Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

PixelHitMatcher Class Reference

#include <PixelHitMatcher.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

std::vector< std::pair
< RecHitWithDist,
ConstRecHitPointer > > 
compatibleHits (const GlobalPoint &xmeas, const GlobalPoint &vprim, float energy, float charge)
std::vector< SeedWithInfocompatibleSeeds (TrajectorySeedCollection *seeds, const GlobalPoint &xmeas, const GlobalPoint &vprim, float energy, float charge)
float getVertex ()
 PixelHitMatcher (float phi1min, float phi1max, float phi2minB, float phi2maxB, float phi2minF, float phi2maxF, float z2minB, float z2maxB, float r2minF, float r2maxF, float rMinI, float rMaxI, bool searchInTIDTEC)
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > predicted1Hits ()
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > predicted2Hits ()
void set1stLayer (float dummyphi1min, float dummyphi1max)
void set1stLayerZRange (float zmin1, float zmax1)
void set2ndLayer (float dummyphi2minB, float dummyphi2maxB, float dummyphi2minF, float dummyphi2maxF)
void setES (const MagneticField *, const MeasurementTracker *theMeasurementTracker, const TrackerGeometry *trackerGeometry)
void setUseRecoVertex (bool val)
virtual ~PixelHitMatcher ()

Private Attributes

RecHitContainer hitsInTrack
std::vector< std::pair
< std::pair< const GeomDet
*, GlobalPoint >
, TrajectoryStateOnSurface > > 
std::vector< std::pair< const
*, TrajectoryStateOnSurface > > 
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
FTSFromVertexToPointFactory myFTS
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred1Meas
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred2Meas
bool searchInTIDTEC_
PixelMatchStartLayers startLayers
const GeometricSearchTrackertheGeometricSearchTracker
const LayerMeasurementstheLayerMeasurements
const MagneticFieldtheMagField
const TrackerGeometrytheTrackerGeometry
bool useRecoVertex_
float vertex_

Detailed Description

Description: Class to match an ECAL cluster to the pixel hits. Two compatible hits in the pixel layers are required.

Implementation: future redesign

Definition at line 140 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 144 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 146 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 145 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelHitMatcher::PixelHitMatcher ( float  phi1min,
float  phi1max,
float  phi2minB,
float  phi2maxB,
float  phi2minF,
float  phi2maxF,
float  z2minB,
float  z2maxB,
float  r2minF,
float  r2maxF,
float  rMinI,
float  rMaxI,
bool  searchInTIDTEC 

Definition at line 19 of file

 : //zmin1 and zmax1 are dummy at this moment, set from beamspot later
   meas1stBLayer(phi1min,phi1max,0.,0.), meas2ndBLayer(phi2minB,phi2maxB,z2minB,z2maxB),
   meas1stFLayer(phi1min,phi1max,0.,0.), meas2ndFLayer(phi2minF,phi2maxF,r2minF,r2maxF),
   prop1stLayer(0), prop2ndLayer(0),theGeometricSearchTracker(0),theLayerMeasurements(0),vertex_(0.),
   searchInTIDTEC_(searchInTIDTEC), useRecoVertex_(false)
  meas1stFLayer.setRRangeI(rMinI,rMaxI) ;
  meas2ndFLayer.setRRangeI(rMinI,rMaxI) ;
PixelHitMatcher::~PixelHitMatcher ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 34 of file

  delete prop1stLayer ;
  delete prop2ndLayer ;
  delete theLayerMeasurements ;

Member Function Documentation

vector< pair< RecHitWithDist, PixelHitMatcher::ConstRecHitPointer > > PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits ( const GlobalPoint xmeas,
const GlobalPoint vprim,
float  energy,
float  charge 

Definition at line 251 of file

References abs, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), i, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), LogDebug, m, PixelMatchNextLayers::measurementsInNextLayers(), FreeTrajectoryState::momentum(), normalized_phi(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), phi, FreeTrajectoryState::position(), PixelMatchNextLayers::predictionInNextLayers(), query::result, BarrelDetLayer::specificSurface(), mathSSE::sqrt(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  float SCl_phi = xmeas.phi();

  int charge = int(fcharge);
  // return all compatible RecHit pairs (vector< TSiPixelRecHit>)
  vector<pair<RecHitWithDist, ConstRecHitPointer> > result;
  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] entering .. ";

  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> validMeasurements;
  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> invalidMeasurements;

  typedef vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::const_iterator aMeas;


  typedef vector<BarrelDetLayer*>::const_iterator BarrelLayerIterator;
  BarrelLayerIterator firstLayer = startLayers.firstBLayer();

  FreeTrajectoryState fts =myFTS(theMagField,xmeas, vprim,
                                 energy, charge);

  PerpendicularBoundPlaneBuilder bpb;
  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));

  if (tsos.isValid()) {
    vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixelMeasurements =
                                         *prop1stLayer, meas1stBLayer);

    LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] nbr of hits compatible with extrapolation to first layer: " << pixelMeasurements.size();
    for (aMeas m=pixelMeasurements.begin(); m!=pixelMeasurements.end(); m++){
     if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
       float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
        LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] compatible hit position " << m->recHit()->globalPosition();
        LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] predicted position " << m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition();
        pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);


        LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] Found a rechit in layer ";
        const BarrelDetLayer *bdetl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer *>(*firstLayer);
        if (bdetl) {
          LogDebug("") <<" with radius "<<bdetl->specificSurface().radius();
        else  LogDebug("") <<"Could not downcast!!";

    // check if there are compatible 1st hits in the second layer

    vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixel2Measurements =
                                         *prop1stLayer, meas1stBLayer);

    for (aMeas m=pixel2Measurements.begin(); m!=pixel2Measurements.end(); m++){
      if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
        float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
        pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);
        LogDebug("")  << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] compatible hit position " << m->recHit()->globalPosition() << endl;
        LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] predicted position " << m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition() << endl;

        LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] Found a rechit in layer ";
        const BarrelDetLayer *bdetl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer *>(*firstLayer);
        if (bdetl) {
          LogDebug("") <<" with radius "<<bdetl->specificSurface().radius();
        else  LogDebug("") <<"Could not downcast!!";


  // check if there are compatible 1st hits the forward disks
  typedef vector<ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator ForwardLayerIterator;
  ForwardLayerIterator flayer;

  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsosfwd(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));
  if (tsosfwd.isValid()) {

    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
      i == 0 ? flayer = startLayers.pos1stFLayer() : flayer = startLayers.neg1stFLayer();

      if (i==0 && xmeas.z() < -100. ) continue;
      if (i==1 && xmeas.z() > 100. ) continue;

      vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixelMeasurements =
        theLayerMeasurements->measurements(**flayer, tsosfwd,
                                           *prop1stLayer, meas1stFLayer);

      for (aMeas m=pixelMeasurements.begin(); m!=pixelMeasurements.end(); m++){
        if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
          float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi());
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
          pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);


      //check if there are compatible 1st hits the outer forward disks
      if (searchInTIDTEC_) {

        vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixel2Measurements =
          theLayerMeasurements->measurements(**flayer, tsosfwd,
                                             *prop1stLayer, meas1stFLayer);

        for (aMeas m=pixel2Measurements.begin(); m!=pixel2Measurements.end(); m++){
          if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
            float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
            CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
            pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);

          //    else{std::cout<<" hit non valid "<<std::endl; }
        }  //end 1st hit in outer f disk

  // now we have the vector of all valid measurements of the first point
  for (unsigned i=0; i<validMeasurements.size(); i++){

    const DetLayer * newLayer = theGeometricSearchTracker->detLayer(validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->geographicalId());

    double zVertex ;
    if (!useRecoVertex_)
      // we don't know the z vertex position, get it from linear extrapolation
      // compute the z vertex from the cluster point and the found pixel hit
      double pxHit1z = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
      double pxHit1x = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
      double pxHit1y = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
      double r1diff = (pxHit1x-vprim.x())*(pxHit1x-vprim.x()) + (pxHit1y-vprim.y())*(pxHit1y-vprim.y());
      double r2diff = (xmeas.x()-pxHit1x)*(xmeas.x()-pxHit1x) + (xmeas.y()-pxHit1y)*(xmeas.y()-pxHit1y);
      zVertex = pxHit1z - r1diff*(xmeas.z()-pxHit1z)/r2diff;
      // here we use the reco vertex z position
      zVertex = vprim.z();

    if (i==0)
     { vertex_ = zVertex; }

    GlobalPoint vertexPred(vprim.x(),vprim.y(),zVertex) ;
    GlobalPoint hitPos( validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal( validMeasurements[i].recHit()->localPosition() ) ) ;

    FreeTrajectoryState secondFTS=myFTS(theMagField,hitPos,vertexPred,energy, charge);

    PixelMatchNextLayers secondHit(theLayerMeasurements, newLayer, secondFTS,
                                   prop2ndLayer, &meas2ndBLayer,&meas2ndFLayer,searchInTIDTEC_);
    vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> predictions = secondHit.predictionInNextLayers();

    for (unsigned it = 0; it < predictions.size(); it++) pred2Meas.push_back(predictions[it]);

    // we may get more than one valid second measurements here even for single electrons:
    // two hits from the same layer/disk (detector overlap) or from the loop over the
    // next layers in EPMatchLoopNextLayers. Take only the 1st hit.

      for(unsigned int shit=0; shit<secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers().size(); shit++)
          float dphi = normalized_phi(pred1Meas[i].phi()-validMeasurements[i].recHit()->globalPosition().phi()) ;
          if (std::abs(dphi)<2.5)
              ConstRecHitPointer pxrh = validMeasurements[i].recHit();
              RecHitWithDist rh(pxrh,dphi);

              //  pxrh = secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers()[0].recHit();
              pxrh = secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers()[shit].recHit();

              pair<RecHitWithDist,ConstRecHitPointer> compatiblePair = pair<RecHitWithDist,ConstRecHitPointer>(rh,pxrh) ;
  return result;
std::vector< SeedWithInfo > PixelHitMatcher::compatibleSeeds ( TrajectorySeedCollection seeds,
const GlobalPoint xmeas,
const GlobalPoint vprim,
float  energy,
float  charge 

Definition at line 98 of file

References abs, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), EleRelPointPair::dZ(), newFWLiteAna::found, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalParameters(), i, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), FreeTrajectoryState::momentum(), normalized_phi(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), FreeTrajectoryState::position(), GlobalTrajectoryParameters::position(), query::result, edm::second(), mathSSE::sqrt(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), funct::true, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  int charge = int(fcharge) ;

  FreeTrajectoryState fts = myFTS(theMagField,xmeas, vprim, energy, charge);
  PerpendicularBoundPlaneBuilder bpb;
  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));

  std::vector<SeedWithInfo> result ;
  mapTsos_.clear() ;
  mapTsos2_.clear() ;
  mapTsos_.reserve(seeds->size()) ;
  mapTsos2_.reserve(seeds->size()) ;

  for (unsigned int i=0;i<seeds->size();++i)
    if ((*seeds)[i].nHits()>9)
      edm::LogWarning("GsfElectronAlgo|UnexpectedSeed") <<"We cannot deal with seeds having more than 9 hits." ;
      continue ;
    TrajectorySeed::range rhits=(*seeds)[i].recHits() ;

    // build all possible pairs
    unsigned char rank1, rank2, hitsMask ;
    TrajectorySeed::const_iterator it1, it2 ;
    for ( rank1=0, it1=rhits.first ; it1!=rhits.second ; rank1++, it1++ )
      for ( rank2=rank1+1, it2=it1+1 ; it2!=rhits.second ; rank2++, it2++ )
        //TrajectorySeed::range r(it1,it2) ;

        // first Hit
        TrajectorySeed::const_iterator it=it1 ;
        if (!(*it).isValid()) continue;
        DetId id=(*it).geographicalId();
        const GeomDet *geomdet=theTrackerGeometry->idToDet((*it).geographicalId());
        LocalPoint lp=(*it).localPosition() ;
        GlobalPoint hitPos=geomdet->surface().toGlobal(lp) ;

        TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos1;
        bool found = false;
        std::vector<std::pair<const GeomDet *, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> >::iterator itTsos ;
        for (itTsos=mapTsos_.begin();itTsos!=mapTsos_.end();++itTsos)
          if ((*itTsos).first==geomdet)
           { found=true ; break ; }
        if (!found)
          tsos1 = prop1stLayer->propagate(tsos,geomdet->surface()) ;
          mapTsos_.push_back(std::pair<const GeomDet *, TrajectoryStateOnSurface>(geomdet,tsos1));
         { tsos1=(*itTsos).second ; }

        if (tsos1.isValid())
          std::pair<bool,double> est;
          if (id.subdetId()%2==1) est=meas1stBLayer.estimate(vprim, tsos1,hitPos);
          else est=meas1stFLayer.estimate(vprim, tsos1,hitPos);
          if (!est.first) continue ;

          if (std::abs(normalized_phi(hitPos.phi()-xmeas.phi()))>2.5) continue ;
          EleRelPointPair pp1(hitPos,tsos1.globalParameters().position(),vprim) ;
          int subDet1 = id.subdetId() ;
          float dRz1 = (subDet1%2==1)?pp1.dZ():pp1.dPerp() ;
          float dPhi1 = pp1.dPhi() ;

          // now second Hit
          it=it2 ;
          if (!(*it).isValid()) continue ;

          DetId id2=(*it).geographicalId();
          const GeomDet *geomdet2=theTrackerGeometry->idToDet((*it).geographicalId());
          TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos2;

          double zVertex;
          if (!useRecoVertex_) // we don't know the z vertex position, get it from linear extrapolation
            // compute the z vertex from the cluster point and the found pixel hit
            double pxHit1z = hitPos.z();
            double pxHit1x = hitPos.x();
            double pxHit1y = hitPos.y();
            double r1diff = (pxHit1x-vprim.x())*(pxHit1x-vprim.x()) + (pxHit1y-vprim.y())*(pxHit1y-vprim.y()) ;
            r1diff=sqrt(r1diff) ;
            double r2diff = (xmeas.x()-pxHit1x)*(xmeas.x()-pxHit1x) + (xmeas.y()-pxHit1y)*(xmeas.y()-pxHit1y) ;
            zVertex = pxHit1z - r1diff*(xmeas.z()-pxHit1z)/r2diff;
          else // here use rather the reco vertex z position
           { zVertex = vprim.z() ; }

          GlobalPoint vertex(vprim.x(),vprim.y(),zVertex) ;
          FreeTrajectoryState fts2 = myFTS(theMagField,hitPos,vertex,energy, charge) ;

          found = false;
          std::vector<std::pair< std::pair<const GeomDet *,GlobalPoint>, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> >::iterator itTsos2 ;
          for (itTsos2=mapTsos2_.begin();itTsos2!=mapTsos2_.end();++itTsos2)
            if (((*itTsos2).first).first==geomdet2 &&
                (((*itTsos2).first).second).x()==hitPos.x() &&
                (((*itTsos2).first).second).y()==hitPos.y() &&
                (((*itTsos2).first).second).z()==hitPos.z()  )
          if (!found)
            tsos2 = prop2ndLayer->propagate(fts2,geomdet2->surface()) ;
            std::pair<const GeomDet *,GlobalPoint> pair(geomdet2,hitPos);
            mapTsos2_.push_back(std::pair<std::pair<const GeomDet *,GlobalPoint>, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> (pair,tsos2));
           { tsos2=(*itTsos2).second ; }

          if (tsos2.isValid())
            LocalPoint lp2=(*it).localPosition() ;
            GlobalPoint hitPos2=geomdet2->surface().toGlobal(lp2) ;
            std::pair<bool,double> est2 ;
            if (id2.subdetId()%2==1) est2=meas2ndBLayer.estimate(vertex, tsos2,hitPos2) ;
            else est2=meas2ndFLayer.estimate(vertex, tsos2,hitPos2) ;
            if (est2.first)
              EleRelPointPair pp2(hitPos2,tsos2.globalParameters().position(),vertex) ;
              int subDet2 = id2.subdetId() ;
              float dRz2 = (subDet2%2==1)?pp2.dZ():pp2.dPerp() ;
              float dPhi2 = pp2.dPhi() ;
              hitsMask = (1<<rank1)|(1<<rank2) ;
              result.push_back(SeedWithInfo((*seeds)[i],hitsMask,subDet2,dRz2,dPhi2,subDet1,dRz1,dPhi1)) ;
         } // end tsos1 is valid
       } // end loop on second seed hit
     } // end loop on first seed hit
   } // end loop on seeds

  mapTsos_.clear() ;
  mapTsos2_.clear() ;

  return result ;
float PixelHitMatcher::getVertex ( )

Definition at line 90 of file

 { return vertex_ ; }
vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > PixelHitMatcher::predicted1Hits ( )

Definition at line 84 of file

 { return pred1Meas ; }
vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > PixelHitMatcher::predicted2Hits ( )

Definition at line 87 of file

 { return pred2Meas ; }
void PixelHitMatcher::set1stLayer ( float  dummyphi1min,
float  dummyphi1max 

Definition at line 41 of file

  meas1stBLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi1min,dummyphi1max) ;
  meas1stFLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi1min,dummyphi1max) ;
void PixelHitMatcher::set1stLayerZRange ( float  zmin1,
float  zmax1 

Definition at line 47 of file

  meas1stBLayer.setZRange(zmin1,zmax1) ;
  meas1stFLayer.setRRange(zmin1,zmax1) ;
void PixelHitMatcher::set2ndLayer ( float  dummyphi2minB,
float  dummyphi2maxB,
float  dummyphi2minF,
float  dummyphi2maxF 

Definition at line 53 of file

  meas2ndBLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi2minB,dummyphi2maxB) ;
  meas2ndFLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi2minF,dummyphi2maxF) ;
void PixelHitMatcher::setES ( const MagneticField magField,
const MeasurementTracker *  theMeasurementTracker,
const TrackerGeometry trackerGeometry 

Definition at line 63 of file

References alongMomentum, and oppositeToMomentum.

Referenced by ElectronSeedGenerator::setupES().

  if (theMeasurementTracker)
    theGeometricSearchTracker=theMeasurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker() ;
    startLayers.setup(theGeometricSearchTracker) ;
    if (theLayerMeasurements ) delete theLayerMeasurements ;
    theLayerMeasurements = new LayerMeasurements(theMeasurementTracker) ;

  theMagField = magField ;
  theTrackerGeometry = trackerGeometry ;
  float mass=.000511 ; // electron propagation
  if (prop1stLayer) delete prop1stLayer ;
  prop1stLayer = new PropagatorWithMaterial(oppositeToMomentum,mass,theMagField) ;
  if (prop2ndLayer) delete prop2ndLayer ;
  prop2ndLayer = new PropagatorWithMaterial(alongMomentum,mass,theMagField) ;
void PixelHitMatcher::setUseRecoVertex ( bool  val)

Definition at line 59 of file

 { useRecoVertex_ = val ; }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 180 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<const GeomDet*,GlobalPoint>, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> > PixelHitMatcher::mapTsos2_ [private]

Definition at line 202 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<std::pair<const GeomDet*, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> > PixelHitMatcher::mapTsos_ [private]

Definition at line 201 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 185 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 187 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 186 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 184 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> PixelHitMatcher::pred1Meas [private]

Definition at line 182 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> PixelHitMatcher::pred2Meas [private]

Definition at line 183 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 190 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 191 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 199 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 189 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 192 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 193 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 194 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 195 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 200 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

float PixelHitMatcher::vertex_ [private]

Definition at line 197 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.