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pos::PixelNameTranslation Class Reference

This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation... More...

#include <PixelNameTranslation.h>

Inheritance diagram for pos::PixelNameTranslation:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

PixelChannel ChannelFromFEDChannel (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int fedchannel) const
const bool checkFor (const PixelROCName &aROC) const
bool checkROCExistence (const PixelROCName &aROC) const
bool FEDChannelExist (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int fedchannel) const
const PixelHdwAddressfirstHdwAddress (const PixelModuleName &aModule) const
const PixelChannelgetChannelForROC (const PixelROCName &aROC) const
const PixelChannelgetChannelFromHdwAddress (const PixelHdwAddress &aHdwAddress) const
std::set< PixelChannelgetChannels () const
std::set< PixelChannelgetChannels (const PixelDetectorConfig &aDetectorConfig) const
std::set< PixelChannelgetChannelsOnModule (const PixelModuleName &aModule) const
std::map< unsigned int,
std::set< unsigned int > > 
getFEDsAndChannels () const
const PixelHdwAddressgetHdwAddress (const PixelChannel &aChannel) const
const PixelHdwAddressgetHdwAddress (const PixelROCName &aROC) const
std::list< const
PixelModuleName * > 
getModules () const
std::list< const PixelROCName * > getROCs () const
const std::vector< PixelROCName > & getROCsFromChannel (const PixelChannel &aChannel) const
const std::vector< PixelROCName > & getROCsFromFEDChannel (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int fedchannel) const
std::vector< PixelROCNamegetROCsFromModule (const PixelModuleName &aModule) const
 PixelNameTranslation (std::string filename)
 PixelNameTranslation (std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &tableMat)
bool ROCexists (PixelROCName theROC)
PixelROCName ROCNameFromFEDChannelROC (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int channel, unsigned int roc) const
bool ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int channel, unsigned int roc) const
void writeASCII (std::string dir="") const
void writeXML (pos::PixelConfigKey key, int version, std::string path) const
virtual void writeXML (std::ofstream *out, std::ofstream *out1=NULL, std::ofstream *out2=NULL) const
virtual void writeXMLHeader (pos::PixelConfigKey key, int version, std::string path, std::ofstream *out, std::ofstream *out1=NULL, std::ofstream *out2=NULL) const
virtual void writeXMLTrailer (std::ofstream *out, std::ofstream *out1=NULL, std::ofstream *out2=NULL) const
virtual ~PixelNameTranslation ()

Private Member Functions

std::vector< PixelROCNamebuildROCsFromFEDChannel (unsigned int fednumber, unsigned int fedchannel) const

Private Attributes

std::map< PixelChannel,
std::map< PixelHdwAddress,
PixelROCName, PixelHdwAddress
std::map< PixelHdwAddress,
std::map< unsigned int,
std::map< unsigned int,
std::vector< PixelROCName > > > 
std::map< PixelROCName,


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelNameTranslation &table)

Detailed Description

This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation...

" "

This class provides a translation from the naming documents standard to specify the ROC to the corresponding set of mfec, mfecchanner, hubaddress portadd and rocid

Definition at line 41 of file PixelNameTranslation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation ( std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &  tableMat)

Definition at line 23 of file

References trackerHits::c, channelTranslationTable_, gather_cfg::cout, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fecnumber(), pos::PixelHdwAddress::fedchannel(), fedlookup_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fednumber(), getFEDsAndChannels(), hdwTranslationTable_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::hubaddress(), getHLTprescales::index, pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfec(), pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfecchannel(), n, alignCSCRings::r, pos::PixelROCName::rocname(), ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists(), rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tmp, and translationtable_.

                                                                                     :PixelConfigBase(" "," "," "){
  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation()]\t\t    " ;
  std::map<std::string , int > colM;
  std::vector<std::string > colNames;


  CONFIG_KEY                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(80)
  KEY_TYPE                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(80)
  KEY_ALIAS                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(80)
  VERSION                                            VARCHAR2(40)
  KIND_OF_COND                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40)
  ROC_NAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(200)
  PXLFEC_NAME                               NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  MFEC_POSN                                 NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  MFEC_CHAN                                 NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  HUB_ADDRS                                          NUMBER(38)
  PORT_NUM                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  ROC_I2C_ADDR                              NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  PXLFED_NAME                               NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  FED_CHAN                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  FED_ROC_NUM                               NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
  TBM_MODE                                           VARCHAR2(200)

  colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"  ); //0
  colNames.push_back("KEY_TYPE"    ); //1
  colNames.push_back("KEY_ALIAS"   ); //2
  colNames.push_back("VERSION"     ); //3
  colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND"); //4
  colNames.push_back("ROC_NAME"    ); //5
  colNames.push_back("PXLFEC_NAME" ); //6 
  colNames.push_back("MFEC_POSN"   ); //7 
  colNames.push_back("MFEC_CHAN"   ); //8 
  colNames.push_back("HUB_ADDRS"   ); //9 
  colNames.push_back("PORT_NUM"    ); //10
  colNames.push_back("ROC_I2C_ADDR"); //11
  colNames.push_back("PXLFED_NAME" ); //12
  colNames.push_back("FED_CHAN"    ); //13
  colNames.push_back("FED_ROC_NUM" ); //14
  colNames.push_back("TBM_MODE"    ); //15

  for(unsigned int c = 0 ; c < tableMat[0].size() ; c++){
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++){
      if(tableMat[0][c] == colNames[n]){
        colM[colNames[n]] = c;
  }//end for
  for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++){
    if(colM.find(colNames[n]) == colM.end()){
      std::cerr << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Couldn't find in the database the column with name " << colNames[n] << std::endl;

 for(unsigned int r = 1 ; r < tableMat.size() ; r++){    //Goes to every row of the Matrix
   std::string rocname       = tableMat[r][colM["ROC_NAME"]] ;
   std::string TBMChannel    = tableMat[r][colM["TBM_MODE"]] ; // assert(0); // need to add this to the input table
   if(TBMChannel == "")
       TBMChannel = "A" ;
   /* // modified by MR on 13-07-2008 11:32:50
      Umesh changed the content of the column and 
      stripped out the FPix_Pxl_FEC_ part of the "number"
   tableMat[r][colM["PXLFEC_NAME"]].erase(0 , 13);//PIXFEC
   unsigned int fecnumber    = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["PXLFEC_NAME"]].c_str());
   unsigned int fecnumber    = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["PXLFEC_NAME"]].c_str());
   unsigned int mfec         = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["MFEC_POSN"]].c_str());
   unsigned int mfecchannel  = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["MFEC_CHAN"]].c_str());
   unsigned int hubaddress   = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["HUB_ADDRS"]].c_str());
   unsigned int portaddress  = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["PORT_NUM"]].c_str());
   unsigned int rocid        = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_I2C_ADDR"]].c_str());
   // modified by MR on 13-07-2008 11:47:32
   /* Umesh changed the content of the column and 
      stripped out the PxlFED_ part of the "number"
   unsigned int fednumber    = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["PXLFED_NAME"]].c_str());
   unsigned int fedchannel   = (unsigned int)atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str());
   unsigned int fedrocnumber = (unsigned int)(atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str()));
   PixelROCName aROC(rocname);
   if (aROC.rocname()!=rocname){
     std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Rocname  : " << rocname        << std::endl;
     std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Parsed to: " << aROC.rocname() << std::endl;

   if (ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists(fednumber,fedchannel,
     std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
               << "ROC with fednumber=" << fednumber
               << " fedchannel="        << fedchannel
               << " roc number="        << fedrocnumber
               << " already exists"     << std::endl;
     std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Fix this inconsistency in the name translation"
               << std::endl;
   PixelHdwAddress hdwAdd(fecnumber,mfec,mfecchannel,
//    std::cout << "[PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation()] aROC: " << aROC << std::endl;

   PixelModuleName aModule(rocname);
   PixelChannel aChannel(aModule, TBMChannel);

   hdwTranslationTable_[hdwAdd] = aChannel;

   // Look for this channel in channelTransaltionTable.  If it is found, check that the hardware address agrees.  If not, add it to the table.  Also, if another channel on that module is found, check that the FEC part agrees, and the FED part doesn't.
   bool foundChannel = false;

   std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.find(aChannel);

   if ( channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end()) {

     if (!(channelTranslationTable_itr->second |= hdwAdd))
             cout << "Found two ROCs on the same channe, but not same hdw"<<endl;
             cout << "Hdw1:"<<endl<<channelTranslationTable_itr->second<<endl;
             cout << "Hdw2:"<<endl<<hdwAdd<<endl;
     assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second |= hdwAdd );
     foundChannel = true;
   else if ( channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module() == aModule ) 
       assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fecnumber() == hdwAdd.fecnumber() );
       assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.mfec() == hdwAdd.mfec() );
       assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.mfecchannel() == hdwAdd.mfecchannel() );
       //assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.portaddress() == hdwAdd.portaddress() );
       assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.hubaddress() == hdwAdd.hubaddress() );
       assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fednumber() != hdwAdd.fednumber() || channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fedchannel() != hdwAdd.fedchannel() );
   if ( foundChannel == false ) {
     channelTranslationTable_[aChannel] = hdwAdd;

 }//end for r

  const std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int> > fedsAndChannels=getFEDsAndChannels();

  std::vector<PixelROCName> tmp(24);

  std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, int > > counter;
    //       FED id                  FED channel

  std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, int > > maxindex;

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it=translationtable_.begin();

    int index=it->second.fedrocnumber();

    unsigned int fednumber=it->second.fednumber();
    unsigned int fedchannel=it->second.fedchannel();

    std::vector<PixelROCName>& tmp= rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_[fednumber][fedchannel];
    if (tmp.size()==0){

    if (index>maxindex[fednumber][fedchannel]) maxindex[fednumber][fedchannel]=index;



    unsigned int fednumber=it->second.fednumber();
    unsigned int fedchannel=it->second.fedchannel();
    std::vector<PixelROCName>& tmp= rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_[fednumber][fedchannel];



}//end contructor
PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation ( std::string  filename)

Definition at line 230 of file

References channelTranslationTable_, gather_cfg::cout, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fecnumber(), pos::PixelHdwAddress::fedchannel(), fedlookup_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fednumber(), getFEDsAndChannels(), hdwTranslationTable_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::hubaddress(), recoMuon::in, getHLTprescales::index, pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfec(), pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfecchannel(), ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists(), rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tmp, and translationtable_.

  PixelConfigBase(" "," "," "){

  static std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation()]\t\t    " ;
  std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
  if (!in.good()){
    std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Could not open: " << filename << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open file "+filename);
  else {
    std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Reading from: "   << filename << std::endl;
  std::string dummy;

  getline(in, dummy); // skip the column headings

  do {

    std::string rocname;
    std::string TBMChannel;
    unsigned int fecnumber;
    unsigned int mfec;
    unsigned int mfecchannel;
    unsigned int hubaddress;
    unsigned int portaddress;
    unsigned int rocid;
    unsigned int fednumber;
    unsigned int fedchannel;
    unsigned int fedrocnumber;

    in >> rocname;
    in >> TBMChannel;
    if ( TBMChannel != "A" && TBMChannel != "B" ) // no TBM channel was specified, so default to A and set fecnumber to the value of this string
        fecnumber = atoi(TBMChannel.c_str());
        TBMChannel = "A";
    else // TBM channel was specified, now read fecnumber
        in >> fecnumber;
    in >> mfec >> mfecchannel 
       >> hubaddress >> portaddress >> rocid >> fednumber 
       >> fedchannel >> fedrocnumber;

    if (!in.eof() ){

      PixelROCName aROC(rocname);

      //if (aROC.rocname()!=rocname){
      //std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Rocname  : " << rocname        << std::endl;
      //std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Parsed to: " << aROC.rocname() << std::endl;

      if (ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists(fednumber,fedchannel,
        std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t"     << mthn 
                  << "ROC with fednumber=" << fednumber
                  << " fedchannel="        << fedchannel
                  << " roc number="        << fedrocnumber
                  << " already exists"     << std::endl;
        std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t"     << mthn 
                  << "Fix this inconsistency in the name translation"
                  << std::endl;

      PixelHdwAddress hdwAdd(fecnumber,mfec,mfecchannel,
      //std::cout << aROC << std::endl;
      // modified by MR on 18-01-2008 11:18:53
      //       std::cout << hdwAdd << std::endl ;
//cout << "[PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation()]\t\t-----------------------------"  << endl ;
// A fecnumber    
// B mfec         
// C mfecchannel  
// D hubaddress   
// E portaddress  
// F rocid        
// G fednumber    
// H fedchannel   
// I fedrocnumber 
//cout << "[PixelNameTranslation::PixelNameTranslation()]\t\t"
//     << " A " << fecnumber   
//     << " B " << mfec       
//     << " C " << mfecchannel  
//     << " D " << hubaddress   
//     << " E " << portaddress  
//     << " F " << rocid        
//     << " G " << fednumber    
//     << " H " << fedchannel   
//     << " I " << fedrocnumber << endl ;    

      PixelModuleName aModule(rocname);
      PixelChannel aChannel(aModule, TBMChannel);

      hdwTranslationTable_[hdwAdd] = aChannel;

      // Look for this channel in channelTransaltionTable.  If it is found, 
      // check that the hardware address agrees.  If not, add it to the table.
      // Also, if another channel on that module is found, check that the FEC 
      // part agrees, and the FED part doesn't.
      bool foundChannel = false;

      std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.find(aChannel);

      if ( channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end()) {
        if (!(channelTranslationTable_itr->second |= hdwAdd)){
          cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Found two ROCs on the same channe, but not same hdw" << endl;
          cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Hdw1: " << endl << channelTranslationTable_itr->second << endl;
          cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Hdw2: " << endl << hdwAdd << endl;
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second |= hdwAdd );
        foundChannel = true;
      else if ( channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module() == aModule ) {
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fecnumber() == hdwAdd.fecnumber() );
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.mfec() == hdwAdd.mfec() );
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.mfecchannel() == hdwAdd.mfecchannel() );
        //assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.portaddress() == hdwAdd.portaddress() );
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.hubaddress() == hdwAdd.hubaddress() );
        assert( channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fednumber() != hdwAdd.fednumber() || channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fedchannel() != hdwAdd.fedchannel() );
      if ( foundChannel == false ){
        channelTranslationTable_[aChannel] = hdwAdd;

  while (!in.eof());

  const std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int> > fedsAndChannels=getFEDsAndChannels();

  std::vector<PixelROCName> tmp(24);

  std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, int > > counter;
    //       FED id                  FED channel

  std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, int > > maxindex;

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it=translationtable_.begin();

    int index=it->second.fedrocnumber();

    unsigned int fednumber=it->second.fednumber();
    unsigned int fedchannel=it->second.fedchannel();

    std::vector<PixelROCName>& tmp= rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_[fednumber][fedchannel];
    if (tmp.size()==0){

    if (index>maxindex[fednumber][fedchannel]) maxindex[fednumber][fedchannel]=index;



    unsigned int fednumber=it->second.fednumber();
    unsigned int fedchannel=it->second.fedchannel();
    std::vector<PixelROCName>& tmp= rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_[fednumber][fedchannel];



virtual pos::PixelNameTranslation::~PixelNameTranslation ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 48 of file PixelNameTranslation.h.


Member Function Documentation

std::vector< PixelROCName > PixelNameTranslation::buildROCsFromFEDChannel ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  fedchannel 
) const [private]

Definition at line 588 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, tmp, and translationtable_.


  std::vector<PixelROCName> tmp(24);

  int counter=0;        

  int maxindex=0;

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it=translationtable_.begin();

    if (it->second.fednumber()==fednumber&&
      int index=it->second.fedrocnumber();
      if (index>maxindex) maxindex=index;
      //std::cout << "Found one:"<<index<<" "<<it->first<<std::endl;




  return tmp;

PixelChannel PixelNameTranslation::ChannelFromFEDChannel ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  fedchannel 
) const

Definition at line 658 of file

References channelTranslationTable_, gather_cfg::cout, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

        std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::ChannelFromFEDChannel()]\t\t    " ;
        std::map<PixelChannel,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator toReturn;
        bool foundOne = false;
        for(std::map<PixelChannel,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it=channelTranslationTable_.begin(); it!=channelTranslationTable_.end();it++)
                if (it->second.fednumber()==fednumber && it->second.fedchannel()==fedchannel)
                        if ( foundOne )
                                std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
                                          << "ERROR: multiple channels on FED#" << fednumber << ", chan=" << fedchannel << std::endl;
                                toReturn = it;
                                foundOne = true;
        if ( !foundOne )
                std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
                          << "ERROR: no channel found for FED#" << fednumber << ", chan=" << fedchannel << std::endl;
        return toReturn->first;
const bool PixelNameTranslation::checkFor ( const PixelROCName aROC) const

Definition at line 517 of file

References funct::false, translationtable_, and funct::true.

  if (translationtable_.find(aROC)==translationtable_.end())
      return false ;
      return true ;
bool PixelNameTranslation::checkROCExistence ( const PixelROCName aROC) const

Definition at line 510 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, translationtable_, and funct::true.


  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::checkROCExistence()]\t\t    " ;
  if (translationtable_.find(aROC)==translationtable_.end()) return false ;
  return true ;
bool PixelNameTranslation::FEDChannelExist ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  fedchannel 
) const

Definition at line 691 of file

References channelTranslationTable_, gather_cfg::cout, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by pos::PixelConfigurationVerifier::checkChannelEnable().

        std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::FEDChannelExist()]\t\t    " ;
        std::map<PixelChannel,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator toReturn;
        bool foundOne = false;
        for(std::map<PixelChannel,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it=channelTranslationTable_.begin(); it!=channelTranslationTable_.end();it++)
                if (it->second.fednumber()==fednumber && it->second.fedchannel()==fedchannel)
                        if ( foundOne )
                                std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
                                          << "ERROR: multiple channels on FED#" << fednumber << ", chan=" << fedchannel << std::endl;
                                toReturn = it;
                                foundOne = true;
        return foundOne;
const PixelHdwAddress & PixelNameTranslation::firstHdwAddress ( const PixelModuleName aModule) const

Definition at line 535 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, getChannelsOnModule(), getHdwAddress(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

        std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::firstHdwAddress()]\t\t    " ;
        std::set<PixelChannel> channelsOnModule = getChannelsOnModule(aModule);
        if (channelsOnModule.size() == 0 ){
          cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "module=" << aModule << " has zero channels!" << endl;
          cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Will terminate" << endl;
        std::set<PixelChannel>::const_iterator firstChannel = channelsOnModule.begin();
        assert( firstChannel != channelsOnModule.end() );
        return getHdwAddress( *firstChannel );
const PixelChannel & PixelNameTranslation::getChannelForROC ( const PixelROCName aROC) const

Definition at line 549 of file

References getChannelFromHdwAddress(), and translationtable_.

Referenced by pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::buildObjectsDependingOnTheNameTranslation(), and pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::nextFECState().

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator foundEntry = translationtable_.find(aROC);
  assert( foundEntry != translationtable_.end() );
  return getChannelFromHdwAddress( foundEntry->second );
const PixelChannel & PixelNameTranslation::getChannelFromHdwAddress ( const PixelHdwAddress aHdwAddress) const

Definition at line 716 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, hdwTranslationTable_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by getChannelForROC(), writeASCII(), and writeXML().

// modified by MR on 30-01-2008 10:38:22
  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::getChannelFromHdwAddress()]\t\t    " ;

  std::map<PixelHdwAddress, PixelChannel >::const_iterator it=

  if (it==hdwTranslationTable_.end()){
    std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
              << "ERROR: no channel found for hardware address " << aHdwAddress << std::endl;

  return it->second;

    for ( std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin(); 
        channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); channelTranslationTable_itr++ )
      if ( aHdwAddress |= channelTranslationTable_itr->second )
          return channelTranslationTable_itr->first;
// modified by MR on 30-01-2008 13:56:34
// if you get here then there was NO match on the previous loop!!
  std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn 
            << "ERROR: no channel found for hardware address " << aHdwAddress << std::endl;
std::set< PixelChannel > PixelNameTranslation::getChannels ( const PixelDetectorConfig aDetectorConfig) const

Definition at line 484 of file

References channelTranslationTable_, and pos::PixelDetectorConfig::containsModule().

  std::set<PixelChannel> channelSet;
  for ( std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin(); channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); channelTranslationTable_itr++ )
      if ( aDetectorConfig.containsModule(channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module()) ) channelSet.insert(channelTranslationTable_itr->first);
  return channelSet;
std::set< PixelChannel > PixelNameTranslation::getChannels ( ) const

Definition at line 474 of file

References channelTranslationTable_.

Referenced by pos::PixelConfigurationVerifier::checkChannelEnable().

  std::set<PixelChannel> channelSet;
  for ( std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin(); channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); channelTranslationTable_itr++ )
  return channelSet;
std::set< PixelChannel > PixelNameTranslation::getChannelsOnModule ( const PixelModuleName aModule) const

Definition at line 556 of file

References channelTranslationTable_.

Referenced by firstHdwAddress(), pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::getFECCrates(), pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::getFEDCrates(), pos::PixelDetectorConfig::getFEDs(), pos::PixelDetectorConfig::getFEDsAndChannels(), and getROCsFromModule().

  std::set< PixelChannel > returnThis;
  for ( std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin(); channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); channelTranslationTable_itr++ )
      if ( channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module() == aModule ) returnThis.insert(channelTranslationTable_itr->first);
  assert( returnThis.size() <= 2 );
  return returnThis;
std::map< unsigned int, std::set< unsigned int > > PixelNameTranslation::getFEDsAndChannels ( ) const

Definition at line 977 of file

References channelTranslationTable_, and tmp.

Referenced by PixelNameTranslation().


  std::map <unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int> > tmp;

std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator 
  channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin();

  for ( ; channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); 
          channelTranslationTable_itr++ ) {

    unsigned int fednumber=channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fednumber();
    unsigned int fedchannel=channelTranslationTable_itr->second.fedchannel();



  return tmp;
const PixelHdwAddress * PixelNameTranslation::getHdwAddress ( const PixelROCName aROC) const
const PixelHdwAddress & PixelNameTranslation::getHdwAddress ( const PixelChannel aChannel) const

Definition at line 528 of file

References channelTranslationTable_.

  std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelHdwAddress_itr = channelTranslationTable_.find(aChannel);
  assert( channelHdwAddress_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end() );
  return channelHdwAddress_itr->second;
std::list< const PixelModuleName * > PixelNameTranslation::getModules ( ) const

Definition at line 454 of file

References channelTranslationTable_.

  std::list<const PixelModuleName*> listOfModules;
  for ( std::map<PixelChannel, PixelHdwAddress >::const_iterator channelTranslationTable_itr = channelTranslationTable_.begin(); channelTranslationTable_itr != channelTranslationTable_.end(); channelTranslationTable_itr++ )
      bool foundOne = false;
      for ( std::list<const PixelModuleName*>::const_iterator listOfModules_itr = listOfModules.begin(); listOfModules_itr != listOfModules.end(); listOfModules_itr++ )
          if ( *(*listOfModules_itr) == channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module() )
              foundOne = true;
      if (!foundOne) listOfModules.push_back( &(channelTranslationTable_itr->first.module()) );

  return listOfModules;
std::list< const PixelROCName * > PixelNameTranslation::getROCs ( ) const

Definition at line 443 of file

References translationtable_.

Referenced by pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::buildROCAndModuleLists().

  std::list<const PixelROCName*> listOfROCs;
  for ( std::map<PixelROCName, PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator translationTableEntry = translationtable_.begin();
        translationTableEntry != translationtable_.end(); ++translationTableEntry ) {

  return listOfROCs;
const std::vector< PixelROCName > & PixelNameTranslation::getROCsFromChannel ( const PixelChannel aChannel) const
const std::vector< PixelROCName > & PixelNameTranslation::getROCsFromFEDChannel ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  fedchannel 
) const

Definition at line 568 of file

References rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_.

Referenced by pos::PixelConfigurationVerifier::checkChannelEnable(), and getROCsFromChannel().


  std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<PixelROCName> > >::const_iterator it=rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_.find(fednumber);


  std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<PixelROCName> >::const_iterator it2=it->second.find(fedchannel);


  return it2->second;

std::vector< PixelROCName > PixelNameTranslation::getROCsFromModule ( const PixelModuleName aModule) const

Definition at line 951 of file

References getChannelsOnModule(), and getROCsFromChannel().

Referenced by pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::buildROCAndModuleLists().

  std::vector<PixelROCName> returnThis;
  std::set<PixelChannel> channelsOnThisModule = getChannelsOnModule(aModule);
  for ( std::set<PixelChannel>::const_iterator channelsOnThisModule_itr = channelsOnThisModule.begin(); channelsOnThisModule_itr != channelsOnThisModule.end(); channelsOnThisModule_itr++ )
      std::vector<PixelROCName> ROCsOnThisChannel = getROCsFromChannel( *channelsOnThisModule_itr );
      for ( std::vector<PixelROCName>::const_iterator ROCsOnThisChannel_itr = ROCsOnThisChannel.begin(); ROCsOnThisChannel_itr != ROCsOnThisChannel.end(); ROCsOnThisChannel_itr++ )

  return returnThis;
bool PixelNameTranslation::ROCexists ( PixelROCName  theROC)

Definition at line 970 of file

References funct::false, translationtable_, and funct::true.

  if (translationtable_.find(theROC)==translationtable_.end()) {return false ;}
  return true ;
PixelROCName PixelNameTranslation::ROCNameFromFEDChannelROC ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  channel,
unsigned int  roc 
) const

Definition at line 633 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fedlookup_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and tmp.


  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::ROCNameFromFEDChannelROC()]\t\t    " ;
  PixelHdwAddress tmp(0,0,0,0,0,0,fednumber,channel,roc);

  std::map<PixelHdwAddress,PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator it1=fedlookup_.find(tmp);

  if (it1!=fedlookup_.end()){
    return it1->second;

  std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "could not find ROCName "
            << " for FED#" << fednumber << " chan=" << channel << " roc#=" << roc << std::endl;


  PixelROCName tmp1;

  return tmp1;

bool PixelNameTranslation::ROCNameFromFEDChannelROCExists ( unsigned int  fednumber,
unsigned int  channel,
unsigned int  roc 
) const

Definition at line 621 of file

References fedlookup_, and tmp.

Referenced by PixelNameTranslation().


  PixelHdwAddress tmp(0,0,0,0,0,0,fednumber,channel,roc);

  return (fedlookup_.find(tmp)!=fedlookup_.end());

void PixelNameTranslation::writeASCII ( std::string  dir = "") const [virtual]

Implements pos::PixelConfigBase.

Definition at line 749 of file

References lut2db_cfg::filename, getChannelFromHdwAddress(), dbtoconf::out, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, pos::PixelChannel::TBMChannelString(), and translationtable_.


  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::writeASCII()]\t\t\t    " ;
  if (dir!="") dir+="/";
  std::string filename=dir+"translation.dat";

  std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
  //std::cout << "[PixelNameTranslation::writeASCII()]\t\tfilename: " 
  //        << filename 
  //        << " status: " 
  //        << out 
  //        << "   " 
  //        << out.is_open() 
  //        <<endl ;

  out << "# name                          TBMchannel  FEC      mfec  mfecchannel hubaddress portadd rocid     FED     channel     roc#"<<endl;

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator iroc=translationtable_.begin();

  for (;iroc!=translationtable_.end();++iroc) {
    // Find the PixelChannel for this ROC, in order to get the TBM channel.
    std::string TBMChannel = getChannelFromHdwAddress(iroc->second).TBMChannelString();
    out << iroc->first.rocname()<<"       "
        << TBMChannel<<"       "
        << iroc->second.fecnumber()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.mfec()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.mfecchannel()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.hubaddress()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.portaddress()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.rocid()<<"         "
        << iroc->second.fednumber()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.fedchannel()<<"       "
        << iroc->second.fedrocnumber()
        << endl;


void PixelNameTranslation::writeXML ( pos::PixelConfigKey  key,
int  version,
std::string  path 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from pos::PixelConfigBase.

Definition at line 880 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, getChannelFromHdwAddress(), edm::service::getTime(), dbtoconf::out, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, pos::PixelChannel::TBMChannelString(), and translationtable_.

  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::writeXML]\t\t\t    " ;
  std::stringstream fullPath ;

  fullPath << path << "/Pixel_NameTranslation.xml" ;
  cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << fullPath.str()  << endl ;
  std::ofstream out(fullPath.str().c_str()) ;

  out << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"                                    << endl ;
  out << "<ROOT xmlns:xsi=''>"                               << endl ;
  out << ""                                                                                           << endl ;
  out << " <HEADER>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  out << "  <HINTS mode='only-det-root' />"                                                           << endl ; 
  out << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  out << "   <NAME>Pixel Name Translation</NAME>"                                                     << endl ;
  out << "  </TYPE>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  out << "  <RUN>"                                                                                    << endl ;
  out << "   <RUN_TYPE>Pixel Name Translation</RUN_TYPE>"                                             << endl ;
  out << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                              << endl ;
  out << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << pos::PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << endl ;
  out << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>Test of Name Translation xml</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                 << endl ;
  out << "   <LOCATION>CERN TAC</LOCATION>"                                                           << endl ;
  out << "   <CREATED_BY_USER>Dario Menasce</CREATED_BY_USER>"                                        << endl ;
  out << "  </RUN>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  out << " </HEADER>"                                                                                 << endl ;
  out << ""                                                                                           << endl ;
  out << " <DATA_SET>"                                                                                << endl ;
  out << "  <VERSION>" << version << "</VERSION>"                                                     << endl ;
  out << "  <PART>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  out << "   <NAME_LABEL>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</NAME_LABEL>"                                                 << endl ;
  out << "   <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                              << endl ;
  out << "  </PART>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  out << ""                                                                                           << endl ;

  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator iroc=translationtable_.begin();

  for (;iroc!=translationtable_.end();++iroc) 
      // Find the PixelChannel for this ROC, in order to get the TBM channel.
      std::string TBMChannel = getChannelFromHdwAddress(iroc->second).TBMChannelString();

      out << "  <DATA>"                                                                               << endl ;
      out << "   <PXLFEC_NAME>"  << iroc->second.fecnumber()    << "</PXLFEC_NAME>"                   << endl ;
      out << "   <MFEC_POSN>"    << iroc->second.mfec()         << "</MFEC_POSN>"                     << endl ;
      out << "   <MFEC_CHAN>"    << iroc->second.mfecchannel()  << "</MFEC_CHAN>"                     << endl ;
      out << "   <HUB_ADDRS>"    << iroc->second.hubaddress()   << "</HUB_ADDRS>"                     << endl ;
      out << "   <PORT_NUM>"     << iroc->second.portaddress()  << "</PORT_NUM>"                      << endl ;
      out << "   <ROC_I2C_ADDR>" << iroc->second.rocid()        << "</ROC_I2C_ADDR>"                  << endl ;
      out << "   <PXLFED_NAME>"  << iroc->second.fednumber()    << "</PXLFED_NAME>"                   << endl ;
      out << "   <FED_CHAN>"     << iroc->second.fedchannel()   << "</FED_CHAN>"                      << endl ;
      out << "   <FED_RO_NUM>"  << iroc->second.fedrocnumber() << "</FED_ROC_NUM>"                    << endl ;
      out << "  </DATA>"                                                                              << endl ;
      out << ""                                                                                       << endl ;
  out << " </DATA_SET> "                                                                              << endl ;
  out << "</ROOT> "                                                                                   << endl ;
  out.close() ;
  assert(0) ;
void PixelNameTranslation::writeXML ( std::ofstream *  out,
std::ofstream *  out1 = NULL,
std::ofstream *  out2 = NULL 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from pos::PixelConfigBase.

Definition at line 836 of file

References getChannelFromHdwAddress(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, pos::PixelChannel::TBMChannelString(), and translationtable_.

  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::writeXML()]\t\t\t    " ;
  std::map<PixelROCName,PixelHdwAddress>::const_iterator iroc=translationtable_.begin();

  for (;iroc!=translationtable_.end();++iroc) 
      // Find the PixelChannel for this ROC, in order to get the TBM channel.
      std::string TBMChannel = getChannelFromHdwAddress(iroc->second).TBMChannelString();

      *outstream << "  <DATA>"                                                                               << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <ROC_NAME>"     << iroc->first.rocname()        << "</ROC_NAME>"                     << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <TBM_MODE>"     << TBMChannel                   << "</TBM_MODE>"                     << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <PXLFEC_NAME>"  << iroc->second.fecnumber()     << "</PXLFEC_NAME>"                  << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <MFEC_POSN>"    << iroc->second.mfec()  << "</MFEC_POSN>"                            << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <MFEC_CHAN>"    << iroc->second.mfecchannel()  << "</MFEC_CHAN>"                     << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <HUB_ADDRS>"    << iroc->second.hubaddress()    << "</HUB_ADDRS>"                    << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <PORT_NUM>"     << iroc->second.portaddress()  << "</PORT_NUM>"                      << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <ROC_I2C_ADDR>" << iroc->second.rocid() << "</ROC_I2C_ADDR>"                         << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <PXLFED_NAME>"  << iroc->second.fednumber()     << "</PXLFED_NAME>"                  << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <FED_CHAN>"     << iroc->second.fedchannel()    << "</FED_CHAN>"                     << endl ;
      *outstream << "   <FED_ROC_NUM>"  << iroc->second.fedrocnumber() << "</FED_ROC_NUM>"                   << endl ;
      *outstream << "  </DATA>"                                                                              << endl ;
      *outstream << ""                                                                                       << endl ;
void PixelNameTranslation::writeXMLHeader ( pos::PixelConfigKey  key,
int  version,
std::string  path,
std::ofstream *  out,
std::ofstream *  out1 = NULL,
std::ofstream *  out2 = NULL 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from pos::PixelConfigBase.

Definition at line 795 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, pos::PixelConfigBase::getAuthor(), pos::PixelConfigBase::getComment(), pos::PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime(), edm::service::getTime(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation:::writeXMLHeader()]\t\t\t    " ;
  std::stringstream fullPath ;
  fullPath << path << "/Pixel_NameTranslation_" << PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime() << ".xml" ;
  cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << fullPath.str() << endl ;
  outstream->open(fullPath.str().c_str()) ;
  *outstream << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"                                    << endl ;
  *outstream << "<ROOT xmlns:xsi=''>"                               << endl ;
  *outstream << " <HEADER>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>PIXEL_NAME_TRANSLATION</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                     << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <NAME>Pixel Name Translation</NAME>"                                                     << endl ;
  *outstream << "  </TYPE>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <RUN>"                                                                                    << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <RUN_TYPE>Pixel Name Translation</RUN_TYPE>"                                             << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                              << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << pos::PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <LOCATION>CERN P5</LOCATION>"                                                            << endl ; 
  *outstream << "  </RUN>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  *outstream << " </HEADER>"                                                                                 << endl ;
  *outstream << "  "                                                                                         << endl ;
  *outstream << " <DATA_SET>"                                                                                << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <PART>"                                                                                   << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <NAME_LABEL>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</NAME_LABEL>"                                                 << endl ;
  *outstream << "   <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                              << endl ;
  *outstream << "  </PART>"                                                                                  << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <VERSION>"             << version      << "</VERSION>"                                    << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>" << getComment() << "</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                        << endl ;
  *outstream << "  <CREATED_BY_USER>"     << getAuthor()  << "</CREATED_BY_USER>"                            << endl ;
  *outstream << "  "                                                                                         << endl ;

void PixelNameTranslation::writeXMLTrailer ( std::ofstream *  out,
std::ofstream *  out1 = NULL,
std::ofstream *  out2 = NULL 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from pos::PixelConfigBase.

Definition at line 867 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  std::string mthn = "[PixelNameTranslation::writeXMLTrailer()]\t\t\t    " ;
  *outstream << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                               << endl ;
  *outstream << "</ROOT> "                                                                                   << endl ;

  outstream->close() ;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelNameTranslation table 
) [friend]

Definition at line 434 of file


  //for (unsigned int i=0;i<table.translationtable_.size();i++){
  //    s << table.translationtable_[i]<<std::endl;
  //   }
  return s;


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 122 of file PixelNameTranslation.h.

Referenced by getChannelFromHdwAddress(), and PixelNameTranslation().

std::map<unsigned int, std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<PixelROCName> > > pos::PixelNameTranslation::rocsFromFEDidAndChannel_ [private]

Definition at line 124 of file PixelNameTranslation.h.

Referenced by getROCsFromFEDChannel(), and PixelNameTranslation().