Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319 Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const Event &event)
 CMS_2011_I930319 ()
void finalize ()
void init ()

Public Attributes

double evcounter_dijet
double evcounter_mb

Private Attributes

AIDA::IHistogram1D * _hist_dijet_09
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _hist_dijet_7
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _hist_mb_09
AIDA::IHistogram1D * _hist_mb_7

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::CMS_2011_I930319 ( ) [inline]


Definition at line 21 of file

      : Analysis("CMS_2011_I930319")

Member Function Documentation

void Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::analyze ( const Event event) [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file

References _hist_dijet_09, _hist_dijet_7, _hist_mb_09, _hist_mb_7, evcounter_dijet, evcounter_mb, event(), lumiContext::fill, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, METSkim_cff::Jets, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, PI, and CommonMethods::weight().

    const double weight = event.weight();     
    // Skip if the event is empty
    const FinalState& fsv = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "fsv");
    if (fsv.empty()) vetoEvent;
    // Veto diffraction according to defined hadron level.
    double count_chrg_forward = 0;
    double count_chrg_backward = 0;
    const FinalState& fschrgdv = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "fschrgdv");

    foreach (const Particle& p, fschrgdv.particles()) {
      if( 3.9 < p.momentum().pseudorapidity() && 
          p.momentum().pseudorapidity() < 4.4){count_chrg_forward++;}
      if(-4.4 < p.momentum().pseudorapidity() && 
         p.momentum().pseudorapidity() < -3.9){count_chrg_backward++;}

    if(count_chrg_forward*count_chrg_backward==0) {
    const FastJets& jetpro = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "Jets"); 
    const Jets& jets = jetpro.jetsByPt(7.0*GeV);
    //  ============================== MINIMUM BIAS EVENTS                                      
    //loop over particles to calculate the energy
    evcounter_mb += weight;
    foreach (const Particle& p, fsv.particles()) {

      if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 900, 1E-3)) {_hist_mb_09 -> 
          fill(fabs(p.momentum().pseudorapidity()), weight * p.momentum().E()/GeV );}

      if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 7000, 1E-3)) {_hist_mb_7 -> 
          fill(fabs(p.momentum().pseudorapidity()), weight * p.momentum().E()/GeV );}  

    //  ============================== DIJET EVENTS  
      signed int index_1 = -1;  //for the jet with the 1.highest pT
      signed int index_2 = -1;  //for the jet with the 2.highest pT
      double tempmax_1 = -100;
      double tempmax_2 = -100;
      //jet with the 1.highest pt       
      for(signed int ijets = 0; ijets < (int)jets.size(); ijets++){
        if(tempmax_1 == -100 || tempmax_1 < jets[ijets].momentum().pT()/GeV)
            tempmax_1 = jets[ijets].momentum().pT()/GeV;
            index_1 = ijets;
      //jet with the 2. highest pt      
      for(signed int ijets = 0; ijets < (int)jets.size(); ijets++){             
        if(tempmax_2 == -100 || tempmax_2 < jets[ijets].momentum().pT()/GeV){   
          if(jets[ijets].momentum().pT()/GeV < tempmax_1){
            tempmax_2 = jets[ijets].momentum().pT()/GeV;
            index_2 = ijets;
      if(index_1 != -1 && index_2 != -1){
        double diffphi = jets[index_2].momentum().phi() - jets[index_1].momentum().phi();                                
        if(diffphi < -PI){ diffphi += 2.0*PI; }
        if(diffphi > PI){ diffphi -= 2.0*PI; }
        diffphi = fabs(diffphi);
        // *******
        // 900 GeV 
        // *******
        if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 900, 1E-3)){        

          //pt cut
          if(jets[index_1].momentum().pT()/GeV > 8.0 && jets[index_2].momentum().pT()/GeV >8.0){                                

            //eta cut for the central jets
            if(fabs(jets[index_1].momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5 && 
               fabs(jets[index_2].momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5){
              //back to back condition of the jets
              if(fabs(diffphi-PI) < 1.0){       
                evcounter_dijet += weight;                                              
                //  E-flow                                              
                foreach (const Particle& p, fsv.particles()){   
                    fill(fabs(p.momentum().pseudorapidity()), weight*p.momentum().E()/GeV);
                }//foreach particle        
            }// else (eta cut central region)
          }//pt cut                     
        }// energy 
        // ********     
        // 7000 GeV             
        // ********
        if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 7000, 1E-3)){
          //pt cut
          if(jets[index_1].momentum().pT()/GeV > 20.0 && jets[index_2].momentum().pT()/GeV > 20.0){     

            //eta cut for the central jets
            if(fabs(jets[index_1].momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5 && 
               fabs(jets[index_2].momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5){
              //back to back condition of the jets
              if(fabs(diffphi-PI) < 1.0){       
                evcounter_dijet += weight;
                foreach (const Particle& p, fsv.particles()){                                                           
                    fill(fabs(p.momentum().pseudorapidity()), weight*p.momentum().E()/GeV);
                }//foreach particle
            }// else (eta cut central region)
          }//pt cut
        }// energy                      
      }// if index        
    }// analysis 
void Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::finalize ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 212 of file

References _hist_dijet_09, _hist_dijet_7, _hist_mb_09, _hist_mb_7, evcounter_dijet, evcounter_mb, dtDQMClient_cfg::INFO, and pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale.

    const double norm_dijet = evcounter_dijet*2.0 ; //AK norm factor 2 for the +/- region
    const double norm_mb = evcounter_mb*2.0 ;
    if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 900, 1E-3)){
        scale(_hist_mb_09, 1.0/norm_mb);
        scale(_hist_dijet_09, 1.0/norm_dijet);

    if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 7000, 1E-3)){
      scale(_hist_dijet_7, 1.0/norm_dijet);
      scale(_hist_mb_7, 1.0/norm_mb);
    getLog() << Log::INFO << " " << endl;
    getLog() << Log::INFO << "Number of MB events:  " << norm_mb << endl;
    getLog() << Log::INFO << "Number of di-jet events :  " << norm_dijet  <<endl;
void Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::init ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file

References _hist_dijet_09, _hist_dijet_7, _hist_mb_09, _hist_mb_7, evcounter_dijet, evcounter_mb, and pat::MUON.

    const FinalState fs(-6.0,6.0,0.0*GeV);             
    addProjection(fs, "FS"); 
    addProjection(FastJets(fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5), "Jets"); 
    VetoedFinalState fsv(fs);
    fsv.addVetoPairDetail(MUON, 0.0*GeV, 99999.9*GeV);
    addProjection(fsv, "fsv");
    // for the MB ND selection
    const ChargedFinalState fschrgd(-6.0,6.0,0.0*GeV);             
    addProjection(fschrgd, "fschrgd"); 
    VetoedFinalState fschrgdv(fschrgd);
    addProjection(fschrgdv, "fschrgdv");
    evcounter_mb = 0;
    evcounter_dijet = 0;
    if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 900, 1E-3)){
      _hist_mb_09        = bookHistogram1D(1,1,1); // energy flow in MB, 0.9 TeV
      _hist_dijet_09     = bookHistogram1D(2,1,1); // energy flow in dijet events, 0.9 TeV

    if(fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 7000, 1E-3)){     
      _hist_mb_7         = bookHistogram1D(3,1,1); // energy flow in MB, 7 TeV
      _hist_dijet_7      = bookHistogram1D(4,1,1); // energy flow in dijet events, 7 TeV


Member Data Documentation

AIDA::IHistogram1D* Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::_hist_dijet_09 [private]

Definition at line 237 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

AIDA::IHistogram1D* Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::_hist_dijet_7 [private]

Definition at line 239 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

AIDA::IHistogram1D* Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::_hist_mb_09 [private]

Definition at line 236 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

AIDA::IHistogram1D* Rivet::CMS_2011_I930319::_hist_mb_7 [private]

Definition at line 238 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 30 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 29 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().