Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

CMSMidpointAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ProtoJet * > InternalCollection

Public Member Functions

 CMSMidpointAlgorithm ()
 Default constructor.
 CMSMidpointAlgorithm (double fSeedThreshold, double fConeRadius, double fConeAreaFraction, int fMaxPairSize, int fMaxIterations, double fOverlapThreshold, int fDebugLevel)
void run (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, JetReco::OutputCollection *fOutput)

Private Member Functions

void addClustersToPairs (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, std::vector< int > &testPair, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &pairs, std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &distanceOK, int maxClustersInPair)
void findStableConesFromMidPoints (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, InternalCollection *fOutput)
void findStableConesFromSeeds (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, InternalCollection *fOutput)
void iterateCone (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, double startRapidity, double startPhi, double startPt, bool reduceConeSize, InternalCollection *fOutput)
void splitAndMerge (const JetReco::InputCollection &fInput, InternalCollection *fProtoJets, JetReco::OutputCollection *fFinalJets)

Private Attributes

double theConeAreaFraction
double theConeRadius
int theDebugLevel
int theMaxIterations
int theMaxPairSize
double theOverlapThreshold
double theSeedThreshold

Detailed Description

CMSMidpointAlgorithm is an algorithm for CMS jet reconstruction baded on the CDF midpoint algorithm.

The algorithm is documented in the proceedings of the Physics at RUN II: QCD and Weak Boson Physics Workshop: hep-ex/0005012.

The algorithm runs off of generic Candidates

Robert M Harris, Fermilab
1st Version Feb. 4, 2005 Based on the CDF Midpoint Algorithm code by Matthias Toennesmann.
2nd Version Apr. 6, 2005 Modifications toward integration in new EDM.
3rd Version Oct. 19, 2005 Modified to work with real CaloTowers from Jeremy Mans
F.Ratnikov, Mar. 8, 2006. Work from Candidate
CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h,v 1.1 2009/08/24 14:35:59 srappocc Exp

Definition at line 27 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 30 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMSMidpointAlgorithm::CMSMidpointAlgorithm ( ) [inline]

Default constructor.

Definition at line 33 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

CMSMidpointAlgorithm::CMSMidpointAlgorithm ( double  fSeedThreshold,
double  fConeRadius,
double  fConeAreaFraction,
int  fMaxPairSize,
int  fMaxIterations,
double  fOverlapThreshold,
int  fDebugLevel 
) [inline]

Constructor takes as input all the values of the algorithm that the user can change.

fSeedThreshold,:minimum ET in GeV of an CaloTower that can seed a jet.
fTowerThreshold,:minimum ET in GeV of an CaloTower that is included in a jet
fConeRadius,:nominal radius of the jet in eta-phi space
fConeAreaFraction,:multiplier to reduce the search cone area during the iteration phase. introduced by CDF in 2002 to avoid energy loss due to proto-jet migration. Actively being discussed in 2005. A value of 1.0 gives the original run II algorithm in hep-ex/0005012. CDF value of 0.25 gives new search cone of 0.5 theConeRadius during iteration, but keeps the final cone at theConeRadius for the last iteration.
fMaxPairSize,:Maximum size of proto-jet pair, triplet, etc for defining midpoint. Both CDF and D0 use 2.
fMaxIterations,:Maximum number of iterations before finding a stable cone.
fOverlapThreshold,:When two proto-jets overlap, this is the merging threshold on the fraction of PT in the overlap region compared to the lower Pt Jet. If the overlapPt/lowerJetPt > theOverlapThreshold the 2 proto-jets will be merged into one final jet. if the overlapPt/lowerJetPt < theOverlapThreshold the towers in the two proto-jets will be seperated into two distinct sets of towers: two final jets. D0 has used 0.5, CDF has used both 0.5 and 0.75 in run 2, and 0.75 in run 1.
fDebugLevel,:integer level of diagnostic printout: 0 = no printout, 1 = minimal printout, 2 = pages per event.

Definition at line 65 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

  { }

Member Function Documentation

void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::addClustersToPairs ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
std::vector< int > &  testPair,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  pairs,
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &  distanceOK,
int  maxClustersInPair 
) [private]

Add proto-jets to pairs, triplets, etc, prior to finding their midpoints. Called by findStableConesFromMidPoints but public method to allow testing and studies.

Definition at line 278 of file

  // Recursively adds clusters to pairs, triplets, ... whose mid-points are then calculated.
  // Find StableCone number to start with (either 0 at the beginning or last element of testPair + 1).
  int nextClusterStart = 0;
    nextClusterStart = testPair.back() + 1;
  for(unsigned int nextCluster = nextClusterStart; nextCluster <= distanceOK.size(); ++nextCluster){
    // Is new SeedCone less than 2*_theConeRadius apart from all clusters in testPair?
    bool addCluster = true;
    for(unsigned int iCluster = 0; iCluster < testPair.size() && addCluster; ++iCluster)
      if(!distanceOK[nextCluster - 1][testPair[iCluster]])
        addCluster = false;
      // Add it to the testPair.
      // If testPair is a pair, add it to pairs.
      if(testPair.size() > 1)
      // If not bigger than allowed, find more clusters within 2*theConeRadius.
      if(testPair.size() < unsigned(maxClustersInPair))
        addClustersToPairs(fInput, testPair,pairs,distanceOK,maxClustersInPair);
      // All combinations containing testPair found. Remove last element.
void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::findStableConesFromMidPoints ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
InternalCollection fOutput 
) [private]

Add to the list of proto-jets the list of midpoints. Called by run but public method to allow testing and studies.

Definition at line 236 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Geom::deltaR2(), ProtoJet::phi(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and ProtoJet::y().

  // We take the previous list of stable protojets from seeds as input and add to it
  // those from the midpoints between proto-jet pairs, triplets, etc.
  // distanceOK[i-1][j] = Is distance between stableCones i and j (i>j) less than 2*_theConeRadius?
  vector< vector<bool> > distanceOK;         // A vector of vectors
  distanceOK.resize(stableCones->size() - 1); // Set the outer vector size, num protojets - 1
  for(unsigned int nCluster1 = 1; nCluster1 < stableCones->size(); ++nCluster1){  // Loop over the protojets
    distanceOK[nCluster1 - 1].resize(nCluster1);               //Set inner vector size: monotonically increasing.
    const ProtoJet* cluster1 = (*stableCones)[nCluster1];
    for(unsigned int nCluster2 = 0; nCluster2 < nCluster1; ++nCluster2){         // Loop over the other proto-jets
      const ProtoJet* cluster2 = (*stableCones)[nCluster2];
      double dR2 = deltaR2 (cluster1->y(), cluster1->phi(), cluster2->y(), cluster2->phi());
      distanceOK[nCluster1 - 1][nCluster2] = dR2 < 4*theConeRadius*theConeRadius;

  // Find all pairs (triplets, ...) of stableCones which are less than 2*theConeRadius apart from each other.
  vector< vector<int> > pairs(0);  
  vector<int> testPair(0);
  int maxClustersInPair = theMaxPairSize;  // Set maximum proto-jets to a pair or a triplet, etc.
  if(!maxClustersInPair)maxClustersInPair = stableCones->size();  // If zero, then skys the limit!
  addClustersToPairs(fInput, testPair,pairs,distanceOK,maxClustersInPair);  // Make the pairs, triplets, etc.
  // Loop over all combinations. Calculate MidPoint. Make midPointClusters.
  bool reduceConeSize = false;  // Note that here we keep the iteration cone size fixed.
  for(vector<vector<int> >::const_iterator iPair = pairs.begin(); iPair != pairs.end(); ++iPair) {
    const vector<int> & Pair = *iPair;
    // Calculate rapidity, phi and energy of MidPoint.
    reco::Particle::LorentzVector midPoint (0,0,0,0);
    for(vector<int>::const_iterator iPairMember = Pair.begin(); iPairMember != Pair.end(); ++iPairMember) {
      midPoint += (*stableCones)[*iPairMember]->p4();
    if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] midpoint " << iPair-pairs.begin() << ": y = " << midPoint.Rapidity() << ", phi=" << midPoint.Phi() <<
                          ", size=" << Pair.size() << endl;
    iterateCone(fInput, midPoint.Rapidity(),midPoint.Phi(),midPoint.e(),reduceConeSize,stableCones);
  GreaterByPtPtr<ProtoJet> compJets;
  sort (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), compJets);
void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::findStableConesFromSeeds ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
InternalCollection fOutput 
) [private]

Find the list of proto-jets from the seeds. Called by run, but public method to allow testing and studies.

Definition at line 130 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

  // This dictates that the cone size will be reduced in the iterations procedure,
  // to prevent excessive cone movement, and then will be enlarged at the end of
  // the iteration procedure (ala CDF).
  bool reduceConeSize = true;  
  // Get the Seed Towers sorted by Et.  
  vector<InputItem> seedTowers = etOrderedCaloTowers(fInput, theSeedThreshold);  //This gets towers

  // Loop over all Seeds
  for(vector<InputItem>::const_iterator i = seedTowers.begin(); i != seedTowers.end(); ++i) {
    double seedEta = (*i)->eta ();
    double seedPhi = (*i)->phi (); 

    // Find stable cone from seed.  
    // This iterates the cone centroid, makes a proto-jet, and adds it to the list.
    if(theDebugLevel>=2) cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] seed " << i-seedTowers.begin() << ": eta=" << seedEta << ", phi=" << seedPhi << endl;
    iterateCone(fInput, seedEta, seedPhi, 0, reduceConeSize, fOutput);

void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::iterateCone ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
double  startRapidity,
double  startPhi,
double  startPt,
bool  reduceConeSize,
InternalCollection fOutput 
) [private]

Iterate the proto-jet center until it is stable. Called by findStableConesFromSeeds and findStableConesFromMidPoints but public method to allow testing and studies.

Definition at line 155 of file

References abs, gather_cfg::cout, ProtoJet::e(), ProtoJet::getTowerList(), i, ProtoJet::p4(), ProtoJet::phi(), ProtoJet::pt(), ProtoJet::putTowers(), mathSSE::sqrt(), lumiQTWidget::t, and ProtoJet::y().

  //  The workhorse of the algorithm.
  //  Throws a cone around a position and iterates the cone until the centroid and energy of the clsuter is stable.
  //  Uses a reduced cone size to prevent excessive cluster drift, ala CDF.
  //  Adds unique clusters to the list of proto-jets.
  int nIterations = 0;
  bool keepJet = true;
  ProtoJet* trialCone = new ProtoJet;
  double iterationtheConeRadius = theConeRadius;
  if(reduceConeSize)iterationtheConeRadius *= sqrt(theConeAreaFraction);
  while(++nIterations <= theMaxIterations + 1 && keepJet){
    // Last iteration uses the full cone size.  Others use reduced cone size.
    if(nIterations == theMaxIterations + 1)iterationtheConeRadius = theConeRadius;
    //Add all towers in cone and over threshold to the cluster
    vector<InputItem> towersInSeedCluster 
      = towersWithinCone(fInput, startRapidity, startPhi, iterationtheConeRadius);
    if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] iter=" << nIterations << ", towers=" <<towersInSeedCluster.size();    
    if(towersInSeedCluster.size()<1) {  // Just in case there is an empty cone.
      keepJet = false;
      if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl;
    } else{
      //Put seed cluster into trial cone 
      double endRapidity = trialCone->y();
      double endPhi      = trialCone->phi();
      double endPt       = trialCone->pt();
      double endE        = trialCone->e();
      if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << ", y=" << endRapidity << ", phi=" << endPhi << ", PT=" << endPt << ", constituents=" << trialCone->getTowerList().size () << endl;
      if(nIterations <= theMaxIterations){
        // Do we have a stable cone?
        if(std::abs(endRapidity-startRapidity)<.001 && 
           std::abs(endPhi-startPhi)<.001 && 
           std::abs(endE - startE) < .001) {
          nIterations = theMaxIterations;       // If cone size is reduced, then still one more iteration.
          if(!reduceConeSize) ++nIterations; // Otherwise, this is the last iteration.
          // Another iteration.
          startRapidity = endRapidity;
          startPhi      = endPhi;
          startE        = endE;
      if(nIterations==theMaxIterations+1) {
        for(vector<InputItem>::const_iterator i = towersInSeedCluster.begin(); i != towersInSeedCluster.end(); ++i) {
          InputItem t = *i;
          if(theDebugLevel>=2) cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Tower " <<
                                 i-towersInSeedCluster.begin() << ": eta=" << t->eta() << 
                                 ", phi=" << t->phi() << ", ET="  << t->et() << endl;
  if(keepJet){  // Our trial cone is now stable
    bool identical = false;
    // Loop over proto-jets and check that our trial cone is a unique proto-jet
    for (unsigned icone = 0; icone < stableCones->size(); icone++) {
      if (trialCone->p4() == (*stableCones) [icone]->p4()) identical = true;  // This proto-jet is not unique.
      stableCones->push_back(trialCone);  // Save the unique proto-jets
      trialCone = 0;
      if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Unique Proto-Jet Saved" << endl;
  delete trialCone;
void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::run ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
JetReco::OutputCollection fOutput 

Runs the algorithm and returns a list of caloJets. The user declares the vector and calls this method.

Definition at line 92 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, and getHLTprescales::index.

  if (!fOutput) {
    std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::run-> ERROR: no output collection" << std::endl;
  if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num of input constituents = " << fInput.size() << endl;
  if(theDebugLevel>=2) {
    unsigned index = 0;
    for (; index < fInput.size (); index++) {
      cout << index << " consituent p/eta/phi: " 
           << fInput[index]->p() << '/'
           << fInput[index]->eta() << '/'
           << fInput[index]->phi() << std::endl;
  // Find proto-jets from the seeds.
  InternalCollection protoJets;         // Initialize working container
  // vector<ProtoJet> finalJets;         // Final proto-jets container
  findStableConesFromSeeds(fInput, &protoJets);   //Find the proto-jets from the seeds
  if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num proto-jets from Seeds = " << protoJets.size() << endl;

  // Find proto-jets from the midpoints, and add them to the list
  if(protoJets.size()>0)findStableConesFromMidPoints(fInput, &protoJets);// Add midpoints
  if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num proto-jets from Seeds and Midpoints = " << protoJets.size() << endl;

  // Split and merge the proto-jets, assigning each tower in the protojets to one and only one final jet.
  if(protoJets.size()>0)splitAndMerge(fInput, &protoJets, fOutput);    // Split and merge 
  if(theDebugLevel>=1)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Num final jets = " << fOutput->size() << endl;

  // Make the CaloJets from the final protojets
  //  MakeCaloJet(*theCtcp, finalJets, caloJets);

void CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge ( const JetReco::InputCollection fInput,
InternalCollection fProtoJets,
JetReco::OutputCollection fFinalJets 
) [private]

Split and merge the proto-jets, assigning each tower in the protojets to one and only one final jet. Called by run but public method to allow testing and studies.

Definition at line 311 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, Geom::deltaR2(), spr::find(), ProtoJet::getTowerList(), i, j, muon::overlap(), ProtoJet::p4(), ProtoJet::phi(), ProtoJet::pt(), ProtoJet::putTowers(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and ProtoJet::y().

  // This can use quite a bit of optimization and simplification.
  // Debugging
    // Take a look at the proto-jets we were given
    int numProtojets = stableCones->size();
    for(int i = 0; i < numProtojets ; ++i){
      const ProtoJet* icone = (*stableCones)[i];
      int numTowers = icone->getTowerList().size();
      cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] ProtoJet " << i << ": PT=" << (*stableCones)[i]->pt()
           << ", y="<< icone->y()
           << ", phi="<< icone->phi()  
           << ", ntow="<< numTowers << endl;
      ProtoJet::Constituents protojetTowers = icone->getTowerList(); 
      for(int j = 0; j < numTowers; ++j){
        cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Tower " << j << ": ET=" << protojetTowers[j]->et() 
             << ", eta="<< protojetTowers[j]->eta()
             << ", phi="<<   protojetTowers[j]->phi() << endl;
  // Start of split and merge algorithm
  bool mergingNotFinished = true;
    // Sort the stable cones (highest pt first).
    GreaterByPtPtr<ProtoJet> compJets;
    // clean removed clusters
    //InternalCollection::const_iterator i = find (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), (ProtoJet*)0);
    //    for (; i != stableCones->end(); ++i) std::cout << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> removing pointer " << *i << std::endl; 
    stableCones->erase (find (stableCones->begin(), stableCones->end(), (ProtoJet*)0), stableCones->end()); 
    // Start with the highest pt cone left in list. List changes in loop,
    // getting smaller with each iteration.
    InternalCollection::iterator stableConeIter1 = stableCones->begin();
    if(stableConeIter1 == stableCones->end()) {  // Stable cone list empty?
      mergingNotFinished = false;
    else {
      ProtoJet* stableCone1 = *stableConeIter1;
      if (!stableCone1) {
        std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> Error: stableCone1 should never be 0" << std::endl;
      bool coneNotModified = true;
      // Determine whether highest pt cone has an overlap with other stable cones.
      InternalCollection::iterator stableConeIter2 = stableConeIter1; 
      ++stableConeIter2;   // Iterator for 2nd highest pt cone, just past 1st cone.
      while(coneNotModified && stableConeIter2 != stableCones->end()){
        ProtoJet* stableCone2 = *stableConeIter2;
        if (!stableCone2) {
          std::cerr << "CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge-> Error: stableCone2 should never be 0" << std::endl;
        // Calculate overlap of the two cones.
        bool overlap = false;
        vector<InputItem> overlapTowers;  // Make a list to hold the overlap towers
        //cout << "1st cone num towers=" << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << endl;
        //int numTowers1=0;
        //Loop over towers in higher Pt cone
        for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter1 = stableCone1->getTowerList().begin();
            towerIter1 != stableCone1->getTowerList().end();
          //cout << "1st cone tower " << numTowers1 << endl;
          bool isInCone2 = false;
          //cout << "2nd cone num towers=" << stableCone2->getTowerList().size() << endl;
          //int numTowers2=0;
          // Loop over towers in lower Pt cone
          for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter2 = stableCone2->getTowerList().begin();
              towerIter2 != stableCone2->getTowerList().end();
              ++towerIter2) {
            //cout << "2st cone tower " << numTowers2 << endl;
            // Check if towers are the same by checking for unique eta, phi and energy values.
            // Will want to replace this with checking the tower index when available.
            if(sameTower(*towerIter1, *towerIter2)) {
              isInCone2 = true;   //The tower is in both cones
              //cout << "Merging found overlap tower: eta=" << (*towerIter1)->eta << ", phi=" << (*towerIter1)->phi << " in 1st protojet "  << 
              //                             " and eta=" << (*towerIter2)->eta << ", phi=" << (*towerIter2)->phi << " in 2nd protojet "  << endl;
            overlapTowers.push_back(*towerIter1);  //Add tower in both cones to the overlap list
            overlap = true;
          // non-empty overlap.  Decide on splitting or merging.
          // Make a proto-jet with the overlap towers so we can calculate things for the overlap
          ProtoJet overlap;
          coneNotModified = false;
          // Compare the overlap pt with the overlap fractcion threshold times the lower jet pt.
          if( >= theOverlapThreshold*stableCone2->pt()){
            // Merge the two cones.
            // Get a copy of the list of towers in higher Pt proto-jet 
            ProtoJet::Constituents stableCone1Towers = stableCone1->getTowerList(); 
            //Loop over the list of towers lower Pt jet
            for(ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator towerIter2 = stableCone2->getTowerList().begin();
                towerIter2 != stableCone2->getTowerList().end();
              bool isInOverlap = false;
              //Check if that tower is in the overlap region
              for(vector<InputItem>::iterator overlapTowerIter = overlapTowers.begin();
                  overlapTowerIter != overlapTowers.end();
                // Check if towers are the same by checking for unique eta, phi and energy values.
                // Will want to replace this with checking the tower index when available.
                if(sameTower(*overlapTowerIter, *towerIter2))   isInOverlap = true;
              //Add  non-overlap tower from proto-jet 2 into the proto-jet 1 tower list.
            if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 1st Proto-jet grows: "
                                  " y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
                                  ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
                                  " increases from " << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << 
                                  " to "  << stableCone1Towers.size() << " towers." << endl;
            // Put the new expanded list of towers into the first proto-jet
            if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 1st protojet now at y=" << stableCone1->y() <<
                                  ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << endl;
            if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Merging: 2nd Proto-jet removed:" 
                                  " y=" << stableCone2->y() << 
                                  ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() << endl;
            // Remove the second proto-jet.
            delete *stableConeIter2;
            *stableConeIter2 = 0;
            // Split the two proto-jets.
            // Create lists of towers to remove from each proto-jet
            vector<InputItem> removeFromCone1,removeFromCone2;
            // Which tower goes where?
            // Loop over the overlap towers
            for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = overlapTowers.begin();
                towerIter != overlapTowers.end();
              double dR2Jet1 = deltaR2 ((*towerIter)->p4().Rapidity(), (*towerIter)->phi(), 
                                      stableCone1->y(), stableCone1->phi()); 
              // Calculate distance from proto-jet 2.
              double dR2Jet2 = deltaR2 ((*towerIter)->p4().Rapidity(), (*towerIter)->phi(),
                                      stableCone2->y(), stableCone2->phi()); 
              if(dR2Jet1 < dR2Jet2){
                // Tower is closer to proto-jet 1. To be removed from proto-jet 2.
              else {
                // Tower is closer to proto-jet 2. To be removed from proto-jet 1.
            // Remove towers in the overlap region from the cones to which they have the larger distance.
            // Remove towers from proto-jet 1.
            vector<InputItem> towerList1 (stableCone1->getTowerList().begin(), stableCone1->getTowerList().end()); 

            // Loop over towers in remove list
            for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = removeFromCone1.begin();
                towerIter != removeFromCone1.end();
                ++towerIter) {
              // Loop over towers in protojet
              for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter1 = towerList1.begin(); towerIter1 != towerList1.end(); ++towerIter1) {
                // Check if they are equal
                if(sameTower(*towerIter, *towerIter1)) {
                  // Remove the tower
            if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Splitting: 1st Proto-jet  shrinks: y=" << 
                                  stableCone1->y() << 
                                  ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
                                  " decreases from" << stableCone1->getTowerList().size() << 
                                  " to "  << towerList1.size() << " towers." << endl;
            //Put the new reduced list of towers into proto-jet 1.
            // Remove towers from cone 2.
            vector<InputItem> towerList2 (stableCone2->getTowerList().begin(), stableCone2->getTowerList().end()); 
            // Loop over towers in remove list
            for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter = removeFromCone2.begin();
                towerIter != removeFromCone2.end();
                ++towerIter) {
              // Loop over towers in protojet
              for(vector<InputItem>::iterator towerIter2 = towerList2.begin(); towerIter2 != towerList2.end(); ++towerIter2){
                // Check if they are equal
                if(sameTower(*towerIter, *towerIter2)) {
                  // Remove the tower
            if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Splitting: 2nd Proto-jet shrinks: y=" <<
                                  stableCone2->y() << 
                                  ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() << 
                                  " decreases from" << stableCone2->getTowerList().size() << 
                                  " to "  << towerList2.size() << " towers." << endl;
            //Put the new reduced list of towers into proto-jet 2.
        else {
          if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << endl << 
                                "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] no overlap between 1st protojet at  y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
                                ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() << 
                                " and 2nd protojet at  y=" << stableCone2->y() << 
                                ", phi=" << stableCone2->phi() <<endl;
        ++stableConeIter2;  //Increment iterator to the next highest Pt protojet
        if(theDebugLevel>=2)cout << 
                              "[CMSMidpointAlgorithm] Saving: Proto-jet  at y=" << stableCone1->y() << 
                              ", phi=" << stableCone1->phi() <<  " has no overlap" << endl;
        fFinalJets->push_back(ProtoJet (stableCone1->p4(), stableCone1->getTowerList()));
        delete *stableConeIter1;
        *stableConeIter1 = 0;
  GreaterByPt<ProtoJet> compJets;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 109 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 108 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 113 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 111 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 110 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 112 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 107 of file CMSMidpointAlgorithm.h.