Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

PileUpProducer Class Reference

#include <PileUpProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for PileUpProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void beginRun (edm::Run &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void endRun ()
 PileUpProducer (edm::ParameterSet const &p)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
virtual ~PileUpProducer ()

Private Member Functions

bool read (std::string inputFile)
 Read former minbias configuration (from previous run)
void save ()
 Save current minbias configuration (for later use)

Private Attributes

double averageNumber_
std::vector< double > dataProb
std::vector< int > dataProbFunctionVar
TH1F * hprob
std::string inputFile
unsigned myOutputBuffer
std::ofstream myOutputFile
int probSize
const RandomEnginerandom
std::vector< TBranch * > theBranches
std::vector< unsigned > theCurrentEntry
std::vector< unsigned > theCurrentMinBiasEvt
std::vector< std::string > theFileNames
std::vector< TFile * > theFiles
std::vector< unsigned > theNumberOfEntries
unsigned theNumberOfFiles
std::vector< unsigned > theNumberOfMinBiasEvts
std::vector< PUEvent * > thePUEvents
std::vector< TTree * > theTrees
bool usePoisson_
int varSize

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PileUpProducer::PileUpProducer ( edm::ParameterSet const &  p) [explicit]

Definition at line 27 of file

References averageNumber_, gather_cfg::cout, dataProb, dataProbFunctionVar, alignCSCRings::e, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hprob, i, inputFile, j, LogDebug, probSize, random, theBranches, theCurrentEntry, theCurrentMinBiasEvt, theFileNames, theFiles, theNumberOfEntries, theNumberOfFiles, theNumberOfMinBiasEvts, thePUEvents, theTrees, theVertexGenerator, usePoisson_, and varSize.

                                                        : hprob(0)

  // This producer produces an object PileupMixingContent, needed by PileupSummaryInfo
  // This producer produces a HepMCProduct, with all pileup vertices/particles
  // Initialize the random number generator service
  edm::Service<edm::RandomNumberGenerator> rng;
  if ( ! rng.isAvailable() ) {
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
      << "PileUpProducer requires the RandomGeneratorService\n"
         "which is not present in the configuration file.\n"
         "You must add the service in the configuration file\n"
         "or remove the module that requires it";
  random = new RandomEngine(&(*rng));

  // The pile-up event generation condition
  const edm::ParameterSet& pu = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("PileUpSimulator");
  usePoisson_ = pu.getParameter<bool>("usePoisson");
  averageNumber_ = 0.;
  if (usePoisson_) {
    std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> poissonian distribution" << std::endl;
    averageNumber_ = pu.getParameter<double>("averageNumber");
  } else {//take distribution from configuration
    dataProbFunctionVar = pu.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("probFunctionVariable");
    dataProb = pu.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("probValue");
    varSize = (int) dataProbFunctionVar.size();
    probSize = (int) dataProb.size();
    //    std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> varSize = " << varSize  << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> probSize = " << probSize  << std::endl;
    std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> distribution from configuration file "  << std::endl;
    if (probSize < varSize){
      for (int i=0; i<(varSize - probSize); i++) dataProb.push_back(0);
      edm::LogWarning("") << " The probability function data will be completed with " 
                          << (varSize - probSize) <<" values `0';"
                          << " the number of the P(x) data set after adding those 0's is " << dataProb.size();
      probSize = dataProb.size();
    // Create an histogram with the data from the probability function provided by the user  
    int xmin = (int) dataProbFunctionVar[0];
    int xmax = (int) dataProbFunctionVar[varSize-1]+1;  // need upper edge to be one beyond last value
    int numBins = varSize;
    std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> An histogram will be created with " << numBins 
              << " bins in the range ("<< xmin << "," << xmax << ")." << std::endl;
    hprob = new TH1F("h","Histo from the user's probability function",numBins,xmin,xmax); 
    LogDebug("") << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> Filling histogram with the following data:";
    for (int j=0; j < numBins ; j++){
      LogDebug("") << " x = " << dataProbFunctionVar[j ]<< " P(x) = " << dataProb[j];
      hprob->Fill(dataProbFunctionVar[j]+0.5,dataProb[j]); // assuming integer values for the bins, fill bin centers, not edges 

    // Check if the histogram is normalized
    if (((hprob->Integral() - 1) > 1.0e-02) && ((hprob->Integral() - 1) < -1.0e-02)) throw cms::Exception("BadHistoDistribution") << "The histogram should be normalized!" << std::endl;
    // Get the averageNumber from the histo 
    averageNumber_ = hprob->GetMean();
  theFileNames = pu.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("fileNames");
  inputFile = pu.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("inputFile");
  theNumberOfFiles = theFileNames.size();

  // Initialize the primary vertex generator
  const edm::ParameterSet& vtx = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("VertexGenerator");
  std::string vtxType = vtx.getParameter<std::string>("type");
  if ( vtxType == "Gaussian" ) 
    theVertexGenerator = new GaussianPrimaryVertexGenerator(vtx,random);
  else if ( vtxType == "Flat" ) 
    theVertexGenerator = new FlatPrimaryVertexGenerator(vtx,random);
  else if ( vtxType == "BetaFunc" )
    theVertexGenerator = new BetaFuncPrimaryVertexGenerator(vtx,random);
    theVertexGenerator = new NoPrimaryVertexGenerator();

  if (averageNumber_ > 0.)
      std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> MinBias events taken from " << theFileNames[0] << " et al., " ;
      std::cout << " with an average number of events of " << averageNumber_ << std::endl;
  else std::cout << " FastSimulation/PileUpProducer -> No pileup " << std::endl;

PileUpProducer::~PileUpProducer ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 124 of file

References hprob, and theVertexGenerator.


  delete theVertexGenerator;
  if (hprob) delete hprob;


Member Function Documentation

void PileUpProducer::beginRun ( edm::Run run,
edm::EventSetup const &  es 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 131 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, spr::find(), RandomEngine::flatShoot(), edm::FileInPath::fullPath(), LaserDQM_cfg::input, inputFile, myOutputBuffer, myOutputFile, random, read(), theBranches, theCurrentEntry, theCurrentMinBiasEvt, theFileNames, theFiles, theNumberOfEntries, theNumberOfFiles, theNumberOfMinBiasEvts, thePUEvents, and theTrees.

  std::string fullPath;
  // Read the information from a previous run (to keep reproducibility)
  bool input = this->read(inputFile);
  if ( input ) 
    std::cout << "***WARNING*** You are reading pile-up information from the file "
              << inputFile << " created in an earlier run."
              << std::endl;

  // Open the file for saving the information of the current run ("PileUpOutputFile.txt");
  myOutputBuffer = 0;

  // Open the root files
  for ( unsigned file=0; file<theNumberOfFiles; ++file ) {

    if (theFileNames[file].find("file:")==0) {
      fullPath = theFileNames[file].erase(0,5);
    else {
      edm::FileInPath myDataFile("FastSimulation/PileUpProducer/data/"+theFileNames[file]);
      fullPath = myDataFile.fullPath();
    //    theFiles[file] = TFile::Open(theFileNames[file].c_str());
    theFiles[file] = TFile::Open(fullPath.c_str());
    if ( !theFiles[file] ) throw cms::Exception("FastSimulation/PileUpProducer") 
      << "File " << theFileNames[file] << " " << fullPath <<  " not found ";
    theTrees[file] = (TTree*) theFiles[file]->Get("MinBiasEvents"); 
    if ( !theTrees[file] ) throw cms::Exception("FastSimulation/PileUpProducer") 
      << "Tree with name MinBiasEvents not found in " << theFileNames[file];
    theBranches[file] = theTrees[file]->GetBranch("puEvent");
    if ( !theBranches[file] ) throw cms::Exception("FastSimulation/PileUpProducer") 
      << "Branch with name puEvent not found in " << theFileNames[file];
    thePUEvents[file] = new PUEvent();
    theNumberOfEntries[file] = theTrees[file]->GetEntries();
    // Add some randomness (if there was no input file)
    if ( !input ) 
        = (unsigned) (theNumberOfEntries[file] * random->flatShoot());

    unsigned NMinBias = thePUEvents[file]->nMinBias();
    theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] = NMinBias;
    // Add some randomness (if there was no input file)
    if ( !input )
        theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file] = 
          (unsigned) (theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] * random->flatShoot());
    std::cout << "File " << theFileNames[file]
              << " is opened with " << theNumberOfEntries[file] 
              << " entries and will be read from Entry/Event "
              << theCurrentEntry[file] << "/" << theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file]
              << std::endl;
  // Return Loot in the same state as it was when entering. 
void PileUpProducer::endRun ( void  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 203 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, myOutputFile, and theFiles.

  // Close all local files
  // Among other things, this allows the TROOT destructor to end up 
  // without crashing, while trying to close these files from outside
  for ( unsigned file=0; file<theFiles.size(); ++file ) {
    // std::cout << "Closing " << theFileNames[file] << std::endl;
  // Close the output file
  // And return Loot in the same state as it was when entering. 
void PileUpProducer::produce ( edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 223 of file

References averageNumber_, PrimaryVertexGenerator::boost(), funct::cos(), relval_parameters_module::energy, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, PUEvent::PUMinBiasEvt::first, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), PrimaryVertexGenerator::generate(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, hprob, PUEvent::PUParticle::id, PUEvent::PUParticle::mass, RandomEngine::poissonShoot(), edm::Event::put(), PUEvent::PUParticle::px, PUEvent::PUParticle::py, PUEvent::PUParticle::pz, random, save(), funct::sin(), PUEvent::PUMinBiasEvt::size, mathSSE::sqrt(), theCurrentEntry, theCurrentMinBiasEvt, theNumberOfEntries, theNumberOfFiles, theNumberOfMinBiasEvts, thePUEvents, theTrees, theVertexGenerator, and usePoisson_.


  // Create the GenEvent and the HepMCProduct
  std::auto_ptr<edm::HepMCProduct> pu_product(new edm::HepMCProduct());  
  HepMC::GenEvent* evt = new HepMC::GenEvent();
  // How many pile-up events?
  int PUevts; float truePUevts;
  if (usePoisson_) {
    PUevts = (int) random->poissonShoot(averageNumber_);
    truePUevts = (float) averageNumber_;
  else {
    float d = (float) hprob->GetRandom();
    PUevts = (int) d;
    truePUevts = d;
  //  std::cout << "PUevts = " << PUevts << std::endl;

  // Save this information in the PileupMixingContent object
  // IMPORTANT: the bunch crossing number is always 0 because FastSim has no out-of-time PU
  std::auto_ptr< PileupMixingContent > PileupMixing_;

  std::vector<int> bunchCrossingList;

  std::vector<int> numInteractionList;
  std::vector<float> trueInteractionList;
  PileupMixing_ = std::auto_ptr< PileupMixingContent >(new PileupMixingContent(bunchCrossingList,numInteractionList,trueInteractionList));

  // Get N events from random files
  for ( int ievt=0; ievt<PUevts; ++ievt ) { 
    // Draw a file in a ramdom manner 
    unsigned file = (unsigned) (theNumberOfFiles * random->flatShoot());
    if ( debug )  
      std::cout << "The file chosen for event " << ievt 
                << " is the file number " << file << std::endl; 

    // Smear the primary vertex and express it in mm (stupid GenEvent convention...)
    HepMC::FourVector smearedVertex =  
    HepMC::GenVertex* aVertex = new HepMC::GenVertex(smearedVertex);

    // Some rotation around the z axis, for more randomness
    double theAngle = random->flatShoot() * 2. * 3.14159265358979323;
    double cAngle = std::cos(theAngle);
    double sAngle = std::sin(theAngle);

    if ( debug ) 
      std::cout << "File chosen : " << file 
                << " Current entry in this file " << theCurrentEntry[file] 
                << " Current minbias in this chunk= " << theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file] 
                << " Total number of minbias in this chunk = " << theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] << std::endl;

    //      theFiles[file]->cd();
    //      gDirectory->ls();
    // Check we are not either at the end of a minbias bunch 
    // or at the end of a file
    if ( theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file] == theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] ) {
      // if ( debug ) std::cout << "End of MinBias bunch ! ";
      // if ( debug) std::cout << "Read the next entry " << theCurrentEntry[file] << std::endl;
      theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file] = 0;
      if ( theCurrentEntry[file] == theNumberOfEntries[file] ) { 
        theCurrentEntry[file] = 0;
        // if ( debug ) std::cout << "End of file - Rewind! " << std::endl;
      // if ( debug ) std::cout << "The PUEvent is reset ... "; 
      unsigned myEntry = theCurrentEntry[file];
      if ( debug ) std::cout << "The new entry " << myEntry 
                             << " is read ... in TTree " << theTrees[file] << " "; 
      if ( debug ) 
        std::cout << "The number of interactions in the new entry is ... ";     
      theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] = thePUEvents[file]->nMinBias();
      // if ( debug ) std::cout << theNumberOfMinBiasEvts[file] << std::endl;
    // Read a minbias event chunk
    const PUEvent::PUMinBiasEvt& aMinBiasEvt 
      = thePUEvents[file]->thePUMinBiasEvts()[theCurrentMinBiasEvt[file]];
    // Find corresponding particles
    unsigned firstTrack = aMinBiasEvt.first; 
    unsigned trackSize = firstTrack + aMinBiasEvt.size;
    if ( debug ) std::cout << "First and last+1 tracks are " 
                           << firstTrack << " " << trackSize << std::endl;

    // Loop on particles
    for ( unsigned iTrack=firstTrack; iTrack<trackSize; ++iTrack ) {
      const PUEvent::PUParticle& aParticle 
        = thePUEvents[file]->thePUParticles()[iTrack];
      if ( debug) 
        std::cout << "Track " << iTrack 
                  << " id/px/py/pz/mass "
                  << << " " 
                  << aParticle.px << " " 
                  << << " " 
                  << aParticle.pz << " " 
                  << aParticle.mass << " " << std::endl; 
      // Create a FourVector, with rotation 
      double energy = std::sqrt( aParticle.px*aParticle.px
                               + aParticle.pz*aParticle.pz
                               + aParticle.mass*aParticle.mass );

      HepMC::FourVector myPart(cAngle * aParticle.px + sAngle *,
                              -sAngle * aParticle.px + cAngle *,
                               aParticle.pz, energy);

      // Add a GenParticle
      HepMC::GenParticle* aGenParticle = new HepMC::GenParticle(myPart,;

    // End of particle loop
    // Increment for next time
  // End of pile-up event loop

  // evt->print();

  // Fill the HepMCProduct from the GenEvent
  if ( evt )  { 
    pu_product->addHepMCData( evt );
    // Boost in case of beam crossing angle
    TMatrixD* boost = theVertexGenerator->boost();
    if ( boost ) pu_product->boostToLab(boost,"momentum");

  // Put the HepMCProduct onto the event
  // delete evt;

  // Save the current location in each pile-up event files

bool PileUpProducer::read ( std::string  inputFile) [private]

Read former minbias configuration (from previous run)

Definition at line 415 of file

References python::entryComment::results, findQualityFiles::size, theCurrentEntry, and theCurrentMinBiasEvt.

Referenced by beginRun().


  ifstream myInputFile;
  struct stat results;
  unsigned size1 = theCurrentEntry.size()*sizeof(unsigned);
  unsigned size2 = theCurrentMinBiasEvt.size()*sizeof(unsigned);
  unsigned size = 0;

  // Open the file (if any) (inputFile.c_str());
  if ( myInputFile.is_open() ) { 

    // Get the size of the file
    if ( stat(inputFile.c_str(), &results) == 0 ) size = results.st_size;
    else return false; // Something is wrong with that file !
    // Position the pointer just before the last record

    // Read the information*)(&theCurrentEntry.front()),size1);*)&theCurrentMinBiasEvt.front(),size2);

    return true;


  return false;

void PileUpProducer::save ( ) [private]

Save current minbias configuration (for later use)

Definition at line 393 of file

References myOutputBuffer, myOutputFile, theCurrentEntry, and theCurrentMinBiasEvt.

Referenced by produce().


  // Size of buffer

  // Periodically close the current file and open a new one
  if ( myOutputBuffer/1000*1000 == myOutputBuffer ) { 
    myOutputFile.close(); ("PileUpOutputFile.txt");
    //    myOutputFile.seekp(0); // No need to rewind in that case

  // Save the current position to file
  myOutputFile.write((const char*)(&theCurrentEntry.front()),
  myOutputFile.write((const char*)&theCurrentMinBiasEvt.front(),


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 47 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<double> PileUpProducer::dataProb [private]

Definition at line 68 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer().

std::vector<int> PileUpProducer::dataProbFunctionVar [private]

Definition at line 67 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer().

TH1F* PileUpProducer::hprob [private]

Definition at line 66 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer(), produce(), and ~PileUpProducer().

std::string PileUpProducer::inputFile [private]

Definition at line 50 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and PileUpProducer().

unsigned PileUpProducer::myOutputBuffer [private]

Definition at line 64 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and save().

std::ofstream PileUpProducer::myOutputFile [private]

Definition at line 63 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), endRun(), and save().

int PileUpProducer::probSize [private]

Definition at line 70 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer().

Definition at line 48 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<TBranch*> PileUpProducer::theBranches [private]

Definition at line 56 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and PileUpProducer().

std::vector<unsigned> PileUpProducer::theCurrentEntry [private]

Definition at line 58 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), produce(), read(), and save().

std::vector<unsigned> PileUpProducer::theCurrentMinBiasEvt [private]

Definition at line 59 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), produce(), read(), and save().

std::vector<std::string> PileUpProducer::theFileNames [private]

Definition at line 49 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and PileUpProducer().

std::vector<TFile*> PileUpProducer::theFiles [private]

Definition at line 54 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), endRun(), and PileUpProducer().

std::vector<unsigned> PileUpProducer::theNumberOfEntries [private]

Definition at line 60 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 51 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<unsigned> PileUpProducer::theNumberOfMinBiasEvts [private]

Definition at line 61 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<PUEvent*> PileUpProducer::thePUEvents [private]

Definition at line 57 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<TTree*> PileUpProducer::theTrees [private]

Definition at line 55 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), PileUpProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 45 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer(), produce(), and ~PileUpProducer().

Definition at line 52 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer(), and produce().

int PileUpProducer::varSize [private]

Definition at line 69 of file PileUpProducer.h.

Referenced by PileUpProducer().