![]() |
![]() |
Public Member Functions | |
def | __call__ |
def | __init__ |
def | connectPaths |
def | connectTags |
def | getTopLevel |
def | makePath |
def | nodeLabel |
def | nodeURL |
def | produceLegend |
def | produceNodes |
def | producePaths |
def | produceServices |
def | produceSource |
def | recurseChildren |
def | seqRecurseChildren |
Public Attributes | |
data | |
endstarts | |
nodes | |
options | |
pathends | |
pathstarts | |
shapes | |
toplevel |
Definition at line 18 of file DOTExport.py.
def DOTExport::DotProducer::__init__ | ( | self, | |
data, | |||
options, | |||
shapes | |||
) |
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
00020 : 00021 self.data = data 00022 self.options = options 00023 self.shapes = shapes 00024 self.nodes={} 00025 #lists of starts, ends of paths for path-endpath and source-path connections 00026 self.pathstarts=[] 00027 self.pathends=[] 00028 self.endstarts=[] 00029 self.toplevel = self.getTopLevel()
def DOTExport::DotProducer::__call__ | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 240 of file DOTExport.py.
00241 : 00242 blocks=[] 00243 if self.options['legend']: 00244 blocks += [self.produceLegend()] 00245 blocks += [self.producePaths()] 00246 if self.options['seqconnect']: 00247 blocks += [self.connectPaths()] 00248 if self.options['tagconnect']: 00249 blocks += [self.connectTags()] 00250 if self.options['source']: 00251 blocks += [self.produceSource()] 00252 if self.options['es'] or self.options['services']: 00253 blocks += [self.produceServices()] 00254 blocks += [self.produceNodes()] 00255 if self.data.process(): 00256 return 'digraph configbrowse {\nsubgraph clusterProcess {\nlabel="%s\\n%s"\nfontsize=%s\nfontname="%s"\n%s\n}\n}\n' % (self.data.process().name_(),self.data._filename,self.options['font_size'],self.options['font_name'],'\n'.join(blocks)) 00257 else: 00258 return 'digraph configbrowse {\nsubgraph clusterCFF {\nlabel="%s"\nfontsize=%s\nfontname="%s"\n%s\n}\n}\n' % (self.data._filename,self.options['font_size'],self.options['font_name'],'\n'.join(blocks)) 00259 00260
def DOTExport::DotProducer::connectPaths | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file DOTExport.py.
def DOTExport::DotProducer::connectTags | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 166 of file DOTExport.py.
00167 : 00168 #if we are connecting by tag, add labelled tag joining lines 00169 #this doesn't have to be exclusive with sequence connection, by stylistically probably should be 00170 result='' 00171 allobjects = [self.nodes[n]['obj'] for n in self.nodes if self.nodes[n]['inpath']] 00172 self.data.readConnections(allobjects) 00173 connections = self.data.connections() 00174 for objects,names in connections.items(): 00175 if self.options['taglabel']: 00176 result += '%s->%s[label="%s",color="%s",fontcolor="%s",fontsize=%s,fontname="%s"]\n' % (objects[0],objects[1],names[1],self.options['color_inputtag'],self.options['color_inputtag'],self.options['font_size'],self.options['font_name']) 00177 else: 00178 result += '%s->%s[color="%s"]\n' % (objects[0],objects[1],self.options['color_inputtag']) 00179 return result 00180
def DOTExport::DotProducer::getTopLevel | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 30 of file DOTExport.py.
00031 : 00032 00033 #build a dictionary of available top-level objects 00034 all_toplevel={} 00035 if self.data.process(): 00036 for tlo in self.data.children(self.data.topLevelObjects()[0]): 00037 children = self.data.children(tlo) 00038 if children: 00039 all_toplevel[tlo._label]=children 00040 else: 00041 #case if we have only an anonymous (non-process) file 00042 #pick up (modules, sequences, paths) 00043 for tlo in self.data.topLevelObjects(): 00044 if self.data.type(tlo)=='Sequence': 00045 if 'sequences' in all_toplevel: 00046 all_toplevel['sequences']+=[tlo] 00047 else: 00048 all_toplevel['sequences']=[tlo] 00049 if self.data.type(tlo)=='Path': 00050 if 'paths' in all_toplevel: 00051 all_toplevel['paths']+=[tlo] 00052 else: 00053 all_toplevel['paths']=[tlo] 00054 if self.data.type(tlo) in ('EDAnalyzer','EDFilter','EDProducer','OutputModule'): 00055 self.nodes[self.data.label(tlo)]={'obj':tlo,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(tlo),'n_shape':self.shapes.get(self.data.type(tlo),'plaintext'),'inpath':True} 00056 if self.options['services'] and self.data.type(tlo)=='Service': 00057 self.nodes[self.data.label(tlo)]={'obj':tlo,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(tlo),'n_shape':self.shapes.get(self.data.type(tlo),'plaintext'),'inpath':False} 00058 if self.options['es'] and self.data.type(tlo) in ('ESSource','ESProducer'): 00059 self.nodes[self.data.label(tlo)]={'obj':tlo,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(tlo),'n_shape':self.shapes.get(self.data.type(tlo),'plaintext'),'inpath':False} 00060 return all_toplevel
def DOTExport::DotProducer::makePath | ( | self, | |
path, | |||
endpath = False |
) |
Definition at line 103 of file DOTExport.py.
00104 : 00105 children = self.recurseChildren(path) 00106 pathlabel = self.data.label(path) 00107 if self.options['file']: 00108 pathlabel += '\\n%s:%s'%(self.data.pypackage(path),self.data.lineNumber(path)) 00109 if endpath: 00110 pathresult = 'subgraph cluster%s {\nlabel="%s"\ncolor="%s"\nfontcolor="%s"\nfontname="%s"\nfontsize=%s\n' % (self.data.label(path),pathlabel,self.options['color_endpath'],self.options['color_endpath'],self.options['font_name'],self.options['font_size']) 00111 else: 00112 pathresult = 'subgraph cluster%s {\nlabel="%s"\ncolor="%s"\nfontcolor="%s"\nfontname="%s"\nfontsize=%s\n' % (self.data.label(path),pathlabel,self.options['color_path'],self.options['color_path'],self.options['font_name'],self.options['font_size']) 00113 if self.options['seqconnect']: 00114 if endpath: 00115 self.endstarts.append('endstart_%s'%self.data.label(path)) 00116 self.nodes['endstart_%s'%self.data.label(path)]={'obj':path,'n_label':'Start %s'%self.data.label(path),'n_color':'grey','n_shape':'plaintext','inpath':False} 00117 else: 00118 self.pathstarts.append('start_%s'%self.data.label(path)) 00119 self.pathends.append('end_%s'%self.data.label(path)) 00120 self.nodes['start_%s'%self.data.label(path)]={'obj':path,'n_label':'Start %s'%self.data.label(path),'n_color':'grey','n_shape':'plaintext','inpath':False} 00121 self.nodes['end_%s'%self.data.label(path)]={'obj':path,'n_label':'End %s'%self.data.label(path),'n_color':'grey','n_shape':'plaintext','inpath':False} 00122 labels=[] 00123 for c in children: 00124 #this is also done in seqRecurseChildren, so will be duplicated 00125 #unncessary, but relatively cheap and saves more cff/cfg conditionals 00126 self.nodes[self.data.label(c)]={'obj':c,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(c),'n_shape':self.shapes.get(self.data.type(c),'plaintext'),'inpath':True} 00127 labels.append(self.data.label(c)) 00128 if self.options['seqconnect']: 00129 pathresult += '->'.join(labels)+'\n' 00130 else: 00131 if not self.options['seq']: 00132 pathresult += '\n'.join(labels)+'\n' 00133 if self.options['seq']: 00134 if self.data.children(path): 00135 for path_child in self.data.children(path): 00136 pathresult += self.seqRecurseChildren(path_child) 00137 pathresult += '}\n' 00138 if len(labels)>0 and self.options['seqconnect']: 00139 if endpath: 00140 pathresult += 'endstart_%s->%s\n' % (self.data.label(path),labels[0]) 00141 else: 00142 pathresult += 'start_%s->%s\n%s->end_%s\n' % (self.data.label(path),labels[0],labels[-1],self.data.label(path)) 00143 00144 return pathresult
def DOTExport::DotProducer::nodeLabel | ( | self, | |
obj | |||
) |
Definition at line 87 of file DOTExport.py.
00088 : 00089 result = self.data.label(obj) 00090 if self.options['class']: 00091 result += '\\n%s'%self.data.classname(obj) 00092 if self.options['file']: 00093 result += '\\n%s:%s'%(self.data.pypackage(obj),self.data.lineNumber(obj)) 00094 return result 00095 #generate an appropriate URL by replacing placeholders in baseurl
def DOTExport::DotProducer::nodeURL | ( | self, | |
obj | |||
) |
Definition at line 96 of file DOTExport.py.
def DOTExport::DotProducer::produceLegend | ( | self | ) |
Return a legend subgraph using current shape and colour preferences.
Definition at line 234 of file DOTExport.py.
00235 : 00236 """ 00237 Return a legend subgraph using current shape and colour preferences. 00238 """ 00239 return 'subgraph clusterLegend {\nlabel="legend"\ncolor=red\nSource->Producer->Filter->Analyzer\nService->ESSource[style=invis]\nESSource->ESProducer[style=invis]\nProducer->Filter[color="%s",label="InputTag",fontcolor="%s"]\nProducer[shape=%s]\nFilter[shape=%s]\nAnalyzer[shape=%s]\nESSource[shape=%s]\nESProducer[shape=%s]\nSource[shape=%s]\nService[shape=%s]\nsubgraph clusterLegendSequence {\nlabel="Sequence"\ncolor="%s"\nfontcolor="%s"\nProducer\nFilter\n}\n}\n' % (self.options['color_inputtag'],self.options['color_inputtag'],self.shapes['EDProducer'],self.shapes['EDFilter'],self.shapes['EDAnalyzer'],self.shapes['ESSource'],self.shapes['ESProducer'],self.shapes['Source'],self.shapes['Service'],self.options['color_sequence'],self.options['color_sequence'])
def DOTExport::DotProducer::produceNodes | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 224 of file DOTExport.py.
00225 : 00226 result='' 00227 for n in self.nodes: 00228 self.nodes[n]['n_fontname']=self.options['font_name'] 00229 self.nodes[n]['n_fontsize']=self.options['font_size'] 00230 if self.options['url']: 00231 self.nodes[n]['n_URL']=self.nodeURL(self.nodes[n]['obj']) 00232 result += "%s[%s]\n" % (n,','.join(['%s="%s"' % (k[2:],v) for k,v in self.nodes[n].items() if k[0:2]=='n_'])) 00233 return result
def DOTExport::DotProducer::producePaths | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 145 of file DOTExport.py.
00146 : 00147 result='' 00148 if 'paths' in self.toplevel: 00149 for path in self.toplevel['paths']: 00150 result += self.makePath(path) 00151 if self.options['endpath']: 00152 if 'endpaths' in self.toplevel: 00153 for path in self.toplevel['endpaths']: 00154 result += self.makePath(path,True) 00155 if 'sequences' in self.toplevel: 00156 for seq in self.toplevel['sequences']: 00157 result += self.seqRecurseChildren(seq) 00158 return result
def DOTExport::DotProducer::produceServices | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 194 of file DOTExport.py.
00195 : 00196 # add service, eventsetup nodes 00197 # this will usually result in thousands and isn't that interesting 00198 servicenodes=[] 00199 result='' 00200 if self.options['es']: 00201 if 'essources' in self.toplevel: 00202 for e in self.toplevel['essources']: 00203 servicenodes.append(self.data.label(e)) 00204 self.nodes[self.data.label(e)]={'obj':e,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(e), 'n_shape':self.shapes['ESSource'],'inpath':False} 00205 if 'esproducers' in self.toplevel: 00206 for e in self.toplevel['esproducers']: 00207 servicenodes.append(self.data.label(e)) 00208 self.nodes[self.data.label(e)]={'obj':e,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(e), 'n_shape':self.shapes['ESProducer'],'inpath':False} 00209 if self.options['services']: 00210 if 'services' in self.toplevel: 00211 for s in self.toplevel['services']: 00212 self.servicenodes.append(self.data.label(s)) 00213 self.nodes[self.data.label(s)]={'obj':s,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(e), 'n_shape':self.shapes['Service'],'inpath':False} 00214 #find the maximum path and endpath lengths for servicenode layout 00215 maxpath=max([len(recurseChildren(path) for path in self.toplevel.get('paths',(0,)))]) 00216 maxendpath=max([len(recurseChildren(path) for path in self.toplevel.get('endpaths',(0,)))]) 00217 00218 #add invisible links between service nodes where necessary to ensure they only fill to the same height as the longest path+endpath 00219 #this constraint should only apply for link view 00220 for i,s in enumerate(servicenodes[:-1]): 00221 if not i%(maxpath+maxendpath)==(maxpath+maxendpath)-1: 00222 result+='%s->%s[style=invis]\n' % (s,servicenodes[i+1]) 00223 return result
def DOTExport::DotProducer::produceSource | ( | self | ) |
Definition at line 181 of file DOTExport.py.
00182 : 00183 #add the source 00184 #if we are connecting sequences, connect it to all the path starts 00185 #if we are connecting sequences and have a schedule, connect it to path #0 00186 result='' 00187 if 'source' in self.toplevel: 00188 for s in self.toplevel['source']: 00189 self.nodes['source']={'obj':s,'n_label':self.data.classname(s),'n_shape':self.shapes['Source']} 00190 if self.options['seqconnect']: 00191 for p in self.pathstarts: 00192 result += 'source->%s\n' % (p) 00193 return result
def DOTExport::DotProducer::recurseChildren | ( | self, | |
obj | |||
) |
Definition at line 76 of file DOTExport.py.
def DOTExport::DotProducer::seqRecurseChildren | ( | self, | |
obj | |||
) |
Definition at line 61 of file DOTExport.py.
00062 : 00063 children = self.data.children(obj) 00064 if children: 00065 seqlabel = self.data.label(obj) 00066 if self.options['file']: 00067 seqlabel += '\\n%s:%s' % (self.data.pypackage(obj),self.data.lineNumber(obj)) 00068 result='subgraph clusterSeq%s {\nlabel="Sequence %s"\ncolor="%s"\nfontcolor="%s"\nfontname="%s"\nfontsize=%s\n' % (self.data.label(obj),seqlabel,self.options['color_sequence'],self.options['color_sequence'],self.options['font_name'],self.options['font_size']) 00069 for c in children: 00070 result += self.seqRecurseChildren(c) 00071 result+='}\n' 00072 return result 00073 else: 00074 self.nodes[self.data.label(obj)]={'obj':obj,'n_label':self.nodeLabel(obj),'n_shape':self.shapes.get(self.data.type(obj),'plaintext'),'inpath':True} 00075 return '%s\n'%self.data.label(obj)
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.
Definition at line 19 of file DOTExport.py.