Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

Asymptotic Class Reference

#include <Asymptotic.h>

Inheritance diagram for Asymptotic:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void applyDefaultOptions ()
virtual void applyOptions (const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm)
 Asymptotic ()
float findExpectedLimitFromCrossing (RooAbsReal &nll, RooRealVar *r, double rMin, double rMax, double nll0, double quantile)
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual bool run (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint)
virtual bool runLimit (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint)
std::vector< std::pair< float,
float > > 
runLimitExpected (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint)

Private Member Functions

RooAbsData * asimovDataset (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data)
double getCLs (RooRealVar &r, double rVal, bool getAlsoExpected=false, double *limit=0, double *limitErr=0)

Private Attributes

utils::CheapValueSnapshot fitFixA_
utils::CheapValueSnapshot fitFixD_
utils::CheapValueSnapshot fitFreeA_
utils::CheapValueSnapshot fitFreeD_
bool hasFloatParams_
double minNllA_
double minNllD_
std::auto_ptr< RooAbsReal > nllA_
std::auto_ptr< RooAbsReal > nllD_
std::auto_ptr< RooArgSet > params_
static double rRelAccuracy_ = 0.005
RooArgSet snapGlobalObsAsimov
RooArgSet snapGlobalObsData

Static Private Attributes

static std::string minimizerAlgo_ = "Minuit2"
static int minimizerStrategy_ = 0
static float minimizerTolerance_ = 0.01
static std::string minosAlgo_ = "stepping"
static bool newExpected_ = false
static bool noFitAsimov_ = false
static bool picky_ = false
static bool qtilde_ = true
static double rAbsAccuracy_ = 0.0005
static double rValue_ = 1.0
static std::string what_ = "both"

Detailed Description

CLs asymptotic limits

Giovanni Petrucciani (UCSD)

Definition at line 19 of file Asymptotic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Asymptotic::Asymptotic ( )

Definition at line 37 of file

References minimizerAlgo_, minimizerStrategy_, minimizerTolerance_, minosAlgo_, LimitAlgo::options_, qtilde_, rAbsAccuracy_, rRelAccuracy_, rValue_, and what_.

LimitAlgo("Asymptotic specific options") {
        ("rAbsAcc", boost::program_options::value<double>(&rAbsAccuracy_)->default_value(rAbsAccuracy_), "Absolute accuracy on r to reach to terminate the scan")
        ("rRelAcc", boost::program_options::value<double>(&rRelAccuracy_)->default_value(rRelAccuracy_), "Relative accuracy on r to reach to terminate the scan")
        ("run", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&what_)->default_value(what_), "What to run: both (default), observed, expected, blind.")
        ("singlePoint",  boost::program_options::value<double>(&rValue_),  "Just compute CLs for the given value of r")
        ("minimizerAlgo",      boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&minimizerAlgo_)->default_value(minimizerAlgo_), "Choice of minimizer used for profiling (Minuit vs Minuit2)")
        ("minimizerTolerance", boost::program_options::value<float>(&minimizerTolerance_)->default_value(minimizerTolerance_),  "Tolerance for minimizer used for profiling")
        ("minimizerStrategy",  boost::program_options::value<int>(&minimizerStrategy_)->default_value(minimizerStrategy_),      "Stragegy for minimizer")
        ("qtilde", boost::program_options::value<bool>(&qtilde_)->default_value(qtilde_),  "Allow only non-negative signal strengths (default is true).")
        ("picky", "Abort on fit failures")
        ("noFitAsimov", "Use the pre-fit asimov dataset")
        ("newExpected", "Use the new formula for expected limits")
        ("minosAlgo", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&minosAlgo_)->default_value(minosAlgo_), "Algorithm to use to get the median expected limit: 'minos' (fastest), 'bisection', 'stepping' (default, most robust)")

Member Function Documentation

void Asymptotic::applyDefaultOptions ( ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 70 of file

References noFitAsimov_, and what_.

    what_ = "observed"; noFitAsimov_ = true; // faster
void Asymptotic::applyOptions ( const boost::program_options::variables_map &  vm) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 55 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, newExpected_, noFitAsimov_, picky_, and what_.

    if (vm.count("singlePoint") && !vm["singlePoint"].defaulted()) {
        if (!vm["run"].defaulted()) throw std::invalid_argument("Asymptotic: when using --singlePoint you can't use --run (at least for now)");
        what_ = "singlePoint";
    } else {
        if (what_ != "observed" && what_ != "expected" && what_ != "both" && what_ != "blind") 
            throw std::invalid_argument("Asymptotic: option 'run' can only be 'observed', 'expected' or 'both' (the default) or 'blind' (a-priori expected)");
    picky_ = vm.count("picky");
    noFitAsimov_ = vm.count("noFitAsimov");
    newExpected_ = vm.count("newExpected");
    if (what_ == "blind") { what_ = "expected"; noFitAsimov_ = true; } 
    if (noFitAsimov_) std::cout << "Will use a-priori expected background instead of a-posteriori one." << std::endl; 
RooAbsData * Asymptotic::asimovDataset ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data 
) [private]

Definition at line 542 of file

References asimovutils::asimovDatasetNominal(), asimovutils::asimovDatasetWithFit(), noFitAsimov_, utils::setAllConstant(), snapGlobalObsAsimov, snapGlobalObsData, and withSystematics.

Referenced by runLimit(), and runLimitExpected().

    // Do this only once
    if (w->data("_Asymptotic_asimovDataset_") != 0) {
        return w->data("_Asymptotic_asimovDataset_");
    // snapshot data global observables
    RooArgSet gobs;
    if (withSystematics && mc_s->GetGlobalObservables()) {
        utils::setAllConstant(gobs, true);
    // get asimov dataset and global observables
    RooAbsData *asimovData = (noFitAsimov_  ? asimovutils::asimovDatasetNominal(mc_s, 0.0, verbose) :
                                              asimovutils::asimovDatasetWithFit(mc_s, data, snapGlobalObsAsimov, 0.0, verbose));
    w->import(*asimovData); // I'm assuming the Workspace takes ownership. Might be false.
    delete asimovData;      //  ^^^^^^^^----- now assuming that the workspace clones.
    return w->data("_Asymptotic_asimovDataset_");
float Asymptotic::findExpectedLimitFromCrossing ( RooAbsReal &  nll,
RooRealVar *  r,
double  rMin,
double  rMax,
double  nll0,
double  quantile 

Definition at line 349 of file

References cl, CloseCoutSentry::clear(), CascadeMinimizer::Constrained, CascadeMinimizer::improve(), max(), min, CascadeMinimizer::minimize(), CascadeMinimizer::minimizer(), minimizerAlgo_, minimizerStrategy_, minimizerTolerance_, minosAlgo_, N, convertSQLiteXML::ok, picky_, funct::pow(), rAbsAccuracy_, rRelAccuracy_, CascadeMinimizer::setErrorLevel(), CascadeMinimizer::setStrategy(), dtDQMClient_cfg::threshold, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by runLimitExpected().

    // EQ 37 of CMS NOTE 2011-005:
    //   mu_N = sigma * ( normal_quantile_c( (1-cl) * normal_cdf(N) ) + N )
    // --> (mu_N/sigma) = N + normal_quantile_c( (1-cl) * clb )
    // but qmu = (mu_N/sigma)^2
    // --> qmu = [ N + normal_quantile_c( (1-cl)*CLb ) ]^2
    // remember that qmu = 2*nll
    double N = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(clb, 1.0);
    double errorlevel = 0.5 * pow(N+ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(clb*(1-cl),1.0), 2);
    int minosStat = -1;
    if (minosAlgo_ == "minos") {
        double rMax0 = r->getMax();
        // Have to repeat the fit, but I'm already at the minimum
        CascadeMinimizer minim(nll, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, r);
        CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);
        for (int tries = 0; tries < 3; ++tries) {
            minosStat = minim.minimizer().minos(RooArgSet(*r));
            if (minosStat != -1) {
                while ((minosStat != -1) && (r->getVal()+r->getAsymErrorHi())/r->getMax() > 0.9) {
                    if (r->getMax() >= 100*rMax0) { minosStat = -1; break; }
                    CascadeMinimizer minim2(nll, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, r);
                    minosStat = minim2.minimizer().minos(RooArgSet(*r));
            if (tries == 1) { 
                if (minimizerAlgo_.find("Minuit2") != std::string::npos) {
                } else {
        if (minosStat != -1) return r->getVal()+r->getAsymErrorHi();
    } else {
        double threshold = nll0 + errorlevel;
        double rCross = 0.5*(rMin+rMax), rErr = 0.5*(rMax-rMin);
        r->setVal(rCross); r->setConstant(true);
        CascadeMinimizer minim2(nll, CascadeMinimizer::Constrained);
        if (minosAlgo_ == "bisection") {
            if (verbose > 1) printf("Will search for NLL crossing by bisection\n");
            while (rErr > std::max(rRelAccuracy_*rCross, rAbsAccuracy_)) {
                if (rCross >= r->getMax()) r->setMax(rCross*1.1);
                bool ok = true;
                    CloseCoutSentry sentry2(verbose < 3);
                    ok = minim2.improve(verbose-2);
                if (!ok && picky_) break; else minosStat = 0;
                double here = nll.getVal();
                if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll) = %.5f\n", r->GetName(), rCross, here-nll0);
                if (fabs(here - threshold) < 0.05*minimizerTolerance_) break;
                if (here < threshold) rMin = rCross; else rMax = rCross;
                rCross = 0.5*(rMin+rMax); rErr = 0.5*(rMax-rMin);
        } else if (minosAlgo_ == "stepping") {
            if (verbose > 1) printf("Will search for NLL crossing by stepping.\n");
            rCross = 0.05 * rMax; rErr = rMax; 
            double stride = rCross; bool overstepped = false;
            while (rErr > std::max(rRelAccuracy_*rCross, rAbsAccuracy_)) {
                if (rCross >= r->getMax()) r->setMax(rCross*1.1);
                double there = nll.getVal();
                bool ok = true;
                    CloseCoutSentry sentry2(verbose < 3);
                    ok = minim2.improve(verbose-2);
                if (!ok && picky_) break; else minosStat = 0;
                double here = nll.getVal();
                if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll) = %.5f\n", r->GetName(), rCross, here-nll0);
                if (fabs(here - threshold) < 0.05*minimizerTolerance_) break;
                if (here < threshold) { 
                    if ((threshold-here) < 0.5*fabs(threshold-there)) stride *= 0.5;
                    rCross += stride; 
                } else { 
                    stride *= 0.5; overstepped = true;
                    rCross -= stride;
                if (overstepped) rErr = stride;
        } else if (minosAlgo_ == "new") {
            if (verbose > 1) printf("Will search for NLL crossing with new algorithm.\n");
            // Let X(x,y) = (x-a*y)^2 / s^2 + y^2    be the chi-square in case of correlations
            // then yhat(x) = a*x / (a^2 + s^2)
            // and X(x, yhat(x)) = x^2 / (a^2 + s^2)
            // For an unprofiled step
            //    X(x+dx, yhat(x)) - X(x,yhat(x))     = dx^2 / s^2         + 2 * x * dx / (a^2 + s^2)
            // For a profiled step  
            //    X(x+dx, yhat(x+dx)) - X(x,yhat(x))  = dx^2 / (a^2 + s^2) + 2 * x * dx / (a^2 + s^2)
            // So,
            //     dX_prof - dX_unprof = dx^2 * a^2 / (s^2 * (a^2 + s^2) )
            // The idea is then to take this approximation
            //     X_approx(x)  =  X(x, y(x1)) - k * (x-x1)^2 
            //           with k = [ X(x1, y1(x0)) - X(y1, y1(x1) ] / (x1-x0)^2
            double r_0   = rMin; 
            double nll_0 = nll.getVal(); 
            double rMax0 = rMax*100;
            double kappa = 0;
            // part 1: try to bracket the crossing between two points that have profiled nll above & below threshold
            double rStep = 0.05 * (rMax - r_0);
            double r_1 = r_0, nll_1 = nll_0;
            do {
                r_1 += rStep; 
                if (r_1 >= r->getMax()) r->setMax(r_1*1.1);
                nll_1 = nll.getVal();
                // we profile if the NLL changed by more than 0.5, or if we got above threshold
                bool binNLLchange = (nll_1 < threshold && nll_1 - nll_0 > 0.5);
                bool aboveThresh  = (nll_1 > threshold + kappa*std::pow(r_1-r_0,2));
                if (binNLLchange || aboveThresh) { 
                    if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll unprof) = %.5f\t                         \tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_1, nll_1-nll0, kappa);
                        CloseCoutSentry sentry2(verbose < 3);
                        bool ok = minim2.improve(verbose-2);
                        if (!ok && picky_) return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
                    double nll_1_prof = nll.getVal();
                    kappa = (nll_1 - nll_1_prof) / std::pow(r_1 - r_0,2);
                    if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll unprof) = %.5f\tdelta(nll prof) = %.5f\tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_1, nll_1-nll0, nll.getVal()-nll0, kappa);
                    if (nll_1_prof > threshold) { 
                        nll_1 = nll_1_prof; 
                    } else {
                        r_0 = r_1; 
                        nll_0 = nll_1_prof;
                        if (aboveThresh) rStep *= 2;
                } else {
                    if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll unprof) = %.5f\t                         \tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_1, nll_1-nll0, kappa);
                if (r_1 > rMax0) return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
            } while (true);
            // now crossing is bracketed, do bisection
            if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\t                         \tdelta(nll prof) = %.5f\tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_0, nll_0-nll0, kappa);
            if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\t                         \tdelta(nll prof) = %.5f\tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_1, nll_1-nll0, kappa);
            minosStat = 0;
            do {
               // LOOP PRECONDITIONS:
               //   - r_0 and r_1 have profiled nll values on the two sides of the threshold
               //   - nuisance parameters have been profiled at r_1 
               double rEps = 0.2*std::max(rRelAccuracy_*r_1, rAbsAccuracy_);
               // bisection loop to find point with the right nll_approx
               double r_lo = std::min(r_0,r_1), r_hi = std::max(r_1,r_0);
               while (r_hi - r_lo > rEps) {
                   double r_2 = 0.5*(r_hi+r_lo); 
                   double y0 = nll.getVal(), y = y0 - kappa*std::pow(r_2-r_1,2);
                   if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll unprof) = %.5f\tdelta(nll appr) = %.5f\tkappa=%.5f\n", r->GetName(), r_2, y0-nll0, y-nll0, kappa);
                   if (y < threshold) { r_lo = r_2; } else { r_hi = r_2; }
               // profile at that point
               rCross = r->getVal(); 
               double nll_unprof = nll.getVal();
               bool ok = true;
                   CloseCoutSentry sentry2(verbose < 3);
                   ok = minim2.improve(verbose-2);
               if (!ok && picky_) return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
               double nll_prof = nll.getVal();
               if (verbose > 1) printf("At %s = %f:\tdelta(nll unprof) = %.5f\tdelta(nll prof) = %.5f\tdelta(nll appr) = %.5f\n", r->GetName(), rCross, nll_unprof-nll0, nll_prof-nll0, nll_unprof-nll0 - kappa*std::pow(rCross-r_1,2));
               if (fabs(nll_prof - threshold) < 0.1*minimizerTolerance_) { break; }
               // not yet bang on, so update r_0, kappa
               kappa = (nll_unprof - nll_prof)/std::pow(rCross-r_1,2);
               // (r0 or r1) --> r0, and rCross --> r1;  
               if ((nll_prof < threshold) == (nll_0 < threshold)) { // if rCross is on the same side of r_0
                   r_0 = r_1;   
                   nll_0 = nll_1; 
               } else {
                   // stay with r_0 as is
               r_1 = rCross; nll_1 = nll_prof;
            } while (fabs(r_1-r_0) > std::max(rRelAccuracy_*rCross, rAbsAccuracy_));
        if (minosStat != -1) return rCross;
    return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
double Asymptotic::getCLs ( RooRealVar &  r,
double  rVal,
bool  getAlsoExpected = false,
double *  limit = 0,
double *  limitErr = 0 
) [private]

Definition at line 203 of file

References CloseCoutSentry::clear(), Combine::commitPoint(), CascadeMinimizer::Constrained, utils::CheapValueSnapshot::empty(), fitFixA_, fitFixD_, fitFreeA_, fitFreeD_, hasFloatParams_, CascadeMinimizer::improve(), minimizerStrategy_, minNllA_, minNllD_, N, nllA_, nllD_, params_, picky_, utils::CheapValueSnapshot::Print(), qtilde_, utils::CheapValueSnapshot::readFrom(), CascadeMinimizer::setStrategy(), snapGlobalObsAsimov, snapGlobalObsData, and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by runLimit().

  r.setMax(1.1 * rVal);

  CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);

  CascadeMinimizer minimD(*nllD_, CascadeMinimizer::Constrained, &r);

  (!fitFixD_.empty() ? fitFixD_ : fitFreeD_).writeTo(*params_);
  *params_ = snapGlobalObsData;
  if (hasFloatParams_) {
      if (!minimD.improve(verbose-2) && picky_) return -999;
      if (verbose >= 2) fitFixD_.Print("V");
  double qmu = 2*(nllD_->getVal() - minNllD_); if (qmu < 0) qmu = 0;

  CascadeMinimizer minimA(*nllA_, CascadeMinimizer::Constrained, &r);

  (!fitFixA_.empty() ? fitFixA_ : fitFreeA_).writeTo(*params_);
  *params_ = snapGlobalObsAsimov;
  if (hasFloatParams_) {
      if (!minimA.improve(verbose-2) && picky_) return -999;
      if (verbose >= 2) fitFixA_.Print("V");
  double qA  = 2*(nllA_->getVal() - minNllA_); if (qA < 0) qA = 0;

  double CLsb = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(sqrt(qmu));
  double CLb  = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sqrt(qA)-sqrt(qmu));
  if (qtilde_ && qmu > qA) {
    // In this region, things are tricky
    double mos = sqrt(qA); // mu/sigma
    CLsb = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( (qmu + qA)/(2*mos) );
    CLb  = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( (qmu - qA)/(2*mos) );
  double CLs  = (CLb == 0 ? 0 : CLsb/CLb);
  if (verbose > 0) printf("At %s = %f:\tq_mu = %.5f\tq_A  = %.5f\tCLsb = %7.5f\tCLb  = %7.5f\tCLs  = %7.5f\n", r.GetName(), rVal, qmu, qA, CLsb, CLb, CLs);

  if (getAlsoExpected) {
    const double quantiles[5] = { 0.025, 0.16, 0.50, 0.84, 0.975 };
    for (int iq = 0; iq < 5; ++iq) {
        double N = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(quantiles[iq], 1.0);
        double clb = quantiles[iq];
        double clsplusb = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( sqrt(qA) - N, 1.);
        *limit = (clb != 0 ? clsplusb/clb : 0); *limitErr = 0;
        Combine::commitPoint(true, quantiles[iq]);
        if (verbose > 0) printf("Expected %4.1f%%: CLsb = %.5f  CLb = %.5f   CLs = %.5f\n", quantiles[iq]*100, clsplusb, clb, clsplusb/clb);
  return CLs; 
virtual const std::string& Asymptotic::name ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Implements LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 31 of file Asymptotic.h.

{ static std::string name_ = "Asymptotic"; return name_; }
bool Asymptotic::run ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data,
double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const double *  hint 
) [virtual]

Implements LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 74 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DEBUG, minimizerAlgo_, minimizerStrategy_, minimizerTolerance_, run_regression::ret, runLimit(), runLimitExpected(), rValue_, dqm::qstatus::WARNING, and what_.

    RooFitGlobalKillSentry silence(verbose <= 1 ? RooFit::WARNING : RooFit::DEBUG);
    ProfileLikelihood::MinimizerSentry minimizerConfig(minimizerAlgo_, minimizerTolerance_);
    if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "Will compute " << what_ << " limit(s) using minimizer " << minimizerAlgo_ 
                        << " with strategy " << minimizerStrategy_ << " and tolerance " << minimizerTolerance_ << std::endl;
    bool ret = false; 
    std::vector<std::pair<float,float> > expected;
    if (what_ == "both" || what_ == "expected") expected = runLimitExpected(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, limit, limitErr, hint);
    if (what_ != "expected") ret = runLimit(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, limit, limitErr, hint);

    if (verbose >= 0) {
        const char *rname = mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest()->first()->GetName();
        std::cout << "\n -- Asymptotic -- " << "\n";
        if (what_ == "singlePoint") {
            printf("Observed CLs for %s = %.1f: %6.4f \n", rname, rValue_, limit);
        } else if (ret && what_ != "expected") {
            printf("Observed Limit: %s < %6.4f\n", rname, limit);
        for (std::vector<std::pair<float,float> >::const_iterator it = expected.begin(), ed = expected.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
            printf("Expected %4.1f%%: %s < %6.4f\n", it->first*100, rname, it->second);
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // note that for expected we have to return FALSE even if we succeed because otherwise it goes into the observed limit as well
    return ret;
bool Asymptotic::runLimit ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data,
double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const double *  hint 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 103 of file

References a, asimovDataset(), dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, cl, createBeamHaloJobs::constraints, gather_cfg::cout, funct::false, fitFreeA_, fitFreeD_, getCLs(), hasFloatParams_, MessageLogger_cff::limit, funct::log(), max(), CascadeMinimizer::minimize(), minimizerStrategy_, minNllA_, minNllD_, nllA_, nllD_, params_, utils::CheapValueSnapshot::Print(), qtilde_, alignCSCRings::r, rAbsAccuracy_, utils::CheapValueSnapshot::readFrom(), rRelAccuracy_, rValue_, CascadeMinimizer::setStrategy(), snapGlobalObsAsimov, snapGlobalObsData, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, what_, withSystematics, and utils::CheapValueSnapshot::writeTo().

Referenced by run().

  RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest()->first()); 
  RooAbsData &asimov = *asimovDataset(w, mc_s, mc_b, data);

  r->setMin(qtilde_ ? 0 : -r->getMax());
  if (params_.get() == 0) params_.reset(mc_s->GetPdf()->getParameters(data));

  hasFloatParams_ = false;
  std::auto_ptr<TIterator> itparam(params_->createIterator());
  for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) itparam->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) itparam->Next()) {
      RooRealVar *rrv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(a);
      if ( rrv != 0 && rrv != r && rrv->isConstant() == false ) { hasFloatParams_ = true; break; }

  RooArgSet constraints; if (withSystematics) constraints.add(*mc_s->GetNuisanceParameters());
  nllD_.reset(mc_s->GetPdf()->createNLL(data,   RooFit::Constrain(constraints)));
  nllA_.reset(mc_s->GetPdf()->createNLL(asimov, RooFit::Constrain(constraints)));

  if (verbose > 0) std::cout << (qtilde_ ? "Restricting" : "Not restricting") << " " << r->GetName() << " to positive values." << std::endl;
  if (verbose > 1) params_->Print("V");
  if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "\nMake global fit of real data" << std::endl;
    CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);
    *params_ = snapGlobalObsData;
    CascadeMinimizer minim(*nllD_, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, r);
    minNllD_ = nllD_->getVal();
  if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "NLL at global minimum of data: " << minNllD_ << " (" << r->GetName() << " = " << r->getVal() << ")" << std::endl;
  double rErr = std::max<double>(r->getError(), 0.02 * (r->getMax() - r->getMin()));


  if (verbose > 1) fitFreeD_.Print("V");
  if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "\nMake global fit of asimov data" << std::endl;
    CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);
    *params_ = snapGlobalObsAsimov;
    CascadeMinimizer minim(*nllA_, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, r);
    minNllA_ = nllA_->getVal();
  if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "NLL at global minimum of asimov: " << minNllA_ << " (" << r->GetName() << " = " << r->getVal() << ")" << std::endl;
  if (verbose > 1) fitFreeA_.Print("V");


  if (what_ == "singlePoint") {
    limit = getCLs(*r, rValue_, true, &limit, &limitErr);
    return true;

  double clsTarget = 1-cl;
  double rMin = std::max<double>(0, r->getVal()), rMax = rMin + 3 * rErr;
  double clsMax = 1, clsMin = 0;
  for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; ++tries) {
    double cls = getCLs(*r, rMax);
    if (cls == -999) { std::cerr << "Minimization failed in an unrecoverable way" << std::endl; break; }
    if (cls < clsTarget) { clsMin = cls; break; }
    rMax *= 2;
  do {
    if (clsMax < 3*clsTarget && clsMin > 0.3*clsTarget) {
        double rCross = rMin + (rMax-rMin)*log(clsMax/clsTarget)/log(clsMax/clsMin);
        if ((rCross-rMin) < (rMax - rCross)) {
            limit = 0.8*rCross + 0.2*rMax;
        } else {
            limit = 0.8*rCross + 0.2*rMin;
        limitErr = 0.5*(rMax - rMin);
    } else {
        limit = 0.5*(rMin + rMax); 
        limitErr = 0.5*(rMax - rMin);
    double cls = getCLs(*r, limit);
    if (cls == -999) { std::cerr << "Minimization failed in an unrecoverable way" << std::endl; break; }
    if (cls > clsTarget) {
        clsMax = cls;
        rMin = limit;
    } else {
        clsMin = cls;
        rMax = limit;
  } while (limitErr > std::max(rRelAccuracy_ * limit, rAbsAccuracy_));

  return true;
std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > Asymptotic::runLimitExpected ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data,
double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const double *  hint 

Definition at line 263 of file

References alpha, asimovDataset(), cl, CloseCoutSentry::clear(), Combine::commitPoint(), gather_cfg::cout, alignCSCRings::e, findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), edm::detail::isnan(), minimizerStrategy_, minosAlgo_, N, newExpected_, params_, funct::pow(), qtilde_, alignCSCRings::r, snapGlobalObsAsimov, and CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained.

Referenced by run().

    // See equation 35-38 of AN 2011/298 and references cited therein
    //   (35)  sigma^2   = mu^2 / q_mu(Asimov)
    //   (38)  mu_median = sigma * normal_quantile(1-0.5*(1-cl))
    // -->  q_mu(Asimov) = pow(normal_quantile(1-0.5*(1-cl)), 2)
    //      can be solved to find mu_median
    // --> then (38) gives sigma, and the quantiles are given by (37)
    //      mu_N = sigma * (normal_quantile(1 - quantile*(1-cl), 1.0) + normal_quantile(quantile));
    // 1) get parameter of interest
    RooArgSet  poi(*mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest());
    RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(poi.first());

    // 2) get asimov dataset
    RooAbsData *asimov = asimovDataset(w, mc_s, mc_b, data);

    // 2b) load asimov global observables
    if (params_.get() == 0) params_.reset(mc_s->GetPdf()->getParameters(data));
    *params_ = snapGlobalObsAsimov;

    // 3) solve for q_mu
    r->setMin(qtilde_ ? 0 : -r->getMax()); // FIXME TEST
    std::auto_ptr<RooAbsReal> nll(mc_s->GetPdf()->createNLL(*asimov, RooFit::Constrain(*mc_s->GetNuisanceParameters())));
    CascadeMinimizer minim(*nll, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, r);
    minim.setErrorLevel(0.5*pow(ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1-0.5*(1-cl),1.0), 2)); // the 0.5 is because qmu is -2*NLL
                        // eventually if cl = 0.95 this is the usual 1.92!
    CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);    
    if (verbose > 1) {
        std::cout << "Fit to asimov dataset:" << std::endl;
        std::auto_ptr<RooFitResult> res(;
    if (r->getVal()/r->getMax() > 1e-3) {
        if (verbose) printf("WARNING: Best fit of asimov dataset is at %s = %f (%f times %sMax), while it should be at zero\n",
                r->GetName(), r->getVal(), r->getVal()/r->getMax(), r->GetName());

    // 3) get ingredients for equation 37
    double nll0 = nll->getVal();
    double median = findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(*nll, r, r->getMin(), r->getMax(), nll0, 0.5);
    double sigma  = median / ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1-0.5*(1-cl),1.0);
    double alpha = 1-cl;
    if (verbose > 0) { 
        std::cout << "Median for expected limits: " << median << std::endl; 
        std::cout << "Sigma  for expected limits: " << sigma  << std::endl; 

    std::vector<std::pair<float,float> > expected;
    const double quantiles[5] = { 0.025, 0.16, 0.50, 0.84, 0.975 };
    for (int iq = 0; iq < 5; ++iq) {
        double N = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(quantiles[iq], 1.0);
        if (newExpected_ && iq != 2) { // the median is exactly the same in the two methods
            std::string minosAlgoBackup = minosAlgo_;
            if (minosAlgo_ == "stepping") minosAlgo_ = "bisection";
            switch (iq) {
                case 0: limit = findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(*nll, r, r->getMin(),            median,      nll0, quantiles[iq]); break;
                case 1: limit = findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(*nll, r, expected.back().second, median,      nll0, quantiles[iq]); break;
                case 3: limit = findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(*nll, r, expected.back().second, median+2*sigma, nll0, quantiles[iq]); break;
                case 4: limit = findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(*nll, r, expected.back().second, median+4*sigma, nll0, quantiles[iq]); break;
            minosAlgo_ = minosAlgoBackup;
            if (std::isnan(limit)) { expected.clear(); break; } 
        } else {
            limit = sigma*(ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1 - alpha * quantiles[iq], 1.0) + N);
        limitErr = 0;
        Combine::commitPoint(true, quantiles[iq]);
        expected.push_back(std::pair<float,float>(quantiles[iq], limit));
    return expected;


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 51 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs().

Definition at line 51 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs().

Definition at line 51 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

Definition at line 51 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

Definition at line 46 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

std::string Asymptotic::minimizerAlgo_ = "Minuit2" [static, private]

Definition at line 40 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and run().

int Asymptotic::minimizerStrategy_ = 0 [static, private]
float Asymptotic::minimizerTolerance_ = 0.01 [static, private]

Definition at line 41 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and run().

double Asymptotic::minNllA_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 53 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

double Asymptotic::minNllD_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 53 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

std::string Asymptotic::minosAlgo_ = "stepping" [static, private]

Definition at line 39 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and runLimitExpected().

bool Asymptotic::newExpected_ = false [static, private]

Definition at line 38 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and runLimitExpected().

std::auto_ptr<RooAbsReal> Asymptotic::nllA_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 48 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

std::auto_ptr<RooAbsReal> Asymptotic::nllD_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 48 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), and runLimit().

bool Asymptotic::noFitAsimov_ = false [static, private]

Definition at line 37 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by applyDefaultOptions(), applyOptions(), and asimovDataset().

std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> Asymptotic::params_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 47 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by getCLs(), runLimit(), and runLimitExpected().

bool Asymptotic::picky_ = false [static, private]

Definition at line 36 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and getCLs().

bool Asymptotic::qtilde_ = true [static, private]

Definition at line 35 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), getCLs(), runLimit(), and runLimitExpected().

double Asymptotic::rAbsAccuracy_ = 0.0005 [static, private]

Definition at line 33 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and runLimit().

double Asymptotic::rRelAccuracy_ = 0.005 [private]

Definition at line 33 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), findExpectedLimitFromCrossing(), and runLimit().

double Asymptotic::rValue_ = 1.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 44 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by Asymptotic(), run(), and runLimit().

RooArgSet Asymptotic::snapGlobalObsAsimov [mutable, private]

Definition at line 54 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by asimovDataset(), getCLs(), runLimit(), and runLimitExpected().

RooArgSet Asymptotic::snapGlobalObsData [mutable, private]

Definition at line 54 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by asimovDataset(), getCLs(), and runLimit().

std::string Asymptotic::what_ = "both" [static, private]

Definition at line 34 of file Asymptotic.h.

Referenced by applyDefaultOptions(), applyOptions(), Asymptotic(), run(), and runLimit().