Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB Class Reference

#include <GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

GEMGeometrybuild (const RecoIdealGeometry &rgeo)
 GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB (bool comp11)
 ~GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB ()

Private Attributes

bool theComp11Flag

Detailed Description

Build the GEMGeometry from the DDD description stored in Condition DB

M. Maggi - INFN Bari

Definition at line 21 of file GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB ( bool  comp11)

Implementation of the GEM Geometry Builder from DDD stored in CondDB

M. Maggi - INFN Bari

Definition at line 27 of file

{ }
GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::~GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB ( )

Definition at line 31 of file

{ }

Member Function Documentation

GEMGeometry * GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::build ( const RecoIdealGeometry rgeo)

Definition at line 34 of file

References RecoIdealGeometry::detIds(), GeomDetEnumerators::GEM, geometry, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, gen::npad, pos, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, TkRotation< T >::rotateAxes(), RecoIdealGeometry::rotStart(), RecoIdealGeometry::shapeStart(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, RecoIdealGeometry::strStart(), and RecoIdealGeometry::tranStart().

Referenced by GEMGeometryESModule::produce().

  const std::vector<DetId>& detids(rgeo.detIds());
  GEMGeometry* geometry = new GEMGeometry();
  std::string name;
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator tranStart;
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator shapeStart;
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator rotStart;
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator strStart;
  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < detids.size(); ++id)
    GEMDetId gemid(detids[id]);
    //    GEMDetId chid(gemid.region(),gemid.ring(),gemid.station(),
    //            gemid.sector(),gemid.layer(),gemid.subsector(),0);
    tranStart = rgeo.tranStart(id);
    shapeStart = rgeo.shapeStart(id);
    rotStart = rgeo.rotStart(id);
    strStart = rgeo.strStart(id);
    name = *(strStart);

    Surface::PositionType pos(*(tranStart)/cm,*(tranStart+1)/cm, *(tranStart+2)/cm);
    // CLHEP way
    Surface::RotationType rot(*(rotStart+0), *(rotStart+1), *(rotStart+2),
                              *(rotStart+3), *(rotStart+4), *(rotStart+5),
                              *(rotStart+6), *(rotStart+7), *(rotStart+8));
    Bounds* bounds = 0;
    float be = *(shapeStart+0)/cm;
    float te = *(shapeStart+1)/cm;
    float ap = *(shapeStart+2)/cm;
    float ti = *(shapeStart+3)/cm;
    float nstrip = *(shapeStart+4);
    float npad = *(shapeStart+5);
    //  TrapezoidalPlaneBounds* 
    bounds = new TrapezoidalPlaneBounds(be, te, ap, ti);

    std::vector<float> pars;
    pars.push_back(be); //b/2;
    pars.push_back(te); //B/2;
    pars.push_back(ap); //h/2;
    GEMEtaPartitionSpecs* e_p_specs = new GEMEtaPartitionSpecs(GeomDetEnumerators::GEM, name, pars);
      //Change of axes for the forward
    Basic3DVector<float> newX(1.,0.,0.);
    Basic3DVector<float> newY(0.,0.,1.);
    //      if (tran[2] > 0. )
    newY *= -1;
    Basic3DVector<float> newZ(0.,1.,0.);
    rot.rotateAxes (newX, newY, newZ);  
    BoundPlane* bp = new BoundPlane(pos, rot, bounds);
    ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundPlane> surf(bp);
    GEMEtaPartition* gep=new GEMEtaPartition(gemid, surf, e_p_specs);
    std::list<GEMEtaPartition *> gepls;
    if (chids.find(chid)!=chids.end()){
      gepls = chids[chid];
  // Create the GEMChambers and store them on the Geometry 

  for( std::map<GEMDetId, std::list<GEMEtaPartition *> >::iterator ich=chids.begin();
       ich != chids.end(); ich++){
    GEMDetId chid = ich->first;
    std::list<GEMEtaPartition * > gepls = ich->second;

    // compute the overall boundplane. At the moment we use just the last
    // surface
    BoundPlane* bp=0;
    for(std::list<GEMEtaPartition *>::iterator gepl=gepls.begin();
    gepl!=gepls.end(); gepl++){
    const BoundPlane& bps = (*gepl)->surface();
      bp = const_cast<BoundPlane *>(&bps);

    ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundPlane> surf(bp);
    // Create the chamber 
    GEMChamber* ch = new GEMChamber (chid, surf); 
    // Add the etaps to rhe chamber
    for(std::list<GEMEtaPartition *>::iterator gepl=gepls.begin();
    gepl!=gepls.end(); gepl++){
    // Add the chamber to the geometry

  return geometry;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 34 of file GEMGeometryBuilderFromCondDB.h.