Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTTTrigResidualCorrection Class Reference

#include <DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTTTrigResidualCorrection:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual DTTTrigData correction (const DTSuperLayerId &)
 DTTTrigResidualCorrection (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void setES (const edm::EventSetup &setup)
virtual ~DTTTrigResidualCorrection ()

Private Member Functions

const TH1F * getHisto (const DTSuperLayerId &)
std::string getHistoName (const DTSuperLayerId &slID)

Private Attributes

std::string dbLabel_
const DTMtimemTimeMap_
std::string rootBaseDir_
TFile * rootFile_
const DTTtrigtTrigMap_
bool useFit_
bool useSlopesCalib_
double vDriftEff_ [5][14][4][3]

Detailed Description

Concrete implementation of a DTTTrigBaseCorrection. Computes residual correction for tTrig

A. Vilela Pereira

Definition at line 27 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTTTrigResidualCorrection::DTTTrigResidualCorrection ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 42 of file

References debug, edm::FileInPath::fullPath(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter().

  string residualsRootFile = pset.getParameter<string>("residualsRootFile");
  rootFile_ = new TFile(residualsRootFile.c_str(),"READ");
  rootBaseDir_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootBaseDir","/DQMData/DT/DTCalibValidation"); 
  useFit_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("useFitToResiduals");
  //useConstantvDrift_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("useConstantDriftVelocity");
  dbLabel_  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("dbLabel", "");
  useSlopesCalib_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useSlopesCalib",false);

  // Load external slopes
     ifstream fileSlopes; pset.getParameter<FileInPath>("slopesFileName").fullPath().c_str() );

     int tmp_wheel = 0, tmp_sector = 0, tmp_station = 0, tmp_SL = 0;
     double tmp_ttrig = 0., tmp_t0 = 0., tmp_kfact = 0.;
     int tmp_a = 0, tmp_b = 0, tmp_c = 0, tmp_d = 0;
     double tmp_v_eff = 0.;
        fileSlopes >> tmp_wheel >> tmp_sector >> tmp_station >> tmp_SL  >> tmp_a >> tmp_b >>
                      tmp_ttrig >> tmp_t0 >> tmp_kfact >> tmp_c >> tmp_d >> tmp_v_eff;
        vDriftEff_[tmp_wheel+2][tmp_sector-1][tmp_station-1][tmp_SL-1] = -tmp_v_eff;

  bool debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug",false);
  fitter_ = new DTResidualFitter(debug);
DTTTrigResidualCorrection::~DTTTrigResidualCorrection ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 72 of file

  delete rootFile_;
  delete fitter_;

Member Function Documentation

DTTTrigData DTTTrigResidualCorrection::correction ( const DTSuperLayerId slId) [virtual]

Implements DTTTrigBaseCorrection.

Definition at line 91 of file

References DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns, Exception, DTResidualFitResult::fitMean, DTResidualFitResult::fitSigma, cropTnPTrees::frac, getHisto(), LogTrace, timingPdfMaker::mean, DTTimeUnits::ns, DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), ntuplemaker::status, DTSuperLayerId::superLayer(), DTChamberId::wheel(), and x.


  float tTrigMean,tTrigSigma,kFactor;
  int status = tTrigMap_->get(slId,tTrigMean,tTrigSigma,kFactor,DTTimeUnits::ns);
  if(status != 0) throw cms::Exception("[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]") << "Could not find tTrig entry in DB for"
                                                                      << slId << endl;

  float vDrift,hitResolution;
  status = mTimeMap_->get(slId,vDrift,hitResolution,DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns);
  if(status != 0) throw cms::Exception("[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]") << "Could not find vDrift entry in DB for"
                                                                      << slId << endl;
  TH1F residualHisto = *(getHisto(slId));
  LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: \n"
                          << "   Mean, RMS     = " << residualHisto.GetMean() << ", " << residualHisto.GetRMS();

  double fitMean = -1.;
  double fitSigma = -1.;
    LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: Fitting histogram " << residualHisto.GetName(); 
    const bool originalFit = false; // FIXME: Include this option in fitter class
       RooRealVar x("x","residual",-1.,1.);
       RooRealVar mean("mean","mean",residualHisto.GetMean(),-0.3,0.3);
       RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1",0.,0.5);
       RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2",0.,0.5);

       RooRealVar frac("frac","frac",0.,1.);

       RooGaussian myg1("myg1","Gaussian distribution",x,mean,sigma1);
       RooGaussian myg2("myg2","Gaussian distribution",x,mean,sigma2);

       RooAddPdf myg("myg","myg",RooArgList(myg1,myg2),RooArgList(frac));

       RooDataHist hdata("hdata","Binned data",RooArgList(x),&residualHisto);

       fitMean = mean.getVal();
       fitSigma = sigma1.getVal();
    } else{
       int nSigmas = 2;
       DTResidualFitResult fitResult = fitter_->fitResiduals(residualHisto,nSigmas);
       fitMean = fitResult.fitMean;
       fitSigma = fitResult.fitSigma;  
    LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: \n"
                            << "   Fit Mean      = " << fitMean << "\n"
                            << "   Fit Sigma     = " << fitSigma;
  double resMean = (useFit_) ? fitMean : residualHisto.GetMean();

  int wheel = slId.wheel();
  int sector = slId.sector();
  int station = slId.station();
  int superLayer = slId.superLayer();
  double resTime = 0.;
     double vdrift_eff = vDriftEff_[wheel+2][sector-1][station-1][superLayer-1];
     if(vdrift_eff == 0) vdrift_eff = vDrift;

     if(vdrift_eff) resTime = resMean/vdrift_eff;

     LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: Effective vDrift, correction to tTrig = "
                             << vdrift_eff << ", " << resTime;
  } else{
     if(vDrift) resTime = resMean/vDrift;

     LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: vDrift from DB, correction to tTrig = "
                             << vDrift << ", " << resTime;
  double corrMean = tTrigMean;
  double corrSigma = (tTrigSigma != 0.) ? tTrigSigma : 1.;
  double corrKFact = (tTrigSigma != 0.) ? (kFactor + resTime/tTrigSigma) : resTime;

  return DTTTrigData(corrMean,corrSigma,corrKFact);  
const TH1F * DTTTrigResidualCorrection::getHisto ( const DTSuperLayerId slId) [private]

Definition at line 168 of file

References Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::getHistoName(), interpolateCardsSimple::histo, and LogTrace.

  string histoName = getHistoName(slId);
  LogTrace("Calibration") << "[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]: Accessing histogram " << histoName.c_str();
  TH1F* histo = static_cast<TH1F*>(rootFile_->Get(histoName.c_str()));
  if(!histo) throw cms::Exception("[DTTTrigResidualCorrection]") << "residual histogram not found:"
                                                                 << histoName << endl; 
  return histo;
string DTTTrigResidualCorrection::getHistoName ( const DTSuperLayerId slID) [private]

Definition at line 177 of file

References DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), launcher::step, cmsPerfCommons::Step, DTSuperLayerId::superlayer(), and DTChamberId::wheel().


  int step = 3;
  stringstream wheel; wheel << slId.wheel();    
  stringstream station; station << slId.station();      
  stringstream sector; sector << slId.sector(); 
  stringstream superLayer; superLayer << slId.superlayer();
  stringstream Step; Step << step;

  string histoName =
    rootBaseDir_ + "/Wheel" + wheel.str() + 
    "/Station" + station.str() +
    "/Sector" + sector.str() +
    "/hResDist_STEP" + Step.str() +
    "_W" + wheel.str() +
    "_St" + station.str() +
    "_Sec" + sector.str() +
    "_SL" + superLayer.str();

  return histoName;
void DTTTrigResidualCorrection::setES ( const edm::EventSetup setup) [virtual]

Implements DTTTrigBaseCorrection.

Definition at line 77 of file

References edm::EventSetup::get().

  // Get tTrig record from DB
  ESHandle<DTTtrig> tTrig;
  tTrigMap_ = &*tTrig;

  // Get vDrift record
  ESHandle<DTMtime> mTimeHandle;
  mTimeMap_ = &*mTimeHandle;


Member Data Documentation

std::string DTTTrigResidualCorrection::dbLabel_ [private]

Definition at line 46 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 53 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 52 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 44 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 42 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 51 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 45 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

Definition at line 47 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.

double DTTTrigResidualCorrection::vDriftEff_[5][14][4][3] [private]

Definition at line 49 of file DTTTrigResidualCorrection.h.