![]() |
![]() |
def trigTools::_addEventContent | ( | outputCommands, | |
eventContent | |||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 38 of file trigTools.py.
00039 : 00040 # add new entry to event content 00041 for content in eventContent: 00042 if content not in outputCommands: 00043 outputCommands += [ content ] 00044 # check for obsolete entries 00045 listToRemove = [] 00046 for i in range( len( outputCommands ) ): 00047 if i in listToRemove: 00048 continue 00049 command = outputCommands[ i ] 00050 if command[ : 4 ] == 'keep': 00051 dropCommand = command.replace( 'keep ', 'drop ' ) 00052 for j in range( i + 1, len( outputCommands ) ): 00053 testCommand = outputCommands[ j ] 00054 if testCommand == command: 00055 listToRemove += [ j ] 00056 elif testCommand == dropCommand: 00057 listToRemove += [ i, j ] 00058 break 00059 # copy entries excl. obsolete ones 00060 newOutputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring() 00061 for i in range( len( outputCommands ) ): 00062 if i not in listToRemove: 00063 newOutputCommands += [ outputCommands[ i ] ] 00064 # return result 00065 return newOutputCommands 00066
def trigTools::_modulesInSequence | ( | process, | |
sequenceLabel | |||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 34 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultHltProcess = 'HLT' |
Definition at line 19 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultHltProcessComment = "HLT process name, default: %s" |
Definition at line 27 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultOutputModule = 'out' |
Definition at line 20 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultOutputModuleComment = "Output module label, empty label indicates no output, default: %s" |
Definition at line 28 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultPostfix = '' |
Definition at line 21 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultPostfixComment = "Postfix to apply to PAT module labels, default: %s" |
Definition at line 29 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultSequence = 'patDefaultSequence' |
Definition at line 18 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultSequenceComment = "Name of sequence to use, default: %s" |
Definition at line 26 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultTriggerEventProducer = 'patTriggerEvent' |
Definition at line 17 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultTriggerEventProducerComment = "PATTriggerEventProducer module label, default: %s" |
Definition at line 25 of file trigTools.py.
00001 [ 'cleanMuonTriggerMatchHLTMu20' 00002 , 'cleanMuonTriggerMatchHLTDoubleMu6' 00003 , 'cleanPhotonTriggerMatchHLTPhoton26IsoVLPhoton18' 00004 , 'cleanElectronTriggerMatchHLTEle27CaloIdVTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoT' 00005 , 'cleanTauTriggerMatchHLTDoubleIsoPFTau20Trk5' 00006 , 'cleanJetTriggerMatchHLTJet240' 00007 , 'metTriggerMatchHLTMET100' 00008 , 'cleanMuonTriggerMatchHLTMu17CentralJet30' 00009 , 'cleanJetTriggerMatchHLTMu17CentralJet30' 00010 ]
Definition at line 6 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultTriggerMatchersComment = "Trigger matcher modules' labels, default: ..." |
Definition at line 23 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultTriggerProducer = 'patTrigger' |
Definition at line 16 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_defaultTriggerProducerComment = "PATTriggerProducer module label, default: %s" |
Definition at line 24 of file trigTools.py.
string trigTools::_longLine = '---------------------------------------------------------------------' |
Definition at line 31 of file trigTools.py.
Definition at line 830 of file trigTools.py.
tuple trigTools::switchOnTrigger = SwitchOnTrigger() |
Definition at line 197 of file trigTools.py.
Definition at line 719 of file trigTools.py.
Definition at line 445 of file trigTools.py.
Definition at line 560 of file trigTools.py.
Definition at line 294 of file trigTools.py.