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MuonGeometryArrange Class Reference

#include <MuonGeometryArrange.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonGeometryArrange:

List of all members.


struct  MGACollection

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
typedef AlignTransform SurveyValue
typedef Alignments SurveyValues

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
 Read from DB and print survey info.
 MuonGeometryArrange (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 Do nothing. Required by framework.

Private Member Functions

bool checkChosen (Alignable *ali)
void compare (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli, Alignable *curAliCopy2)
void compareGeometries (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli, Alignable *curAliCopy2)
void createROOTGeometry (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void endHist ()
void fillTree (Alignable *refAli, AlgebraicVector diff)
bool isMother (Alignable *ali)
void makeGraph (int sizeI, float smi, float sma, float minV, float maxV, TH2F *dxh, TGraph *grx, const char *name, const char *title, const char *titleg, const char *axis, float *xp, float *yp, int numEntries)
bool passChosen (Alignable *ali)
bool passIdCut (uint32_t)

Private Attributes

TTree * _alignTree
float _alphaVal
float _betaVal
align::StructureType _commonMuonLevel
float _dalphaVal
float _dbetaVal
int _detDim
bool _detIdFlag
std::string _detIdFlagFile
std::vector< uint32_t > _detIdFlagVector
float _dgammaVal
float _dphiVal
float _drotxVal
float _drotyVal
float _drotzVal
float _drVal
float _dxVal
float _dyVal
float _dzVal
int _endcap
float _etaVal
std::string _filename
float _gammaVal
int _id
std::string _inputFilename1
std::string _inputFilename2
TFile * _inputRootFile1
TFile * _inputRootFile2
TTree * _inputTree1
TTree * _inputTree2
std::string _inputTreename
std::string _inputXMLCurrent
std::string _inputXMLReference
float _ldphiVal
float _ldrVal
float _ldxVal
float _ldyVal
float _ldzVal
int _level
std::vector< MGACollection_mgacollection
int _mid
int _mlevel
align::PositionType _MuonCommonCM
align::EulerAngles _MuonCommonR
align::GlobalVector _MuonCommonT
float _phiVal
int _ring
float _rotxVal
float _rotyVal
float _rotzVal
float _rVal
std::string _setCommonMuonSystem
int _station
int _sublevel
float _surLength
double _surRot [9]
float _surWidth
TFile * _theFile
int _useDetId
std::string _weightBy
bool _weightById
std::string _weightByIdFile
std::vector< unsigned int > _weightByIdVector
bool _writeToDB
float _xVal
float _yVal
float _zVal
bool firstEvent_
edm::ParameterSet m_params
std::vector< align::StructureTypetheLevels
const SurveyErrorstheSurveyErrors
unsigned int theSurveyIndex
const AlignmentstheSurveyValues

Detailed Description

Module that reads survey info from DB and prints them out.

Usage: module comparator = MuonGeometryArrange {

lots of stuff

} path p = { comparator }

2010/01/04 17:04:08
Nhan Tran

Definition at line 38 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 44 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 42 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 43 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonGeometryArrange::MuonGeometryArrange ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Do nothing. Required by framework.

Definition at line 43 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _dbetaVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _detIdFlagFile, _detIdFlagVector, _dgammaVal, _dphiVal, _drotxVal, _drotyVal, _drotzVal, _drVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _endcap, _etaVal, _filename, _gammaVal, _id, _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputTreename, _inputXMLCurrent, _inputXMLReference, _ldphiVal, _ldrVal, _ldxVal, _ldyVal, _ldzVal, _level, _mgacollection, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _ring, _rotxVal, _rotyVal, _rotzVal, _rVal, _station, _sublevel, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _theFile, _useDetId, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdFile, _weightByIdVector, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, currentMuon, groupFilesInBlocks::fin, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, prof2calltree::l, referenceMuon, and theLevels.

  theSurveyIndex(0), _writeToDB(false), _commonMuonLevel(align::invalid), firstEvent_(true)
        // Input is XML
        _inputXMLCurrent = cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("inputXMLCurrent");
        _inputXMLReference = cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("inputXMLReference");

        //input is ROOT
        _inputFilename1 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string >
        _inputFilename2 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string >
        _inputTreename = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("treeName");
        //output file
        _filename = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("outputFile");
        const std::vector<std::string>& levels = 
            cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<std::string> > ("levels");
        _weightBy = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("weightBy");
        _detIdFlag = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("detIdFlag");
        _detIdFlagFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string >
        _weightById  = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("weightById");
        _weightByIdFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string >
        _endcap  = cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("endcapNumber");
        _station = cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("stationNumber");
        _ring    = cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("ringNumber");
        //setting the levels being used in the geometry comparator
        AlignableObjectId dummy;
        edm::LogInfo("MuonGeometryArrange") << "levels: " << levels.size();
        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < levels.size(); ++l){
                theLevels.push_back( dummy.nameToType(levels[l]));
                edm::LogInfo("MuonGeometryArrange") << "level: " << levels[l];
        // if want to use, make id cut list
        if (_detIdFlag){
        ifstream fin; _detIdFlagFile.c_str() );
        while (!fin.eof() && fin.good() ){
                        uint32_t id;
                        fin >> id;
        // turn weightByIdFile into weightByIdVector
        unsigned int lastID=999999999;
        if (_weightById){
                std::ifstream inFile;
       _weightByIdFile.c_str() );
                int ctr = 0;
                while ( !inFile.eof() ){
                        unsigned int listId;
                        inFile >> listId;
                        inFile.ignore(256, '\n');
                          _weightByIdVector.push_back( listId );
        //root configuration
        _theFile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
        _alignTree = new TTree("alignTree","alignTree");
        _alignTree->Branch("id", &_id, "id/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("level", &_level, "level/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("mid", &_mid, "mid/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("mlevel", &_mlevel, "mlevel/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("sublevel", &_sublevel, "sublevel/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("x", &_xVal, "x/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("y", &_yVal, "y/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("z", &_zVal, "z/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("r", &_rVal, "r/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("phi", &_phiVal, "phi/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("eta", &_etaVal, "eta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("alpha", &_alphaVal, "alpha/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("beta", &_betaVal, "beta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("gamma", &_gammaVal, "gamma/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dx", &_dxVal, "dx/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dy", &_dyVal, "dy/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dz", &_dzVal, "dz/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dr", &_drVal, "dr/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dphi", &_dphiVal, "dphi/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dalpha", &_dalphaVal, "dalpha/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dbeta", &_dbetaVal, "dbeta/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("dgamma", &_dgammaVal, "dgamma/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("ldx", &_ldxVal, "ldx/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("ldy", &_ldyVal, "ldy/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("ldz", &_ldzVal, "ldz/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("ldr", &_ldrVal, "ldr/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("ldphi", &_ldphiVal, "ldphi/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("useDetId", &_useDetId, "useDetId/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("detDim", &_detDim, "detDim/I");
        _alignTree->Branch("rotx",&_rotxVal, "rotx/F"); 
        _alignTree->Branch("roty",&_rotyVal, "roty/F"); 
        _alignTree->Branch("rotz",&_rotzVal, "rotz/F"); 
        _alignTree->Branch("drotx",&_drotxVal, "drotx/F");      
        _alignTree->Branch("droty",&_drotyVal, "droty/F");      
        _alignTree->Branch("drotz",&_drotzVal, "drotz/F");      
        _alignTree->Branch("surW", &_surWidth, "surW/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("surL", &_surLength, "surL/F");
        _alignTree->Branch("surRot", &_surRot, "surRot[9]/D");


Member Function Documentation

void MuonGeometryArrange::analyze ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 457 of file

References _alignTree, _inputXMLCurrent, _inputXMLReference, _theFile, compare(), endHist(), MuonAlignment::fillGapsInSurvey(), firstEvent_, MuonAlignment::getAlignableMuon(), inputAlign1, inputAlign2, inputAlign2a, inputGeometry1, and inputGeometry2.

  if (firstEvent_) {
    // My stuff
    MuonAlignmentInputXML inputMethod1(_inputXMLCurrent);
    inputAlign1 = new MuonAlignment(iSetup, inputMethod1);
    inputAlign1->fillGapsInSurvey(0, 0);
    MuonAlignmentInputXML inputMethod2(_inputXMLReference);
    inputAlign2 = new MuonAlignment(iSetup, inputMethod2);
    inputAlign2->fillGapsInSurvey(0, 0);
    MuonAlignmentInputXML inputMethod3(_inputXMLReference);
    inputAlign2a = new MuonAlignment(iSetup, inputMethod3);
    inputAlign2a->fillGapsInSurvey(0, 0);
    inputGeometry1 = static_cast<Alignable*> (inputAlign1->getAlignableMuon());
    inputGeometry2 = static_cast<Alignable*> (inputAlign2->getAlignableMuon());
    Alignable* inputGeometry2Copy2 = 
      static_cast<Alignable*> (inputAlign2a->getAlignableMuon());
    //compare the goemetries
    compare(inputGeometry1, inputGeometry2, inputGeometry2Copy2);
    //write out ntuple
    //might be better to do within output module
    //   _theFile->Close();
    firstEvent_ = false;
void MuonGeometryArrange::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Read from DB and print survey info.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 450 of file

References firstEvent_.

  firstEvent_ = true;
bool MuonGeometryArrange::checkChosen ( Alignable ali) [private]

Definition at line 896 of file

References _endcap, _ring, _station, gather_cfg::cout, CSC(), DetId::det(), Alignable::geomDetId(), Alignable::id(), DetId::Muon, and DetId::subdetId().

Referenced by isMother(), and passChosen().

 // Check whether the item passed satisfies the criteria given.
  if(ali==0x0) return false;    // elementary sanity
 // Is this in the CSC section?  If not, bail.  Later may extend.
  if(ali->geomDetId().det()!=DetId::Muon ||
     ali->geomDetId().subdetId()!=MuonSubdetId::CSC) return false;
 // If it is a CSC alignable, then check that the station, etc are
 // those requested.
 // One might think of aligning more than a single ring at a time,
 // by using a vector of ring numbers.  I don't see the sense in
 // trying to align more than one station at a time for comparison.
  CSCDetId cscId(ali->geomDetId());
#ifdef jnbdebug
std::cout<<"JNB "<<ali->id()<<" "<<cscId.endcap()<<" "
<<cscId.station()<<" "<<cscId.ring()<<" "<<cscId.chamber()<<"   "
<<_endcap<<" "<<_station<<" "<<_ring
  if(cscId.endcap()==_endcap && cscId.station()==_station &&
     cscId.ring()==_ring) {
      return true;
  return false;
void MuonGeometryArrange::compare ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli,
Alignable curAliCopy2 
) [private]

Definition at line 492 of file

References compareGeometries(), Alignable::components(), and i.

Referenced by analyze().


 // First sanity
  const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
  const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curAli->components();
  const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp2 = curAliCopy2->components();
  compareGeometries(refAli, curAli, curAliCopy2);

  int nComp=refComp.size();
  for(int i=0; i<nComp; i++){
    compare(refComp[i], curComp[i], curComp2[i]);
void MuonGeometryArrange::compareGeometries ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli,
Alignable curAliCopy2 
) [private]

Definition at line 512 of file

References _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector, align::centerOfMass(), change(), CastorDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), Alignable::components(), align::createPoints(), cond::rpcobgas::detid, diffTreeTool::diff, align::diffAlignables(), align::diffRot(), alignCSCRings::e, fillTree(), i, isMother(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), Alignable::mother(), align::moveAlignable(), align::readModuleList(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, align::toAngles(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by compare().

 // First sanity
 // Is this the Ring we want to align?  If so it will contain the
 // chambers specified in the configuration file        
  if(!isMother(refAli)) return; // Not the desired alignable object
 // But... There are granddaughters involved--and I don't want to monkey with
 // the layers of the chambers.  So, if the mother of this is also an approved
 // mother, bail.
  if(isMother(refAli->mother() )) return;
  const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
  const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curCopy->components();
 // GlobalVectors is a vector of GlobalVector which is a 3D vector
  align::GlobalVectors originalVectors;
  align::GlobalVectors currentVectors;
  align::GlobalVectors originalRelativeVectors;
  align::GlobalVectors currentRelativeVectors;

  int nComp = refComp.size();
  int nUsed = 0;
 // Use the total displacements here:
  CLHEP::Hep3Vector TotalX, TotalL;
  TotalX.set(0.,0.,0.);   TotalL.set(0., 0., 0.);
//  CLHEP::Hep3Vector* Rsubtotal, Wsubtotal, DRsubtotal, DWsubtotal;
  std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> Positions;
  std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> DelPositions;

  double xrcenter=0.;
  double yrcenter=0.;
  double zrcenter=0.;
  double xccenter=0.;
  double yccenter=0.;
  double zccenter=0.;

  bool useIt;
 // Create the "center" for the reference alignment chambers, and
 // load a vector of their centers
  for(int ich=0; ich<nComp; ich++){
      if(!align::readModuleList(curComp[ich]->id(), curComp[ich]->id(), _weightByIdVector))
    if(!useIt) continue;
    align::GlobalVectors curVs;
    align::createPoints(&curVs, refComp[ich], 
      _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
    align::GlobalVector pointsCM = align::centerOfMass(curVs);
    xrcenter+= pointsCM.x();
    yrcenter+= pointsCM.y();
    zrcenter+= pointsCM.z();

 // Create the "center" for the current alignment chambers, and
 // load a vector of their centers
   for(int ich=0; ich<nComp; ich++){
      if(!align::readModuleList(curComp[ich]->id(), curComp[ich]->id(), _weightByIdVector))
    align::GlobalVectors curVs;
    align::createPoints(&curVs, curComp[ich], 
      _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
    align::GlobalVector pointsCM = align::centerOfMass(curVs);

    xccenter+= pointsCM.x();
    yccenter+= pointsCM.y();
    zccenter+= pointsCM.z();

 // OK, now load the <very approximate> vectors from the ring "centers"
  align::GlobalVector CCur(xccenter, yccenter, zccenter);
  align::GlobalVector CRef(xrcenter, yrcenter, zrcenter);
  int nCompR = currentVectors.size();
  for(int ich=0; ich<nCompR; ich++){

 // All right.  Now let the hacking begin.
 // First out of the gate let's try using the raw values and see what
 // diffRot does for us.

  align::RotationType rtype3=align::diffRot(currentRelativeVectors,

  align::EulerAngles angles(3);
  angles = align::toAngles(rtype3);

  for(int ich=0; ich<nComp; ich++){
      if(!align::readModuleList(curComp[ich]->id(), curComp[ich]->id(), _weightByIdVector))
      CLHEP::Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal;
      Rtotal.set(0.,0.,0.); Wtotal.set(0.,0.,0.);
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refComp[ich],curComp[ich],
                           _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
        CLHEP::HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
        CLHEP::HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
                   rot.axis().y()*, rot.axis().z()*;
        align::moveAlignable(curComp[ich], diff);
        float tolerance = 1e-7;
        AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refComp[ich],curComp[ich],
                        _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
        align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
        align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
        DetId detid(refComp[ich]->id());
        if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){
//       edm::LogInfo("CompareGeoms") << "Tolerance Exceeded!(alObjId: " 
//       << refAli->alignableObjectId()
//       << ", rawId: " << refComp[ich]->geomDetId().rawId()
//       << ", subdetId: "<< detid.subdetId() << "): " << diff;
        }         // end of else
      }  // end of for on int i
  }     // end of for on ich

  // At this point we should have a total displacement and total L

  // Now start again!
   AlgebraicVector change(6);

   align::moveAlignable(curAli, change);        // move as a chunk

  // Now get the components again.  They should be in new locations
   const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp2 = curAli->components();

  for(int ich=0; ich<nComp; ich++){
     CLHEP::Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal;
     Rtotal.set(0.,0.,0.); Wtotal.set(0.,0.,0.);
       if(!align::readModuleList(curComp[ich]->id(), curComp[ich]->id(), _weightByIdVector))
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
       AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refComp[ich],curComp2[ich],
                          _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
       CLHEP::Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
       CLHEP::Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
       CLHEP::HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
       CLHEP::HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
       Wtotal.set(rot.axis().x()*, rot.axis().y()*,
       align::moveAlignable(curComp2[ich], diff);
       float tolerance = 1e-7;
       AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refComp[ich],curComp2[ich],
                       _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
       align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
       align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
       if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){}
     }   // end of for on int i
     AlgebraicVector TRtot(6);
     TRtot(1) = Rtotal.x(); TRtot(2) = Rtotal.y(); TRtot(3) = Rtotal.z();
     TRtot(4) = Wtotal.x(); TRtot(5) = Wtotal.y(); TRtot(6) = Wtotal.z();
     fillTree(refComp[ich], TRtot);
  }    // end of for on ich

void MuonGeometryArrange::createROOTGeometry ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup) [private]

Definition at line 455 of file

void MuonGeometryArrange::endHist ( ) [private]

Definition at line 166 of file

References _mgacollection, _theFile, i, makeGraph(), findQualityFiles::maxI, findQualityFiles::minI, run_regression::ret, pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale, findQualityFiles::size, mathSSE::sqrt(), x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by analyze().

 // Unpack the list and create ntuples here.

   int size=_mgacollection.size();
   if(size<=0) return;  // nothing to do here.
   float* xp = new float[size+1];
   float* yp = new float[size+1];
   int i;
   float minV, maxV;
   int minI, maxI;

   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;  minI=9999999; maxI=-minI;
   TGraph* grx=0x0;
   TH2F* dxh=0x0;

// for position plots:
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].phipos<minI) minI=_mgacollection[i].phipos;
     if(_mgacollection[i].phipos>maxI) maxI=_mgacollection[i].phipos;
   if(minI>=maxI) return;       // can't do anything?
   xp[size]=xp[size-1]+1;       // wraparound point

   if(1<minI) minI=1;
   if(size>maxI) maxI=size;
   maxI++;      // allow for wraparound to show neighbors
   int sizeI=maxI+1-minI;
   float smi=minI-1;
   float sma=maxI+1;

// Dx plot

   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].ldx<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].ldx;
     if(_mgacollection[i].ldx>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].ldx;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delX_vs_position", "Local #delta X vs position", 
       "GdelX_vs_position","#delta x in cm", xp, yp, size);
// Dy plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].ldy<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].ldy;
     if(_mgacollection[i].ldy>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].ldy;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delY_vs_position", "Local #delta Y vs position", 
       "GdelY_vs_position","#delta y in cm", xp, yp, size);

// Dz plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dz<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dz;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dz>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dz;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delZ_vs_position", "Local #delta Z vs position", 
       "GdelZ_vs_position","#delta z in cm", xp, yp, size);

// Dphi plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dphi<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dphi;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dphi>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dphi;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delphi_vs_position", "#delta #phi vs position", 
       "Gdelphi_vs_position","#delta #phi in radians", xp, yp, size);

// Dr plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dr<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dr;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dr>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dr;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delR_vs_position", "#delta R vs position", 
       "GdelR_vs_position","#delta R in cm", xp, yp, size);

// Drphi plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     float ttemp=_mgacollection[i].r*_mgacollection[i].dphi;
     if(ttemp<minV) minV=ttemp;
     if(ttemp>maxV) maxV=ttemp;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delRphi_vs_position", "R #delta #phi vs position", 
       "GdelRphi_vs_position","R #delta #phi in cm", xp, yp, size);

// Dalpha plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dalpha<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dalpha;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dalpha>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dalpha;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delalpha_vs_position", "#delta #alpha vs position", 
       "Gdelalpha_vs_position","#delta #alpha in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Dbeta plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dbeta<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dbeta;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dbeta>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dbeta;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delbeta_vs_position", "#delta #beta vs position", 
       "Gdelbeta_vs_position","#delta #beta in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Dgamma plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].dgamma<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].dgamma;
     if(_mgacollection[i].dgamma>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].dgamma;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delgamma_vs_position", "#delta #gamma vs position", 
       "Gdelgamma_vs_position","#delta #gamma in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Drotx plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].drotx<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].drotx;
     if(_mgacollection[i].drotx>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].drotx;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delrotX_vs_position", "#delta rotX vs position", 
       "GdelrotX_vs_position","#delta rotX in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Droty plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].droty<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].droty;
     if(_mgacollection[i].droty>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].droty;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delrotY_vs_position", "#delta rotY vs position", 
       "GdelrotY_vs_position","#delta rotY in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Drotz plot
   minV=99999999.; maxV=-minV;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     if(_mgacollection[i].drotz<minV) minV=_mgacollection[i].drotz;
     if(_mgacollection[i].drotz>maxV) maxV=_mgacollection[i].drotz;
   yp[size]=yp[0];      // wraparound point
   makeGraph(sizeI, smi, sma, minV, maxV,
       dxh, grx, "delrotZ_vs_position", "#delta rotZ vs position", 
       "GdelrotZ_vs_position","#delta rotZ in rad", xp, yp, size);

// Vector plots
// First find the maximum length of sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy):  we'll have to
// scale these for visibility
   float ttemp, rtemp;
   float maxR=-9999999.;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     ttemp= sqrt(_mgacollection[i].dx*_mgacollection[i].dx+
     rtemp= sqrt(_mgacollection[i].x*_mgacollection[i].x+
     if(ttemp>maxV) maxV=ttemp;
     if(rtemp>maxR) maxR=rtemp;
  // Don't try to scale rediculously small values 
   float smallestVcm=.001;      // 10 microns
   if(maxV<smallestVcm) maxV=smallestVcm;
   float scale=0.;
   float lside=1.1*maxR;
   if(lside<=0) lside=100.;
   if(maxV>0){scale=.09*lside/maxV;}    // units of pad length!
   char scalename[50];
   int ret=snprintf(scalename,50,"#delta #bar{x}   length =%f cm",maxV);
  // If ret<=0 we don't want to print the scale!
     dxh=new TH2F("vecdrplot",scalename,80,-lside,lside,80,-lside,lside);
     dxh=new TH2F("vecdrplot","delta #bar{x} Bad scale",80,-lside,lside,80,-lside,lside);
   dxh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x in cm");
   dxh->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y in cm");
   TArrow* arrow;
   for(i=0; i<size; i++){
     ttemp= sqrt(_mgacollection[i].dx*_mgacollection[i].dx+
//     ttemp=ttemp*scale;
     float nx=_mgacollection[i].x+scale*_mgacollection[i].dx;
     float ny=_mgacollection[i].y+scale*_mgacollection[i].dy;
     arrow = new TArrow(_mgacollection[i].x, 
                   _mgacollection[i].y, nx, ny);// ttemp*.3*.05, "->");
     arrow->SetLineWidth(2); arrow->SetArrowSize(ttemp*.2*.05/maxV);
     arrow->SetLineColor(1); arrow->SetLineStyle(1);
//     arrow->Draw();
//     arrow->Write();

   delete [] yp;  delete [] xp;

void MuonGeometryArrange::fillTree ( Alignable refAli,
AlgebraicVector  diff 
) [private]

Definition at line 716 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _dbetaVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _dgammaVal, _dphiVal, _drotxVal, _drotyVal, _drotzVal, _drVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _etaVal, _gammaVal, _id, _ldphiVal, _ldrVal, _ldxVal, _ldyVal, _ldzVal, _level, _mgacollection, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _rotxVal, _rotyVal, _rotzVal, _rVal, _sublevel, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _useDetId, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, align::AlignableDet, align::AlignableDetUnit, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::alpha, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::beta, CSCDetId::chamber(), CSC(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dalpha, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dbeta, DetId::det(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::detDim, cond::rpcobgas::detid, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dgamma, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dphi, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dr, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::drotx, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::droty, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::drotz, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dx, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dy, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::dz, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::eta, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::gamma, Alignable::geomDetId(), Alignable::globalPosition(), Alignable::globalRotation(), i, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::id, Alignable::id(), ixx, iyy, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::ldphi, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::ldr, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::ldx, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::ldy, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::ldz, AlignableSurface::length(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::level, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::mid, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::mlevel, Alignable::mother(), DetId::Muon, passIdCut(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::phi, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::phipos, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::r, DetId::rawId(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::rotx, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::roty, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::rotz, DetId::subdetId(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::sublevel, Alignable::surface(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::surL, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::surRot, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::surW, align::toAngles(), AlignableSurface::toLocal(), align::toMatrix(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::useDetId, AlignableSurface::width(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::x, TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::y, TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection::z, TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

Referenced by compareGeometries().

        _id = refAli->id();
        _level = refAli->alignableObjectId();
        //need if ali has no mother
        if (refAli->mother()){
                _mid = refAli->mother()->geomDetId().rawId();
                _mlevel = refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId();
                _mid = -1;
                _mlevel = -1;
        DetId detid(_id);
        _sublevel = detid.subdetId();
        int ringPhiPos=-99;
        if(detid.det()==DetId::Muon && detid.subdetId()== MuonSubdetId::CSC){
           CSCDetId cscId(refAli->geomDetId());
           ringPhiPos = cscId.chamber();
        _xVal = refAli->globalPosition().x();
        _yVal = refAli->globalPosition().y();
        _zVal = refAli->globalPosition().z();
        align::GlobalVector vec(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
        _rVal = vec.perp();
        _phiVal = vec.phi();
        _etaVal = vec.eta();
        align::RotationType rot = refAli->globalRotation();
        align::EulerAngles eulerAngles = align::toAngles(rot);
        _rotxVal = atan2(rot.yz(), rot.zz());
        float ttt=-rot.xz();
        if(ttt>1.) ttt=1.;
        if(ttt<-1.) ttt=-1.;
        _rotyVal = asin(ttt);
        _rotzVal = atan2(rot.xy(), rot.xx());
        _alphaVal = eulerAngles[0];
        _betaVal = eulerAngles[1];
        _gammaVal = eulerAngles[2];
        _dxVal = diff[0];
        _dyVal = diff[1];
        _dzVal = diff[2];
        //getting dR and dPhi
        align::GlobalVector vRef(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
        align::GlobalVector vCur(_xVal - _dxVal, _yVal-_dyVal, _zVal - _dzVal);
        _drVal = vCur.perp() - vRef.perp();
        _dphiVal = vCur.phi() - vRef.phi();
        _dalphaVal = diff[3];
        _dbetaVal = diff[4];
        _dgammaVal = diff[5];
        _drotxVal=-999.; _drotyVal=-999.; _drotzVal=-999.; 

        align::EulerAngles deuler(3);
        deuler(2)= _dbetaVal;
        deuler(3)= _dgammaVal;
        align::RotationType drot = align::toMatrix(deuler);
        double xx=rot.xx();
        double xy=rot.xy();
        double xz=rot.xz();
        double yx=rot.yx();
        double yy=rot.yy();
        double yz=rot.yz();
        double zx=rot.zx();
        double zy=rot.zy();
        double zz=rot.zz();
        double detrot=(zz*yy - zy*yz)*xx + (-zz*yx + zx*yz)*xy + (zy*yx - zx*yy)*xz;
        double ixx=(zz*yy - zy*yz)*detrot;
        double ixy=(-zz*xy + zy*xz)*detrot;
        double ixz=(yz*xy - yy*xz)*detrot;
        double iyx=(-zz*yx + zx*yz)*detrot;
        double iyy=(zz*xx - zx*xz)*detrot;
        double iyz=(-yz*xx + yx*xz)*detrot;
        double izx=(zy*yx - zx*yy)*detrot;
        double izy=(-zy*xx + zx*xy)*detrot;
        double izz=(yy*xx - yx*xy)*detrot;
        align::RotationType invrot(ixx,ixy,ixz, iyx,iyy,iyz, izx,izy,izz);
        align::RotationType prot = rot*drot*invrot;
//      align::RotationType prot = rot*drot;
        float protx; //, proty, protz;
        protx = atan2(prot.yz(), prot.zz());
        _drotxVal = protx;//_rotxVal-protx; //atan2(drot.yz(), drot.zz());
        if(ttt>1.) ttt=1.;
        if(ttt<-1.) ttt=-1.;
        _drotyVal = asin(ttt);// -_rotyVal;
        _drotzVal = atan2(prot.xy(), prot.xx());// - _rotzVal;
// Above does not account for 2Pi wraparounds!
// Prior knowledge:  these are supposed to be small rotations.  Therefore:
        if(_drotxVal>3.141592656) _drotxVal=-6.2831853072+_drotxVal;
        if(_drotxVal<-3.141592656) _drotxVal=6.2831853072+_drotxVal;
        if(_drotyVal>3.141592656) _drotyVal=-6.2831853072+_drotyVal;
        if(_drotyVal<-3.141592656) _drotyVal=6.2831853072+_drotyVal;
        if(_drotzVal>3.141592656) _drotzVal=-6.2831853072+_drotzVal;
        if(_drotzVal<-3.141592656) _drotzVal=6.2831853072+_drotzVal;
        _ldxVal=-999.; _ldyVal=-999.; _ldxVal=-999.; 
        _ldrVal=-999.; _ldphiVal=-999; // set fake

//      if(refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
         align::GlobalVector dV(_dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal); 
         align::LocalVector pointL = refAli->surface().toLocal(dV);
         //align::LocalVector pointL = (refAli->mother())->surface().toLocal(dV);
         _ldxVal=pointL.x(); _ldyVal=pointL.y(); _ldzVal=pointL.z();
         _ldphiVal=pointL.phi(); _ldrVal=pointL.perp();
//      }
        if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
          if (_detIdFlag){
           if ((passIdCut(refAli->id()))||(passIdCut(refAli->mother()->id()))){
                _useDetId = 1;
                _useDetId = 0;
        // det module dimension
        if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
           if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() != align::AlignableDet){
             _detDim = 1;}
           else if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() == 
                                       align::AlignableDet) {_detDim = 2;}
        else _detDim = 0;
        _surWidth = refAli->surface().width();
        _surLength = refAli->surface().length();
        align::RotationType rt = refAli->globalRotation();
        _surRot[0] = rt.xx(); _surRot[1] = rt.xy(); _surRot[2] = rt.xz();
        _surRot[3] = rt.yx(); _surRot[4] = rt.yy(); _surRot[5] = rt.yz();
        _surRot[6] = rt.zx(); _surRot[7] = rt.zy(); _surRot[8] = rt.zz();

        MGACollection holdit;;  holdit.level=_level;  holdit.mid=_mid;
        holdit.x=_xVal;  holdit.y=_yVal;  holdit.z=_zVal;       
        holdit.r=_rVal;  holdit.phi=_phiVal;  holdit.eta=_etaVal;
        holdit.alpha=_alphaVal;  holdit.beta=_betaVal;  holdit.gamma=_gammaVal;
        holdit.dx=_dxVal;  holdit.dy=_dyVal;; 
        holdit.dr=_drVal;  holdit.dphi=_dphiVal; 
        holdit.dalpha=_dalphaVal;  holdit.dbeta=_dbetaVal;  
        holdit.useDetId=_useDetId; holdit.detDim=_detDim;
        holdit.surW=_surWidth; holdit.surL=_surLength;
        holdit.ldx=_ldxVal; holdit.ldy=_ldyVal; holdit.ldz=_ldzVal;
        holdit.ldr=_ldrVal; holdit.ldphi=_ldphiVal;
        holdit.rotx=_rotxVal; holdit.roty=_rotyVal; holdit.rotz=_rotzVal;
        holdit.drotx=_drotxVal; holdit.droty=_drotyVal; holdit.drotz=_drotzVal;
        for(int i=0; i<9; i++){holdit.surRot[i]=_surRot[i];}

bool MuonGeometryArrange::isMother ( Alignable ali) [private]

Definition at line 881 of file

References checkChosen(), Alignable::components(), i, and findQualityFiles::size.

Referenced by compareGeometries().

  // Is this the mother ring?
 if(ali==0x0) return false;     // elementary sanity
 const std::vector<Alignable*>& aliComp = ali->components();

 int size=aliComp.size();
 if(size<=0) return false;      // no subcomponents
 for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
   if(checkChosen(aliComp[i])) return true;     // A ring has CSC chambers
 }                                      // as subcomponents
 return false;          // 1'st layer of subcomponents weren't CSC chambers
void MuonGeometryArrange::makeGraph ( int  sizeI,
float  smi,
float  sma,
float  minV,
float  maxV,
TH2F *  dxh,
TGraph *  grx,
const char *  name,
const char *  title,
const char *  titleg,
const char *  axis,
float *  xp,
float *  yp,
int  numEntries 
) [private]

Definition at line 417 of file

References diffTreeTool::diff.

Referenced by endHist().


  if(minV>=maxV || smi>=sma || sizeI<=1 || xp==0x0 || yp==0x0) return;
        // out of bounds, bail
  float diff=maxV-minV;
  float over=.05*diff;
  double ylo=minV-over;
  double yhi=maxV+over;
  double dsmi, dsma;
  dsmi=smi; dsma=sma;
  dxh= new TH2F(name, title,
    sizeI+2, dsmi, dsma, 50, ylo, yhi);
  dxh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Position around ring");
  grx = new TGraph(size, xp, yp);
  grx->SetMarkerColor(2); grx->SetMarkerStyle(3);
  grx->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(dsmi, dsma);
  grx->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("position number");
bool MuonGeometryArrange::passChosen ( Alignable ali) [private]

Definition at line 922 of file

References checkChosen(), Alignable::components(), i, and findQualityFiles::size.


 // Check to see if this contains CSC components of the appropriate ring
 // Ring will contain N Alignables which represent chambers, each of which
 // in turn contains M planes.  For our purposes we don't care about the
 // planes.
 // Hmm.  Interesting question:  Do I want to try to fit the chamber as
 // such, or use the geometry?
 // I want to fit the chamber, so I'll try to use its presence as the marker.
 // What specifically identifies a chamber as a chamber, and not as a layer?
 // The fact that it has layers as sub components, or the fact that it is
 // the first item with a non-zero ID breakdown?  Pick the latter.
 if(ali==0x0) return false;
 if(checkChosen(ali)) return true;      // If this is one of the desired
                                        // CSC chambers, accept it
 const std::vector<Alignable*>& aliComp = ali->components();

 int size=aliComp.size();
 if(size<=0) return false;      // no subcomponents
 for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
   if(checkChosen(aliComp[i])) return true;     // A ring has CSC chambers
 }                                      // as subcomponents
 return false;          // 1'st layer of subcomponents weren't CSC chambers
bool MuonGeometryArrange::passIdCut ( uint32_t  id) [private]

Definition at line 949 of file

References _detIdFlagVector, cond::rpcobgas::detid, and i.

Referenced by fillTree().

        bool pass = false;
        DetId detid(id);
//      if(detid.det()==DetId::Muon && detid.subdetId()== MuonSubdetId::CSC){
//         CSCDetId cscId(refAli->geomDetId());
//         if(cscId.layer()!=1) return false;           // ONLY FIRST LAYER!
//      }
        int nEntries = _detIdFlagVector.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++){
                if (_detIdFlagVector[i] == id) pass = true;
        return pass;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 155 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze(), fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 116 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 164 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 106 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_detIdFlagFile [private]

Definition at line 107 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

std::vector< uint32_t > MuonGeometryArrange::_detIdFlagVector [private]

Definition at line 115 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange(), and passIdCut().

Definition at line 164 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 167 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 167 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 167 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_drVal [private]

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_dxVal [private]

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_dyVal [private]

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_dzVal [private]

Definition at line 163 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 111 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by checkChosen(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_filename [private]

Definition at line 122 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

int MuonGeometryArrange::_id [private]

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_inputFilename1 [private]

Definition at line 100 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_inputFilename2 [private]

Definition at line 101 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 156 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 157 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 158 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 159 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_inputTreename [private]

Definition at line 102 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 148 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 149 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 165 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 165 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 164 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 164 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 164 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 146 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by endHist(), fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 119 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 118 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 117 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 113 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by checkChosen(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 166 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 166 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 166 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_rVal [private]

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 105 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 112 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by checkChosen(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 168 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

double MuonGeometryArrange::_surRot[9] [private]

Definition at line 169 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 168 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 154 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze(), endHist(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 161 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_weightBy [private]

Definition at line 104 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 108 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

std::string MuonGeometryArrange::_weightByIdFile [private]

Definition at line 109 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

std::vector< unsigned int > MuonGeometryArrange::_weightByIdVector [private]

Definition at line 110 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 103 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

float MuonGeometryArrange::_xVal [private]

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_yVal [private]

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

float MuonGeometryArrange::_zVal [private]

Definition at line 162 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 91 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 90 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 171 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 150 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 151 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 152 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 92 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 93 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 64 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 89 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 65 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Referenced by MuonGeometryArrange().

Definition at line 97 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

unsigned int MuonGeometryArrange::theSurveyIndex [private]

Definition at line 95 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.

Definition at line 96 of file MuonGeometryArrange.h.