Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Attributes

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer Class Reference

#include <PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef math::XYZPoint Point

Public Member Functions

 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
 ~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ()
 ~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ()

Private Types

enum  DebugLevel_pi0 { pDEBUG = 0, pINFO = 1, pERROR = 2 }

Private Attributes

std::string barrelClusterShapeMapCollection_
std::string barrelClusterShapeMapProducer_
edm::InputTag barrelRecHitCollection_
std::string correctedPhotonCollection_
EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::DebugLevel_pi0 debugL_pi0
DebugLevel_pi0 debugL_pi0
std::string endcapClusterShapeMapCollection_
std::string endcapClusterShapeMapProducer_
edm::InputTag endcapRecHitCollection_
int EScorr_
int nEvt_
std::string photonCorrCollectionProducer_
std::string PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_
std::string preshClusterShapeCollectionX_
std::string preshClusterShapeCollectionY_
std::string preshClusterShapeProducer_
int preshNst_
double preshStripECut_
double w0_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 31 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 62 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

{ pDEBUG = 0, pINFO = 1, pERROR = 2 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]


Definition at line 43 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  // use configuration file to setup input/output collection names

  preshClusterShapeCollectionX_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionX");
  preshClusterShapeCollectionY_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionY");
  preshClusterShapeProducer_   = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeProducer");

  photonCorrCollectionProducer_ = ps.getParameter<string>("corrPhoProducer");
  correctedPhotonCollection_ = ps.getParameter<string>("correctedPhotonCollection");

  barrelRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelRecHitCollection");
  endcapRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapRecHitCollection");

  EScorr_ = ps.getParameter<int>("EScorr");

  preshNst_ = ps.getParameter<int>("preshPi0Nstrip");
  preshStripECut_ = ps.getParameter<double>("preshStripEnergyCut");
  w0_ = ps.getParameter<double>("w0");

  PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_ = ps.getParameter<string>("Pi0Association");

  string debugString = ps.getParameter<string>("debugLevel");

  if      (debugString == "DEBUG")   debugL_pi0 = pDEBUG;
  else if (debugString == "INFO")    debugL_pi0 = pINFO;
  else                               debugL_pi0 = pERROR;

  string tmpPath = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("pathToWeightFiles","RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/data/");
  presh_pi0_algo = new EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo(preshStripECut_, preshNst_, tmpPath.c_str()); 

  produces< PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap >(PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_);

  nEvt_ = 0;

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( )

Definition at line 84 of file

   delete presh_pi0_algo;
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( )

Member Function Documentation

void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 89 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, EcalClusterTools::covariances(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, EcalClusterTools::e2nd(), EcalClusterTools::e2x2(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top(), EcalClusterTools::e3x2(), EcalClusterTools::e3x3(), EcalClusterTools::e5x5(), EcalClusterTools::eBottom(), EcalClusterTools::eLeft(), jptDQMConfig_cff::eMax, EcalClusterTools::eRight(), EcalClusterTools::eTop(), funct::exp(), geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::EventBase::id(), LogDebug, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::Event::put(), funct::sin(), and mathSSE::sqrt().


  ostringstream ostr; // use this stream for all messages in produce

  if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG )
       cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: .......  Event " << << " with Number = " <<  nEvt_+1
            << " is analyzing ....... " << endl << endl;

  // Get ES clusters in X plane
  Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersX;
  evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionX_, pPreshowerShapeClustersX);
  const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersX = pPreshowerShapeClustersX.product();
  if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
    cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: pPreshowerShapeClustersX->size() = " << clustersX->size() << endl;
  // Get ES clusters in Y plane
  Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersY;
  evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionY_, pPreshowerShapeClustersY);
  const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersY = pPreshowerShapeClustersY.product();
  if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { 
    cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: pPreshowerShapeClustersY->size() = " << clustersY->size() << endl;
  auto_ptr<PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap> Pi0Assocs_p(new PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap);

  Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEBRecHits;
  evt.getByLabel( barrelRecHitCollection_, pEBRecHits );
  const EcalRecHitCollection *ebRecHits = pEBRecHits.product();

  Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEERecHits;
  evt.getByLabel( endcapRecHitCollection_, pEERecHits );
  const EcalRecHitCollection *eeRecHits = pEERecHits.product();

  ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pGeometry;
  const CaloGeometry *geometry = pGeometry.product();

  ESHandle<CaloTopology> pTopology;
  const CaloTopology *topology = pTopology.product();

  //make cycle over Photon Collection
  Handle<PhotonCollection> correctedPhotonHandle; 
  evt.getByLabel(photonCorrCollectionProducer_, correctedPhotonCollection_ , correctedPhotonHandle);
  const PhotonCollection corrPhoCollection = *(correctedPhotonHandle.product());
  if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
    cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Photon Collection size : " << corrPhoCollection.size() << endl;

  for( PhotonCollection::const_iterator  iPho = corrPhoCollection.begin(); iPho != corrPhoCollection.end(); iPho++) {

      float Phot_En   = iPho->energy();  
      float Phot_Et   = Phot_En*sin(2*atan(exp(-iPho->eta())));
      float Phot_eta  = iPho->eta();
      float Phot_phi  = iPho->phi();
      float Phot_R9   = iPho->r9();
      if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
         cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Photon index : " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin() 
                           << " with Energy = " <<  Phot_En
                           << " Et = " << Phot_Et
                           << " ETA = " << Phot_eta
                           << " PHI = " << Phot_phi 
                           << " R9 = " << Phot_R9 << endl;
      SuperClusterRef it_super = iPho->superCluster();

      float SC_En   = it_super->energy();  
      float SC_Et   = SC_En*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta())));
      float SC_eta  = it_super->eta();
      float SC_phi  = it_super->phi();

      if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
        cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: superE = " << SC_En
                  << " superEt = " << SC_Et 
                  << " superETA = " << SC_eta
                  << " superPHI = " << SC_phi << endl;

      //  New way to get ClusterShape info
      // Find the entry in the map corresponding to the seed BasicCluster of the SuperCluster
      // DetId id = it_super->seed()->hitsAndFractions()[0].first;

      // get on-the-fly the cluster shapes
//      EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTool( evt, es, barrelRecHitCollection_, endcapRecHitCollection_ );

      float nnoutput = -1.;
      if(fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) <= 2.5) {  //  Use Preshower region only
          const GlobalPoint pointSC(it_super->x(),it_super->y(),it_super->z()); // get the centroid of the SC
          if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << "SC centroind = " << pointSC << endl;
          double SC_seed_energy = it_super->seed()->energy();

          const CaloClusterPtr  seed = it_super->seed();

          EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, ebRecHits );

          double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, eeRecHits );
          double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *seed, eeRecHits, topology );
          double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *seed, eeRecHits, topology );

          if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
            cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: ( SeedBC_energy, E1, E3x3, E5x5) = " 
                 <<  SC_seed_energy << " "
                 <<  SC_seed_Shape_E1 <<  " "
                 <<  SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 <<  " "
                 <<  SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << endl;
// Get the Preshower 2-planes energy vectors associated with the given SC
          vector<float> vout_stripE1;
          vector<float> vout_stripE2;
          for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersX->begin();
                                                       esClus !=clustersX->end(); esClus++) {
             SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster();
             float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + 
             if(dR < 0.01 ) {

               vout_stripE1 = esClus->getStripEnergies();
          for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersY->begin();
                                                       esClus !=clustersY->end(); esClus++) {
            SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster();
            float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + 
             if(dR < 0.01 ) {
               vout_stripE2 = esClus->getStripEnergies();

          if(vout_stripE1.size() == 0 || vout_stripE2.size() == 0 ) {
            if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) 
                    cout  << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Attention!!!!!  Not Valid ES NN input Variables Return NNout = -1" << endl;
            Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput);

          if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
            cout  << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : vout_stripE1.size = " << vout_stripE1.size() 
                  << " vout_stripE2.size = " << vout_stripE2.size() << endl;
            cout  << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : ES_input_vector = " ;
            for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) {
              cout  << vout_stripE1[k1] << " " ;
            for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) {
              cout  << vout_stripE2[k1] << " " ;
            cout  << endl;
          bool valid_NNinput = presh_pi0_algo->calculateNNInputVariables(vout_stripE1, vout_stripE2,
                                                 SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3, SC_seed_Shape_E5x5, EScorr_);

          if(!valid_NNinput) {
            if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) 
                   cout  << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Attention!!!!!  Not Valid ES NN input Variables Return NNout = -1" << endl;
            Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput);

          float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector();

          if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
            cout  << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: NN_ESEndcap_input_vector+Et+Eta+Phi+R9 = " ;
            for(int k1=0;k1<25;k1++) {
              cout  << nn_input_var[k1] << " " ;
            cout  << SC_Et << " " << SC_eta << " " << SC_phi << " " << Phot_R9  << endl;

          nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetNNOutput(SC_Et);

          if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
               cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Event : " <<
                    << " SC id = " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()
                    << " with Pt = " << SC_Et
                    << " eta = " << SC_eta
                    << " phi = " << SC_phi
                    << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs "
                    << " has NNout = " <<  nnoutput << endl;
         Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput); 
      } else if((fabs(SC_eta) <= 1.4442) || (fabs(SC_eta) < 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.566) || fabs(SC_eta) >= 2.5) {

         const CaloClusterPtr seed = it_super->seed();
         double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, ebRecHits );
         double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_E2 = EcalClusterTools::e2nd( *seed, ebRecHits );

         std::vector<float> vCov = EcalClusterTools::covariances( *seed, ebRecHits , topology, geometry, w0_ );

         double SC_seed_Shape_cEE = vCov[0];
         double SC_seed_Shape_cEP = vCov[1];
         double SC_seed_Shape_cPP = vCov[2];

         double SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 = EcalClusterTools::e2x2( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 = EcalClusterTools::e3x2( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );

         double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = 0.0;
         double SC_seed_Shape_ELeft = EcalClusterTools::eLeft( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_ERight = EcalClusterTools::eRight( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_ETop = EcalClusterTools::eTop( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_EBottom = EcalClusterTools::eBottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );

         double DA = SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 - SC_seed_Shape_E2 - SC_seed_Shape_E1;

         if(SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ETop || SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_EBottom) {
           if( SC_seed_Shape_ELeft > SC_seed_Shape_ERight ) {
             SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ELeft)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ELeft);
           } else {
             SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ERight)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ERight);

         } else if(SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ELeft || SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ERight) {

           if( SC_seed_Shape_ETop > SC_seed_Shape_EBottom ) {
             SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ETop)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ETop);
           } else {
             SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_EBottom)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_EBottom);

         double SC_seed_Shape_xcog = EcalClusterTools::eRight( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) - EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );
         double SC_seed_Shape_ycog = EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) - EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology );

         if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
            cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProduce: lazyTool  (E1,E3x3,E5x5,E2,cEE,cEP,cPP,E2x2,E3x2_E3x2r,Xcog,Ycog,E2x5Bottom,E2x5Top,Et,Eta,PhiR9) = ( " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E1 << " "
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 << " "
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << " " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E2 << " " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_cEE <<  " "
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_cEP << " "      
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_cPP << " " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 <<  " "
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 << " " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r << " " 
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_xcog <<  " "
                 <<   SC_seed_Shape_ycog << " "
                 <<   EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) << " "
                 <<   EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) << " "
                 <<   SC_Et << " "
                 <<   SC_eta << " "
                 <<   SC_phi << " "                
                 <<   Phot_R9 << " )" << endl;

         float SC_et = it_super->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta())));

         presh_pi0_algo->calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(SC_et, SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3,
                                              SC_seed_Shape_E5x5, SC_seed_Shape_E2,
                                              SC_seed_Shape_cEE, SC_seed_Shape_cEP,
                                              SC_seed_Shape_cPP, SC_seed_Shape_E2x2,
                                              SC_seed_Shape_E3x2, SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r,
                                              SC_seed_Shape_xcog, SC_seed_Shape_ycog);

         float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector();

         if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
           cout  << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : NN_barrel_nonESEndcap_variables+Et+Eta+Phi+R9 = " ;
           for(int k3=0;k3<12;k3++) {
             cout  << nn_input_var[k3] << " " ;
           cout  << SC_Et << " " << SC_eta << " " << SC_phi << " " << Phot_R9 << endl;
         nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetBarrelNNOutput(SC_et);

         if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) {
           cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : Event : " <<
                    << " SC id = " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()
                    << " with Pt = " << SC_Et
                    << " eta = " << SC_eta
                    << " phi = " << SC_phi
                    << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs "
                    << " has NNout = " <<  nnoutput
                    << endl;
         Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput);
      } else { Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), -1.);}
  } // end of cycle over Photons
  if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap added to the event" << endl;


  LogDebug("PiZeroDiscriminatorDebug") << ostr.str();

virtual void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 49 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 47 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::DebugLevel_pi0 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::debugL_pi0 [private]

Definition at line 59 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 63 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 53 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 39 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 46 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 61 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 42 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 43 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 44 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 55 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 57 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Definition at line 59 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.