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#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
#include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EEDetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EBDetId.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloSubdetectorGeometry.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/CaloGeometryRecord.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitCollections.h"
#include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHitCollections.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
#include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/GlobalPoint.h"
#include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/GlobalVector.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/DeltaR.h"
#include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/TFileService.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TString.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | MaxHit_struct |
Functions | |
double | ecalEnergyInCone (const GlobalPoint center, double radius, const EcalRecHitCollection ecalCol, const CaloGeometry *geo) |
double | ecalEnergyInCone (const GlobalVector trackMom, const GlobalPoint center, double radius, const EcalRecHitCollection ecalCol, const CaloGeometry *geo) |
double | getDistInPlane (const GlobalVector trackDirection, const GlobalPoint caloPoint, const GlobalPoint rechitPoint, double coneHeight) |
double | getDistInPlaneSimple (const GlobalPoint caloPoint, const GlobalPoint rechitPoint) |
double | getDistInPlaneTrackDir (const GlobalPoint caloPoint, const GlobalVector caloVector, const GlobalPoint rechitPoint) |
double ecalEnergyInCone | ( | const GlobalPoint | center, |
double | radius, | ||
const EcalRecHitCollection | ecalCol, | ||
const CaloGeometry * | geo | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 221 of file CommonUsefulStuff.h.
References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), getDistInPlaneSimple(), CaloGeometry::getPosition(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), i, pos, and CosmicsPD_Skims::radius.
Referenced by HcalIsoTrkAnalyzer::analyze(), and HcalCorrPFCalculation::analyze().
{ double eECALcone = 0; std::vector<int> usedHitsEcal; usedHitsEcal.clear(); for (std::vector<EcalRecHit>::const_iterator ehit=ecalCol.begin(); ehit!=ecalCol.end(); ehit++) { //This is a precaution for the case when hitCollection contains duplicats. bool hitIsUsed=false; int hitHashedIndex=-10000; if (ehit->id().subdetId()==EcalBarrel) { EBDetId did(ehit->id()); hitHashedIndex=did.hashedIndex(); } if (ehit->id().subdetId()==EcalEndcap) { EEDetId did(ehit->id()); hitHashedIndex=did.hashedIndex(); } for (uint32_t i=0; i<usedHitsEcal.size(); i++) { if (usedHitsEcal[i]==hitHashedIndex) hitIsUsed=true; } if (hitIsUsed) continue; usedHitsEcal.push_back(hitHashedIndex); // ----------------------------------------------- GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition((*ehit).detid()); if (getDistInPlaneSimple(center,pos) < radius) { eECALcone += ehit->energy(); } } return eECALcone; }
double ecalEnergyInCone | ( | const GlobalVector | trackMom, |
const GlobalPoint | center, | ||
double | radius, | ||
const EcalRecHitCollection | ecalCol, | ||
const CaloGeometry * | geo | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 261 of file CommonUsefulStuff.h.
References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), getDistInPlaneTrackDir(), CaloGeometry::getPosition(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), i, pos, and CosmicsPD_Skims::radius.
{ double eECALcone = 0; std::vector<int> usedHitsEcal; usedHitsEcal.clear(); for (std::vector<EcalRecHit>::const_iterator ehit=ecalCol.begin(); ehit!=ecalCol.end(); ehit++) { //This is a precaution for the case when hitCollection contains duplicats. bool hitIsUsed=false; int hitHashedIndex=-10000; if (ehit->id().subdetId()==EcalBarrel) { EBDetId did(ehit->id()); hitHashedIndex=did.hashedIndex(); } if (ehit->id().subdetId()==EcalEndcap) { EEDetId did(ehit->id()); hitHashedIndex=did.hashedIndex(); } for (uint32_t i=0; i<usedHitsEcal.size(); i++) { if (usedHitsEcal[i]==hitHashedIndex) hitIsUsed=true; } if (hitIsUsed) continue; usedHitsEcal.push_back(hitHashedIndex); // ----------------------------------------------- GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition((*ehit).detid()); if (getDistInPlaneTrackDir(center, trackMom ,pos) < radius) { eECALcone += ehit->energy(); } } return eECALcone; }
double getDistInPlane | ( | const GlobalVector | trackDirection, |
const GlobalPoint | caloPoint, | ||
const GlobalPoint | rechitPoint, | ||
double | coneHeight | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 139 of file CommonUsefulStuff.h.
References Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::dot(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
{ // The iso track candidate hits the Calo (Ecal or Hcal) at "caloPoint" // with direction "trackDirection". // "rechitPoint" is the position of the rechit. We only care about // the direction of the rechit. // Consider the rechitPoint as characterized by angles theta and phi // wrt the origin which points at the calo cell of the rechit. In // some sense the distance along the line theta/phi is arbitrary. A // simplified choice might be to put the rechit at the surface of // the Hcal. Our approach is to see whether/where this line // intersects a cone of height "coneHeight" with vertex at caloPoint // aligned with trackDirection. // To that end, this function returns the distance between the // center of the base of the cone and the intersection of the rechit // line and the plane that contains the base of the cone. This // distance is compared with the radius of the cone outside this // function. // Make vector of length cone height along track direction const GlobalVector heightVector = trackDirection*coneHeight; // Make vector from origin to point where iso track intersects the // calorimeter. const GlobalVector caloIntersectVector(caloPoint.x(), caloPoint.y(), caloPoint.z()); // Make vector from origin to point in center of base of cone const GlobalVector coneBaseVector = heightVector+caloIntersectVector; // Make point in center of base of cone const GlobalPoint coneBasePoint(coneBaseVector.x(), coneBaseVector.y(), coneBaseVector.z()); // Make unit vector pointing at rechit. const GlobalVector rechitVector(rechitPoint.x(), rechitPoint.y(), rechitPoint.z()); const GlobalVector rechitDirection = rechitVector.unit(); // Find distance "r" along "rechit line" (with angles theta2 and // phi2) where line intersects plane defined by base of cone. // Definition plane of that contains base of cone: // trackDirection.x() (x - coneBaseVector.x()) + // trackDirection.y() (y - coneBaseVector.y()) + // trackDirection.z() (z - coneBaseVector.z()) = 0 // Point P_{rh} where rechit line intersects plane: // (rechitdist sin(theta2) cos(phi2), // rechitdist sin(theta2) cos(phi2), // rechitdist cos(theta2)) // Substitute P_{rh} into equation for plane and solve for rechitdist. // rechitDist turns out to be the ratio of dot products: double rechitdist = trackDirection.dot(coneBaseVector)/trackDirection.dot(rechitDirection); // Now find distance between point at center of cone base and point // where the "rechit line" intersects the plane defined by the base // of the cone; i.e. the effectiveRecHitPoint. const GlobalVector effectiveRechitVector = rechitdist*rechitDirection; const GlobalPoint effectiveRechitPoint(effectiveRechitVector.x(), effectiveRechitVector.y(), effectiveRechitVector.z()); GlobalVector distance_vector = effectiveRechitPoint-coneBasePoint; return distance_vector.mag(); }
double getDistInPlaneSimple | ( | const GlobalPoint | caloPoint, |
const GlobalPoint | rechitPoint | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 59 of file CommonUsefulStuff.h.
References Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::dot(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
{ // Simplified version of getDistInPlane // Assume track direction is origin -> point of hcal intersection const GlobalVector caloIntersectVector(caloPoint.x(), caloPoint.y(), caloPoint.z()); const GlobalVector caloIntersectUnitVector = caloIntersectVector.unit(); const GlobalVector rechitVector(rechitPoint.x(), rechitPoint.y(), rechitPoint.z()); const GlobalVector rechitUnitVector = rechitVector.unit(); double dotprod = caloIntersectUnitVector.dot(rechitUnitVector); double rechitdist = caloIntersectVector.mag()/dotprod; const GlobalVector effectiveRechitVector = rechitdist*rechitUnitVector; const GlobalPoint effectiveRechitPoint(effectiveRechitVector.x(), effectiveRechitVector.y(), effectiveRechitVector.z()); GlobalVector distance_vector = effectiveRechitPoint-caloPoint; if (dotprod > 0.) { return distance_vector.mag(); } else { return 999999.; } }
double getDistInPlaneTrackDir | ( | const GlobalPoint | caloPoint, |
const GlobalVector | caloVector, | ||
const GlobalPoint | rechitPoint | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 101 of file CommonUsefulStuff.h.
References Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::dot(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
{ // Simplified version of getDistInPlane : no cone "within" Hcal, but // don't assume track direction is origin -> point of hcal // intersection. const GlobalVector caloIntersectVector(caloPoint.x(), caloPoint.y(), caloPoint.z()); //p const GlobalVector caloUnitVector = caloVector.unit(); const GlobalVector rechitVector(rechitPoint.x(), rechitPoint.y(), rechitPoint.z()); const GlobalVector rechitUnitVector = rechitVector.unit(); double dotprod_denominator = caloUnitVector.dot(rechitUnitVector); double dotprod_numerator = caloUnitVector.dot(caloIntersectVector); double rechitdist = dotprod_numerator/dotprod_denominator; const GlobalVector effectiveRechitVector = rechitdist*rechitUnitVector; const GlobalPoint effectiveRechitPoint(effectiveRechitVector.x(), effectiveRechitVector.y(), effectiveRechitVector.z()); GlobalVector distance_vector = effectiveRechitPoint-caloPoint; if (dotprod_denominator > 0. && dotprod_numerator > 0.) { return distance_vector.mag(); } else { return 999999.; } }