Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone Class Reference

Inherits FWCore::GuiBrowsers::ConfigToolBase::ConfigToolBase.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __call__
def __init__
def getDefaultParameters
def toolCode

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

tuple _defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict()
string _label = 'switchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone'

Detailed Description

Enables trigger matching in PAT
SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone( [cms.Process], triggerMatchers = [default list], triggerProducer = 'patTrigger', sequence = 'patDefaultSequence', hltProcess = 'HLT', outputModule = 'out', postfix = '' )
- [cms.Process]  : the 'cms.Process'
- triggerMatchers: PAT trigger matcher module labels (list)
                   optional; default: defined in 'triggerMatchingDefaultSequence'
                   (s. PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/triggerLayer1/
- triggerProducer: PATTriggerProducer module label;
                   optional, default: 'patTrigger'
- sequence       : name of sequence to use;
                   optional, default: 'patDefaultSequence'
- hltProcess     : HLT process name;
                   optional, default: 'HLT'
- outputModule   : output module label;
                   empty label indicates no output;
                   optional, default: 'out'
- postfix        : postfix to apply to PAT module labels;
                   optional, default: ''
Using None as any argument restores its default value.

Definition at line 440 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone::__init__ (   self)

Definition at line 463 of file

00464                         :
00465         ConfigToolBase.__init__( self )
00466         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'triggerMatchers', _defaultTriggerMatchers, _defaultTriggerMatchersComment )
00467         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'triggerProducer', _defaultTriggerProducer, _defaultTriggerProducerComment )
00468         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'sequence'       , _defaultSequence       , _defaultSequenceComment )
00469         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'hltProcess'     , _defaultHltProcess     , _defaultHltProcessComment )
00470         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'outputModule'   , _defaultOutputModule   , _defaultOutputModuleComment )
00471         self.addParameter( self._defaultParameters, 'postfix'        , _defaultPostfix        , _defaultPostfixComment )
00472         self._parameters = copy.deepcopy( self._defaultParameters )
00473         self._comment = ""

Member Function Documentation

def trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone::__call__ (   self,
  triggerMatchers = None,
  triggerProducer = None,
  sequence = None,
  hltProcess = None,
  outputModule = None,
  postfix = None 

Definition at line 477 of file

00485                  :
00486         if triggerMatchers is None:
00487             triggerMatchers = self._defaultParameters[ 'triggerMatchers' ].value
00488         if triggerProducer is None:
00489             triggerProducer = self._defaultParameters[ 'triggerProducer' ].value
00490         if sequence is None:
00491             sequence = self._defaultParameters[ 'sequence' ].value
00492         if hltProcess is None:
00493             hltProcess = self._defaultParameters[ 'hltProcess' ].value
00494         if outputModule is None:
00495             outputModule = self._defaultParameters[ 'outputModule' ].value
00496         if postfix is None:
00497             postfix = self._defaultParameters[ 'postfix' ].value
00498         self.setParameter( 'triggerMatchers', triggerMatchers )
00499         self.setParameter( 'triggerProducer', triggerProducer )
00500         self.setParameter( 'sequence'       , sequence )
00501         self.setParameter( 'hltProcess'     , hltProcess )
00502         self.setParameter( 'outputModule'   , outputModule )
00503         self.setParameter( 'postfix'        , postfix )
00504         self.apply( process )

def trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone::getDefaultParameters (   self)

Definition at line 474 of file

00475                                     :
00476         return self._defaultParameters

def trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone::toolCode (   self,

Definition at line 505 of file

00506                                  :
00507         triggerMatchers = self._parameters[ 'triggerMatchers' ].value
00508         triggerProducer = self._parameters[ 'triggerProducer' ].value
00509         sequence        = self._parameters[ 'sequence' ].value
00510         hltProcess      = self._parameters[ 'hltProcess' ].value
00511         outputModule    = self._parameters[ 'outputModule' ].value
00512         postfix         = self._parameters[ 'postfix' ].value
00514         # Load default producers from existing config file, if needed
00515         if not hasattr( process, 'triggerMatchingDefaultSequence' ):
00516             for matcher in triggerMatchers:
00517                 if matcher in self.getDefaultParameters()[ 'triggerMatchers' ].value:
00518                     process.load( "PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.triggerLayer1.triggerMatcher_cfi" )
00519                     break
00521         # Switch on PAT trigger information if needed
00522         if triggerProducer not in _modulesInSequence( process, sequence ):
00523             print '%s():'%( self._label )
00524             print '    PAT trigger production switched on automatically using'
00525             print '    switchOnTriggerStandAlone( process, %s, %s, %s, %s )'%( hltProcess, triggerProducer, sequence, outputModule )
00526             print _longLine
00527             switchOnTriggerStandAlone( process, triggerProducer, sequence, hltProcess, outputModule )
00529         # Maintain configurations
00530         for matcher in triggerMatchers:
00531             trigMchMod         = getattr( process, matcher )
00532             trigMchMod.src     = cms.InputTag( trigMchMod.src.getModuleLabel() + postfix )
00533             trigMchMod.matched = triggerProducer
00534             if matcher in _modulesInSequence( process, sequence ):
00535                 print '%s():'%( self._label )
00536                 print '    PAT trigger matcher %s exists already in sequence %s'%( matcher, sequence )
00537                 print '    ==> entry re-used'
00538                 print _longLine
00539             else:
00540                 # Sequence arithmetics for PAT trigger matcher modules
00541                 index = len( getattr( process, sequence + 'Trigger' ).moduleNames() )
00542                 getattr( process, sequence + 'Trigger' ).insert( index, trigMchMod )
00544         # Add event content
00545         if outputModule is not '':
00546             patTriggerEventContent = []
00547             for matcher in triggerMatchers:
00548                 patTriggerEventContent += [ 'keep patTriggerObjectStandAlonesedmAssociation_%s_*_%s'%( matcher, process.name_() )
00549                                           , 'keep *_%s_*_*'%( getattr( process, matcher ).src.value() )
00550                                           ]
00551             getattr( process, outputModule ).outputCommands = _addEventContent( getattr( process, outputModule ).outputCommands, patTriggerEventContent )

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 463 of file

tuple trigTools::SwitchOnTriggerMatchingStandAlone::_defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict() [static, private]

Definition at line 461 of file

Definition at line 460 of file

Definition at line 463 of file