![]() |
![]() |
Functions | |
def | parseInputFiles |
Variables | |
string | action = 'store_true' |
list | allowedActions = ['hltbyls','hltmenu','trgbyls', 'beambyls','runsummary'] |
list | amodetag = r[2] |
list | amodetagChoices = [ "PROTPHYS","IONPHYS","PAPHYS" ] |
list | beamModeChoices = ["stable"] |
tuple | c = lumiTime.lumiTime() |
choices = beamModeChoices, | |
tuple | dataidmap = revisionDML.dataIdsByTagId(session.nominalSchema(),datatagid,runlist=rruns,withcomment=False) |
datatagname = options.datatag | |
string | default = 'frontier://LumiCalc/CMS_LUMI_PROD' |
string | dest = 'withbeamintensity' |
switches | |
dumpbeamintensity = False | |
string | egev = 'n/a' |
string | fill = 'n/a' |
string | help = 'command actions' |
basic arguments | |
list | hltkey = r[4] |
list | iresults = [] |
dictionary | irunlsdict = {} |
isdetail = False | |
list | l1key = r[1] |
tuple | options = parser.parse_args() |
tuple | parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),description = "Additional information needed in the lumi calculation",formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) |
######################## ## ## ################## ## ## ## ## Main Program ## ## ## ## ################## ## ## ######################## ## | |
pbeammode = None | |
reqHlt = False | |
reqTrg = False | |
required = False, | |
arg to select exact run and ls | |
tuple | result = lumiCalcAPI.trgForIds(session.nominalSchema(),irunlsdict,dataidmap,trgbitname=sname,trgbitnamepattern=spattern,withL1Count=True,withPrescale=True) |
list | rruns = [] |
list | run = r[0] |
tuple | runlist = lumiCalcAPI.runList(session.nominalSchema(),options.fillnum,runmin=None,runmax=None,startT=options.begin,stopT=options.end,l1keyPattern=None,hltkeyPattern=None,amodetag=options.amodetag,nominalEnergy=options.beamenergy,energyFlut=options.beamfluctuation,requiretrg=reqTrg,requirehlt=reqHlt) |
list | sequence = r[6] |
tuple | session = svc.openSession(isReadOnly=True,cpp2sqltype=[('unsigned int','NUMBER(10)'),('unsigned long long','NUMBER(20)')]) |
sname = options.name | |
spattern = None | |
tuple | starttime = c.StrToDatetime(r[7]) |
tuple | stoptime = c.StrToDatetime(r[8]) |
tuple | svc |
list | thiscmmd = sys.argv[0] |
type = int, | |
withHLTAccept = True | |
withL1Pass = True |
def lumiContext::parseInputFiles | ( | inputfilename | ) |
output ({run:[cmsls,cmsls,...]},[[resultlines]])
Definition at line 12 of file lumiContext.py.
00013 : 00014 ''' 00015 output ({run:[cmsls,cmsls,...]},[[resultlines]]) 00016 ''' 00017 selectedrunlsInDB={} 00018 resultlines=[] 00019 p=inputFilesetParser.inputFilesetParser(inputfilename) 00020 runlsbyfile=p.runsandls() 00021 selectedProcessedRuns=p.selectedRunsWithresult() 00022 selectedNonProcessedRuns=p.selectedRunsWithoutresult() 00023 resultlines=p.resultlines() 00024 for runinfile in selectedNonProcessedRuns: 00025 selectedrunlsInDB[runinfile]=runlsbyfile[runinfile] 00026 return (selectedrunlsInDB,resultlines)
string lumiContext::action = 'store_true' |
Definition at line 132 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::allowedActions = ['hltbyls','hltmenu','trgbyls', 'beambyls','runsummary'] |
Definition at line 37 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::amodetag = r[2] |
Definition at line 278 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::amodetagChoices = [ "PROTPHYS","IONPHYS","PAPHYS" ] |
Definition at line 38 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::beamModeChoices = ["stable"] |
Definition at line 39 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::c = lumiTime.lumiTime() |
Definition at line 266 of file lumiContext.py.
Definition at line 77 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::dataidmap = revisionDML.dataIdsByTagId(session.nominalSchema(),datatagid,runlist=rruns,withcomment=False) |
Definition at line 208 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::datatagname = options.datatag |
Definition at line 205 of file lumiContext.py.
float lumiContext::default = 'frontier://LumiCalc/CMS_LUMI_PROD' |
Definition at line 53 of file lumiContext.py.
string lumiContext::dest = 'withbeamintensity' |
Definition at line 131 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::dumpbeamintensity = False |
Definition at line 253 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::egev = 'n/a' |
Definition at line 279 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::fill = 'n/a' |
Definition at line 269 of file lumiContext.py.
Referenced by SiStripThreshold::allThresholds(), GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer::analyze(), EcalDumpRaw::analyze(), CalibAnalyzer< Ref, Rec, Alg >::analyze(), Rivet::CMS_QCD_10_010::analyze(), Rivet::CMS_FWD_10_011::analyze(), TrackCountingTagPlotter::analyzeTag(), SimpleCosmicBONSeeder::checkNoisyModules(), funct::Master< F >::clear(), CSCTFUnpacker::CSCTFUnpacker(), ESElectronicsSim::decode(), PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::deriv(), DTEfficiencyTest::endLuminosityBlock(), tnp::TPTreeFiller::fill(), egHLT::MonElemContainer< T >::fill(), PFCandCommonVertexFitterBase::fill(), SummaryPlotFactory< T >::fill(), SummaryPlotFactory< FedCablingAnalysis * >::fill(), reco::HLTResult< numberOfBits, word >::HLTResult(), HLTTrackClusterRemover::HLTTrackClusterRemover(), plotData::plotData(), HLTTrackClusterRemover::produce(), SeedClusterRemover::produce(), TrackClusterRemover::produce(), ecaldqm::CertificationClient::producePlots(), TrackClusterRemover::readPSet(), HLTTrackClusterRemover::readPSet(), SeedClusterRemover::readPSet(), funct::Master< F >::reset(), L1DataEmulDigi::reset(), ecaldqm::TestPulseTask::runOnDigis(), ecaldqm::LaserTask::runOnDigis(), ecaldqm::LedTask::runOnDigis(), ecaldqm::IntegrityTask::runOnErrors(), ecaldqm::RawDataTask::runOnRawData(), ecaldqm::TrigPrimTask::runOnRealTPs(), ecaldqm::ClusterTask::runOnSuperClusters(), magfieldparam::rz_poly::rz_poly(), SeedClusterRemover::SeedClusterRemover(), CandCommonVertexFitterBase::set(), CandKinematicVertexFitter::set(), PFCandCommonVertexFitterBase::set(), StMeasurementDetSet::set128StripStatus(), magfieldparam::rz_poly::SetAllON(), CaloSamples::setBlank(), StMeasurementDetSet::setEmpty(), TrackClusterRemover::TrackClusterRemover(), cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::trend_plot(), and MeasurementTrackerImpl::updatePixels().
string lumiContext::help = 'command actions' |
basic arguments
Definition at line 49 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::hltkey = r[4] |
Definition at line 277 of file lumiContext.py.
Referenced by lumi::HLTConf2DB::retrieveData().
list lumiContext::iresults = [] |
Definition at line 179 of file lumiContext.py.
dictionary lumiContext::irunlsdict = {} |
Definition at line 177 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::isdetail = False |
Definition at line 157 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::l1key = r[1] |
Definition at line 276 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::options = parser.parse_args() |
Definition at line 148 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),description = "Additional information needed in the lumi calculation",formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) |
######################## ## ## ################## ## ## ## ## Main Program ## ## ## ## ################## ## ## ######################## ##
Definition at line 36 of file lumiContext.py.
string lumiContext::pbeammode = None |
Definition at line 155 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::reqHlt = False |
Definition at line 181 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::reqTrg = False |
Definition at line 180 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::required = False, |
tuple lumiContext::result = lumiCalcAPI.trgForIds(session.nominalSchema(),irunlsdict,dataidmap,trgbitname=sname,trgbitnamepattern=spattern,withL1Count=True,withPrescale=True) |
Definition at line 221 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::rruns = [] |
Definition at line 178 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::run = r[0] |
Definition at line 268 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::runlist = lumiCalcAPI.runList(session.nominalSchema(),options.fillnum,runmin=None,runmax=None,startT=options.begin,stopT=options.end,l1keyPattern=None,hltkeyPattern=None,amodetag=options.amodetag,nominalEnergy=options.beamenergy,energyFlut=options.beamfluctuation,requiretrg=reqTrg,requirehlt=reqHlt) |
Definition at line 193 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::sequence = r[6] |
Definition at line 282 of file lumiContext.py.
Referenced by EcalDCCHeaderRuntypeDecoder::Decode(), and EcalDCCTBHeaderRuntypeDecoder::Decode().
tuple lumiContext::session = svc.openSession(isReadOnly=True,cpp2sqltype=[('unsigned int','NUMBER(10)'),('unsigned long long','NUMBER(20)')]) |
Definition at line 175 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::sname = options.name |
Definition at line 156 of file lumiContext.py.
Referenced by HcalTBWriter::buildTree(), SiPixelWebInterface::createTkMap(), SiPixelActionExecutor::fillFEDErrorSummary(), StorageAccount::fillSummary(), SiStripInformationExtractor::getCondDBHistos(), LMFDefFabric::getTrigType(), SiStripWebInterface::handleAnalyserRequest(), SiPixelWebInterface::handleEDARequest(), MoveFlatParamsToDB::MoveFlatParamsToDB(), SiPixelWebInterface::periodicTkMapUpdate(), FWGeometryTableViewBase::populate3DViewsFromConfig(), KFFittingSmootherESProducer::produce(), TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer::produce(), SiStripInformationExtractor::readModuleAndHistoList(), and OpticalObject::shortName().
lumiContext::spattern = None |
Definition at line 158 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::starttime = c.StrToDatetime(r[7]) |
Definition at line 272 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::stoptime = c.StrToDatetime(r[8]) |
Definition at line 274 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::svc |
00001 sessionManager.sessionManager(options.connect, 00002 authpath=options.authpath, 00003 siteconfpath=options.siteconfpath, 00004 debugON=options.debug)
Definition at line 171 of file lumiContext.py.
list lumiContext::thiscmmd = sys.argv[0] |
Definition at line 213 of file lumiContext.py.
tuple lumiContext::type = int, |
Definition at line 58 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::withHLTAccept = True |
Definition at line 234 of file lumiContext.py.
lumiContext::withL1Pass = True |
Definition at line 233 of file lumiContext.py.