Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

LandauFP420 Class Reference

#include <LandauFP420.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 LandauFP420 ()
double SampleFluctuations (const double momentum, const double mass, double &tmax, const double length, const double meanLoss)
 ~LandauFP420 ()

Private Attributes

double alim
double chargeSquare
double e0
double e1Fluct
double e1LogFluct
double e2Fluct
double e2LogFluct
double electronDensity
double f1Fluct
double f2Fluct
double ipotFluct
double ipotLogFluct
double minLoss
double minNumberInteractionsBohr
int nmaxCont1
int nmaxCont2
double particleMass
double problim
double rateFluct
double sumalim
double theBohrBeta2

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file LandauFP420.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LandauFP420::LandauFP420 ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

References chargeSquare, e0, e1Fluct, e1LogFluct, e2Fluct, e2LogFluct, electronDensity, f1Fluct, f2Fluct, ipotFluct, ipotLogFluct, funct::log(), problim, rateFluct, and sumalim.

  sumalim = -log(problim);

  chargeSquare   = 1.;  //Assume all particles have charge 1
  // Taken from Geant4 printout, HARDWIRED for Silicon.
  ipotFluct = 0.0001736; //material->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
  electronDensity = 6.797E+20; // material->GetElectronDensity();
  f1Fluct      = 0.8571; // material->GetIonisation()->GetF1fluct();
  f2Fluct      = 0.1429; //material->GetIonisation()->GetF2fluct();
  e1Fluct      = 0.000116;// material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy1fluct();
  e2Fluct      = 0.00196; //material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy2fluct();
  e1LogFluct   = -9.063;  //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogEnergy1fluct();
  e2LogFluct   = -6.235;  //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogEnergy2fluct();
  rateFluct    = 0.4;     //material->GetIonisation()->GetRateionexcfluct();
  ipotLogFluct = -8.659;  //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogMeanExcEnergy();
  e0 = 1.E-5;             //material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy0fluct();

LandauFP420::~LandauFP420 ( )

Definition at line 93 of file


Member Function Documentation

double LandauFP420::SampleFluctuations ( const double  momentum,
const double  mass,
double &  tmax,
const double  length,
const double  meanLoss 

Definition at line 99 of file

References alim, funct::C, chargeSquare, e0, e1Fluct, e1LogFluct, e2Fluct, e2LogFluct, electronDensity, f1Fluct, f2Fluct, i, ipotFluct, ipotLogFluct, gen::k, funct::log(), scaleCards::mass, max(), minLoss, minNumberInteractionsBohr, nmaxCont1, nmaxCont2, p1, p2, p3, particleMass, rateFluct, mathSSE::sqrt(), sumalim, w(), and w2.

//  calculate actual loss from the mean loss
//  The model used to get the fluctuation is essentially the same
// as in Glandz in Geant3.
  // shortcut for very very small loss 
  if(meanLoss < minLoss) return meanLoss;

  //if(dp->GetDefinition() != particle) {
  particleMass   = mass; // dp->GetMass();
  //G4double q     = dp->GetCharge(); 
  //chargeSquare   = q*q;

  //double gam   = (dp->GetKineticEnergy())/particleMass + 1.0;
  //double gam2  = gam*gam; 
  double gam2   = (momentum*momentum)/(particleMass*particleMass) + 1.0;
  double beta2 = 1.0 - 1.0/gam2;
  // Validity range for delta electron cross section
  double loss, siga;
  // Gaussian fluctuation 
  if(meanLoss >= minNumberInteractionsBohr*tmax || 
     tmax <= ipotFluct*minNumberInteractionsBohr)
    siga  = (1.0/beta2 - 0.5) * twopi_mc2_rcl2 * tmax * length 
                              * electronDensity * chargeSquare ;
    siga = sqrt(siga);
    do {
     //loss = G4RandGauss::shoot(meanLoss,siga);
     loss = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(meanLoss,siga);
    } while (loss < 0. || loss > 2.*meanLoss);

    return loss;

  // Non Gaussian fluctuation 
  double suma,w1,w2,C,lossc,w;
  double a1,a2,a3;
  int p1,p2,p3;
  int nb;
  double corrfac, na,alfa,rfac,namean,sa,alfa1,ea,sea;
  double dp3;

  w1 = tmax/ipotFluct;
  w2 = log(2.*electron_mass_c2*(gam2 - 1.0));

  C = meanLoss*(1.-rateFluct)/(w2-ipotLogFluct-beta2);

  a1 = C*f1Fluct*(w2-e1LogFluct-beta2)/e1Fluct;
  a2 = C*f2Fluct*(w2-e2LogFluct-beta2)/e2Fluct;
  a3 = rateFluct*meanLoss*(tmax-ipotFluct)/(ipotFluct*tmax*log(w1));
  if(a1 < 0.) a1 = 0.;
  if(a2 < 0.) a2 = 0.;
  if(a3 < 0.) a3 = 0.;

  suma = a1+a2+a3;

  loss = 0. ;

  if(suma < sumalim)             // very small Step
      //e0 = material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy0fluct();//Hardwired in const
      if(tmax == ipotFluct)
        a3 = meanLoss/e0;

          siga=sqrt(a3) ;
          //p3 = G4std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
          p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
          p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);
        //p3 = G4Poisson(a3);

        loss = p3*e0 ;

        if(p3 > 0)
          //loss += (1.-2.*G4UniformRand())*e0 ;
          loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e0 ;

        tmax = tmax-ipotFluct+e0 ;
        a3 = meanLoss*(tmax-e0)/(tmax*e0*log(tmax/e0));

          siga=sqrt(a3) ;
          //p3 = G4std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
          p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
          p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);
        //p3 = G4Poisson(a3);

        if(p3 > 0)
          w = (tmax-e0)/tmax ;
          if(p3 > nmaxCont2)
            dp3 = float(p3) ;
            corrfac = dp3/float(nmaxCont2) ;
            p3 = nmaxCont2 ;
            corrfac = 1. ;

          //for(int i=0; i<p3; i++) loss += 1./(1.-w*G4UniformRand()) ;
          for(int i=0; i<p3; i++) loss += 1./(1.-w*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot()) ;
          loss *= e0*corrfac ;  
  else                              // not so small Step
      // excitation type 1
        siga=sqrt(a1) ;
        //p1 = std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a1,siga)+0.5));
        p1 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a1,siga)+0.5));
       p1 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a1);
      //p1 = G4Poisson(a1);

      // excitation type 2
        siga=sqrt(a2) ;
        //p2 = std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a2,siga)+0.5));
        p2 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a2,siga)+0.5));
        p2 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a2);
      //p2 = G4Poisson(a2);

      loss = p1*e1Fluct+p2*e2Fluct;
      // smearing to avoid unphysical peaks
      if(p2 > 0)
        //loss += (1.-2.*G4UniformRand())*e2Fluct;   
        loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e2Fluct;   
      else if (loss>0.)
        loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e1Fluct;   

      // ionisation .......................................
     if(a3 > 0.)
        siga=sqrt(a3) ;
        p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
        p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);

      lossc = 0.;
      if(p3 > 0)
        na = 0.; 
        alfa = 1.;
        if (p3 > nmaxCont2)
          dp3        = float(p3);
          rfac       = dp3/(float(nmaxCont2)+dp3);
          namean     = float(p3)*rfac;
          sa         = float(nmaxCont1)*rfac;
          na         = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(namean,sa);
          if (na > 0.)
            alfa   = w1*float(nmaxCont2+p3)/
            alfa1  = alfa*log(alfa)/(alfa-1.);
            ea     = na*ipotFluct*alfa1;
            sea    = ipotFluct*sqrt(na*(alfa-alfa1*alfa1));
            lossc += CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(ea,sea);

        nb = int(float(p3)-na);
        if (nb > 0)
          w2 = alfa*ipotFluct;
          w  = (tmax-w2)/tmax;      
          for (int k=0; k<nb; k++) lossc += w2/(1.-w*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot());
      loss += lossc;  

  return loss;

Member Data Documentation

double LandauFP420::alim [private]

Definition at line 107 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::chargeSquare [private]

Definition at line 85 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e0 [private]

Definition at line 100 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e1Fluct [private]

Definition at line 94 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e1LogFluct [private]

Definition at line 97 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e2Fluct [private]

Definition at line 95 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e2LogFluct [private]

Definition at line 98 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::electronDensity [private]

Definition at line 89 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::f1Fluct [private]

Definition at line 92 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::f2Fluct [private]

Definition at line 93 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::ipotFluct [private]

Definition at line 88 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::ipotLogFluct [private]

Definition at line 99 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::minLoss [private]

Definition at line 104 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

Definition at line 102 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

int LandauFP420::nmaxCont1 [private]

Definition at line 108 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

int LandauFP420::nmaxCont2 [private]

Definition at line 109 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::particleMass [private]

Definition at line 84 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::problim [private]

Definition at line 105 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420().

double LandauFP420::rateFluct [private]

Definition at line 96 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::sumalim [private]

Definition at line 106 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::theBohrBeta2 [private]

Definition at line 103 of file LandauFP420.h.