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HcalLogicalMapGenerator Class Reference

#include <HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HcalLogicalMap createMap (unsigned int mapIOV=5)
 HcalLogicalMapGenerator ()
 ~HcalLogicalMapGenerator ()

Private Member Functions

void buildCALIBMap (std::vector< CALIBLogicalMapEntry > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &)
void buildHBEFTMap (std::vector< HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry > &, std::vector< HTLogicalMapEntry > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &)
void buildHOXMap (std::vector< HOHXLogicalMapEntry > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &)
void buildZDCMap (std::vector< ZDCLogicalMapEntry > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &, std::vector< uint32_t > &)
void ConstructTriggerTower (std::vector< HTLogicalMapEntry > &, int i_side, int i_eta, int i_phi, int i_dphi, int i_depth, std::string i_det, int i_wedge, int i_rm, int i_pixel, int i_qie, int i_adc, int i_rm_fi, int i_fi_ch, int i_crate, int i_htr, std::string i_fpga, int i_htr_fi, int i_spigot, int i_slb, std::string i_slbin, std::string i_slbin2, std::string i_slnam, int i_rctcra, int i_rctcar, int i_rctcon, std::string i_rctnam, int i_fed)

Private Attributes

int calibcrate [NCALIBCR]
int calibHOinfo [NHOCR][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]
int crazy
std::string det
int eta2
int eta3
int etaslb
int fedcalibnum [NCALIBCR][2]
int fedhbhenum [NHBHECR][2]
int fedhfnum [NHFCR][2]
int fedhonum [NHOCR][2]
std::string fpga
int hbhecrate [NHBHECR]
int hfcrate [NHFCR]
int hfphi
int HO_htr_fi_450eta16M [4]
int HO_htr_fi_450eta16P [4][6]
int HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15 [2][11]
int HO_htr_fi_eta123 [2][6]
int HO_htr_fi_eta4 [2][6]
int HO_RM_fi_eta16
int HO_RM_fi_eta1to4 [72][2][2]
int HO_RM_fi_eta5to15 [11]
int HO_RM_table [24][16][2]
int hocrate [NHOCR]
int i
int iadc
int iadcquiHBHE [NRMFIBR][NFCH][2]
int ic
int icab
int icalibphis [NCALIBCR]
int icalibsector_max [NCALIBCR]
int icalibsector_min [NCALIBCR]
int ich_type
int icrate
int idcc
int idcc_sl
int idepth
int idet_ch
int idphi
int idx
int iet
int ieta
int ietamod
int ifb
int ifc
int ifed
int ifi_ch
int ifwtb
int ih
int ihbheetadepth [NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]
int ihbhephis [NHBHECR]
int ihfetadepth [NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]
int ihfphis [NHFCR]
int ihophis [NHOCR]
int ihslot [NHSETS]
int ihslotho [NHSETSHO][NHTRSHO]
int ihtr
int ihtr_fi
int inum
int iph
int iphi
int ipixel
int ipixelHO [NRMFIBR][NFCH][2]
int iqie
int irctcar
int irctcon
int irctcra
int irctnam
int irm
int irm_fi
int irm_rmfiHBHE [NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]
int irm_rmfiHF [NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]
int is
int isector
int isid
int iside
int islb
int ispigot
int itb
int iwedge
int ix
int iy
int j
std::string letter
std::string letterHO [NRMFIBR][NFCH][2]
unsigned int mapIOV_
int nfbr_max [NCALIBCR][NTOPBOT]
int oddcard
int phi
bool phi1458
bool phi271011
int phideg
int phimod8
bool phir0v1
bool phir0v2
bool phir0v3
bool phir0v4
int phmod24
int phmod6
bool phmod6e123
bool phmod6e450
std::string rbx
const char * rct_rackHBHE [18]
const char * rct_rackHF [18]
std::string rctnam
int ring
std::string rmspecialdet [6][6]
int rmspecialeta [6][6]
std::string rmspeciallet_code [6][6]
char S_side
const char * S_slbin_3 [4]
const char * S_slbin_7 [4]
const char * S_slbin_even [8]
const char * S_slbin_odd [8]
int sector
int sidear
char sidesign
int slb_table [29]
std::string slbin
std::string slbin2
std::string slnam
std::string subdet
char tempbuff [30]

Static Private Attributes

static const int NCALIBCR = 13
static const int NFBR = 8
static const int NFCH = 3
static const int NHBHECR = 9
static const int NHFCR = 3
static const int NHOCR = 4
static const int NHOETA = 16
static const int NHOPHI = 72
static const int NHSETS = 4
static const int NHSETSHO = 3
static const int NHTRS = 3
static const int NHTRSHO = 4
static const int NRMFIBR = 6
static const int NRMSLOT = 4
static const int NTOPBOT = 2
static const int NZDCCAB = 9

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HcalLogicalMapGenerator::HcalLogicalMapGenerator ( )

Definition at line 18 of file

References i, and j.

  //adc and qie table; qie is entry 0, adc is entry 1. Constant across HB, HE, HO
  //  int iadcquiHBHE[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2];
  for (i = 0; i < NRMFIBR; i++){
    for (j = 0; j < NFCH; j++){
      //Intentionally relying on integer truncation here
      iadcquiHBHE[i][j][0] = i / 2 + 1;
      if (i % 2 == 0) iadcquiHBHE[i][j][1] = j;
      else            iadcquiHBHE[i][j][1] = NFCH + (j + 1) % 3;
HcalLogicalMapGenerator::~HcalLogicalMapGenerator ( )

Definition at line 34 of file



Member Function Documentation

void HcalLogicalMapGenerator::buildCALIBMap ( std::vector< CALIBLogicalMapEntry > &  CALIBEntries,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  LinearIndex2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HxCalibHash2Entry 
) [private]

Definition at line 1183 of file

References CALIBLogicalMapEntry::getDetId(), CALIBLogicalMapEntry::getLinearIndex(), HcalGenericDetId::hashedId(), HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration, findQualityFiles::jj, and HcalLogicalMap::makeEntryNumber().

  /* CALIB crate numbering in order of FEDID*/
  int calibcrate_loc[NCALIBCR]={4,0,1,5,11,15,17,14,10,9,7,6,13};//HBHE,HF,HO
  memcpy( calibcrate, calibcrate_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR );
  /* CALIB FED numbering of DCCs */
  int fedcalibnum_loc[NCALIBCR][2]={{700,701},{702,703},{704,705},{706,707},{708,709},{710,711},{712,713},{714,715},{716,717},/*calib_hbhe 4,0,1,5,11,15,17,14,10*/
                                    {720,721},/*calib_hf 9*/
                                    {726,727},{728,729},{730,731}};//calib_ho 7,6,13
  memcpy( fedcalibnum, fedcalibnum_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR*2 );
  /* iphi (lower) starting index for each CALIB crate */
  int icalibphis_loc[NCALIBCR]={3,11,19,27,35,43,51,59,67,27,17,35,53};
  memcpy( icalibphis, icalibphis_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR );
  /* icalibsector_min minimum sector on each crate {0,1,4,5,10,11,14,15,17,9,7,6,13}*/
  int icalibsector_min_loc[NCALIBCR]={2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,1,4,7,10};
  memcpy( icalibsector_min, icalibsector_min_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR );
  /* icalibsector_max maximum sector on each crate */
  int icalibsector_max_loc[NCALIBCR]={3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,1,4,6,9,12};
  memcpy( icalibsector_max, icalibsector_max_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR );
  //detectors represented on each crate (0 for top, 1 for bot)
  std::string detIDCALIB_loc[NCALIBCR][NTOPBOT] = {{"HB","HE"},/*crate 4*/ 
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 0*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 1*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 5*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 11*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 15*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 17*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 14*/
                                                   {"HB","HE"},/*crate 10*/
                                                   {"HF","HF"},/*crate 9*/
                                                   {"HO","HO"},/*crate 7*/
                                                   {"HO","HO"},/*crate 6*/
                                                   {"HO","HO"}};/*crate 13*/
  for (int jj = 0; jj < NCALIBCR; jj++) {
    for (int kk = 0; kk < NTOPBOT; kk++) {
      detIDCALIB[jj][kk] = detIDCALIB_loc[jj][kk];
  int nfbr_max_loc[NCALIBCR][NTOPBOT] = {{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,8},{4,4},{8,4},{8,8},{8,4}};
  memcpy( nfbr_max, nfbr_max_loc, sizeof(int)*NCALIBCR*NTOPBOT );
  //HB only utilizes 4 htr_fibers HE all 8
  int calibHOinfo_loc[NHOCR][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]={/*sector and ring of HO for the calib channel*/
     {{4,-2},{4,-1},{4,1},{4,2},{},{},{},{}}},/*crate 7*/

     {{1,0},{2,0},{3,0},{},{2,-2},{2,-1},{2,1},{2,2}}},/*crate 6*/

     {{12,-2},{12,-1},{12,1},{12,2},{},{},{},{}}}/*crate 13*/
  memcpy( calibHOinfo, calibHOinfo_loc, sizeof(int)*NHOCR*NTOPBOT*NFBR*2 );


  //Stream variable

  stringstream mystream;
  ihtr=8; //calibration units are housed on htr slot 8
  irm_fi = 1;// everything other than HE is on A
  det = "";

  /*HBHE calibration channels*/
  for(ic=0; ic<NHBHECR; ic++){
    /* top and bottom */
    for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
      /* 4 or 8 fibers used per HTR FPGA */
      for(ifb=0; ifb<nfbr_max[ic][itb]; ifb++){
        det = detIDCALIB[ic][itb];
        irm_fi = 1;// everything other than he is on A
        if (itb==1) if(ihtr_fi%2==0) irm_fi = 2;  //all of the even fibers in HE are on B rather than A
        if (det=="HE"){
          if (ihtr_fi==1||ihtr_fi==2||ihtr_fi==5||ihtr_fi==6) {
            iwedge = icalibsector_min[ic];
          else if (ihtr_fi==3||ihtr_fi==4||ihtr_fi==7||ihtr_fi==8) {
            iwedge = icalibsector_max[ic];
          if (ihtr_fi<5) {
            sidesign = 'M';
            S_side = '1';
            ieta = -1;
          else {
            sidesign = 'P';
            S_side = '1';
            ieta = 1;
        else if (det=="HB"){
          (ihtr_fi%2==1) ? iwedge = icalibsector_min[ic] : iwedge = icalibsector_max[ic];
          if (ihtr_fi<3) {
            sidesign = 'M';
            S_side = '1';
            ieta = -1;
          else {
            sidesign = 'P';
            S_side = '1';
            ieta = 1;
        iphi = ((iwedge*idphi) + 71 - idphi)%72;
        subdet = "CALIB_"+det;
        sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
        rbx = mystream.str();
        /* three channels per fiber */
        for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
          if (irm_fi==1){
            if (ifc==0) ich_type=0;
            else if (ifc==1) ich_type=1;
            else if (ifc==2) {
              if (det=="HB") ich_type=2;
              else if(det=="HE") ich_type=3;
          else if (irm_fi==2){
            if (ifc==0) ich_type=4;
            else if (ifc==1) ich_type=5;
            else if (ifc==2) ich_type=6;
          CALIBLogicalMapEntry caliblmapentry(
                                              ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                              det, ieta, iphi, ich_type, 
                                              iside, idphi, rbx, iwedge, irm_fi,

          const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(caliblmapentry.getDetId());
          const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
          if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);
  /* only one CALIB HF crate */
  /* top and bottom */
  for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
    /* four CALIB HF fibers per HTR FPGA */
    for(ifb=0; ifb<4; ifb++){
      /* three channels per fiber */
      for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
        det = "HF";
        //changed ch_type of fibre channel 0 from 2 to 8, as per HcalCalibDetId specification
        irm_fi = 1;
        //Wedge has steps of 3, HF(P/M)2,5,8,11
        if (itb==0){
        else {
        subdet = "CALIB_"+det;
        sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
        rbx = mystream.str();
        CALIBLogicalMapEntry caliblmapentry(
                                            ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                            det, ieta, iphi, ich_type, 
                                            iside, idphi, rbx, iwedge, irm_fi,

        const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(caliblmapentry.getDetId());
        const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
        if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);  

  /*HO calibration channels*/
  for(ic=ic; ic<NCALIBCR; ic++){
    irm_fi = 1;// everything other than he is on A
    /* top and bottom */
    for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
      /* 4 or 8 fibers used per HTR FPGA */
      for(ifb=0; ifb<nfbr_max[ic][itb]; ifb++){
        if (itb==1) {
          ispigot = 13;
          fpga = "bot";
          ispigot = 12;
          fpga = "top";
        if (ieta<0) {
        else if (ieta>0){
        else {
        if (ieta==-2) S_side='2';
        else if (ieta==-1) S_side='1';
        else if (ieta==1) S_side='1';
        else if (ieta==2) S_side='2';

        subdet ="CALIB_"+det;
        if (ieta==0) sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
        else  sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), S_side, sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
        rbx = mystream.str();
        /* only two channels used in HO per fiber */
        //now new information suggests that the third channel is used for x-talk
        //but only in some of the rm's, seems to be dependent on whether nfbr_max
        //sector 10 on YB+2,1,0,-1, sector 12 on YB-2
        int NFCH_HO;
        //( nfbr_max[ic][itb] == 4 ) ? NFCH_HO = 2 : NFCH_HO = 3;
        ( ieta == -2 ) ? ( iwedge == 12 ? NFCH_HO = 3 : NFCH_HO = 2 ) : ( iwedge == 10) ? NFCH_HO = 3 : NFCH_HO = 2;
        for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH_HO; ifc++){
          (ifi_ch == 2) ? ich_type = 7 : ich_type = ifi_ch;
          (ieta==0) ? idphi = 6 : idphi = 12;
          (ieta==0) ? iphi=((iwedge*idphi)+71-idphi)%72 : iphi=(((iwedge/2)*idphi)+71-idphi)%72;
          //nothing on htr_fi=4 for the top
          do {
            if (iside==0&&ifb==3) break;
            CALIBLogicalMapEntry caliblmapentry(
                                                ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                                det, ieta, iphi, ich_type, 
                                                iside, idphi, rbx, iwedge, irm_fi,

            const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(caliblmapentry.getDetId());
            const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
            if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);
          } while (ifb!=ifb);
void HcalLogicalMapGenerator::buildHBEFTMap ( std::vector< HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry > &  HBHEHFEntries,
std::vector< HTLogicalMapEntry > &  HTEntries,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  LinearIndex2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HbHash2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HeHash2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HfHash2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HtHash2Entry 
) [private]

Definition at line 86 of file

References HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry::getDetId(), HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry::getLinearIndex(), HcalGenericDetId::hashedId(), HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenBarrel, HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenEndcap, HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenForward, i, and HcalLogicalMap::makeEntryNumber().


  /* HBHE crate numbering */
  int hbhecrate_loc[NHBHECR]={0,1,4,5,10,11,14,15,17};
  memcpy( hbhecrate, hbhecrate_loc, sizeof(int)*NHBHECR );
  /* HBHE FED numbering of DCCs */
  int fedhbhenum_loc[NHBHECR][2]={{702,703},{704,705},{700,701},
  memcpy( fedhbhenum, fedhbhenum_loc, sizeof(int)*NHBHECR*2 );
  /* HBHE/HF htr slot offsets for set of three htrs */
  int ihslot_loc[NHSETS]={2,5,13,16};
  memcpy( ihslot, ihslot_loc, sizeof(int)*NHSETS );
  /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HBHE crate */
  int ihbhephis_loc[NHBHECR]={11,19,3,27,67,35,59,43,51};
  memcpy( ihbhephis, ihbhephis_loc, sizeof(int)*NHBHECR );
  /* ihbheetadepth - unique HBHE {eta,depth} assignments per fiber and fiber channel */
  int ihbheetadepth_loc[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]={
    {{{{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},  /* htr 0 (HB) -bot(+top) */
      {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
      {{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},
      {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
      {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
      {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}},
      {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
      {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}}},
     {{{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},  /* htr 0 (HB) +bot(-top) */
      {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
      {{11,1},{ 7,1},{ 3,1}},
      {{ 5,1},{ 1,1},{ 9,1}},
      {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
      {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}},
      {{10,1},{ 6,1},{ 2,1}},
      {{ 8,1},{ 4,1},{12,1}}}},
    {{{{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},  /* htr 1 (HBHE) -bot(+top) */
     {{{16,2},{15,2},{14,1}},  /* htr 1 (HBHE) +bot(-top) */
    {{{{28,1},{28,2},{29,1}},  /* htr 2 (HE) -bot(+top) */
     {{{27,1},{27,2},{29,2}},  /* htr 2 (HE) +bot(-top) */
  memcpy( ihbheetadepth, ihbheetadepth_loc, sizeof(int)*NHTRS*NTOPBOT*NFBR*NFCH*2 );
  //Aram's insert: I shall now define an array which contains the RM and the RM fiber for HB HE
  //and variables associated with this table
  int irm_rmfiHBHE_loc[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]={
    {{{6,1},{7,1},{6,2},{7,2},{4,1},{5,1},{4,2},{5,2}},  // HTR 0 top
     {{6,3},{7,3},{6,4},{7,4},{4,3},{5,3},{4,4},{5,4}}}, // HTR 0 bot
    {{{2,1},{3,1},{2,2},{3,2},{2,1},{3,1},{2,2},{3,2}},  // HTR 1 top
     {{2,3},{3,3},{2,4},{3,4},{2,3},{3,3},{2,4},{3,4}}}, // HTR 1 bot
    {{{4,1},{5,1},{4,2},{5,2},{6,1},{7,1},{6,2},{7,2}},  // HTR 2 top
     {{4,3},{5,3},{4,4},{5,4},{6,3},{7,3},{6,4},{7,4}}}  // HTR 2 bot
  memcpy( irm_rmfiHBHE, irm_rmfiHBHE_loc, sizeof(int)*NHTRS*NTOPBOT*NFBR*2 );
  //Pixel tables as a function of rm, rm fiber and fiber channel

  int ipixelHB_loc[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT] = {  //  fch = 0           fch = 1           fch = 2
    {{18, 17, 3,  2 }, {13, 3,  17, 7 }, {14, 1,  19, 6 }}, //rmfiber = 2
    {{19, 2,  18, 1 }, {15, 7,  13, 5 }, {17, 19, 1,  3 }}, //rmfiber = 3
    {{9,  4,  16, 11}, {5,  8,  12, 15}, {2,  13, 7,  18}}, //rmfiber = 4
    {{12, 11, 9,  8 }, {7,  15, 5,  13}, {16, 6,  14, 4 }}, //rmfiber = 5
    {{8,  5,  15, 12}, {4,  9,  11, 16}, {1,  14, 6,  19}}, //rmfiber = 6
    {{6,  16, 4,  14}, {3,  18, 2,  17}, {11, 12, 8,  9 }}  //rmfiber = 7
  memcpy( ipixelHB, ipixelHB_loc, sizeof(int)*NRMFIBR*NFCH*NRMSLOT );
  int ipixelHE_loc[NRMFIBR][NFCH][NRMSLOT] = {  //  fch = 0           fch = 1           fch = 2
    {{12, 12, 12, 12}, {16, 7,  16, 7 }, {7,  16, 7,  16}}, //rmfiber = 2
    {{11, 11, 11, 11}, {19, 3,  19, 3 }, {3,  19, 3,  19}}, //rmfiber = 3
    {{15, 15, 6,  6 }, {2,  18, 2,  18}, {6,  6,  15, 15}}, //rmfiber = 4
    {{5,  14, 5,  14}, {14, 5,  14, 5 }, {18, 2,  18, 2 }}, //rmfiber = 5
    {{17, 1,  17, 1 }, {9,  9,  9,  9 }, {1,  17, 1,  17}}, //rmfiber = 6
    {{13, 4,  13, 4 }, {8,  8,  8,  8 }, {4,  13, 4,  13}}  //rmfiber = 7
  memcpy( ipixelHE, ipixelHE_loc, sizeof(int)*NRMFIBR*NFCH*NRMSLOT );
  //slb and rct tables

  //HB and HE
  const char* S_slbin_odd_loc[] ={"A1","B0","B1","A0","A1","B0","B1","A0"};
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 8; gg++) {
    S_slbin_odd[gg] = S_slbin_odd_loc[gg];
  const char* S_slbin_even_loc[]={"C1","D0","D1","C0","C1","D0","D1","C0"};
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 8; gg++) {
    S_slbin_even[gg] = S_slbin_even_loc[gg];
  const char* rct_rackHBHE_loc[]={"S2E01-RH","S2E03-RH","S2E05-RH","S2E07-RH","S2E09-RH","S2E08-RL","S2E06-RL","S2E04-RL","S2E02-RL",
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 18; gg++) {
    rct_rackHBHE[gg] = rct_rackHBHE_loc[gg];

  int slb_table_loc[29] = {1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,       // 1<=eta<=12
                           1,1,2,2,3,3,1,1,               // 13<=eta<=20
                           2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4};            // 21<=eta<=29
  memcpy( slb_table, slb_table_loc, sizeof(int)*29 );

  //Stream variable
  stringstream mystream;

  /* all HBHE crates */
  for(ic=0; ic<NHBHECR; ic++){
    /* four sets of three htrs per crate */
    for(is=0; is<NHSETS; is++){
      /* three htrs per set */
      for(ih=0; ih<NHTRS; ih++){
        /* top and bottom */
        for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
          /* eight fibers per HTR FPGA */
          for(ifb=0; ifb<NFBR; ifb++){
            /* three channels per fiber */
            for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
              (ieta>16||idepth>2) ? det = "HE": det = "HB";
              (itb%2)==1 ? fpga = "bot" : fpga = "top";
              //Aram's insert: rm variables, rbx, wedge
              //Careful here: per Pawel's map, the rm fiber is the first entry an the rm itself is the second.
              //If iside == -1, switch top and bottom. Why?
              if (iside == -1){
                S_side = '-';
                sidesign = 'M';
                irm    = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][(itb + 1) % 2][ifb][1];
                irm_fi = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][(itb + 1) % 2][ifb][0];
                //For eta >=21, the phi's cover 10 degrees rather than 5 (see HCAL TDR)
                if (ieta >= 21 && (irm == 1 || irm == 3)) iwedge = (iphi + 1 + irm + 1) / 4;
                else                                      iwedge = (iphi + irm + 1) / 4;
                //Roll over the wedge
                if (iwedge > 18) iwedge -= 18;
                S_side = '+';
                sidesign = 'P';
                irm    = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][itb][ifb][1];
                irm_fi = irm_rmfiHBHE[ih][itb][ifb][0];
                //For eta >=21, the phi's cover 10 degrees rather than 5 (see HCAL TDR)
                if (ieta >= 21 && (irm == 4 || irm == 2)) iwedge = (iphi + 1 - irm + 6) / 4;
                else                                      iwedge = (iphi - irm + 6) / 4;
                //Roll over the wedge
                if (iwedge > 18) iwedge -= 18;
              sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, iwedge,'\0');
              rbx = mystream.str();

              //Note that irm_fi ranges from 2 to 7 whereas arrays start at 0 so 
              //I use irm_fi - 2. Likewise, irm goes from 1 to 4 so use irm - 1
              //Pixel is split by HB and HE
              if (ieta > 16 || idepth > 2) ipixel = ipixelHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][irm - 1]; //HE
              else                         ipixel = ipixelHB[irm_fi - 2][ifc][irm - 1]; //HB
              iqie = iadcquiHBHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][0];
              iadc = iadcquiHBHE[irm_fi - 2][ifc][1];
              phideg = iphi - 3;
              if (phideg < 0) phideg = phideg + 72;
              phideg = (phideg / 4) * 20 + 10;
              irctcra = (( 89 - phideg  + 720)%360)/20;
              oddcard = irctcra % 2;
              irctcra /= 2;
              if (iside > 0) irctcra = irctcra + 9;
              etaslb = ((ieta - 1) / 2) * 2 + 1;
              if (etaslb > 27) etaslb = 27;
              slnam = mystream.str();

              islb = slb_table[ieta - 1];
              // calculate RCT destination (that is, rctcon, rctcar and rctnam
              if (ieta <= 24) { // these are the normal cards 0-5
                irctcar = 2 * ((ieta - 1)/8) + oddcard;
                irctcon = 2 * (((ieta - 1)/2)%4);
              else {            // these are on the special card 6 which folds back eta on the odd card half
                irctcar = 6;
                eta2 = ieta;
                if (eta2 > 28) eta2 = 28;
                if (oddcard == 0) eta3 = eta2;
                else              eta3 = 57 - eta2;
                irctcon =  2 * (((eta3 - 1) / 2) % 4);
              irctcon = 11 * irctcon + 1;

              rctnam = mystream.str();

              //Finally, the slbin
              phimod8 = iphi % 8;

              for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
                if (iphi < i * 4 + 3) {
                  crazy = i % 2;
              int ietamod;   // determine if eta is "odd" or "even". 
              if (ieta == 29) ietamod = 0;
              else            ietamod = ieta % 2;
              if (ieta < 25) {         // use the regular table
                if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
                else              mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
              else if (crazy == 0) {   // use the regular table
                if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
                else              mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
              else {                   // swap odd/even!!!
                if (ietamod == 1) mystream<<S_slbin_even[phimod8];
                else              mystream<<S_slbin_odd[phimod8];
              slbin = mystream.str();

              if (ieta > 20){
                idphi = 2;
                slbin2 = slbin;
                slbin2[1] = '1';
                idphi = 1;
                slbin2 = "NA";

              HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry hbeflmapentry( 
                                                  ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                                  det, iside, ieta, iphi, idepth,
                                                  idphi, iwedge, irm, irm_fi, ipixel, iqie, iadc,
                                                  islb, irctcra, irctcar, irctcon,
                                                  rbx, slbin, slbin2, slnam, rctnam

              const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(hbeflmapentry.getDetId());
              const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenBarrel);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenEndcap);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenForward);

                                    iside, ieta, iphi, idphi, idepth, det, iwedge, irm,
                                    ipixel, iqie, iadc, irm_fi, ifi_ch, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                    ihtr_fi, ispigot, islb, slbin, slbin2,
                                    slnam, irctcra, irctcar, irctcon, rctnam, ifed

  /* HF crate numbering */
  int hfcrate_loc[NHFCR]={2,9,12};
  memcpy( hfcrate, hfcrate_loc, sizeof(int)*NHFCR );
  /* HF FED numbering of DCCs */
  int fedhfnum_loc[NHFCR][2]={{718,719},{720,721},{722,723}};
  memcpy( fedhfnum, fedhfnum_loc, sizeof(int)*NHFCR*2 );
  /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HF crate */
  int ihfphis_loc[NHFCR]={3,27,51};
  memcpy( ihfphis, ihfphis_loc, sizeof(int)*NHFCR );
  /* ihfetadepth - unique HF {eta,depth} assignments per fiber and fiber channel */
  int ihfetadepth_loc[NTOPBOT][NFBR][NFCH][2]={
    {{{33,1},{31,1},{29,1}},  /* top */
    {{{41,1},{37,1},{35,1}},  /* bot */
  memcpy( ihfetadepth, ihfetadepth_loc, sizeof(int)*NTOPBOT*NFBR*NFCH*2 );

  int irm_rmfiHF_loc[NHTRS][NTOPBOT][NFBR][2]={
    {{{1,2},{2,2},{3,2},{4,2},{1,3},{2,3},{3,3},{4,3}},  // HTR 0 top
     {{5,2},{6,2},{7,2},{8,2},{5,3},{6,3},{7,3},{8,3}}}, // HTR 0 bot
    {{{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{4,1},{1,2},{2,2},{3,2},{4,2}},  // HTR 1 top
     {{5,1},{6,1},{7,1},{8,1},{5,2},{6,2},{7,2},{8,2}}}, // HTR 1 bot
    {{{1,3},{2,3},{3,3},{4,3},{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{4,1}},  // HTR 2 top
     {{5,3},{6,3},{7,3},{8,3},{5,1},{6,1},{7,1},{8,1}}}  // HTR 2 bot
  memcpy( irm_rmfiHF, irm_rmfiHF_loc, sizeof(int)*NHTRS*NTOPBOT*NFBR*2 );

  const char* S_slbin_7_loc[] ={"A0","A1","B0","B1"};
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 4; gg++) {
    S_slbin_7[gg] = S_slbin_7_loc[gg];
  const char* S_slbin_3_loc[] ={"C0","C1","D0","D1"};
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 4; gg++) {
    S_slbin_3[gg] = S_slbin_3_loc[gg];
  const char* rct_rackHF_loc[]={"S2E01-FH","S2E03-FH","S2E05-FH","S2E07-FH","S2E09-FH","S2E08-FL","S2E06-FL","S2E04-FL","S2E02-FL",
  for (int gg = 0; gg < 18; gg++) {
    rct_rackHF[gg] = rct_rackHF_loc[gg];

  /* all HF crates */
  for(ic=0; ic<NHFCR; ic++){
    /* four sets of three htrs per crate */
    for(is=0; is<NHSETS; is++){
      /* three htrs per set */
      for(ih=0; ih<NHTRS; ih++){
        /* top and bottom */
        for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
          /* eight fibers per HTR FPGA */
          for(ifb=0; ifb<NFBR; ifb++){
            /* three channels per fiber */
            for(ifc=0; ifc<NFCH; ifc++){
              det = "HF";
              (itb%2)== 1 ? fpga = "bot" : fpga = "top";
              irm_fi = irm_rmfiHF[ih][itb][ifb][0];
              //Don't switch in the HF. Why?
              if (iside == -1){
                S_side = '-';
                sidesign = 'M';
                if (ieta < 40){
                  if      (iphi == 1)     iphi = 71;
                  else if (iphi == 71)    iphi = 1;
                  else if (iphi % 4 == 1) iphi -= 2;
                  else if (iphi % 4 == 3) iphi += 2;
                  else                    edm::LogInfo( "HcalLogicalMapGenerator") <<"Even iphi in HFM"<<endl;
                S_side = '+';
                sidesign = 'P';
              //RM and RBX number
              if ((iside == 1 && ieta == 40) || (iside == -1 && ieta == 41)){
                irm = ((iphi + 1) / 2) % 36 + 1;
                hfphi = ((iphi + 1) / 6) % 12 + 1; 
                irm = ( iphi + 1) / 2;
                hfphi = (iphi - 1) / 6 + 1;
              irm = (irm - 1) % 3 + 1;
              if (iphi >= 71) iwedge = 1;
              else            iwedge = (iphi + 1) / 4 + 1;
              sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%c%2.2i%c", det.c_str(), sidesign, hfphi,'\0');
              rbx = mystream.str();
              //No pixel in HF, follow Fedor's convention
              ipixel = 0;
              //Integer truncation again consistent with Fedor's map. 
              iqie = (irm_fi - 1) / 2 + 1;
              if (irm_fi % 2 != 0) iadc = ifi_ch;
              else                 iadc = NFCH + (ifi_ch + 1) % 3;
              //slb and rct variables
              phideg = iphi - 3;
              if (phideg < 0) phideg = phideg + 72;
              phideg = (phideg / 4) * 20 + 10;
              irctcra = (( 89 - phideg  + 720)%360)/40;
              if (iside > 0) irctcra = irctcra + 9;
              //rct card and rct connector appear to be dummy here -- again, I follow Fedor's convention
              irctcar = 99;
              irctcon = 0;
              etaslb = 29;
              slnam = mystream.str();
              rctnam = mystream.str();
              islb = 6;
              int phibin = (iphi + 1) % 8 ;
              int etabin = (ieta - 29) / 3;
              if (etabin < 0) etabin = 0;
              if (etabin > 3) etabin = 3;
              if (phibin < 4) mystream<<S_slbin_7[etabin];
              else            mystream<<S_slbin_3[etabin];
              slbin = mystream.str();
              slbin2 = "NA";
              if (ieta < 40) idphi = 2;
              else           idphi = 4;

              HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry hbeflmapentry( 
                                                  ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                                  det, iside, ieta, iphi, idepth,
                                                  idphi, iwedge, irm, irm_fi, ipixel, iqie, iadc,
                                                  islb, irctcra, irctcar, irctcon,
                                                  rbx, slbin, slbin2, slnam, rctnam

              const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(hbeflmapentry.getDetId());
              const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenBarrel);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenEndcap);
              if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenForward);

                                    iside, ieta, iphi, idphi, idepth, det, iwedge, irm,
                                    ipixel, iqie, iadc, irm_fi, ifi_ch, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                    ihtr_fi, ispigot, islb, slbin, slbin2,
                                    slnam, irctcra, irctcar, irctcon, rctnam, ifed
void HcalLogicalMapGenerator::buildHOXMap ( std::vector< HOHXLogicalMapEntry > &  HOHXEntries,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  LinearIndex2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HoHash2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  HxCalibHash2Entry 
) [private]

Definition at line 613 of file

References HOHXLogicalMapEntry::getDetId(), HOHXLogicalMapEntry::getLinearIndex(), HcalGenericDetId::hashedId(), HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration, HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenOuter, i, findQualityFiles::jj, HcalLogicalMap::makeEntryNumber(), and relativeConstraints::ring.

  /* HO crate numbering */
  int hocrate_loc[NHOCR]={3,7,6,13};
  memcpy( hocrate, hocrate_loc, sizeof(int)*NHOCR );
  /* HO FED numbering of DCCs */
  int fedhonum_loc[NHOCR][2]={{724,725},{726,727},{728,729},{730,731}};
  memcpy( fedhonum, fedhonum_loc, sizeof(int)*NHOCR*2 );
  /* HO htr slot offsets for three sets of four htrs */
  int ihslotho_loc[NHSETSHO][NHTRSHO]={{2,3,4,5},{6,7,13,14},{15,16,17,18}};
  memcpy( ihslotho, ihslotho_loc, sizeof(int)*NHSETSHO*NHTRSHO );
  /* iphi (lower) starting index for each HO crate */
  int ihophis_loc[NHOCR]={71,17,35,53};
  memcpy( ihophis, ihophis_loc, sizeof(int)*NHOCR );
  //RM for the HO as a function of eta, phi and side as implemented in complete_ho_map.txt
  //There are only 24 phi columns because after that it begins to repeat. The relevant variable is phi mod 24.
  //HX as the 16th eta entry
  int HO_RM_table_loc[24][16][2] = 
  memcpy( HO_RM_table, HO_RM_table_loc, sizeof(int)*24*16*2 );

  //For |eta| 5 to 15, rm_fi is a function of |eta| only while htr_fi is a function of side and |eta|
  int HO_RM_fi_eta5to15_loc[11] = {3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7};
  memcpy( HO_RM_fi_eta5to15, HO_RM_fi_eta5to15_loc, sizeof(int)*11 );
  //For eta=16 it is 6, declared in the header
  HO_RM_fi_eta16 = 6;
  //For eta in the YB0 region, rm_fi is dependent on side, 4 for -1, and 5 for +1
  //but the values won't be any different than when the regular loop is executed
  //int HO_RM_fi_etaYB0[2] = {4, 5}
  int HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15_loc[2][11] = {{2, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 4, 6, 8, 4, 6},   //iside = -1
                                          {2, 8, 6, 4, 2, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2}};  //iside = +1
  memcpy( HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15, HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15_loc, sizeof(int)*2*11 );
  // for the minus side, htr_fi is determined by the RM, will have to shift up one since rm is 
  //numbered 1-4 not 0-3        
  int HO_htr_fi_450eta16M_loc[4] = {7, 7, 8, 8};//iside = -1
  memcpy( HO_htr_fi_450eta16M, HO_htr_fi_450eta16M_loc, sizeof(int)*4 );
  //For the plus side, there is a new htr so all values can be used, but only 6 are used
  //Depend on phi, but also on rm and sector (2,4,6,8,10,12)
  int HO_htr_fi_450eta16P_loc[4][6] = { {4,2,4,4,2,6},{2,6,6,2,6,4},{5,3,5,5,3,7},{3,7,7,3,7,5} };                 //iside = +1
  memcpy( HO_htr_fi_450eta16P, HO_htr_fi_450eta16P_loc, sizeof(int)*4*6 );
  //for |eta| <= 4, htr_fi is a function of side and phmod6
  int HO_htr_fi_eta4_loc[2][6] = {{6, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7},   //iside = -1
                                  {4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3}};  //iside = +1
  memcpy( HO_htr_fi_eta4, HO_htr_fi_eta4_loc, sizeof(int)*2*6 );

  int HO_htr_fi_eta123_loc[2][6] = {{6, 5, 4, 3, 8, 7},   //iside = -1
                                    {8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1}};  //iside = +1
  memcpy( HO_htr_fi_eta123, HO_htr_fi_eta123_loc, sizeof(int)*2*6 );
  //HO_htr_fi_123eta5to15[2][11] is unnecessary because HO_htr_fi_123eta5to15[i][j] == int HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15[i][j] - 1
  //For |eta| 1 to 4, it is a function of phi, eta and side. eta 1-3 always have the same value given a side, eta 4 is separate
  //and thus gets its own box
  int HO_RM_fi_eta1to4_loc[72][2][2] = 
    {           //side = -1            side = 1
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 1  to 8
      {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 9  to 16
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}, //Phi 17 to 24
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 25 to 32
      {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 33 to 40
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}, //Phi 41 to 48
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 49 to 56
      {{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}},{{2,6},{5,4}},{{3,7},{5,4}}, //Phi 57 to 64
      {{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}},{{7,3},{4,5}},{{6,2},{4,5}}  //Phi 65 to 72
  memcpy( HO_RM_fi_eta1to4, HO_RM_fi_eta1to4_loc, sizeof(int)*72*2*2 );

  //Pixel and letter code for the HO. Ring 0 is separate and goes into entry 0, Rings +/- 1,2 are all the same and go to entry 1.
  //Pixel and let_code for HO ring 0 on the crosstalk channels: on rm_fi 4, pixel = 18, let_code = X
  //Pixel and let_code for HO ring 0 on the crosstalk channels: on rm_fi 5, pixel = 2, let_code = X
  //                    Fiber Channel       0        1       2         0       1       2          0       1       2
  int ipixelHO_loc[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2] = {{{12,12},{ 7, 7},{ 6, 3}}, {{ 4, 4},{ 8, 8},{ 5, 1}}, {{19,11},{18, 6},{17, 2}},   //RM fibers 2,3,4
                                        {{ 2, 9},{ 1,13},{ 3, 5}}, {{11,19},{16,18},{15,17}}, {{13,15},{ 9,14},{14,16}}}; //RM fibers 5,6,7
  memcpy( ipixelHO, ipixelHO_loc, sizeof(int)*NRMFIBR*NFCH*2 );
  //                            Fiber Channel        0         1         2            0         1         2            0       Y 1         2
  std::string letterHO_loc[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2] = {{{"E","E"},{"G","L"},{"F","S"}}, {{"Q","M"},{"N","T"},{"P","F"}}, {{"A","C"},{"X","J"},{"J","Q"}},
                                                {{"X","K"},{"R","R"},{"H","D"}}, {{"D","A"},{"C","G"},{"B","N"}}, {{"L","H"},{"M","P"},{"K","B"}}}; 

  for (int jj = 0; jj < NRMFIBR; jj++) {
    for (int kk = 0; kk < NFCH; kk++) {
      for (int ll = 0; ll < 2; ll++) {
        letterHO[jj][kk][ll] = letterHO_loc[jj][kk][ll];

  //  Here is the section that deals with the miscabled HO RBXs.
  //  To modify the code between IOVs, just note that inverted corresponds to -infinity to end of 2008
  //  and otherwise, to 2009 to infinity.
  //  Except for some small but major caveats:
  //    HO2M04 (phi=16) was not able to be corrected, thus it is still inverted
  //    HO2M06 (phi=31) has not been active in 2009, and the cables have not been switched officially
  //    HO2P12 (phi=67) has not been active in 2009, and the cables have not been switched officially
  //  In the map, the inactive RBXs have been switched since the changes will be effected when the HO SiPMs
  //  are installed, also at that time, if it is possible, HO2M04 will be corrected as well.

  //              switched HO RM's need reversed eta values
  if(mapIOV_==1) {
    int rmspecialeta_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 }, // ring +2 phi = 5, inverted
      { 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 }, // ring +2 phi = 67, inverted
      { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 },      // ring -1 phi = 57, inverted
      { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 },      // ring -1 phi = 65, inverted
      { 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 }, // ring -2 phi = 16, inverted
      { 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 }  // ring -2 phi = 31, inverted

    std::string rmspeciallet_code_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "X", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" },  // ring +2 phi = 5, inverted
      { "X", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T" },  // ring +2 phi = 67, inverted
      { "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M" },  // ring -1 phi = 57, inverted
      { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" },  // ring -1 phi = 65, inverted
      { "X", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" },  // ring -2 phi = 16, inverted
      { "X", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T" }   // ring -2 phi = 31, inverted

    std::string rmspecialdet_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "HOX", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" }, // ring +2 phi = 5, inverted
      { "HOX", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" }, // ring +2 phi = 67, inverted
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 57, inverted
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 65, inverted
      { "HOX", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" }, // ring -2 phi = 16, inverted
      { "HOX", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" }  // ring -2 phi = 31, inverted

    memcpy( rmspecialeta, rmspecialeta_loc, sizeof(int)*6*6 );
    //              switched HO RM's need revised letter codes
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspeciallet_code[jj][kk] = rmspeciallet_code_loc[jj][kk];}}
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspecialdet[jj][kk] = rmspecialdet_loc[jj][kk];}}

  else if (mapIOV_==2) {
    int rmspecialeta_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }, // ring +2 phi = 5
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }, // ring +2 phi = 67
      { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },      // ring -1 phi = 57
      { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },      // ring -1 phi = 65
      { 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 }, // ring -2 phi = 16, still inverted
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }  // ring -2 phi = 31

    std::string rmspeciallet_code_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "X" },  // ring +2 phi = 5
      { "T", "S", "R", "Q", "P", "X" },  // ring +2 phi = 67
      { "M", "L", "K", "J", "H", "G" },  // ring -1 phi = 57
      { "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A" },  // ring -1 phi = 65
      { "X", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" },  // ring -2 phi = 16,still  inverted
      { "T", "S", "R", "Q", "P", "X" }   // ring -2 phi = 31

    std::string rmspecialdet_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }, // ring +2 phi = 5
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }, // ring +2 phi = 67
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 57
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 65
      { "HOX", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" }, // ring -2 phi = 16, still inverted
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }  // ring -2 phi = 31

    memcpy( rmspecialeta, rmspecialeta_loc, sizeof(int)*6*6 );
    //              switched HO RM's need revised letter codes
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspeciallet_code[jj][kk] = rmspeciallet_code_loc[jj][kk];}}
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspecialdet[jj][kk] = rmspecialdet_loc[jj][kk];}}

  else {
    int rmspecialeta_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }, // ring +2 phi = 5
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }, // ring +2 phi = 67
      { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },      // ring -1 phi = 57
      { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },      // ring -1 phi = 65
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }, // ring -2 phi = 16
      { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 }  // ring -2 phi = 31

    std::string rmspeciallet_code_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "X" },  // ring +2 phi = 5
      { "T", "S", "R", "Q", "P", "X" },  // ring +2 phi = 67
      { "M", "L", "K", "J", "H", "G" },  // ring -1 phi = 57
      { "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A" },  // ring -1 phi = 65
      { "F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "X" },  // ring -2 phi = 16
      { "T", "S", "R", "Q", "P", "X" }   // ring -2 phi = 31

    std::string rmspecialdet_loc[6][6] = { //there are 6 special cases, corresponding to 6 values of phi
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }, // ring +2 phi = 5
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }, // ring +2 phi = 67
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 57
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO" },  // ring -1 phi = 65
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }, // ring -2 phi = 16
      { "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HO", "HOX" }  // ring -2 phi = 31

    memcpy( rmspecialeta, rmspecialeta_loc, sizeof(int)*6*6 );
    //              switched HO RM's need revised letter codes
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspeciallet_code[jj][kk] = rmspeciallet_code_loc[jj][kk];}}
    for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++) {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        rmspecialdet[jj][kk] = rmspecialdet_loc[jj][kk];}}


  //Stream variable
  stringstream mystream;

  //Radical change: HO iterates over eta and phi rather than crate, HTR, etc. 
  for(isid = -1; isid < 2; isid+=2){
    for (iph = 0; iph < NHOPHI; iph++){
      for (iet = 0; iet < NHOETA; iet++){
        iphi = iph + 1;
        ieta = iet + 1;
        iside = isid;
        if (iphi >= 71 || iphi < 17)      ic = 0;
        else if (iphi >= 17 && iphi < 35) ic = 1;
        else if (iphi >= 35 && iphi < 53) ic = 2;
        else                              ic = 3;
        det = "HO";
        //fpga = top/bottom for Ring 0 depends on a pattern that repeats every 30 degrees (6 phi)
        //Hence, phmod6 (not phi mod 6 because I don't want to separate 71 and 72, etc.)
        phmod6 = iph % 6;
        //Bools associated with phmod6 to be used with htr_fi and the patch panel
        phmod6e450 = (phmod6 == 4 || phmod6 == 5 || phmod6 == 0); 
        phmod6e123 = (phmod6 == 1 || phmod6 == 2 || phmod6 == 3); 
        //Ring 0 (HTR type 0) is special
        if      (ieta <= 3  && (iside < 0 || phmod6 >= 4)) fpga = "bot";
        else if (ieta <= 3  && iside > 0 && phmod6 < 4)  fpga = "top";
        //new HX HTR
        else if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 3 || icrate == 6))   fpga = "top";
        else if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 7 || icrate == 13))   fpga = "bot";
        //HTR types 0 and 1
        else if (ieta >= 10 && iside > 0)                 fpga = "top";
        else if (ieta <  10 && ieta >= 6 && iside > 0)    fpga = "bot";
        //HTR types 2 and 3 
        else if ((ieta == 5 && iside > 0) || ieta == 4)   fpga = "top";
        else if ((ieta == 5 || ieta >= 10) && iside < 0)  fpga = "bot";
        else if ((ieta < 10 && ieta >= 6) && iside < 0)   fpga = "top";
        else    edm::LogInfo( "HcalLogicalMapGenerator") <<"Bad fpga code"<<endl;
        if      (ieta <= 20) idphi = 1;
        else                 idphi = -1000;
        //create values usable in arrays from side and fpga
        if   (iside == 1) sidear = 1;
        else              sidear = 0;
        if (fpga == "bot") itb = 1;//convention different than for the
        else               itb = 0;//electronics id, modified in the 
        //MapEntry code

        phmod24 = iph % 24;
        //Again, x - 1 because the array starts at 0 while the variables start at 1
        irm = HO_RM_table[phmod24][iet][sidear];
        //x - 5 for the eta array for the same reason
        //  the new stuff for HX
        if          (ieta==16) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta16;
        else if (ieta >= 5) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta5to15[ieta - 5];
        else if (ieta <= 3) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[iph][0][sidear];
        else if (ieta == 4) irm_fi = HO_RM_fi_eta1to4[iph][1][sidear];
        else                irm_fi = -1000;
        //Determine which of HTR in the set belongs here. It depends only on eta and side.
        //  the new stuff for HX
        //if          (ieta==16)
        if (ieta <= 3 || (ieta >= 14 && iside == 1))     ih = 0;
        else if (ieta <= 13 && ieta >= 6 && iside == 1)  ih = 1;
        else if (ieta <= 13 && ieta >= 6 && iside == -1) ih = 3;
        else                                             ih = 2;
        //Each value of "is" covers 30 degrees (that is, 6 values of phi). To calculate which ones,
        //I use phi % 18. Crates start at phi = 71, 17, 35, 53
        if (iphi % 18 == 17 || iphi % 18 <= 4)      is = 0;
        else if (iphi % 18 >= 5 && iphi % 18 <= 10) is = 1;
        else                                        is = 2;
        if ( ieta == 16 && iside > 0 ) ihtr=21;
        else ihtr=ihslotho[is][ih];
        if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 3 || icrate == 6))   ispigot = 12;
        else if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 7 || icrate == 13))   ispigot = 13;
        else ispigot=ihtr<9?(ihtr-2)*2+itb:(ihtr-13)*2+itb;
        idcc_sl = idcc == 1 ?10:20;
        //HTR fiber
        if (ieta >= 5 && phmod6e450) ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15[sidear][ieta - 5];
        else if (ieta >= 5 && phmod6e123) ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_450eta5to15[sidear][ieta - 5] - 1;
        else if (ieta == 4)               ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_eta4[sidear][phmod6];
        else if (ieta <= 3)               ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_eta123[sidear][phmod6];
        else                              ihtr_fi = -1000;
        //Fiber Channel
        //Eta >= 5 bools
        phi1458   = (iphi % 12 == 1 || iphi % 12 == 4 || iphi % 12 == 5  || iphi % 12 == 8);
        phi271011 = (iphi % 12 == 2 || iphi % 12 == 7 || iphi % 12 == 10 || iphi % 12 == 11);
        //Ring 0 bools
        phir0v1 = (iphi % 24 == 0 || iphi % 24 == 2 || iphi % 24 == 4  || iphi % 24 == 18 || iphi % 24 == 20 || iphi % 24 == 22);
        phir0v2 = (iphi % 24 == 1 || iphi % 24 == 3 || iphi % 24 == 17 || iphi % 24 == 19 || iphi % 24 == 21 || iphi % 24 == 23);
        //v3: phi 5 to 15 odd; v4: phi 6 to 16 even
        phir0v3 = (iphi % 24 == 5 || iphi % 24 == 7 || iphi % 24 == 9  || iphi % 24 == 11 || iphi % 24 == 13 || iphi % 24 == 15);
        phir0v4 = (iphi % 24 == 6 || iphi % 24 == 8 || iphi % 24 == 10 || iphi % 24 == 12 || iphi % 24 == 14 || iphi % 24 == 16);
        if (ieta >= 5){
          if      (ieta % 2 == 0 && phi1458)       ifi_ch = 0; 
          else if (ieta % 2 == 0 && iphi % 3 == 0) ifi_ch = 1;
          else if (ieta % 2 == 0 && phi271011)     ifi_ch = 2;
          else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && iphi % 3 == 0) ifi_ch = 0; 
          else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && phi271011)     ifi_ch = 1;
          else if (ieta % 2 == 1 && phi1458)       ifi_ch = 2;
        else if (ieta == 4){
          if (iside == -1){
            if      (phir0v1)       ifi_ch = 0;
            else if (phir0v4)       ifi_ch = 1;
            else if (iphi % 2 == 1) ifi_ch = 2;
            if      (phir0v3)       ifi_ch = 0;
            else if (phir0v2)       ifi_ch = 1;
            else if (iphi % 2 == 0) ifi_ch = 2;
        //eta = -3 and eta = +2
        else if ((ieta == 3 && iside == -1) || (ieta == 2 && iside == 1)){
          if      (phir0v4)            ifi_ch = 0;
          else if (phir0v3)            ifi_ch = 1;
          else if (phir0v1 || phir0v2) ifi_ch = 2;
        //eta = -2 and eta = +3
        else if ((ieta == 3 && iside == 1) || (ieta == 2 && iside == -1)){
          if      (phir0v2)            ifi_ch = 0;
          else if (phir0v1)            ifi_ch = 1;
          else if (phir0v3 || phir0v4) ifi_ch = 2;
        //ieta = 1
        else if (ieta == 1){
          if      (phir0v1 || phir0v3) ifi_ch = 0;
          else if (phir0v2 || phir0v4) ifi_ch = 1;
        //Intentional integer truncation; iqie and iadc are the same across all subdetectors
        //(Although irm_fi for HF starts at 1 and for HO it starts at 2, so one can't just copy and paste)
        iqie = (irm_fi - 2) / 2 + 1;
        if (irm_fi % 2 == 0) iadc = ifi_ch;
        else                 iadc = NFCH + (ifi_ch + 1) % 3;
        //Pixel and Letter Code (Ring 0 is separate)
        if (ieta <= 4){
          ipixel = ipixelHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][0];
          letter = letterHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][0];
          ipixel = ipixelHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][1];
          letter = letterHO[irm_fi - 2][ifi_ch][1];
        //RBX and sector
        if (iside == -1) sidesign = 'M';
        else             sidesign = 'P';
        if      (ieta <= 4)                ring = 0;
        else if (ieta >= 5 && ieta <= 10)  ring = 1;
        else                               ring = 2;
        //Sector ranges from 1 to 12 depending on phi. Sector 1 goes 71,72,1,2,3,4 so I start at -2
        sector = 0;
        for (i = -2; i < iphi; i+=6){
        if (sector > 12) sector = 1; //It rolls over for phi = 71,72 
        isector = sector;
        //For rings 1 and 2, we only want even sectors for the rbx
        if (ring != 0 && sector % 2 != 0) sector++;
        if (ring == 0)  sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%i%2.2d", det.c_str(), ring, sector);
        else            sprintf (tempbuff, "%s%i%c%2.2d", det.c_str(), ring, sidesign, sector);
        rbx = mystream.str();
        if (ieta == 16) {
          det = "HOX";
          letter = "X";}
        else det = "HO";
        //  the new htr_fi stuff for HX
        if (ieta==16 && isid<0) ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_450eta16M[irm - 1];
        else if (ieta==16 && isid>0) ihtr_fi = HO_htr_fi_450eta16P[irm - 1][sector/2-1];
        if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 3 || icrate == 7))   {
          icrate = 6;
          ifed = 729;
        else if ((ieta > 15 && iside > 0) && (icrate == 6 || icrate == 13))   {
          icrate = 7;
          ifed = 727;
        if ( ieta == 16 ) ieta = 15;
        // fixing the switched RM's
        if ( iside == 1 && ring == 2 ) {
          if ( iphi == 5 ) {
            ieta = rmspecialeta[0][iet - 10];
            letter = rmspeciallet_code[0][iet - 10];
            det = rmspecialdet[0][iet - 10];
          else if ( iphi == 67 ) {
            ieta = rmspecialeta[1][iet - 10];
            letter = rmspeciallet_code[1][iet - 10];
            det = rmspecialdet[1][iet - 10];
        else if ( iside == -1) {
          if ( ring == 1 ) {
            if ( iphi == 57 ) {
              ieta = rmspecialeta[2][iet - 4];
              letter = rmspeciallet_code[2][iet - 4];
              det = rmspecialdet[2][iet - 4];
            else if ( iphi == 65 ) {
              ieta = rmspecialeta[3][iet - 4];
              letter = rmspeciallet_code[3][iet - 4];
              det = rmspecialdet[3][iet - 4];
          else if ( ring == 2 ) {
            if ( iphi == 16 ) {
              ieta = rmspecialeta[4][iet - 10];
              letter = rmspeciallet_code[4][iet - 10];
              det = rmspecialdet[4][iet - 10];
            else if ( iphi == 31 ) {
              ieta = rmspecialeta[5][iet - 10];
              letter = rmspeciallet_code[5][iet - 10];
              det = rmspecialdet[5][iet - 10];

        HOHXLogicalMapEntry hoxlmapentry(
                                         ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                         det, iside, ieta, iphi, idepth,
                                         idphi, isector, irm, irm_fi, ipixel, iqie, iadc,
                                         rbx, letter

        const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(hoxlmapentry.getDetId());
        const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
        if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenOuter);
        if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);

        if (ring==0){
          if (ipixel==1){
            ipixel = 2;
            iadc = 4;
            ifi_ch = 0;
            letter = "X";
            det = "HOX";
            HOHXLogicalMapEntry hoxlmapentry(
                                             ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                             det, iside, ieta, iphi, idepth,
                                             idphi, isector, irm, irm_fi, ipixel, iqie, iadc,
                                             rbx, letter

            const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(hoxlmapentry.getDetId());
            const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
            if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenOuter);
            if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);

          else if (ipixel==17){
            ipixel = 18;
            iadc = 1;
            ifi_ch = 1;
            letter = "X";
            det = "HOX";
            HOHXLogicalMapEntry hoxlmapentry(
                                             ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                             det, iside, ieta, iphi, idepth,
                                             idphi, isector, irm, irm_fi, ipixel, iqie, iadc,
                                             rbx, letter

            const HcalGenericDetId hgdi(hoxlmapentry.getDetId());
            const int hashedId=hgdi.hashedId(false);
            if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenOuter);
            if (hgdi.genericSubdet()==HcalGenericDetId::HcalGenCalibration);

void HcalLogicalMapGenerator::buildZDCMap ( std::vector< ZDCLogicalMapEntry > &  ZDCEntries,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  LinearIndex2Entry,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  ZdcHash2Entry 
) [private]

Definition at line 1479 of file

References ZDCLogicalMapEntry::getLinearIndex(), UserOptions_cff::idx, and HcalLogicalMap::makeEntryNumber().

  /*ZDC channels*/
  //Stream variable
  stringstream mystream;

  /* side plus and minus */
  for(itb=0; itb<NTOPBOT; itb++){
    if (itb==0) {
      iside = 1;
      irm = 1;
      fpga = "top";
    else {
      iside = -1;
      irm = 2;
      if (mapIOV_<4) {
        fpga = "top";
        ispigot = 12;}
      else {
        fpga = "bot";
        ispigot = 13;}
    /*loop over ZDC cables*/
    for(icab=1; icab<NZDCCAB+1; icab++){
      if (icab < 4) {
        irm_fi = 1;
        iadc = icab - 1;
        ifi_ch = iadc;  
      else if (icab < 7) {
        irm_fi = 2;
        iadc = icab - 1;
        ifi_ch = iadc - 3;
      else {
        irm_fi = 3;
        iadc = icab - 7;
        ifi_ch = iadc;
      if (itb==0) {
        ihtr_fi = irm_fi;
        if(mapIOV_==4) {
          if(icab == 4) { iadc = 5; ifi_ch = 2; }
          if(icab == 6) { iadc = 3; ifi_ch = 0; }
      else {
        if (mapIOV_<4) ihtr_fi = irm_fi + 3;
        else ihtr_fi = irm_fi;
      if (icab < 6) {
        ix = icab;
        idepth = 1;
        idx = 1;
        det = "ZDC_EM";
        idet_ch = ix;
        iqie = 1;
      else {
        ix = 1;
        idepth = icab - 4;
        idx = 5;
        det = "ZDC_HAD";
        idet_ch = icab - 5;
        if (icab==6) iqie = 1;
        else iqie =  2;
      ZDCLogicalMapEntry zdclmapentry(
                                      ifi_ch, ihtr_fi, ispigot, ifed, icrate, ihtr, fpga,
                                      det, iside, idepth, 
                                      ix, iy, idx, idet_ch, icab, irm, iqie, 
                                      iadc, irm_fi
void HcalLogicalMapGenerator::ConstructTriggerTower ( std::vector< HTLogicalMapEntry > &  HTEntries,
int  i_side,
int  i_eta,
int  i_phi,
int  i_dphi,
int  i_depth,
std::string  i_det,
int  i_wedge,
int  i_rm,
int  i_pixel,
int  i_qie,
int  i_adc,
int  i_rm_fi,
int  i_fi_ch,
int  i_crate,
int  i_htr,
std::string  i_fpga,
int  i_htr_fi,
int  i_spigot,
int  i_slb,
std::string  i_slbin,
std::string  i_slbin2,
std::string  i_slnam,
int  i_rctcra,
int  i_rctcar,
int  i_rctcon,
std::string  i_rctnam,
int  i_fed 
) [private]

Definition at line 1570 of file

  string t_chDet,t_fpga;
  string t_slnam,t_rctnam,t_slbin,t_slbin2;

  int t_nDat=-1;
  int t_side,t_iEta,t_iPhi,t_jPhi,t_iDep,t_topbot;
  int t_wedge,t_crate,t_htr;
  //  int t_rm,t_pixel,t_qie,t_adc,t_rm_fi,t_fi_ch,t_htr_fi;
  int t_spigo,t_slb,t_rctcra,t_rctcar,t_rctcon,t_fedid;

  //making global variables local for modification
  (fpga=="bot") ? t_topbot = 1 : t_topbot = 0;
  t_side   = iside;
  t_iEta   = ieta;
  t_iPhi   = iphi;
  t_jPhi   = idphi;
  t_iDep   = idepth;
  t_chDet  = det;
  t_wedge  = iwedge;
  //  t_rm     = irm;
  //  t_pixel  = ipixel;
  //  t_qie    = iqie;
  //  t_adc    = iadc;
  //  t_rm_fi  = irm_fi;
  //  t_fi_ch  = ifi_ch;
  t_crate  = icrate;
  t_htr    = ihtr;
  t_fpga   = fpga;
  //  t_htr_fi = ihtr_fi;
  t_spigo  = ispigot;
  t_slb    = islb;
  t_slbin  = slbin;
  t_slbin2 = slbin2;
  t_slnam  = slnam;
  t_rctcra = irctcra;
  t_rctcar = irctcar;
  t_rctcon = irctcon;
  t_rctnam = rctnam;
  t_fedid  = ifed;

  do {
    if(t_iDep!=1) break;
    if(t_chDet=="HE"&&t_iEta==29) break;

    if(t_chDet=="HF") {
      t_jPhi=4;//20 degree slices in HF
         t_iEta==39||t_iEta==40||t_iEta==41) break;

      else if(t_iEta==32)t_iEta=30;
      else if(t_iEta==35)t_iEta=31;
      else if(t_iEta==38)t_iEta=32;

         t_iPhi==63||t_iPhi==67||t_iPhi==71) break;
    if(t_side<0) t_iEta=-t_iEta;
    if(t_slbin!="NA") {
      if(t_slbin2!="NA") t_jPhi=1;
      if(t_slbin=="A0"||t_slbin=="B0")  t_nDat=0;
      else if(t_slbin=="A1"||t_slbin=="B1")  t_nDat=1;
      else if(t_slbin=="C0"||t_slbin=="D0")  t_nDat=2;
      else if(t_slbin=="C1"||t_slbin=="D1")  t_nDat=3;
      HTLogicalMapEntry htlmapentry(
                                    t_iEta, t_iPhi,
                                    t_side, t_jPhi, t_iDep, t_chDet, t_wedge, t_crate, t_htr, t_topbot, 
                                    t_spigo, t_slb, t_slbin, t_slbin2, t_nDat,
                                    t_slnam, t_rctcra, t_rctcar, t_rctcon, t_rctnam, t_fedid
    if(t_slbin2!="NA") {
      if(t_slbin2=="A0"||t_slbin2=="B0")  t_nDat=0;
      else if(t_slbin2=="A1"||t_slbin2=="B1")  t_nDat=1;
      else if(t_slbin2=="C0"||t_slbin2=="D0")  t_nDat=2;
      else if(t_slbin2=="C1"||t_slbin2=="D1")  t_nDat=3;
      t_jPhi=1;//after splitting up these towers, each half should have dphi of 1

      HTLogicalMapEntry htlmapentry(
                                    t_iEta, t_iPhi,//changed from t_iPhi + 1 here to the spot above
                                    t_side, t_jPhi, t_iDep, t_chDet, t_wedge, t_crate, t_htr, t_topbot, 
                                    t_spigo, t_slb, t_slbin, t_slbin2, t_nDat,
                                    t_slnam, t_rctcra, t_rctcar, t_rctcon, t_rctnam, t_fedid
  } while(1!=1);
HcalLogicalMap HcalLogicalMapGenerator::createMap ( unsigned int  mapIOV = 5)

Definition at line 38 of file

References i, and HcalElectronicsId::maxLinearIndex.

Referenced by HBHEStatusBitSetter::HBHEStatusBitSetter(), HcalPedestalClient::htmlOutput(), HcalDetDiagLEDClient::htmlOutput(), HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::htmlOutput(), HcalRecHitMonitor::setup(), and HcalDetDiagLEDMonitor::setup().


  mapIOV_ = mapIOV;

  std::vector <HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry> HBHEHFEntries;
  std::vector <HOHXLogicalMapEntry> HOHXEntries;
  std::vector <CALIBLogicalMapEntry> CALIBEntries;
  std::vector <ZDCLogicalMapEntry> ZDCEntries;
  std::vector <HTLogicalMapEntry> HTEntries;
  std::vector <uint32_t> LinearIndex2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HbHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HeHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HfHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HtHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HoHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> HxCalibHash2Entry;
  //std::vector <uint32_t> CalibHash2Entry;
  std::vector <uint32_t> ZdcHash2Entry;

  int HbHalf = 1296;
  int HeHalf = 1296;
  //if (h2mode_) HeHalf = 4032;
  int HoHalf = 1080;
  int HfHalf = 864;
  int HtHalf = 2088;
  int ZdcHalf = 11;
  int CalibFull=216+425+8;

  uint32_t illegal_value=0;
  for (int i=0;i<=HcalElectronicsId::maxLinearIndex;i++) LinearIndex2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHb=0;iHb<2*HbHalf;iHb++) HbHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHe=0;iHe<2*HeHalf;iHe++) HeHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHf=0;iHf<2*HfHalf;iHf++) HfHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHt=0;iHt<2*HtHalf;iHt++) HtHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHo=0;iHo<2*HoHalf;iHo++) HoHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iHcalib=0;iHcalib<CalibFull;iHcalib++) HxCalibHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);
  for (int iZdc=0;iZdc<2*ZdcHalf;iZdc++) ZdcHash2Entry.push_back(illegal_value);


  return HcalLogicalMap(HBHEHFEntries,HOHXEntries,CALIBEntries,ZDCEntries,HTEntries,

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 152 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 159 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 141 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::det [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 157 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 153 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 90 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 91 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 92 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::fpga [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 87 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 88 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 136 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 122 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 123 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 121 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 125 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 124 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 119 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 127 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 117 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::HO_RM_table[24][16][2] [private]

Definition at line 116 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 89 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 67 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 106 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 81 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 154 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 156 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 155 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 78 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 81 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 81 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 98 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 95 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 99 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 96 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 97 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 93 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 94 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 76 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 103 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 105 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 128 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 100 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 102 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 73 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 72 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 74 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 150 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 71 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 81 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 81 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 67 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::letter [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::letterHO[NRMFIBR][NFCH][2] [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

unsigned int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::mapIOV_ [private]

Definition at line 38 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NCALIBCR = 13 [static, private]

Definition at line 54 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NFBR = 8 [static, private]

Definition at line 58 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 158 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NFCH = 3 [static, private]

Definition at line 59 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHBHECR = 9 [static, private]

Definition at line 42 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHFCR = 3 [static, private]

Definition at line 46 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHOCR = 4 [static, private]

Definition at line 48 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHOETA = 16 [static, private]

Definition at line 51 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHOPHI = 72 [static, private]

Definition at line 52 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHSETS = 4 [static, private]

Definition at line 44 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHSETSHO = 3 [static, private]

Definition at line 50 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHTRS = 3 [static, private]

Definition at line 43 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NHTRSHO = 4 [static, private]

Definition at line 49 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NRMFIBR = 6 [static, private]

Definition at line 61 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NRMSLOT = 4 [static, private]

Definition at line 62 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NTOPBOT = 2 [static, private]

Definition at line 60 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const int HcalLogicalMapGenerator::NZDCCAB = 9 [static, private]

Definition at line 56 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 140 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 145 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 146 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 146 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rbx [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rct_rackHBHE[18] [private]

Definition at line 110 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rct_rackHF[18] [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rctnam [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rmspecialdet[6][6] [private]

Definition at line 132 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 130 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::rmspeciallet_code[6][6] [private]

Definition at line 131 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 137 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::S_slbin_3[4] [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::S_slbin_7[4] [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::S_slbin_even[8] [private]

Definition at line 109 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

const char* HcalLogicalMapGenerator::S_slbin_odd[8] [private]

Definition at line 108 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 144 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 137 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 115 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::slbin [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::slbin2 [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::slnam [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

std::string HcalLogicalMapGenerator::subdet [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.

Definition at line 85 of file HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h.