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AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D:

List of all members.


class  MuonSystemMapPlot1D
struct  MyCSCDetId
struct  MyResidual
struct  MyTrack

Public Member Functions

void afterAlignment (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
void book ()
 Book or retrieve histograms; MUST be reimplemented.
void event (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const ConstTrajTrackPairCollection &iTrajTracks)
 Called for each event (by "run()"): may be reimplemented.
void processMuonResidualsFromTrack (MuonResidualsFromTrack &mrft, const edm::Event &iEvent)
virtual ~AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D ()

Private Member Functions

std::string num02d (int num)

Private Attributes

bool m_allowTIDTEC
long m_counter_13numhits
long m_counter_2numhits
long m_counter_csc
long m_counter_cscnumhits
long m_counter_dt
long m_counter_event
long m_counter_track
long m_counter_trackdxy
long m_counter_trackmoment
long m_counter_trackokay
bool m_createNtuple
TTree * m_cscnt
MuonSystemMapPlot1Dm_CSCvsphi_me [2][4][3]
MuonSystemMapPlot1Dm_CSCvsr_me [2][4][36]
bool m_doCSC
bool m_doDT
MuonSystemMapPlot1Dm_DTvsphi_station [4][5]
MuonSystemMapPlot1Dm_DTvsz_station [4][14]
MyCSCDetId m_id
double m_maxDxy
double m_maxTrackerRedChi2
double m_maxTrackP
double m_maxTrackPt
int m_minCSCHits
int m_minDT13Hits
int m_minDT2Hits
int m_minNCrossedChambers
int m_minTrackerHits
double m_minTrackP
double m_minTrackPt
edm::InputTag m_muonCollectionTag
< MuonSystemMapPlot1D * > 
MyResidual m_re
UInt_t m_run
MyTrack m_tr
bool m_useStubPosition

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Definition at line 140 of file

References AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyCSCDetId::e, m_createNtuple, m_cscnt, m_id, m_re, m_run, m_tr, AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyTrack::q, and AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::res.

   : AlignmentMonitorBase(cfg, "AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D")
   , m_muonCollectionTag(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muonCollectionTag"))
   , m_minTrackPt(cfg.getParameter<double>("minTrackPt"))
   , m_maxTrackPt(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxTrackPt"))
   , m_minTrackP(cfg.getParameter<double>("minTrackP"))
   , m_maxTrackP(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxTrackP"))
   , m_maxDxy(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxDxy"))
   , m_minTrackerHits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minTrackerHits"))
   , m_maxTrackerRedChi2(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxTrackerRedChi2"))
   , m_allowTIDTEC(cfg.getParameter<bool>("allowTIDTEC"))
   , m_minNCrossedChambers(cfg.getParameter<int>("minNCrossedChambers"))
   , m_minDT13Hits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minDT13Hits"))
   , m_minDT2Hits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minDT2Hits"))
   , m_minCSCHits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minCSCHits"))
   , m_doDT(cfg.getParameter<bool>("doDT"))
   , m_doCSC(cfg.getParameter<bool>("doCSC"))
   , m_useStubPosition(cfg.getParameter<bool>("useStubPosition"))
   , m_createNtuple(cfg.getParameter<bool>("createNtuple"))
  if (m_createNtuple)
    edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
    m_cscnt = fs->make<TTree>("mualNtuple", "mualNtuple");
    m_cscnt->Branch("id", &m_id.e,"e/S:s:r:c:t");
    m_cscnt->Branch("tr", &m_tr.q,"q/I:pt/F:pz");
    m_cscnt->Branch("re", &m_re.res, "res/F:slope:rho:phi:z");
    m_cscnt->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/i");
virtual AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::~AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 32 of file


Member Function Documentation

void AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::afterAlignment ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup) [virtual]

Called after updating AlignableTracker and AlignableMuon (by "endOfLoop()"): may be reimplemented

Reimplemented from AlignmentMonitorBase.

Definition at line 468 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, m_counter_13numhits, m_counter_2numhits, m_counter_csc, m_counter_cscnumhits, m_counter_dt, m_counter_event, m_counter_track, m_counter_trackdxy, m_counter_trackmoment, and m_counter_trackokay.

  std::cout << "AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D counters:"<<std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_event      = " << m_counter_event << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_track      = " << m_counter_track << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_trackppt   = " << m_counter_trackmoment << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_trackdxy   = " << m_counter_trackdxy  << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_trackokay  = " << m_counter_trackokay << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_dt         = " << m_counter_dt << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_13numhits  = " << m_counter_13numhits << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_2numhits   = " << m_counter_2numhits << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_csc        = " << m_counter_csc << std::endl;
  std::cout << " monitor m_counter_cscnumhits = " << m_counter_cscnumhits << std::endl;
void AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::book ( ) [virtual]

Book or retrieve histograms; MUST be reimplemented.

Implements AlignmentMonitorBase.

Definition at line 181 of file

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, m_counter_13numhits, m_counter_2numhits, m_counter_csc, m_counter_cscnumhits, m_counter_dt, m_counter_event, m_counter_track, m_counter_trackdxy, m_counter_trackmoment, m_counter_trackokay, m_CSCvsphi_me, m_CSCvsr_me, m_doCSC, m_doDT, m_DTvsphi_station, m_DTvsz_station, M_PI, m_plots, num02d(), relativeConstraints::ring, relativeConstraints::station, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  std::string wheel_label[5]={"A","B","C","D","E"};

  for (int station = 1; station<=4; station++)
    char c_station[4];
    sprintf(c_station, "%d", station);
    std::string s_station(c_station);
    bool do_y = true;
    if (station==4) do_y = false;

    // *** DT ***
    if (m_doDT) for (int sector = 1;  sector <= 14;  sector++)
      if ((station<4 && sector <= 12) || station==4)
        m_DTvsz_station[station-1][sector-1] = 
          new MuonSystemMapPlot1D("DTvsz_st" + s_station + "sec" + num02d(sector), this, 60, -660., 660., do_y,false);

    if (m_doDT) for (int wheel = -2;  wheel <= 2;  wheel++)
      m_DTvsphi_station[station-1][wheel+2] = 
        new MuonSystemMapPlot1D("DTvsphi_st" + s_station + "wh" + wheel_label[wheel+2], this, 180, -M_PI, M_PI, do_y, false);

    // *** CSC ***
    if (m_doCSC) for (int endcap = 1;  endcap <= 2;  endcap++)
      std::string s_endcap("m");
      if (endcap == 1) s_endcap = "p";

      for (int chamber = 1;  chamber <= 36;  chamber++)
        m_CSCvsr_me[endcap-1][station-1][chamber-1] =
          new MuonSystemMapPlot1D("CSCvsr_me" + s_endcap + s_station +"ch" + num02d(chamber), this, 60, 100., 700., false, false);
      for (int ring = 1; ring <= 3; ring++) // the ME1/a (ring4) is not independent from ME1/b (ring1)
        char c_ring[4];
        sprintf(c_ring, "%d", ring);
        std::string s_ring(c_ring);
        if ( (station>1 && ring<=2) || station==1)
          m_CSCvsphi_me[endcap-1][station-1][ring-1] = 
            new MuonSystemMapPlot1D("CSCvsphi_me" + s_endcap + s_station + s_ring, this, 180, -M_PI/180.*5., M_PI*(2.-5./180.), false, true);
    } // endcaps
  } // stations

  m_counter_event = 0;
  m_counter_track = 0;
  m_counter_trackmoment = 0;
  m_counter_trackdxy = 0;
  m_counter_trackokay = 0;
  m_counter_dt = 0;
  m_counter_13numhits = 0;
  m_counter_2numhits = 0;
  m_counter_csc = 0;
  m_counter_cscnumhits = 0;
void AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::event ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const ConstTrajTrackPairCollection iTrajTracks 
) [virtual]

Called for each event (by "run()"): may be reimplemented.

Reimplemented from AlignmentMonitorBase.

Definition at line 253 of file

References SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::beamSpot, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::InputTag::label(), AlignmentMonitorBase::m_beamSpotTag, m_counter_event, m_counter_track, m_counter_trackdxy, m_counter_trackmoment, m_maxDxy, m_maxTrackP, m_maxTrackPt, m_minTrackP, m_muonCollectionTag, metsig::muon, patZpeak::muons, reco::TrackBase::p(), AlignmentMonitorBase::pNavigator(), processMuonResidualsFromTrack(), and reco::TrackBase::pt().


  edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> globalGeometry;

  edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpot;
  iEvent.getByLabel(m_beamSpotTag, beamSpot);

  if (m_muonCollectionTag.label().empty()) // use trajectories
    for (ConstTrajTrackPairCollection::const_iterator trajtrack = trajtracks.begin();  trajtrack != trajtracks.end();  ++trajtrack)
      const Trajectory* traj = (*trajtrack).first;
      const reco::Track* track = (*trajtrack).second;

      if (m_minTrackPt < track->pt()  &&  track->pt() < m_maxTrackPt && m_minTrackP < track->p()  &&  track->p() < m_maxTrackP)
        if ( fabs(track->dxy(beamSpot->position())) < m_maxDxy )

          MuonResidualsFromTrack muonResidualsFromTrack(globalGeometry, traj, track, pNavigator(), 1000.);
          processMuonResidualsFromTrack(muonResidualsFromTrack, iEvent);
      } // end if track has acceptable momentum
    } // end loop over tracks
    edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muons;
    iEvent.getByLabel(m_muonCollectionTag, muons);

    for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator muon = muons->begin();  muon != muons->end();  ++muon)
      if ( !(muon->isTrackerMuon() && muon->innerTrack().isNonnull() ) ) continue;


      if (m_minTrackPt < muon->pt()  &&  muon->pt() < m_maxTrackPt && m_minTrackP < muon->p()  &&  muon->p() < m_maxTrackP )
        if (fabs(muon->innerTrack()->dxy(beamSpot->position())) < m_maxDxy)

          MuonResidualsFromTrack muonResidualsFromTrack(globalGeometry, &(*muon), pNavigator(), 100.);
          processMuonResidualsFromTrack(muonResidualsFromTrack, iEvent);
std::string AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::num02d ( int  num) [private]

Definition at line 172 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and tmp.

Referenced by book().

  assert(num>=0 && num <100);
  char tmp[4];
  sprintf(tmp, "%02d", num);
  return std::string(tmp);
void AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::processMuonResidualsFromTrack ( MuonResidualsFromTrack mrft,
const edm::Event iEvent 

Definition at line 311 of file

References MuonResidualsFromTrack::chamberIds(), MuonResidualsFromTrack::chamberResidual(), reco::TrackBase::charge(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), MuonChamberResidual::chi2(), MuonResidualsFromTrack::contains_TIDTEC(), CSC(), GeomDetEnumerators::DT, Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MuonSystemMapPlot1D::fill_dxdz(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MuonSystemMapPlot1D::fill_dydz(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MuonSystemMapPlot1D::fill_x(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MuonSystemMapPlot1D::fill_x_1d(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MuonSystemMapPlot1D::fill_y(), MuonResidualsFromTrack::getTrack(), MuonChamberResidual::global_residual(), MuonChamberResidual::global_resslope(), MuonChamberResidual::global_stubpos(), MuonChamberResidual::global_trackpos(), edm::EventBase::id(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyCSCDetId::init(), MuonChamberResidual::kCSC, MuonChamberResidual::kDT13, MuonChamberResidual::kDT2, m_allowTIDTEC, m_counter_13numhits, m_counter_2numhits, m_counter_csc, m_counter_cscnumhits, m_counter_dt, m_counter_trackokay, m_createNtuple, m_cscnt, m_CSCvsphi_me, m_CSCvsr_me, m_doCSC, m_doDT, m_DTvsphi_station, m_DTvsz_station, m_id, m_maxTrackerRedChi2, m_minCSCHits, m_minDT13Hits, m_minDT2Hits, m_minNCrossedChambers, m_minTrackerHits, M_PI, m_re, m_run, m_tr, m_useStubPosition, DetId::Muon, MuonChamberResidual::ndof(), MuonResidualsFromTrack::normalizedChi2(), NULL, MuonChamberResidual::numHits(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::phi, phi, funct::pow(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyTrack::pt, reco::TrackBase::pz(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyTrack::pz, AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyTrack::q, dttmaxenums::R, AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::res, AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::rho, relativeConstraints::ring, edm::EventID::run(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::slope, mathSSE::sqrt(), relativeConstraints::station, MuonResidualsFromTrack::trackerNumHits(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::MyResidual::z, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and z.

Referenced by event().

  if (mrft.trackerNumHits() < m_minTrackerHits) return;
  if (!m_allowTIDTEC  && mrft.contains_TIDTEC()) return;
  if (mrft.normalizedChi2() > m_maxTrackerRedChi2) return;

  int nMuChambers = 0;
  std::vector<DetId> chamberIds = mrft.chamberIds();
  for (unsigned ch=0; ch < chamberIds.size(); ch++)  if (chamberIds[ch].det() == DetId::Muon)  nMuChambers++;
  if (nMuChambers < m_minNCrossedChambers ) return;

  char charge = (mrft.getTrack()->charge() > 0 ? 1 : -1);
  // double qoverpt = track->charge() / track->pt();
  // double qoverpz = track->charge() / track->pz();


  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator chamberId = chamberIds.begin();  chamberId != chamberIds.end();  ++chamberId)
    if (chamberId->det() != DetId::Muon  ) continue;

    if (m_doDT  &&  chamberId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
      MuonChamberResidual *dt13 = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT13);
      MuonChamberResidual *dt2 = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT2);
      DTChamberId id(chamberId->rawId());


      if (id.station() < 4 && dt13 != NULL  &&  dt13->numHits() >= m_minDT13Hits && dt2 != NULL  &&  dt2->numHits() >= m_minDT2Hits)

        double residual = dt13->global_residual();
        double resslope = dt13->global_resslope();
        double chi2 = dt13->chi2();
        int dof = dt13->ndof();

        align::GlobalPoint gpos;
        if (m_useStubPosition) gpos = dt13->global_stubpos();
        else gpos = dt13->global_trackpos();
        double phi = atan2(gpos.y(), gpos.x());
        double z = gpos.z();

        assert(1 <= id.sector()  &&  id.sector() <= 14);

        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_x(charge, z, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_dxdz(charge, z, resslope, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_x(charge, phi, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_dxdz(charge, phi, resslope, chi2, dof);


        residual = dt2->global_residual();
        resslope = dt2->global_resslope();
        chi2 = dt2->chi2();
        dof = dt2->ndof();

        if (m_useStubPosition) gpos = dt2->global_stubpos();
        else gpos = dt2->global_trackpos();
        phi = atan2(gpos.y(), gpos.x());
        z = gpos.z();

        assert(1 <= id.sector()  &&  id.sector() <= 14);

        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_y(charge, z, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_dydz(charge, z, resslope, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_y(charge, phi, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_dydz(charge, phi, resslope, chi2, dof);

      if (id.station() == 4 && dt13 != NULL  &&  dt13->numHits() >= m_minDT13Hits)

        double residual = dt13->global_residual();
        double resslope = dt13->global_resslope();
        double chi2 = dt13->chi2();
        int dof = dt13->ndof();

        align::GlobalPoint gpos;
        if (m_useStubPosition) gpos = dt13->global_stubpos();
        else gpos = dt13->global_trackpos();
        double phi = atan2(gpos.y(), gpos.x());
        double z = gpos.z();

        assert(1 <= id.sector()  &&  id.sector() <= 14);

        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_x(charge, z, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsz_station[id.station()-1][id.sector()-1]->fill_dxdz(charge, z, resslope, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_x(charge, phi, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_DTvsphi_station[id.station()-1][id.wheel()+2]->fill_dxdz(charge, phi, resslope, chi2, dof);

    else if (m_doCSC  &&  chamberId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
      MuonChamberResidual *csc = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kCSC);
      CSCDetId id(chamberId->rawId());

      int ring = id.ring();
      if (id.ring()==4) ring = 1; // combine ME1/a + ME1/b


      if (csc != NULL  &&  csc->numHits() >= m_minCSCHits)

        double residual = csc->global_residual();
        double resslope = csc->global_resslope();
        double chi2 = csc->chi2();
        int dof = csc->ndof();

        align::GlobalPoint gpos;
        if (m_useStubPosition) gpos = csc->global_stubpos();
        else gpos = csc->global_trackpos();
        double phi = atan2(gpos.y(), gpos.x());
        // start phi from -5deg
        if (phi<-M_PI/180.*5.) phi += 2.*M_PI;
        double R = sqrt(pow(gpos.x(), 2) + pow(gpos.y(), 2));

        int chamber = id.chamber() - 1;
        if (id.station() > 1  &&  ring == 1) chamber *= 2;

        assert(1 <= id.endcap()  &&  id.endcap() <= 2  &&  0 <= chamber  &&  chamber <= 35);

        if (R>0.) m_CSCvsphi_me[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][ring-1]->fill_x_1d(residual/R, chi2, dof);

        m_CSCvsr_me[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][chamber]->fill_x(charge, R, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_CSCvsr_me[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][chamber]->fill_dxdz(charge, R, resslope, chi2, dof);
        m_CSCvsphi_me[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][ring-1]->fill_x(charge, phi, residual, chi2, dof);
        m_CSCvsphi_me[id.endcap()-1][id.station()-1][ring-1]->fill_dxdz(charge, phi, resslope, chi2, dof);

        if (m_createNtuple && chi2 > 0.)//  &&  TMath::Prob(chi2, dof) < 0.95)
          m_tr.q = charge;
 = mrft.getTrack()->pt();
          m_tr.pz = mrft.getTrack()->pz();
          m_re.res = residual;
          m_re.slope = resslope;
          m_re.rho = R;
          m_re.phi = phi;
          m_re.z = gpos.z();
          m_run =;


    //else { assert(false); }
  } // end loop over chambers

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 52 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by afterAlignment(), book(), and event().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by afterAlignment(), book(), and event().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by afterAlignment(), book(), and event().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by afterAlignment(), book(), and event().

Definition at line 98 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 96 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 97 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 95 of file

Referenced by book(), and processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by event().

Definition at line 51 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by event().

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by event().

Definition at line 56 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 50 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().

Definition at line 47 of file

Referenced by event().

Definition at line 45 of file

Definition at line 44 of file

Referenced by event().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by book().

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by processMuonResidualsFromTrack().