![]() |
![]() |
#include <BeamMonitor.h>
BeamMonitor::BeamMonitor | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
Definition at line 77 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, bsSrc_, dbe_, debug_, deltaSigCut_, endLumiOfBSFit_, endLumiOfPVFit_, fitNLumi_, fitPVNLumi_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hltSrc_, intervalInSec_, jetTrigger_, lastlumi_, maxZ_, min_Ntrks_, minNrVertices_, minVtxNdf_, minVtxWgt_, monitorName_, nextlumi_, nFits_, onlineMode_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, parameters_, processed_, pvSrc_, refBStime, refPVtime, resetFitNLumi_, BeamFitter::resetLSRange(), BeamFitter::resetPVFitter(), resetPVNLumi_, BeamFitter::resetRefTime(), BeamFitter::resetTrkVector(), theBeamFitter, and tracksLabel_.
: countEvt_(0),countLumi_(0),nthBSTrk_(0),nFitElements_(3),resetHistos_(false),StartAverage_(false),firstAverageFit_(0),countGapLumi_(0) { parameters_ = ps; monitorName_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<string>("monitorName","YourSubsystemName"); bsSrc_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("beamSpot"); pvSrc_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("primaryVertex"); hltSrc_ = parameters_.getParameter<InputTag>("hltResults"); intervalInSec_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("timeInterval",920);//40 LS X 23" fitNLumi_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("fitEveryNLumi",-1); resetFitNLumi_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetEveryNLumi",-1); fitPVNLumi_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("fitPVEveryNLumi",-1); resetPVNLumi_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<int>("resetPVEveryNLumi",-1); deltaSigCut_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaSignificanceCut",15); debug_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Debug"); onlineMode_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("OnlineMode"); jetTrigger_ = parameters_.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("jetTrigger"); tracksLabel_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("TrackCollection"); min_Ntrks_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<int>("MinimumInputTracks"); maxZ_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("BeamFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaximumZ"); minNrVertices_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("minNrVerticesForFit"); minVtxNdf_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("minVertexNdf"); minVtxWgt_ = parameters_.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PVFitter").getUntrackedParameter<double>("minVertexMeanWeight"); dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); if (monitorName_ != "" ) monitorName_ = monitorName_+"/" ; theBeamFitter = new BeamFitter(parameters_); theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector(); theBeamFitter->resetLSRange(); theBeamFitter->resetRefTime(); theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter(); if (fitNLumi_ <= 0) fitNLumi_ = 1; nFits_ = beginLumiOfBSFit_ = endLumiOfBSFit_ = beginLumiOfPVFit_ = endLumiOfPVFit_ = 0; refBStime[0] = refBStime[1] = refPVtime[0] = refPVtime[1] = 0; maxZ_ = std::fabs(maxZ_); lastlumi_ = 0; nextlumi_ = 0; processed_ = false; }
BeamMonitor::~BeamMonitor | ( | ) |
void BeamMonitor::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | e, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 544 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), bsSrc_, countEvt_, countLumi_, cutFlowTable, dbe_, MonitorElement::Fill(), newFWLiteAna::found, edm::Event::getByLabel(), BeamFitter::getCutFlow(), MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTH1(), h_nVtx, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVxz, h_PVy, h_PVyz, h_PVz, h_trkPt, h_trkVz, hltSrc_, i, jetTrigger_, edm::EventBase::luminosityBlock(), mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, minVtxNdf_, minVtxWgt_, monitorName_, n, nextlumi_, onlineMode_, processed_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), pvSrc_, BeamFitter::readEvent(), refBS, resetFitNLumi_, MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), StartAverage_, lumiQTWidget::t, theBeamFitter, testEve_cfg::tracks, tracksLabel_, edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex(), edm::TriggerNames::triggerName(), edm::Event::triggerNames(), patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::triggerResults, and trigNames.
{ const int nthlumi = iEvent.luminosityBlock(); if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi < nextlumi_)) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "analyze:: Spilt event from previous lumi section!" << std::endl; return; } if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi > nextlumi_)) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "analyze:: Spilt event from next lumi section!!!" << std::endl; return; } countEvt_++; theBeamFitter->readEvent(iEvent); //Remember when track fitter read the event in the same place the PVFitter read the events !!!!!!!!! Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(bsSrc_,recoBeamSpotHandle); refBS = *recoBeamSpotHandle; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"Fit/"); //------Cut Flow Table filled every event!-------------------------------------- std::string cutFlowTableName = cutFlowTable->getName(); // Make a copy of the cut flow table from the beam fitter. TH1F * tmphisto = static_cast<TH1F*>((theBeamFitter->getCutFlow())->Clone("tmphisto")); cutFlowTable->getTH1()->SetBins( tmphisto->GetNbinsX(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); // Update the bin labels if (countEvt_ == 1) // SetLabel just once for(int n=0; n < tmphisto->GetNbinsX(); n++) cutFlowTable->setBinLabel(n+1,tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(n+1),1); cutFlowTable = dbe_->book1D(cutFlowTableName, tmphisto); //----Reco tracks ------------------------------------- Handle<reco::TrackCollection> TrackCollection; iEvent.getByLabel(tracksLabel_, TrackCollection); const reco::TrackCollection *tracks = TrackCollection.product(); for ( reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator track = tracks->begin(); track != tracks->end(); ++track ) { h_trkPt->Fill(track->pt()); //no need to change here for average bs h_trkVz->Fill(track->vz()); } //-------HLT Trigger -------------------------------- edm::Handle<TriggerResults> triggerResults; bool JetTrigPass= false; if(iEvent.getByLabel(hltSrc_, triggerResults)){ const edm::TriggerNames & trigNames = iEvent.triggerNames(*triggerResults); for (unsigned int i=0; i< triggerResults->size(); i++){ std::string trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i); if(JetTrigPass) continue; for(size_t t=0; t <jetTrigger_.size(); ++t){ if(JetTrigPass) continue; string string_search (jetTrigger_[t]); size_t found = trigName.find(string_search); if(found != string::npos){ int thisTrigger_ = trigNames.triggerIndex(trigName); if(triggerResults->accept(thisTrigger_))JetTrigPass = true; }//if trigger found }//for(t=0;..) }//for(i=0; ..) }//if trigger colleciton exist) //------ Primary Vertices------- edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > PVCollection; if (iEvent.getByLabel(pvSrc_, PVCollection )) { int nPVcount = 0; int nPVcount_ST =0; //For Single Trigger(hence ST) for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator pv = PVCollection->begin(); pv != PVCollection->end(); ++pv) { //--- vertex selection if (pv->isFake() || pv->tracksSize()==0) continue; nPVcount++; // count non fake pv: if(JetTrigPass)nPVcount_ST++; //non-fake pv with a specific trigger if (pv->ndof() < minVtxNdf_ || (pv->ndof()+3.)/pv->tracksSize() < 2*minVtxWgt_) continue; //Fill this map to store xyx for pv so that later we can remove the first one for run aver mapPVx[countLumi_].push_back(pv->x()); mapPVy[countLumi_].push_back(pv->y()); mapPVz[countLumi_].push_back(pv->z()); if(!StartAverage_){//for first N LS h_PVx[0]->Fill(pv->x()); h_PVy[0]->Fill(pv->y()); h_PVz[0]->Fill(pv->z()); h_PVxz->Fill(pv->z(),pv->x()); h_PVyz->Fill(pv->z(),pv->y()); }//for first N LiS else{ h_PVxz->Fill(pv->z(),pv->x()); h_PVyz->Fill(pv->z(),pv->y());} }//loop over pvs h_nVtx->Fill(nPVcount*1.); //no need to change it for average BS mapNPV[countLumi_].push_back((nPVcount_ST)); if(!StartAverage_){ h_nVtx_st->Fill(nPVcount_ST*1.);} }//if pv collection is availaable if(StartAverage_) { map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvx=mapPVx.begin(); map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvy=mapPVy.begin(); map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator itpvz=mapPVz.begin(); map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator itbspvinfo=mapNPV.begin(); if( (int)mapPVx.size() > resetFitNLumi_){ //sometimes the events is not there but LS is there! mapPVx.erase(itpvx); mapPVy.erase(itpvy); mapPVz.erase(itpvz); mapNPV.erase(itbspvinfo); }//loop over Last N lumi collected }//StartAverage==true processed_ = true; }
void BeamMonitor::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 127 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookFloat(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), cutFlowTable, pyrootRender::da, dbe_, jptDQMConfig_cff::dzMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::dzMin, MonitorElement::Fill(), fitResults, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getName(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MonitorElement::getTH1(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), h_d0_phi0, h_nTrk_lumi, h_nVtx, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVxz, h_PVy, h_PVyz, h_PVz, h_sigmaX0, h_sigmaY0, h_sigmaZ0, h_trk_z0, h_trkPt, h_trkVz, h_vx_dz, h_vx_vy, h_vy_dz, h_x0, h_y0, h_z0, timingPdfMaker::histo, hs, i, intervalInSec_, label, monitorName_, n, nFitElements_, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::options, parameters_, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMin, pvResults, DQMStore::removeElement(), reportSummary, reportSummaryContents, reportSummaryMap, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and summaryContent_.
{ // book some histograms here const int dxBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dxBin"); const double dxMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dxMin"); const double dxMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dxMax"); const int vxBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("vxBin"); const double vxMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("vxMin"); const double vxMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("vxMax"); const int phiBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("phiBin"); const double phiMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMin"); const double phiMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMax"); const int dzBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dzBin"); const double dzMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dzMin"); const double dzMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dzMax"); // create and cd into new folder dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"Fit"); h_nTrk_lumi=dbe_->book1D("nTrk_lumi","Num. of selected tracks vs lumi",20,0.5,20.5); h_nTrk_lumi->setAxisTitle("Lumisection",1); h_nTrk_lumi->setAxisTitle("Num of Tracks",2); h_d0_phi0 = dbe_->bookProfile("d0_phi0","d_{0} vs. #phi_{0} (Selected Tracks)",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax,dxBin,dxMin,dxMax,""); h_d0_phi0->setAxisTitle("#phi_{0} (rad)",1); h_d0_phi0->setAxisTitle("d_{0} (cm)",2); h_vx_vy = dbe_->book2D("trk_vx_vy","Vertex (PCA) position of selected tracks",vxBin,vxMin,vxMax,vxBin,vxMin,vxMax); h_vx_vy->getTH2F()->SetOption("COLZ"); // h_vx_vy->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_vx_vy->setAxisTitle("x coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)",1); h_vx_vy->setAxisTitle("y coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)",2); TDatime *da = new TDatime(); gStyle->SetTimeOffset(da->Convert(kTRUE)); const int nvar_ = 6; string coord[nvar_] = {"x","y","z","sigmaX","sigmaY","sigmaZ"}; string label[nvar_] = {"x_{0} (cm)","y_{0} (cm)","z_{0} (cm)", "#sigma_{X_{0}} (cm)","#sigma_{Y_{0}} (cm)","#sigma_{Z_{0}} (cm)"}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"Fit"); for (int ic=0; ic<nvar_; ++ic) { TString histName(coord[ic]); TString histTitle(coord[ic]); string ytitle(label[ic]); string xtitle(""); string options("E1"); bool createHisto = true; switch(i) { case 1: // BS vs time histName += "0_time"; xtitle = "Time [UTC]"; if (ic < 3) histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs time (Fit)"; else histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5," ") + " of beam spot vs time (Fit)"; break; case 2: // PV vs lumi if (ic < 3) { dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"PrimaryVertex"); histName.Insert(0,"PV"); histName += "_lumi"; histTitle.Insert(0,"Avg. "); histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs lumi"; xtitle = "Lumisection"; ytitle.insert(0,"PV"); ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV"; ytitle += coord[ic]; ytitle += "} (cm)"; } else createHisto = false; break; case 3: // PV vs time if (ic < 3) { dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"PrimaryVertex"); histName.Insert(0,"PV"); histName += "_time"; histTitle.Insert(0,"Avg. "); histTitle += " position of primary vtx vs time"; xtitle = "Time [UTC]"; ytitle.insert(0,"PV"); ytitle += " #pm #sigma_{PV"; ytitle += coord[ic]; ytitle += "} (cm)"; } else createHisto = false; break; default: // BS vs lumi histName += "0_lumi"; xtitle = "Lumisection"; if (ic < 3) histTitle += " coordinate of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)"; else histTitle = histTitle.Insert(5," ") + " of beam spot vs lumi (Fit)"; break; } if (createHisto) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "hitsName = " << histName << "; histTitle = " << histTitle << std::endl; hs[histName] = dbe_->book1D(histName,histTitle,40,0.5,40.5); hs[histName]->setAxisTitle(xtitle,1); hs[histName]->setAxisTitle(ytitle,2); hs[histName]->getTH1()->SetOption("E1"); if (histName.Contains("time")) { //int nbins = (intervalInSec_/23 > 0 ? intervalInSec_/23 : 40); hs[histName]->getTH1()->SetBins(intervalInSec_,0.5,intervalInSec_+0.5); hs[histName]->setAxisTimeDisplay(1); hs[histName]->setAxisTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S",1); } histName += "_all"; histTitle += " all"; hs[histName] = dbe_->book1D(histName,histTitle,40,0.5,40.5); hs[histName]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); hs[histName]->setAxisTitle(xtitle,1); hs[histName]->setAxisTitle(ytitle,2); hs[histName]->getTH1()->SetOption("E1"); if (histName.Contains("time")) { //int nbins = (intervalInSec_/23 > 0 ? intervalInSec_/23 : 40); hs[histName]->getTH1()->SetBins(intervalInSec_,0.5,intervalInSec_+0.5); hs[histName]->setAxisTimeDisplay(1); hs[histName]->setAxisTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S",1); } } } } dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"Fit"); h_trk_z0 = dbe_->book1D("trk_z0","z_{0} of selected tracks",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax); h_trk_z0->setAxisTitle("z_{0} of selected tracks (cm)",1); h_vx_dz = dbe_->bookProfile("vx_dz","v_{x} vs. dz of selected tracks",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax,dxBin,dxMin,dxMax,""); h_vx_dz->setAxisTitle("dz (cm)",1); h_vx_dz->setAxisTitle("x coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)",2); h_vy_dz = dbe_->bookProfile("vy_dz","v_{y} vs. dz of selected tracks",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax,dxBin,dxMin,dxMax,""); h_vy_dz->setAxisTitle("dz (cm)",1); h_vy_dz->setAxisTitle("x coordinate of input track at PCA (cm)",2); h_x0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_x0","x coordinate of beam spot (Fit)",100,-0.01,0.01); h_x0->setAxisTitle("x_{0} (cm)",1); h_x0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_y0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_y0","y coordinate of beam spot (Fit)",100,-0.01,0.01); h_y0->setAxisTitle("y_{0} (cm)",1); h_y0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_z0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_z0","z coordinate of beam spot (Fit)",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax); h_z0->setAxisTitle("z_{0} (cm)",1); h_z0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_sigmaX0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaX0","sigma x0 of beam spot (Fit)",100,0,0.05); h_sigmaX0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{X_{0}} (cm)",1); h_sigmaX0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_sigmaY0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaY0","sigma y0 of beam spot (Fit)",100,0,0.05); h_sigmaY0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{Y_{0}} (cm)",1); h_sigmaY0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_sigmaZ0 = dbe_->book1D("BeamMonitorFeedBack_sigmaZ0","sigma z0 of beam spot (Fit)",100,0,10); h_sigmaZ0->setAxisTitle("#sigma_{Z_{0}} (cm)",1); h_sigmaZ0->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); // Histograms of all reco tracks (without cuts): h_trkPt=dbe_->book1D("trkPt","p_{T} of all reco'd tracks (no selection)",200,0.,50.); h_trkPt->setAxisTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)",1); h_trkVz=dbe_->book1D("trkVz","Z coordinate of PCA of all reco'd tracks (no selection)",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax); h_trkVz->setAxisTitle("V_{Z} (cm)",1); cutFlowTable = dbe_->book1D("cutFlowTable","Cut flow table of track selection", 9, 0, 9 ); // Results of previous good fit: fitResults=dbe_->book2D("fitResults","Results of previous good beam fit",2,0,2,8,0,8); fitResults->setAxisTitle("Fitted Beam Spot (cm)",1); fitResults->setBinLabel(8,"x_{0}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(7,"y_{0}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(6,"z_{0}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(5,"#sigma_{Z}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(4,"#frac{dx}{dz} (rad)",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(3,"#frac{dy}{dz} (rad)",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(2,"#sigma_{X}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(1,"#sigma_{Y}",2); fitResults->setBinLabel(1,"Mean",1); fitResults->setBinLabel(2,"Stat. Error",1); fitResults->getTH1()->SetOption("text"); // Histos of PrimaryVertices: dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"PrimaryVertex"); h_nVtx = dbe_->book1D("vtxNbr","Reconstructed Vertices(non-fake) in all Event",60,-0.5,59.5); h_nVtx->setAxisTitle("Num. of reco. vertices",1); //For one Trigger only h_nVtx_st = dbe_->book1D("vtxNbr_SelectedTriggers","Reconstructed Vertices(non-fake) in Events",60,-0.5,59.5); //h_nVtx_st->setAxisTitle("Num. of reco. vertices for Un-Prescaled Jet Trigger",1); // Monitor only the PV with highest sum pt of assoc. trks: h_PVx[0] = dbe_->book1D("PVX","x coordinate of Primary Vtx",50,-0.01,0.01); h_PVx[0]->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)",1); h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_PVy[0] = dbe_->book1D("PVY","y coordinate of Primary Vtx",50,-0.01,0.01); h_PVy[0]->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)",1); h_PVy[0]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_PVz[0] = dbe_->book1D("PVZ","z coordinate of Primary Vtx",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax); h_PVz[0]->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)",1); h_PVx[1] = dbe_->book1D("PVXFit","x coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)",50,-0.01,0.01); h_PVx[1]->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)",1); h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_PVy[1] = dbe_->book1D("PVYFit","y coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)",50,-0.01,0.01); h_PVy[1]->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)",1); h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h_PVz[1] = dbe_->book1D("PVZFit","z coordinate of Primary Vtx (Last Fit)",dzBin,dzMin,dzMax); h_PVz[1]->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)",1); h_PVxz = dbe_->bookProfile("PVxz","PVx vs. PVz",dzBin/2,dzMin,dzMax,dxBin/2,dxMin,dxMax,""); h_PVxz->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)",1); h_PVxz->setAxisTitle("PVx (cm)",2); h_PVyz = dbe_->bookProfile("PVyz","PVy vs. PVz",dzBin/2,dzMin,dzMax,dxBin/2,dxMin,dxMax,""); h_PVyz->setAxisTitle("PVz (cm)",1); h_PVyz->setAxisTitle("PVy (cm)",2); // Results of previous good fit: pvResults=dbe_->book2D("pvResults","Results of fitting Primary Vertices",2,0,2,6,0,6); pvResults->setAxisTitle("Fitted Primary Vertex (cm)",1); pvResults->setBinLabel(6,"PVx",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(5,"PVy",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(4,"PVz",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(3,"#sigma_{X}",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(2,"#sigma_{Y}",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(1,"#sigma_{Z}",2); pvResults->setBinLabel(1,"Mean",1); pvResults->setBinLabel(2,"Stat. Error",1); pvResults->getTH1()->SetOption("text"); // Summary plots: dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"EventInfo"); reportSummary = dbe_->get(monitorName_+"EventInfo/reportSummary"); if (reportSummary) dbe_->removeElement(reportSummary->getName()); reportSummary = dbe_->bookFloat("reportSummary"); if(reportSummary) reportSummary->Fill(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); char histo[20]; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"EventInfo/reportSummaryContents"); for (int n = 0; n < nFitElements_; n++) { switch(n){ case 0 : sprintf(histo,"x0_status"); break; case 1 : sprintf(histo,"y0_status"); break; case 2 : sprintf(histo,"z0_status"); break; } reportSummaryContents[n] = dbe_->bookFloat(histo); } for (int i = 0; i < nFitElements_; i++) { summaryContent_[i] = 0.; reportSummaryContents[i]->Fill(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"EventInfo"); reportSummaryMap = dbe_->get(monitorName_+"EventInfo/reportSummaryMap"); if (reportSummaryMap) dbe_->removeElement(reportSummaryMap->getName()); reportSummaryMap = dbe_->book2D("reportSummaryMap", "Beam Spot Summary Map", 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3); reportSummaryMap->setAxisTitle("",1); reportSummaryMap->setAxisTitle("Fitted Beam Spot",2); reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(1," ",1); reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(1,"x_{0}",2); reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(2,"y_{0}",2); reportSummaryMap->setBinLabel(3,"z_{0}",2); for (int i = 0; i < nFitElements_; i++) { reportSummaryMap->setBinContent(1,i+1,-1.); } }
void BeamMonitor::beginLuminosityBlock | ( | const edm::LuminosityBlock & | lumiSeg, |
const edm::EventSetup & | context | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 434 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::beginTime(), countLumi_, debug_, FitAndFill(), lastlumi_, edm::LuminosityBlockBase::luminosityBlock(), mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, nextlumi_, onlineMode_, processed_, refBStime, refPVtime, StartAverage_, and edm::Timestamp::value().
{ int nthlumi = lumiSeg.luminosityBlock(); const edm::TimeValue_t fbegintimestamp = lumiSeg.beginTime().value(); const std::time_t ftmptime = fbegintimestamp >> 32; if (countLumi_ == 0 && (!processed_)) { beginLumiOfBSFit_ = beginLumiOfPVFit_ = nthlumi; refBStime[0] = refPVtime[0] = ftmptime; mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; }//for the first record if(nthlumi > nextlumi_){ if(processed_){ countLumi_++; //store here them will need when we remove the first one of Last N LS mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; }//processed passed but not the first lumi if((!processed_) && countLumi_ !=0){ mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginPVLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi; mapBeginBSTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; mapBeginPVTime[countLumi_] = ftmptime; }//processed fails for last lumi }//nthLumi > nextlumi if(StartAverage_ ){ //Just Make sure it get rest refBStime[0] =0; refPVtime[0] =0; beginLumiOfPVFit_ =0; beginLumiOfBSFit_ =0; if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock: Size of mapBeginBSLS before = "<< mapBeginBSLS.size()<<endl; if(nthlumi> nextlumi_){ //this make sure that it does not take into account this lumi for fitting and only look forward for new lumi //as countLumi also remains the same so map value get overwritten once return to normal running. //even if few LS are misssing and DQM module do not sees them then it catchs up again map<int, int>::iterator itbs=mapBeginBSLS.begin(); map<int, int>::iterator itpv=mapBeginPVLS.begin(); map<int, std::time_t>::iterator itbstime=mapBeginBSTime.begin(); map<int, std::time_t>::iterator itpvtime=mapBeginPVTime.begin(); mapBeginBSLS.erase(itbs); mapBeginPVLS.erase(itpv); mapBeginBSTime.erase(itbstime); mapBeginPVTime.erase(itpvtime); /*//not sure if want this or not ?? map<int, int>::iterator itgapb=mapBeginBSLS.begin(); map<int, int>::iterator itgape=mapBeginBSLS.end(); itgape--; countGapLumi_ = ( (itgape->second) - (itgapb->second) ); //if we see Gap more than then 2*resetNFitLumi !!!!!!! //for example if 10-15 is fitted and if 16-25 are missing then we next fit will be for range 11-26 but BS can change in between // so better start as fresh and reset everything like starting in the begining! if(countGapLumi_ >= 2*resetFitNLumi_){RestartFitting(); mapBeginBSLS[countLumi_] = nthlumi;} */ } if(debug_) edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Size of mapBeginBSLS After = "<< mapBeginBSLS.size()<<endl; map<int, int>::iterator bbs = mapBeginBSLS.begin(); map<int, int>::iterator bpv = mapBeginPVLS.begin(); map<int, std::time_t>::iterator bbst = mapBeginBSTime.begin(); map<int, std::time_t>::iterator bpvt = mapBeginPVTime.begin(); if (beginLumiOfPVFit_ == 0) beginLumiOfPVFit_ = bpv->second; //new begin time after removing the LS if (beginLumiOfBSFit_ == 0) beginLumiOfBSFit_ = bbs->second; if (refBStime[0] == 0) refBStime[0] = bbst->second; if (refPVtime[0] == 0) refPVtime[0] = bpvt->second; }//same logic for average fit as above commented line map<int, std::time_t>::iterator nbbst = mapBeginBSTime.begin(); map<int, std::time_t>::iterator nbpvt = mapBeginPVTime.begin(); if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi < nextlumi_)) return; if (onlineMode_) { if (nthlumi > nextlumi_) { if (countLumi_ != 0 && processed_) FitAndFill(lumiSeg,lastlumi_,nextlumi_,nthlumi); nextlumi_ = nthlumi; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "beginLuminosityBlock:: Next Lumi to Fit: " << nextlumi_ << endl; if((StartAverage_) && refBStime[0] == 0) refBStime[0] = nbbst->second; if((StartAverage_) && refPVtime[0] == 0) refPVtime[0] = nbpvt->second; } } else{ if (processed_) FitAndFill(lumiSeg,lastlumi_,nextlumi_,nthlumi); nextlumi_ = nthlumi; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Next Lumi to Fit: " << nextlumi_ << endl; if ((StartAverage_) && refBStime[0] == 0) refBStime[0] = nbbst->second; if ((StartAverage_) && refPVtime[0] == 0) refPVtime[0] = nbpvt->second; } //countLumi_++; if (processed_) processed_ = false; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " beginLuminosityBlock:: Begin of Lumi: " << nthlumi << endl; }
void BeamMonitor::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | r, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 413 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References edm::RunBase::beginTime(), gather_cfg::cout, pyrootRender::da, debug_, formatFitTime(), frun, ftimestamp, hs, refTime, edm::RunBase::run(), startTime, tmpTime, and edm::Timestamp::value().
{ frun = r.run(); ftimestamp = r.beginTime().value(); tmpTime = ftimestamp >> 32; startTime = refTime = tmpTime; const char* eventTime = formatFitTime(tmpTime); std::cout << "TimeOffset = " << eventTime << std::endl; TDatime da(eventTime); if (debug_) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "TimeOffset = "; da.Print(); } for (std::map<TString,MonitorElement*>::iterator it = hs.begin(); it != hs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).first.Contains("time")) (*it).second->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE)); } }
void BeamMonitor::endJob | ( | const edm::LuminosityBlock & | lumiSeg, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected] |
Definition at line 1354 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References endLuminosityBlock(), and onlineMode_.
{ if (!onlineMode_) endLuminosityBlock(lumiSeg, iSetup); }
void BeamMonitor::endLuminosityBlock | ( | const edm::LuminosityBlock & | lumiSeg, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 681 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References edm::LuminosityBlockBase::endTime(), edm::LuminosityBlockBase::id(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), nextlumi_, onlineMode_, refBStime, refPVtime, tmpTime, and edm::Timestamp::value().
Referenced by endJob().
{ int nthlumi = lumiSeg.id().luminosityBlock(); edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "endLuminosityBlock:: Lumi of the last event before endLuminosityBlock: " << nthlumi << endl; if (onlineMode_ && nthlumi < nextlumi_) return; const edm::TimeValue_t fendtimestamp = lumiSeg.endTime().value(); const std::time_t fendtime = fendtimestamp >> 32; tmpTime = refBStime[1] = refPVtime[1] = fendtime; }
void BeamMonitor::endRun | ( | const edm::Run & | r, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1334 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References debug_, mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, and mapPVz.
{ if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "endRun:: Clearing all the Maps "<<endl; //Clear all the Maps here mapPVx.clear(); mapPVy.clear(); mapPVz.clear(); mapNPV.clear(); mapBeginBSLS.clear(); mapBeginPVLS.clear(); mapBeginBSTime.clear(); mapBeginPVTime.clear(); mapLSBSTrkSize.clear(); mapLSPVStoreSize.clear(); mapLSCF.clear(); }
void BeamMonitor::FitAndFill | ( | const edm::LuminosityBlock & | lumiSeg, |
int & | lastlumi, | ||
int & | nextlumi, | ||
int & | nthlumi | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 693 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References alpha, reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthXError(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthYError(), begin, beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, DQMStore::book1D(), countLumi_, dbe_, debug_, reco::BeamSpot::dxdz(), reco::BeamSpot::dxdzError(), reco::BeamSpot::dydz(), reco::BeamSpot::dydzError(), end, endLumiOfBSFit_, endLumiOfPVFit_, python::connectstrParser::f1, MonitorElement::Fill(), firstAverageFit_, fitNLumi_, fitPVNLumi_, fitResults, frun, BeamFitter::getBeamSpot(), BeamFitter::getBSvector(), BeamFitter::getCutFlow(), BeamFitter::getFitLSRange(), MonitorElement::getMean(), MonitorElement::getMeanError(), MonitorElement::getName(), BeamFitter::getPVvectorSize(), BeamFitter::getRefTime(), MonitorElement::getRMS(), MonitorElement::getRMSError(), BeamFitter::getRunNumber(), MonitorElement::getTH1(), getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), h_d0_phi0, h_nTrk_lumi, h_nVtx_st, h_PVx, h_PVy, h_PVz, h_sigmaX0, h_sigmaY0, h_sigmaZ0, h_trk_z0, h_vx_dz, h_vx_vy, h_vy_dz, h_x0, h_y0, h_z0, hs, i, Association::map, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, timingPdfMaker::mean, min_Ntrks_, minNrVertices_, monitorName_, n, nFitElements_, nFits_, nthBSTrk_, onlineMode_, preBS, processed_, pvResults, refBStime, refPVtime, refTime, reportSummary, reportSummary_, reportSummaryContents, reportSummaryMap, MonitorElement::Reset(), resetFitNLumi_, resetHistos_, resetPVNLumi_, BeamFitter::resizeBSvector(), BeamFitter::resizePVvector(), BeamFitter::runPVandTrkFitter(), scrollTH1(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), BeamFitter::setFitLSRange(), BeamFitter::SetPVInfo(), BeamFitter::setRefTime(), BeamFitter::setRun(), MonitorElement::ShiftFillLast(), reco::BeamSpot::sigmaZ(), reco::BeamSpot::sigmaZ0Error(), mathSSE::sqrt(), StartAverage_, startTime, BeamFitter::subtractFromCutFlow(), summaryContent_, summarySum_, testScroll(), theBeamFitter, createPayload::tmpfile, tmpTime, reco::BeamSpot::type(), MonitorElement::update(), tablePrinter::width, reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::x0Error(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0Error(), reco::BeamSpot::z0(), and reco::BeamSpot::z0Error().
Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock().
{ if (onlineMode_ && (nthlumi <= nextlumi)) return; //set the correct run number when no event in the LS for fake output if((processed_) && theBeamFitter->getRunNumber() != frun)theBeamFitter->setRun(frun); int currentlumi = nextlumi; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Lumi of the current fit: " << currentlumi << endl; lastlumi = currentlumi; endLumiOfBSFit_ = currentlumi; endLumiOfPVFit_ = currentlumi; //---------Fix for Runninv average------------- mapLSPVStoreSize[countLumi_]= theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize(); if(StartAverage_) { std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLSPVi = mapLSPVStoreSize.begin(); size_t SizeToRemovePV= rmLSPVi->second; for(std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLSPVe = mapLSPVStoreSize.end(); ++rmLSPVi != rmLSPVe;) rmLSPVi->second -= SizeToRemovePV; theBeamFitter->resizePVvector(SizeToRemovePV); map<int, std::size_t >::iterator tmpItpv=mapLSPVStoreSize.begin(); mapLSPVStoreSize.erase(tmpItpv); } if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Size of thePVvector After removing the PVs = " << theBeamFitter->getPVvectorSize()<<endl; //lets filt the PV for GUI here: It was in analyzer in preivous versiton but moved here due to absence of event in some lumis, works OK bool resetHistoFlag_=false; if((int)mapPVx.size() >= resetFitNLumi_ && (StartAverage_)){ h_PVx[0]->Reset(); h_PVy[0]->Reset(); h_PVz[0]->Reset(); h_nVtx_st->Reset(); resetHistoFlag_ = true; } int MaxPVs = 0; int countEvtLastNLS_=0; int countTotPV_= 0; std::map< int, std::vector<int> >::iterator mnpv=mapNPV.begin(); std::map< int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv2=mapPVy.begin(); std::map< int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv3=mapPVz.begin(); for(std::map< int, std::vector<float> >::iterator mpv1=mapPVx.begin(); mpv1 != mapPVx.end(); ++mpv1, ++mpv2, ++mpv3, ++mnpv) { std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs2 = (mpv2->second).begin(); std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs3 = (mpv3->second).begin(); for(std::vector<float>::iterator mpvs1=(mpv1->second).begin(); mpvs1 !=(mpv1->second).end(); ++mpvs1, ++mpvs2, ++mpvs3){ if(resetHistoFlag_) {h_PVx[0]->Fill( *mpvs1 ); //these histogram are reset after StartAverage_ flag is ON h_PVy[0]->Fill( *mpvs2 ); h_PVz[0]->Fill( *mpvs3 ); } }//loop over second //Do the same here for nPV distr. for(std::vector<int>::iterator mnpvs = (mnpv->second).begin(); mnpvs != (mnpv->second).end(); ++mnpvs){ if((*mnpvs > 0) && (resetHistoFlag_) )h_nVtx_st->Fill( (*mnpvs)*(1.0) ); countEvtLastNLS_++; countTotPV_ += (*mnpvs); if((*mnpvs) > MaxPVs) MaxPVs = (*mnpvs); }//loop over second of mapNPV }//loop over last N lumis char tmpTitlePV[100]; sprintf(tmpTitlePV,"%s %i %s %i","Num. of reco. vertices for LS: ",beginLumiOfPVFit_," to ",endLumiOfPVFit_); h_nVtx_st->setAxisTitle(tmpTitlePV,1); std::vector<float> DipPVInfo_; DipPVInfo_.clear(); if(countTotPV_ != 0 ){ DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countEvtLastNLS_); DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getMean()); DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getMeanError()); DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getRMS()); DipPVInfo_.push_back(h_nVtx_st->getRMSError()); DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)MaxPVs); DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countTotPV_); MaxPVs =0; } else{ for(size_t i= 0; i < 7; i++){if(i>0)DipPVInfo_.push_back(0.); else DipPVInfo_.push_back((float)countEvtLastNLS_);} } theBeamFitter->SetPVInfo(DipPVInfo_); countEvtLastNLS_=0; if (onlineMode_) { // filling LS gap // FIXME: need to add protection for the case if the gap is at the resetting LS! const int countLS_bs = hs["x0_lumi"]->getTH1()->GetEntries(); const int countLS_pv = hs["PVx_lumi"]->getTH1()->GetEntries(); edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: countLS_bs = " << countLS_bs << " ; countLS_pv = " << countLS_pv << std::endl; int LSgap_bs = currentlumi/fitNLumi_ - countLS_bs; int LSgap_pv = currentlumi/fitPVNLumi_ - countLS_pv; if (currentlumi%fitNLumi_ == 0) LSgap_bs--; if (currentlumi%fitPVNLumi_ == 0) LSgap_pv--; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: LSgap_bs = " << LSgap_bs << " ; LSgap_pv = " << LSgap_pv << std::endl; // filling previous fits if LS gap ever exists for (int ig = 0; ig < LSgap_bs; ig++) { hs["x0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ );//x0 , x0err, fitNLumi_; see DQMCore.... hs["y0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ ); hs["z0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaX0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaY0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitNLumi_ ); } for (int ig = 0; ig < LSgap_pv; ig++) { hs["PVx_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitPVNLumi_ ); hs["PVy_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitPVNLumi_ ); hs["PVz_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( 0., 0., fitPVNLumi_ ); } const int previousLS = h_nTrk_lumi->getTH1()->GetEntries(); for (int i=1;i < (currentlumi - previousLS);i++)//if (current-previoius)= 1 then never go inside the for loop!!!!!!!!!!! h_nTrk_lumi->ShiftFillLast(nthBSTrk_); } edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Time lapsed since last scroll = " << tmpTime - refTime << std:: endl; if (testScroll(tmpTime,refTime)) { scrollTH1(hs["x0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["y0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["z0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["sigmaX0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["sigmaY0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["sigmaZ0_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["PVx_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["PVy_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); scrollTH1(hs["PVz_time"]->getTH1(),refTime); } bool doPVFit = false; if (fitPVNLumi_ > 0) { if (onlineMode_) { if (currentlumi%fitPVNLumi_ == 0) doPVFit = true; } else if (countLumi_%fitPVNLumi_ == 0) doPVFit = true; } else doPVFit = true; if (doPVFit) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Do PV Fitting for LS = " << beginLumiOfPVFit_ << " to " << endLumiOfPVFit_ << std::endl; // Primary Vertex Fit: if (h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->GetEntries() > minNrVertices_) { pvResults->Reset(); char tmpTitle[50]; sprintf(tmpTitle,"%s %i %s %i","Fitted Primary Vertex (cm) of LS: ",beginLumiOfPVFit_," to ",endLumiOfPVFit_); pvResults->setAxisTitle(tmpTitle,1); TF1 *fgaus = new TF1("fgaus","gaus"); double mean,width,meanErr,widthErr; fgaus->SetLineColor(4); h_PVx[0]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM0"); mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1); width = fgaus->GetParameter(2); meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1); widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2); hs["PVx_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast(mean,width,fitPVNLumi_); hs["PVx_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,mean); hs["PVx_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,width); int nthBin = tmpTime - refTime; if (nthBin < 0) edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Event time outside current range of time histograms!" << std::endl; if (nthBin > 0) { hs["PVx_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin,mean); hs["PVx_time"]->setBinError(nthBin,width); } int jthBin = tmpTime - startTime; if (jthBin > 0) { hs["PVx_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin,mean); hs["PVx_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin,width); } pvResults->setBinContent(1,6,mean); pvResults->setBinContent(1,3,width); pvResults->setBinContent(2,6,meanErr); pvResults->setBinContent(2,3,widthErr); dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"PrimaryVertex/"); const char* tmpfile; TH1D * tmphisto; // snap shot of the fit tmpfile= (h_PVx[1]->getName()).c_str(); tmphisto = static_cast<TH1D *>((h_PVx[0]->getTH1())->Clone("tmphisto")); h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(tmphisto->GetNbinsX(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); h_PVx[1] = dbe_->book1D(tmpfile,h_PVx[0]->getTH1F()); h_PVx[1]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM"); h_PVy[0]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM0"); mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1); width = fgaus->GetParameter(2); meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1); widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2); hs["PVy_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast(mean,width,fitPVNLumi_); hs["PVy_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,mean); hs["PVy_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,width); if (nthBin > 0) { hs["PVy_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin,mean); hs["PVy_time"]->setBinError(nthBin,width); } if (jthBin > 0) { hs["PVy_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin,mean); hs["PVy_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin,width); } pvResults->setBinContent(1,5,mean); pvResults->setBinContent(1,2,width); pvResults->setBinContent(2,5,meanErr); pvResults->setBinContent(2,2,widthErr); // snap shot of the fit tmpfile= (h_PVy[1]->getName()).c_str(); tmphisto = static_cast<TH1D *>((h_PVy[0]->getTH1())->Clone("tmphisto")); h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(tmphisto->GetNbinsX(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); h_PVy[1]->update(); h_PVy[1] = dbe_->book1D(tmpfile,h_PVy[0]->getTH1F()); h_PVy[1]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM"); h_PVz[0]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM0"); mean = fgaus->GetParameter(1); width = fgaus->GetParameter(2); meanErr = fgaus->GetParError(1); widthErr = fgaus->GetParError(2); hs["PVz_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast(mean,width,fitPVNLumi_); hs["PVz_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,mean); hs["PVz_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,width); if (nthBin > 0) { hs["PVz_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin,mean); hs["PVz_time"]->setBinError(nthBin,width); } if (jthBin > 0) { hs["PVz_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin,mean); hs["PVz_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin,width); } pvResults->setBinContent(1,4,mean); pvResults->setBinContent(1,1,width); pvResults->setBinContent(2,4,meanErr); pvResults->setBinContent(2,1,widthErr); // snap shot of the fit tmpfile= (h_PVz[1]->getName()).c_str(); tmphisto = static_cast<TH1D *>((h_PVz[0]->getTH1())->Clone("tmphisto")); h_PVz[1]->getTH1()->SetBins(tmphisto->GetNbinsX(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),tmphisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); h_PVz[1]->update(); h_PVz[1] = dbe_->book1D(tmpfile,h_PVz[0]->getTH1F()); h_PVz[1]->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLM"); }//check if found min Vertices }//do PVfit if ((resetPVNLumi_ > 0 && countLumi_ == resetPVNLumi_) || StartAverage_){ beginLumiOfPVFit_=0; refPVtime[0] = 0; } //---------Readjustment of theBSvector, RefTime, beginLSofFit--------- vector<BSTrkParameters> theBSvector1 = theBeamFitter->getBSvector(); mapLSBSTrkSize[countLumi_]= (theBSvector1.size()); size_t PreviousRecords=0; //needed to fill nth record of tracks in GUI if(StartAverage_){ size_t SizeToRemove=0; std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmls=mapLSBSTrkSize.begin(); SizeToRemove = rmls->second; if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor")<< " The size to remove is = "<< SizeToRemove << endl; int changedAfterThis=0; for(std::map<int, std::size_t>::iterator rmLS = mapLSBSTrkSize.begin(); rmLS!=mapLSBSTrkSize.end(); ++rmLS, ++changedAfterThis){ if(changedAfterThis > 0 ){(rmLS->second) = (rmLS->second)-SizeToRemove; if((mapLSBSTrkSize.size()- (size_t)changedAfterThis) == 2 )PreviousRecords = (rmLS->second); } } theBeamFitter->resizeBSvector(SizeToRemove); map<int, std::size_t >::iterator tmpIt=mapLSBSTrkSize.begin(); mapLSBSTrkSize.erase(tmpIt); std::pair<int,int> checkfitLS = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange(); std::pair<time_t,time_t> checkfitTime =theBeamFitter->getRefTime(); theBeamFitter->setFitLSRange(beginLumiOfBSFit_, checkfitLS.second); theBeamFitter->setRefTime(refBStime[0], checkfitTime.second); } //Fill the track for this fit vector<BSTrkParameters> theBSvector = theBeamFitter->getBSvector(); h_nTrk_lumi->ShiftFillLast( theBSvector.size() ); if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor")<< "FitAndFill:: Size of theBSViector.size() After =" << theBSvector.size() << endl; bool countFitting = false; if (theBSvector.size() >= PreviousRecords && theBSvector.size() >= min_Ntrks_) { countFitting = true; } //---Fix for Cut Flow Table for Running average in a same way//the previous code has problem for resetting!!! mapLSCF[countLumi_] = *theBeamFitter->getCutFlow(); if(StartAverage_ && mapLSCF.size()){ const TH1F& cutFlowToSubtract = mapLSCF.begin()->second; // Subtract the last cut flow from all of the others. std::map<int, TH1F>::iterator cf = mapLSCF.begin(); // Start on second entry for(; cf != mapLSCF.end(); ++cf) { cf->second.Add(&cutFlowToSubtract, -1); } theBeamFitter->subtractFromCutFlow(&cutFlowToSubtract); // Remove the obsolete lumi section mapLSCF.erase(mapLSCF.begin()); } if (resetHistos_) { h_d0_phi0->Reset(); h_vx_vy->Reset(); h_vx_dz->Reset(); h_vy_dz->Reset(); h_trk_z0->Reset(); resetHistos_ = false; } if(StartAverage_) nthBSTrk_ = PreviousRecords; //after average proccess is ON//for 2-6 LS fit PreviousRecords is size from 2-5 LS edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor")<<" The Previous Recored for this fit is ="<<nthBSTrk_<<endl; unsigned int itrk = 0; for (vector<BSTrkParameters>::const_iterator BSTrk = theBSvector.begin(); BSTrk != theBSvector.end(); ++BSTrk, ++itrk){ if (itrk >= nthBSTrk_){//fill for this record only !! h_d0_phi0->Fill( BSTrk->phi0(), BSTrk->d0() ); double vx = BSTrk->vx(); double vy = BSTrk->vy(); double z0 = BSTrk->z0(); h_vx_vy->Fill( vx, vy ); h_vx_dz->Fill( z0, vx ); h_vy_dz->Fill( z0, vy ); h_trk_z0->Fill( z0 ); } } nthBSTrk_ = theBSvector.size(); // keep track of num of tracks filled so far edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor")<<" The Current Recored for this fit is ="<<nthBSTrk_<<endl; if (countFitting) edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: Num of tracks collected = " << nthBSTrk_ << endl; if (fitNLumi_ > 0) { if (onlineMode_){ if (currentlumi%fitNLumi_!=0) { // for (std::map<TString,MonitorElement*>::iterator itAll = hs.begin(); // itAll != hs.end(); ++itAll) { // if ((*itAll).first.Contains("all")) { // (*itAll).second->setBinContent(currentlumi,0.); // (*itAll).second->setBinError(currentlumi,0.); // } // } return; } } else if (countLumi_%fitNLumi_!=0) return; } edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [DebugTime] refBStime[0] = " << refBStime[0] << "; address = " << &refBStime[0] << std::endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [DebugTime] refBStime[1] = " << refBStime[1] << "; address = " << &refBStime[1] << std::endl; if (countFitting) { nFits_++; std::pair<int,int> fitLS = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange(); edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamFitter] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << fitLS.first << " to " << fitLS.second << std::endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Do BeamSpot Fit for LS = " << beginLumiOfBSFit_ << " to " << endLumiOfBSFit_ << std::endl; //Now Run the PV and Track Fitter over the collected tracks and pvs if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) { reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot(); if (bs.type() > 0) // with good beamwidth fit preBS = bs; // cache good fit results edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "\n RESULTS OF DEFAULT FIT:" << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "[BeamFitter] fitting done \n" << endl; hs["x0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["y0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["z0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaX0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaY0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["x0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,bs.x0()); hs["x0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,bs.x0Error()); hs["y0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,bs.y0()); hs["y0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,bs.y0Error()); hs["z0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi,bs.z0()); hs["z0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi,bs.z0Error()); hs["sigmaX0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthX()); hs["sigmaX0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthXError()); hs["sigmaY0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthY()); hs["sigmaY0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.BeamWidthYError()); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi_all"]->setBinContent(currentlumi, bs.sigmaZ()); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi_all"]->setBinError(currentlumi, bs.sigmaZ0Error()); int nthBin = tmpTime - refTime; if (nthBin > 0) { hs["x0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.x0()); hs["y0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.y0()); hs["z0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.z0()); hs["sigmaX0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthX()); hs["sigmaY0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthY()); hs["sigmaZ0_time"]->setBinContent(nthBin, bs.sigmaZ()); hs["x0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.x0Error()); hs["y0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.y0Error()); hs["z0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.z0Error()); hs["sigmaX0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthXError()); hs["sigmaY0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.BeamWidthYError()); hs["sigmaZ0_time"]->setBinError(nthBin, bs.sigmaZ0Error()); } int jthBin = tmpTime - startTime; if (jthBin > 0) { hs["x0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.x0()); hs["y0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.y0()); hs["z0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.z0()); hs["sigmaX0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthX()); hs["sigmaY0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthY()); hs["sigmaZ0_time_all"]->setBinContent(jthBin, bs.sigmaZ()); hs["x0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.x0Error()); hs["y0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.y0Error()); hs["z0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.z0Error()); hs["sigmaX0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthXError()); hs["sigmaY0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.BeamWidthYError()); hs["sigmaZ0_time_all"]->setBinError(jthBin, bs.sigmaZ0Error()); } h_x0->Fill( bs.x0()); h_y0->Fill( bs.y0()); h_z0->Fill( bs.z0()); if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit h_sigmaX0->Fill( bs.BeamWidthX()); h_sigmaY0->Fill( bs.BeamWidthY()); } h_sigmaZ0->Fill( bs.sigmaZ()); if (nthBSTrk_ >= 2*min_Ntrks_) { double amp = std::sqrt(bs.x0()*bs.x0()+bs.y0()*bs.y0()); double alpha = std::atan2(bs.y0(),bs.x0()); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*sin(x-[1])",-3.14,3.14); f1->SetParameters(amp,alpha); f1->SetParLimits(0,amp-0.1,amp+0.1); f1->SetParLimits(1,alpha-0.577,alpha+0.577); f1->SetLineColor(4); h_d0_phi0->getTProfile()->Fit("f1","QR"); double mean = bs.z0(); double width = bs.sigmaZ(); TF1 *fgaus = new TF1("fgaus","gaus"); fgaus->SetParameters(mean,width); fgaus->SetLineColor(4); h_trk_z0->getTH1()->Fit("fgaus","QLRM","",mean-3*width,mean+3*width); } fitResults->Reset(); std::pair<int,int> LSRange = theBeamFitter->getFitLSRange(); char tmpTitle[50]; sprintf(tmpTitle,"%s %i %s %i","Fitted Beam Spot (cm) of LS: ",LSRange.first," to ",LSRange.second); fitResults->setAxisTitle(tmpTitle,1); fitResults->setBinContent(1,8,bs.x0()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,7,bs.y0()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,6,bs.z0()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,5,bs.sigmaZ()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,4,bs.dxdz()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,3,bs.dydz()); if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit fitResults->setBinContent(1,2,bs.BeamWidthX()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,1,bs.BeamWidthY()); } else { // fill cached widths fitResults->setBinContent(1,2,preBS.BeamWidthX()); fitResults->setBinContent(1,1,preBS.BeamWidthY()); } fitResults->setBinContent(2,8,bs.x0Error()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,7,bs.y0Error()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,6,bs.z0Error()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,5,bs.sigmaZ0Error()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,4,bs.dxdzError()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,3,bs.dydzError()); if (bs.type() > 0) { // with good beamwidth fit fitResults->setBinContent(2,2,bs.BeamWidthXError()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,1,bs.BeamWidthYError()); } else { // fill cached width errors fitResults->setBinContent(2,2,preBS.BeamWidthXError()); fitResults->setBinContent(2,1,preBS.BeamWidthYError()); } // count good fit // if (std::fabs(refBS.x0()-bs.x0())/bs.x0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily summaryContent_[0] += 1.; // } // if (std::fabs(refBS.y0()-bs.y0())/bs.y0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily summaryContent_[1] += 1.; // } // if (std::fabs(refBS.z0()-bs.z0())/bs.z0Error() < deltaSigCut_) { // disabled temporarily summaryContent_[2] += 1.; // } } //if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) else { // beam fit fails reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot(); edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Beam fit fails!!! \n" << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Output beam spot for DIP \n" << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl; hs["sigmaX0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaY0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["x0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["y0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["z0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); } // end of beam fit fails } //-------- end of countFitting------------------------------------------ else { // no fit // Overwrite Fit LS and fit time when no event processed or no track selected theBeamFitter->setFitLSRange(beginLumiOfBSFit_,endLumiOfBSFit_); theBeamFitter->setRefTime(refBStime[0],refBStime[1]); if (theBeamFitter->runPVandTrkFitter()) {} // Dump fake beam spot for DIP reco::BeamSpot bs = theBeamFitter->getBeamSpot(); edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] No fitting \n" << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: [BeamMonitor] Output fake beam spot for DIP \n" << endl; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << bs << endl; hs["sigmaX0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthX(), bs.BeamWidthXError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaY0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.BeamWidthY(), bs.BeamWidthYError(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["sigmaZ0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.sigmaZ(), bs.sigmaZ0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["x0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.x0(), bs.x0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["y0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.y0(), bs.y0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); hs["z0_lumi"]->ShiftFillLast( bs.z0(), bs.z0Error(), fitNLumi_ ); } // Fill summary report if (countFitting) { for (int n = 0; n < nFitElements_; n++) { reportSummaryContents[n]->Fill( summaryContent_[n] / (float)nFits_ ); } summarySum_ = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < nFitElements_; ii++) { summarySum_ += summaryContent_[ii]; } reportSummary_ = summarySum_ / (nFitElements_ * nFits_); if (reportSummary) reportSummary->Fill(reportSummary_); for ( int bi = 0; bi < nFitElements_ ; bi++) { reportSummaryMap->setBinContent(1,bi+1,summaryContent_[bi] / (float)nFits_); } } if ( ( resetFitNLumi_ > 0 && ((onlineMode_ && countLumi_==resetFitNLumi_ ) || //OR it should be currentLumi_ (if in sequence then does not mattar) (!onlineMode_ && countLumi_==resetFitNLumi_ )) ) || (StartAverage_) ){ edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "FitAndFill:: The flag is ON for running average Beam Spot fit"<<endl; StartAverage_ = true; firstAverageFit_++; resetHistos_ = true; nthBSTrk_ = 0; beginLumiOfBSFit_= 0; refBStime[0] = 0; } }
const char* BeamMonitor::formatFitTime | ( | const std::time_t & | ) | [private] |
Referenced by beginRun(), and scrollTH1().
void BeamMonitor::RestartFitting | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 1300 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References beginLumiOfBSFit_, beginLumiOfPVFit_, countGapLumi_, countLumi_, debug_, h_PVx, h_PVy, h_PVz, mapBeginBSLS, mapBeginBSTime, mapBeginPVLS, mapBeginPVTime, mapLSBSTrkSize, mapLSCF, mapLSPVStoreSize, mapNPV, mapPVx, mapPVy, mapPVz, nthBSTrk_, refBStime, refPVtime, MonitorElement::Reset(), BeamFitter::resetCutFlow(), resetHistos_, BeamFitter::resetLSRange(), BeamFitter::resetPVFitter(), BeamFitter::resetRefTime(), BeamFitter::resetTrkVector(), StartAverage_, and theBeamFitter.
{ if(debug_)edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << " RestartingFitting:: Restart Beami everything to a fresh start !!! because Gap is > 10 LS" <<endl; //track based fit reset here resetHistos_ = true; nthBSTrk_ = 0; theBeamFitter->resetTrkVector(); theBeamFitter->resetLSRange(); theBeamFitter->resetRefTime(); theBeamFitter->resetPVFitter(); theBeamFitter->resetCutFlow(); beginLumiOfBSFit_ = 0; refBStime[0] = 0; //pv based fit iis reset here h_PVx[0]->Reset(); h_PVy[0]->Reset(); h_PVz[0]->Reset(); beginLumiOfPVFit_ = 0; refPVtime[0] = 0; //Clear all the Maps here mapPVx.clear(); mapPVy.clear(); mapPVz.clear(); mapNPV.clear(); mapBeginBSLS.clear(); mapBeginPVLS.clear(); mapBeginBSTime.clear(); mapBeginPVTime.clear(); mapLSBSTrkSize.clear(); mapLSPVStoreSize.clear(); mapLSCF.clear(); countGapLumi_=0; countLumi_=0; StartAverage_=false; }
void BeamMonitor::scrollTH1 | ( | TH1 * | , |
std::time_t | |||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1360 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References newFWLiteAna::bin, buffTime, pyrootRender::da, formatFitTime(), and lastNZbin.
Referenced by FitAndFill().
{ const char* offsetTime = formatFitTime(ref); TDatime da(offsetTime); if (lastNZbin > 0) { double val = h->GetBinContent(lastNZbin); double valErr = h->GetBinError(lastNZbin); h->Reset(); h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE)); int bin = (lastNZbin > buffTime ? buffTime : 1); h->SetBinContent(bin,val); h->SetBinError(bin,valErr); } else { h->Reset(); h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(da.Convert(kTRUE)); } }
bool BeamMonitor::testScroll | ( | std::time_t & | , |
std::time_t & | |||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1380 of file BeamMonitor.cc.
References newFWLiteAna::bin, buffTime, hs, intervalInSec_, lastNZbin, and evf::evtn::offset().
Referenced by FitAndFill().
{ bool scroll_ = false; if (tmpTime_ - refTime_ >= intervalInSec_) { scroll_ = true; edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Reset Time Offset" << std::endl; lastNZbin = intervalInSec_; for (int bin = intervalInSec_; bin >= 1; bin--) { if (hs["x0_time"]->getBinContent(bin) > 0) { lastNZbin = bin; break; } } edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Last non zero bin = " << lastNZbin << std::endl; if (tmpTime_ - refTime_ >= intervalInSec_ + lastNZbin) { edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Time difference too large since last readout" << std::endl; lastNZbin = 0; refTime_ = tmpTime_ - buffTime; } else{ edm::LogInfo("BeamMonitor") << "testScroll:: Offset to last record" << std::endl; int offset = ((lastNZbin > buffTime) ? (lastNZbin - buffTime) : (lastNZbin - 1)); refTime_ += offset; } } return scroll_; }
int BeamMonitor::beginLumiOfBSFit_ [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
int BeamMonitor::beginLumiOfPVFit_ [private] |
Definition at line 86 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
edm::InputTag BeamMonitor::bsSrc_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
int BeamMonitor::countEvt_ [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze().
int BeamMonitor::countGapLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by RestartFitting().
int BeamMonitor::countLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::cutFlowTable [private] |
Definition at line 160 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
DQMStore* BeamMonitor::dbe_ [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
bool BeamMonitor::debug_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), beginRun(), endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
double BeamMonitor::deltaSigCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor().
int BeamMonitor::endLumiOfBSFit_ [private] |
Definition at line 85 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::endLumiOfPVFit_ [private] |
Definition at line 87 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::firstAverageFit_ [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::fitNLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::fitPVNLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 71 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::fitResults [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::frun [private] |
Definition at line 169 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), and FitAndFill().
edm::TimeValue_t BeamMonitor::ftimestamp [private] |
Definition at line 167 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_d0_phi0 [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nTrk_lumi [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_nVtx_st [private] |
Definition at line 132 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVx[2] [private] |
Definition at line 133 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVxz [private] |
Definition at line 136 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVy[2] [private] |
Definition at line 134 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVyz [private] |
Definition at line 137 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_PVz[2] [private] |
Definition at line 135 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaX0 [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaY0 [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_sigmaZ0 [private] |
Definition at line 130 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trk_z0 [private] |
Definition at line 118 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trkPt [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_trkVz [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vx_dz [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vx_vy [private] |
Definition at line 119 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_vy_dz [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_x0 [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_y0 [private] |
Definition at line 126 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::h_z0 [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
edm::InputTag BeamMonitor::hltSrc_ [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
std::map<TString, MonitorElement*> BeamMonitor::hs [private] |
Definition at line 139 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), beginRun(), FitAndFill(), and testScroll().
int BeamMonitor::intervalInSec_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginJob(), and testScroll().
std::vector<std::string> BeamMonitor::jetTrigger_ [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
int BeamMonitor::lastlumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and beginLuminosityBlock().
int BeamMonitor::lastNZbin [private] |
Definition at line 170 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by scrollTH1(), and testScroll().
std::map<int, int> BeamMonitor::mapBeginBSLS [private] |
Definition at line 145 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), endRun(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::time_t> BeamMonitor::mapBeginBSTime [private] |
Definition at line 146 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), endRun(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, int> BeamMonitor::mapBeginPVLS [private] |
Definition at line 145 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), endRun(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::time_t> BeamMonitor::mapBeginPVTime [private] |
Definition at line 146 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginLuminosityBlock(), endRun(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::size_t> BeamMonitor::mapLSBSTrkSize [private] |
Definition at line 148 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, TH1F> BeamMonitor::mapLSCF [private] |
Definition at line 151 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, size_t> BeamMonitor::mapLSPVStoreSize [private] |
Definition at line 149 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::vector<int> > BeamMonitor::mapNPV [private] |
Definition at line 143 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVx [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVy [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::map<int, std::vector<float> > BeamMonitor::mapPVz [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), endRun(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
double BeamMonitor::maxZ_ [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor().
unsigned int BeamMonitor::min_Ntrks_ [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
unsigned int BeamMonitor::minNrVertices_ [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
double BeamMonitor::minVtxNdf_ [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
double BeamMonitor::minVtxWgt_ [private] |
Definition at line 100 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
std::string BeamMonitor::monitorName_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::nextlumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), and endLuminosityBlock().
int BeamMonitor::nFitElements_ [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::nFits_ [private] |
Definition at line 94 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
unsigned int BeamMonitor::nthBSTrk_ [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
bool BeamMonitor::onlineMode_ [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), endJob(), endLuminosityBlock(), and FitAndFill().
edm::ParameterSet BeamMonitor::parameters_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and beginJob().
reco::BeamSpot BeamMonitor::preBS [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill().
bool BeamMonitor::processed_ [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::pvResults [private] |
Definition at line 138 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
edm::InputTag BeamMonitor::pvSrc_ [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().
reco::BeamSpot BeamMonitor::refBS [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze().
std::time_t BeamMonitor::refBStime[2] [private] |
Definition at line 90 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), endLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::time_t BeamMonitor::refPVtime[2] [private] |
Definition at line 91 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), beginLuminosityBlock(), endLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::time_t BeamMonitor::refTime [private] |
Definition at line 166 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummary [private] |
Definition at line 157 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
Float_t BeamMonitor::reportSummary_ [private] |
Definition at line 154 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummaryContents[3] [private] |
Definition at line 158 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
MonitorElement* BeamMonitor::reportSummaryMap [private] |
Definition at line 159 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
int BeamMonitor::resetFitNLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
bool BeamMonitor::resetHistos_ [private] |
Definition at line 102 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
int BeamMonitor::resetPVNLumi_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by BeamMonitor(), and FitAndFill().
bool BeamMonitor::StartAverage_ [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginLuminosityBlock(), FitAndFill(), and RestartFitting().
std::time_t BeamMonitor::startTime [private] |
Definition at line 165 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), and FitAndFill().
Float_t BeamMonitor::summaryContent_[3] [private] |
Definition at line 156 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and FitAndFill().
Float_t BeamMonitor::summarySum_ [private] |
Definition at line 155 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by FitAndFill().
BeamFitter* BeamMonitor::theBeamFitter [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), BeamMonitor(), FitAndFill(), RestartFitting(), and ~BeamMonitor().
std::time_t BeamMonitor::tmpTime [private] |
Definition at line 164 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), endLuminosityBlock(), and FitAndFill().
edm::InputTag BeamMonitor::tracksLabel_ [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file BeamMonitor.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and BeamMonitor().