Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

Vx3DHLTAnalyzer Class Reference

#include <interface/Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h>

Inheritance diagram for Vx3DHLTAnalyzer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Vx3DHLTAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~Vx3DHLTAnalyzer ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void beginLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiBlock, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
virtual void endJob ()
virtual void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiBlock, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
virtual char * formatTime (const time_t &t)
virtual unsigned int HitCounter (const edm::Event &iEvent)
virtual int MyFit (std::vector< double > *vals)
virtual void reset (std::string ResetType)
virtual void writeToFile (std::vector< double > *vals, edm::TimeValue_t BeginTimeOfFit, edm::TimeValue_t EndTimeOfFit, unsigned int BeginLumiOfFit, unsigned int EndLumiOfFit, int dataType)

Private Attributes

unsigned int beginLumiOfFit
edm::TimeValue_t beginTimeOfFit
bool dataFromFit
bool debugMode
unsigned int endLumiOfFit
edm::TimeValue_t endTimeOfFit
std::string fileName
bool internalDebug
unsigned int lastLumiOfFit
unsigned int lumiCounter
unsigned int lumiCounterHisto
unsigned int maxLumiIntegration
unsigned int minNentries
double minVxDoF
unsigned int nBinsHistoricalPlot
unsigned int nBinsWholeHistory
unsigned int nLumiReset
unsigned int numberFits
unsigned int numberGoodFits
ofstream outputDebugFile
ofstream outputFile
unsigned int prescaleHistory
unsigned int runNumber
unsigned int totalHits
edm::InputTag vertexCollection
double xRange
double xStep
double yRange
double yStep
double zRange
double zStep

Detailed Description

Description: [one line class summary]

Implementation: [Notes on implementation]

Definition at line 70 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::Vx3DHLTAnalyzer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 38 of file

References convertXMLtoSQLite_cfg::fileName, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), GoodVertex_cfg::vertexCollection, and VxErrCorr.

  vertexCollection = edm::InputTag("pixelVertices");
  debugMode        = true;
  nLumiReset       = 1;
  dataFromFit      = true;
  minNentries      = 35;
  xRange           = 2.;
  xStep            = 0.001;
  yRange           = 2.;
  yStep            = 0.001;
  zRange           = 30.;
  zStep            = 0.05;
  VxErrCorr        = 1.5;
  fileName         = "BeamPixelResults.txt";

  vertexCollection = iConfig.getParameter<InputTag>("vertexCollection");
  debugMode        = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("debugMode");
  nLumiReset       = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("nLumiReset");
  dataFromFit      = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("dataFromFit");
  minNentries      = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("minNentries");
  xRange           = iConfig.getParameter<double>("xRange");
  xStep            = iConfig.getParameter<double>("xStep");
  yRange           = iConfig.getParameter<double>("yRange");
  yStep            = iConfig.getParameter<double>("yStep");
  zRange           = iConfig.getParameter<double>("zRange");
  zStep            = iConfig.getParameter<double>("zStep");
  VxErrCorr        = iConfig.getParameter<double>("VxErrCorr");
  fileName         = iConfig.getParameter<string>("fileName");
Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::~Vx3DHLTAnalyzer ( )

Definition at line 70 of file


Member Function Documentation

void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 75 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, VertexType::Covariance, DIM, convertXMLtoSQLite_cfg::fileName, edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getLuminosityBlock(), i, edm::EventBase::id(), edm::detail::isnan(), j, dbtoconf::out, reset(), edm::EventID::run(), convertSQLiteXML::runNumber, tmp, GoodVertex_cfg::vertexCollection, Vertices, VertexType::x, VertexType::y, and VertexType::z.

  Handle<VertexCollection> Vx3DCollection;

  unsigned int i,j;
  double det;
  VertexType MyVertex;

  if (runNumber !=
      runNumber =;

      if (debugMode == true)
          stringstream debugFile;
          string tmp(fileName);

          if (outputDebugFile.is_open() == true) outputDebugFile.close();
          debugFile << tmp.c_str() << "_Run" << << ".txt";
, ios::out);
, ios::app);

  else if (beginTimeOfFit != 0)
      totalHits += HitCounter(iEvent);

      for (vector<Vertex>::const_iterator it3DVx = Vx3DCollection->begin(); it3DVx != Vx3DCollection->end(); it3DVx++)
          if ((it3DVx->isValid() == true) &&
              (it3DVx->isFake() == false) &&
              (it3DVx->ndof() >= minVxDoF))
              for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                  for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
                      MyVertex.Covariance[i][j] = it3DVx->covariance(i,j);
                      if (std::isnan(MyVertex.Covariance[i][j]) == true) break;
                  if (j != DIM) break;
              det = std::fabs(MyVertex.Covariance[0][0])*(std::fabs(MyVertex.Covariance[1][1])*std::fabs(MyVertex.Covariance[2][2]) - MyVertex.Covariance[1][2]*MyVertex.Covariance[1][2]) -
                MyVertex.Covariance[0][1]*(MyVertex.Covariance[0][1]*std::fabs(MyVertex.Covariance[2][2]) - MyVertex.Covariance[0][2]*MyVertex.Covariance[1][2]) +
                MyVertex.Covariance[0][2]*(MyVertex.Covariance[0][1]*MyVertex.Covariance[1][2] - MyVertex.Covariance[0][2]*std::fabs(MyVertex.Covariance[1][1]));
              if ((i == DIM) && (det > 0.))
                  MyVertex.x = it3DVx->x();
                  MyVertex.y = it3DVx->y();
                  MyVertex.z = it3DVx->z();
              else if (internalDebug == true)
                  cout << "Vertex discarded !" << endl;
                  for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
                      cout << "(i,j) --> " << i << "," << j << " --> " << MyVertex.Covariance[i][j] << endl;
              Vx_ZX->Fill(it3DVx->z(), it3DVx->x());
              Vx_ZY->Fill(it3DVx->z(), it3DVx->y());
              Vx_XY->Fill(it3DVx->x(), it3DVx->y());
void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1066 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookFloat(), considerVxCovariance, MonitorElement::Fill(), cppFunctionSkipper::operator, pi, reset(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

  DQMStore* dbe = 0;
  dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  // ### Set internal variables ###
  nBinsHistoricalPlot = 80;
  nBinsWholeHistory   = 3000; // Corresponds to about 20h of data taking: 20h * 60min * 60s / 23s per lumi-block = 3130
  // ##############################

  if ( dbe ) 

      Vx_X = dbe->book1D("vertex x", "Primary Vertex X Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(xRange/xStep)), -xRange/2., xRange/2.);
      Vx_Y = dbe->book1D("vertex y", "Primary Vertex Y Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(yRange/yStep)), -yRange/2., yRange/2.);
      Vx_Z = dbe->book1D("vertex z", "Primary Vertex Z Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(zRange/zStep)), -zRange/2., zRange/2.);
      Vx_X->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices X [cm]",1);
      Vx_X->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",2);
      Vx_Y->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Y [cm]",1);
      Vx_Y->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",2);
      Vx_Z->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Z [cm]",1);
      Vx_Z->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",2);
      mXlumi = dbe->book1D("muX vs lumi", "\\mu_{x} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      mYlumi = dbe->book1D("muY vs lumi", "\\mu_{y} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      mZlumi = dbe->book1D("muZ vs lumi", "\\mu_{z} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      mXlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      mXlumi->setAxisTitle("\\mu_{x} [cm]",2);
      mYlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      mYlumi->setAxisTitle("\\mu_{y} [cm]",2);
      mZlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      mZlumi->setAxisTitle("\\mu_{z} [cm]",2);

      sXlumi = dbe->book1D("sigmaX vs lumi", "\\sigma_{x} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      sYlumi = dbe->book1D("sigmaY vs lumi", "\\sigma_{y} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      sZlumi = dbe->book1D("sigmaZ vs lumi", "\\sigma_{z} vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      sXlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      sXlumi->setAxisTitle("\\sigma_{x} [cm]",2);
      sYlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      sYlumi->setAxisTitle("\\sigma_{y} [cm]",2);
      sZlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      sZlumi->setAxisTitle("\\sigma_{z} [cm]",2);

      dxdzlumi = dbe->book1D("dxdz vs lumi", "dX/dZ vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      dydzlumi = dbe->book1D("dydz vs lumi", "dY/dZ vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      dxdzlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      dxdzlumi->setAxisTitle("dX/dZ [rad]",2);
      dydzlumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      dydzlumi->setAxisTitle("dY/dZ [rad]",2);

      Vx_ZX = dbe->book2D("vertex zx", "Primary Vertex ZX Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(zRange/zStep/5.)), -zRange/2., zRange/2., int(rint(xRange/xStep/5.)), -xRange/2., xRange/2.);
      Vx_ZY = dbe->book2D("vertex zy", "Primary Vertex ZY Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(zRange/zStep/5.)), -zRange/2., zRange/2., int(rint(yRange/yStep/5.)), -yRange/2., yRange/2.);
      Vx_XY = dbe->book2D("vertex xy", "Primary Vertex XY Coordinate Distribution", int(rint(xRange/xStep/5.)), -xRange/2., xRange/2., int(rint(yRange/yStep/5.)), -yRange/2., yRange/2.);
      Vx_ZX->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Z [cm]",1);
      Vx_ZX->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices X [cm]",2);
      Vx_ZX->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",3);
      Vx_ZY->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Z [cm]",1);
      Vx_ZY->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Y [cm]",2);
      Vx_ZY->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",3);
      Vx_XY->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices X [cm]",1);
      Vx_XY->setAxisTitle("Primary Vertices Y [cm]",2);
      Vx_XY->setAxisTitle("Entries [#]",3);

      hitCounter = dbe->book1D("pixelHits vs lumi", "# Pixel-Hits vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      hitCounter->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      hitCounter->setAxisTitle("Pixel-Hits [#]",2);

      hitCountHistory = dbe->book1D("hist pixelHits vs lumi", "History: # Pixel-Hits vs. Lumi", nBinsWholeHistory, 0.5, (double)nBinsWholeHistory+0.5);
      hitCountHistory->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      hitCountHistory->setAxisTitle("Pixel-Hits [#]",2);

      goodVxCounter = dbe->book1D("good vertices vs lumi", "# Good vertices vs. Lumisection", nBinsHistoricalPlot, 0.5, (double)nBinsHistoricalPlot+0.5);
      goodVxCounter->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      goodVxCounter->setAxisTitle("Good vertices [#]",2);

      goodVxCountHistory = dbe->book1D("hist good vx vs lumi", "History: # Good vx vs. Lumi", nBinsWholeHistory, 0.5, (double)nBinsWholeHistory+0.5);
      goodVxCountHistory->setAxisTitle("Lumisection [#]",1);
      goodVxCountHistory->setAxisTitle("Good vertices [#]",2);

      fitResults = dbe->book2D("fit results","Results of Beam Spot Fit", 2, 0., 2., 9, 0., 9.);
      fitResults->setAxisTitle("Fitted Beam Spot [cm]", 1);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(9, "X", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(8, "Y", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(7, "Z", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(6, "\\sigma_{Z}", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(5, "#frac{dX}{dZ}[rad]", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(4, "#frac{dY}{dZ}[rad]", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(3, "\\sigma_{X}", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(2, "\\sigma_{Y}", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(1, "Vertices", 2);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(1, "Value", 1);
      fitResults->setBinLabel(2, "Stat. Error", 1);

      reportSummary = dbe->bookFloat("reportSummary");
      reportSummaryMap = dbe->book2D("reportSummaryMap","Pixel-Vertices Beam Spot: % Good Fits", 1, 0., 1., 1, 0., 1.);
      reportSummaryMap->Fill(0.5, 0.5, 0.);

      // Convention for reportSummary and reportSummaryMap:
      // - 0%  at the moment of creation of the histogram
      // - n%  numberGoodFits / numberFits

  // ### Set internal variables ###
  prescaleHistory      = 1;
  maxLumiIntegration   = 15;
  minVxDoF             = 4.;
  // For vertex fitter without track-weight: d.o.f. = 2*NTracks - 3
  // For vertex fitter with track-weight:    d.o.f. = sum_NTracks(2*track_weight) - 3
  internalDebug        = false;
  considerVxCovariance = true;
  pi = 3.141592653589793238;
  // ##############################
void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::beginLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiBlock,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]
void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1199 of file

References reset().

{ reset("scratch"); }
void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiBlock,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 801 of file

References counterVx, gather_cfg::cout, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::endTime(), i, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::luminosityBlock(), reset(), convertSQLiteXML::runNumber, mathSSE::sqrt(), and edm::Timestamp::value().

  stringstream histTitle;
  int goodData;
  unsigned int nParams = 9;

  if ((lumiCounter%nLumiReset == 0) && (nLumiReset != 0) && (beginTimeOfFit != 0) && (runNumber != 0))
      endTimeOfFit  = lumiBlock.endTime().value();
      endLumiOfFit  = lumiBlock.luminosityBlock();
      lastLumiOfFit = endLumiOfFit;
      vector<double> vals;

      hitCounter->ShiftFillLast((double)totalHits, std::sqrt((double)totalHits), nLumiReset);

      if (lastLumiOfFit % prescaleHistory == 0)
          hitCountHistory->getTH1()->SetBinContent(lastLumiOfFit, (double)totalHits);
          hitCountHistory->getTH1()->SetBinError(lastLumiOfFit, std::sqrt((double)totalHits));

      if (dataFromFit == true)
          vector<double> fitResults;

          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nParams; i++) fitResults.push_back(0.0);
          goodData = MyFit(&fitResults);                      

          if (internalDebug == true) 
              cout << "goodData --> " << goodData << endl;
              cout << "Used vertices --> " << counterVx << endl;
              cout << "var x -->  " << fitResults[0] << " +/- " << fitResults[0+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "var y -->  " << fitResults[1] << " +/- " << fitResults[1+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "var z -->  " << fitResults[2] << " +/- " << fitResults[2+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "cov xy --> " << fitResults[3] << " +/- " << fitResults[3+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "dydz   --> " << fitResults[4] << " +/- " << fitResults[4+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "dxdz   --> " << fitResults[5] << " +/- " << fitResults[5+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "mean x --> " << fitResults[6] << " +/- " << fitResults[6+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "mean y --> " << fitResults[7] << " +/- " << fitResults[7+nParams] << endl;
              cout << "mean z --> " << fitResults[8] << " +/- " << fitResults[8+nParams] << endl;

          if (goodData == 0)

              vals.push_back(powf(std::fabs(fitResults[2+nParams]) / (2.*std::sqrt(std::fabs(fitResults[2]))),2.));
              vals.push_back(powf(std::fabs(fitResults[0+nParams]) / (2.*std::sqrt(std::fabs(fitResults[0]))),2.));
              vals.push_back(powf(std::fabs(fitResults[1+nParams]) / (2.*std::sqrt(std::fabs(fitResults[1]))),2.));
          else for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8*2; i++) vals.push_back(0.0);

          counterVx = Vx_X->getTH1F()->GetEntries();
          if (Vx_X->getTH1F()->GetEntries() >= minNentries)
            goodData = 0;
              goodData = -2;
              for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8*2; i++) vals.push_back(0.0);

      // vals[0]  = X0
      // vals[1]  = Y0
      // vals[2]  = Z0
      // vals[3]  = sigmaZ0
      // vals[4]  = dxdz
      // vals[5]  = dydz
      // vals[6]  = BeamWidthX
      // vals[7]  = BeamWidthY

      // vals[8]  = err^2 X0
      // vals[9]  = err^2 Y0
      // vals[10] = err^2 Z0
      // vals[11] = err^2 sigmaZ0
      // vals[12] = err^2 dxdz
      // vals[13] = err^2 dydz
      // vals[14] = err^2 BeamWidthX
      // vals[15] = err^2 BeamWidthY

      // "goodData" CODE:
      //  0 == OK --> Reset
      // -2 == NO OK - not enough "minNentries" --> Wait for more lumisections
      // Any other number == NO OK --> Reset

      if (goodData == 0)
          writeToFile(&vals, beginTimeOfFit, endTimeOfFit, beginLumiOfFit, endLumiOfFit, 3);
          if ((internalDebug == true) && (outputDebugFile.is_open() == true)) outputDebugFile << "Used vertices: " << counterVx << endl;


          histTitle << "Fitted Beam Spot [cm] (Lumi start: " << beginLumiOfFit << " - Lumi end: " << endLumiOfFit << ")";
          if (lumiCounterHisto >= maxLumiIntegration) reset("whole");
          else reset("partial");
          writeToFile(&vals, beginTimeOfFit, endTimeOfFit, beginLumiOfFit, endLumiOfFit, -1);
          if ((internalDebug == true) && (outputDebugFile.is_open() == true)) outputDebugFile << "Used vertices: " << counterVx << endl;

          if (goodData == -2)
              histTitle << "Fitted Beam Spot [cm] (not enough statistics)";
              if (lumiCounter >= maxLumiIntegration) reset("whole");
              else reset("hitCounter");
              histTitle << "Fitted Beam Spot [cm] (problems)";
              if (lumiCounterHisto >= maxLumiIntegration) reset("whole");
              else reset("partial");

              counterVx = 0;

      reportSummary->Fill(numberFits != 0 ? (double)numberGoodFits/(double)numberFits : 0.0);
      reportSummaryMap->Fill(0.5, 0.5, numberFits != 0 ? (double)numberGoodFits/(double)numberFits : 0.0);

      fitResults->setAxisTitle(histTitle.str().c_str(), 1);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 9, vals[0]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 8, vals[1]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 7, vals[2]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 6, vals[3]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 5, vals[4]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 4, vals[5]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 3, vals[6]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 2, vals[7]);
      fitResults->setBinContent(1, 1, counterVx);
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 9, std::sqrt(vals[8]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 8, std::sqrt(vals[9]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 7, std::sqrt(vals[10]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 6, std::sqrt(vals[11]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 5, std::sqrt(vals[12]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 4, std::sqrt(vals[13]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 3, std::sqrt(vals[14]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 2, std::sqrt(vals[15]));
      fitResults->setBinContent(2, 1, std::sqrt(counterVx));

      // Linear fit to the historical plots
      TF1* myLinFit = new TF1("myLinFit", "[0] + [1]*x", mXlumi->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), mXlumi->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());

      mXlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[0], std::sqrt(vals[8]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, mXlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      mYlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[1], std::sqrt(vals[9]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, mYlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      mZlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[2], std::sqrt(vals[10]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, mZlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      sXlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[6], std::sqrt(vals[14]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, sXlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      sYlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[7], std::sqrt(vals[15]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, sYlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      sZlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[3], std::sqrt(vals[11]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, sZlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      dxdzlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[4], std::sqrt(vals[12]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, dxdzlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      dydzlumi->ShiftFillLast(vals[5], std::sqrt(vals[13]), nLumiReset);
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, dydzlumi->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);
      goodVxCounter->ShiftFillLast((double)counterVx, std::sqrt((double)counterVx), nLumiReset);      
      myLinFit->SetParameter(0, goodVxCounter->getTH1()->GetMean(2));
      myLinFit->SetParameter(1, 0.0);

      if (lastLumiOfFit % prescaleHistory == 0)
          goodVxCountHistory->getTH1()->SetBinContent(lastLumiOfFit, (double)counterVx);
          goodVxCountHistory->getTH1()->SetBinError(lastLumiOfFit, std::sqrt((double)counterVx));

      delete myLinFit;

  else if (nLumiReset == 0)
      histTitle << "Fitted Beam Spot [cm] (no ongoing fits)";
      fitResults->setAxisTitle(histTitle.str().c_str(), 1);
      reportSummaryMap->Fill(0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
      hitCounter->ShiftFillLast(totalHits, std::sqrt(totalHits), 1);
char * Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::formatTime ( const time_t &  t) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 168 of file

  static char ts[25];
  strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z", gmtime(&t));

  return ts;
unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::HitCounter ( const edm::Event iEvent) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 154 of file

References edm::Event::getByLabel(), h, and j.

  edm::Handle<SiPixelRecHitCollection> rechitspixel;

  unsigned int counter = 0;
  for (SiPixelRecHitCollection::const_iterator j = rechitspixel->begin(); j != rechitspixel->end(); j++)
    for (edmNew::DetSet<SiPixelRecHit>::const_iterator h = j->begin(); h != j->end(); h++) counter += h->cluster()->size();       
  return counter;
int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::MyFit ( std::vector< double > *  vals) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 246 of file

References fitWZ::arglist, counterVx, gather_cfg::cout, alignCSCRings::e, Gauss3DFunc(), i, edm::detail::isnan(), j, maxLongLength, maxTransRadius, NULL, mathSSE::sqrt(), xPos, yPos, and zPos.

  //  0 == OK
  // -2 == NO OK - not enough "minNentries"
  // Any other number == NO OK
  unsigned int nParams = 9;
  if ((vals != NULL) && (vals->size() == nParams*2))
      double nSigmaXY       = 100.;
      double nSigmaZ        = 100.;
      double varFactor      = 4./25.; // Take into account the difference between the RMS and sigma (RMS usually greater than sigma)
      double parDistanceXY  = 0.005;  // Unit: [cm]
      double parDistanceZ   = 0.5;    // Unit: [cm]
      double parDistanceddZ = 1e-3;   // Unit: [rad]
      double parDistanceCxy = 1e-5;   // Unit: [cm^2]
      double bestEdm        = 1e-1;

      const unsigned int trials = 4;
      double largerDist[trials] = {0.1, 5., 10., 100.};

      double covxz,covyz,det;
      double deltaMean;
      int bestMovementX = 1;
      int bestMovementY = 1;
      int bestMovementZ = 1;
      int goodData;

      double arglist[2];
      double amin,errdef,edm;
      int nvpar,nparx;
      vector<double>::const_iterator it = vals->begin();

      TFitterMinuit* Gauss3D = new TFitterMinuit(nParams);
      if (internalDebug == true) Gauss3D->SetPrintLevel(3);
      else Gauss3D->SetPrintLevel(0);
      arglist[0] = 10000; // Max number of function calls
      arglist[1] = 1e-9;  // Tolerance on likelihood

      if (internalDebug == true) cout << "\n@@@ START FITTING @@@" << endl;

      // @@@ Fit at X-deltaMean | X | X+deltaMean @@@
      bestEdm = 1.;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          deltaMean = (double(i)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor);
          if (internalDebug == true) cout << "deltaMean --> " << deltaMean << endl;


          // arg3 - first guess of parameter value
          // arg4 - step of the parameter
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(0,"var x ", *(it+0)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(1,"var y ", *(it+1)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(2,"var z ", *(it+2), parDistanceZ*parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(3,"cov xy", *(it+3), parDistanceCxy, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(4,"dydz  ", *(it+4), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(5,"dxdz  ", *(it+5), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(6,"mean x", *(it+6)+deltaMean, parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(7,"mean y", *(it+7), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(8,"mean z", *(it+8), parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);

          // Set the central positions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          xPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(6);
          yPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(7);
          zPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(8);

          // Set dimensions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          maxTransRadius = nSigmaXY * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) + std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) / 2.;
          maxLongLength  = nSigmaZ  * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)));

          goodData = Gauss3D->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);
          Gauss3D->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx);

          if (counterVx < minNentries) goodData = -2;
          else if (std::isnan(edm) == true) goodData = -1;
          else for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nParams; j++) if (std::isnan(Gauss3D->GetParError(j)) == true) { goodData = -1; break; }
          if (goodData == 0)
              covyz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              covxz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              det = std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) * (std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covyz*covyz) -
                Gauss3D->GetParameter(3) * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covxz*covyz) +
                covxz * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*covyz - covxz*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1)));
              if (det < 0.) { goodData = -1; if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Negative determinant !" << endl; }

          if ((goodData == 0) && (std::fabs(edm) < bestEdm)) { bestEdm = edm; bestMovementX = i; }
      if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Found bestMovementX --> " << bestMovementX << endl;

      // @@@ Fit at Y-deltaMean | Y | Y+deltaMean @@@
      bestEdm = 1.;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          deltaMean = (double(i)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+1))*varFactor);
          if (internalDebug == true)
              cout << "deltaMean --> " << deltaMean << endl;
              cout << "deltaMean X --> " << (double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor) << endl;


          // arg3 - first guess of parameter value
          // arg4 - step of the parameter
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(0,"var x ", *(it+0)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(1,"var y ", *(it+1)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(2,"var z ", *(it+2), parDistanceZ*parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(3,"cov xy", *(it+3), parDistanceCxy, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(4,"dydz  ", *(it+4), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(5,"dxdz  ", *(it+5), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(6,"mean x", *(it+6)+(double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(7,"mean y", *(it+7)+deltaMean, parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(8,"mean z", *(it+8), parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);

          // Set the central positions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          xPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(6);
          yPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(7);
          zPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(8);

          // Set dimensions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          maxTransRadius = nSigmaXY * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) + std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) / 2.;
          maxLongLength  = nSigmaZ  * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)));

          goodData = Gauss3D->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);
          Gauss3D->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx);

          if (counterVx < minNentries) goodData = -2;
          else if (std::isnan(edm) == true) goodData = -1;
          else for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nParams; j++) if (std::isnan(Gauss3D->GetParError(j)) == true) { goodData = -1; break; }
          if (goodData == 0)
              covyz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              covxz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              det = std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) * (std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covyz*covyz) -
                Gauss3D->GetParameter(3) * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covxz*covyz) +
                covxz * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*covyz - covxz*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1)));
              if (det < 0.) { goodData = -1; if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Negative determinant !" << endl; }
          if ((goodData == 0) && (std::fabs(edm) < bestEdm)) { bestEdm = edm; bestMovementY = i; }
      if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Found bestMovementY --> " << bestMovementY << endl;

      // @@@ Fit at Z-deltaMean | Z | Z+deltaMean @@@
      bestEdm = 1.;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          deltaMean = (double(i)-1.)*std::sqrt(*(it+2));
          if (internalDebug == true)
              cout << "deltaMean --> " << deltaMean << endl;
              cout << "deltaMean X --> " << (double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor) << endl;
              cout << "deltaMean Y --> " << (double(bestMovementY)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+1))*varFactor) << endl;


          // arg3 - first guess of parameter value
          // arg4 - step of the parameter
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(0,"var x ", *(it+0)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(1,"var y ", *(it+1)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(2,"var z ", *(it+2), parDistanceZ*parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(3,"cov xy", *(it+3), parDistanceCxy, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(4,"dydz  ", *(it+4), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(5,"dxdz  ", *(it+5), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(6,"mean x", *(it+6)+(double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(7,"mean y", *(it+7)+(double(bestMovementY)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+1))*varFactor), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
          Gauss3D->SetParameter(8,"mean z", *(it+8)+deltaMean, parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);

          // Set the central positions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          xPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(6);
          yPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(7);
          zPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(8);

          // Set dimensions of the centroid for vertex rejection
          maxTransRadius = nSigmaXY * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) + std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) / 2.;
          maxLongLength  = nSigmaZ  * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)));

          goodData = Gauss3D->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);
          Gauss3D->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx);

          if (counterVx < minNentries) goodData = -2;
          else if (std::isnan(edm) == true) goodData = -1;
          else for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nParams; j++) if (std::isnan(Gauss3D->GetParError(j)) == true) { goodData = -1; break; }
          if (goodData == 0)
              covyz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              covxz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
              det = std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) * (std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covyz*covyz) -
                Gauss3D->GetParameter(3) * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covxz*covyz) +
                covxz * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*covyz - covxz*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1)));
              if (det < 0.) { goodData = -1; if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Negative determinant !" << endl; }
          if ((goodData == 0) && (std::fabs(edm) < bestEdm)) { bestEdm = edm; bestMovementZ = i; }
      if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Found bestMovementZ --> " << bestMovementZ << endl;


      // @@@ FINAL FIT @@@
      // arg3 - first guess of parameter value
      // arg4 - step of the parameter
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(0,"var x ", *(it+0)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(1,"var y ", *(it+1)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(2,"var z ", *(it+2), parDistanceZ*parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(3,"cov xy", *(it+3), parDistanceCxy, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(4,"dydz  ", *(it+4), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(5,"dxdz  ", *(it+5), parDistanceddZ, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(6,"mean x", *(it+6)+(double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(7,"mean y", *(it+7)+(double(bestMovementY)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+1))*varFactor), parDistanceXY, 0., 0.);
      Gauss3D->SetParameter(8,"mean z", *(it+8)+(double(bestMovementZ)-1.)*std::sqrt(*(it+2)), parDistanceZ, 0., 0.);

      // Set the central positions of the centroid for vertex rejection
      xPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(6);
      yPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(7);
      zPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(8);
      // Set dimensions of the centroid for vertex rejection
      maxTransRadius = nSigmaXY * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) + std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) / 2.;
      maxLongLength  = nSigmaZ  * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)));

      goodData = Gauss3D->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);      
      Gauss3D->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx);
      if (counterVx < minNentries) goodData = -2;
      else if (std::isnan(edm) == true) goodData = -1;
      else for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nParams; j++) if (std::isnan(Gauss3D->GetParError(j)) == true) { goodData = -1; break; }
      if (goodData == 0)
          covyz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
          covxz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
          det = std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) * (std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covyz*covyz) -
            Gauss3D->GetParameter(3) * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covxz*covyz) +
            covxz * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*covyz - covxz*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1)));
          if (det < 0.) { goodData = -1; if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Negative determinant !" << endl; }

      // arg3 - first guess of parameter value
      // arg4 - step of the parameter
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < trials; i++)
          if ((goodData != 0) && (goodData != -2))
              if (internalDebug == true) cout << "FIT WITH DIFFERENT PARAMETER DISTANCES - STEP " << i+1 << endl;      

              Gauss3D->SetParameter(0,"var x ", *(it+0)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(1,"var y ", *(it+1)*varFactor, parDistanceXY*parDistanceXY * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(2,"var z ", *(it+2), parDistanceZ*parDistanceZ * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(3,"cov xy", *(it+3), parDistanceCxy * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(4,"dydz  ", *(it+4), parDistanceddZ * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(5,"dxdz  ", *(it+5), parDistanceddZ * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(6,"mean x", *(it+6)+(double(bestMovementX)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+0))*varFactor), parDistanceXY * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(7,"mean y", *(it+7)+(double(bestMovementY)-1.)*std::sqrt((*(it+1))*varFactor), parDistanceXY * largerDist[i], 0, 0);
              Gauss3D->SetParameter(8,"mean z", *(it+8)+(double(bestMovementZ)-1.)*std::sqrt(*(it+2)), parDistanceZ * largerDist[i], 0, 0);

              // Set the central positions of the centroid for vertex rejection
              xPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(6);
              yPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(7);
              zPos = Gauss3D->GetParameter(8);

              // Set dimensions of the centroid for vertex rejection
              maxTransRadius = nSigmaXY * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) + std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) / 2.;
              maxLongLength  = nSigmaZ  * std::sqrt(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)));

              goodData = Gauss3D->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);
              Gauss3D->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx);
              if (counterVx < minNentries) goodData = -2;
              else if (std::isnan(edm) == true) goodData = -1;
              else for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nParams; j++) if (std::isnan(Gauss3D->GetParError(j)) == true) { goodData = -1; break; }
              if (goodData == 0)
                  covyz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
                  covxz = Gauss3D->GetParameter(5)*(std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2))-std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0))) - Gauss3D->GetParameter(4)*Gauss3D->GetParameter(3);
                  det = std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(0)) * (std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1))*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covyz*covyz) -
                    Gauss3D->GetParameter(3) * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(2)) - covxz*covyz) +
                    covxz * (Gauss3D->GetParameter(3)*covyz - covxz*std::fabs(Gauss3D->GetParameter(1)));
                  if (det < 0.) { goodData = -1; if (internalDebug == true) cout << "Negative determinant !" << endl; }
            } else break;

      if (goodData == 0)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nParams; i++)
            vals->operator[](i) = Gauss3D->GetParameter(i);
            vals->operator[](i+nParams) = Gauss3D->GetParError(i);
      delete Gauss3D;
      return goodData;
  return -1;
virtual void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::reset ( std::string  ResetType) [private, virtual]
virtual void Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::writeToFile ( std::vector< double > *  vals,
edm::TimeValue_t  BeginTimeOfFit,
edm::TimeValue_t  EndTimeOfFit,
unsigned int  BeginLumiOfFit,
unsigned int  EndLumiOfFit,
int  dataType 
) [private, virtual]

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::beginLumiOfFit [private]

Definition at line 163 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 151 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 102 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 100 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 124 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 125 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::endLumiOfFit [private]

Definition at line 164 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 152 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

std::string Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::fileName [private]

Definition at line 110 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 144 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 135 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 136 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 138 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 139 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 167 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::lastLumiOfFit [private]

Definition at line 165 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::lumiCounter [private]

Definition at line 156 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::lumiCounterHisto [private]

Definition at line 157 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::maxLumiIntegration [private]

Definition at line 159 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::minNentries [private]

Definition at line 103 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::minVxDoF [private]

Definition at line 166 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 116 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 117 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 118 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::nBinsHistoricalPlot [private]

Definition at line 153 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::nBinsWholeHistory [private]

Definition at line 154 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::nLumiReset [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::numberFits [private]

Definition at line 162 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::numberGoodFits [private]

Definition at line 161 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 150 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

ofstream Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::outputFile [private]

Definition at line 149 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::prescaleHistory [private]

Definition at line 160 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 141 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 142 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::runNumber [private]

Definition at line 155 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 120 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 121 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 122 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

unsigned int Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::totalHits [private]

Definition at line 158 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 99 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 127 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 133 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 128 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 129 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 131 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 132 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::xRange [private]

Definition at line 104 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::xStep [private]

Definition at line 105 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::yRange [private]

Definition at line 106 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::yStep [private]

Definition at line 107 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::zRange [private]

Definition at line 108 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.

double Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::zStep [private]

Definition at line 109 of file Vx3DHLTAnalyzer.h.