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EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C > Class Template Reference

#include <EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h>

List of all members.


struct  CalculatedRecHit
struct  Ratio
struct  Tmax

Public Member Functions

void computeAmplitude (std::vector< double > &amplitudeFitParameters)
void computeTime (std::vector< double > &timeFitParameters, std::pair< double, double > &timeFitLimits, std::vector< double > &amplitudeFitParameters)
bool fixMGPAslew (const C &dataFrame)
CalculatedRecHit getCalculatedRecHit ()
void init (const C &dataFrame, const EcalSampleMask &sampleMask, const double *pedestals, const double *pedestalRMSes, const double *gainRatios)
virtual EcalUncalibratedRecHit makeRecHit (const C &dataFrame, const EcalSampleMask &sampleMask, const double *pedestals, const double *pedestalRMSes, const double *gainRatios, std::vector< double > &timeFitParameters, std::vector< double > &amplitudeFitParameters, std::pair< double, double > &timeFitLimits)
virtual ~EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo ()

Protected Attributes

std::vector< double > amplitudeErrors_
std::vector< double > amplitudes_
double ampMaxError_
CalculatedRecHit calculatedRechit_
int num_
double pedestal_
std::vector< Ratioratios_
EcalSampleMask sampleMask_
DetId theDetId_
std::vector< Tmaxtimes_
std::vector< TmaxtimesAB_

Detailed Description

template<class C>
class EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >

Template used to compute amplitude, pedestal, time jitter, chi2 of a pulse using a ratio method

EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h,v 1.47 2012/05/10 15:42:04 franzoni Exp
2012/05/10 15:42:04
A. Ledovskoy (Design) - M. Balazs (Implementation)

Definition at line 20 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class C>
virtual EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::~EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 43 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

{ };

Member Function Documentation

template<class C >
void EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::computeAmplitude ( std::vector< double > &  amplitudeFitParameters)

Definition at line 518 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

References beta, alignCSCRings::e, funct::exp(), f, i, and funct::log().

Referenced by EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal::run().

        //                                                            //
        //             CALCULATE AMPLITUDE                            //
        //                                                            //

        double alpha = amplitudeFitParameters[0];
        double beta = amplitudeFitParameters[1];

        // calculate pedestal, again

        double pedestalLimit = calculatedRechit_.timeMax - (alpha * beta) - 1.0;
        double sumA = 0;
        double sumF = 0;
        double sumAF = 0;
        double sumFF = 0;
        double sum1 = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < amplitudes_.size(); i++) {
                double err2 = amplitudeErrors_[i]*amplitudeErrors_[i];
                double f = 0;
                double termOne = 1 + (i - calculatedRechit_.timeMax) / (alpha * beta);
                if (termOne > 1.e-5) f = exp(alpha * log(termOne)) * exp(-(i - calculatedRechit_.timeMax) / beta);

                // apply range of interesting samples

                if ( (i < pedestalLimit)
                     || (f > 0.6 && i <= calculatedRechit_.timeMax)
                     || (f > 0.4 && i >= calculatedRechit_.timeMax)) {
                          sum1  += 1/err2;
                          sumA  += amplitudes_[i]/err2;
                          sumF  += f/err2;
                          sumAF += f*amplitudes_[i]/err2;
                          sumFF += f*f/err2;

        calculatedRechit_.amplitudeMax = 0;
        if(sum1 > 0){
          double denom = sumFF*sum1 - sumF*sumF;
            calculatedRechit_.amplitudeMax = (sumAF*sum1 - sumA*sumF)/denom;
template<class C >
void EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::computeTime ( std::vector< double > &  timeFitParameters,
std::pair< double, double > &  timeFitLimits,
std::vector< double > &  amplitudeFitParameters 

Definition at line 214 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

References alpha, beta, alignCSCRings::e, funct::exp(), f, i, getHLTprescales::index, EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::Tmax::index, j, gen::k, funct::log(), evf::evtn::offset(), Gflash::Rmax, Gflash::Rmin, mathSSE::sqrt(), launcher::step, tmax, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal::run().

  //                                                          //
  //              RATIO METHOD FOR TIME STARTS HERE           //
  //                                                          //
  double ampMaxAlphaBeta = 0;
  double tMaxAlphaBeta = 5;
  double tMaxErrorAlphaBeta = 999;
  double tMaxRatio = 5;
  double tMaxErrorRatio = 999;

  double sumAA = 0;
  double sumA  = 0;
  double sum1  = 0;
  double sum0  = 0;
  double sumAf = 0;
  double sumff = 0;
  double NullChi2 = 0;

  // null hypothesis = no pulse, pedestal only
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < amplitudes_.size(); i++){
    double err2 = amplitudeErrors_[i]*amplitudeErrors_[i];
    sum0  += 1;
    sum1  += 1/err2;
    sumA  += amplitudes_[i]/err2;
    sumAA += amplitudes_[i]*amplitudes_[i]/err2;
    NullChi2 = (sumAA - sumA*sumA/sum1)/sum0;
    // not enough samples to reconstruct the pulse

  // Make all possible Ratio's based on any pair of samples i and j
  // (j>i) with positive amplitudes_
  //       Ratio[k] = Amp[i]/Amp[j]
  //       where Amp[i] is pedestal subtracted ADC value in a time sample [i]
  double alphabeta = amplitudeFitParameters[0]*amplitudeFitParameters[1];
  double alpha = amplitudeFitParameters[0];
  double beta = amplitudeFitParameters[1];

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < amplitudes_.size()-1; i++){
    for(unsigned int j = i+1; j < amplitudes_.size(); j++){

      if(amplitudes_[i]>1 && amplitudes_[j]>1){

        // ratio
        double Rtmp = amplitudes_[i]/amplitudes_[j];

        // error^2 due to stat fluctuations of time samples
        // (uncorrelated for both samples)

        double err1 = Rtmp*Rtmp*( (amplitudeErrors_[i]*amplitudeErrors_[i]/(amplitudes_[i]*amplitudes_[i])) + (amplitudeErrors_[j]*amplitudeErrors_[j]/(amplitudes_[j]*amplitudes_[j])) );

        // error due to fluctuations of pedestal (common to both samples)
        double stat;
        if(num_>0) stat = num_;      // num presampeles used to compute pedestal
        else       stat = 1;         // pedestal from db
        double err2 = amplitudeErrors_[j]*(amplitudes_[i]-amplitudes_[j])/(amplitudes_[j]*amplitudes_[j])/sqrt(stat);

        //error due to integer round-down. It is relevant to low
        //amplitudes_ in gainID=1 and negligible otherwise.
        double err3 = 0.289/amplitudes_[j];

        double totalError = sqrt(err1 + err2*err2 +err3*err3);

        // don't include useless ratios
        if(totalError < 1.0
           && Rtmp>0.001
           && Rtmp<exp(double(j-i)/beta)-0.001
          Ratio currentRatio = { i, (j-i), Rtmp, totalError };



  // No useful ratios, return zero amplitude and no time measurement
  if(!ratios_.size() >0)

  // make a vector of Tmax measurements that correspond to each ratio
  // and based on Alpha-Beta parameterization of the pulse shape

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ratios_.size(); i++){

    double stepOverBeta = double(ratios_[i].step)/beta;
    double offset = double(ratios_[i].index) + alphabeta;

    double Rmin = ratios_[i].value - ratios_[i].error;
    if(Rmin<0.001) Rmin=0.001;

    double Rmax = ratios_[i].value + ratios_[i].error;
    double RLimit = exp(stepOverBeta)-0.001;
    if( Rmax > RLimit ) Rmax = RLimit;

    double time1 = offset - ratios_[i].step/(exp((stepOverBeta-log(Rmin))/alpha)-1.0);
    double time2 = offset - ratios_[i].step/(exp((stepOverBeta-log(Rmax))/alpha)-1.0);

    // this is the time measurement based on the ratios[i]
    double tmax = 0.5 * (time1 + time2);
    double tmaxerr = 0.5 * sqrt( (time1 - time2)*(time1 - time2) );

    // calculate chi2
    sumAf = 0;
    sumff = 0;
    for(unsigned int it = 0; it < amplitudes_.size(); it++){
      double err2 = amplitudeErrors_[it]*amplitudeErrors_[it];
      double offset = (double(it) - tmax)/alphabeta;
      double term1 = 1.0 + offset;
        double f = exp( alpha*(log(1.0+offset) - offset) );
        sumAf += amplitudes_[it]*f/err2;
        sumff += f*f/err2;

    double chi2 = sumAA;
    double amp = 0;
    if( sumff > 0 ){
      chi2 = sumAA - sumAf*sumAf/sumff;
      amp = sumAf/sumff;
    chi2 /= sum0;

    // choose reasonable measurements. One might argue what is
    // reasonable and what is not.
    if(chi2 > 0 && tmaxerr > 0 && tmax > 0){
      Tmax currentTmax={ ratios_[i].index, ratios_[i].step, tmax, tmaxerr, amp, chi2 };

  // no reasonable time measurements!
  if( !(timesAB_.size()> 0))

  // find minimum chi2
  double chi2min = 1.0e+9;
  //double timeMinimum = 5;
  //double errorMinimum = 999;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timesAB_.size(); i++){
    if( timesAB_[i].chi2 <= chi2min ){
      chi2min = timesAB_[i].chi2;
      //timeMinimum = timesAB_[i].value;
      //errorMinimum = timesAB_[i].error;

  // make a weighted average of tmax measurements with "small" chi2
  // (within 1 sigma of statistical uncertainty :-)
  double chi2Limit = chi2min + 1.0;
  double time_max = 0;
  double time_wgt = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timesAB_.size(); i++){
    if(  timesAB_[i].chi2 < chi2Limit  ){
      double inverseSigmaSquared = 1.0/(timesAB_[i].error*timesAB_[i].error);
      time_wgt += inverseSigmaSquared;
      time_max += timesAB_[i].value*inverseSigmaSquared;

  tMaxAlphaBeta =  time_max/time_wgt;
  tMaxErrorAlphaBeta = 1.0/sqrt(time_wgt);

  // find amplitude and chi2
  sumAf = 0;
  sumff = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < amplitudes_.size(); i++){
    double err2 = amplitudeErrors_[i]*amplitudeErrors_[i];
    double offset = (double(i) - tMaxAlphaBeta)/alphabeta;
    double term1 = 1.0 + offset;
      double f = exp( alpha*(log(1.0+offset) - offset) );
      sumAf += amplitudes_[i]*f/err2;
      sumff += f*f/err2;

  if( sumff > 0 ){
    ampMaxAlphaBeta  = sumAf/sumff;
    double chi2AlphaBeta = (sumAA - sumAf*sumAf/sumff)/sum0;
    if(chi2AlphaBeta > NullChi2){
      // null hypothesis is better

    // no visible pulse here

  // if we got to this point, we have a reconstructied Tmax
  // using RatioAlphaBeta Method. To summarize:
  //     tMaxAlphaBeta      - Tmax value
  //     tMaxErrorAlphaBeta - error on Tmax, but I would not trust it
  //     ampMaxAlphaBeta    - amplitude of the pulse
  //     ampMaxError_        - uncertainty of the time sample with max amplitude

  // Do Ratio's Method with "large" pulses
  if( ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_ > 5.0 ){

        // make a vector of Tmax measurements that correspond to each
        // ratio. Each measurement have it's value and the error

        double time_max = 0;
        double time_wgt = 0;

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ratios_.size(); i++) {

          if(ratios_[i].step == 1
              && ratios_[i].value >= timeFitLimits.first
              && ratios_[i].value <= timeFitLimits.second

                double time_max_i = ratios_[i].index;

                // calculate polynomial for Tmax

                double u = timeFitParameters[timeFitParameters.size() - 1];
                for (int k = timeFitParameters.size() - 2; k >= 0; k--) {
                        u = u * ratios_[i].value + timeFitParameters[k];

                // calculate derivative for Tmax error
                double du =
                    (timeFitParameters.size() -
                     1) * timeFitParameters[timeFitParameters.size() - 1];
                for (int k = timeFitParameters.size() - 2; k >= 1; k--) {
                        du = du * ratios_[i].value + k * timeFitParameters[k];

                // running sums for weighted average
                double errorsquared =
                    ratios_[i].error * ratios_[i].error * du * du;
                if (errorsquared > 0) {

                        time_max += (time_max_i - u) / errorsquared;
                        time_wgt += 1.0 / errorsquared;
                        Tmax currentTmax =
                            { ratios_[i].index, 1, (time_max_i - u),
                     sqrt(errorsquared),0,1 };


        // calculate weighted average of all Tmax measurements
        if (time_wgt > 0) {
          tMaxRatio = time_max/time_wgt;
          tMaxErrorRatio = 1.0/sqrt(time_wgt);

          // combine RatioAlphaBeta and Ratio Methods

          if( ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_ > 10.0 ){

            // use pure Ratio Method
            calculatedRechit_.timeMax = tMaxRatio;
            calculatedRechit_.timeError = tMaxErrorRatio;


            // combine two methods
            calculatedRechit_.timeMax = ( tMaxAlphaBeta*(10.0-ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_) + tMaxRatio*(ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_ - 5.0) )/5.0;
            calculatedRechit_.timeError = ( tMaxErrorAlphaBeta*(10.0-ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_) + tMaxErrorRatio*(ampMaxAlphaBeta/ampMaxError_ - 5.0) )/5.0;



          // use RatioAlphaBeta Method
          calculatedRechit_.timeMax = tMaxAlphaBeta;
          calculatedRechit_.timeError = tMaxErrorAlphaBeta;



    // use RatioAlphaBeta Method
    calculatedRechit_.timeMax = tMaxAlphaBeta;
    calculatedRechit_.timeError = tMaxErrorAlphaBeta;

template<class C>
bool EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::fixMGPAslew ( const C &  dataFrame)

Definition at line 179 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and query::result.

Referenced by EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal::run(), and EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerRatio::run().


  // This fuction finds sample(s) preceeding gain switching and
  // inflates errors on this sample, therefore, making this sample
  // invisible for Ratio Method. Only gain switching DOWN is
  // considered Only gainID=1,2,3 are considered. In case of the
  // saturation (gainID=0), we keep "distorted" sample because it is
  // the only chance to make time measurement; the qualilty of it will
  // be bad anyway.

  bool result = false;

  int GainIdPrev;
  int GainIdNext;
  for (int iSample = 1; iSample < C::MAXSAMPLES; iSample++) {

    // only use samples which are desired
    if (!sampleMask_.useSample(iSample, theDetId_) ) continue;
    GainIdPrev = dataFrame.sample(iSample-1).gainId();
    GainIdNext = dataFrame.sample(iSample).gainId();
    if( GainIdPrev>=1 && GainIdPrev<=3 && 
        GainIdNext>=1 && GainIdNext<=3 && 
        GainIdPrev<GainIdNext ){
      result = true;      
  return result;

template<class C>
CalculatedRecHit EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::getCalculatedRecHit ( ) [inline]
template<class C>
void EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::init ( const C &  dataFrame,
const EcalSampleMask sampleMask,
const double *  pedestals,
const double *  pedestalRMSes,
const double *  gainRatios 

Definition at line 79 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and compare_using_db::sample.

Referenced by EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal::run().

        sampleMask_ = sampleMask;
        theDetId_ = DetId(;  

        calculatedRechit_.timeMax = 5;
        calculatedRechit_.amplitudeMax = 0;
        calculatedRechit_.timeError = -999;
        // to obtain gain 12 pedestal:
        // -> if it's in gain 12, use first sample
        // --> average it with second sample if in gain 12 and 3-sigma-noise compatible (better LF noise cancellation)
        // -> else use pedestal from database
        pedestal_ = 0;
        num_      = 0;
        if (dataFrame.sample(0).gainId() == 1 &&
            sampleMask_.useSample(0, theDetId_ ) 
            ) {
          pedestal_ += double (dataFrame.sample(0).adc());
        if (num_!=0 &&
            dataFrame.sample(1).gainId() == 1 && 
            sampleMask_.useSample(1, theDetId_) &&
            fabs(dataFrame.sample(1).adc()-dataFrame.sample(0).adc())<3*pedestalRMSes[0]) {
                pedestal_ += double (dataFrame.sample(1).adc());
        if (num_ != 0)
                pedestal_ /= num_;
                pedestal_ = pedestals[0];

        // fill vector of amplitudes, pedestal subtracted and vector
        // of amplitude uncertainties Also, find the uncertainty of a
        // sample with max amplitude. We will use it later.

        ampMaxError_ = 0;
        double ampMaxValue = -1000;

        // ped-subtracted and gain-renormalized samples. It is VERY
        // IMPORTANT to have samples one clock apart which means to
        // have vector size equal to MAXSAMPLES
        double sample;
        double sampleError;
        int GainId;
        for (int iSample = 0; iSample < C::MAXSAMPLES; iSample++) {

          GainId = dataFrame.sample(iSample).gainId();
          // only use normally samples which are desired; if sample not to be used
          // inflate error so won't generate ratio considered for the measurement
          if (!sampleMask_.useSample(iSample, theDetId_ ) ) {
            sample      = 1e-9;
            sampleError = 1e+9;
          else if (GainId == 1) {
            sample      = double (dataFrame.sample(iSample).adc() - pedestal_);
            sampleError = pedestalRMSes[0];
          else if (GainId == 2 || GainId == 3){
            sample      = (double (dataFrame.sample(iSample).adc() - pedestals[GainId - 1])) *gainRatios[GainId - 1];
            sampleError = pedestalRMSes[GainId-1]*gainRatios[GainId-1];
          else {
            sample      = 1e-9;  // GainId=0 case falls here, from saturation
            sampleError = 1e+9;  // inflate error so won't generate ratio considered for the measurement 

            if(ampMaxValue < sample){
              ampMaxValue = sample;
              ampMaxError_ = sampleError;
            // inflate error for useless samples
template<class C>
EcalUncalibratedRecHit EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::makeRecHit ( const C &  dataFrame,
const EcalSampleMask sampleMask,
const double *  pedestals,
const double *  pedestalRMSes,
const double *  gainRatios,
std::vector< double > &  timeFitParameters,
std::vector< double > &  amplitudeFitParameters,
std::pair< double, double > &  timeFitLimits 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 569 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

References init.

Referenced by EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerRatio::run().


        init( dataFrame, sampleMask, pedestals, pedestalRMSes, gainRatios );
        computeTime( timeFitParameters, timeFitLimits, amplitudeFitParameters );
        computeAmplitude( amplitudeFitParameters );

        // 1st parameters is id
        // 2nd parameters is amplitude. It is calculated by this method.
        // 3rd parameter is pedestal. It is not calculated. This method
        // relies on input parameters for pedestals and gain ratio. Return
        // zero.
        // 4th parameter is jitter which is a bad choice to call Tmax. It is
        // calculated by this method (in 25 nsec clock units)
        // GF subtract 5 so that jitter==0 corresponds to synchronous hit
        // 5th parameter is chi2. It is possible to calculate chi2 for
        // Tmax. It is possible to calculate chi2 for Amax. However, these
        // values are not very useful without TmaxErr and AmaxErr. This
        // method can return one value for chi2 but there are 4 different
        // parameters that have useful information about the quality of Amax
        // ans Tmax. For now we can return TmaxErr. The quality of Tmax and
        // Amax can be judged from the magnitude of TmaxErr

        return EcalUncalibratedRecHit(,
                                      calculatedRechit_.timeMax - 5,

Member Data Documentation

template<class C>
std::vector< double > EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::amplitudeErrors_ [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
std::vector< double > EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::amplitudes_ [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
double EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::ampMaxError_ [protected]

Definition at line 73 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
int EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::num_ [protected]

Definition at line 72 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
double EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::pedestal_ [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
std::vector< Ratio > EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::ratios_ [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
EcalSampleMask EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::sampleMask_ [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
DetId EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::theDetId_ [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
std::vector< Tmax > EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::times_ [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.

template<class C>
std::vector< Tmax > EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::timesAB_ [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo.h.