Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

BackgroundHandler Class Reference

#include <BackgroundHandler.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::pair< double, double > backgroundFunction (const bool doBackgroundFit, const double *parval, const int resTotNum, const int ires, const bool *resConsidered, const double *ResMass, const double ResHalfWidth[], const int MuonType, const double &mass, const double &resEta)
 BackgroundHandler (const std::vector< int > &identifiers, const std::vector< double > &leftWindowBorders, const std::vector< double > &rightWindowBorders, const double *ResMass, const double *massWindowHalfWidth)
bool checkBackgroundWindow (const double &mass, const int iRegion)
 Check if the mass value is inside the given background region.
void countEventsInAllWindows (const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &muonPairs, const double &weight)
void initializeParNums ()
 Initialize the parNums to be used in the shifts of parval.
int regionsParNum ()
 Returns the total number of parameters used for the regions.
void rescale (std::vector< double > &parBgr, const double *ResMass, const double *massWindowHalfWidth, const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &muonPairs, const double &weight=1.)
double resMass (const bool doBackgroundFit, const int ires)
void setParameters (double *Start, double *Step, double *Mini, double *Maxi, int *ind, TString *parname, const std::vector< double > &parBgr, const std::vector< int > &parBgrOrder, const int muonType)
 Sets initial parameters for all the functions.
bool unlockParameter (const std::vector< int > &resfind, const unsigned int ipar)
 returns true if the parameter is to be unlocked
std::pair< double, double > windowBorders (const bool doBackgroundFit, const int ires)
 Returns the appropriate window borders depending on whether the background is being fitted and on the resonance.
 ~BackgroundHandler ()

Private Member Functions

void consistencyCheck (const std::vector< int > &identifiers, const std::vector< double > &leftWindowBorders, const std::vector< double > &rightWindowBorders) const throw (cms::Exception)
 Used to check the consistency of passed parameters.

Private Attributes

std::vector< MassWindowbackgroundWindow_
int parNumsRegions_ [3]
int parNumsResonances_ [6]
int regToResHW_ [3]
std::vector< MassWindowresonanceWindow_
int resToReg_ [6]

Detailed Description

This class is used to handle the different background functions for the different regions.
It uses the backgroundFunctions defined in Functions.h and the backgroundFunctionService defined in
More details are in the description of backgroundFunctionBase in Functions.h.

A bool selects if to use the regions functions or the resonances functions.

Definition at line 19 of file BackgroundHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BackgroundHandler::BackgroundHandler ( const std::vector< int > &  identifiers,
const std::vector< double > &  leftWindowBorders,
const std::vector< double > &  rightWindowBorders,
const double *  ResMass,
const double *  massWindowHalfWidth 

Definition at line 10 of file

References backgroundFunctionService(), backgroundWindow_, consistencyCheck(), i, getHLTprescales::index, initializeParNums(), scaleCards::mass, regToResHW_, resonanceWindow_, and resToReg_.

  // : leftWindowFactors_(leftWindowFactors),
  // rightWindowFactors_(rightWindowFactors)

  // Define the correspondence between regions and halfWidth to use
  // Defines also the function type to use (but they are checked to be consistent over a region)
  regToResHW_[0] = 0; // Region 0 use the one from Z
  regToResHW_[1] = 3; // Region 1 use the one from Upsilon1S
  regToResHW_[2] = 5; // Region 2 use the one from J/Psi

  // Define the correspondence between resonances and regions
  resToReg_[0] = 0; // Z
  resToReg_[1] = 1; // Upsilon3S
  resToReg_[2] = 1; // Upsilon2S
  resToReg_[3] = 1; // Upsilon1S
  resToReg_[4] = 2; // Psi2S
  resToReg_[5] = 2; // J/Psi

  // Throws cms::Exception("Configuration") in case the parameters are not what is expected
  consistencyCheck(identifiers, leftWindowBorders, rightWindowBorders);

  // Build the resonance windows
  for( unsigned int i=0; i<6; ++i ) {
    double mass = ResMass[i];
    double lowerLimit = mass - massWindowHalfWidth[i];
    double upperLimit = mass + massWindowHalfWidth[i];
    resonanceWindow_.push_back( MassWindow( mass, lowerLimit, upperLimit,
                                            std::vector<unsigned int>(1,i),
                                                                      upperLimit) ) );

  // Build the background windows
  // ----------------------------
  // Compute the mass center of each region
  double resMassForRegion[3];
  resMassForRegion[0] = ResMass[0];
  resMassForRegion[1] = (ResMass[1]+ResMass[2]+ResMass[3])/3;
  resMassForRegion[2] = (ResMass[4]+ResMass[5])/2;

  // Define which resonance is in which background window
  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > indexes;
  indexes.push_back(std::vector<unsigned int>(1,0));
  indexes.push_back(std::vector<unsigned int>());
  for( int i=1; i<=3; ++i ) { indexes[1].push_back(i); }
  indexes.push_back(std::vector<unsigned int>());
  for( int i=4; i<=5; ++i ) { indexes[2].push_back(i); }

  unsigned int i=0;
  typedef std::vector<unsigned int> indexVec;
  BOOST_FOREACH(const indexVec & index, indexes) {
    //     double lowerLimit = resMassForRegion[i] - massWindowHalfWidth[regToResHW_[i]]*leftWindowFactors[i];
    //     double upperLimit = resMassForRegion[i] + massWindowHalfWidth[regToResHW_[i]]*rightWindowFactors[i];
    //     backgroundWindow_.push_back( MassWindow( resMassForRegion[i], lowerLimit, upperLimit, index,
    //                                              backgroundFunctionService(identifiers[i], lowerLimit, upperLimit ) ) );
    backgroundWindow_.push_back( MassWindow( resMassForRegion[i], leftWindowBorders[i], rightWindowBorders[i], index,
                                             backgroundFunctionService(identifiers[i], leftWindowBorders[i], rightWindowBorders[i] ) ) );
  // Initialize the parNums to be used in the shifts of parval
BackgroundHandler::~BackgroundHandler ( )

Definition at line 79 of file


Member Function Documentation

std::pair< double, double > BackgroundHandler::backgroundFunction ( const bool  doBackgroundFit,
const double *  parval,
const int  resTotNum,
const int  ires,
const bool *  resConsidered,
const double *  ResMass,
const double  ResHalfWidth[],
const int  MuonType,
const double &  mass,
const double &  resEta 

Returns the background fraction parameter (parBgr[0], but shifted to the correct function) and the value returned by the background function.
Depending on the value of doBackgroundFit it returns the values for the regions or the resonances.

Definition at line 224 of file

References backgroundWindow_, ires, parNumsRegions_, parNumsResonances_, resonanceWindow_, and resToReg_.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::massProb().

  if( doBackgroundFit ) {
    // Return the values for the region
    int iReg = resToReg_[ires];
    return std::make_pair( parval[parNumsRegions_[iReg]] * backgroundWindow_[iReg].backgroundFunction()->fracVsEta(&(parval[parNumsRegions_[iReg]]), resEta),
                           (*(backgroundWindow_[iReg].backgroundFunction()))( &(parval[parNumsRegions_[iReg]]), mass, resEta ) );
  // Return the values for the resonance
  return std::make_pair( parval[parNumsResonances_[ires]] * resonanceWindow_[ires].backgroundFunction()->fracVsEta(&(parval[parNumsResonances_[ires]]), resEta),
                         (*(resonanceWindow_[ires].backgroundFunction()))( &(parval[parNumsResonances_[ires]]), mass, resEta ) );
bool BackgroundHandler::checkBackgroundWindow ( const double &  mass,
const int  iRegion 
) [inline]

Check if the mass value is inside the given background region.

Definition at line 39 of file BackgroundHandler.h.

References backgroundWindow_.

    return backgroundWindow_[iRegion].isIn(mass);
void BackgroundHandler::consistencyCheck ( const std::vector< int > &  identifiers,
const std::vector< double > &  leftWindowBorders,
const std::vector< double > &  rightWindowBorders 
) const throw (cms::Exception) [private]

Used to check the consistency of passed parameters.

Definition at line 266 of file

References Exception.

Referenced by BackgroundHandler().

  if( leftWindowBorders.size() != rightWindowBorders.size() ) {
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "BackgroundHandler::BackgroundHandler: leftWindowBorders.size() = " << leftWindowBorders.size()
                                          << " != rightWindowBorders.size() = " << rightWindowBorders.size() << std::endl;
  if( leftWindowBorders.size() != 3 ) {
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "BackgroundHandler::BackgroundHandler: leftWindowBorders.size() = rightWindowBorders.size() = "
                                          << leftWindowBorders.size() << " != 3" << std::endl;
  if( identifiers.size() != 3 ) {
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "BackgroundHandler::BackgroundHandler: identifiers must match the number of regions = 3" << std::endl;
void BackgroundHandler::countEventsInAllWindows ( const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &  muonPairs,
const double &  weight 

Definition at line 240 of file

References backgroundWindow_, MassWindow::count(), MassWindow::resetCounter(), resonanceWindow_, and CommonMethods::weight().

Referenced by rescale().

  // First reset all the counters
  BOOST_FOREACH(MassWindow & resonanceWindow, resonanceWindow_) {
  // Count events in background windows
  BOOST_FOREACH(MassWindow & backgroundWindow, backgroundWindow_) {

  // Now count the events in each window
  std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> muonPair;
  BOOST_FOREACH(muonPair, muonPairs) {
    // Count events in resonance windows
    BOOST_FOREACH(MassWindow & resonanceWindow, resonanceWindow_) {
      resonanceWindow.count((muonPair.first + muonPair.second).mass(), weight);
    // Count events in background windows
    BOOST_FOREACH(MassWindow & backgroundWindow, backgroundWindow_) {
      backgroundWindow.count((muonPair.first + muonPair.second).mass(), weight);
void BackgroundHandler::initializeParNums ( )

Initialize the parNums to be used in the shifts of parval.

Definition at line 83 of file

References backgroundWindow_, i, parNumsRegions_, parNumsResonances_, and resonanceWindow_.

Referenced by BackgroundHandler().

  // Initialize the parNums to be used in the shifts of parval
  parNumsRegions_[0] = 0;
  for( unsigned int i=1; i<backgroundWindow_.size() ; ++i ) {
    parNumsRegions_[i] = parNumsRegions_[i-1] + backgroundWindow_[i-1].backgroundFunction()->parNum();
  parNumsResonances_[0] = parNumsRegions_[2]+backgroundWindow_[2].backgroundFunction()->parNum();
  for( unsigned int i=1; i<resonanceWindow_.size() ; ++i ) {
    parNumsResonances_[i] = parNumsResonances_[i-1] + resonanceWindow_[i-1].backgroundFunction()->parNum();
int BackgroundHandler::regionsParNum ( ) [inline]

Returns the total number of parameters used for the regions.

Definition at line 33 of file BackgroundHandler.h.

References parNumsResonances_.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

    return parNumsResonances_[0];
void BackgroundHandler::rescale ( std::vector< double > &  parBgr,
const double *  ResMass,
const double *  massWindowHalfWidth,
const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &  muonPairs,
const double &  weight = 1. 

Computes the rescaled parameters from the regions functions to the resonances functions. It takes into account the difference in intervals and rescales the parameters so that the fraction of events is correctly accounted for.
It uses the list of all muon pairs to compute the number of events in each resonance window.

Definition at line 169 of file

References MassWindow::backgroundFunction(), backgroundWindow_, countEventsInAllWindows(), gather_cfg::cout, MassWindow::events(), backgroundFunctionBase::functionForIntegral(), getHLTprescales::index, MassWindow::indexes(), MassWindow::lowerBound(), parNumsRegions_, parNumsResonances_, resonanceWindow_, resToReg_, and MassWindow::upperBound().

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

  countEventsInAllWindows(muonPairs, weight);

  // Loop on all regions and on all the resonances of each region and compute the background fraction
  // for each resonance window.
  unsigned int iRegion = 0;
  BOOST_FOREACH(MassWindow & backgroundWindow, backgroundWindow_)
    // Iterator pointing to the first parameter of this background function in the full set of parameters
    std::vector<double>::const_iterator parBgrIt = (parBgr.begin()+parNumsRegions_[iRegion]);
    TF1 * backgroundFunctionForIntegral = backgroundWindow.backgroundFunction()->functionForIntegral(parBgrIt);
    // WARNING: this expects the background fraction parameter to be parBgr[0] for all the background functions.
    double kOld = *parBgrIt;
    double Nbw =;
    double Ibw = backgroundFunctionForIntegral->Integral(backgroundWindow.lowerBound(),

    // index is the index of the resonance in the background window
    BOOST_FOREACH( unsigned int index, *(backgroundWindow.indexes()) )
      // First set all parameters of the resonance window background function to those of the corresponding region
      for( int iPar = 0; iPar < resonanceWindow_[index].backgroundFunction()->parNum(); ++iPar ) {
        parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]+iPar] = parBgr[parNumsRegions_[resToReg_[index]]+iPar];
      // Estimated fraction of events in the resonance window
      double Irw = backgroundFunctionForIntegral->Integral(resonanceWindow_[index].lowerBound(),
      double Nrw = resonanceWindow_[index].events();

      // Ibw is 1 (to avoid effects from approximation errors we set it to 1 and do not include it in the computation).
      if( Nrw != 0 ) parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]] = kOld*Nbw/Nrw*Irw;
      else parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]] = 0.;

      // Protect against fluctuations of number of events which could cause the fraction to go above 1.
      if( parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]] > 1. ) parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]] = 1.;

      double kNew = parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]];
      std::cout << "For resonance = " << index << std::endl;
      std::cout << "backgroundWindow.lowerBound = " << backgroundWindow.lowerBound() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "backgroundWindow.upperBound = " << backgroundWindow.upperBound() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "parNumsResonances_["<<index<<"] = " << parNumsResonances_[index] << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Nbw = " << Nbw << ", Ibw = " << Ibw << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Nrw = " << Nrw << ", Irw = " << Irw << std::endl;
      std::cout << "k = " << kOld << ", k' = " << parBgr[parNumsResonances_[index]] << std::endl;
      std::cout << "background fraction in background window = Nbw*k = " << Nbw*kOld << std::endl;
      std::cout << "background fraction in resonance window = Nrw*k' = " << Nrw*kNew << std::endl;
    delete backgroundFunctionForIntegral;
double BackgroundHandler::resMass ( const bool  doBackgroundFit,
const int  ires 

Returns the appropriate resMass value depending on whether the background is being fitted and on the resonance.
The resMass used for the region is the mean of the mass of the corresponding resonances, so for the Z is the same Z mass, for the Upsilons is the arithmetic mean of the Upsilon masses and the same for the J/Psi and Psi2S region.

Definition at line 157 of file

References backgroundWindow_, ires, resonanceWindow_, and resToReg_.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::massProb(), and MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

  if( doBackgroundFit ) {
    // Fitting the background: use the regions
    return backgroundWindow_[resToReg_[ires]].mass();
  else {
    // Not fitting the background: use the resonances
    return resonanceWindow_[ires].mass();
void BackgroundHandler::setParameters ( double *  Start,
double *  Step,
double *  Mini,
double *  Maxi,
int *  ind,
TString *  parname,
const std::vector< double > &  parBgr,
const std::vector< int > &  parBgrOrder,
const int  muonType 

Sets initial parameters for all the functions.

Definition at line 96 of file

References backgroundWindow_, parNumsRegions_, parNumsResonances_, resonanceWindow_, and edm::shift.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

  std::vector<double>::const_iterator parBgrIt = parBgr.begin();
  std::vector<int>::const_iterator parBgrOrderIt = parBgrOrder.begin();
  // Set the parameters for the regions only if this is not a rescaling
  for( int iReg = 0; iReg < 3; ++iReg ) {
    int shift = parNumsRegions_[iReg];
    backgroundWindow_[iReg].backgroundFunction()->setParameters( &(Start[shift]), &(Step[shift]), &(Mini[shift]),
        &(Maxi[shift]), &(ind[shift]), &(parname[shift]),
        parBgrIt+shift, parBgrOrderIt+shift, muonType );
  for( int iRes = 0; iRes < 6; ++iRes ) {
    // parNumsResonances is already shifted for the regions parameters
    int shift = parNumsResonances_[iRes];
    resonanceWindow_[iRes].backgroundFunction()->setParameters( &(Start[shift]), &(Step[shift]), &(Mini[shift]),
        &(Maxi[shift]), &(ind[shift]), &(parname[shift]),
        parBgrIt+shift, parBgrOrderIt+shift, muonType );
bool BackgroundHandler::unlockParameter ( const std::vector< int > &  resfind,
const unsigned int  ipar 

returns true if the parameter is to be unlocked

Definition at line 116 of file

References parNumsRegions_, and parNumsResonances_.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

  // parNumsRegions_ are shifted: [1] contains the number of parameters for 0 and so on.
  if( ipar < unsigned(parNumsRegions_[1]) && resfind[0] > 0 ) {
    return true;
  if( ipar >= unsigned(parNumsRegions_[1]) && ipar < unsigned(parNumsRegions_[2]) && ( resfind[1] > 0 || resfind[2] > 0 || resfind[3] > 0 ) ) {
    return true;
  // The first of parNumsResonances_ has the sum of parNums of the regions.
  if( ipar >= unsigned(parNumsRegions_[2]) && ipar < unsigned(parNumsResonances_[0]) && ( resfind[4] > 0 || resfind[5] > 0 ) ) {
    return true;
  return false;
std::pair< double, double > BackgroundHandler::windowBorders ( const bool  doBackgroundFit,
const int  ires 

Returns the appropriate window borders depending on whether the background is being fitted and on the resonance.

Definition at line 144 of file

References backgroundWindow_, resonanceWindow_, and resToReg_.

Referenced by MuScleFitUtils::computeWeight(), MuScleFitUtils::massProb(), and MuScleFitUtils::minimizeLikelihood().

  if( doBackgroundFit ) {
    // Fitting the background: use the regions
    return std::make_pair(backgroundWindow_[resToReg_[ires]].lowerBound(), backgroundWindow_[resToReg_[ires]].upperBound());
  else {
    // Not fitting the background: use the resonances
    // return std::make_pair(1.,1.);
    return std::make_pair(resonanceWindow_[ires].lowerBound(), resonanceWindow_[ires].upperBound());

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 91 of file BackgroundHandler.h.

Referenced by BackgroundHandler().

int BackgroundHandler::resToReg_[6] [private]