
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # Magnetic Field
00004 # Geometry
00005 # DT Geometry
00006 # CSC Geometry
00007 # RPC Geometry
00008 #------------------------------------ DT ------------------------------------------------
00009 # 1D RecHits
00010 from RecoLocalMuon.DTRecHit.dt1DRecHits_LinearDriftFromDB_cfi import *
00011 # 2D Segments
00012 from RecoLocalMuon.DTSegment.dt2DSegments_MTPatternReco2D_LinearDriftFromDB_cfi import *
00013 # 4D Segments
00014 from RecoLocalMuon.DTSegment.dt4DSegments_MTPatternReco4D_LinearDriftFromDB_cfi import *
00015 # 4D segments with t0 correction
00016 from RecoLocalMuon.DTSegment.dt4DSegments_ApplyT0Correction_cfi import *
00017 #------------------------------------ CSC -----------------------------------------------
00018 # 2D RecHit     
00019 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCRecHitD.cscRecHitD_cfi import *
00020 # Segments
00021 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.cscSegments_cfi import *
00022 from CalibMuon.CSCCalibration.CSCChannelMapper_cfi import *
00023 from CalibMuon.CSCCalibration.CSCIndexer_cfi import *
00024 #------------------------------------ RPC -----------------------------------------------
00025 # 1D RecHits
00026 from RecoLocalMuon.RPCRecHit.rpcRecHits_cfi import *
00027 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 # DT sequence for the standard reconstruction chain 
00029 # The reconstruction of the 2D segments are not required for the 4D segments reconstruction, they are used
00030 # only for debuging purpose and for specific studies
00031 dtlocalreco = cms.Sequence(dt1DRecHits*dt4DSegments + dt1DCosmicRecHits*dt4DCosmicSegments)
00032 # DT sequence with the 2D segment reconstruction
00033 dtlocalreco_with_2DSegments = cms.Sequence(dt1DRecHits*dt2DSegments*dt4DSegments + dt1DCosmicRecHits*dt2DCosmicSegments*dt4DCosmicSegments)
00034 # DT sequence with T0seg correction
00035 # CSC sequence
00036 csclocalreco = cms.Sequence(csc2DRecHits*cscSegments)
00037 # DT, CSC and RPC together
00038 muonlocalreco_with_2DSegments = cms.Sequence(dtlocalreco_with_2DSegments+csclocalreco+rpcRecHits)
00039 # DT, CSC and RPC together (correct sequence for the standard path)
00040 muonlocalreco = cms.Sequence(dtlocalreco+csclocalreco+rpcRecHits)