nLiRuPerDcc_)); bzero(nHiRuPerDcc_, sizeof(nHiRuPerDcc_)); }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::analyze | ( | edm::Event const & | e, |
edm::EventSetup const & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Analyzes the event.
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 712 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), analyzeTP(), checkSrApplication(), compareSrfColl(), ebComputedSrFlags_, ebNoZsDigis_, ebSimHits_, ebSrFlags_, eeComputedSrFlags_, eeNoZsDigis_, eeSimHits_, eeSrFlags_, fill(), ievt_, meCompleteZSCnt_, meDroppedFROCnt_, meEbFullRoCnt_, meEbZsErrCnt_, meEbZsErrType1Cnt_, meEeFullRoCnt_, meEeZsErrCnt_, meEeZsErrType1Cnt_, meFullRoCnt_, meIncompleteFROCnt_, meZsErrCnt_, meZsErrType1Cnt_, nCompleteZS_, nDroppedFRO_, nEbFROCnt_, nEbZsErrors_, nEbZsErrorsType1_, nEeFROCnt_, nEeZsErrors_, nEeZsErrorsType1_, nIncompleteFRO_, readAllCollections(), selectFedsForLog(), setTtEtSums(), lumiQTWidget::t, tps_, updateL1aRate(), withEbSimHit_, and withEeSimHit_.
{ updateL1aRate(event); { PgTiming t("collection readout"); //retrieves event products: readAllCollections(event); } withEeSimHit_ = (eeSimHits_->size()!=0); withEbSimHit_ = (ebSimHits_->size()!=0); if(ievt_<10){ edm::LogInfo("EcalSrValid") << "Size of TP collection: " << tps_->size() << "\n" << "Size of EB SRF collection read from data: " << ebSrFlags_->size() << "\n" << "Size of EB SRF collection computed from data TTFs: " << ebComputedSrFlags_->size() << "\n" << "Size of EE SRF collection read from data: " << eeSrFlags_->size() << "\n" << "Size of EE SRF collection computed from data TTFs: " << eeComputedSrFlags_->size() << "\n"; } if(ievt_==0){ selectFedsForLog(); //note: must be called after readAllCollection } //computes Et sum trigger tower crystals: setTtEtSums(es, *ebNoZsDigis_, *eeNoZsDigis_); { PgTiming t("data volume analysis"); //Data Volume analyzeDataVolume(event, es); } { PgTiming t("EB analysis"); //EB digis //must be called after analyzeDataVolume because it uses //isRuComplete_ array that this method fills analyzeEB(event, es); } { PgTiming t("EE analysis"); //EE digis //must be called after analyzeDataVolume because it uses //isRuComplete_ array that this method fills analyzeEE(event, es); } fill(meFullRoCnt_, nEeFROCnt_+nEbFROCnt_); fill(meEbFullRoCnt_, nEbFROCnt_); fill(meEeFullRoCnt_, nEeFROCnt_); fill(meEbZsErrCnt_, nEbZsErrors_); fill(meEeZsErrCnt_, nEeZsErrors_); fill(meZsErrCnt_, nEbZsErrors_ + nEeZsErrors_); fill(meEbZsErrType1Cnt_, nEbZsErrorsType1_); fill(meEeZsErrType1Cnt_, nEeZsErrorsType1_); fill(meZsErrType1Cnt_, nEbZsErrorsType1_ + nEeZsErrorsType1_); { PgTiming t("TP analysis"); //TP analyzeTP(event, es); } //SR Consistency and validation //SRFlagValidation(event,es); if(ebComputedSrFlags_->size()){ compareSrfColl(event, *ebSrFlags_, *ebComputedSrFlags_); } if(eeComputedSrFlags_->size()){ compareSrfColl(event, *eeSrFlags_, *eeComputedSrFlags_); } nDroppedFRO_ = 0; nIncompleteFRO_ = 0; nCompleteZS_ = 0; checkSrApplication(event, *ebSrFlags_); checkSrApplication(event, *eeSrFlags_); fill(meDroppedFROCnt_, nDroppedFRO_); fill(meIncompleteFROCnt_, nIncompleteFRO_); fill(meCompleteZSCnt_, nCompleteZS_); ++ievt_; }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::analyzeDataVolume | ( | const edm::Event & | e, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private] |
Data volume analysis. To be called for each event.
event | EDM event |
es | event setup |
Definition at line 1445 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References a, anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), b, ebDigis_, ebSrFlags_, eeDigis_, eeSrFlags_, FEDRawDataCollection::FEDData(), fedRaw_, fill(), getBytesPerCrystal(), getCrystalCount(), getDccEventSize(), getDccSrDependentPayload(), getEbEventSize(), getEeEventSize(), isRuComplete_, kByte_, maxDccId_, meDccHiVol_, meDccLiVol_, meDccVol_, meDccVolFromData_, meVol_, meVolB_, meVolBHI_, meVolBLI_, meVolE_, meVolEHI_, meVolELI_, meVolHI_, meVolLI_, minDccId_, nDccRus_, nDccs_, nEb_, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, nEe_, nEeHI_, nEeLI_, nHiPerDcc_, nHiRuPerDcc_, nLiPerDcc_, nLiRuPerDcc_, nPerDcc_, nPerRu_, and FEDRawData::size().
Referenced by analyze().
{ anaDigiInit(); //Complete RU, i.e. RU actually fully readout for(int iDcc = minDccId_; iDcc <= maxDccId_; ++iDcc){ for(int iCh = 1; iCh < nDccRus_[iDcc-minDccId_]; ++iCh){ isRuComplete_[iDcc-minDccId_][iCh-1] = (nPerRu_[iDcc-minDccId_][iCh-1]==getCrystalCount(iDcc, iCh)); } } //Barrel for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<ebDigis_->size(); ++digis){ EBDataFrame ebdf = (*ebDigis_)[digis]; anaDigi(ebdf, *ebSrFlags_); } // Endcap for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<eeDigis_->size(); ++digis){ EEDataFrame eedf = (*eeDigis_)[digis]; anaDigi(eedf, *eeSrFlags_); } //histos for(unsigned iDcc0 = 0; iDcc0 < nDccs_; ++iDcc0){ fill(meDccVol_, iDcc0+1, getDccEventSize(iDcc0, nPerDcc_[iDcc0])/kByte_); fill(meDccLiVol_, iDcc0+1, getDccSrDependentPayload(iDcc0, nLiRuPerDcc_[iDcc0], nLiPerDcc_[iDcc0])/kByte_); fill(meDccHiVol_, iDcc0+1, getDccSrDependentPayload(iDcc0, nHiRuPerDcc_[iDcc0], nHiPerDcc_[iDcc0])/kByte_); const FEDRawDataCollection& raw = *fedRaw_; fill(meDccVolFromData_, iDcc0+1, ((double)raw.FEDData(601+iDcc0).size())/kByte_); } //low interesest channels: double a = nEbLI_*getBytesPerCrystal()/kByte_; //getEbEventSize(nEbLI_)/kByte_; fill(meVolBLI_, a); double b = nEeLI_*getBytesPerCrystal()/kByte_; //getEeEventSize(nEeLI_)/kByte_; fill(meVolELI_, b); fill(meVolLI_, a+b); //high interest chanels: a = nEbHI_*getBytesPerCrystal()/kByte_; //getEbEventSize(nEbHI_)/kByte_; fill(meVolBHI_, a); b = nEeHI_*getBytesPerCrystal()/kByte_; //getEeEventSize(nEeHI_)/kByte_; fill(meVolEHI_, b); fill(meVolHI_, a+b); //any-interest channels: a = getEbEventSize(nEb_)/kByte_; fill(meVolB_, a); b = getEeEventSize(nEe_)/kByte_; fill(meVolE_, b); fill(meVol_, a+b); }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::analyzeEB | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private] |
ECAL barrel data analysis. To be called for each event.
event | EDM event |
es | event setup |
Definition at line 1061 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, dccCh(), dccZsFIR(), ebDigis_, ebEnergies, ebNoZsDigis_, ebRecHits_, ebSimHits_, ebSrFlags_, ebZsThr_, DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, CaloRecHit::energy(), PCaloHit::energy(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::eta, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), Exception, fill(), firstFIRSample_, firWeights_, frame2Energy(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::gain12, ecalMGPA::gainId(), geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), i, EBDataFrame::id(), EcalRecHit::id(), PCaloHit::id(), EBSrFlag::id(), EBDetId::ieta(), iEta2cIndex(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::ietaAbs(), ievt_, createXMLFile::iphi, EcalTrigTowerDetId::iphi(), iPhi2cIndex(), isRuComplete_, localReco_, max(), meChOcc_, meEbEMean_, meEbHiZsFir_, meEbLiZsFir_, meEbNoise_, meEbNoZsRecVsSimE_, meEbRecE_, meEbRecEHitXtal_, meEbRecVsSimE_, meEbSimE_, meForcedRu_, meFullRoRu_, meZs1Ru_, nEbEta, nEbFROCnt_, nEbPhi, nEbZsErrors_, nEbZsErrorsType1_, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::noZsRecE, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::phi, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), rad2deg, readOutUnitOf(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::recE, ruGraphX(), ruGraphY(), alignCSCRings::s, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::simE, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t::simHit, EcalDataFrame::size(), srApplicationErrorLog_, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL, EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1, PgTiming::stop(), lumiQTWidget::t, v, EcalSrFlag::value(), withEbSimHit_, xtalGraphX(), xtalGraphY(), and EcalTrigTowerDetId::zside().
Referenced by analyze().
{ bool eventError = false; nEbZsErrors_ = 0; vector<pair<int,int> > xtalEtaPhi; { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: init"); xtalEtaPhi.reserve(nEbPhi*nEbEta); for(int iEta0=0; iEta0<nEbEta; ++iEta0){ for(int iPhi0=0; iPhi0<nEbPhi; ++iPhi0){ ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].noZsRecE = -numeric_limits<double>::max(); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].recE = -numeric_limits<double>::max(); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].simE = 0; //must be zero. ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].simHit = 0; ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].gain12 = false; xtalEtaPhi.push_back(pair<int,int>(iEta0, iPhi0)); } } } // get the barrel geometry: edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle; PgTiming t1("analyzeEB: geomRetrieval"); es.get<MyCaloGeometryRecord>().get(geoHandle); const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geometry_p = (*geoHandle).getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel); CaloSubdetectorGeometry const& geometry = *geometry_p; t1.stop(); { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: unsuppressed digi loop"); //EB unsuppressed digis: for(EBDigiCollection::const_iterator it = ebNoZsDigis_->begin(); it != ebNoZsDigis_->end(); ++it){ const EBDataFrame& frame = *it; int iEta0 = iEta2cIndex(static_cast<const EBDetId&>(frame.id()).ieta()); int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(static_cast<const EBDetId&>(frame.id()).iphi()); if(iEta0<0 || iEta0>=nEbEta){ stringstream s; s << "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation: " << "iEta0 (= " << iEta0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbEta -1 << "]\n"; throw cms::Exception(s.str()); } if(iPhi0<0 || iPhi0>=nEbPhi){ stringstream s; s << "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation: " << "iPhi0 (= " << iPhi0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbPhi -1 << "]\n"; throw cms::Exception(s.str()); } ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].noZsRecE = frame2Energy(frame); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].gain12 = true; for(int i = 0; i< frame.size(); ++i){ const int gain12Code = 0x1; if(frame[i].gainId()!=gain12Code) ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].gain12 = false; } const GlobalPoint xtalPos = geometry.getGeometry(frame.id())->getPosition(); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].phi = rad2deg*((double)xtalPos.phi()); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].eta = xtalPos.eta(); } //next non-zs digi } { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: simHit loop"); //EB sim hits for(vector<PCaloHit>::const_iterator it = ebSimHits_->begin(); it != ebSimHits_->end(); ++it){ const PCaloHit& simHit = *it; EBDetId detId(simHit.id()); int iEta = detId.ieta(); int iEta0 =iEta2cIndex(iEta); int iPhi = detId.iphi(); int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(iPhi); ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].simE += simHit.energy(); ++ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].simHit; } } bool crystalShot[nEbEta][nEbPhi]; { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: suppressed digi loop init"); for(int iEta0=0; iEta0<nEbEta; ++iEta0){ for(int iPhi0=0; iPhi0<nEbPhi; ++iPhi0){ crystalShot[iEta0][iPhi0] = false; } } } int nEbDigi = 0; { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: suppressed digi loop"); for(EBDigiCollection::const_iterator it = ebDigis_->begin(); it != ebDigis_->end(); ++it){ ++nEbDigi; const EBDataFrame& frame = *it; int iEta = static_cast<const EBDetId&>(frame.id()).ieta(); int iPhi = static_cast<const EBDetId&>(frame.id()).iphi(); int iEta0 = iEta2cIndex(iEta); int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(iPhi); if(iEta0<0 || iEta0>=nEbEta){ throw (cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "iEta0 (= " << iEta0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbEta -1 << "]"); } if(iPhi0<0 || iPhi0>=nEbPhi){ throw (cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "iPhi0 (= " << iPhi0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbPhi -1 << "]"); } assert(iEta0>=0 && iEta0<nEbEta); assert(iPhi0>=0 && iPhi0<nEbPhi); if(!crystalShot[iEta0][iPhi0]){ crystalShot[iEta0][iPhi0] = true; } else{ cout << "Error: several digi for same crystal!"; abort(); } if(localReco_){ ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].recE = frame2Energy(frame); } ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].gain12 = true; for(int i = 0; i< frame.size(); ++i){ const int gain12Code = 0x1; if(frame[i].gainId()!=gain12Code){ ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].gain12 = false; } } fill(meChOcc_, xtalGraphX(frame.id()), xtalGraphY(frame.id())); EBSrFlagCollection::const_iterator srf = ebSrFlags_->find(readOutUnitOf(frame.id())); bool highInterest = false; // if(srf == ebSrFlags_->end()){ // throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") // << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": SR flag not found"; //} if(srf != ebSrFlags_->end()){ highInterest = ((srf->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK) == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL); } if(highInterest){ fill(meEbHiZsFir_, dccZsFIR(frame, firWeights_, firstFIRSample_, 0)); } else{ int v = dccZsFIR(frame, firWeights_, firstFIRSample_, 0); fill(meEbLiZsFir_, v); if(v < ebZsThr_){ eventError = true; ++nEbZsErrors_; pair<int,int> ru = dccCh(frame.id()); if(isRuComplete_[ru.first][ru.second-1]) ++nEbZsErrorsType1_; if(nEbZsErrors_ < 3){ srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ", " << "RU " << frame.id() << ", " << "DCC " << ru.first << " Ch : " << ru.second << ": " << "LI channel under ZS threshold.\n"; } if(nEbZsErrors_==3){ srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << "more ZS errors for this event...\n"; } } } } //next EB digi } { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: rec hit loop"); if(!localReco_){ for(RecHitCollection::const_iterator it = ebRecHits_->begin(); it != ebRecHits_->end(); ++it){ ++nEbDigi; const RecHit& hit = *it; int iEta = static_cast<const EBDetId&>(hit.id()).ieta(); int iPhi = static_cast<const EBDetId&>(hit.id()).iphi(); int iEta0 = iEta2cIndex(iEta); int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(iPhi); if(iEta0<0 || iEta0>=nEbEta){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iEta0 (= " << iEta0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbEta -1 << "]\n"; } if(iPhi0<0 || iPhi0>=nEbPhi){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iPhi0 (= " << iPhi0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEbPhi -1 << "]\n"; } ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].recE = hit.energy(); } } } // { // PgTiming t("analyzeEB: crystal sorting"); // //sorts crystal in increasing sim hit energy. ebEnergies[][].simE // //must be set beforehand: // sort(xtalEtaPhi.begin(), xtalEtaPhi.end(), Sorter(this)); // cout << "\niEta\tiPhi\tsimE\tnoZsE\tzsE\n"; // } { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: loop on energies"); for(unsigned int i=0; i<xtalEtaPhi.size(); ++i){ int iEta0 = xtalEtaPhi[i].first; int iPhi0= xtalEtaPhi[i].second; energiesEb_t& energies = ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0]; double recE = energies.recE; if(recE!=-numeric_limits<double>::max()){//not zero suppressed fill(meEbRecE_, ebEnergies[iEta0][iPhi0].recE); fill(meEbEMean_, ievt_+1, recE); } //not zero suppressed if(withEbSimHit_){ if(!energies.simHit){//noise only crystal channel fill(meEbNoise_, energies.noZsRecE); } else{ fill(meEbSimE_, energies.simE); fill(meEbRecEHitXtal_, energies.recE); } fill(meEbRecVsSimE_, energies.simE, energies.recE); fill(meEbNoZsRecVsSimE_, energies.simE, energies.noZsRecE); } } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: SRF"); //SRF nEbFROCnt_ = 0; char ebSrfMark[2][17][72]; bzero(ebSrfMark, sizeof(ebSrfMark)); // int idbg = 0; for(EBSrFlagCollection::const_iterator it = ebSrFlags_->begin(); it != ebSrFlags_->end(); ++it){ const EBSrFlag& srf = *it; int iEtaAbs = srf.id().ietaAbs(); int iPhi = srf.id().iphi(); int iZ = srf.id().zside(); // cout << "--> " << ++idbg << iEtaAbs << " " << iPhi << " " << iZ // << " " << srf.id() << "\n"; if(iEtaAbs < 1 || iEtaAbs > 17 || iPhi < 1 || iPhi > 72) throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "Found a barrel SRF with an invalid det ID: " << srf.id() << ".\n"; ++ebSrfMark[iZ>0?1:0][iEtaAbs-1][iPhi-1]; if(ebSrfMark[iZ>0?1:0][iEtaAbs-1][iPhi-1] > 1) throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "Duplicate SRF for RU " << srf.id() << ".\n"; int flag = srf.value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK; if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1){ fill(meZs1Ru_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); } if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL){ fill(meFullRoRu_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); ++nEbFROCnt_; } if(srf.value() & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK){ fill(meForcedRu_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); } } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEB: logSRerror"); if(eventError) srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << nEbZsErrors_ << " ZS-flagged EB channels under " "the ZS threshold, whose " << nEbZsErrorsType1_ << " in a complete RU.\n"; } }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::analyzeEE | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private] |
ECAL endcap data analysis. To be called for each event.
event | EDM event |
es | event setup |
Definition at line 808 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dccCh(), dccZsFIR(), DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap, eeDigis_, eeEnergies, eeNoZsDigis_, eeRecHits_, eeSimHits_, eeSrFlags_, eeZsThr_, CaloRecHit::energy(), PCaloHit::energy(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::eta, Exception, fill(), firstFIRSample_, firWeights_, frame2Energy(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::gain12, ecalMGPA::gainId(), geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), i, EcalRecHit::id(), PCaloHit::id(), EESrFlag::id(), EEDataFrame::id(), ievt_, isRuComplete_, EEDetId::ix(), EcalScDetId::ix(), iXY2cIndex(), EcalScDetId::iy(), localReco_, max(), meChOcc_, meEeEMean_, meEeHiZsFir_, meEeLiZsFir_, meEeNoise_, meEeNoZsRecVsSimE_, meEeRecE_, meEeRecEHitXtal_, meEeRecVsSimE_, meEeSimE_, meForcedRu_, meFullRoRu_, meZs1Ru_, nEeFROCnt_, nEeX, nEeY, nEeZsErrors_, nEeZsErrorsType1_, nEndcaps, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::noZsRecE, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::phi, rad2deg, readOutUnitOf(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::recE, ruGraphX(), ruGraphY(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::simE, EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t::simHit, EcalDataFrame::size(), srApplicationErrorLog_, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL, EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1, lumiQTWidget::t, v, EcalSrFlag::value(), withEeSimHit_, xtalGraphX(), xtalGraphY(), and EcalScDetId::zside().
Referenced by analyze().
{ bool eventError = false; nEeZsErrors_ = 0; { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: init"); for(int iZ0=0; iZ0<nEndcaps; ++iZ0){ for(int iX0=0; iX0<nEeX; ++iX0){ for(int iY0=0; iY0<nEeY; ++iY0){ eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].noZsRecE = -numeric_limits<double>::max(); eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE = -numeric_limits<double>::max(); eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simE = 0; //must be set to zero. eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simHit = 0; eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].gain12 = false; } } } } // gets the endcap geometry: edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle; es.get<MyCaloGeometryRecord>().get(geoHandle); const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geometry_p = (*geoHandle).getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap); CaloSubdetectorGeometry const& geometry = *geometry_p; { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: unsupressed digis"); //EE unsupressed digis: for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<eeNoZsDigis_->size(); ++digis){ EEDataFrame frame = (*eeNoZsDigis_)[digis]; int iX0 = iXY2cIndex(frame.id().ix()); int iY0 = iXY2cIndex(frame.id().iy()); int iZ0 = frame.id().zside()>0?1:0; if(iX0<0 || iX0>=nEeX){ edm::LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iX0 (= " << iX0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeX -1 << "]\n"; } if(iY0<0 || iY0>=nEeY){ edm::LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iY0 (= " << iY0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeY -1 << "]\n"; } // cout << "EE no ZS energy computation..." ; eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].noZsRecE = frame2Energy(frame); eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].gain12 = true; for(int i = 0; i< frame.size(); ++i){ const int gain12Code = 0x1; if(frame[i].gainId()!=gain12Code) eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].gain12 = false; } const GlobalPoint xtalPos = geometry.getGeometry(frame.id())->getPosition(); eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].phi = rad2deg*((double)xtalPos.phi()); eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].eta = xtalPos.eta(); } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE:rec hits"); //EE rec hits: if(!localReco_){ for(RecHitCollection::const_iterator it = eeRecHits_->begin(); it != eeRecHits_->end(); ++it){ const RecHit& hit = *it; int iX0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(hit.id()).ix()); int iY0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(hit.id()).iy()); int iZ0 = static_cast<const EEDetId&>(hit.id()).zside()>0?1:0; if(iX0<0 || iX0>=nEeX){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iX0 (= " << iX0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeX -1 << "]\n"; } if(iY0<0 || iY0>=nEeY){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iY0 (= " << iY0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeY -1 << "]\n"; } // cout << "EE no ZS energy computation..." ; eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE = hit.energy(); } } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE:sim hits"); //EE sim hits: for(vector<PCaloHit>::const_iterator it = eeSimHits_->begin(); it != eeSimHits_->end(); ++it){ const PCaloHit& simHit = *it; EEDetId detId(simHit.id()); int iX = detId.ix(); int iX0 =iXY2cIndex(iX); int iY = detId.iy(); int iY0 = iXY2cIndex(iY); int iZ0 = detId.zside()>0?1:0; eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simE += simHit.energy(); ++eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simHit; } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: suppressed digis"); //EE suppressed digis for(EEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = eeDigis_->begin(); it != eeDigis_->end(); ++it){ const EEDataFrame& frame = *it; int iX0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).ix()); int iY0 = iXY2cIndex(static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).iy()); int iZ0 = static_cast<const EEDetId&>(frame.id()).zside()>0?1:0; if(iX0<0 || iX0>=nEeX){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iX0 (= " << iX0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeX -1 << "]\n"; } if(iY0<0 || iY0>=nEeY){ LogError("EcalSrValid") << "iY0 (= " << iY0 << ") is out of range (" << "[0," << nEeY -1 << "]\n"; } if(localReco_){ eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE = frame2Energy(frame); } eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].gain12 = true; for(int i = 0; i< frame.size(); ++i){ const int gain12Code = 0x1; if(frame[i].gainId()!=gain12Code){ eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].gain12 = false; } } fill(meChOcc_, xtalGraphX(frame.id()), xtalGraphY(frame.id())); EESrFlagCollection::const_iterator srf = eeSrFlags_->find(readOutUnitOf(frame.id())); bool highInterest = false; if(srf==eeSrFlags_->end()) continue; if(srf!=eeSrFlags_->end()){ highInterest = ((srf->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK) == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL); } if(highInterest){ fill(meEeHiZsFir_, dccZsFIR(frame, firWeights_, firstFIRSample_, 0)); } else{ int v = dccZsFIR(frame, firWeights_, firstFIRSample_, 0); fill(meEeLiZsFir_, v); if(v < eeZsThr_){ eventError = true; ++nEeZsErrors_; pair<int,int> ru = dccCh(frame.id()); if(isRuComplete_[ru.first][ru.second-1]) ++nEeZsErrorsType1_; if(nEeZsErrors_ < 3){ srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ", " << "RU " << frame.id() << ", " << "DCC " << ru.first << " Ch : " << ru.second << ": " << "LI channel under ZS threshold.\n"; } if(nEeZsErrors_==3){ srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << "more ZS errors for this event...\n"; } } } } //next ZS digi. } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: energies"); for(int iZ0=0; iZ0<nEndcaps; ++iZ0){ for(int iX0=0; iX0<nEeX; ++iX0){ for(int iY0=0; iY0<nEeY; ++iY0){ double recE = eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE; if(recE==-numeric_limits<double>::max()) continue; //not a crystal or ZS fill(meEeRecE_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE); fill(meEeEMean_, ievt_+1, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE); if(withEeSimHit_){ if(!eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simHit){//noise only crystal channel fill(meEeNoise_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].noZsRecE); } else{ fill(meEeSimE_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simE); fill(meEeRecEHitXtal_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE); } fill(meEeRecVsSimE_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simE, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].recE); fill(meEeNoZsRecVsSimE_, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].simE, eeEnergies[iZ0][iX0][iY0].noZsRecE); } } } } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: RU"); nEeFROCnt_ = 0; char eeSrfMark[2][100][100]; bzero(eeSrfMark, sizeof(eeSrfMark)); //Filling RU histo for(EESrFlagCollection::const_iterator it = eeSrFlags_->begin(); it != eeSrFlags_->end(); ++it){ const EESrFlag& srf = *it; int iX = srf.id().ix(); int iY = srf.id().iy(); int iZ = srf.id().zside(); //-1 for EE-, +1 for EE+ if(iX<1 || iY > 100) throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "Found an endcap SRF with an invalid det ID: " << srf.id() << ".\n"; ++eeSrfMark[iZ>0?1:0][iX-1][iY-1]; if(eeSrfMark[iZ>0?1:0][iX-1][iY-1] > 1) throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") << "Duplicate SRF for supercrystal " << srf.id() << ".\n"; int flag = srf.value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK; if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1){ fill(meZs1Ru_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); } if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL){ fill(meFullRoRu_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); ++nEeFROCnt_; } if(srf.value() & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK){ fill(meForcedRu_, ruGraphX(srf.id()), ruGraphY(srf.id())); } } } { PgTiming t("analyzeEE: SR appli error log"); if(eventError) srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << nEeZsErrors_ << " ZS-flagged EE channels under " "the ZS threshold, whose " << nEeZsErrorsType1_ << " in a complete RU.\n"; } } //end of analyzeEE
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::analyzeTP | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private] |
Trigger primitive analysis. To be called for each event.
event | EDM event |
es | event setup |
Definition at line 1384 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References fill(), EcalTPGScale::getTPGInGeV(), iTtEta2cIndex(), meForcedTtf_, meHiTtf_, meLiTtf_, meMiTtf_, meTp_, meTpMap_, meTpVsEtSum_, meTtf_, meTtfVsEtSum_, meTtfVsTp_, EcalTPGScale::setEventSetup(), tpInGeV_, tps_, and ttEtSums.
Referenced by analyze().
{ EcalTPGScale ecalScale; #if (CMSSW_COMPAT_VERSION>=210) ecalScale.setEventSetup(es) ; #endif // std::cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ // << "n TP: " << tps_->size() <<std::endl; for(EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::const_iterator it = tps_->begin(); it != tps_->end(); ++it){ // for(int i = 0; i < it->size(); ++i){ // double v = (*it)[i].raw() & 0xFF; // if(v>0) std::cout << v << " " << i << std::endl; //} // if(it->compressedEt() > 0){ // std::cout << "---------> " << it->id().ieta() << ", " // << it->id().iphi() << ", " // << it->compressedEt() << std::endl; //} //const int iTcc = elecMap_->TCCid(it->id()); //const int iTt = elecMap_->iTt(it->id()); double tpEt; if(tpInGeV_){ #if (CMSSW_COMPAT_VERSION<210) tpEt = ecalScale.getTPGInGeV(es, *it); #else tpEt = ecalScale.getTPGInGeV(it->compressedEt(), it->id()) ; #endif } else{ tpEt = it->compressedEt(); } int iEta = it->id().ieta(); int iEta0 = iTtEta2cIndex(iEta); int iPhi = it->id().iphi(); int iPhi0 = iTtEta2cIndex(iPhi); double etSum = ttEtSums[iEta0][iPhi0]; fill(meTp_, tpEt); fill(meTpVsEtSum_, etSum, tpEt); fill(meTtf_, it->ttFlag()); if((it->ttFlag() & 0x3) == 0){ fill(meLiTtf_, iEta, iPhi); } if((it->ttFlag() & 0x3) == 1){ fill(meMiTtf_, iEta, iPhi); } if((it->ttFlag() & 0x3) == 3){ fill(meHiTtf_, iEta, iPhi); } if((it->ttFlag() & 0x4)){ fill(meForcedTtf_, iEta, iPhi); } fill(meTtfVsTp_, tpEt, it->ttFlag()); fill(meTtfVsEtSum_, etSum, it->ttFlag()); fill(meTpMap_, iEta, iPhi, tpEt, 1.); } }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | r, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Calls at begin of run.
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1363 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References elecMap_, edm::EventSetup::get(), initAsciiFile(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), and triggerTowerMap_.
{ // endcap mapping edm::ESHandle<EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap> hTriggerTowerMap; es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(hTriggerTowerMap); triggerTowerMap_ = hTriggerTowerMap.product(); //electronics map ESHandle< EcalElectronicsMapping > ecalmapping; es.get< EcalMappingRcd >().get(ecalmapping); elecMap_ = ecalmapping.product(); initAsciiFile(); }
MonitorElement * EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::book1D | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | title, | ||
int | nbins, | ||
double | xmin, | ||
double | xmax | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1934 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), dbe_, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, registerHist(), and query::result.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ if(!registerHist(name, title)) return 0; //this histo is disabled MonitorElement* result = dbe_->book1D(name, title, nbins, xmin, xmax); if(result==0){ throw cms::Exception("Histo") << "Failed to book histogram " << name; } return result; }
MonitorElement * EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::book2D | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | title, | ||
int | nxbins, | ||
double | xmin, | ||
double | xmax, | ||
int | nybins, | ||
double | ymin, | ||
double | ymax | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1944 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::book2D(), dbe_, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, registerHist(), and query::result.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
MonitorElement * EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::bookFloat | ( | const std::string & | name | ) | [private] |
Wrappers to the book methods of the DQMStore DQM histogramming interface.
Definition at line 1923 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::bookFloat(), dbe_, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, registerHist(), and query::result.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ if(!registerHist(name, "")) return 0; //this histo is disabled MonitorElement* result = dbe_->bookFloat(name); if(result==0){ throw cms::Exception("DQM") << "Failed to book integer DQM monitor element" << name; } return result; }
MonitorElement * EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::bookProfile | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | title, | ||
int | nbins, | ||
double | xmin, | ||
double | xmax | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1955 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::bookProfile(), dbe_, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, registerHist(), and query::result.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ if(!registerHist(name, title)) return 0; //this histo is disabled MonitorElement* result = dbe_->bookProfile(name, title, nbins, xmin, xmax, 0, 0, 0); if(result==0){ throw cms::Exception("Histo") << "Failed to book histogram " << name; } return result; }
MonitorElement * EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::bookProfile2D | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | title, | ||
int | nbinx, | ||
double | xmin, | ||
double | xmax, | ||
int | nbiny, | ||
double | ymin, | ||
double | ymax, | ||
const char * | option = "" |
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1966 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::bookProfile2D(), dbe_, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, registerHist(), and query::result.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ if(!registerHist(name, title)) return 0; //this histo is disabled MonitorElement* result = dbe_->bookProfile2D(name, title, nbinx, xmin, xmax, nbiny, ymin, ymax, 0, 0, 0, option); if(result==0){ throw cms::Exception("Histo") << "Failed to book histogram " << name; } return result; }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::checkSrApplication | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
T & | srfs | ||
) | [private] |
Checks application of SR decision by the DCC.
event | event currently analyzed. |
srfs | Selective readou flags |
Definition at line 2336 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dccCh(), fill(), getCrystalCount(), meCompleteZSMap_, meCompleteZSRateMap_, meDroppedFROMap_, meDroppedFRORateMap_, meIncompleteFROMap_, meIncompleteFRORateMap_, minDccId_, nCompleteZS_, nDroppedFRO_, nIncompleteFRO_, nPerRu_, ruGraphX(), ruGraphY(), srApplicationErrorLog_, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL, EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1, and EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS2.
Referenced by analyze().
{ typedef typename T::const_iterator SrFlagCollectionConstIt; typedef typename T::key_type MyRuDetIdType; for(SrFlagCollectionConstIt itSrf = srfs.begin(); itSrf != srfs.end(); ++itSrf){ int flag = itSrf->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK; pair<int,int> ru = dccCh(itSrf->id()); if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL){ if(nPerRu_[ru.first-minDccId_][ru.second-1]==getCrystalCount(ru.first, ru.second)){ //no error fill(meIncompleteFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 0); fill(meDroppedFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 0); } else if(nPerRu_[ru.first-minDccId_][ru.second-1]==0) {//tower dropped! fill(meIncompleteFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 0); fill(meDroppedFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 1); fill(meDroppedFROMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 1); ++nDroppedFRO_; srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": Flag of RU " << itSrf->id() << " (DCC " << ru.first << " ch " << ru.second << ") is 'Full readout' " << "while none of its channel was read out\n"; } else{ //tower partially read out fill(meIncompleteFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 1); fill(meDroppedFRORateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 0); fill(meIncompleteFROMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 1); ++nIncompleteFRO_; srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": Flag of RU" << itSrf->id() << " (DCC " << ru.first << " ch " << ru.second << ") is 'Full readout' " << "while only " << nPerRu_[ru.first-minDccId_][ru.second-1] << " / " << getCrystalCount(ru.first, ru.second) << " channels were read out.\n"; } } if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1 || flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS2){ if(nPerRu_[ru.first-minDccId_][ru.second-1] ==getCrystalCount(ru.first, ru.second)){ //ZS readout unit whose every channel was read fill(meCompleteZSMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id())); fill(meCompleteZSRateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 1); //srApplicationErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " // << "All " << nMaxXtalPerRu << " channels of RU " // << itSrf->id() << " passed the Zero suppression."; ++nCompleteZS_; } else{ fill(meCompleteZSRateMap_, ruGraphX(itSrf->id()), ruGraphY(itSrf->id()), 0); } } } }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::cIndex2iEta | ( | int | i | ) | const [inline, private] |
converse of iEta2cIndex() method.
Definition at line 277 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by dccCh().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::cIndex2iPhi | ( | int | i | ) | const [inline, private] |
converse of iPhi2cIndex() method.
Definition at line 284 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by dccCh().
{ return (i+11) % 360; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::cIndex2iTtEta | ( | int | i | ) | const [inline, private] |
converse of iTtEta2cIndex() method.
Definition at line 311 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::cIndex2iTtPhi | ( | int | i | ) | const [inline, private] |
converse of iTtPhi2cIndex() method.
Definition at line 317 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
{ return i + 1; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::cIndex2iXY | ( | int | iX0 | ) | const [inline, private] |
converse of iXY2cIndex() method.
Definition at line 271 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
return iX0+1;
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::compareSrfColl | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
T & | srfFromData, | ||
T & | computedSrf | ||
) | [private] |
Compares two SR flag collection, flags read from data and computed flags. Descripencies are recorded in relevant histogram and log file.
T | collection type. Must be either an EESrFlagCollection or an EBSrFlagCollection. |
event | event currently analyzed. Used in logs. |
srfFromData | SR flag collection read from data |
compareSrf | SR flag collection computed from TTF by SRP emulation |
Definition at line 2204 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dccCh(), fill(), logErrForDccs_, meSRFlagsConsistency_, minDccId_, ruGraphX(), ruGraphY(), srpAlgoErrorLog_, and lumiQTWidget::t.
Referenced by analyze().
{ typedef typename T::const_iterator SrFlagCollectionConstIt; typedef typename T::key_type MyRuDetIdType; SrFlagCollectionConstIt itSrfFromData = srfFromData.begin(); SrFlagCollectionConstIt itComputedSr = computedSrf.begin(); { PgTiming t("collection comparison"); //cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " // << srfFromData.size() << " " << computedSrf.size() << "\n"; // int i = 0; while(itSrfFromData != srfFromData.end() || itComputedSr != computedSrf.end()){ // cout << ++i << "\n"; MyRuDetIdType inconsistentRu = 0; bool inconsistent = false; if(itComputedSr == computedSrf.end() || (itSrfFromData != srfFromData.end() && itSrfFromData->id() < itComputedSr->id())){ //computedSrf is missig a detid found in srfFromData pair<int, int> ch = dccCh(itSrfFromData->id()); srpAlgoErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << itSrfFromData->id() << ", DCC " << ch.first << " ch " << ch.second << " found in data (SRF:" << itSrfFromData->flagName() << ") but not in the set of SRFs computed from the data TTF.\n"; inconsistentRu = itSrfFromData->id(); inconsistent = true; ++itSrfFromData; } else if(itSrfFromData==srfFromData.end() || (itComputedSr != computedSrf.end() && itComputedSr->id() < itSrfFromData->id())){ //ebSrFlags is missing a detid found in computedSrf pair<int, int> ch = dccCh(itComputedSr->id()); if(logErrForDccs_[ch.first-minDccId_]){ srpAlgoErrorLog_ << event.id() << ": " << itComputedSr->id() << ", DCC " << ch.first << " ch " << ch.second << " not found in data. Computed SRF: " << itComputedSr->flagName() << ".\n"; inconsistentRu = itComputedSr->id(); inconsistent = true; } ++itComputedSr; } else{ //*itSrfFromData and *itComputedSr has same detid if(itComputedSr->value()!=itSrfFromData->value()){ //if(!(itSrfFromData->value & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK)){ pair<int, int> ch = dccCh(itSrfFromData->id()); srpAlgoErrorLog_ << event.id() << ", " << itSrfFromData->id() << ", DCC " << ch.first << " ch " << ch.second << ", SRF inconsistency: " << "from data: " << itSrfFromData->flagName() << ", computed from TTF: " << itComputedSr->flagName() << "\n"; //} inconsistentRu = itComputedSr->id(); inconsistent = true; } if(itComputedSr != computedSrf.end()) ++itComputedSr; if(itSrfFromData != srfFromData.end()) ++itSrfFromData; } if(inconsistent) fill(meSRFlagsConsistency_, ruGraphX(inconsistentRu), ruGraphY(inconsistentRu)); } } }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::configFirWeights | ( | std::vector< double > | weightsForZsFIR | ) | [private] |
Configure DCC ZS FIR weights. Heuristic is used to determine if input weights are normalized weights or integer weights in the hardware representation.
weightsForZsFIR | weights from configuration file |
Definition at line 2133 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References Exception, firstFIRSample_, firWeights_, getFIRWeights(), i, funct::log(), indexGen::s2, and mathSSE::sqrt().
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ bool notNormalized = false; bool notInt = false; for(unsigned i=0; i < weightsForZsFIR.size(); ++i){ if(weightsForZsFIR[i] > 1.) notNormalized = true; if((int)weightsForZsFIR[i]!=weightsForZsFIR[i]) notInt = true; } if(notInt && notNormalized){ throw cms::Exception("InvalidParameter") << "weigtsForZsFIR paramater values are not valid: they " << "must either be integer and uses the hardware representation " << "of the weights or less or equal than 1 and used the normalized " << "representation."; } LogInfo log("DccFir"); if(notNormalized){ firWeights_ = vector<int>(weightsForZsFIR.size()); for(unsigned i = 0; i< weightsForZsFIR.size(); ++i){ firWeights_[i] = (int)weightsForZsFIR[i]; } } else{ firWeights_ = getFIRWeights(weightsForZsFIR); } log << "Input weights for FIR: "; for(unsigned i = 0; i < weightsForZsFIR.size(); ++i){ log << weightsForZsFIR[i] << "\t"; } double s2 = 0.; log << "\nActual FIR weights: "; for(unsigned i = 0; i < firWeights_.size(); ++i){ log << firWeights_[i] << "\t"; s2 += firWeights_[i]*firWeights_[i]; } s2 = sqrt(s2); log << "\nNormalized FIR weights after hw representation rounding: "; for(unsigned i = 0; i < firWeights_.size(); ++i){ log << firWeights_[i] / (double)(1<<10) << "\t"; } log <<"\nFirst FIR sample: " << firstFIRSample_; }
Retrieves the logical number of the DCC reading a given crystal channel.
xtarId | crystal channel identifier |
xtarId | crystal channel, barrel trigger tower or endcap supercrystal identifier |
Definition at line 1668 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References cIndex2iEta(), cIndex2iPhi(), EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), DetId::det(), DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, EcalTriggerTower, elecMap_, Exception, EcalElectronicsMapping::getDCCandSC(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::ieta(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::iphi(), iTtEta2cIndex(), iTtPhi2cIndex(), maxDccId_, minDccId_, nOneEeTtEta, DetId::rawId(), query::result, DetId::subdetId(), EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), and groupFilesInBlocks::tt.
Referenced by anaDigi(), analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), checkSrApplication(), compareSrfColl(), and dccId().
{ if(detId.det()!=DetId::Ecal){ throw cms::Exception("InvalidParameter") << "Wrong type of DetId passed to the " "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccCh(const DetId&). " "An ECAL DetId was expected.\n"; } DetId xtalId; switch(detId.subdetId()){ case EcalTriggerTower: //Trigger tower { const EcalTrigTowerDetId tt = detId; //pick up one crystal of the trigger tower: they are however all readout by //the same DCC channel in the barrel. //Arithmetic is easier on the "c" indices: const int iTtPhi0 = iTtPhi2cIndex(tt.iphi()); const int iTtEta0 = iTtEta2cIndex(tt.ieta()); const int oneXtalPhi0 = iTtPhi0 * 5; const int oneXtalEta0 = (iTtEta0 - nOneEeTtEta) * 5; xtalId = EBDetId(cIndex2iEta(oneXtalEta0), cIndex2iPhi(oneXtalPhi0)); } break; case EcalEndcap: if(detId.rawId() & 0x8000){ //Supercrystal return elecMap_->getDCCandSC(EcalScDetId(detId)); // throw cms::Exception("InvalidParameter") // << "Wrong type of DetId passed to the method " // "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccCh(const DetId&). " // "A valid EcalTriggerTower, EcalBarrel or EcalEndcap DetId was expected. " // "detid = " << xtalId.rawId() << ".\n"; } else { //EE crystal xtalId = detId; } break; case EcalBarrel: //EB crystal xtalId = detId; break; default: throw cms::Exception("InvalidParameter") << "Wrong type of DetId passed to the method " "EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccCh(const DetId&). " "A valid EcalTriggerTower, EcalBarrel or EcalEndcap DetId was expected. " "detid = " << xtalId.rawId() << ".\n"; } const EcalElectronicsId& EcalElecId = elecMap_->getElectronicsId(xtalId); pair<int,int> result; result.first = EcalElecId.dccId(); if(result.first < minDccId_ || result.second > maxDccId_){ throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange") << "Got an invalid DCC ID, DCCID = " << result.first << " for DetId 0x" << hex << detId.rawId() << " and 0x" << xtalId.rawId() << dec << "\n"; } result.second = EcalElecId.towerId(); if(result.second < 1 || result.second > 68){ throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange") << "Got an invalid DCC channel ID, DCC_CH = " << result.second << " for DetId 0x" << hex << detId.rawId() << " and 0x" << xtalId.rawId() << dec << "\n"; } return result; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccId | ( | const EcalScDetId & | detId | ) | const [private] |
Retrieves the ID of the DCC reading a readout unit
detId | detid of the readout unit |
Definition at line 2274 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References elecMap_, and EcalElectronicsMapping::getDCCandSC().
Referenced by selectFedsForLog().
{ return elecMap_->getDCCandSC(detId).first; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccId | ( | const EcalTrigTowerDetId & | detId | ) | const [private] |
Definition at line 2278 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dccCh(), Exception, and EcalTrigTowerDetId::ietaAbs().
{ if(detId.ietaAbs()>17){ throw cms::Exception("InvalidArgument") << "Argument of EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccId(const EcalTrigTowerDetId&) " << "must be a barrel trigger tower Id\n"; } return dccCh(detId).first; // int iDccPhi0 = (detId.iphi()-1)/4; //4 TT along phi covered by a DCC // int iDccEta0 = detId.zside()<0?0:1; // const int nDccsInPhi = 18; // return 1 + iDccEta0 * nDccsInPhi + iDccPhi0; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dccZsFIR | ( | const EcalDataFrame & | frame, |
const std::vector< int > & | firWeights, | ||
int | firstFIRSample, | ||
bool * | saturated = 0 |
) | [static, private] |
Emulates the DCC zero suppression FIR filter. If one of the time sample is not in gain 12, numeric_limits<int>::max() is returned.
frame | data frame |
firWeights | TAP weights |
firstFIRSample | index (starting from 1) of the first time sample to be used in the filter |
saturated | if not null, *saturated is set to true if all the time sample are not in gain 12 and set to false otherwise. |
Definition at line 2069 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EcalMGPASample::adc(), EcalMGPASample::gainId(), LogTrace, max(), compare_using_db::sample, EcalDataFrame::size(), and w().
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
{ const int nFIRTaps = 6; //FIR filter weights: const vector<int>& w = firWeights; //accumulator used to compute weighted sum of samples int acc = 0; bool gain12saturated = false; const int gain12 = 0x01; const int lastFIRSample = firstFIRSample + nFIRTaps - 1; //LogDebug("DccFir") << "DCC FIR operation: "; int iWeight = 0; for(int iSample=firstFIRSample-1; iSample<lastFIRSample; ++iSample, ++iWeight){ if(iSample>=0 && iSample < frame.size()){ EcalMGPASample sample(frame[iSample]); if(sample.gainId()!=gain12) gain12saturated = true; LogTrace("DccFir") << (iSample>=firstFIRSample?"+":"") << sample.adc() << "*(" << w[iWeight] << ")"; acc+=sample.adc()*w[iWeight]; } else{ edm::LogWarning("DccFir") << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": Not enough samples in data frame or 'ecalDccZs1stSample' module " "parameter is not valid..."; } } LogTrace("DccFir") << "\n"; //discards the 8 LSBs //(shift operator cannot be used on negative numbers because // the result depends on compilator implementation) acc = (acc>=0)?(acc >> 8):-(-acc >> 8); //ZS passed if weighted sum acc above ZS threshold or if //one sample has a lower gain than gain 12 (that is gain 12 output //is saturated) LogTrace("DccFir") << "acc: " << acc << "\n" << "saturated: " << (gain12saturated?"yes":"no") << "\n"; if(saturated){ *saturated = gain12saturated; } return gain12saturated?numeric_limits<int>::max():acc; }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::endRun | ( | const edm::Run & | r, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Calls at end of run.
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1377 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dbe_, MonitorElement::Fill(), getL1aRate(), ievt_, meL1aRate_, normalizeHists(), outputFile_, DQMStore::save(), and useEventRate_.
{ meL1aRate_->Fill(getL1aRate()); if(useEventRate_) normalizeHists(ievt_); if(outputFile_.size()!=0) dbe_->save(outputFile_); }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::fill | ( | MonitorElement * | me, |
float | x | ||
) | [inline, private] |
Wrapper to fill methods of DQM monitor elements.
Definition at line 390 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References MonitorElement::Fill().
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), analyzeTP(), checkSrApplication(), and compareSrfColl().
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::fill | ( | MonitorElement * | me, |
float | x, | ||
float | yw | ||
) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 393 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References MonitorElement::Fill().
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::fill | ( | MonitorElement * | me, |
float | x, | ||
float | y, | ||
float | zw | ||
) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 396 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References MonitorElement::Fill().
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::fill | ( | MonitorElement * | me, |
float | x, | ||
float | y, | ||
float | z, | ||
float | w | ||
) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 399 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References MonitorElement::Fill().
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::frame2Energy | ( | const EcalDataFrame & | frame | ) | const [private] |
Energy reconstruction from ADC samples.
frame | the ADC sample of an ECA channel |
Definition at line 1622 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References i, min, n, EcalDataFrame::size(), and weights_.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
{ static bool firstCall = true; if(firstCall){ stringstream buf; buf << "Weights:"; for(unsigned i=0; i<weights_.size();++i){ buf << "\t" << weights_[i]; } edm::LogInfo("EcalSrValid") << buf.str() << "\n"; firstCall = false; } double adc2GeV = 0.; if(typeid(EBDataFrame)==typeid(frame)){//barrel APD adc2GeV = .035; } else if(typeid(EEDataFrame)==typeid(frame)){//endcap VPT adc2GeV = 0.06; } else{ assert(false); } double acc = 0; const int n = min(frame.size(), (int)weights_.size()); double gainInv[] = {12., 1., 6., 12.}; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i){ acc += weights_[i]*frame[i].adc()*gainInv[frame[i].gainId()]*adc2GeV; } return acc; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::frame2EnergyForTp | ( | const T & | frame, |
int | offset = 0 |
) | const [private] |
Energy reconstruction from ADC samples to be used for trigger primitive estimate.
frame | the ADC sample of an ECA channel |
offset | time offset. To be used to evaluate energy of the event previous (offset=-1) and next (offset=+1) to the triggered one. |
Definition at line 1885 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References Exception, i, n, and evf::evtn::offset().
Referenced by setTtEtSums().
{ //we have to start by 0 in order to handle offset=-1 //(however Fenix FIR has AFAK only 5 taps) double weights[] = {0., -1/3., -1/3., -1/3., 0., 1.}; double adc2GeV = 0.; if(typeid(frame) == typeid(EBDataFrame)){ adc2GeV = 0.035; } else if(typeid(frame) == typeid(EEDataFrame)){ adc2GeV = 0.060; } else{ //T is an invalid type! //TODO: replace message by a cms exception throw cms::Exception("Severe Error") << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << "this is a bug. Please report it.\n"; } double acc = 0; const int n = min<int>(frame.size(), sizeof(weights)/sizeof(weights[0])); double gainInv[] = {12., 1., 6., 12}; for(int i=offset; i < n; ++i){ int iframe = i + offset; if(iframe>=0 && iframe<frame.size()){ acc += weights[i]*frame[iframe].adc() *gainInv[frame[iframe].gainId()]*adc2GeV; //cout << (iframe>offset?"+":"") // << frame[iframe].adc() << "*" << gainInv[frame[iframe].gainId()] // << "*" << adc2GeV << "*(" << weights[i] << ")"; } } //cout << "\n"; return acc; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getBytesPerCrystal | ( | ) | const [inline, private] |
Gets the number of bytes per crystal channel of the event part depending on the number of read crystal channels.
Definition at line 171 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), getDccSrDependentPayload(), getEbEventSize(), and getEeEventSize().
return 3*8;
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getCrystalCount | ( | int | iDcc, |
int | iDccCh | ||
) | [private] |
Retrieves number of crystal channel read out by a DCC channel
iDcc | DCC ID starting from 1 |
iDccCh | DCC channel starting from 1 |
Definition at line 2401 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References maxDccId_.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and checkSrApplication().
{ if(iDcc < minDccId_ || iDcc > maxDccId_){ //invalid DCC return 0; } else if (10 <= iDcc && iDcc <= 45) {//EB return 25; } else { //EE int iDccPhi; if(iDcc < 10) iDccPhi = iDcc; else iDccPhi = iDcc - 45; switch(iDccPhi*100+iDccCh){ case 110: case 232: case 312: case 412: case 532: case 610: case 830: case 806: //inner partials at 12, 3, and 9 o'clock return 20; case 134: case 634: case 827: case 803: return 10; case 330: case 430: return 20; case 203: case 503: case 721: case 921: return 21; default: return 25; } } }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getDccEventSize | ( | int | iDcc0, |
double | nReadXtals | ||
) | const [inline, private] |
Gets the size of an DCC event fragment.
iDcc0 | the DCC logical number starting from 0. |
nReadXtals | number of read crystal channels. |
Definition at line 180 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References EB, EE, getDccOverhead(), getDccSrDependentPayload(), and getRuCount().
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
{ subdet_t subdet; if(iDcc0<9 || iDcc0>=45){ subdet = EE; } else{ subdet = EB; } // return getDccOverhead(subdet)+nReadXtals*getBytesPerCrystal() // + getRuCount(iDcc0)*8; return getDccOverhead(subdet) + getDccSrDependentPayload(iDcc0, getRuCount(iDcc0), nReadXtals); }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getDccOverhead | ( | subdet_t | subdet | ) | const [inline, private] |
Gets the size in bytes fixed-size part of a DCC event fragment.
Definition at line 162 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References EB.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), getDccEventSize(), getEbEventSize(), and getEeEventSize().
{ // return (subdet==EB?34:25)*8; return (subdet==EB?34:52)*8; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getDccSrDependentPayload | ( | int | iDcc0, |
double | nReadRus, | ||
double | nReadXtals | ||
) | const [inline, private] |
Gets DCC event fragment payload depending on the channel selection made by the selective readout.
iDcc0 | the DCC logical number starting from 0. |
nReadRus | number of read-out RUs |
nReadXtals | number of read-out crystal channels. |
Definition at line 200 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
References getBytesPerCrystal().
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and getDccEventSize().
{ return nReadXtals*getBytesPerCrystal() + nReadRus*8; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getEbEventSize | ( | double | nReadXtals | ) | const [private] |
Computes the size of an ECAL barrel event fragment.
nReadXtals | number of read crystal channels |
Definition at line 2017 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EB, getBytesPerCrystal(), getDccOverhead(), getRuCount(), nEbDccs, and nEeDccs.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
{ double ruHeaderPayload = 0.; const int firstEbDcc0 = nEeDccs/2; for(int iDcc0 = firstEbDcc0; iDcc0 < firstEbDcc0 + nEbDccs; ++iDcc0){ ruHeaderPayload += getRuCount(iDcc0)*8.; } return getDccOverhead(EB)*nEbDccs + nReadXtals*getBytesPerCrystal() + ruHeaderPayload; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getEeEventSize | ( | double | nReadXtals | ) | const [private] |
Computes the size of an ECAL endcap event fragment.
nReadXtals | number of read crystal channels |
Definition at line 2028 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EE, getBytesPerCrystal(), getDccOverhead(), getRuCount(), nDccs_, nEbDccs, and nEeDccs.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
{ double ruHeaderPayload = 0.; const unsigned firstEbDcc0 = nEeDccs/2; for(unsigned iDcc0 = 0; iDcc0 < nDccs_; ++iDcc0){ //skip barrel: if(iDcc0== firstEbDcc0) iDcc0 += nEbDccs; ruHeaderPayload += getRuCount(iDcc0)*8.; } return getDccOverhead(EE)*nEeDccs + nReadXtals*getBytesPerCrystal() + ruHeaderPayload; }
std::vector< int > EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getFIRWeights | ( | const std::vector< double > & | normalizedWeights | ) | [static, private] |
Computes the ZS FIR filter weights from the normalized weights.
normalizedWeights | the normalized weights |
Definition at line 2118 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
Referenced by configFirWeights().
{ const int nFIRTaps = 6; vector<int> firWeights(nFIRTaps, 0); //default weight: 0; const static int maxWeight = 0xEFF; //weights coded on 11+1 signed bits for(unsigned i=0; i < min((size_t)nFIRTaps,normalizedWeights.size()); ++i){ firWeights[i] = lround(normalizedWeights[i] * (1<<10)); if(abs(firWeights[i])>maxWeight){//overflow firWeights[i] = firWeights[i]<0?-maxWeight:maxWeight; } } return firWeights; }
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getL1aRate | ( | ) | const [private] |
Gets L1A rate estimate.
Definition at line 704 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References alignCSCRings::e, l1aOfTmax, l1aOfTmin, LogDebug, tmax, and tmin.
Referenced by endRun().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::getRuCount | ( | int | iDcc0 | ) | const [private] |
Gets the number of readout unit read by a DCC. A readout unit correspond to an active DCC input channel.
iDcc0 | DCC logical number starting from 0. |
Definition at line 1655 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References nRuPerDcc_.
Referenced by getDccEventSize(), getEbEventSize(), and getEeEventSize().
{ // static int nEemRu[] = {34, 32, 33, 33, 32, 34, 33, 34, 33}; // static int nEepRu[] = {32, 33, 33, 32, 34, 33, 34, 33, 34}; // if(iDcc0<9){//EE- // return nEemRu[iDcc0]; // } else if(iDcc0>=45){//EE+ // return nEepRu[iDcc0-45]; // } else{//EB // return 68; // } return nRuPerDcc_[iDcc0]; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::iEta2cIndex | ( | int | iEta | ) | const [inline, private] |
Converts a std CMSSW crystal eta index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
Definition at line 248 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and analyzeEB().
return (iEta<0)?iEta+85:iEta+84;
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::initAsciiFile | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 2178 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References Exception, logSrApplicationErrors_, logSrpAlgoErrors_, dbtoconf::out, srApplicationErrorLog_, srApplicationErrorLogFileName_, srpAlgoErrorLog_, srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_, and estimatePileup_makeJSON::trunc.
Referenced by beginRun().
{ if(logSrpAlgoErrors_){ srpAlgoErrorLog_.open(srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc); if(!srpAlgoErrorLog_.good()){ throw cms::Exception("Output") << "Failed to open the log file '" << srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_ << "' for SRP algorithm result check.\n"; } } if(logSrApplicationErrors_){ srApplicationErrorLog_.open(srApplicationErrorLogFileName_.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc); if(!srApplicationErrorLog_.good()){ throw cms::Exception("Output") << "Failed to open the log file '" << srApplicationErrorLogFileName_ << "' for Selective Readout decision application check.\n"; } } }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::iPhi2cIndex | ( | int | iPhi | ) | const [inline, private] |
Converts a std CMSSW crystal phi index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
Definition at line 255 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and analyzeEB().
{ // return iPhi-1; int iPhi0 = iPhi - 11; if(iPhi0<0) iPhi0 += 360; return iPhi0; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::iTtEta2cIndex | ( | int | iEta | ) | const [inline, private] |
Transforms CMSSW eta ECAL TT indices to indices starting at 0 to use for c-array or vector.
iEta | CMSSW eta index (numbering -28...-1,28...56) |
Definition at line 293 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), dccCh(), and setTtEtSums().
return (iEta<0)?iEta+28:iEta+27;
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::iTtPhi2cIndex | ( | int | iPhi | ) | const [inline, private] |
Transforms CMSSW phi ECAL crystal indices to indices starting at 0 to use for c-array or vector.
iPhi | CMSSW phi index (numbering 1...72) |
Definition at line 302 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by dccCh(), and setTtEtSums().
{ return iPhi-1; //int iPhi0 = iPhi - 3; //if(iPhi0<0) iPhi0 += 72; //return iPhi0; }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::iXY2cIndex | ( | int | iX | ) | const [inline, private] |
Converts a std CMSSW crystal x or y index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
Definition at line 265 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and analyzeEE().
return iX-1;
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::myAna | ( | ) | [private] |
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::normalizeHists | ( | double | eventCount | ) | [private] |
Scaled histograms expressed in rate by 1/eventCount
eventCount | event count to use for normalization factor |
Definition at line 2040 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References MonitorElement::getTH1(), h, i, meChOcc_, meForcedRu_, meFullRoRu_, meHiTtf_, meLiTtf_, meMiTtf_, meTp_, meTtf_, meZs1Ru_, and pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale.
Referenced by endRun().
{ MonitorElement* mes[] = { meChOcc_, meTtf_, meTp_, meFullRoRu_, meZs1Ru_, meForcedRu_, meLiTtf_, meMiTtf_, meHiTtf_, //meEbLiZsFir_, meEbHiZsFir_, //meEeLiZsFir_, meEeHiZsFir_, }; double scale = 1./eventCount; stringstream buf; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(mes)/sizeof(mes[0]); ++i){ if(mes[i] == 0) continue; TH1* h = mes[i]->getTH1(); if(dynamic_cast<TH2*>(h)){//TH2 h->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Frequency"); } else{ //assuming TH1 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<Count>"); } buf << "Normalising " << h->GetName() << ". Factor: " << scale << "\n"; h->Scale(scale); //Set average bit so histogram can be added correctly. Beware must be done //after call the TH1::Scale (Scale has no effect if average bit is set) h->SetBit(TH1::kIsAverage); } edm::LogInfo("EcalSrValid") << buf.str(); }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::printAvailableHists | ( | ) | [private] |
Prints the list of available histograms (registered by the registerHist method), including disabled one.
Definition at line 2005 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References availableHistList_, and funct::log().
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
{ LogInfo log("HistoList"); log << "Avalailable histograms (DQM monitor elements): \n"; for(map<string, string>::iterator it = availableHistList_.begin(); it != availableHistList_.end(); ++it){ log << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\n"; } log << "\nTo include an histogram add its name in the vstring parameter " "'histograms' of the EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation module\n"; }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::readAllCollections | ( | const edm::Event & | e | ) | [private] |
Reads the data collections from the event. Called at start of each event analysis.
event | the EDM event. |
Definition at line 1988 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References ebComputedSrFlags_, ebDigis_, ebNoZsDigis_, ebRecHits_, ebSimHits_, ebSrFlags_, eeComputedSrFlags_, eeDigis_, eeNoZsDigis_, eeRecHits_, eeSimHits_, eeSrFlags_, fedRaw_, CollHandle< T >::read(), and tps_.
Referenced by analyze().
{ ebRecHits_.read(event); eeRecHits_.read(event); ebDigis_.read(event); eeDigis_.read(event); ebNoZsDigis_.read(event); eeNoZsDigis_.read(event); ebSrFlags_.read(event); eeSrFlags_.read(event); ebComputedSrFlags_.read(event); eeComputedSrFlags_.read(event); ebSimHits_.read(event); eeSimHits_.read(event); tps_.read(event); fedRaw_.read(event); }
EcalScDetId EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::readOutUnitOf | ( | const EEDetId & | xtalId | ) | const [private] |
Definition at line 1785 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), elecMap_, EcalElectronicsMapping::getEcalScDetId(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), and EcalElectronicsId::towerId().
{ // return superCrystalOf(xtalId); const EcalElectronicsId& EcalElecId = elecMap_->getElectronicsId(xtalId); int iDCC= EcalElecId.dccId(); int iDccChan = EcalElecId.towerId(); const bool ignoreSingle = true; const vector<EcalScDetId> id = elecMap_->getEcalScDetId(iDCC, iDccChan, ignoreSingle); return id.size()>0?id[0]:EcalScDetId(); }
EcalTrigTowerDetId EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::readOutUnitOf | ( | const EBDetId & | xtalId | ) | const [private] |
Retrives the readout unit, a trigger tower in the barrel case, and a supercrystal in the endcap case, a given crystal belongs to.
xtalId | identifier of the crystal |
Definition at line 1780 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap::towerOf(), and triggerTowerMap_.
Referenced by anaDigi(), analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
{ return triggerTowerMap_->towerOf(xtalId); }
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::registerHist | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | title | ||
) | [private] |
Register a histogram in the available histogram list and check if the histogram is enabled. Called by the histogram booking methods.
Definition at line 1982 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References allHists_, availableHistList_, and histList_.
Referenced by book1D(), book2D(), bookFloat(), bookProfile(), and bookProfile2D().
{ availableHistList_.insert(pair<string, string>(name, title)); return allHists_ || histList_.find(name)!=histList_.end(); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ruGraphX | ( | const EcalTrigTowerDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 936 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
{ return id.ieta(); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ruGraphX | ( | const EcalScDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Functions to compute x and y coordinates of RU maps grouping endcap and barrel.
Definition at line 928 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), checkSrApplication(), and compareSrfColl().
{ return id.ix() + (id.zside()>0?20:-40); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ruGraphY | ( | const EcalScDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 932 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), checkSrApplication(), and compareSrfColl().
{ return id.iy(); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ruGraphY | ( | const EcalTrigTowerDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 940 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
{ return id.iphi(); }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::selectFedsForLog | ( | ) | [private] |
Look in events whose DCC has SR flags and enable error logging for them. To be called with the processed first event. List of monitored DCCs is reported in the log file.
Definition at line 2294 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References dccId(), ebSrFlags_, eeSrFlags_, first, logErrForDccs_, minDccId_, nDccs_, srApplicationErrorLog_, and srpAlgoErrorLog_.
Referenced by analyze().
{ logErrForDccs_ = vector<bool>(nDccs_, false); for(EBSrFlagCollection::const_iterator it = ebSrFlags_->begin(); it != ebSrFlags_->end(); ++it){ //cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " // << EcalTrigTowerDetId(it->id()) << "\n"; int iDcc = dccId(it->id()) - minDccId_; // cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " // << it->id().rawId() << "-> DCC " << (iDcc+1) << "\n"; logErrForDccs_.at(iDcc) = true; } for(EESrFlagCollection::const_iterator it = eeSrFlags_->begin(); it != eeSrFlags_->end(); ++it){ int iDcc = dccId(it->id()) - minDccId_; // cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " // << it->id().rawId() << "-> DCC " << (iDcc+1) << "\n"; logErrForDccs_.at(iDcc) = true; } stringstream buf; buf << "List of DCCs found in the first processed event: "; bool first = true; for(unsigned iDcc = 0; iDcc < nDccs_; ++iDcc){ if(logErrForDccs_[iDcc]){ buf << (first?"":", ") << (iDcc + minDccId_); first = false; } } buf << "\nOnly DCCs from this list will be considered for error logging\n"; srpAlgoErrorLog_ << buf.str(); srApplicationErrorLog_<< buf.str(); LogInfo("EcalSrValid") << buf; }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::setTtEtSums | ( | const edm::EventSetup & | es, |
const EBDigiCollection & | ebDigis, | ||
const EEDigiCollection & | eeDigis | ||
) | [private] |
Computes trigger primitive estimates. A sum of crystal deposited transverse energy is performed.
es | event setup |
ebDigis | the ECAL barrel unsuppressed digi to use for the computation |
ebDigis | the ECAL endcap unsuppressed digi to use for the computation |
Definition at line 1796 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References edm::DataFrameContainer::begin(), alignCSCRings::e, ebDigis_, DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, edm::DataFrameContainer::end(), frame2EnergyForTp(), edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), EBDataFrame::id(), EEDataFrame::id(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::ieta(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::iphi(), iTtEta2cIndex(), iTtPhi2cIndex(), nTtEta, nTtPhi, funct::sin(), theta(), EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap::towerOf(), triggerTowerMap_, ttEtSums, and ecaldqm::ttId().
Referenced by analyze().
{ //ecal geometry: static const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* eeGeometry = 0; static const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* ebGeometry = 0; if(eeGeometry==0 || ebGeometry==0){ edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle; es.get<MyCaloGeometryRecord>().get(geoHandle); eeGeometry = (*geoHandle).getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap); ebGeometry = (*geoHandle).getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel); } //init etSum array: for(int iEta0 = 0; iEta0 < nTtEta; ++iEta0){ for(int iPhi0 = 0; iPhi0 < nTtPhi; ++iPhi0){ ttEtSums[iEta0][iPhi0] = 0.; } } for(EBDigiCollection::const_iterator it = ebDigis_->begin(); it != ebDigis_->end(); ++it){ const EBDataFrame& frame = *it; const EcalTrigTowerDetId& ttId = triggerTowerMap_->towerOf(frame.id()); // LogDebug("TT") // << ((EBDetId&)frame.id()).ieta() // << "," << ((EBDetId&)frame.id()).iphi() // << " -> " << ttId.ieta() << "," << ttId.iphi(); const int iTtEta0 = iTtEta2cIndex(ttId.ieta()); const int iTtPhi0 = iTtPhi2cIndex(ttId.iphi()); double theta = ebGeometry->getGeometry(frame.id())->getPosition().theta(); double e = frame2EnergyForTp(frame); if((frame2EnergyForTp(frame,-1) < e) && (frame2EnergyForTp(frame, 1) < e)){ ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0] += e*sin(theta); } } for(EEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = eeDigis.begin(); it != eeDigis.end(); ++it){ const EEDataFrame& frame = *it; const EcalTrigTowerDetId& ttId = triggerTowerMap_->towerOf(frame.id()); const int iTtEta0 = iTtEta2cIndex(ttId.ieta()); const int iTtPhi0 = iTtPhi2cIndex(ttId.iphi()); // LogDebug("TT") << ": EE xtal->TT " // << ((EEDetId&)frame.id()).ix() // << "," << ((EEDetId&)frame.id()).iy() // << " -> " << ttId.ieta() << "," << ttId.iphi() << "\n"; double theta = eeGeometry->getGeometry(frame.id())->getPosition().theta(); double e = frame2EnergyForTp(frame); if((frame2EnergyForTp(frame,-1) < e) && (frame2EnergyForTp(frame, 1) < e)){ ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0] += e*sin(theta); } } //dealing with pseudo-TT in two inner EE eta-ring: int innerTTEtas[] = {0, 1, 54, 55}; for(unsigned iRing = 0; iRing < sizeof(innerTTEtas)/sizeof(innerTTEtas[0]); ++iRing){ int iTtEta0 = innerTTEtas[iRing]; //this detector eta-section is divided in only 36 phi bins //For this eta regions, //current tower eta numbering scheme is inconsistent. For geometry //version 133: //- TT are numbered from 0 to 72 for 36 bins //- some TT have an even index, some an odd index //For geometry version 125, there are 72 phi bins. //The code below should handle both geometry definition. //If there are 72 input trigger primitives for each inner eta-ring, //then the average of the trigger primitive of the two pseudo-TT of //a pair (nEta, nEta+1) is taken as Et of both pseudo TTs. //If there are only 36 input TTs for each inner eta ring, then half //of the present primitive of a pseudo TT pair is used as Et of both //pseudo TTs. for(unsigned iTtPhi0 = 0; iTtPhi0 < nTtPhi-1; iTtPhi0 += 2){ double et = .5*(ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0] +ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0+1]); //divides the TT into 2 phi bins in order to match with 72 phi-bins SRP //scheme or average the Et on the two pseudo TTs if the TT is already //divided into two trigger primitives. ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0] = et; ttEtSums[iTtEta0][iTtPhi0+1] = et; } } }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::SRFlagValidation | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private] |
Selective Readout decisions Validation
event | EDM event |
es | event setup Selective Readout decisions Validation |
event | EDM event |
es | event setup |
EcalScDetId EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::superCrystalOf | ( | const EEDetId & | xtalId | ) | const [private] |
Retrieves the endcap supercrystal containing a given crysal
xtalId | identifier of the crystal |
Definition at line 1741 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), scEdge, and EEDetId::zside().
{ const int scEdge = 5; EcalScDetId id = EcalScDetId((xtalId.ix()-1)/scEdge+1, (xtalId.iy()-1)/scEdge+1, xtalId.zside()); return id; /* const EcalElectronicsId& EcalElecId = elecMap_->getElectronicsId(xtalId); int iDCC= EcalElecId.dccId(); int iDccChan = EcalElecId.towerId(); const vector<EcalScDetId> id = elecMap_->getEcalScDetId(iDCC, iDccChan); if(SkipInnerSC_) { if( (id.ix()>=9 && id.ix()<=12) && (id.iy()>=9 && id.iy()<=12) ) return EcalScDetId(); else return id; } else { if(id.ix()==9 && id.iy()==9) return EcalScDetId(2,5,xtalId.zside()); else if(id.ix()==9 && id.iy()==12) return EcalScDetId(1,13,xtalId.zside()); else if(id.ix()==12 && id.iy()==9) return EcalScDetId(19,5,xtalId.zside()); else if(id.ix()==12 && id.iy()==12) return EcalScDetId(20,13,xtalId.zside()); else return id; } */ }
void EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::updateL1aRate | ( | const edm::Event & | event | ) | [private] |
Updates estimate of L1A rate
event | EDM event |
Definition at line 686 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.cc.
References l1aOfTmax, l1aOfTmin, lumiQTWidget::t, tmax, and tmin.
Referenced by analyze().
{ const int32_t bx = event.bunchCrossing(); if(bx<1 || bx > 3564) return;//throw cms::Exception("EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation") // << "bx value, " << bx << " is out of range\n"; int64_t t = event.bunchCrossing() + (event.orbitNumber()-1)*3564; if(t<tmin){ tmin = t; l1aOfTmin = event.id().event(); } if(t>tmax){ tmax = t; l1aOfTmax = event.id().event(); } }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::xtalGraphX | ( | const EEDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 944 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
{ return id.ix() + (id.zside()>0?100:-200); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::xtalGraphX | ( | const EBDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 952 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
{ return id.ieta(); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::xtalGraphY | ( | const EBDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 956 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
{ return id.iphi(); }
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::xtalGraphY | ( | const EEDetId & | id | ) | const [inline, private] |
Definition at line 948 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
{ return id.iy(); }
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::allHists_ [private] |
When true, every histogram is enabled.
Definition at line 851 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and registerHist().
std::map<std::string, std::string> EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::availableHistList_ [private] |
List of available histograms. Filled by the booking methods. key: name, value: title.
Definition at line 860 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), printAvailableHists(), and registerHist().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::collNotFoundWarn_ [private] |
Switch for collection-not-found warning.
Definition at line 523 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
DQMStore* EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::dbe_ [private] |
Histogramming interface.
Definition at line 517 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by book1D(), book2D(), bookFloat(), bookProfile(), bookProfile2D(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and endRun().
Definition at line 551 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and readAllCollections().
The event product collections.
Definition at line 545 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEB(), readAllCollections(), and setTtEtSums().
Energy deposited in ECAL barrel crystals. Eta index starts from 0 at eta minimum and phi index starts at phi=0+ in CMS std coordinate system.
Definition at line 832 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::Sorter::operator()().
Definition at line 547 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeEB(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 556 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and readAllCollections().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ebRuActive_[nEbEta/ebTtEdge][nEbPhi/ebTtEdge] [private] |
For book keeping of RU actually read out (not fully zero suppressed)
Definition at line 809 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and anaDigiInit().
CollHandle<std::vector<PCaloHit> > EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ebSimHits_ [private] |
Definition at line 553 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeEB(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 549 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEB(), readAllCollections(), and selectFedsForLog().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ebTtEdge = 5 [static, private] |
Number of crystals along an EB TT.
Definition at line 491 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ebZsThr_ [private] |
ZS threshold in 1/4th ADC count for EB
Definition at line 730 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 552 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 546 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEE(), and readAllCollections().
Energy deposited in ECAL endcap crystals. Endcap index is 0 for EE- and 1 for EE+. X and Y index starts at x and y minimum in std CMS coordinate system.
Definition at line 838 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE().
Definition at line 548 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeEE(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 557 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 810 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and anaDigiInit().
CollHandle<std::vector<PCaloHit> > EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::eeSimHits_ [private] |
Definition at line 554 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeEE(), and readAllCollections().
Definition at line 550 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEE(), readAllCollections(), and selectFedsForLog().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::eeZsThr_ [private] |
ZS threshold in 1/4th ADC count for EE
Definition at line 734 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
const EcalElectronicsMapping* EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::elecMap_ [private] |
Ecal electronics/geometrical mapping.
Definition at line 713 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), dccCh(), dccId(), and readOutUnitOf().
Definition at line 558 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and readAllCollections().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::firstFIRSample_ [private] |
Time position of the first sample to use in zero suppession FIR filter. Numbering starts at 0.
Definition at line 743 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), and configFirWeights().
std::vector<int> EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::firWeights_ [private] |
Weights to be used for the ZS FIR filter
Definition at line 726 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), and configFirWeights().
std::string EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::histDir_ [private] |
Histogram directory PATH in DQM or within the output ROOT file
Definition at line 855 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
std::set<std::string> EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::histList_ [private] |
List of enabled histograms. Special name "all" is used to indicate all available histograms.
Definition at line 847 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and registerHist().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ievt_ [private] |
Event sequence number
Definition at line 821 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), and endRun().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::isRuComplete_[nDccs_][nDccChs_] [private] |
Definition at line 813 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::kByte_ = 1024 [static, private] |
number of bytes in 1 kByte:
Definition at line 445 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
int64_t EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::l1aOfTmax [private] |
Definition at line 567 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by getL1aRate(), and updateL1aRate().
int64_t EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::l1aOfTmin [private] |
Definition at line 566 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by getL1aRate(), and updateL1aRate().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::l1aRateErr [private] |
Definition at line 568 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::localReco_ [private] |
Local reconstruction switch: true to reconstruct locally the amplitude insted of using the Rec Hits.
Definition at line 718 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
std::vector<bool> EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::logErrForDccs_ [private] |
List of TCC masks for validation If tccMasks[iTcc-1] is false then TCC is considered to have been out of the run and related validations are skipped.
Definition at line 754 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by compareSrfColl(), and selectFedsForLog().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::logSrApplicationErrors_ [private] |
Switch to log SR decision that fails to be applied on data: inconstitencies between SRF and number of read out crystals.
Definition at line 903 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and initAsciiFile().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::logSrpAlgoErrors_ [private] |
Switch to log in an ascii file inconsistencies found between SRFs read from data and SRFs obtained by rerunning SRP algorithm on TTFs.
Definition at line 898 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and initAsciiFile().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::maxDccId_ = minDccId_ + nDccs_ -1 [static, private] |
Definition at line 458 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), dccCh(), and getCrystalCount().
Definition at line 587 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 638 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 650 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 642 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 646 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 576 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 575 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
The histograms
Definition at line 574 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 577 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 637 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 649 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 641 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 645 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 596 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Event payload that do not depend on the number of crystals passing the SR
Definition at line 663 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 623 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 627 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 628 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 626 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 597 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 601 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 595 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 599 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 600 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 598 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 651 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 654 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 604 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 664 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 624 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 631 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 630 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 605 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 609 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 603 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 607 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 608 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 606 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 652 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 655 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 665 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 613 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 618 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 622 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 611 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 617 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 636 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 648 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 640 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 644 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by checkSrApplication(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Estimate of L1A rate
Definition at line 670 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and endRun().
Definition at line 615 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 616 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 633 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 634 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by compareSrfColl(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 632 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 589 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 620 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 593 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 590 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 592 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 591 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 578 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 579 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 584 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 581 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 580 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 585 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 582 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 586 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 583 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 612 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and normalizeHists().
Definition at line 653 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
Definition at line 656 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::minDccId_ = 1 [static, private] |
Definition at line 455 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), analyzeDataVolume(), checkSrApplication(), compareSrfColl(), dccCh(), and selectFedsForLog().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nCompleteZS_ [private] |
Counter of ZS-flagged RU fully read out.
Definition at line 679 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and checkSrApplication().
const unsigned EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nDccChs_ = 68 [static, private] |
Number of input channels of a DCC.
Definition at line 452 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nDccRus_ [static, private] |
{ 34, 32, 33, 33, 32, 34, 33, 34, 33, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 32, 33, 33, 32, 34, 33, 34, 33, 34 }
number of RUs for each DCC
Definition at line 473 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume().
const unsigned EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nDccs_ = 54 [static, private] |
Total number of DCCs.
Definition at line 448 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeDataVolume(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), getEeEventSize(), and selectFedsForLog().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nDroppedFRO_ [private] |
Counter of FRO-flagged RU dropped from data.
Definition at line 673 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and checkSrApplication().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEb_ [private] |
ECAL barrel read channel count
Definition at line 758 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbDccs = 36 [static, private] |
number of DCCs for EB
Definition at line 461 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), getEbEventSize(), and getEeEventSize().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbEta = 170 [static, private] |
number of crystals along Eta in EB
Definition at line 479 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbFROCnt_ [private] |
Counter of EB FRO-flagged RUs.
Definition at line 682 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEB().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbHI_ [private] |
ECAL barrel high interest read channel count
Definition at line 778 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbLI_ [private] |
ECAL barrel low interest read channel count
Definition at line 774 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbPhi = 360 [static, private] |
number of crystals along Phi in EB
Definition at line 482 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbRus = 36*68 [static, private] |
number of RUs for EB
Definition at line 467 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbTtEta = 34 [static, private] |
Number of Trigger Towers in barrel along Eta.
Definition at line 500 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbZsErrors_ [private] |
Counter of EB ZS errors (LI channel below ZS threshold)
Definition at line 688 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEB().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEbZsErrorsType1_ [private] |
Counter of EB ZS errors of type 1: LI channel below ZS threshold and in a RU which was fully readout
Definition at line 695 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEB().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEe_ [private] |
ECAL endcap read channel count
Definition at line 762 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeDccs = 18 [static, private] |
number of DCCs for EE
Definition at line 464 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), getEbEventSize(), and getEeEventSize().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeFROCnt_ [private] |
Counter of EE FRO-flagged RUs.
Definition at line 685 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEE().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeHI_ [private] |
ECAL endcap high interest read channel count
Definition at line 770 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeLI_ [private] |
ECAL endcap low interest read channel count
Definition at line 766 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeRus = 2*(34+32+33+33+32+34+33+34+33) [static, private] |
number of RUs for EE
Definition at line 470 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeX = 100 [static, private] |
EE crystal grid size along X.
Definition at line 485 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeY = 100 [static, private] |
EE crystal grid size along Y.
Definition at line 488 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeZsErrors_ [private] |
Counter of EE ZS errors (LI channel below ZS threshold)
Definition at line 691 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEE().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEeZsErrorsType1_ [private] |
Counter of EE ZS errors of tyoe 1: LI channel below ZS threshold and in a RU which was fully readout
Definition at line 699 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEE().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nEndcaps = 2 [static, private] |
number of endcaps
Definition at line 476 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEE().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nHiPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
read-out ECAL Hiugh interest channel count for each DCC:
Definition at line 790 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nHiRuPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
Count for each DCC of HI RUs with at leat one channel read out:
Definition at line 803 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nIncompleteFRO_ [private] |
Counter of FRO-flagged RU only partial data.
Definition at line 676 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and checkSrApplication().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nLiPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
read-out ECAL Low interest channel count for each DCC:
Definition at line 786 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nLiRuPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
Count for each DCC of LI RUs with at leat one channel read out:
Definition at line 799 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nMaxXtalPerRu = 25 [static, private] |
Number of crystals per Readout Unit excepted partial SCs.
Definition at line 509 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nOneEeTtEta = 11 [static, private] |
Number of Trigger Towers in an endcap along Eta.
Definition at line 497 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by dccCh().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
read-out ECAL channel count for each DCC:
Definition at line 782 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyzeDataVolume().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nPerRu_[nDccs_][nDccChs_] [private] |
Number of crystal read for each DCC channel (aka readout unit).
Definition at line 817 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), analyzeDataVolume(), and checkSrApplication().
int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nRuPerDcc_[nDccs_] [private] |
Count for each DCC of RUs with at leat one channel read out:
Definition at line 795 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and getRuCount().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nTtEta = 2*nOneEeTtEta + nEbTtEta [static, private] |
Number of Trigger Towers along Eta.
Definition at line 503 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by setTtEtSums().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::nTtPhi = 72 [static, private] |
Number of Trigger Towers along Phi.
Definition at line 506 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by setTtEtSums().
std::string EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::outputFile_ [private] |
Output file for histograms.
Definition at line 520 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and endRun().
const double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::rad2deg = 45./atan(1.) [static, private] |
Conversion factor from radian to degree.
Definition at line 511 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), and analyzeEE().
const int EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::scEdge = 5 [static, private] |
Number of crystals along a supercrystal edge.
Definition at line 494 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by anaDigi(), and superCrystalOf().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::SkipInnerSC_ [private] |
Permits to skip inner SC
Definition at line 842 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
std::ofstream EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::srApplicationErrorLog_ [private] |
Output ascii file for unconsistency between Xtals and RU Flags.
Definition at line 537 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeEB(), analyzeEE(), checkSrApplication(), initAsciiFile(), and selectFedsForLog().
std::string EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::srApplicationErrorLogFileName_ [private] |
Output ascii file name for unconsistency between SRFs and actual number of read-out crystals.
Definition at line 531 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and initAsciiFile().
std::ofstream EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::srpAlgoErrorLog_ [private] |
Output ascii file for unconsistency on SR flags.
Definition at line 534 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by compareSrfColl(), initAsciiFile(), and selectFedsForLog().
std::string EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::srpAlgoErrorLogFileName_ [private] |
Output ascii file name for unconsistency between SRFs read from data and SRF obtained by rerunning SRP algorithm on TTFs.
Definition at line 527 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation(), and initAsciiFile().
int64_t EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::tmax [private] |
For L1A rate estimate
Definition at line 564 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by getL1aRate(), and updateL1aRate().
int64_t EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::tmin [private] |
Definition at line 565 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by getL1aRate(), and updateL1aRate().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::tpInGeV_ [private] |
Switch for uncompressing TP value
Definition at line 738 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
const EcalTPParameters* EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::tpParam_ [private] |
Interface to access trigger primitive parameters, especially to convert Et in compressed formart into natural unit.
Definition at line 709 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Definition at line 555 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), analyzeTP(), and readAllCollections().
ECAL trigger tower mapping
Definition at line 704 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), readOutUnitOf(), and setTtEtSums().
double EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::ttEtSums[nTtEta][nTtPhi] [private] |
Trigger tower Et computed as sum the crystal Et. Indices stands for the eta and phi TT index starting from 0 at eta minimum and at phi=0+ in std CMS coordinate system.
Definition at line 827 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyzeTP(), and setTtEtSums().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::useEventRate_ [private] |
Switch to fill histograms with event rate instead of event count. Applies only to some histograms.
Definition at line 748 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by endRun().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::verbose_ [private] |
Verbosity switch.
Definition at line 514 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation().
std::vector<double> EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::weights_ [private] |
Weights for amplitude local reconstruction
Definition at line 722 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by frame2Energy().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::withEbSimHit_ [private] |
Indicates if EB sim hits are available
Definition at line 869 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEB().
bool EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::withEeSimHit_ [private] |
Indicates if EE sim hits are available
Definition at line 865 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and analyzeEE().
std::ofstream EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::zsErrorLog_ [private] |
File to log ZS and other errors.
Definition at line 540 of file EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.h.