Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Private Attributes

MEGeom Class Reference

#include <MEGeom.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~MEGeom ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void drawGlobalBoundaries (int lineColor)
static void drawHist (int ilmr, int unit, TCanvas *canv=0)
static TGraph * getBoundary (int ilmr, int unit)
static TH2 * getGlobalHist (const char *name=0)
static TH2 * getHist (int ilmr, int unit)
static void setBinGlobalHist (TH2 *h, int ix, int iy, int iz, float val)

Static Private Attributes

static TH2 * _h
static int _nbinx = 2*( MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85 ) + 1
static int _nbiny = 2*( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 )
static int _nbuf = 5
static float _xmax = 0.5 + MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85
static float _xmin = -( 0.5 + MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85 )
static float _ymax = 180.5 + ( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 )
static float _ymin = 180.5 - ( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 )

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file MEGeom.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual MEGeom::~MEGeom ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 35 of file MEGeom.h.


Member Function Documentation

void MEGeom::drawGlobalBoundaries ( int  lineColor) [static]

Definition at line 254 of file

References MEEBGeom::getGraphBoundary(), MEEEGeom::getGraphBoundary(), MEEEGeom::iSector, ecalpyutils::ism(), MEEBGeom::iSuperModule, and n.

  TGraph* gr(0);
  for( int ism=1; ism<=36; ism++ )
      gr = MEEBGeom::getGraphBoundary( MEEBGeom::iSuperModule, ism, true );
      gr->SetLineWidth( 2 );
      gr->SetLineColor( lineColor );
  for( int isec=1; isec<=9; isec++ )
      gr = MEEEGeom::getGraphBoundary( MEEEGeom::iSector, isec );
      TGraph* grm = (TGraph*) gr->Clone();
      TGraph* grp = (TGraph*) gr->Clone();
      int n = gr->GetN();
      //      std::cout << std::endl;
      for( int ii=0; ii<n; ii++ )
          double x_, y_;
          gr->GetPoint( ii, x_, y_ );
          //      std::cout << isec << " " << ii << " x=" << x_ << " y=" << y_ << std::endl;

          double xx_, yy_;

          xx_ = -85-x_;
          yy_ = 231-y_;
          //      std::cout << isec << " " << 0 << " x=" << xx_ << " y=" << yy_ << std::endl;

          grm->SetPoint( ii, xx_, yy_ );

          xx_ =  85+x_;
          yy_ =  231-y_;
          //      std::cout << isec << " " << 1 << " x=" << xx_ << " y=" << yy_ << std::endl;
          grp->SetPoint( ii, xx_, yy_ );
      grm->SetLineColor( lineColor );
      grm->SetLineWidth( 2 );
      grp->SetLineColor( lineColor );
      grp->SetLineWidth( 2 );
void MEGeom::drawHist ( int  ilmr,
int  unit,
TCanvas *  canv = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 167 of file

References h, ME::iCrystal, ME::iElectronicChannel, ME::iHVChannel, ME::iLMModule, ME::iLMRegion, ME::iLVChannel, ME::iSector, and ME::iSuperCrystal.


  TH2* h = getHist( ilmr, histtype );
  assert( h!=0 );
  TString tname = h->GetTitle();
  switch( histtype )
    case ME::iSector: break;
    case ME::iLMRegion: tname += " Monitoring Regions"; break;
    case ME::iLMModule: tname += " Monitoring Modules"; break;
    case ME::iSuperCrystal: tname += " Super Crystals"; break;
    case ME::iCrystal: tname += " Crystals"; break;
    case ME::iElectronicChannel: tname += " Electronic Channels"; break;
    case ME::iHVChannel: tname += " HV Channels"; break;
    case ME::iLVChannel: tname += " LV Channels"; break;
  if( canv==0 )
      TString cname = tname;
      cname.ReplaceAll(" ","_");
      canv = new TCanvas( cname, cname, 10, 10, 500, 500 );
  canv->SetTitle( tname );


  TGraph* gsect = getBoundary( ilmr, ME::iSector );
  assert( gsect!=0 );
  gsect->SetLineWidth( 1 );
  TGraph* gside = getBoundary( ilmr, ME::iLMRegion );
  assert( gside!=0 );
  gside->SetLineWidth( 2 );
TGraph * MEGeom::getBoundary ( int  ilmr,
int  unit 
) [static]

Definition at line 115 of file

References ME::iEBM, ME::iEBP, ME::iEEM, ME::iEEP, ME::iLMRegion, ME::iSector, ecalpyutils::ism(), ME::regionAndSector(), and reco_application_2006_simpleTBanalysis_cfg::rootfile.

  // for local pictures, only sector or monitoring region
  if( histtype!=ME::iSector && histtype!=ME::iLMRegion ) 
    histtype = ME::iSector;

  int ireg;
  int ism;
  int idcc; 
  int side;
  ME::regionAndSector( ilmr, ireg, ism, idcc, side );

  // to produce these root files, run the runGeom executable
  TGraph* g_(0);
  TFile* rootfile(0);
  TString gn_;
  if( ireg==ME::iEBM || ireg==ME::iEBP )
      rootfile = TFile::Open("ebgeom.root");
      assert( rootfile!=0 );
      switch (histtype)
        case ME::iSector:             gn_ = "SuperModule"; break;
        case ME::iLMRegion:   gn_ = "Side_"; gn_+=side; break;
      int isect=ism;
      if( ireg==ME::iEEM ) 
          rootfile = TFile::Open("eegeom_1.root");
      if( ireg==ME::iEEP ) rootfile = TFile::Open("eegeom_2.root");
      assert( rootfile!=0 );
      int lmr_= ilmr;
      if( ireg==ME::iEEP ) lmr_-=72;
      else if( ireg==ME::iEEM ) lmr_-=82;
      switch (histtype)
        case ME::iSector:             gn_ = "Sector_"; gn_+=isect; break;
        case ME::iLMRegion:   gn_ = "LMRegion_"; gn_+=lmr_; break;
  g_ = (TGraph*) rootfile->Get( gn_ );
  return g_;
TH2 * MEGeom::getGlobalHist ( const char *  name = 0) [static]

Definition at line 207 of file

References h.

  TH2* h = (TH2*)_h->Clone( name );
  return h;
TH2 * MEGeom::getHist ( int  ilmr,
int  unit 
) [static]

Definition at line 34 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, ME::iCrystal, ME::iEBM, ME::iEBP, ME::iEEM, ME::iEEP, ME::iElectronicChannel, ME::iHVChannel, ME::iLMModule, ME::iLMRegion, ME::iLVChannel, ME::iSector, ecalpyutils::ism(), ME::iSuperCrystal, ME::regionAndSector(), reco_application_2006_simpleTBanalysis_cfg::rootfile, and ecaldqm::smName().

  int ireg;
  int ism;
  int idcc; 
  int side;
  ME::regionAndSector( ilmr, ireg, ism, idcc, side );

  std::cout << "LM region=" << ilmr << " reg/sm/dcc/side " << ireg << "/" << ism << "/" << idcc << "/" << side << std::endl;

  TString hname = "LMR="; hname += ilmr; hname += " ";
  if( ireg==ME::iEEM || ireg==ME::iEEP )
      hname += MEEEGeom::smName( ism );
  else if( ireg==ME::iEBM || ireg==ME::iEBP )
      hname += MEEBGeom::smName( ism );

  hname += " ";
  hname += "DCC="; hname += idcc; hname += "/" ; hname += side;
  // to produce these root files, run the runGeom executable
  TH2* h_(0);
  TFile* rootfile(0);
  TString hn_;
  if( ireg==ME::iEBM || ireg==ME::iEBP )
      rootfile = TFile::Open("ebgeom.root");
      assert( rootfile!=0 );
      switch ( unit )
        case ME::iSector:             break;
        case ME::iLMRegion:           hn_ += "_side";   break;
        case ME::iLMModule:           hn_ += "_lmmod";  break;
        case ME::iSuperCrystal:       hn_ += "_tt";     break;
        case ME::iCrystal:            hn_ += "_cr";     break;
        case ME::iElectronicChannel:  hn_ += "_elecr";  break;
        case ME::iHVChannel:          hn_ += "_hv";     break;
        case ME::iLVChannel:          hn_ += "_lv";     break;
      int isect=ism;
      if( ireg==ME::iEEM )
          rootfile = TFile::Open("eegeom_1.root");
      if( ireg==ME::iEEP ) rootfile = TFile::Open("eegeom_2.root");
      assert( rootfile!=0 );
      hn_="eem_S"; hn_+= isect; 
      switch (unit)
        case ME::iSector:             break;
        case ME::iLMRegion:   break;
        case ME::iLMModule:   hn_ += "_lmmod";  break;
        case ME::iSuperCrystal:       hn_ += "_sc";     break;
        case ME::iCrystal:            hn_ += "_cr";     break;
        case ME::iElectronicChannel:  hn_ += "_cr";  break;
        case ME::iHVChannel:          break;
        case ME::iLVChannel:          break;
  h_ = (TH2*) rootfile->Get( hn_ );
  h_->SetTitle( hname );
  return h_;
void MEGeom::setBinGlobalHist ( TH2 *  h,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iz,
float  val 
) [static]

Definition at line 215 of file

References abs, lumiQTWidget::ax, and createXMLFile::iphi.

  // make sure it's a global hist
  TAxis* ax = h->GetXaxis();
  TAxis* ay = h->GetYaxis();
  assert( ax->GetNbins()==_nbinx && ay->GetNbins()==_nbiny );
  assert( ax->GetXmax()==_xmax && ax->GetXmin()==_xmin );
  assert( ay->GetXmax()==_ymax && ay->GetXmin()==_ymin );

  int ibinx(0);
  int ibiny(0);

  if( iz==0 )
      int ieta = ix;
      int iphi = iy;
      assert( abs(ieta)>=1 && abs(ieta)<=85 );
      assert( iphi>=1 && iphi<=360 );
      ibinx = ax->FindBin( ieta );
      ibiny = ay->FindBin( iphi );
  else if( iz==-1 )
      assert( ix>=1 && ix<=100 && iy>=1 && iy<=100 );
      ibinx = (_nbuf+100+1)-ix;
      ibiny = (_nbuf+180+50+1)-iy;
  else if( iz==1  )
      assert( ix>=1 && ix<=100 && iy>=1 && iy<=100 );
      ibinx = _nbinx+1-((_nbuf+100+1)-ix);
      ibiny = (_nbuf+180+50+1)-iy;
  h->SetBinContent( ibinx, ibiny, val );

Member Data Documentation

TH2 * MEGeom::_h [static, private]
Initial value:
 new TH2F( "globalEcal", "Global representation of ECAL",
                            MEGeom::_nbinx, MEGeom::_xmin, MEGeom::_xmax, 
                            MEGeom::_nbiny, MEGeom::_ymin, MEGeom::_ymax )

Definition at line 46 of file MEGeom.h.

int MEGeom::_nbinx = 2*( MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85 ) + 1 [static, private]

Definition at line 40 of file MEGeom.h.

int MEGeom::_nbiny = 2*( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 ) [static, private]

Definition at line 41 of file MEGeom.h.

int MEGeom::_nbuf = 5 [static, private]

Definition at line 39 of file MEGeom.h.

float MEGeom::_xmax = 0.5 + MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85 [static, private]

Definition at line 43 of file MEGeom.h.

float MEGeom::_xmin = -( 0.5 + MEGeom::_nbuf + 100 + 85 ) [static, private]

Definition at line 42 of file MEGeom.h.

float MEGeom::_ymax = 180.5 + ( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 ) [static, private]

Definition at line 45 of file MEGeom.h.

float MEGeom::_ymin = 180.5 - ( MEGeom::_nbuf + 180 ) [static, private]

Definition at line 44 of file MEGeom.h.