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Variables | |
tuple | goodMuonsForW |
tuple | pfMetWMuNuSeq |
tuple | tcMetWMuNuSeq |
tuple | wmnPFCands |
tuple | wmnPFFilter |
tuple | wmnTCCands |
tuple | wmnTCFilter |
tuple | WMuHLTFilter = copy.deepcopy(hltHighLevel) |
00001 cms.EDFilter("MuonViewRefSelector", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("muons"), 00003 cut = cms.string('isGlobalMuon=1 && isTrackerMuon=1 && abs(eta)<2.1 && abs(globalTrack().dxy)<0.2 && pt>20. && globalTrack().normalizedChi2<10 && globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits>10 && globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits>0 && globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits>0 && numberOfMatches>1 && (isolationR03().sumPt+isolationR03().emEt+isolationR03().hadEt)<0.15*pt'), 00004 filter = cms.bool(True) 00005 )
Definition at line 11 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence(WMuHLTFilter * 00002 goodMuonsForW * 00003 wmnPFCands * 00004 wmnPFFilter 00005 )
Definition at line 45 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence(WMuHLTFilter * 00002 goodMuonsForW * 00003 wmnTCCands * 00004 wmnTCFilter 00005 )
Definition at line 52 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
tuple WMuSkim_cff::wmnPFCands |
00001 cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner", 00002 checkCharge = cms.bool(False), 00003 cut = cms.string('sqrt((daughter(0).pt+daughter(1).pt)*(daughter(0).pt+daughter(1).pt)-pt*pt)>50'), 00004 decay = cms.string("goodMuonsForW pfMet") 00005 )
Definition at line 18 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
tuple WMuSkim_cff::wmnPFFilter |
00001 cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("wmnPFCands"), 00003 minNumber = cms.uint32(1) 00004 )
Definition at line 25 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
tuple WMuSkim_cff::wmnTCCands |
00001 cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner", 00002 checkCharge = cms.bool(False), 00003 cut = cms.string('sqrt((daughter(0).pt+daughter(1).pt)*(daughter(0).pt+daughter(1).pt)-pt*pt)>50'), 00004 decay = cms.string("goodMuonsForW tcMet") 00005 )
Definition at line 31 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
tuple WMuSkim_cff::wmnTCFilter |
00001 cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("wmnTCCands"), 00003 minNumber = cms.uint32(1) 00004 )
Definition at line 38 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.
tuple WMuSkim_cff::WMuHLTFilter = copy.deepcopy(hltHighLevel) |
Definition at line 6 of file WMuSkim_cff.py.