Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTChamberEfficiencyTask Class Reference

#include <DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTChamberEfficiencyTask:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
void beginJob ()
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, edm::EventSetup const &context)
 To reset the MEs.
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
 DTChamberEfficiencyTask (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
void endJob ()
virtual ~DTChamberEfficiencyTask ()

Private Member Functions

void bookHistos (DTChamberId chId)
const DTRecSegment4DgetBestSegment (const DTRecSegment4D *s1, const DTRecSegment4D *s2) const
const DTRecSegment4DgetBestSegment (const DTRecSegment4DCollection::range &segs) const
LocalPoint interpolate (const DTRecSegment4D &seg1, const DTRecSegment4D &seg3, const DTChamberId &MB2) const
bool isGoodSegment (const DTRecSegment4D &seg) const

Private Attributes

bool debug
bool detailedAnalysis
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometrydtGeom
std::map< DTChamberId,
std::vector< MonitorElement * > > 
bool onlineMonitor
edm::ParameterSet parameters
< DTRecSegment4DCollection
double theMinChi2NormSegment
double theMinCloseDist
unsigned int theMinHitsSegment
std::string theRecHits4DLabel

Detailed Description

DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments, it produces plots about:

Class based on the code written by S. Lacaprara : RecoLocalMuon / DTSegment / test / DTEffAnalyzer.h

2010/01/05 10:14:40
G. Mila - INFN Torino

Definition at line 39 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTChamberEfficiencyTask::DTChamberEfficiencyTask ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)


Definition at line 36 of file

References debug, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and Parameters::parameters.


  debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug",false);

  edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask") << "[DTChamberEfficiencyTask] Constructor called!";

  // Get the DQM needed services
  theDbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();


  parameters = pset;

DTChamberEfficiencyTask::~DTChamberEfficiencyTask ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 52 of file

  edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask") << "[DTChamberEfficiencyTask] Destructor called!";

Member Function Documentation

void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 170 of file

References DTRecSegment4D::hasPhi(), DTRecSegment4D::hasZed(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::histos, DTRecSegment4D::localPosition(), mag(), DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), DTChamberId::wheel(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and detailsBasic3DVector::y.


  edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask") << "[DTChamberEfficiencyTask] Analyze #Run: " <<
         << " #Event: " <<;
  // Get the 4D rechit collection from the event
  event.getByLabel(theRecHits4DLabel, segs);

  int bottom=0, top=0;

  // Loop over all the chambers
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_it = dtGeom->chambers().begin();
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_end = dtGeom->chambers().end();
  for (; ch_it != ch_end; ++ch_it) {
    DTChamberId ch = (*ch_it)->id();
    int wheel =  ch.wheel();
    int sector = ch.sector();
    int station = ch.station();

    DTChamberId MidId(wheel, station, sector);
    // get efficiency for MB1 using MB2 and MB3 
    if( station == 1 ) {
      bottom = 2;
      top = 3;
    // get efficiency for MB2 using MB1 and MB3
    if( station == 2 ) {
      bottom = 1;
      top = 3;

    // get efficiency for MB2 using MB2 and MB4
    if( station == 3 ) {
      bottom = 2;
      top = 4;
    // get efficiency for MB4 using MB2 and MB3
    if( station == 4 ) {
      bottom = 2;
      top = 3;

    // Select events with (good) segments in Bot and Top
    DTChamberId BotId(wheel, bottom, sector);
    DTChamberId TopId(wheel, top, sector);      
    // Get segments in the bottom chambers (if any)
    DTRecSegment4DCollection::range segsBot= segs->get(BotId);
    int nSegsBot=segsBot.second-segsBot.first;
    // check if any segments is there
    if (nSegsBot==0) continue;

    vector<MonitorElement *> histos =  histosPerCh[MidId];  
    // Get segments in the top chambers (if any)
    DTRecSegment4DCollection::range segsTop= segs->get(TopId);
    int nSegsTop=segsTop.second-segsTop.first;
    // Select one segment for the bottom chamber
    const DTRecSegment4D& bestBotSeg= getBestSegment(segsBot);
    // Select one segment for the top chamber
    DTRecSegment4D* pBestTopSeg=0;
    if (nSegsTop>0) 
      pBestTopSeg = const_cast<DTRecSegment4D*>(&getBestSegment(segsTop));
    //if top chamber is MB4 sector 10, consider also sector 14
    if (TopId.station() == 4 && TopId.sector() == 10) {
      DTChamberId TopId14(wheel, top, 14);
      DTRecSegment4DCollection::range segsTop14= segs->get(TopId14);
      int nSegsTop14=segsTop14.second-segsTop14.first;
      if (nSegsTop14) {
        DTRecSegment4D* pBestTopSeg14 = const_cast<DTRecSegment4D*>(&getBestSegment(segsTop14));
        // get best between sector 10 and 14
        pBestTopSeg = const_cast<DTRecSegment4D*>(getBestSegment(pBestTopSeg, pBestTopSeg14));
    if (!pBestTopSeg) continue;
    const DTRecSegment4D& bestTopSeg= *pBestTopSeg;
    DTRecSegment4DCollection::range segsMid= segs->get(MidId);
    int nSegsMid=segsMid.second-segsMid.first;
      // very trivial efficiency, just count segments
      if (nSegsMid>0) histos[3]->Fill(1);
    // get position at Mid by interpolating the position (not direction) of best
    // segment in Bot and Top to Mid surface
    LocalPoint posAtMid = interpolate(bestBotSeg, bestTopSeg, MidId);
    // is best segment good enough?
    if (isGoodSegment(bestBotSeg) && isGoodSegment(bestTopSeg)) {
      //check if interpolation fall inside middle chamber
      if ((dtGeom->chamber(MidId))->surface().bounds().inside(posAtMid)) {
        if (nSegsMid>0) {


          const DTRecSegment4D& bestMidSeg= getBestSegment(segsMid);
          // check if middle segments is good enough
          if (isGoodSegment(bestMidSeg)) {
            LocalPoint midSegPos=bestMidSeg.localPosition();
            // check if middle segments is also close enough
            double dist;
            if (bestMidSeg.hasPhi()) { 
              if (bestTopSeg.hasZed() && bestBotSeg.hasZed() && bestMidSeg.hasZed()) { 
                dist = (midSegPos-posAtMid).mag();
              } else {
                    dist = fabs((midSegPos-posAtMid).x());
            } else {
              dist = fabs((midSegPos-posAtMid).y());
            if (dist < theMinCloseDist ) {
  }// loop over stations

void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 58 of file

References Parameters::parameters.


  // the name of the 4D rec hits collection
  theRecHits4DLabel = parameters.getParameter<string>("recHits4DLabel");

  // parameters to use for the segment quality check
  theMinHitsSegment = static_cast<unsigned int>(parameters.getParameter<int>("minHitsSegment"));
  theMinChi2NormSegment = parameters.getParameter<double>("minChi2NormSegment");
  // parameter to use for the exstrapolated segment check
  theMinCloseDist = parameters.getParameter<double>("minCloseDist");

  // the running modality
  onlineMonitor = parameters.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("onlineMonitor");

  // the analysis mode
  detailedAnalysis = parameters.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("detailedAnalysis");

void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::beginLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  lumiSeg,
edm::EventSetup const &  context 
) [virtual]

To reset the MEs.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 78 of file

References interpolateCardsSimple::histo, i, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::id(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), Parameters::parameters, and findQualityFiles::size.


  edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask")<<"[DTChamberEfficiencyTask]: Begin of LS transition";
  if(<int>("ResetCycle", 3) == 0 && onlineMonitor) {
    for(map<DTChamberId, vector<MonitorElement*> > ::const_iterator histo = histosPerCh.begin();
        histo != histosPerCh.end();
        histo++) {
      int size = (*histo).second.size();
      for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 96 of file

References bookHistos(), and edm::EventSetup::get().

  // Get the DT Geometry

  // Loop over all the chambers
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_it = dtGeom->chambers().begin();
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_end = dtGeom->chambers().end();
  for (; ch_it != ch_end; ++ch_it) {
    // histo booking

void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::bookHistos ( DTChamberId  chId) [private]

Definition at line 121 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::histos, DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), and DTChamberId::wheel().

  edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask") << "   Booking histos for CH : " << chId;
  // Compose the chamber name
  stringstream wheel; wheel << chId.wheel();    
  stringstream station; station << chId.station();      
  stringstream sector; sector << chId.sector(); 
  string HistoName =
    "_W" + wheel.str() +
    "_St" + station.str() +
    "_Sec" + sector.str();
  theDbe->setCurrentFolder("DT/01-DTChamberEfficiency/Task/Wheel" + wheel.str() +
                           "/Sector" + sector.str() +
                           "/Station" + station.str());
  // Create the monitor elements
  vector<MonitorElement *> histos;

  //efficiency selection cuts
  // a- number of segments of the top chamber > 0 && number of segments of the bottom chamber > 0
  // b- number of segments of the middle chamber > 0
  // c- check of the top and bottom segment quality 
  // d- check if interpolation falls inside the middle chamber
  // e- check of the middle segment quality 
  // f- check if the distance between the reconstructed and the exstrapolated segments is ok

  // histo for efficiency with cuts a-/c-/d-
  histos.push_back(theDbe->book2D("hEffGoodSegVsPosDen"+HistoName,"Eff vs local position (good) ",25,-250.,250., 25,-250.,250.));
  // histo for efficiency with cuts a-/b-/c-/d-/e-/f-
  histos.push_back(theDbe->book2D("hEffGoodCloseSegVsPosNum"+HistoName, "Eff vs local position (good and close segs) ", 25,-250.,250., 25,-250.,250.));
    histos.push_back(theDbe->book1D("hDistSegFromExtrap"+HistoName, "Distance segments from extrap position ",200,0.,200.));
    // histo for efficiency from segment counting
    histos.push_back(theDbe->book1D("hNaiveEffSeg"+HistoName, "Naive eff ",10,0.,10.));
    // histo for efficiency with cuts a-/c-
  histos.push_back(theDbe->book2D("hEffSegVsPosDen"+HistoName,"Eff vs local position (all) ",25,-250.,250., 25,-250.,250.));    
    // histo for efficiency with cuts a-/b-/c-/d-
    histos.push_back(theDbe->book2D("hEffSegVsPosNum"+HistoName, "Eff vs local position ",25,-250.,250., 25,-250.,250.));
    // histo for efficiency with cuts a-/b-/c-/d-/e-
    histos.push_back(theDbe->book2D("hEffGoodSegVsPosNum"+HistoName, "Eff vs local position (good segs) ", 25,-250.,250., 25,-250.,250.));
  histosPerCh[chId] = histos;
void DTChamberEfficiencyTask::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 113 of file


    edm::LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTChamberEfficiencyTask")<<"[DTChamberEfficiencyTask] endjob called!";
const DTRecSegment4D * DTChamberEfficiencyTask::getBestSegment ( const DTRecSegment4D s1,
const DTRecSegment4D s2 
) const [private]

Definition at line 342 of file

References DTRecSegment4D::chi2(), DTRecSegment4D::degreesOfFreedom(), DTRecSegment4D::hasPhi(), DTRecSegment4D::hasZed(), DTRecSegment4D::phiSegment(), DTRecSegment2D::recHits(), indexGen::s2, and DTRecSegment4D::zSegment().


  if (!s1) return s2;
  if (!s2) return s1;
  unsigned int nHits1= (s1->hasPhi() ? s1->phiSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 ) ;
  nHits1+= (s1->hasZed() ?  s1->zSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 );

  unsigned int nHits2= (s2->hasPhi() ? s2->phiSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 ) ;
  nHits2+= (s2->hasZed() ?  s2->zSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 );

  if (nHits1==nHits2) {
    if (s1->chi2()/s1->degreesOfFreedom() < s2->chi2()/s2->degreesOfFreedom() ) 
      return s1;
      return s2;
  else if (nHits1>nHits2) return s1;
  return s2;
const DTRecSegment4D & DTChamberEfficiencyTask::getBestSegment ( const DTRecSegment4DCollection::range segs) const [private]

Definition at line 319 of file

References DTRecSegment4D::chi2().

  DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator bestIter;
  unsigned int nHitBest=0;
  double chi2Best=99999.;
  for (DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator seg=segs.first ;
       seg!=segs.second ; ++seg ) {
    unsigned int nHits= ((*seg).hasPhi() ? (*seg).phiSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 ) ;
    nHits+= ((*seg).hasZed() ?  (*seg).zSegment()->recHits().size() : 0 );

    if (nHits==nHitBest) {
      if ((*seg).chi2()/(*seg).degreesOfFreedom() < chi2Best ) {
        bestIter = seg;
    else if (nHits>nHitBest) {
      bestIter = seg;
  return *bestIter;
LocalPoint DTChamberEfficiencyTask::interpolate ( const DTRecSegment4D seg1,
const DTRecSegment4D seg3,
const DTChamberId MB2 
) const [private]

Definition at line 364 of file

References DTRecSegment4D::chamberId(), dir, DTRecSegment4D::hasPhi(), DTRecSegment4D::hasZed(), DTRecSegment4D::localPosition(), toLocal(), csvLumiCalc::unit, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  // Get GlobalPoition of Seg in MB1
  GlobalPoint gpos1=(dtGeom->chamber(seg1.chamberId()))->toGlobal(seg1.localPosition());

  // Get GlobalPoition of Seg in MB3
  GlobalPoint gpos3=(dtGeom->chamber(seg3.chamberId()))->toGlobal(seg3.localPosition());

  // interpolate
  // get all in MB2 frame
  LocalPoint pos1=(dtGeom->chamber(id2))->toLocal(gpos1);
  LocalPoint pos3=(dtGeom->chamber(id2))->toLocal(gpos3);

  // case 1: 1 and 3 has both projection. No problem

  // case 2: one projection is missing for one of the segments. Keep the other's segment position
  if (!seg1.hasZed()) pos1=LocalPoint(pos1.x(),pos3.y(),pos1.z());
  if (!seg3.hasZed()) pos3=LocalPoint(pos3.x(),pos1.y(),pos3.z());

  if (!seg1.hasPhi()) pos1=LocalPoint(pos3.x(),pos1.y(),pos1.z());
  if (!seg3.hasPhi()) pos3=LocalPoint(pos1.x(),pos3.y(),pos3.z());

  // direction
  LocalVector dir = (pos3-pos1).unit(); // z points inward!
  LocalPoint pos2 = pos1+dir*pos1.z()/(-dir.z());

  return pos2;
bool DTChamberEfficiencyTask::isGoodSegment ( const DTRecSegment4D seg) const [private]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 80 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 84 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 97 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 91 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 82 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 89 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 98 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 77 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 94 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 95 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 93 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.

Definition at line 87 of file DTChamberEfficiencyTask.h.