
/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_3_9_patch3/src/Fireworks/Core/src/ File Reference

#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWConfiguration.h"

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std::string attrEscape (std::string value)
void streamTo (std::ostream &oTo, const FWConfiguration &iConfig, const std::string &name)

Function Documentation

std::string attrEscape ( std::string  value)

Helper function to make sure we escape correctly xml entities embedded in the string value.

Definition at line 161 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by streamTo().

   std::string::size_type index=0;
   index = 0;
   while (std::string::npos != (index=value.find('&',index))){
      value.replace(index, 1,"&amp;", 5);
      // Do not check "&quot;" for quotes.
      index += 5;

   while (std::string::npos != (index=value.find('"',index))){
      value.replace(index, 1,"&quot;", 6);
      // Do not check "&quot;" for quotes.
      index += 6;
   index = 0;
   while (std::string::npos != (index=value.find('<',index))){
      value.replace(index, 1,"&lt;", 4);
      // Do not check "&quot;" for quotes.
      index += 4;

   index = 0;
   while (std::string::npos != (index=value.find('>',index))){
      value.replace(index, 1,"&gt;", 4);
      // Do not check "&quot;" for quotes.
      index += 4;

   return value;
void streamTo ( std::ostream &  oTo,
const FWConfiguration iConfig,
const std::string &  name 

Streaming FWConfiguration objects to xml.

Example of dump is:

<config name="top" version="1"> <string value="S1"> <string value="S2"> ... <string value="SN"> <config name="c1"> ... </configuration> <config name="c2"> ... </config> ... </config>

Streaming the top level configuration item will stream all its children.

Definition at line 215 of file

References attrEscape(), FWConfiguration::keyValues(), streamTo(), FWConfiguration::stringValues(), and FWConfiguration::version().

Referenced by streamTo(), and FWConfigurationManager::writeToFile().

   static int recursionLevel = -1;
   recursionLevel += 1;
   std::string indentation(recursionLevel, ' ');
   oTo << indentation << "<config name=\"" << name 
                      << "\" version=\"" << iConfig.version() << "\">\n";
   if(iConfig.stringValues()) {
      for(FWConfiguration::StringValues::const_iterator it = iConfig.stringValues()->begin();
          it != iConfig.stringValues()->end();
          ++it) {
         oTo << indentation << "  <string>" << attrEscape(*it) << "</string>\n";
   if(iConfig.keyValues()) {
      for(FWConfiguration::KeyValues::const_iterator it = iConfig.keyValues()->begin();
          it != iConfig.keyValues()->end();
          ++it) {
         streamTo(oTo, it->second, attrEscape(it->first));
   oTo << indentation << "</config>" << std::endl;
   recursionLevel -= 1;