Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

BscTest Class Reference

#include <BscTest.h>

Inheritance diagram for BscTest:
Observer< const EndOfEvent * > Observer< const EndOfTrack * > Observer< const G4Step * > Observer< const BeginOfTrack * > Observer< const BeginOfEvent * > Observer< const EndOfRun * > Observer< const BeginOfRun * > Observer< const BeginOfJob * > SimWatcher

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BscTest (const edm::ParameterSet &p)
virtual ~BscTest ()

Private Member Functions

void detectorLevel (const G4VTouchable *, int &, int *, G4String *) const
int detLevels (const G4VTouchable *) const
G4String detName (const G4VTouchable *, int, int) const
void update (const BeginOfEvent *evt)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const EndOfEvent *evt)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const EndOfTrack *trk)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const G4Step *step)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const BeginOfJob *run)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const BeginOfRun *run)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const EndOfRun *run)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void update (const BeginOfTrack *trk)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Private Attributes

Float_t bsceventarray [1]
TNtuple * bsceventntuple
TFile bscOutputFile
G4double entot0
std::string fDataLabel
std::string fOutputFile
std::string fRecreateFile
int iev
int itrk
G4ThreeVector lastpo
int lastTrackID
int numofpart
double rinCalo
G4double SumEnerDeposit
G4double SumStepc
G4double SumStepl
G4double tracklength0
int verbosity
int whichevent
double z1
double z2
double z3
double z4
double zinCalo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 164 of file BscTest.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BscTest::BscTest ( const edm::ParameterSet p)

Definition at line 58 of file

References bsceventntuple, gather_cfg::cout, fDataLabel, fOutputFile, fRecreateFile, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, theBscNumberingScheme, TheHistManager, verbosity, and whichevent.

  edm::ParameterSet m_Anal = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("BscTest");
  verbosity    = m_Anal.getParameter<int>("Verbosity");
  //verbosity    = 1;

  fDataLabel  = m_Anal.getParameter<std::string>("FDataLabel");
  fOutputFile = m_Anal.getParameter<std::string>("FOutputFile");
  fRecreateFile = m_Anal.getParameter<std::string>("FRecreateFile");
  if (verbosity > 0) {
    std::cout << "BscTestconstructor :: Initialized as observer"<< std::endl;
  // Initialization:

  theBscNumberingScheme = new BscNumberingScheme();
  bsceventntuple = new TNtuple("NTbscevent","NTbscevent","evt");
  whichevent = 0;
  TheHistManager = new BscAnalysisHistManager(fDataLabel);

  if (verbosity > 0) {
    std::cout << "BscTest constructor :: Initialized BscAnalysisHistManager"<< std::endl;
BscTest::~BscTest ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 86 of file

References bsceventntuple, bscOutputFile, gather_cfg::cout, fOutputFile, fRecreateFile, theBscNumberingScheme, TheHistManager, verbosity, and BscAnalysisHistManager::WriteToFile().

  //  delete UserNtuples;
  delete theBscNumberingScheme;

  TFile bscOutputFile("newntbsc.root","RECREATE");
  std::cout << "Bsc output root file has been created";
  std::cout << ", written";
  std::cout << ", closed";
  delete bsceventntuple;
  std::cout << ", and deleted" << std::endl;

  //------->while end

  // Write histograms to file
  if (verbosity > 0) {
    std::cout << std::endl << "BscTest Destructor  -------->  End of BscTest : "
              << std::cout << std::endl; 

  std::cout<<"BscTest: End of process"<<std::endl;


Member Function Documentation

void BscTest::detectorLevel ( const G4VTouchable *  touch,
int &  level,
int *  copyno,
G4String *  name 
) const [private]

Definition at line 580 of file

References i, and testEve_cfg::level.

Referenced by update().


  //Get name and copy numbers
  if (level > 0) {
    for (int ii = 0; ii < level; ii++) {
      int i      = level - ii - 1;
      G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = touch->GetVolume(i);
      if (pv != 0) 
        name[ii] = pv->GetName();
        name[ii] = "Unknown";
      copyno[ii] = touch->GetReplicaNumber(i);
int BscTest::detLevels ( const G4VTouchable *  touch) const [private]

Definition at line 558 of file

Referenced by update().


  //Return number of levels
  if (touch) 
    return ((touch->GetHistoryDepth())+1);
    return 0;
G4String BscTest::detName ( const G4VTouchable *  touch,
int  level,
int  currentlevel 
) const [private]

Definition at line 568 of file


  //Go down to current level
  if (level > 0 && level >= currentlevel) {
    int ii = level - currentlevel; 
    return touch->GetVolume(ii)->GetName();
  } else {
    return "NotFound";
void BscTest::update ( const BeginOfEvent ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const BeginOfEvent * >.

Definition at line 296 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, iev, verbosity, and whichevent.

  iev = (*evt)()->GetEventID();
  if (verbosity > 0) {
    std::cout <<"BscTest:update Event number = " << iev << std::endl;
void BscTest::update ( const EndOfEvent ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const EndOfEvent * >.

Definition at line 599 of file

References bsceventarray, gather_cfg::cout, eta, BscG4Hit::getEnergyLoss(), BscG4Hit::getEntry(), BscG4Hit::getEntryLocalP(), BscG4Hit::getExitLocalP(), BscAnalysisHistManager::GetHisto(), BscG4Hit::getTrackID(), BscG4Hit::getUnitID(), i, iev, getHLTprescales::index, j, lastpo, funct::log(), npart, ntbsc_evt, numofpart, BscNumberingScheme::packBscIndex(), phi, pi, funct::tan(), TheHistManager, tracklength0, BscNumberingScheme::unpackBscIndex(), verbosity, whichevent, z2, z3, and z4.

  // ==========================================================================
  if (verbosity > 1) {
    iev = (*evt)()->GetEventID();
    std::cout <<"BscTest:update EndOfEvent = " << iev << std::endl;
  // Fill-in ntuple
  bsceventarray[ntbsc_evt] = (float)whichevent;

  int trackID = 0;
  G4PrimaryParticle* thePrim=0;

  // prim.vertex:
  G4int nvertex = (*evt)()->GetNumberOfPrimaryVertex();
  if (nvertex !=1)
    std::cout << "BscTest: My warning: NumberOfPrimaryVertex != 1  -->  = " << nvertex <<  std::endl;

  for (int i = 0 ; i<nvertex; i++) {
    G4PrimaryVertex* avertex = (*evt)()->GetPrimaryVertex(i);
    if (avertex == 0)
      std::cout << "BscTest  End Of Event ERR: pointer to vertex = 0"
                << std::endl;
    G4int npart = avertex->GetNumberOfParticle();
    if (npart !=1)
      std::cout << "BscTest: My warning: NumberOfPrimaryPart != 1  -->  = " << npart <<  std::endl;
    if (npart ==0)
      std::cout << "BscTest End Of Event ERR: no NumberOfParticle" << std::endl;

    if (thePrim==0) thePrim=avertex->GetPrimary(trackID);

    if (thePrim!=0) {
      // primary vertex:
      G4double vx=0.,vy=0.,vz=0.;
      vx = avertex->GetX0();
      vy = avertex->GetY0();
      vz = avertex->GetZ0();
  // prim.vertex loop end

  //=========================== thePrim != 0 ================================================================================
  if (thePrim != 0) {
    //      inline G4ParticleDefinition * GetG4code() const
    //      inline G4PrimaryParticle * GetNext() const
    //      inline G4PrimaryParticle * GetDaughter() const
    // prim.vertex
    int ivert = 0 ;
    G4PrimaryVertex* avertex = (*evt)()->GetPrimaryVertex(ivert);
    G4double vx=0.,vy=0.,vz=0.;
    vx = avertex->GetX0();
    vy = avertex->GetY0();
    vz = avertex->GetZ0();
    // number of secondary particles deposited their energy along primary track
    if(lastpo.z()<z4 && lastpo.perp()< 100.) {

    // direction !!!
    G4ThreeVector   mom  = thePrim->GetMomentum();
    double phi = atan2(mom.y(),mom.x());
    if (phi < 0.) phi += twopi;
    double phigrad = phi*180./pi;

    double th     = mom.theta();
    double eta = -log(tan(th/2));

    if(lastpo.z() <  z4  ) {
    if(numofpart >  4  ) {

    // ==========================================================================

    // hit map for Bsc
    // ==================================

    std::map<int,float,std::less<int> > themap;
    std::map<int,float,std::less<int> > themap1;

    std::map<int,float,std::less<int> > themapxy;
    std::map<int,float,std::less<int> > themapz;
    // access to the G4 hit collections:  -----> this work OK:

    //  edm::LogInfo("BscTest") << "1";
    G4HCofThisEvent* allHC = (*evt)()->GetHCofThisEvent();
    //  edm::LogInfo("BscTest") << "2";
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      std::cout << "BscTest:  accessed all HC" << std::endl;;
    int CAFIid = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("BSCHits");

    BscG4HitCollection* theCAFI = (BscG4HitCollection*) allHC->GetHC(CAFIid);
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      std::cout << "BscTest: theCAFI->entries = " << theCAFI->entries() << std::endl;
    int varia ;   // = 0 -all; =1 - MI; =2 - noMI
    varia = 0;
    if(  lastpo.z()< z4) {
      varia = 1;
      varia = 2;
    }   // no MI end:

    for (int j=0; j<theCAFI->entries(); j++) {
      BscG4Hit* aHit = (*theCAFI)[j];
      CLHEP::Hep3Vector hitPoint = aHit->getEntry();
      double   zz    = hitPoint.z();
      if(tracklength0>8300.) TheHistManager->GetHisto("zHitsTrLoLe")->Fill(zz);
    // varia = 0;
    //     if( varia == 0) {
    if( varia == 2) {

      int nhit11 = 0, nhit12 = 0, nhit13 = 0 ;
      double  totallosenergy= 0.;
      for (int j=0; j<theCAFI->entries(); j++) {
        BscG4Hit* aHit = (*theCAFI)[j];

        CLHEP::Hep3Vector hitEntryLocalPoint = aHit->getEntryLocalP();
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector hitExitLocalPoint = aHit->getExitLocalP();
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector hitPoint = aHit->getEntry();
        int trackIDhit  = aHit->getTrackID();
        unsigned int unitID = aHit->getUnitID();
        double  losenergy = aHit->getEnergyLoss();
        double phi_hit   = hitPoint.phi();
        if (phi_hit < 0.) phi_hit += twopi;

        double   zz    = hitPoint.z();


        if (verbosity > 2) {
          std::cout << "BscTest:zHits = " << zz << std::endl;

        themap[unitID] += losenergy;
        totallosenergy += losenergy;

        int zside, sector;
        zside  = (unitID&32)>>5;
        sector = (unitID&7);

        G4ThreeVector middle = (hitExitLocalPoint+hitEntryLocalPoint)/2.;
        themapz[unitID]  = hitPoint.z()+middle.z();
        // Y
        if(zside==1) {
          if(losenergy > 0.00003) {
            themap1[unitID] += 1.;
          if(losenergy > 0.00005) {
            themap1[unitID] += 1.;
        //         }
        if(sector==1) {
          nhit11 += 1;
        if(sector==2) {
          nhit12 += 1;
        if(sector==3) {
          nhit13 += 1;

        if(lastpo.z()<z4  && lastpo.perp()< 120.) {
          // MIonly:
          //                                                                     Station I
          if( zz < z2){
          //                                                                     Station II
          if( zz < z3 && zz > z2){
          //                                                                     Station III
          if( zz < z4 && zz > z3){
          // no MIonly:
          //                                                                     Station I
          if( zz < z2){
            if(zside==1) {
            if(trackIDhit == 1){
          //                                                                     Station II
          if( zz < z3 && zz > z2){
            if(zside==1) {
            if(trackIDhit == 1){
          //                                                                     Station III
          if( zz < z4 && zz > z3){
            if(zside==1) {
      }   // MIonly or noMIonly ENDED
      if(totallosenergy == 0.0) {
        std::cout << "BscTest:     number of hits = " << theCAFI->entries()   << std::endl;
        for (int j=0; j<theCAFI->entries(); j++) {
          BscG4Hit* aHit = (*theCAFI)[j];
          double  losenergy = aHit->getEnergyLoss();
          std::cout << " j hits = " << j   << "losenergy = " << losenergy << std::endl;
      //   FIBRE Hit collected analysis
      double totalEnergy = 0.;
      int nhitsX = 0, nhitsY = 0, nsumhit = 0 ;
      for (int sector=1; sector<4; sector++) {
        int nhitsecX = 0, nhitsecY = 0;
        for (int zmodule=1; zmodule<11; zmodule++) {
          for (int zside=1; zside<3; zside++) {
            int det= 1;// nhit = 0;
            //  int sScale = 20;
            int index = BscNumberingScheme::packBscIndex(det, zside, sector);
            double   theTotalEnergy = themap[index];
            //   X planes
              if(theTotalEnergy > 0.00003) {
                nhitsX += 1;
                //              nhitsecX += themap1[index];
                //              nhit=1;
            //   Y planes
            else {
              if(theTotalEnergy > 0.00005) {
                nhitsY += 1;
                //              nhitsecY += themap1[index];
                //              nhit=1;

            totalEnergy += themap[index];
          } // for
        } // for
        if(nhitsecX > 10 || nhitsecY > 10) {
          nsumhit +=1;
        else{ //UserNtuples->fillp213(float(sector),float(0.),1.);
      } // for

      if( nsumhit >=2 ) { //UserNtuples->fillp212(vy,float(1.),1.);
      else{   //UserNtuples->fillp212(vy,float(0.),1.);

    }   // MI or no MI or all  - end

  }                                                // primary end

  if (verbosity > 0) {
    std::cout << "BscTest:  END OF Event " << (*evt)()->GetEventID() << std::endl;

void BscTest::update ( const EndOfTrack ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const EndOfTrack * >.

Definition at line 322 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, BscAnalysisHistManager::GetHisto(), itrk, lastpo, phi, SumEnerDeposit, TheHistManager, verbosity, and z4.

  itrk = (*trk)()->GetTrackID();
  if (verbosity > 1) {
    std::cout <<"BscTest:update EndOfTrack number = " << itrk << std::endl;
  if(itrk == 1) {
    G4double tracklength  = (*trk)()->GetTrackLength();    // Accumulated track length


    // direction !!!
    G4ThreeVector   vert_mom  = (*trk)()->GetVertexMomentumDirection();
    G4ThreeVector   vert_pos  = (*trk)()->GetVertexPosition(); // vertex ,where this track was created
    //    float eta = 0.5 * log( (1.+vert_mom.z()) / (1.-vert_mom.z()) );
    float phi = atan2(vert_mom.y(),vert_mom.x());
    if (phi < 0.) phi += twopi;
    if(tracklength < z4) {


    // last step information
    const G4Step* aStep = (*trk)()->GetStep();
    G4StepPoint*      preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
    lastpo   = preStepPoint->GetPosition();     

    // Analysis:


void BscTest::update ( const G4Step *  ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const G4Step * >.

Definition at line 358 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, detectorLevel(), detLevels(), entot0, numofpart, SumEnerDeposit, SumStepc, SumStepl, tracklength0, and verbosity.

  // ==========================================================================
  if (verbosity > 2) {
    G4int stepnumber  = aStep->GetTrack()->GetCurrentStepNumber();
    std::cout <<"BscTest:update Step number = " << stepnumber << std::endl;
  // track on aStep:                                                                                         !
  G4Track*     theTrack     = aStep->GetTrack();   
  TrackInformation* trkInfo = dynamic_cast<TrackInformation*> (theTrack->GetUserInformation());
  if (trkInfo == 0) {
    std::cout << "BscTest on aStep: No trk info !!!! abort " << std::endl;
    //     throw Genexception("BscTest:BscTest on aStep: cannot get trkInfo");
  G4int         id             = theTrack->GetTrackID();
  G4String       particleType   = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();   //   !!!
  G4int         parentID       = theTrack->GetParentID();   //   !!!
  G4TrackStatus   trackstatus    = theTrack->GetTrackStatus();   //   !!!
  G4double       tracklength    = theTrack->GetTrackLength();    // Accumulated track length
  G4ThreeVector   trackmom       = theTrack->GetMomentum();
  G4double       entot          = theTrack->GetTotalEnergy();   //   !!! deposited on step
  G4int         curstepnumber  = theTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber();
  G4ThreeVector   vert_pos       = theTrack->GetVertexPosition(); // vertex ,where this track was created
  G4ThreeVector   vert_mom       = theTrack->GetVertexMomentumDirection();
  G4double        stepl         = aStep->GetStepLength();
  G4double        EnerDeposit   = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
  G4StepPoint*      preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
  G4ThreeVector     preposition   = preStepPoint->GetPosition();        
  G4ThreeVector     prelocalpoint = theTrack->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->
  G4VPhysicalVolume* currentPV     = preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
  G4String         prename       = currentPV->GetName();

  const G4VTouchable*  pre_touch    = preStepPoint->GetTouchable();
  int          pre_levels   = detLevels(pre_touch);
  G4String name1[20]; int copyno1[20];
  if (pre_levels > 0) {
    detectorLevel(pre_touch, pre_levels, copyno1, name1);

  if ( id == 1 ) {

    // on 1-st step:
    if (curstepnumber == 1 ) {
      entot0 = entot;


    // on every step:

    // for Copper:
    if(prename == "SBST" ) {
      SumStepc += stepl;
      // =========
    // for ststeel:
    //   if(prename == "SBSTs") {
    if(prename == "SBSTs" ) {
      SumStepl += stepl;
      // =========
    // =========
    // =========

    // exclude last track point if it is in SD (MI was started their)
    if (trackstatus != 2 ) {
      if(prename == "SIDETL" || prename == "SIDETR" ) {
        if(prename == "SIDETL") {
        if(prename == "SIDETR") {

        G4String posname = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName();
        if((prename == "SIDETL" && posname != "SIDETL") || (prename == "SIDETR" && posname != "SIDETR")) {
          if(name1[2] == "SISTATION" ) {
          if(name1[3] == "SIPLANE" ) {

          if(prename == "SIDETL") {
            if(copyno1[2]<2) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<3) {
              if(copyno1[3]<2) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<3) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<4) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<5) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<6) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<7) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<8) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<9) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<10) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<4) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<5) {
          if(prename == "SIDETR") {
            if(copyno1[2]<2) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<3) {
              if(copyno1[3]<2) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<3) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<4) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<5) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<6) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<7) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<8) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<9) {
              else if(copyno1[3]<10) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<4) {
            else if(copyno1[2]<5) {

      // end of prenames SIDETL // SIDETR
    // end of trackstatus != 2

    SumEnerDeposit += EnerDeposit;
    if (trackstatus == 2 ) {
      // primary track length 
      //      //UserNtuples->fillg508(tracklength,1.);
      tracklength0 = tracklength;
  // end of primary track !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  if (parentID == 1 && curstepnumber == 1) {
    // particles deposit their energy along primary track
    numofpart += 1;
    if(prename == "SBST" ) {
    if(prename == "SBSTs" ) {

void BscTest::update ( const BeginOfJob ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const BeginOfJob * >.

Definition at line 277 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

  std::cout<<"BscTest:beggining of job"<<std::endl;;
void BscTest::update ( const BeginOfRun ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const BeginOfRun * >.

Definition at line 284 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.


  std::cout << std::endl << "BscTest:: Begining of Run"<< std::endl; 
void BscTest::update ( const EndOfRun ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const EndOfRun * >.

Definition at line 291 of file

void BscTest::update ( const BeginOfTrack ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const BeginOfTrack * >.

Definition at line 305 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, itrk, numofpart, SumEnerDeposit, SumStepc, SumStepl, tracklength0, and verbosity.

  itrk = (*trk)()->GetTrackID();
  if (verbosity > 1) {
    std::cout <<"BscTest:update BeginOfTrack number = " << itrk << std::endl;
  if(itrk == 1) {
    SumEnerDeposit = 0.;
    numofpart = 0;
    SumStepl = 0.;
    SumStepc = 0.;
    tracklength0 = 0.;

Member Data Documentation

Float_t BscTest::bsceventarray[1] [private]

Definition at line 226 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

TNtuple* BscTest::bsceventntuple [private]

Definition at line 227 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), and ~BscTest().

TFile BscTest::bscOutputFile [private]

Definition at line 228 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by ~BscTest().

G4double BscTest::entot0 [private]

Definition at line 199 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

std::string BscTest::fDataLabel [private]

Definition at line 232 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest().

std::string BscTest::fOutputFile [private]

Definition at line 233 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), and ~BscTest().

std::string BscTest::fRecreateFile [private]

Definition at line 234 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), and ~BscTest().

int BscTest::iev [private]

Definition at line 197 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

int BscTest::itrk [private]

Definition at line 198 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

G4ThreeVector BscTest::lastpo [private]

Definition at line 218 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

int BscTest::lastTrackID [private]

Definition at line 210 of file BscTest.h.

int BscTest::numofpart [private]

Definition at line 216 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

double BscTest::rinCalo [private]

Definition at line 209 of file BscTest.h.

G4double BscTest::SumEnerDeposit [private]

Definition at line 214 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

G4double BscTest::SumStepc [private]

Definition at line 214 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

G4double BscTest::SumStepl [private]

Definition at line 214 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

Definition at line 194 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), and ~BscTest().

Definition at line 231 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), update(), and ~BscTest().

G4double BscTest::tracklength0 [private]

Definition at line 199 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

int BscTest::verbosity [private]

Definition at line 211 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), update(), and ~BscTest().

int BscTest::whichevent [private]

Definition at line 229 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by BscTest(), and update().

double BscTest::z1 [private]

Definition at line 222 of file BscTest.h.

double BscTest::z2 [private]

Definition at line 222 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

double BscTest::z3 [private]

Definition at line 222 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

double BscTest::z4 [private]

Definition at line 222 of file BscTest.h.

Referenced by update().

double BscTest::zinCalo [private]

Definition at line 209 of file BscTest.h.