Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

TrackerGeometryCompare Class Reference

#include <TrackerGeometryCompare.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrackerGeometryCompare:

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
typedef AlignTransform SurveyValue
typedef Alignments SurveyValues

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
 Read from DB and print survey info.
virtual void endJob ()
 TrackerGeometryCompare (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 Do nothing. Required by framework.

Private Member Functions

void addSurveyInfo (Alignable *ali)
void compareGeometries (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli)
void compareSurfaceDeformations (TTree *_inputTree11, TTree *_inputTree12)
void createROOTGeometry (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void diffCommonTrackerSystem (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli)
void fillIdentifiers (int subdetlevel, int rawid)
void fillTree (Alignable *refAli, AlgebraicVector diff)
bool passIdCut (uint32_t)
void setCommonTrackerSystem ()
void surveyToTracker (AlignableTracker *ali, Alignments *alignVals, AlignmentErrors *alignErrors)

Private Attributes

TTree * _alignTree
float _alphaVal
float _betaVal
align::StructureType _commonTrackerLevel
float _dalphaVal
float _daVal
float _dbetaVal
float _dbVal
int _detDim
bool _detIdFlag
std::string _detIdFlagFile
std::vector< uint32_t > _detIdFlagVector
float _dgammaVal
float _dgVal
float _dphiVal
float _drVal
float _duVal
float _dvVal
float _dwVal
float _dxVal
float _dyVal
float _dzVal
float _etaVal
std::string _filename
float _gammaVal
int _id
uint32_t _identifiers [6]
std::string _inputFilename1
std::string _inputFilename2
TFile * _inputRootFile1
TFile * _inputRootFile2
TTree * _inputTree01
TTree * _inputTree02
TTree * _inputTree11
TTree * _inputTree12
std::string _inputTreenameAlign
std::string _inputTreenameDeform
int _level
int _mid
int _mlevel
float _phiVal
float _rVal
std::string _setCommonTrackerSystem
int _sublevel
double _surfDeform [13]
float _surLength
double _surRot [9]
float _surWidth
TFile * _theFile
align::PositionType _TrackerCommonCM
align::GlobalVector _TrackerCommonR
align::GlobalVector _TrackerCommonT
int _type
int _useDetId
std::string _weightBy
bool _weightById
std::string _weightByIdFile
std::vector< unsigned int > _weightByIdVector
bool _writeToDB
float _xVal
float _yVal
float _zVal
bool firstEvent_
std::map< std::string, TH1D * > m_h1
int m_nBins
edm::ParameterSet m_params
double m_rangeHigh
double m_rangeLow
std::vector< align::StructureTypem_theLevels
std::vector< TrackerMapm_vtkmap
const SurveyErrorstheSurveyErrors
unsigned int theSurveyIndex
const AlignmentstheSurveyValues

Detailed Description

Module that reads survey info from DB and prints them out.

Usage: module comparator = TrackerGeometryCompare {

lots of stuff

} path p = { comparator }

2012/12/02 22:13:12
Nhan Tran

******** ******** Including surface deformations in the geometry comparison ******** ********

Definition at line 48 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 52 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Definition at line 50 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Definition at line 51 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TrackerGeometryCompare::TrackerGeometryCompare ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Do nothing. Required by framework.

Definition at line 58 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _daVal, _dbetaVal, _dbVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _detIdFlagFile, _detIdFlagVector, _dgammaVal, _dgVal, _dphiVal, _drVal, _duVal, _dvVal, _dwVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _etaVal, _filename, _gammaVal, _id, _identifiers, _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputTreenameAlign, _inputTreenameDeform, _level, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _rVal, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _sublevel, _surfDeform, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _theFile, _type, _useDetId, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdFile, _weightByIdVector, _writeToDB, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, groupFilesInBlocks::fin, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), prof2calltree::l, m_h1, m_nBins, m_rangeHigh, m_rangeLow, m_theLevels, m_vtkmap, TFileDirectory::make(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and AlignableObjectId::stringToId().

  m_params( cfg ),      
        //input is ROOT
        _inputFilename1 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("inputROOTFile1");
        _inputFilename2 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("inputROOTFile2");
        _inputTreenameAlign = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("treeNameAlign");
        _inputTreenameDeform = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("treeNameDeform"); 
        //output file
        _filename = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("outputFile");
        _writeToDB = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("writeToDB" );
        const std::vector<std::string>& levels = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<std::string> > ("levels");
        _weightBy = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("weightBy");
        _setCommonTrackerSystem = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("setCommonTrackerSystem");
        _detIdFlag = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("detIdFlag");
        _detIdFlagFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("detIdFlagFile");
        _weightById  = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("weightById");
        _weightByIdFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("weightByIdFile");
        //setting the levels being used in the geometry comparator
        //DM_534?? AlignableObjectId dummy; 
        edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "levels: " << levels.size();
        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < levels.size(); ++l){
                m_theLevels.push_back(AlignableObjectId::stringToId(levels[l])) ; //DM_61X?? 
                //DM_534?? m_theLevels.push_back( dummy.nameToType(levels[l])); 
                edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "level: " << levels[l];
                edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "structure type: " << AlignableObjectId::stringToId(levels[l]) ; 
                //DM_534?? edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "structure type: " << dummy.typeToName(; 
        // if want to use, make id cut list
        if (_detIdFlag){
        ifstream fin; _detIdFlagFile.c_str() );
        while (!fin.eof() && fin.good() ){
                        uint32_t id;
                        fin >> id;
        // turn weightByIdFile into weightByIdVector
        if (_weightById){
                std::ifstream inFile;
       _weightByIdFile.c_str() );
                int ctr = 0;
                while ( !inFile.eof() ){
                        unsigned int listId;
                        inFile >> listId;
                        inFile.ignore(256, '\n');
                        _weightByIdVector.push_back( listId );
        //root configuration
        _theFile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
        _alignTree = new TTree("alignTree","alignTree");//,"id:level:mid:mlevel:sublevel:x:y:z:r:phi:a:b:c:dx:dy:dz:dr:dphi:da:db:dc");
        _alignTree->Branch("id", &_id, "id/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("level", &_level, "level/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("mid", &_mid, "mid/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("mlevel", &_mlevel, "mlevel/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("sublevel", &_sublevel, "sublevel/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("x", &_xVal, "x/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("y", &_yVal, "y/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("z", &_zVal, "z/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("r", &_rVal, "r/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("phi", &_phiVal, "phi/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("eta", &_etaVal, "eta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("alpha", &_alphaVal, "alpha/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("beta", &_betaVal, "beta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("gamma", &_gammaVal, "gamma/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dx", &_dxVal, "dx/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dy", &_dyVal, "dy/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dz", &_dzVal, "dz/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dr", &_drVal, "dr/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dphi", &_dphiVal, "dphi/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dalpha", &_dalphaVal, "dalpha/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dbeta", &_dbetaVal, "dbeta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dgamma", &_dgammaVal, "dgamma/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("du", &_duVal, "du/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dv", &_dvVal, "dv/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dw", &_dwVal, "dw/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("da", &_daVal, "da/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("db", &_dbVal, "db/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dg", &_dgVal, "dg/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("useDetId", &_useDetId, "useDetId/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("detDim", &_detDim, "detDim/I");     
        _alignTree->Branch("surW", &_surWidth, "surW/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("surL", &_surLength, "surL/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("surRot", &_surRot, "surRot[9]/D");
        _alignTree->Branch("identifiers", &_identifiers, "identifiers[6]/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("type", &_type, "type/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("surfDeform", &_surfDeform, "surfDeform[13]/D"); 

        for (std::vector<TrackerMap>::iterator it = m_vtkmap.begin(); it != m_vtkmap.end(); ++it) {
          it->setPalette(1) ;
          it->addPixel(true) ;

        edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
        TFileDirectory subDir_All = fs->mkdir( "AllSubdetectors" );
        TFileDirectory subDir_PXB = fs->mkdir( "PixelBarrel" );
        TFileDirectory subDir_PXF = fs->mkdir( "PixelEndcap" );
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 13; ++ii) { 
          std::stringstream histname0 ;
          histname0 << "SurfDeform_Par_" << ii ; 
          m_h1[histname0.str()] = subDir_All.make<TH1D>((histname0.str()).c_str(),(histname0.str()).c_str(),m_nBins,m_rangeLow,m_rangeHigh); 
          std::stringstream histname1 ;
          histname1 << "SurfDeform_PixelBarrel_Par_" << ii ; 
          m_h1[histname1.str()] = subDir_PXB.make<TH1D>((histname1.str()).c_str(),(histname1.str()).c_str(),m_nBins,m_rangeLow,m_rangeHigh); 
          std::stringstream histname2 ;
          histname2 << "SurfDeform_PixelEndcap_Par_" << ii ; 
          m_h1[histname2.str()] = subDir_PXF.make<TH1D>((histname2.str()).c_str(),(histname2.str()).c_str(),m_nBins,m_rangeLow,m_rangeHigh); 

Member Function Documentation

void TrackerGeometryCompare::addSurveyInfo ( Alignable ali) [private]

Definition at line 884 of file

References Alignable::alignableObjectId(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::comp, Alignable::components(), error, Exception, Alignable::geomDetId(), i, AlignableSurface::length(), Alignments::m_align, SurveyErrors::m_surveyErrors, SurveyError::matrix(), pos, DetId::rawId(), SurveyError::rawId(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, AlignableSurface::setLength(), Alignable::setSurvey(), AlignableSurface::setWidth(), SurveyError::structureType(), Alignable::surface(), theSurveyErrors, theSurveyIndex, theSurveyValues, and AlignableSurface::width().

        const std::vector<Alignable*>& comp = ali->components();
        unsigned int nComp = comp.size();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) addSurveyInfo(comp[i]);
        const SurveyError& error = theSurveyErrors->m_surveyErrors[theSurveyIndex];
        if ( ali->geomDetId().rawId() != error.rawId() ||
                ali->alignableObjectId() != error.structureType() )
                throw cms::Exception("DatabaseError")
                << "Error reading survey info from DB. Mismatched id!";
        const CLHEP::Hep3Vector&  pos = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].translation();
        const CLHEP::HepRotation& rot = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].rotation();
        AlignableSurface surf( align::PositionType( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ),
                                                  align::RotationType( rot.xx(), rot.xy(), rot.xz(),
                                                                                          rot.yx(), rot.yy(), rot.yz(),
                                                                                          rot.zx(), rot.zy(), rot.zz() ) );
        surf.setWidth( ali->surface().width() );
        surf.setLength( ali->surface().length() );
        ali->setSurvey( new SurveyDet( surf, error.matrix() ) );
void TrackerGeometryCompare::analyze ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 231 of file

References _inputTree11, _inputTree12, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _writeToDB, AlignableTracker::alignmentErrors(), AlignableTracker::alignments(), compareGeometries(), compareSurfaceDeformations(), createROOTGeometry(), currentTracker, firstEvent_, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), referenceTracker, and setCommonTrackerSystem().


  if (firstEvent_) {

        //upload the ROOT geometries

        //set common tracker system first
        // if setting the tracker common system
        if (_setCommonTrackerSystem != "NONE"){
        //compare the goemetries
        compareSurfaceDeformations(_inputTree11, _inputTree12); 
        //write out ntuple
        //might be better to do within output module
        if (_writeToDB){
                Alignments* myAlignments = currentTracker->alignments();
                AlignmentErrors* myAlignmentErrors = currentTracker->alignmentErrors();
                // 2. Store alignment[Error]s to DB
                edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
                // Call service
                if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
                        throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
                poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>(&(*myAlignments), poolDbService->beginOfTime(), "TrackerAlignmentRcd");
                poolDbService->writeOne<AlignmentErrors>(&(*myAlignmentErrors), poolDbService->beginOfTime(), "TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd");

        firstEvent_ = false;
void TrackerGeometryCompare::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Read from DB and print survey info.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 207 of file

References firstEvent_.

  firstEvent_ = true;
void TrackerGeometryCompare::compareGeometries ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli 
) [private]

Definition at line 580 of file

References _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), CastorDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), Alignable::components(), cond::rpcobgas::detid, diffTreeTool::diff, align::diffAlignables(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, alignCSCRings::e, Exception, fillTree(), Alignable::geomDetId(), i, Alignable::id(), m_theLevels, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), align::moveAlignable(), DetId::rawId(), and makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot.

Referenced by analyze().


        using namespace align ; 
        const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
        const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curAli->components();
        unsigned int nComp = refComp.size();
        //only perform for designate levels
        bool useLevel = false;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_theLevels.size(); ++i){
                if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == m_theLevels[i]) useLevel = true;
        //another added level for difference between det and detunit
        //if ((refAli->alignableObjectId()==2)&&(nComp == 1)) useLevel = false;
        //coordinate matching, etc etc
        if (useLevel){
                DetId detid(refAli->id());

                CLHEP::Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal, lRtotal, lWtotal;

                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
                        AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
                        CLHEP::Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
                        CLHEP::Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
                        CLHEP::HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
                        CLHEP::HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
                        Wtotal.set(rot.axis().x()*, rot.axis().y()*, rot.axis().z()*;
                        // local coordinates
                        align::moveAlignable(curAli, diff);
                        float tolerance = 1e-7;
                        AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
                        align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
                        align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
                        if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){
                                edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "Tolerance Exceeded!(alObjId: " << refAli->alignableObjectId()
                                << ", rawId: " << refAli->geomDetId().rawId()
                                << ", subdetId: "<< detid.subdetId() << "): " << diff;
                                throw cms::Exception("Tolerance in TrackerGeometryCompare exceeded");

                AlgebraicVector TRtot(12);
                // global 
                TRtot(1) = Rtotal.x(); TRtot(2) = Rtotal.y(); TRtot(3) = Rtotal.z();
                TRtot(4) = Wtotal.x(); TRtot(5) = Wtotal.y(); TRtot(6) = Wtotal.z();
                // local
                TRtot(7) = lRtotal.x(); TRtot(8) = lRtotal.y(); TRtot(9) = lRtotal.z();
                TRtot(10) = lWtotal.x(); TRtot(11) = lWtotal.y(); TRtot(12) = lWtotal.z();

                fillTree(refAli, TRtot);

        // another added level for difference between det and detunit
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) 

void TrackerGeometryCompare::compareSurfaceDeformations ( TTree *  _inputTree11,
TTree *  _inputTree12 
) [private]

Definition at line 437 of file

References _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputRootFile1, _inputRootFile2, _inputTreenameDeform, _surfDeform, m_h1, m_nBins, m_rangeHigh, m_rangeLow, and m_vtkmap.

Referenced by analyze().

  if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL" && _inputFilename2 != "IDEAL") {
    int inputRawid1;
    int inputRawid2;
    int inputSubdetid1, inputSubdetid2 ; 
    int inputDtype1, inputDtype2 ; 
    std::vector<double> inputDpar1;
    std::vector<double> inputDpar2 ; 
    std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar1 = &inputDpar1; 
    std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar2 = &inputDpar2; 
    TTree* refTree = (TTree*) _inputRootFile1->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("subdetid", &inputSubdetid1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("dpar", &p_inputDpar1);
    TTree* curTree = (TTree*) _inputRootFile2->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("subdetid", &inputSubdetid2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("dpar",  &p_inputDpar2);
    unsigned int nEntries11 = refTree->GetEntries();
    unsigned int nEntries12 = curTree->GetEntries();

    if (nEntries11 != nEntries12) {
      edm::LogError("TrackerGeometryCompare")   << " Surface deformation parameters in two geometries differ!\n" ;
      return ; 
    for (unsigned int iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries12; ++iEntry) {
      refTree->GetEntry(iEntry) ;
      curTree->GetEntry(iEntry) ;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 13; ++ii) { _surfDeform[ii] = -1.0 ; } 
      for (int npar = 0; npar < int(inputDpar2.size()); ++npar ) {
            if (inputRawid1 == inputRawid2) {
        _surfDeform[npar] = - ; 
        std::stringstream histname0 ;
        histname0 << "SurfDeform_Par_" << npar ;  
        if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname0.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid1 == 1 && inputSubdetid2 == 1) {
          std::stringstream histname1 ;
          histname1 << "SurfDeform_PixelBarrel_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname1.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid1 == 2 && inputSubdetid2 == 2) {
          std::stringstream histname2 ;
          histname2 << "SurfDeform_PixelEndcap_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname2.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        (,_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
  } else if ( _inputFilename1 == "IDEAL" && _inputFilename2 != "IDEAL" ) {
    int inputRawid2;
    int inputSubdetid2 ; 
    int inputDtype2 ; 
    std::vector<double> inputDpar2 ; 
    std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar2 = &inputDpar2; 
    TTree* curTree = (TTree*) _inputRootFile2->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("subdetid", &inputSubdetid2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype2);
    curTree->SetBranchAddress("dpar",  &p_inputDpar2);
    unsigned int nEntries12 = curTree->GetEntries();
    for (unsigned int iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries12; ++iEntry) {
      curTree->GetEntry(iEntry) ;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 12; ++ii) { _surfDeform[ii] = -1.0 ; } 
      for (int npar = 0; npar < int(inputDpar2.size()); ++npar ) {
        _surfDeform[npar] = ; 
        std::stringstream histname0 ;
        histname0 << "SurfDeform_Par_" << npar ;  
        if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname0.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid2 == 1) {
          std::stringstream histname1 ;
          histname1 << "SurfDeform_PixelBarrel_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname1.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid2 == 2) {
          std::stringstream histname2 ;
          histname2 << "SurfDeform_PixelEndcap_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname2.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        (,_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
  } else if ( _inputFilename1 != "IDEAL" && _inputFilename2 == "IDEAL" ) {
    int inputRawid1;
    int inputSubdetid1 ; 
    int inputDtype1 ; 
    std::vector<double> inputDpar1;
    std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar1 = &inputDpar1; 
    TTree* refTree = (TTree*) _inputRootFile1->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("subdetid", &inputSubdetid1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype1);
    refTree->SetBranchAddress("dpar", &p_inputDpar1);
    unsigned int nEntries11 = refTree->GetEntries();
    for (unsigned int iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries11; ++iEntry) {
      refTree->GetEntry(iEntry) ;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 12; ++ii) { _surfDeform[ii] = -1.0 ; } 
      for (int npar = 0; npar < int(inputDpar1.size()); ++npar ) {
        _surfDeform[npar] = - ; 
        std::stringstream histname0 ;
        histname0 << "SurfDeform_Par_" << npar ;  
        if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname0.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid1 == 1) {
          std::stringstream histname1 ;
          histname1 << "SurfDeform_PixelBarrel_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname1.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        if (inputSubdetid1 == 2) {
          std::stringstream histname2 ;
          histname2 << "SurfDeform_PixelEndcap_Par_" << npar ;  
          if ( TMath::Abs(_surfDeform[npar]) > (m_rangeHigh - m_rangeLow)/(10.*m_nBins) ) m_h1[histname2.str()]->Fill(_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
        (,_surfDeform[npar]) ; 
  } else if ( _inputFilename1 == "IDEAL" && _inputFilename2 == "IDEAL" ) {

          edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << ">>>> Comparing IDEAL with IDEAL: nothing to do! <<<<\n" ; 

  return ;      
void TrackerGeometryCompare::createROOTGeometry ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup) [private]

Definition at line 270 of file

References _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputRootFile1, _inputRootFile2, _inputTree01, _inputTree02, _inputTree11, _inputTree12, _inputTreenameAlign, _inputTreenameDeform, GeometryAligner::applyAlignments(), TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet::build(), SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), currentTracker, Alignable::deepComponents(), align::DetectorGlobalPosition(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::get(), i, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, m_params, referenceTracker, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and DetId::Tracker.

Referenced by analyze().

        int inputRawId1, inputRawId2;
        double inputX1, inputY1, inputZ1, inputX2, inputY2, inputZ2;
        double inputAlpha1, inputBeta1, inputGamma1, inputAlpha2, inputBeta2, inputGamma2;
        //declare alignments
        Alignments* alignments1 = new Alignments();
        AlignmentErrors* alignmentErrors1 = new AlignmentErrors();      
        if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL"){
                _inputRootFile1 = new TFile(_inputFilename1.c_str());
                TTree* _inputTree01 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile1->Get(_inputTreenameAlign.c_str());
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("rawid", &inputRawId1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("x", &inputX1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("y", &inputY1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("z", &inputZ1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &inputAlpha1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("beta", &inputBeta1);
                _inputTree01->SetBranchAddress("gamma", &inputGamma1);

                int nEntries1 = _inputTree01->GetEntries();
                //fill alignments
                for (int i = 0; i < nEntries1; ++i){
                        CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation1(inputX1, inputY1, inputZ1);
                        CLHEP::HepEulerAngles eulerangles1(inputAlpha1,inputBeta1,inputGamma1);
                        uint32_t detid1 = inputRawId1;
                        AlignTransform transform1(translation1, eulerangles1, detid1);
                        //dummy errors
                        CLHEP::HepSymMatrix clhepSymMatrix(3,0);
                        AlignTransformError transformError(clhepSymMatrix, detid1);
                // to get the right order
                std::sort( alignments1->m_align.begin(), alignments1->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
                std::sort( alignmentErrors1->m_alignError.begin(), alignmentErrors1->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );
        Alignments* alignments2 = new Alignments();
        AlignmentErrors* alignmentErrors2 = new AlignmentErrors();
        if (_inputFilename2 != "IDEAL"){        
                _inputRootFile2 = new TFile(_inputFilename2.c_str());
                TTree* _inputTree02 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile2->Get(_inputTreenameAlign.c_str());
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("rawid", &inputRawId2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("x", &inputX2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("y", &inputY2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("z", &inputZ2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &inputAlpha2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("beta", &inputBeta2);
                _inputTree02->SetBranchAddress("gamma", &inputGamma2);
                int nEntries2 = _inputTree02->GetEntries();
                //fill alignments
                for (int i = 0; i < nEntries2; ++i){
                        CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation2(inputX2, inputY2, inputZ2);
                        CLHEP::HepEulerAngles eulerangles2(inputAlpha2,inputBeta2,inputGamma2);
                        uint32_t detid2 = inputRawId2;
                        AlignTransform transform2(translation2, eulerangles2, detid2);
                        //dummy errors
                        CLHEP::HepSymMatrix clhepSymMatrix(3,0);
                        AlignTransformError transformError(clhepSymMatrix, detid2);
                //to get the right order
                std::sort( alignments2->m_align.begin(), alignments2->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
                std::sort( alignmentErrors2->m_alignError.begin(), alignmentErrors2->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );
        //accessing the initial geometry
        edm::ESTransientHandle<DDCompactView> cpv;
        edm::ESHandle<GeometricDet> theGeometricDet;
        TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet trackerBuilder;
        edm::ESHandle<Alignments> globalPositionRcd;
        //reference tracker
        TrackerGeometry* theRefTracker =*theGeometricDet, m_params); 
        if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL"){
                GeometryAligner aligner1;
                aligner1.applyAlignments<TrackerGeometry>( &(*theRefTracker), &(*alignments1), &(*alignmentErrors1),
                                                                                                  align::DetectorGlobalPosition(*globalPositionRcd, DetId(DetId::Tracker)));
        referenceTracker = new AlignableTracker(&(*theRefTracker));
        //referenceTracker->setSurfaceDeformation(surfDef1, true) ; 

        int inputRawid1;
        int inputRawid2;
        int inputDtype1, inputDtype2 ; 
        std::vector<double> inputDpar1;
        std::vector<double> inputDpar2 ; 
        std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar1 = &inputDpar1; 
        std::vector<double>* p_inputDpar2 = &inputDpar2; 

        const std::vector<Alignable*> comp1 = referenceTracker->deepComponents(); 

        SurfaceDeformation * surfDef1; 
        if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL"){
          TTree* _inputTree11 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile1->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
          _inputTree11->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid1);
          _inputTree11->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype1);
          _inputTree11->SetBranchAddress("dpar", &p_inputDpar1);

          unsigned int nEntries11 = _inputTree11->GetEntries();
          edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << " nentries11 = " << nEntries11 << std::endl ; 
          for (unsigned int iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries11; ++iEntry) {
            _inputTree11->GetEntry(iEntry) ; 

            surfDef1 = SurfaceDeformationFactory::create( inputDtype1, inputDpar1);

            if (int(comp1[iEntry]->id()) == inputRawid1) {
              comp1[iEntry]->setSurfaceDeformation(surfDef1, true) ; 

        //currernt tracker
        TrackerGeometry* theCurTracker =*theGeometricDet,m_params); 
        if (_inputFilename2 != "IDEAL"){
                GeometryAligner aligner2;
                aligner2.applyAlignments<TrackerGeometry>( &(*theCurTracker), &(*alignments2), &(*alignmentErrors2),
                                                                                                  align::DetectorGlobalPosition(*globalPositionRcd, DetId(DetId::Tracker)));
        currentTracker = new AlignableTracker(&(*theCurTracker));
        const std::vector<Alignable*> comp2 = currentTracker->deepComponents(); 

        SurfaceDeformation * surfDef2 ; 
        if (_inputFilename2 != "IDEAL"){ 
          TTree* _inputTree12 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile2->Get(_inputTreenameDeform.c_str());
          _inputTree12->SetBranchAddress("irawid", &inputRawid2);
          _inputTree12->SetBranchAddress("dtype", &inputDtype2);
          _inputTree12->SetBranchAddress("dpar",  &p_inputDpar2);

          unsigned int nEntries12 = _inputTree12->GetEntries();
          edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << " nentries12 = " << nEntries12 << std::endl ; 
          for (unsigned int iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries12; ++iEntry) {
            _inputTree12->GetEntry(iEntry) ; 
            surfDef2 = SurfaceDeformationFactory::create( inputDtype2, inputDpar2);

            if (int(comp2[iEntry]->id()) == inputRawid2) {
              comp2[iEntry]->setSurfaceDeformation(surfDef2, true) ; 

        delete alignments1;
        delete alignmentErrors1;
        delete alignments2;
        delete alignmentErrors2;

void TrackerGeometryCompare::diffCommonTrackerSystem ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli 
) [private]

Definition at line 691 of file

References _commonTrackerLevel, _TrackerCommonCM, _TrackerCommonR, _TrackerCommonT, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), Alignable::components(), diffTreeTool::diff, align::diffAlignables(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, Alignable::globalPosition(), i, and makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot.

Referenced by setCommonTrackerSystem().

        const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
        const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curAli->components();
        unsigned int nComp = refComp.size();
        //only perform for designate levels
        bool useLevel = false;
        if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == _commonTrackerLevel) useLevel = true;
        //useLevel = false;
        if (useLevel){
                CLHEP::Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal;
                Rtotal.set(0.,0.,0.); Wtotal.set(0.,0.,0.);
                AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
                CLHEP::Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
                CLHEP::Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
                CLHEP::HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
                CLHEP::HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
                Wtotal.set(rot.axis().x()*, rot.axis().y()*, rot.axis().z()*;
                 //std::cout << "a";
                 //if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == 1) std::cout << "DIFF: " << diff << std::endl;
                 align::moveAlignable(curAli, diff);
                 float tolerance = 1e-7;
                 AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
                 align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
                 align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
                 DetId detid(refAli->id());
                 if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){
                 edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "Tolerance Exceeded!(alObjId: " << refAli->alignableObjectId()
                 << ", rawId: " << refAli->geomDetId().rawId()
                 << ", subdetId: "<< detid.subdetId() << "): " << diff;
                //_TrackerCommonT.set(Rtotal.x(), Rtotal.y(), Rtotal.z());
                _TrackerCommonT = align::GlobalVector(Rtotal.x(), Rtotal.y(), Rtotal.z());
                _TrackerCommonR = align::GlobalVector(Wtotal.x(), Wtotal.y(), Wtotal.z());
                _TrackerCommonCM = curAli->globalPosition();
                //_TrackerCommonTR(1) = Rtotal.x(); _TrackerCommonTR(2) = Rtotal.y(); _TrackerCommonTR(3) = Rtotal.z();
                //_TrackerCommonTR(4) = Wtotal.x(); _TrackerCommonTR(5) = Wtotal.y(); _TrackerCommonTR(6) = Wtotal.z();
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) diffCommonTrackerSystem(refComp[i],curComp[i]);
void TrackerGeometryCompare::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 211 of file

References _alignTree, _theFile, m_vtkmap, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.


  int iname(0) ;
  for (std::vector<TrackerMap>::iterator it = m_vtkmap.begin(); it != m_vtkmap.end(); ++it) {
    std::stringstream mapname ;
    mapname << "TkMap_Pix_SurfDeform" << iname << ".png" ; 
    mapname.str( std::string() ); 
    mapname.clear() ; 
    mapname << "TkMap_Pix_SurfDeform" << iname << ".pdf" ; 
    ++iname ; 

void TrackerGeometryCompare::fillIdentifiers ( int  subdetlevel,
int  rawid 
) [private]

Definition at line 931 of file

References _identifiers, PXFDetId::blade(), gather_cfg::cout, PXFDetId::disk(), PXBDetId::ladder(), TIBDetId::layer(), TOBDetId::layer(), PXBDetId::layer(), PXFDetId::module(), TOBDetId::module(), TIDDetId::module(), PXBDetId::module(), TECDetId::module(), TIBDetId::module(), PXFDetId::panel(), TECDetId::petal(), TIDDetId::ring(), TECDetId::ring(), TOBDetId::rod(), PXFDetId::side(), TIDDetId::side(), TECDetId::side(), TIBDetId::string(), TIDDetId::wheel(), and TECDetId::wheel().

Referenced by fillTree().

        switch( subdetlevel ){
                case 1:
                        PXBDetId pxbid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = pxbid.module();
                        _identifiers[1] = pxbid.ladder();
                        _identifiers[2] = pxbid.layer();
                        _identifiers[3] = 999;
                        _identifiers[4] = 999;
                        _identifiers[5] = 999;
                case 2:
                        PXFDetId pxfid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = pxfid.module();
                        _identifiers[1] = pxfid.panel();
                        _identifiers[2] = pxfid.blade();
                        _identifiers[3] = pxfid.disk();
                        _identifiers[4] = pxfid.side();
                        _identifiers[5] = 999;
                case 3:
                        TIBDetId tibid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = tibid.module();
                        _identifiers[1] = tibid.string()[0];
                        _identifiers[2] = tibid.string()[1];
                        _identifiers[3] = tibid.string()[2];
                        _identifiers[4] = tibid.layer();
                        _identifiers[5] = 999;
                case 4: 
                        TIDDetId tidid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = tidid.module()[0];
                        _identifiers[1] = tidid.module()[1];
                        _identifiers[2] = tidid.ring();
                        _identifiers[3] = tidid.wheel();
                        _identifiers[4] = tidid.side();
                        _identifiers[5] = 999;
                case 5: 
                        TOBDetId tobid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = tobid.module();
                        _identifiers[1] = tobid.rod()[0];
                        _identifiers[2] = tobid.rod()[1];
                        _identifiers[3] = tobid.layer();
                        _identifiers[4] = 999;
                        _identifiers[5] = 999;
                case 6: 
                        TECDetId tecid( rawid );
                        _identifiers[0] = tecid.module();
                        _identifiers[1] = tecid.ring();
                        _identifiers[2] = tecid.petal()[0];
                        _identifiers[3] = tecid.petal()[1];
                        _identifiers[4] = tecid.wheel();
                        _identifiers[5] = tecid.side();
                        std::cout << "Error: bad subdetid!!" << std::endl;
void TrackerGeometryCompare::fillTree ( Alignable refAli,
AlgebraicVector  diff 
) [private]

Definition at line 750 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _daVal, _dbetaVal, _dbVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _dgammaVal, _dgVal, _dphiVal, _drVal, _duVal, _dvVal, _dwVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _etaVal, _gammaVal, _id, _level, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _rVal, _sublevel, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _useDetId, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, align::AlignableDet, align::AlignableDetUnit, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), cond::rpcobgas::detid, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), fillIdentifiers(), g, Alignable::geomDetId(), Alignable::globalPosition(), Alignable::globalRotation(), Alignable::id(), AlignableSurface::length(), Alignable::mother(), passIdCut(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), DetId::rawId(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, DetId::subdetId(), Alignable::surface(), align::toAngles(), AlignableSurface::width(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

Referenced by compareGeometries().

        _id = refAli->id();
        _level = refAli->alignableObjectId();
        //need if ali has no mother
        if (refAli->mother()){
                _mid = refAli->mother()->geomDetId().rawId();
                _mlevel = refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId();
                _mid = -1;
                _mlevel = -1;
        DetId detid(_id);
        _sublevel = detid.subdetId();
        fillIdentifiers( _sublevel, _id );
        _xVal = refAli->globalPosition().x();
        _yVal = refAli->globalPosition().y();
        _zVal = refAli->globalPosition().z();
        align::GlobalVector vec(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
        _rVal = vec.perp();
        _phiVal = vec.phi();
        _etaVal = vec.eta();
        align::RotationType rot = refAli->globalRotation();
        align::EulerAngles eulerAngles = align::toAngles(rot);
        _alphaVal = eulerAngles[0];
        _betaVal = eulerAngles[1];
        _gammaVal = eulerAngles[2];
        // global
        _dxVal = diff[0];
        _dyVal = diff[1];
        _dzVal = diff[2];
        // local
        _duVal = diff[6];
        _dvVal = diff[7];
        _dwVal = diff[8];
        align::GlobalVector g(_dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal);
        //getting dR and dPhi
        align::GlobalVector vRef(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
        align::GlobalVector vCur(_xVal + _dxVal, _yVal + _dyVal, _zVal + _dzVal);
        _drVal = vCur.perp() - vRef.perp();
        _dphiVal = vCur.phi() - vRef.phi();
        // global
        _dalphaVal = diff[3];
        _dbetaVal = diff[4];
        _dgammaVal = diff[5];
        // local
        _daVal = diff[9];
        _dbVal = diff[10];
        _dgVal = diff[11];
        if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
                if (_detIdFlag){
                        if ((passIdCut(refAli->id()))||(passIdCut(refAli->mother()->id()))){
                                _useDetId = 1;
                                _useDetId = 0;
        // det module dimension
        if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
                if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() != align::AlignableDet) _detDim = 1;
                else if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDet) _detDim = 2;
        else _detDim = 0;
        _surWidth = refAli->surface().width();
        _surLength = refAli->surface().length();
        align::RotationType rt = refAli->globalRotation();
        _surRot[0] = rt.xx(); _surRot[1] = rt.xy(); _surRot[2] = rt.xz();
        _surRot[3] = rt.yx(); _surRot[4] = rt.yy(); _surRot[5] = rt.yz();
        _surRot[6] = rt.zx(); _surRot[7] = rt.zy(); _surRot[8] = rt.zz();
bool TrackerGeometryCompare::passIdCut ( uint32_t  id) [private]

Definition at line 918 of file

References _detIdFlagVector, and i.

Referenced by fillTree().

        bool pass = false;
        int nEntries = _detIdFlagVector.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++){
                if (_detIdFlagVector[i] == id) pass = true;
        return pass;
void TrackerGeometryCompare::setCommonTrackerSystem ( ) [private]

Definition at line 653 of file

References _commonTrackerLevel, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _TrackerCommonCM, _TrackerCommonR, _TrackerCommonT, gather_cfg::cout, currentTracker, diffCommonTrackerSystem(), Alignable::globalPosition(), align::moveAlignable(), TkRotation< T >::multiplyInverse(), referenceTracker, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, AlignableObjectId::stringToId(), align::toMatrix(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by analyze().


        edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "Setting Common Tracker System....";
        // DM_534??AlignableObjectId dummy;
        // DM_534??_commonTrackerLevel = dummy.nameToType(_setCommonTrackerSystem);
        _commonTrackerLevel = AlignableObjectId::stringToId(_setCommonTrackerSystem); // DM_61X?? 
        diffCommonTrackerSystem(referenceTracker, currentTracker);
        align::EulerAngles dOmega(3); dOmega[0] = _TrackerCommonR.x() ; dOmega[1] = _TrackerCommonR.y(); dOmega[2] = _TrackerCommonR.z();
        align::RotationType rot = align::toMatrix( dOmega );
        align::GlobalVector theR = _TrackerCommonT;
        std::cout << "what we get from overlaying the pixels..." << theR << ", " << rot << std::endl;
        //transform to the Tracker System
        align::PositionType trackerCM = currentTracker->globalPosition();
        align::GlobalVector cmDiff( trackerCM.x()-_TrackerCommonCM.x(), trackerCM.y()-_TrackerCommonCM.y(), trackerCM.z()-_TrackerCommonCM.z() );
        std::cout << "Pixel CM: " << _TrackerCommonCM << ", tracker CM: " << trackerCM << std::endl;
        //adjust translational difference factoring in different rotational CM
        //needed because rotateInGlobalFrame is about CM of alignable, not Tracker
        align::GlobalVector::BasicVectorType lpvgf = cmDiff.basicVector();
        align::GlobalVector moveV( rot.multiplyInverse(lpvgf) - lpvgf);
        align::GlobalVector theRprime(theR + moveV);
        AlgebraicVector TrackerCommonTR(6);
        TrackerCommonTR(1) = theRprime.x(); TrackerCommonTR(2) = theRprime.y(); TrackerCommonTR(3) = theRprime.z();
        TrackerCommonTR(4) = _TrackerCommonR.x(); TrackerCommonTR(5) = _TrackerCommonR.y(); TrackerCommonTR(6) = _TrackerCommonR.z();
        std::cout << "and after the transformation: " << TrackerCommonTR << std::endl;
        align::moveAlignable(currentTracker, TrackerCommonTR );
void TrackerGeometryCompare::surveyToTracker ( AlignableTracker ali,
Alignments alignVals,
AlignmentErrors alignErrors 
) [private]

Definition at line 832 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::comp, filterCSVwithJSON::copy, AlignableTracker::endcapGeomDets(), i, AlignableTracker::innerBarrelGeomDets(), j, gen::k, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, AlignableTracker::outerBarrelGeomDets(), AlignableTracker::pixelEndcapGeomDets(), AlignableTracker::pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets(), pos, SurveyDet::position(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, SurveyDet::rotation(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and AlignableTracker::TIDGeomDets().

        //getting the right alignables for the alignment record
        std::vector<Alignable*> detPB = ali->pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> detPEC = ali->pixelEndcapGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> detTIB = ali->innerBarrelGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> detTID = ali->TIDGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> detTOB = ali->outerBarrelGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> detTEC = ali->endcapGeomDets();
        std::vector<Alignable*> allGeomDets;
        std::copy(detPB.begin(), detPB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::copy(detPEC.begin(), detPEC.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::copy(detTIB.begin(), detTIB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::copy(detTID.begin(), detTID.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::copy(detTOB.begin(), detTOB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::copy(detTEC.begin(), detTEC.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
        std::vector<Alignable*> rcdAlis;
        for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i = allGeomDets.begin(); i!= allGeomDets.end(); i++){
                if ((*i)->components().size() == 1){
                else if ((*i)->components().size() > 1){
                        std::vector<Alignable*> comp = (*i)->components();
                        for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator j = comp.begin(); j != comp.end(); j++){
        //turning them into alignments
        for(std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator k = rcdAlis.begin(); k != rcdAlis.end(); k++){
                const SurveyDet* surveyInfo = (*k)->survey();
                align::PositionType pos(surveyInfo->position());
                align::RotationType rot(surveyInfo->rotation());
                CLHEP::Hep3Vector clhepVector(pos.x(),pos.y(),pos.z());
                CLHEP::HepRotation clhepRotation( CLHEP::HepRep3x3(rot.xx(),rot.xy(),rot.xz(),rot.yx(),rot.yy(),rot.yz(),rot.zx(),rot.zy(),rot.zz()));
                AlignTransform transform(clhepVector, clhepRotation, (*k)->id());
                AlignTransformError transformError(CLHEP::HepSymMatrix(3,1), (*k)->id());
        //to get the right order
        std::sort( alignVals->m_align.begin(), alignVals->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
        std::sort( alignErrors->m_alignError.begin(), alignErrors->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 128 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by endJob(), fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 113 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 114 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::vector< uint32_t > TrackerGeometryCompare::_detIdFlagVector [private]

Definition at line 119 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by passIdCut(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 142 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 140 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_filename [private]

Definition at line 126 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

\ Tree variables

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

uint32_t TrackerGeometryCompare::_identifiers[6] [private]

Definition at line 144 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillIdentifiers(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 129 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 130 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 131 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 132 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 133 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 134 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 108 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 147 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 143 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

double TrackerGeometryCompare::_surRot[9] [private]

Definition at line 145 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 143 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 127 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 123 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 146 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 137 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightBy [private]

Definition at line 116 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::vector< unsigned int > TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightByIdVector [private]

Definition at line 110 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 138 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 99 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), createROOTGeometry(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 98 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Definition at line 153 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::map<std::string,TH1D*> TrackerGeometryCompare::m_h1 [private]

Definition at line 157 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 149 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 73 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

Definition at line 151 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 150 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareSurfaceDeformations(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 74 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

Definition at line 97 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), createROOTGeometry(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

Definition at line 103 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().

Definition at line 101 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().

Definition at line 102 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().