Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

L1ScalersClient Class Reference

#include <L1ScalersClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1ScalersClient:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob (void)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
 L1ScalersClient (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~L1ScalersClient ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< int > algoSelected_
int currentLumiBlockNumber_
int currentRun_
bool first_algo
bool first_tt
std::string folderName_
MonitorElementl1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_ [MAX_ALGOS]
MonitorElementl1AlgoRateHistories_ [MAX_ALGOS]
unsigned long int l1AlgoScalerCounters_ [MAX_ALGOS]
MonitorElementl1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_ [MAX_TT]
MonitorElementl1TechTrigRateHistories_ [MAX_TT]
unsigned long int l1TechTrigScalerCounters_ [MAX_TT]
int nev_
int nLumi_
int numSelected_
std::vector< int > techSelected_
float totAlgoPrevCount
float totTtPrevCount

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1ScalersClient::L1ScalersClient ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 26 of file

References algoSelected_, DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), bxSelected_, dbe_, folderName_, i, j, gen::k, kNumAlgoHistos, kNumTTHistos, kPerHisto, l1AlgoCurrentRate_, l1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_, l1AlgoRateHistories_, l1AlgoScalerCounters_, l1TechTrigCurrentRate_, l1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_, l1TechTrigRateHistories_, l1TechTrigScalerCounters_, LogDebug, MAX_ALGOS, MAX_LUMI_SEG, MAX_TT, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, numSelected_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, selected_, MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, techSelected_, indexGen::title, totalAlgoRate_, totAlgoPrevCount, totalTtRate_, and totTtPrevCount.

  algoSelected_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<int> >("algoMonitorBits", std::vector<int>())),
  techSelected_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<int> >("techMonitorBits", std::vector<int>())),
  folderName_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("dqmFolder", "L1T/L1Scalers_EvF")),
  LogDebug("Status") << "constructor" ;
  // get back-end interface
  dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  assert(dbe_ != 0); // blammo!

  l1AlgoCurrentRate_ = dbe_->book1D("algo_cur_rate", 
                              "current lumi section rate per Algo Bits",
                              MAX_ALGOS, -0.5, MAX_ALGOS-0.5);

  l1TechTrigCurrentRate_ = dbe_->book1D("tt_cur_rate", 
                              "current lumi section rate per Tech. Trig.s",
                              MAX_TT, -0.5, MAX_TT-0.5);
  // ----------------------
  numSelected_ = algoSelected_.size() + techSelected_.size();
  selected_ = dbe_->book1D("l1BitsSel", "Selected L1 Algorithm"
                           " and tech Bits", numSelected_,
                           -0.5, numSelected_-0.5);
  bxSelected_ = dbe_->book2D("l1BitsBxSel", 
                             "Selected L1 Algorithm Bits vs Bx", 
                             3600, -0.5, 3599.5,
                             numSelected_, -0.5, numSelected_-0.5);
  int j = 1;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < algoSelected_.size(); ++i ) {
    char title[256];
    snprintf(title, 256, "Algo %d", algoSelected_[i]);
    selected_->setBinLabel(j, title);
    bxSelected_->setBinLabel(j, title, 2);
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < techSelected_.size(); ++i ) {
    char title[256];
    snprintf(title, 256, "Tech %d", techSelected_[i]);
    selected_->setBinLabel(j, title);
    bxSelected_->setBinLabel(j, title, 2);

// book individual bit rates vs lumi for algo bits.
  totalAlgoRate_ = dbe_->book1D("totAlgoRate", "Total Algo Rate" , MAX_LUMI_SEG, 
                                     -0.5, MAX_LUMI_SEG-0.5);
  totalTtRate_ = dbe_->book1D("totTtRate", "Total Tech Rate" , MAX_LUMI_SEG, 
                                     -0.5, MAX_LUMI_SEG-0.5);


  std::string algodir = "/AlgoRates";
  dbe_->setCurrentFolder(folderName_ + algodir);

  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ALGOS; ++i ) {
    l1AlgoScalerCounters_[i] = 0UL;
    l1AlgoRateHistories_[i] = 0; // not really needed but ...
    char name[256]; snprintf(name, 256, "rate_algobit%03d", i);
    LogDebug("Parameter") << "name " << i << " is " << name ;
    l1AlgoRateHistories_[i] = dbe_->book1D(name, name, MAX_LUMI_SEG, 
                                     -0.5, MAX_LUMI_SEG-0.5);

// book individual bit rates vs lumi for technical trigger bits.

  std::string techdir = "/TechRates";
  dbe_->setCurrentFolder(folderName_ + techdir);

  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TT; ++i ) {
    l1TechTrigScalerCounters_[i] = 0UL;
    l1TechTrigRateHistories_[i] = 0; // not really needed but ...
    char name[256]; snprintf(name, 256, "rate_ttbit%03d", i);
    LogDebug("Parameter") << "name " << i << " is " << name ;
    l1TechTrigRateHistories_[i] = dbe_->book1D(name, name, MAX_LUMI_SEG, 
                                     -0.5, MAX_LUMI_SEG-0.5);

  // split l1 scalers up into groups of 20, assuming total of 140 bits
  std::string algodir2 = "/AlgoBits";
  dbe_->setCurrentFolder(folderName_ + algodir2);

  char metitle1[40]; //histo name
  char mename1[40]; //ME name
  for( int k = 0; k < kNumAlgoHistos; k++ ) {
    int npath_low = kPerHisto*k;
    int npath_high = kPerHisto*(k+1)-1;
    snprintf(mename1, 40, "L1AlgoBits_%0d", k);
    snprintf(metitle1, 40, "L1 rates - Algo Bits %d to %d", npath_low, 
    l1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_[k]= dbe_->book1D(mename1, metitle1, kPerHisto, 
                                     -0.5 + npath_low, npath_high+0.5);

  // split l1 scalers up into groups of 20, assuming total of 80 technical bits

  std::string techdir2 = "/TechBits";
  dbe_->setCurrentFolder(folderName_ + techdir2);

  char metitle2[40]; //histo name
  char mename2[40]; //ME name
  for( int k = 0; k < kNumTTHistos; k++ ) {
    int npath_low = kPerHisto*k;
    int npath_high = kPerHisto*(k+1)-1;
    snprintf(mename2, 40, "L1TechBits_%0d", k);
    snprintf(metitle2, 40, "L1 rates - Tech. Trig. Bits %d to %d", npath_low, 
    l1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_[k]= dbe_->book1D(mename2, metitle2, kPerHisto, 
                                     -0.5 + npath_low, npath_high+0.5);

  std::ostringstream params;
  params << "Algo: ";
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < algoSelected_.size(); ++i ) {
    params << algoSelected_[i] << " ";
  params << ", Tech: ";
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < techSelected_.size(); ++i ) {
    params << techSelected_[i] << " ";
  LogDebug("Parameter") << "L1 bits to monitor are " << params.str();
virtual L1ScalersClient::~L1ScalersClient ( ) [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 30 of file L1ScalersClient.h.


Member Function Documentation

void L1ScalersClient::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 342 of file

void L1ScalersClient::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 161 of file

References dbe_, folderName_, LogDebug, and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

  LogDebug("Status") << "beingJob" ;
  if (dbe_) {
void L1ScalersClient::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 171 of file

void L1ScalersClient::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

End LumiBlock DQM Client Diagnostic should be performed here

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 183 of file

References algoSelected_, bxSelected_, currentLumiBlockNumber_, dbe_, spr::find(), first_algo, first_tt, folderName_, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), MonitorElement::getIntValue(), MonitorElement::getNbinsX(), i, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::id(), j, kPerHisto, l1AlgoCurrentRate_, l1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_, l1AlgoRateHistories_, l1AlgoScalerCounters_, l1TechTrigCurrentRate_, l1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_, l1TechTrigRateHistories_, l1TechTrigScalerCounters_, LogDebug, MAX_ALGOS, MAX_LUMI_SEG, MAX_TT, nLumi_, RPCpg::rate(), SECS_PER_LUMI_SECTION, selected_, MonitorElement::setBinContent(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), MonitorElement::setTitle(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, techSelected_, totalAlgoRate_, totAlgoPrevCount, totalTtRate_, and totTtPrevCount.

  nLumi_ =;

  // get EvF data

  MonitorElement *algoScalers = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("/l1AlgoBits"));
  MonitorElement *ttScalers = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("/l1TechBits"));
  if ( algoScalers == 0 || ttScalers ==0) {
    LogInfo("Status") << "cannot get l1 scalers histogram, bailing out.";

  int nalgobits = algoScalers->getNbinsX();
  int nttbits = ttScalers->getNbinsX();

  if ( nalgobits > MAX_ALGOS ) nalgobits = MAX_ALGOS; // HARD CODE FOR NOW
  if ( nttbits > MAX_TT ) nttbits = MAX_TT; // HARD CODE FOR NOW

  LogDebug("Status") << "I see " << nalgobits << " algo paths. ";
  LogDebug("Status") << "I see " << nttbits << " tt paths. ";

  // set the bin labels on the first go-through
  if ( first_algo) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < nalgobits; ++i ) {
      int whichHisto = i/kPerHisto;
      int whichBin = i%kPerHisto + 1;
      char pname[256];
      snprintf(pname, 256, "AlgoBit%03d", i);
      l1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_[whichHisto]->setBinLabel(whichBin, pname);
      snprintf(pname, 256, "Rate - Algorithm Bit %03d", i);
    first_algo = false;

  // set the bin labels on the first go-through
  if ( first_tt) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < nttbits; ++i ) {
      int whichHisto = i/kPerHisto;
      int whichBin = i%kPerHisto + 1;
      char pname[256];
      snprintf(pname, 256, "TechBit%03d", i);
      l1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_[whichHisto]->setBinLabel(whichBin, pname);
      snprintf(pname, 256, "Rate - Technical Bit %03d", i);
    first_tt = false;

  MonitorElement *nLumi = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("nLumiBlock"));
  int testval = (nLumi!=0?nLumi->getIntValue():-1);
  LogDebug("Parameter") << "Lumi Block from DQM: "
                        << testval
                        << ", local is " << nLumi_;

  int nL = (nLumi!=0?nLumi->getIntValue():nLumi_);
  if ( nL > MAX_LUMI_SEG ) {
    LogDebug("Status") << "Too many Lumi segments, "
                       << nL << " is greater than MAX_LUMI_SEG,"
                       << " wrapping to " 
                       << (nL%MAX_LUMI_SEG);
    nL = nL%MAX_LUMI_SEG;
  float delta_t = (nL - currentLumiBlockNumber_)*SECS_PER_LUMI_SECTION;
  if ( delta_t < 0 ) {
    LogDebug("Status") << " time is negative ... " << delta_t;
    delta_t = -delta_t;
  else if ( nL == currentLumiBlockNumber_ ) { // divide-by-zero
    LogInfo("Status") << "divide by zero: same lumi section 2x " << nL;
  // selected ---------------------  fill in the rates for th 
  int currSlot = 1; // for selected bits histogram
  MonitorElement *algoBx = dbe_->get(folderName_+
  // selected ---------------------  end
  for ( int i = 1; i <= nalgobits; ++i ) { // bins start at 1
    float current_count = algoScalers->getBinContent(i);
    // selected -------------------- start
    int bit = i -1; //
    if ( std::find(algoSelected_.begin(), algoSelected_.end(),bit)
         != algoSelected_.end() ) {
      selected_->setBinContent(currSlot, current_count);
      if ( algoBx ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= 3600; ++j ) {
          bxSelected_->setBinContent(j, currSlot, 
                                     algoBx->getBinContent(j, i));
    // selected -------------------- end
    float rate = (current_count-l1AlgoScalerCounters_[i-1])/delta_t;
    if ( rate > 1E-3 ) {
      LogDebug("Parameter") << "rate path " << i << " is " << rate;
    l1AlgoCurrentRate_->setBinContent(i, rate);
    l1AlgoCurrentRatePerAlgo_[i/kPerHisto]->setBinContent(i%kPerHisto, rate);
    //currentRate_->setBinError(i, error);
    l1AlgoScalerCounters_[i-1] = (unsigned long)(current_count);
    l1AlgoRateHistories_[i-1]->setBinContent(nL, rate);
  // selected ----------------- start
  MonitorElement *techBx = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("/l1TechBits_Vs_Bx"));
  // selected ----------------- end

  for ( int i = 1; i <= nttbits; ++i ) { // bins start at 1
    float current_count = ttScalers->getBinContent(i);
    // selected -------------------- start
    int bit = i -1; //
    if ( std::find(techSelected_.begin(), techSelected_.end(),bit)
         != techSelected_.end() ) {
      selected_->setBinContent(currSlot, current_count);
      if ( techBx ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= 3600; ++j ) {
          bxSelected_->setBinContent(j, currSlot, 
                                     techBx->getBinContent(j, i));
    // selected -------------------- end
    float rate = (current_count-l1TechTrigScalerCounters_[i-1])/delta_t;
    if ( rate > 1E-3 ) {
      LogDebug("Parameter") << "rate path " << i << " is " << rate;
    l1TechTrigCurrentRate_->setBinContent(i, rate);
    l1TechTrigCurrentRatePerAlgo_[i/kPerHisto]->setBinContent(i%kPerHisto, rate);
    //currentRate_->setBinError(i, error);
    l1TechTrigScalerCounters_[i-1] = (unsigned long)(current_count);
    l1TechTrigRateHistories_[i-1]->setBinContent(nL, rate);
  //  compute total rate
  MonitorElement *l1AlgoCounter = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("/l1AlgoCounter"));
  MonitorElement *l1TtCounter = dbe_->get(folderName_+std::string("/l1TtCounter"));
  if ( l1AlgoCounter != 0 && l1TtCounter != 0 ) {
    float totAlgoCount = l1AlgoCounter->getIntValue();
    float totTtCount = l1TtCounter->getIntValue();
    float totAlgRate = (totAlgoCount - totAlgoPrevCount)/delta_t;
    float totTtRate = (totTtCount - totTtPrevCount)/delta_t;
    totalAlgoRate_->setBinContent(nL, totAlgRate);
    totAlgoPrevCount = totAlgoCount;
    totalTtRate_->setBinContent(nL, totTtRate);
    totTtPrevCount = totTtCount;

  currentLumiBlockNumber_ = nL;

void L1ScalersClient::endRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 176 of file


Member Data Documentation

std::vector<int> L1ScalersClient::algoSelected_ [private]

Definition at line 80 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 79 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 85 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

Definition at line 60 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Definition at line 56 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 86 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

bool L1ScalersClient::first_tt [private]

Definition at line 87 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

std::string L1ScalersClient::folderName_ [private]

Definition at line 82 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 66 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 68 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 67 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

unsigned long int L1ScalersClient::l1AlgoScalerCounters_[MAX_ALGOS] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 72 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 74 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 73 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

unsigned long int L1ScalersClient::l1TechTrigScalerCounters_[MAX_TT] [private]

Definition at line 71 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

int L1ScalersClient::nev_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

int L1ScalersClient::nLumi_ [private]

Definition at line 59 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

Definition at line 83 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 78 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

std::vector<int> L1ScalersClient::techSelected_ [private]

Definition at line 81 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 69 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 62 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 75 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().

Definition at line 63 of file L1ScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and L1ScalersClient().