Variables | |
tuple | CompareCalibs |
00001 cms.EDFilter("CompareCalibs", 00002 ## input 00003 recs = cms.InputTag("uhhCaliIterativeCone5"), 00004 refs = cms.InputTag("iterativeCone5CaloJets"), 00005 00006 ## histogram directory 00007 hist = cms.string('CompareCalibs.hist'), 00008 00009 ## pt bins for calibration 00010 type = cms.int32 ( 0), 00011 bins = cms.int32 (200), 00012 min = cms.double(0.0), 00013 max = cms.double(2.0), 00014 binsPt = cms.vdouble(30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0, 130.0, 160.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0), 00015 binsEta = cms.vdouble(-3.0, -1.4, 0.0, 1.4, 3.0), 00016 00017 ## configure visible range and reconstruction quality 00018 maxDR = cms.double( 0.3), 00019 minPtRef = cms.double( 15.0), 00020 maxPtRef = cms.double(999.0), 00021 minPtRec = cms.double( 15.0), 00022 maxPtRec = cms.double(999.0), 00023 minEtaRef = cms.double( -5.0), 00024 maxEtaRef = cms.double( 5.0), 00025 minEtaRec = cms.double( -5.0), 00026 maxEtaRec = cms.double( 5.0), 00027 minEmfCaloJet = cms.double( 0.05), 00028 maxEmfCaloJet = cms.double( 0.95) 00029 )
Definition at line 7 of file