Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

FlavorHistoryProducer Class Reference

#include <FlavorHistoryProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for FlavorHistoryProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FlavorHistoryProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~FlavorHistoryProducer ()

Private Member Functions

void getAncestors (const reco::Candidate &c, std::vector< reco::Candidate const * > &moms)
reco::CandidateView::const_iterator getClosestJet (edm::Handle< reco::CandidateView > const &pJets, reco::Candidate const &parton) const
reco::Candidate const * getSister (const reco::Candidate &c)
void produce (edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &)
 process one event

Private Attributes

double etaMaxParticle_
double etaMaxShower_
std::string flavorHistoryName_
double matchDR_
edm::InputTag matchedSrc_
int pdgIdToSelect_
double ptMinParticle_
double ptMinShower_
edm::InputTag src_
bool verbose_

Detailed Description


Stephen Mrenna, FNAL
$Id:,v 1.0

Definition at line 57 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FlavorHistoryProducer::FlavorHistoryProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet p)


Definition at line 38 of file

References flavorHistoryName_.

  src_( p.getParameter<InputTag>( "src" ) ),
  matchedSrc_( p.getParameter<InputTag>( "matchedSrc") ),
  matchDR_ ( p.getParameter<double> ("matchDR") ),
  pdgIdToSelect_( p.getParameter<int> ("pdgIdToSelect") ),
  ptMinParticle_( p.getParameter<double>( "ptMinParticle") ),  
  ptMinShower_( p.getParameter<double>( "ptMinShower") ),  
  etaMaxParticle_( p.getParameter<double>( "etaMaxParticle" )),  
  etaMaxShower_( p.getParameter<double>( "etaMaxShower" )),
  flavorHistoryName_( p.getParameter<string>("flavorHistoryName") ),
  verbose_( p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>( "verbose" ) )
  produces<FlavorHistoryEvent >(flavorHistoryName_);
FlavorHistoryProducer::~FlavorHistoryProducer ( )


Definition at line 53 of file


Member Function Documentation

void FlavorHistoryProducer::getAncestors ( const reco::Candidate c,
std::vector< reco::Candidate const * > &  moms 
) [private]

Definition at line 329 of file

References trackerHits::c, reco::Candidate::mother(), and reco::Candidate::numberOfMothers().

Referenced by produce().


  if( c.numberOfMothers() == 1 ) {
    const Candidate * dau = &c;
    const Candidate * mom = c.mother();
    while ( dau->numberOfMothers() != 0) {
      moms.push_back( dau );
      dau = mom ;
      mom = dau->mother();
CandidateView::const_iterator FlavorHistoryProducer::getClosestJet ( edm::Handle< reco::CandidateView > const &  pJets,
reco::Candidate const &  parton 
) const [private]

Definition at line 346 of file

References deltaR(), j, matchDR_, and reco::Candidate::p4().

Referenced by produce().

  double dr = matchDR_;
  CandidateView::const_iterator j = pJets->begin(),
    jend = pJets->end();
  CandidateView::const_iterator bestJet = pJets->end();
  for ( ; j != jend; ++j ) {
    double dri = deltaR( parton.p4(), j->p4() );
    if ( dri < dr ) {
      dr = dri;
      bestJet = j;
  return bestJet;
reco::Candidate const* FlavorHistoryProducer::getSister ( const reco::Candidate c) [private]
void FlavorHistoryProducer::produce ( edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup  
) [private, virtual]

process one event

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 56 of file

References abs, gather_cfg::cout, eta, etaMaxShower_, spr::find(), flavorHistoryName_, newFWLiteAna::found, getAncestors(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), getClosestJet(), i, j, findQualityFiles::jj, matchedSrc_, reco::Candidate::numberOfMothers(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, reco::Candidate::pdgId(), benchmark_cfg::pdgId, pdgIdToSelect_, ptMinShower_, edm::Event::put(), src_, ntuplemaker::status, reco::Candidate::status(), and verbose_.

  if ( verbose_ ) cout << "---------- Hello from FlavorHistoryProducer! -----" << endl;
  // Get a handle to the particle collection (OwnVector)
  Handle<CandidateView > particlesViewH;
  evt.getByLabel( src_, particlesViewH );

  Handle<CandidateView> matchedView;
  evt.getByLabel( matchedSrc_, matchedView );

  // Copy the View to an vector for easier iterator manipulation convenience
  vector<const Candidate* > particles;
  for( CandidateView::const_iterator p = particlesViewH->begin();  p != particlesViewH->end(); ++p ) {

  // List of indices for the partons to add
  vector<int> partonIndices;
  // List of progenitors for those partons
  vector<int> progenitorIndices;
  // List of sisters for those partons
  vector<int> sisterIndices;
  // Flavor sources
  vector<FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_T> flavorSources;
  // Make a new flavor history vector
  auto_ptr<FlavorHistoryEvent > flavorHistoryEvent ( new FlavorHistoryEvent () ) ;

  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // Loop over partons
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  vector<const Candidate* >::size_type j;
  vector<const Candidate* >::size_type j_max = particles.size();
  for( j=0; j<j_max; ++j ) {

    // Get the candidate
    const Candidate *p = particles[j];
    // Set up indices that we'll need for the flavor history
    vector<Candidate const *>::size_type partonIndex=j;
    vector<Candidate const *>::size_type progenitorIndex=j_max;
    bool foundProgenitor = false; 
    FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_T flavorSource=FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_NULL;

    int idabs = std::abs( (p)->pdgId() );
    int nDa = (p)->numberOfDaughters();

    // Check if we have a status 2 or 3 particle, which is a parton before the string.
    // Only consider quarks. 
    if ( idabs <= FlavorHistory::tQuarkId && p->status() == 2 &&
         idabs == pdgIdToSelect_ ) {
      // Ensure the parton in question has daughters 
      if ( nDa > 0 ) {
        // Ensure the parton passes some minimum kinematic cuts
        if((p)->pt() > ptMinShower_ && fabs((p)->eta())<etaMaxShower_) {

          if(verbose_) cout << "--------------------------" << endl;
          if(verbose_) cout << "Processing particle " << j << ", status = " << p->status() << ", pdg id = " << p->pdgId() << endl;

          //Main (but simple) workhorse to get all ancestors
          vector<Candidate const *> allParents;
          getAncestors( *p, allParents );
          if(verbose_) {
            cout << "Parents : " << endl;
            vector<Candidate const *>::const_iterator iprint = allParents.begin(),
              iprintend = allParents.end();
            for ( ; iprint != iprintend; ++iprint ) 
              cout << " status = " << (*iprint)->status() << ", pdg id = " << (*iprint)->pdgId() << ", pt = " << (*iprint)->pt() << endl;
          // -------------------------------------------------------------
          // Identify the ancestry of the Quark
          // Matrix Element:
          //    Status 3 parent with precisely 2 "grandparents" that
          //    is outside of the "initial" section (0-5) that has the
          //    same ID as the status 2 parton in question. 
          // Flavor excitation:
          //    If we find only one outgoing parton.
          // Gluon splitting:
          //    Parent is a quark of a different flavor than the parton
          //    in question, or a gluon. 
          //    Can come from either ISR or FSR.
          // True decay:
          //    Decays from a resonance like top, Higgs, etc.
          // -------------------------------------------------------------
          vector<Candidate const *>::size_type a_size = allParents.size();

          // Loop over all the ancestors of this parton and find the progenitor.
          for( vector<Candidate const *>::size_type i=0 ; i < a_size && !foundProgenitor; ++i ) {
            const Candidate * aParent=allParents[i];
            vector<Candidate const *>::const_iterator found = find(particles.begin(),particles.end(),aParent);

            // Get the index of the progenitor candidate
            progenitorIndex = found - particles.begin();

            int aParentId = std::abs(aParent->pdgId());
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Here we examine particles that were produced after the collision
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            if( progenitorIndex > 5 ) {
              // Here is where we have a matrix element process.
              // The signature is to have a status 3 parent with precisely 2 parents
              // that is outside of the "initial" section (0-5) that has the
              // same ID as the status 2 parton in question.
              // NOTE: If this parton has no sister, then this will be classified as
              // a flavor excitation. Often the only difference is that the matrix element 
              // cases have a sister, while the flavor excitation cases do not. 
              // If we do not find a sister below, this will be classified as a flavor
              // excitation. 
              if(  aParent->numberOfMothers() == 2 &&  
                  aParent->pdgId() == p->pdgId() && aParent->status() == 3 ) {
                if(verbose_) cout << "Matrix Element progenitor" << endl;
                if ( flavorSource == FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_NULL ) flavorSource = FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_ME;
                foundProgenitor = true;
              // Here we have a true decay. Parent is not a quark or a gluon.
              else if( (aParentId>pdgIdToSelect_ && aParentId<FlavorHistory::gluonId) || 
                       aParentId > FlavorHistory::gluonId ) {
                if(verbose_) cout << "Flavor decay progenitor" << endl;
                if ( flavorSource == FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_NULL ) flavorSource = FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_DECAY;
                foundProgenitor = true;
            }// end if progenitorIndex > 5
          }// end loop over parents

          // Otherwise, classify it as gluon splitting. Take the first status 3 parton with 1 parent
          // that you see as the progenitor
          if ( !foundProgenitor  ) {
            if ( flavorSource == FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_NULL ) flavorSource = FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_GS;
            // Now get the parton with only one parent (the proton) and that is the progenitor
            for( vector<Candidate const *>::size_type i=0 ; i < a_size && !foundProgenitor; ++i ) {
              const Candidate * aParent=allParents[i];
              vector<Candidate const *>::const_iterator found = find(particles.begin(),particles.end(),aParent);
              // Get the index of the progenitor candidate
              progenitorIndex = found - particles.begin();
              if ( aParent->numberOfMothers() == 1 && aParent->status() == 3 ) {
                foundProgenitor = true;
            }// end loop over parents
          }// end if we haven't found a progenitor, and if we haven't found a status 3 parton of the same flavor
           // (i.e. end if examining gluon splitting)
        }// End if this parton passes some minimal kinematic cuts
      }// End if this particle is status 2 (has strings as daughters)

      // Make sure we've actually found a progenitor
      if ( !foundProgenitor ) progenitorIndex = j_max;

      // We've found the particle, add to the list

      partonIndices.push_back( partonIndex );
      progenitorIndices.push_back( progenitorIndex );
      sisterIndices.push_back( -1 ); // set below
    }// End if this particle was a status==2 parton
  }// end loop over particles

  // Now add sisters.
  // Also if the event is preliminarily classified as "matrix element", check to
  // make sure that they have a sister. If not, it is flavor excitation. 
  if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Making sisters" << endl;
  // First make sure nothing went terribly wrong:
  if ( partonIndices.size() == progenitorIndices.size() && partonIndices.size() > 0 ) {
    // Now loop over the candidates
    for ( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < partonIndices.size(); ++ii ) {
      // Get the iith particle
      const Candidate * candi = particles[partonIndices[ii]];
      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "   Sister candidate particle 1:  " << ii << ", pdgid = " << candi->pdgId() << ", status = " << candi->status() << endl;
      // Get the iith progenitor
      // Now loop over the other flavor history candidates and
      // attempt to find a sister to this one
      for ( unsigned int jj = 0; jj < partonIndices.size(); ++jj ) {
        if ( ii != jj ) {
          const Candidate * candj = particles[partonIndices[jj]];
      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "   Sister candidate particle 2:  " << jj << ", pdgid = " << candj->pdgId() << ", status = " << candj->status() << endl;
          // They should be opposite in pdgid and have the same status, and
          // the same progenitory.
          if ( candi->pdgId() == -1 * candj->pdgId() && candi->status() == candj->status()  ) {
            sisterIndices[ii] = partonIndices[jj];
            if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Parton " << partonIndices[ii] << " has sister " << sisterIndices[ii] << endl;

      // Here, ensure that there is a sister. Otherwise this is "flavor excitation"
      if ( sisterIndices[ii] < 0 ) {
        if ( verbose_ ) cout << "No sister. Classified as flavor excitation" << endl;
        flavorSources[ii] = FlavorHistory::FLAVOR_EXC;

      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Getting matched jet" << endl;
      // Get the closest match in the matched object collection
      CandidateView::const_iterator matched = getClosestJet( matchedView, *candi );
      CandidateView::const_iterator matchedBegin = matchedView->begin();
      CandidateView::const_iterator matchedEnd = matchedView->end();

      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Getting sister jet" << endl;
      // Get the closest sister in the matched object collection, if sister is found
      CandidateView::const_iterator sister = 
        ( sisterIndices[ii] >= 0 && static_cast<unsigned int>(sisterIndices[ii]) < particles.size() ) ? 
        getClosestJet( matchedView, *particles[sisterIndices[ii]] ) :
        matchedEnd ;

      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Making matched shallow clones : ";
      ShallowClonePtrCandidate matchedCand ;
      if ( matched != matchedEnd ) {
        if ( verbose_ ) cout << " found" << endl;
        matchedCand = ShallowClonePtrCandidate( CandidatePtr(matchedView, matched - matchedBegin ) );
      } else {
        if ( verbose_ ) cout << " NOT found" << endl;
      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Making sister shallow clones : ";
      ShallowClonePtrCandidate sisterCand;
      if ( sister != matchedEnd ) {
        if ( verbose_ ) cout << " found" << endl;
        sisterCand = ShallowClonePtrCandidate( CandidatePtr(matchedView, sister - matchedBegin ) );
      } else {
        if ( verbose_ ) cout << " NOT found" << endl;
      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Making history object" << endl;
      // Now create the flavor history object
      FlavorHistory history (flavorSources[ii], 
                             partonIndices[ii], progenitorIndices[ii], sisterIndices[ii],
                             sisterCand );
      if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Adding flavor history : " << history << endl;
      flavorHistoryEvent->push_back( history ); 
  // If we got any partons, cache them and then write them out
  if ( flavorHistoryEvent->size() > 0 ) {

    // Calculate some nice variables for FlavorHistoryEvent
    if ( verbose_ ) cout << "Caching flavor history event" << endl;

    if ( verbose_ ) {
      cout << "Outputting pdg id = " << pdgIdToSelect_ << " with nelements = " << flavorHistoryEvent->size() << endl;
      vector<FlavorHistory>::const_iterator i = flavorHistoryEvent->begin(),
        iend = flavorHistoryEvent->end();
      for ( ; i !=iend; ++i ) {
        cout << *i << endl;

  // Now add the flavor history to the event record
  evt.put( flavorHistoryEvent, flavorHistoryName_ );

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 84 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Definition at line 85 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 86 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by FlavorHistoryProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 80 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by getClosestJet().

Definition at line 79 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 81 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 82 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Definition at line 83 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 78 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 87 of file FlavorHistoryProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().