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GctFormatTranslateV35 Class Reference

Unpacks/packs the V35 raw format. More...

#include <GctFormatTranslateV35.h>

Inheritance diagram for GctFormatTranslateV35:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool convertBlock (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 Get digis from the block - will return true if it succeeds, false otherwise.
 GctFormatTranslateV35 (bool hltMode=false, bool unpackSharedRegions=false)
virtual GctBlockHeader generateBlockHeader (const unsigned char *data) const
 Generate a block header from four 8-bit values.
virtual ~GctFormatTranslateV35 ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual BlockLengthMapblockLengthMap ()
 get the static block ID to block-length map.
virtual const BlockLengthMapblockLengthMap () const
 get the static block ID to block-length map.
virtual const BlockNameMapblockNameMap () const
 get the static block ID to blockname map.
virtual BlockNameMapblockNameMap ()
 get the static block ID to block-name map.
virtual uint32_t generateRawHeader (const uint32_t blockId, const uint32_t nSamples, const uint32_t bxId, const uint32_t eventId) const
 Returns a raw 32-bit header word generated from the blockId, number of time samples, bunch-crossing and event IDs.
virtual const
internEmIsoBounds () const
 get the static intern EM cand isolated boundary map.
internEmIsoBounds ()
 get the static intern EM cand isolated boundary map.
virtual BlkToRctCrateMaprctEmCrateMap ()
 get the static block ID to RCT crate map for electrons.
virtual const BlkToRctCrateMaprctEmCrateMap () const
 get static the block ID to RCT crate map for electrons.
virtual const BlkToRctCrateMaprctJetCrateMap () const
 get the static block ID to RCT crate map for jets
virtual BlkToRctCrateMaprctJetCrateMap ()
 get the static block ID to RCT crate map for jets

Private Types

typedef std::map< unsigned int,
 Typedef for a block ID to unpack function map.
typedef void(GctFormatTranslateV35::* PtrToUnpackFn )(const unsigned char *, const GctBlockHeader &)
 Function pointer typdef to a block unpack function.

Private Member Functions

void blockToFibres (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack Fibres
void blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack Fibres and RCT EM Candidates
void blockToGctEmCandsAndEnergySums (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT EM Candidates and energy sums.
void blockToGctInternEmCand (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal EM Candidates
void blockToGctInternEtSums (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal Et sums
void blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal output of leaf jet finder
void blockToGctInternRingSums (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal HF ring sums
void blockToGctJetCandsAndCounts (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 Unpack GCT Jet Candidates and jet counts.
void blockToGctJetClusterMinimal (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal input to wheel jet sort
void blockToGctJetPreCluster (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal shared jet finder info
void blockToGctTrigObjects (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal wheel and conc jets
void blockToGctWheelInputInternEtAndRingSums (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal input to wheel
void blockToGctWheelOutputInternEtAndRingSums (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack GCT internal output of wheel
void blockToRctCaloRegions (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 Unpack RCT Calo Regions.
void blockToRctEmCand (const unsigned char *d, const GctBlockHeader &hdr)
 unpack RCT EM Candidates

Static Private Attributes

static BlockLengthMap m_blockLength = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlockLengthMap()
 Map to translate block number to fundamental size of a block (i.e. for 1 time-sample).
static BlockNameMap m_blockName = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlockNameMap()
 Map to hold a description for each block number.
static BlockIdToUnpackFnMap m_blockUnpackFn = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlockIdToUnpackFnMap()
 Block ID to unpack function map.
static BlockIdToEmCandIsoBoundMap m_internEmIsoBounds = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlockIdToEmCandIsoBoundMap()
static BlkToRctCrateMap m_rctEmCrate = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlkToRctCrateMap()
 Map to relate capture block ID to the RCT crate the data originated from (for electrons).
static BlkToRctCrateMap m_rctJetCrate = GctFormatTranslateV35::BlkToRctCrateMap()
 Map to relate capture block ID to the RCT crate the data originated from (for jets).

Detailed Description

Unpacks/packs the V35 raw format.

Robert Frazier
2009/04/21 15:33:17

Definition at line 19 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<unsigned int, PtrToUnpackFn> GctFormatTranslateV35::BlockIdToUnpackFnMap [private]

Typedef for a block ID to unpack function map.

Definition at line 82 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

typedef void(GctFormatTranslateV35::* GctFormatTranslateV35::PtrToUnpackFn)(const unsigned char *, const GctBlockHeader &) [private]

Function pointer typdef to a block unpack function.

Definition at line 80 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GctFormatTranslateV35::GctFormatTranslateV35 ( bool  hltMode = false,
bool  unpackSharedRegions = false 
) [explicit]


hltMode- set true to unpack only BX zero and GCT output data (i.e. to run as quick as possible).
unpackSharedRegions- this is a commissioning option to unpack the shared RCT calo regions.

Definition at line 27 of file

References GctFormatTranslateBase::blockDoNothing(), blockToFibres(), blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand(), blockToGctEmCandsAndEnergySums(), blockToGctInternEmCand(), blockToGctInternEtSums(), blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster(), blockToGctInternRingSums(), blockToGctJetCandsAndCounts(), blockToGctJetClusterMinimal(), blockToGctJetPreCluster(), blockToGctTrigObjects(), blockToGctWheelInputInternEtAndRingSums(), blockToGctWheelOutputInternEtAndRingSums(), blockToRctCaloRegions(), m_blockLength, m_blockName, m_blockUnpackFn, m_internEmIsoBounds, m_rctEmCrate, and m_rctJetCrate.

  GctFormatTranslateBase(hltMode, unpackSharedRegions)
  static bool initClass = true;

    initClass = false;

    /*** Setup BlockID to BlockLength Map ***/
    // Miscellaneous Blocks
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x000,0));      // NULL
    // ConcJet FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x580,12));     // ConcJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Cands)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x581,2));      // ConcJet: Input TrigPathB (HF Rings)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x583,8));      // ConcJet: Jet Cands and Counts Output to GT
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x587,4));      // ConcJet: BX & Orbit Info
    // ConcElec FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x680,16));     // ConcElec: Input TrigPathA (EM Cands)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x681,6));      // ConcElec: Input TrigPathB (Et Sums)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x682,2));      // ConcElec: Input TrigPathC (Ht Sums)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x683,6));      // ConcElec: EM Cands and Energy Sums Output to GT
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x686,2));      // ConcElec: Test (GT Serdes Loopback)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x687,4));      // ConcElec: BX & Orbit Info
    // Electron Leaf FPGAs
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x800,20));     // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x803,4));      // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x804,15));     // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x880,16));     // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x883,4));      // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x884,12));     // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc00,20));     // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc03,4));      // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc04,15));     // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc80,16));     // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc83,4));      // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xc84,12));     // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Raw Input
    // Wheel Pos-eta Jet FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x300,27));     // WheelPosEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x303,6));      // WheelPosEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x306,32));     // WheelPosEtaJet: Test (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x307,4));      // WheelPosEtaJet: Info (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Pos-eta Energy FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x380,21));     // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x381,3));      // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x383,7));      // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x385,2));      // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x386,32));     // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Test
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x387,6));      // WheelPosEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info   (Potential data incompatibility between V24/V25 where block length=4, and V27.1 where block length=6)
    // Wheel Neg-eta Jet FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x700,27));     // WheelNegEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x703,6));      // WheelNegEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x706,32));     // WheelNegEtaJet: Test (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x707,4));      // WheelNegEtaJet: Info (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Neg-eta Energy FPGA
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x780,21));     // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x781,3));      // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x783,7));      // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x785,2));      // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x786,32));     // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Test
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x787,6));      // WheelNegEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info   (Potential data incompatibility between V24/V25 where block length=4, and V27.1 where block length=6)
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Positive Eta 
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x900,12));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x901,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x902,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x903,10));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x904,8));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x908,12));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x909,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x90a,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x90b,10));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x90c,8));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x980,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x984,6));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x988,12));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x989,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x98a,3));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x98b,10));     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0x98c,8));      // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa00,12));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa01,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa02,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa03,10));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa04,8));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa08,12));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa09,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa0a,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa0b,10));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa0c,8));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa80,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa84,6));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa88,12));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa89,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa8a,3));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa8b,10));     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xa8c,8));      // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb00,12));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb01,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb02,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb03,10));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb04,8));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb08,12));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb09,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb0a,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb0b,10));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb0c,8));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb80,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb84,6));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb88,12));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb89,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb8a,3));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb8b,10));     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xb8c,8));      // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Negative Eta 
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd00,12));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd01,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd02,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd03,10));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd04,8));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd08,12));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd09,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd0a,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd0b,10));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd0c,8));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd80,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd84,6));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd88,12));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd89,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd8a,3));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd8b,10));     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xd8c,8));      // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe00,12));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe01,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe02,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe03,10));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe04,8));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe08,12));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe09,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe0a,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe0b,10));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe0c,8));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe80,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe84,6));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe88,12));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe89,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe8a,3));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe8b,10));     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xe8c,8));      // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf00,12));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf01,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf02,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf03,10));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf04,8));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf08,12));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf09,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf0a,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf0b,10));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf0c,8));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf80,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf84,6));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf88,12));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input    
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf89,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf8a,3));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf8b,10));     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockLength.insert(make_pair(0xf8c,8));      // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input

    /*** Setup BlockID to BlockName Map ***/
    // Miscellaneous Blocks
    // ConcJet FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x580,"ConcJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Cands)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x581,"ConcJet: Input TrigPathB (HF Rings)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x583,"ConcJet: Jet Cands and Counts Output to GT"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x587,"ConcJet: BX & Orbit Info"));
    // ConcElec FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x680,"ConcElec: Input TrigPathA (EM Cands)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x681,"ConcElec: Input TrigPathB (Et Sums)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x682,"ConcElec: Input TrigPathC (Ht Sums)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x683,"ConcElec: EM Cands and Energy Sums Output to GT"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x686,"ConcElec: Test (GT Serdes Loopback)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x687,"ConcElec: BX & Orbit Info"));
    // Electron Leaf FPGAs
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x800,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x803,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x804,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x880,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x883,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x884,"Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc00,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc03,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc04,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc80,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc83,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xc84,"Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Raw Input"));
    // Wheel Pos-eta Jet FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x300,"WheelPosEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x303,"WheelPosEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x306,"WheelPosEtaJet: Test (deprecated)"));  // (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x307,"WheelPosEtaJet: Info (deprecated)"));  // (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Pos-eta Energy FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x380,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x381,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x383,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x385,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x386,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: Test"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x387,"WheelPosEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info"));
    // Wheel Neg-eta Jet FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x700,"WheelNegEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x703,"WheelNegEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x706,"WheelNegEtaJet: Test (deprecated)"));  // (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x707,"WheelNegEtaJet: Info (deprecated)"));  // (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Neg-eta Energy FPGA
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x780,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x781,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x783,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x785,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x786,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: Test"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x787,"WheelNegEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info"));
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Positive Eta
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x900,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x901,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x902,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x903,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x904,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x908,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x909,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x90a,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x90b,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x90c,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x980,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x984,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x988,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x989,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x98a,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x98b,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0x98c,"Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa00,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa01,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa02,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa03,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa04,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa08,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa09,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa0a,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa0b,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa0c,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa80,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa84,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa88,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa89,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa8a,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa8b,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xa8c,"Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb00,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb01,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb02,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb03,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb04,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb08,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb09,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb0a,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb0b,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb0c,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb80,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb84,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb88,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb89,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb8a,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb8b,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xb8c,"Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Negative Eta
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd00,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input"));       // START OF NEG ETA JET LEAVES
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd01,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd02,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd03,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd04,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd08,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd09,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd0a,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd0b,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd0c,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd80,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd84,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd88,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd89,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd8a,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd8b,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xd8c,"Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe00,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe01,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe02,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe03,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe04,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe08,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe09,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe0a,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe0b,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe0c,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe80,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe84,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe88,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe89,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe8a,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe8b,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xe8c,"Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf00,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf01,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf02,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf03,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf04,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf08,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf09,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf0a,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf0b,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf0c,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf80,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input"));  // Next Leaf Start
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf84,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf88,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf89,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf8a,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf8b,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output"));
    m_blockName.insert(make_pair(0xf8c,"Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input"));

    /*** Setup BlockID to Unpack-Function Map ***/
    // Miscellaneous Blocks
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x000] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // NULL
    // ConcJet FPGA                                                             
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x580] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctTrigObjects;             // ConcJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Cands)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x581] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternRingSums;          // ConcJet: Input TrigPathB (HF Rings)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x583] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetCandsAndCounts;       // ConcJet: Jet Cands and Counts Output to GT
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x587] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // ConcJet: BX & Orbit Info
    // ConcElec FPGA                                                            
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x680] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // ConcElec: Input TrigPathA (EM Cands)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x681] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // ConcElec: Input TrigPathB (Et Sums)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x682] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // ConcElec: Input TrigPathC (Ht Sums)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x683] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctEmCandsAndEnergySums;    // ConcElec: EM Cands and Energy Sums Output to GT
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x686] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // ConcElec: Test (GT Serdes Loopback)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x687] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // ConcElec: BX & Orbit Info
    // Electron Leaf FPGAs                                                      
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x800] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x803] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Sort Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x804] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand;       // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU1: Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x880] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x883] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Sort Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x884] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand;       // Leaf0ElecPosEtaU2: Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Sort Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand;       // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU1: Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc83] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand;            // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Sort Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xc84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand;       // Leaf0ElecNegEtaU2: Raw Input
    // Wheel Pos-eta Jet FPGA                                                   
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x300] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetClusterMinimal;       // WheelPosEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x303] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctTrigObjects;             // WheelPosEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x306] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelPosEtaJet: Test (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x307] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelPosEtaJet: Info (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Pos-eta Energy FPGA                                                
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x380] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelInputInternEtAndRingSums;     // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x381] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x383] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelOutputInternEtAndRingSums;     // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x385] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x386] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelPosEtaEnergy: Test
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x387] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelPosEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info   (Potential data incompatibility between V24/V25 where block length=4, and V27.1 where block length=6)
    // Wheel Neg-eta Jet FPGA                                                   
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x700] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetClusterMinimal;       // WheelNegEtaJet: Input TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x703] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctTrigObjects;             // WheelNegEtaJet: Output TrigPathA (Jet Sort)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x706] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelNegEtaJet: Test (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x707] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelNegEtaJet: Info (deprecated)  (Doesn't exist in V27.1 format, but does in V24 & V25, so keep for CRUZET2 data compatibility reasons)
    // Wheel Neg-eta Energy FPGA                                                
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x780] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelInputInternEtAndRingSums;     // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x781] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Input TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x783] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelOutputInternEtAndRingSums;     // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathA (Et)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x785] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums;            // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Output TrigPathB (Ht)
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x786] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelNegEtaEnergy: Test
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x787] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // WheelNegEtaEnergy: BX & Orbit Info   (Potential data incompatibility between V24/V25 where block length=4, and V27.1 where block length=6)
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Positive Eta
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x900] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x901] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x902] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x903] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x904] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x908] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x909] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x90a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x90b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x90c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x980] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x984] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x988] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x989] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x98a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x98b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0x98c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa01] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa02] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa08] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa09] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa0a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa0b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa0c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa88] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa89] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa8a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa8b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xa8c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb01] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb02] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb08] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb09] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb0a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb0b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb0c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb88] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb89] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb8a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb8b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xb8c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetPosEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    // Jet Leaf FPGAs - Negative Eta
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd01] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd02] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd08] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd09] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd0a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd0b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd0c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd88] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd89] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd8a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd8b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xd8c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf1JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe01] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe02] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe08] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe09] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe0a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe0b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe0c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe88] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe89] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe8a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe8b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xe8c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf2JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf00] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf01] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf02] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf03] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf04] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF2 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf08] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf09] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf0a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf0b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf0c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU1: JF3 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf80] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockDoNothing;                    // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf84] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: Eta0 Raw Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf88] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions;             // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Input
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf89] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Received
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf8a] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster;           // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Shared Sent
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf8b] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster;// Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Output
    m_blockUnpackFn[0xf8c] = &GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres;                     // Leaf3JetNegEtaU2: JF1 Raw Input

    /*** Setup RCT Em Crate Map ***/
    m_rctEmCrate[0x804] = 13;
    m_rctEmCrate[0x884] = 9;
    m_rctEmCrate[0xc04] = 4;
    m_rctEmCrate[0xc84] = 0;

    /*** Setup RCT jet crate map. ***/
    m_rctJetCrate[0x900] = 9;  // PosEta Leaf 1 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0x908] = 10; // PosEta Leaf 1 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0x988] = 17; // PosEta Leaf 1 JF1 
    m_rctJetCrate[0xa00] = 12; // PosEta Leaf 2 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0xa08] = 13; // PosEta Leaf 2 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0xa88] = 11; // PosEta Leaf 2 JF1 
    m_rctJetCrate[0xb00] = 15; // PosEta Leaf 3 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0xb08] = 16; // PosEta Leaf 3 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0xb88] = 14; // PosEta Leaf 3 JF1 
    m_rctJetCrate[0xd00] = 0;  // NegEta Leaf 1 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0xd08] = 1;  // NegEta Leaf 1 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0xd88] = 8;  // NegEta Leaf 1 JF1 
    m_rctJetCrate[0xe00] = 3;  // NegEta Leaf 2 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0xe08] = 4;  // NegEta Leaf 2 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0xe88] = 2;  // NegEta Leaf 2 JF1 
    m_rctJetCrate[0xf00] = 6;  // NegEta Leaf 3 JF2
    m_rctJetCrate[0xf08] = 7;  // NegEta Leaf 3 JF3
    m_rctJetCrate[0xf88] = 5;  // NegEta Leaf 3 JF1 

    /*** Setup Block ID map for pipeline payload positions of isolated Internal EM Cands. ***/
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0x680] = IsoBoundaryPair(8,15);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0x800] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 9);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0x803] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 1);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0x880] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 7);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0x883] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 1);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0xc00] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 9);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0xc03] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 1);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0xc80] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 7);
    m_internEmIsoBounds[0xc83] = IsoBoundaryPair(0, 1);
GctFormatTranslateV35::~GctFormatTranslateV35 ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 551 of file


Member Function Documentation

virtual BlockLengthMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::blockLengthMap ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to block-length map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 51 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_blockLength.

Referenced by generateBlockHeader().

virtual const BlockLengthMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::blockLengthMap ( ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to block-length map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 52 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_blockLength.

virtual BlockNameMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::blockNameMap ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to block-name map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 54 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_blockName.

virtual const BlockNameMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::blockNameMap ( ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to blockname map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 55 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_blockName.

void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibres ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack Fibres

Definition at line 881 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), GctUnpackCollections::gctFibres(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand(), and GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of GCT Fibres"; return; }
  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // re-interpret pointer
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      colls()->gctFibres()->push_back( L1GctFibreWord(*p, id, i, bx) );
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack Fibres and RCT EM Candidates

Definition at line 901 of file

References blockToFibres(), and blockToRctEmCand().

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  this->blockToRctEmCand(d, hdr);
  this->blockToFibres(d, hdr);
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctEmCandsAndEnergySums ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT EM Candidates and energy sums.

Definition at line 623 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), GctUnpackCollections::gctEtHad(), GctUnpackCollections::gctEtMiss(), GctUnpackCollections::gctEtTot(), GctUnpackCollections::gctIsoEm(), GctUnpackCollections::gctNonIsoEm(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), and GctBlockHeader::nSamples().

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  const unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  const unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();

  // Re-interpret pointer.  p16 will be pointing at the 16 bit word that
  // contains the rank0 non-isolated electron of the zeroth time-sample.
  const uint16_t * p16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(d);


  const unsigned int emCandCategoryOffset = nSamples * 4;  // Offset to jump from the non-iso electrons to the isolated ones.
  const unsigned int timeSampleOffset = nSamples * 2;  // Offset to jump to next candidate pair in the same time-sample.

  unsigned int samplesToUnpack = 1;
  if(!hltMode()) { samplesToUnpack = nSamples; }  // Only if not running in HLT mode do we want more than 1 timesample. 

  for (unsigned int iso=0; iso<2; ++iso)  // loop over non-iso/iso candidate pairs
    bool isoFlag = (iso==1);

    // Get the correct collection to put them in.
    L1GctEmCandCollection* em;
    if (isoFlag) { em = colls()->gctIsoEm(); }
    else { em = colls()->gctNonIsoEm(); }

    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<samplesToUnpack; ++bx) // loop over time samples
      // cand0Offset will give the offset on p16 to get the rank 0 candidate
      // of the correct category and timesample.
      const unsigned int cand0Offset = iso*emCandCategoryOffset + bx*2;

      em->push_back(L1GctEmCand(p16[cand0Offset], isoFlag, id, 0, bx));  // rank0 electron
      em->push_back(L1GctEmCand(p16[cand0Offset + timeSampleOffset], isoFlag, id, 1, bx));  // rank1 electron
      em->push_back(L1GctEmCand(p16[cand0Offset + 1], isoFlag, id, 2, bx));  // rank2 electron
      em->push_back(L1GctEmCand(p16[cand0Offset + timeSampleOffset + 1], isoFlag, id, 3, bx));  // rank3 electron

  p16 += emCandCategoryOffset * 2;  // Move the pointer over the data we've already unpacked.

  // NOTE: we are only unpacking one timesample of these currently!

  colls()->gctEtTot()->push_back(L1GctEtTotal(p16[0]));  // Et total (timesample 0).
  colls()->gctEtHad()->push_back(L1GctEtHad(p16[1]));  // Et hadronic (timesample 0).

  // 32-bit pointer for getting Missing Et.
  const uint32_t * p32 = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(p16);

  colls()->gctEtMiss()->push_back(L1GctEtMiss(p32[nSamples])); // Et Miss (timesample 0).
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEmCand ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal EM Candidates

Definition at line 734 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), end, spr::find(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternEm(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, internEmIsoBounds(), LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), evf::evtn::offset(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal EM Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int numCandPairs = hdr.blockLength();

  // Debug assertion to prevent problems if definitions not up to date.
  assert(internEmIsoBounds().find(id) != internEmIsoBounds().end());  

  unsigned int lowerIsoPairBound = internEmIsoBounds()[id].first;
  unsigned int upperIsoPairBound = internEmIsoBounds()[id].second;

  // Re-interpret pointer to 16 bits so it sees one candidate at a time.
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
  for(unsigned int bx=0; bx < nSamples; ++bx)
    // Loop over candidate pairs (i.e. each iteration unpacks a pair of candidates)
    for(unsigned int candPair = 0 ; candPair < numCandPairs ; ++candPair)
      // Is the candidate electron pair an isolated pair or not?
      bool iso = ((candPair>=lowerIsoPairBound) && (candPair<=upperIsoPairBound));
      // Loop over the two electron candidates in each pair
      for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i)
        unsigned offset = 2*(bx + candPair*nSamples) + i;
        uint16_t candRaw = p[offset]; 
        colls()->gctInternEm()->push_back( L1GctInternEmCand(candRaw, iso, id, candPair*2 + i, bx) );
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSums ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal Et sums

Definition at line 907 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromTotalEtOrHt(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternEtSums(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!                                                                                                                           
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal Et Sums"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 32 bits 
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)                                                                                                                            
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternEtSumsAndJetCluster ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal output of leaf jet finder

Definition at line 929 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternJetData::fromJetCluster(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromJetMissEt(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromJetTotEt(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromJetTotHt(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternEtSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternJets(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal Jet Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 32 bits 
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      if (i<2) colls()->gctInternEtSums()->push_back(L1GctInternEtSum::fromJetMissEt(id,i,bx,*p));
      if (i==3){
      if (i>4) colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back(L1GctInternJetData::fromJetCluster(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctInternRingSums ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal HF ring sums

Definition at line 1024 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternHFData::fromConcBitCounts(), L1GctInternHFData::fromConcRingSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternHFData(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal HF ring data"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 32 bits 
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length/2; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetCandsAndCounts ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

Unpack GCT Jet Candidates and jet counts.

Definition at line 676 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), GctFormatTranslateBase::FORWARD_JETS, L1GctHFBitCounts::fromConcHFBitCounts(), L1GctHFRingEtSums::fromConcRingSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctHfBitCounts(), GctUnpackCollections::gctHfRingEtSums(), GctFormatTranslateBase::gctJets(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), GctFormatTranslateBase::NUM_JET_CATEGORIES, and GctFormatTranslateBase::TAU_JETS.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  const unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();  // Capture block ID.
  const unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();  // Number of time-samples.

  // Re-interpret block payload pointer to 16 bits so it sees one candidate at a time.
  // p16 points to the start of the block payload, at the rank0 tau jet candidate.
  const uint16_t * p16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(d);


  const unsigned int jetCandCategoryOffset = nSamples * 4;  // Offset to jump from one jet category to the next.
  const unsigned int timeSampleOffset = nSamples * 2;  // Offset to jump to next candidate pair in the same time-sample.

  unsigned int samplesToUnpack = 1;
  if(!hltMode()) { samplesToUnpack = nSamples; }  // Only if not running in HLT mode do we want more than 1 timesample. 

  // Loop over the different catagories of jets
  for(unsigned int iCat = 0 ; iCat < NUM_JET_CATEGORIES ; ++iCat)
    L1GctJetCandCollection * const jets = gctJets(iCat);
    assert(jets->empty()); // The supplied vector should be empty.

    bool tauflag = (iCat == TAU_JETS);
    bool forwardFlag = (iCat == FORWARD_JETS);

    // Loop over the different timesamples (bunch crossings).
    for(unsigned int bx = 0 ; bx < samplesToUnpack ; ++bx)
      // cand0Offset will give the offset on p16 to get the rank 0 Jet Cand of the correct category and timesample.
      const unsigned int cand0Offset = iCat*jetCandCategoryOffset + bx*2;

      // Rank 0 Jet.
      jets->push_back(L1GctJetCand(p16[cand0Offset], tauflag, forwardFlag, id, 0, bx));
      // Rank 1 Jet.
      jets->push_back(L1GctJetCand(p16[cand0Offset + timeSampleOffset], tauflag, forwardFlag, id, 1, bx));
      // Rank 2 Jet.
      jets->push_back(L1GctJetCand(p16[cand0Offset + 1],  tauflag, forwardFlag, id, 2, bx));
      // Rank 3 Jet.
      jets->push_back(L1GctJetCand(p16[cand0Offset + timeSampleOffset + 1], tauflag, forwardFlag, id, 3, bx));

  p16 += NUM_JET_CATEGORIES * jetCandCategoryOffset; // Move the pointer over the data we've already unpacked.

  // NOW UNPACK: HFBitCounts, HFRingEtSums (no Missing Ht yet)
  // NOTE: we are only unpacking one timesample of these currently!

  // Re-interpret block payload pointer to 32 bits so it sees six jet counts at a time.
  const uint32_t * p32 = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(p16);

  // Channel 0 carries both HF counts and sums
  // Skip channel 1 for now. Later this may carry MHT would be accessed as p32[nSamples]
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetClusterMinimal ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal input to wheel jet sort

Definition at line 978 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternJetData::fromJetClusterMinimal(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternJets(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal Jet Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 16 bits so it sees one candidate at a time.
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromJetClusterMinimal(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromJetClusterMinimal(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctJetPreCluster ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal shared jet finder info

Definition at line 1001 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternJetData::fromJetPreCluster(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternJets(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal Jet Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 16 bits so it sees one candidate at a time.
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromJetPreCluster(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromJetPreCluster(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctTrigObjects ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal wheel and conc jets

Definition at line 955 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternJetData::fromGctTrigObject(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternJets(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of internal Jet Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 16 bits so it sees one candidate at a time.
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromGctTrigObject(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
      colls()->gctInternJets()->push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromGctTrigObject(L1CaloRegionDetId(0,0),id,i,bx,*p));
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelInputInternEtAndRingSums ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal input to wheel

Definition at line 1049 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromMissEtxOrEty(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromTotalEtOrHt(), L1GctInternHFData::fromWheelBitCounts(), L1GctInternHFData::fromWheelRingSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternEtSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternHFData(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of wheel input internal Et sums and HF ring data"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 32 bits 
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      if (i<3){
      } else if (i>2 && i<9) {
      } else if (i>8 && i<15) {
      } else if (i>14){
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToGctWheelOutputInternEtAndRingSums ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack GCT internal output of wheel

Definition at line 1078 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromMissEtxOrEty(), L1GctInternEtSum::fromTotalEtOrHt(), L1GctInternHFData::fromWheelBitCounts(), L1GctInternHFData::fromWheelRingSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternEtSums(), GctUnpackCollections::gctInternHFData(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of wheel output internal Et sums and HF ring data"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Re-interpret pointer to 32 bits 
  uint32_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
    // Loop over timesamples (i.e. bunch crossings)
    for (unsigned int bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      if (i<1){
      } else if (i>0 && i<3) {
      } else if (i>2 && i<5) {
      } else if (i>4){
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctCaloRegions ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

Unpack RCT Calo Regions.

Definition at line 829 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), end, spr::find(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, LogDebug, L1CaloRegion::makeRegionFromUnpacker(), GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, GctUnpackCollections::rctCalo(), and rctJetCrateMap().

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of RCT Regions"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // Debug assertion to prevent problems if definitions not up to date.
  assert(rctJetCrateMap().find(id) != rctJetCrateMap().end());  
  // get crate (need this to get ieta and iphi)
  unsigned int crate=rctJetCrateMap()[id];

  // re-interpret pointer
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));
  // eta and phi
  unsigned int ieta; 
  unsigned int iphi; 
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i) { 
    for (uint16_t bx=0; bx<nSamples; ++bx) {
      if (i>0) {
        if (crate<9){ // negative eta
          ieta = 11-i; 
          iphi = 2*((11-crate)%9);
        } else {      // positive eta
          ieta = 10+i;
          iphi = 2*((20-crate)%9);
        // First region is phi=0
        colls()->rctCalo()->push_back( L1CaloRegion::makeRegionFromUnpacker(*p, ieta, iphi, id, i, bx) );
        // Second region is phi=1
        if (iphi>0){
        } else {
          iphi = 17;
        colls()->rctCalo()->push_back( L1CaloRegion::makeRegionFromUnpacker(*p, ieta, iphi, id, i, bx) );
      } else { // Skip the first two regions which are duplicates. 
void GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctEmCand ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [private]

unpack RCT EM Candidates

Definition at line 775 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctBlockHeader::blockLength(), GctFormatTranslateBase::colls(), GctFormatTranslateBase::hltMode(), i, errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, LogDebug, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, GctUnpackCollections::rctEm(), rctEmCrateMap(), SourceCardRouting::SFPtoEMU(), and GctFormatTranslateBase::srcCardRouting().

Referenced by blockToFibresAndToRctEmCand().

  // Don't want to do this in HLT optimisation mode!
  if(hltMode()) { LogDebug("GCT") << "HLT mode - skipping unpack of RCT EM Cands"; return; }

  unsigned int id = hdr.blockId();
  unsigned int nSamples = hdr.nSamples();
  unsigned int length = hdr.blockLength();

  // re-interpret pointer
  uint16_t * p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(const_cast<unsigned char *>(d));

  // arrays of source card data
  uint16_t sfp[2][4]; // [ cycle ] [ SFP ]
  uint16_t eIsoRank[4];
  uint16_t eIsoCard[4];
  uint16_t eIsoRgn[4];
  uint16_t eNonIsoRank[4];
  uint16_t eNonIsoCard[4];
  uint16_t eNonIsoRgn[4];
  uint16_t MIPbits[7][2];
  uint16_t QBits[7][2];

  unsigned int bx = 0;

  // loop over crates
  for (unsigned int crate=rctEmCrateMap()[id]; crate<rctEmCrateMap()[id]+length/3; ++crate) {

    // read SC SFP words
    for (unsigned short iSfp=0 ; iSfp<4 ; ++iSfp) {
      for (unsigned short cyc=0 ; cyc<2 ; ++cyc) {
        if (iSfp==0) { sfp[cyc][iSfp] = 0; } // muon bits
        else {                               // EM candidate
          sfp[cyc][iSfp] = *p;
      p = p + 2*(nSamples-1);

    // fill SC arrays
    srcCardRouting().SFPtoEMU(eIsoRank, eIsoCard, eIsoRgn, eNonIsoRank, eNonIsoCard, eNonIsoRgn, MIPbits, QBits, sfp);
    // create EM cands
    for (unsigned short int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
      colls()->rctEm()->push_back( L1CaloEmCand( eIsoRank[i], eIsoRgn[i], eIsoCard[i], crate, true, i, bx) );
    for (unsigned short int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
      colls()->rctEm()->push_back( L1CaloEmCand( eNonIsoRank[i], eNonIsoRgn[i], eNonIsoCard[i], crate, false, i, bx) );
bool GctFormatTranslateV35::convertBlock ( const unsigned char *  d,
const GctBlockHeader hdr 
) [virtual]

Get digis from the block - will return true if it succeeds, false otherwise.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 583 of file

References GctBlockHeader::blockId(), GctFormatTranslateBase::checkBlock(), data, m_blockUnpackFn, GctBlockHeader::nSamples(), and edm::second().

  // if the block has no time samples, don't bother with it.
  if ( hdr.nSamples() < 1 ) { return true; }

  if(!checkBlock(hdr)) { return false; }  // Check the block to see if it's possible to unpack.

  // The header validity check above will protect against
  // the map::find() method returning the end of the map,
  // assuming the block header definitions are up-to-date.
  (this->*m_blockUnpackFn.find(hdr.blockId())->second)(data, hdr);  // Calls the correct unpack function, based on block ID.
  return true;
GctBlockHeader GctFormatTranslateV35::generateBlockHeader ( const unsigned char *  data) const [virtual]

Generate a block header from four 8-bit values.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 555 of file

References blockLengthMap(), and TrackValidation_HighPurity_cff::valid.

  // Turn the four 8-bit header words into the full 32-bit header.
  uint32_t hdr = data[0] + (data[1]<<8) + (data[2]<<16) + (data[3]<<24);

//  Bit mapping of V35 header:
//  --------------------------
//  11:0   => block_id  Unique pipeline identifier.
//   - 3:0    =>> pipe_id There can be up to 16 different pipelines per FPGA.
//   - 6:4    =>> reserved  Do not use yet. Set to zero.
//   - 11:7   =>> fpga geograpical add  The VME geographical address of the FPGA.
//  15:12  => event_id  Determined locally.  Not reset by Resync.
//  19:16  => number_of_time_samples  If time samples 15 or more then value = 15.
//  31:20  => event_bcid  The bunch crossing the data was recorded.

  unsigned blockId = hdr & 0xfff;
  unsigned blockLength = 0;  // Set to zero until we know it's a valid block
  unsigned nSamples = (hdr>>16) & 0xf;
  unsigned bxId = (hdr>>20) & 0xfff;
  unsigned eventId = (hdr>>12) & 0xf;
  bool valid = (blockLengthMap().find(blockId) != blockLengthMap().end());

  if(valid) { blockLength = blockLengthMap().find(blockId)->second; }
  return GctBlockHeader(blockId, blockLength, nSamples, bxId, eventId, valid);  
uint32_t GctFormatTranslateV35::generateRawHeader ( const uint32_t  blockId,
const uint32_t  nSamples,
const uint32_t  bxId,
const uint32_t  eventId 
) const [protected, virtual]

Returns a raw 32-bit header word generated from the blockId, number of time samples, bunch-crossing and event IDs.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 601 of file

  //  Bit mapping of V35 header:
  //  --------------------------
  //  11:0   => block_id  Unique pipeline identifier.
  //   - 3:0    =>> pipe_id There can be up to 16 different pipelines per FPGA.
  //   - 6:4    =>> reserved  Do not use yet. Set to zero.
  //   - 11:7   =>> fpga geograpical add  The VME geographical address of the FPGA.
  //  15:12  => event_id  Determined locally.  Not reset by Resync.
  //  19:16  => number_of_time_samples  If time samples 15 or more then value = 15.
  //  31:20  => event_bxId  The bunch crossing the data was recorded.

  return ((bxId & 0xfff) << 20) | ((nSamples & 0xf) << 16) | ((eventId & 0xf) << 12) | (blockId & 0xfff);
virtual const BlockIdToEmCandIsoBoundMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::internEmIsoBounds ( ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static intern EM cand isolated boundary map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 64 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_internEmIsoBounds.

virtual BlockIdToEmCandIsoBoundMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::internEmIsoBounds ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static intern EM cand isolated boundary map.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 63 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_internEmIsoBounds.

Referenced by blockToGctInternEmCand().

virtual BlkToRctCrateMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::rctEmCrateMap ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to RCT crate map for electrons.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 57 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_rctEmCrate.

Referenced by blockToRctEmCand().

virtual const BlkToRctCrateMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::rctEmCrateMap ( ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

get static the block ID to RCT crate map for electrons.

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 58 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_rctEmCrate.

virtual const BlkToRctCrateMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::rctJetCrateMap ( ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to RCT crate map for jets

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 61 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_rctJetCrate.

virtual BlkToRctCrateMap& GctFormatTranslateV35::rctJetCrateMap ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

get the static block ID to RCT crate map for jets

Implements GctFormatTranslateBase.

Definition at line 60 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

References m_rctJetCrate.

Referenced by blockToRctCaloRegions().

Member Data Documentation

Map to translate block number to fundamental size of a block (i.e. for 1 time-sample).

Definition at line 88 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by blockLengthMap(), and GctFormatTranslateV35().

Map to hold a description for each block number.

Definition at line 91 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by blockNameMap(), and GctFormatTranslateV35().

Block ID to unpack function map.

Definition at line 104 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by convertBlock(), and GctFormatTranslateV35().

A map of Block IDs to IsoBoundaryPairs for storing the location of the isolated Internal EM cands in the pipeline, as this differs with Block ID.

Definition at line 101 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35(), and internEmIsoBounds().

Map to relate capture block ID to the RCT crate the data originated from (for electrons).

Definition at line 94 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35(), and rctEmCrateMap().

Map to relate capture block ID to the RCT crate the data originated from (for jets).

Definition at line 97 of file GctFormatTranslateV35.h.

Referenced by GctFormatTranslateV35(), and rctJetCrateMap().