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Functions | Variables File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "TString.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TLegend.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void abcd (vector< TString > file, vector< TString > type, vector< double > weight, double METCut, double I, double dI, double Fz, double dFz, double FzP, double dFzP, double ewkerror, double data, double mc, double mcOnly)
double CalcABCD (double I, double Fz, double FzP, double K, double ewk, double Na_, double Nb_, double Nc_, double Nd_, double Ea_, double Eb_, double Ec_, double Ed_)
void PlotCombiner ()
void plotMaker (TString histoName, TString typeOfplot, vector< TString > file, vector< TString > type, vector< double > weight, TString xtitle)
double searchABCDstring (TString abcdString, TString keyword)
double Trionym (double a, double b, double c, double sum)


const double EWK_SYST_MAX = 0.3
const double EWK_SYST_MIN = 0.3
const double FZ_SYST_MAX = 0.1
const double FZ_SYST_MIN = 0.1
const double FZP_SYST_MAX = 0.1
const double FZP_SYST_MIN = 0.1
const double I_SYST_MAX = 0.05
const double I_SYST_MIN = 0.05
const double K_SYST_MAX = 0.8
const double K_SYST_MIN = 0.8

Function Documentation

void abcd ( vector< TString >  file,
vector< TString >  type,
vector< double >  weight,
double  METCut,
double  I,
double  dI,
double  Fz,
double  dFz,
double  FzP,
double  dFzP,
double  ewkerror,
double  data,
double  mc,
double  mcOnly 

Definition at line 251 of file

References funct::A, alpha, trackerHits::c, funct::C, CalcABCD(), gather_cfg::cout, alignCSCRings::e, EWK_SYST_MAX, EWK_SYST_MIN, f, FZ_SYST_MAX, FZ_SYST_MIN, FZP_SYST_MAX, FZP_SYST_MIN, h, Exhume::I, i, I_SYST_MAX, I_SYST_MIN, K_SYST_MAX, K_SYST_MIN, max(), min, EnsembleCalibrationLA_cfg::NBins, mathSSE::sqrt(), and Trionym().

Referenced by PlotCombiner().

255 {
256  gROOT->Reset();
257  gROOT->ProcessLine(".L tdrstyle.C");
258  gROOT->ProcessLine("setTDRStyle()");
259  //
260  std::cout << "Trying ABCD method for Background subtration" << std::endl;
261  //
262  // histogram names to use:
263  TString histoName_Ba("h_met_EB");
264  TString histoName_Bb("h_met_inverse_EB");
265  TString histoName_Ea("h_met_EE");
266  TString histoName_Eb("h_met_inverse_EE");
267  //
268  // find one file and get the dimensions of your histogram
269  int fmax = (int) file.size();
270  int NBins = 0; double min = 0; double max = -1;
271  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
272  if (weight[i]>0) {
273  // cout << "Loading file " << file[i] << endl;
274  TFile f(file[i]);
275  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ba);
276  NBins = h->GetNbinsX();
277  min = h->GetBinLowEdge(1);
278  max = h->GetBinLowEdge(NBins+1);
279  break;
280  }
281  }
282  if (NBins ==0 || (max<min)) {
283  std::cout << "PlotCombiner::abcd error: Could not find valid histograms in file"
284  << std::endl;
285  abort();
286  }
287  cout << "Histograms with "<< NBins <<" bins and range " << min << "-" << max << endl;
288  //
289  // Wenu Signal .......................................................
290  TH1F h_wenu("h_wenu", "h_wenu", NBins, min, max);
291  TH1F h_wenu_inv("h_wenu_inv", "h_wenu_inv", NBins, min, max);
292  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
293  if (type[i] == "sig" && weight[i]>0 ) {
294  TFile f(file[i]);
295  //
296  TH1F *h_ba = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ba);
297  h_wenu.Add(h_ba, weight[i]);
298  TH1F *h_ea = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ea);
299  h_wenu.Add(h_ea, weight[i]);
300  //
301  TH1F *h_bb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Bb);
302  h_wenu_inv.Add(h_bb, weight[i]);
303  TH1F *h_eb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Eb);
304  h_wenu_inv.Add(h_eb, weight[i]);
305  }
306  }
307  // QCD Bkgs
308  TH1F h_qcd("h_qcd", "h_qcd", NBins, min, max);
309  TH1F h_qcd_inv("h_qcd_inv", "h_qcd_inv", NBins, min, max);
310  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
311  if ((type[i] == "qcd" || type[i] == "bce"
312  || type[i] == "gje") && weight[i]>0) {
313  TFile f(file[i]);
314  //
315  TH1F *h_ba = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ba);
316  h_qcd.Add(h_ba, weight[i]);
317  TH1F *h_ea = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ea);
318  h_qcd.Add(h_ea, weight[i]);
319  //
320  TH1F *h_bb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Bb);
321  h_qcd_inv.Add(h_bb, weight[i]);
322  TH1F *h_eb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Eb);
323  h_qcd_inv.Add(h_eb, weight[i]);
324  }
325  }
326  //
327  TH1F h_ewk("h_ewk", "h_ewk", NBins, min, max);
328  TH1F h_ewk_inv("h_ewk_inv", "h_ewk_inv", NBins, min, max);
329  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
330  if ( type[i] == "ewk" && weight[i]>0) {
331  TFile f(file[i]);
332  //
333  TH1F *h_ba = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ba);
334  h_ewk.Add(h_ba, weight[i]);
335  TH1F *h_ea = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Ea);
336  h_ewk.Add(h_ea, weight[i]);
337  //
338  TH1F *h_bb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Bb);
339  h_ewk_inv.Add(h_bb, weight[i]);
340  TH1F *h_eb = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName_Eb);
341  h_ewk_inv.Add(h_eb, weight[i]);
342  }
343  }
344  //
345  // calculate the METCut position
346  //
347  // this is calculated as a low edge bin of your input histogram
348  // METCut = min + (max-min)*IMET/NBins
349  int IMET = int ((METCut - min)/(max-min) * double(NBins));
350  // check whether it is indeed a low egde position
351  double metCalc = min + (max-min)*double(IMET)/double(NBins);
352  if (metCalc < METCut || metCalc > METCut) {
353  std::cout << "PlotCombiner:abcd: your MET Cut is not in low egde bin position"
354  << std::endl;
355  }
356  cout << "MET Cut in " << METCut << "GeV corresponds to bin #" << IMET << endl;
357  // Calculate the population in the ABCD Regions now
358  // signal
359  double a_sig = h_wenu.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
360  double b_sig = h_wenu.Integral(0,IMET-1);
361  double c_sig = h_wenu_inv.Integral(0,IMET-1);
362  double d_sig = h_wenu_inv.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
363  // qcd
364  double a_qcd = h_qcd.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
365  double b_qcd = h_qcd.Integral(0,IMET-1);
366  double c_qcd = h_qcd_inv.Integral(0,IMET-1);
367  double d_qcd = h_qcd_inv.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
368  // ewk
369  double a_ewk = h_ewk.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
370  double b_ewk = h_ewk.Integral(0,IMET-1);
371  double c_ewk = h_ewk_inv.Integral(0,IMET-1);
372  double d_ewk = h_ewk_inv.Integral(IMET,NBins+1);
375  //
376  // now the parameters of the method
377  if (data < 0 && data >-0.75) { // select value -0.5 that gives the
378  // string parser
379  // now everything is done from data + input
380  std::cout << "Calculating ABCD Result and Stat Error Assuming DATA"
381  << std::endl << "Summary: in this implementation we have assumed"
382  << " that what real 'data' appear with type sig in the input"
383  << std::endl << "No systematics available with this type of"
384  << " calculation. If you need systematics try one of the other"
385  << " options" << std::endl;
386  double A = (1.0-I)*(FzP-Fz);
387  double B = I*(FzP+1.0)*(FzP*(c_sig-c_ewk)-(d_sig-d_ewk)) +
388  (1+Fz)*(1-I)*((a_sig-a_ewk)-dFzP*(b_sig-b_ewk));
389  double C = I*(1.+Fz)*(1.+FzP)*((d_sig-d_ewk)*(b_sig-b_ewk) - (a_sig-a_ewk)*(c_sig-c_ewk));
390  //
391  // signal calculation:
392  double S = Trionym(A,B,C, a_sig+b_sig);
394  // the errors now:
395  // calculate the statistical error now:
396  double ApI=0, ApFz=0, ApFzP=0, ApNa=0, ApNb=0, ApNc=0, ApNd=0;
397  double BpI=0, BpFz=0, BpFzP=0, BpNa=0, BpNb=0, BpNc=0, BpNd=0;
398  double CpI=0, CpFz=0, CpFzP=0, CpNa=0, CpNb=0, CpNc=0, CpNd=0;
399  double SpI=0, SpFz=0, SpFzP=0, SpNa=0, SpNb=0, SpNc=0, SpNd=0;
400  //
401  double Na = a_sig, Nb = b_sig, Nc=c_sig, Nd = d_sig;
402  double Ea = a_ewk, Eb = b_ewk, Ec=c_ewk, Ed = d_ewk;
403  if (A != 0) {
405  ApI = -(FzP-Fz);
406  ApFz = -(1.0-I);
407  ApFzP = (1.0-I);
408  ApNa = 0.0;
409  ApNb = 0.0;
410  ApNc = 0.0;
411  ApNd = 0.0;
413  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
414  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
415  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
416  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
417  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
418  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
419  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
421  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
422  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
423  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
424  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
425  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
426  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
427  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
429  SpI = (-BpI + (B*BpI -2.0*ApI*C -2.0*A*CpI) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApI*S) /(2.0*A);
430  SpFz = (-BpFz + (B*BpFz -2.0*ApFz*C -2.0*A*CpFz) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFz*S) /(2.0*A);
431  SpFzP = (-BpFzP + (B*BpFzP -2.0*ApFzP*C -2.0*A*CpFzP)/fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFzP*S)/(2.0*A);
432  SpNa = (-BpNa + (B*BpNa -2.0*ApNa*C -2.0*A*CpNa) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNa*S) /(2.0*A);
433  SpNb = (-BpNb + (B*BpNb -2.0*ApNb*C -2.0*A*CpNb) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNb*S) /(2.0*A);
434  SpNc = (-BpNc + (B*BpNc -2.0*ApNc*C -2.0*A*CpNc) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNc*S) /(2.0*A);
435  SpNd = (-BpNd + (B*BpNd -2.0*ApNd*C -2.0*A*CpNd) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNd*S) /(2.0*A);
436  }
437  else {
438  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
439  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
440  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
441  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
442  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
443  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
444  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
446  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
447  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
448  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
449  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
450  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
451  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
452  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
454  SpI = -CpI/B+C*BpI/(B*B);
455  SpFz = -CpFz/B+C*BpFz/(B*B);
456  SpFzP = -CpFzP/B+C*BpFzP/(B*B);
457  SpNa = -CpNa/B+C*BpNa/(B*B);
458  SpNb = -CpNb/B+C*BpNb/(B*B);
459  SpNc = -CpNc/B+C*BpNc/(B*B);
460  SpNd = -CpNd/B+C*BpNd/(B*B);
461  }
462  double DS;
463  DS = sqrt( SpI*dI*SpI*dI + SpFz*dFz*SpFz*dFz + SpFzP*dFzP*SpFzP*dFzP +
464  SpNa*SpNa*Na + SpNb*SpNb*Nb + SpNc*SpNc*Nc + SpNd*SpNd*Nd );
465  // warning: S here denotes the method prediction ..........
466  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
467  cout << "Signal Prediction: " << S << "+-" << DS << "(stat)" << endl;
468  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
469  cout << "Parameters used in calculation: " << endl;
470  cout << "I= " << I << "+-" << dI << endl;
471  cout << "Fz= " << Fz << "+-" << dFz << endl;
472  cout << "FzP=" << FzP << "+-" << dFzP << endl;
473  cout << endl;
474  cout << "ABCD Regions population:" << endl;
475  cout << "A: N=" << Na << ", sig=" << a_sig << ", qcd=" << a_qcd
476  << ", ewk=" << a_ewk << endl;
477  cout << "B: N=" << Nb << ", sig=" << b_sig << ", qcd=" << b_qcd
478  << ", ewk=" << b_ewk << endl;
479  cout << "C: N=" << Nc << ", sig=" << c_sig << ", qcd=" << c_qcd
480  << ", ewk=" << c_ewk << endl;
481  cout << "D: N=" << Nd << ", sig=" << d_sig << ", qcd=" << d_qcd
482  << ", ewk=" << d_ewk << endl;
483  cout << endl;
484  //
485  cout << "Statistical Error Summary: " << endl;
486  cout << "due to Fz = "<< SpFz*dFz<< ", ("<<SpFz*dFz*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
487  cout << "due to FzP= "<< SpFzP*dFzP
488  << ", ("<<SpFzP*dFzP*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
489  cout << "due to I = "<< SpI*dI
490  << ", ("<<SpI*dI*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
491  cout << "due to Na = "<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)
492  << ", ("<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
493  cout << "due to Nb = "<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)
494  << ", ("<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
495  cout << "due to Nc = "<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)
496  << ", ("<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
497  cout << "due to Nd = "<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)
498  << ", ("<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
499  cout << "Total Statistical Error: "
500  << DS << ", (" << DS*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
501  cout << "Stat Error percentages are wrt S prediction, not S mc" << endl;
502  }
503  //
504  //
505  // this is the main option of the algorithm: the one implemented in the
506  // Analysis Note
507  //
508  if (mc < 0 && mc >-0.75) { // select value -0.5 that gives the
509  // string parser
512  double A = (1.0-I)*(FzP-Fz);
513  double B = I*(FzP+1.0)*(FzP*(c_sig+c_qcd)-(d_sig+d_qcd)) +
514  (1+Fz)*(1-I)*((a_sig+a_qcd)-dFzP*(b_sig+b_qcd));
515  double C = I*(1.+Fz)*(1.+FzP)*((d_sig+d_qcd)*(b_sig+b_qcd) -
516  (a_sig+a_qcd)*(c_sig+c_qcd));
517  //
518  // signal calculation:
519  double S = Trionym(A,B,C, a_sig+b_sig);
520  //
521  double ApI=0, ApFz=0, ApFzP=0, ApNa=0, ApNb=0, ApNc=0, ApNd=0;
522  double BpI=0, BpFz=0, BpFzP=0, BpNa=0, BpNb=0, BpNc=0, BpNd=0;
523  double CpI=0, CpFz=0, CpFzP=0, CpNa=0, CpNb=0, CpNc=0, CpNd=0;
524  double SpI=0, SpFz=0, SpFzP=0, SpNa=0, SpNb=0, SpNc=0, SpNd=0;
525  //
526  double Na = a_sig+a_qcd+a_ewk, Nb = b_sig+b_qcd+b_ewk;
527  double Nc=c_sig+c_qcd+c_ewk, Nd = d_sig+d_qcd+d_ewk;
528  double Ea = a_ewk, Eb = b_ewk, Ec=c_ewk, Ed = d_ewk;
529  if (A != 0) {
531  ApI = -(FzP-Fz);
532  ApFz = -(1.0-I);
533  ApFzP = (1.0-I);
534  ApNa = 0.0;
535  ApNb = 0.0;
536  ApNc = 0.0;
537  ApNd = 0.0;
539  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
540  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
541  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
542  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
543  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
544  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
545  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
547  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
548  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
549  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
550  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
551  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
552  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
553  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
555  SpI = (-BpI + (B*BpI -2.0*ApI*C -2.0*A*CpI) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApI*S) /(2.0*A);
556  SpFz = (-BpFz + (B*BpFz -2.0*ApFz*C -2.0*A*CpFz) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFz*S) /(2.0*A);
557  SpFzP = (-BpFzP + (B*BpFzP -2.0*ApFzP*C -2.0*A*CpFzP)/fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFzP*S)/(2.0*A);
558  SpNa = (-BpNa + (B*BpNa -2.0*ApNa*C -2.0*A*CpNa) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNa*S) /(2.0*A);
559  SpNb = (-BpNb + (B*BpNb -2.0*ApNb*C -2.0*A*CpNb) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNb*S) /(2.0*A);
560  SpNc = (-BpNc + (B*BpNc -2.0*ApNc*C -2.0*A*CpNc) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNc*S) /(2.0*A);
561  SpNd = (-BpNd + (B*BpNd -2.0*ApNd*C -2.0*A*CpNd) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNd*S) /(2.0*A);
562  }
563  else {
564  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
565  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
566  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
567  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
568  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
569  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
570  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
572  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
573  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
574  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
575  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
576  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
577  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
578  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
580  SpI = -CpI/B+C*BpI/(B*B);
581  SpFz = -CpFz/B+C*BpFz/(B*B);
582  SpFzP = -CpFzP/B+C*BpFzP/(B*B);
583  SpNa = -CpNa/B+C*BpNa/(B*B);
584  SpNb = -CpNb/B+C*BpNb/(B*B);
585  SpNc = -CpNc/B+C*BpNc/(B*B);
586  SpNd = -CpNd/B+C*BpNd/(B*B);
587  }
588  double DS;
589  DS = sqrt( SpI*dI*SpI*dI + SpFz*dFz*SpFz*dFz + SpFzP*dFzP*SpFzP*dFzP +
590  SpNa*SpNa*Na + SpNb*SpNb*Nb + SpNc*SpNc*Nc + SpNd*SpNd*Nd );
593  // SYSTEMATICS CALCULATION /////////////////////////////////////////////
595  // recalculate the basic quantities
596  double Imc = (a_sig + b_sig) / (a_sig + b_sig + c_sig + d_sig);
597  double dImc = sqrt(Imc*(1-Imc)/(a_sig + b_sig + c_sig + d_sig));
598  double Fzmc = a_sig/b_sig;
599  double e =a_sig/(a_sig + b_sig);
600  double de = sqrt(e*(1-e)/(a_sig + b_sig));
601  double alpha = de/(2.*Fzmc-e);
602  double dFzmc = alpha/(1-alpha);
603  double FzPmc = d_sig/c_sig;
604  double ep =d_sig/(c_sig + d_sig);
605  double dep = sqrt(ep*(1-ep)/(c_sig + d_sig));
606  double alphap = dep/(2.*FzPmc-ep);
607  double dFzPmc = alphap/(1-alphap);
608  //
609  // calculate the K parameter as it is in MC:
610  double KMC = (d_qcd/c_qcd)/(a_qcd/b_qcd);
611  double SMC = a_sig + b_sig;
612  //
613  double dfz = Fz -Fzmc;
614  double di = I - Imc;
615  double dfzp = FzP - FzPmc;
616  double fk = fabs(1-KMC);
618  // ewk error: this error has to be inserted by hand
619  double fm = 1.-ewkerror;
620  double fp = 1.+ewkerror;
621  double S_EWK_PLUS = CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, fp, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
622  double S_EWK_MINUS = CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, fm, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
623  // error in K
624  double S_K= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, 1., 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
625  // error in Fz
626  double S_FZ= CalcABCD(Imc, Fz, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
627  // error in FzP
628  double S_FZP= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzP, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
629  // error in I
630  double S_I = CalcABCD(I, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
631  //
632  // sanity tets
633  //cout << "Smc=" << SMC<< ", " << CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed)
634  // << endl;
635  //abort();
636  //
637  // ************ plots for the systematics calculation ****************
638  // ewk plot
639  int const POINTS = 10;
640  int const allPOINTS = 2*POINTS;
641  TGraph g_ewk(allPOINTS);
642  TGraph g_fz(allPOINTS);
643  TGraph g_fzp(allPOINTS);
644  TGraph g_k(allPOINTS);
645  TGraph g_i(allPOINTS);
646  //
647  double ewk_syst_min = EWK_SYST_MIN; // because this is just fraction
648  double i_syst_min = Imc*(1.-I_SYST_MIN);
649  double fz_syst_min = Fzmc*(1.-FZ_SYST_MIN);
650  double fzp_syst_min = FzPmc*(1.-FZP_SYST_MIN);
651  double k_syst_min = KMC*(1.-K_SYST_MIN);
652  //
653  double ewk_syst_max = EWK_SYST_MAX; // because this is just fraction
654  double i_syst_max = Imc*I_SYST_MAX;
655  double fz_syst_max = Fzmc*FZ_SYST_MAX;
656  double fzp_syst_max = FzPmc*FZP_SYST_MAX;
657  double k_syst_max = KMC*K_SYST_MAX;
658  //
659  // negative points
660  for (int i=0; i<POINTS; ++i) {
661  double x_ewk = 1.-ewk_syst_min + (ewk_syst_min)*i/POINTS;
662  double x_fz = fz_syst_min + (Fzmc-fz_syst_min)*i/POINTS;
663  double x_fzp = fzp_syst_min + (FzPmc-fzp_syst_min)*i/POINTS;
664  double x_k = k_syst_min + (KMC-k_syst_min)*i/POINTS;
665  double x_i = i_syst_min + (Imc-i_syst_min)*i/POINTS;
666  //
667  double y_ewk= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, x_ewk, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
668  double y_fz = CalcABCD(Imc, x_fz, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
669  double y_fzp= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, x_fzp, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
670  double y_k = CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, x_k, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
671  double y_i = CalcABCD(x_i, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
672  //
673  g_ewk.SetPoint(i,(x_ewk-1.)*100., 100.*fabs(y_ewk-SMC)/SMC);
674  g_fz.SetPoint(i,(x_fz-Fzmc)*100./Fzmc, 100.*fabs(y_fz-SMC)/SMC);
675  g_fzp.SetPoint(i,(x_fzp-FzPmc)*100./FzPmc, 100.*fabs(y_fzp-SMC)/SMC);
676  g_i.SetPoint(i,(x_i-Imc)*100./Imc, 100.*fabs(y_i-SMC)/SMC);
677  g_k.SetPoint(i,(x_k-KMC)*100./KMC, 100.*fabs(y_k-SMC)/SMC);
678  }
679  //
680  // positive points
681  for (int i=0; i<=POINTS; ++i) {
682  double x_ewk = 1.+ewk_syst_max*i/POINTS;
683  double x_fz = Fzmc+fz_syst_max*i/POINTS;
684  double x_fzp = FzPmc+fzp_syst_max*i/POINTS;
685  double x_k = KMC+k_syst_max*i/POINTS;
686  double x_i = Imc+i_syst_max*i/POINTS;
687  //
688  double y_ewk= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, x_ewk, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
689  double y_fz = CalcABCD(Imc, x_fz, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
690  double y_fzp= CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, x_fzp, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
691  double y_k = CalcABCD(Imc, Fzmc, FzPmc, x_k, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
692  double y_i = CalcABCD(x_i, Fzmc, FzPmc, KMC, 1., Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed);
693  //
694  g_ewk.SetPoint(i+POINTS,(x_ewk-1.)*100., 100.*fabs(y_ewk-SMC)/SMC);
695  g_fz.SetPoint(i+POINTS,(x_fz-Fzmc)*100./Fzmc, 100.*fabs(y_fz-SMC)/SMC);
696  g_fzp.SetPoint(i+POINTS,(x_fzp-FzPmc)*100./FzPmc, 100.*fabs(y_fzp-SMC)/SMC);
697  g_i.SetPoint(i+POINTS,(x_i-Imc)*100./Imc, 100.*fabs(y_i-SMC)/SMC);
698  g_k.SetPoint(i+POINTS,(x_k-KMC)*100./KMC, 100.*fabs(y_k-SMC)/SMC);
699  }
700  TString yaxis("(S-S_{mc})/S_{mc} (%)");
701  TCanvas c;
702  g_ewk.SetLineWidth(2);
703  g_ewk.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("EWK Variation (%)");
704  g_ewk.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
705  g_ewk.Draw("AL");
706  c.Print("ewk_syst_variation.C");
707  //
708  g_fz.SetLineWidth(2);
709  g_fz.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("F_{z} Variation (%)");
710  g_fz.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
711  g_fz.Draw("AL");
712  c.Print("fz_syst_variation.C");
713  //
714  g_fzp.SetLineWidth(2);
715  g_fzp.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("F_{z}' Variation (%)");
716  g_fzp.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
717  g_fzp.Draw("AL");
718  c.Print("fzp_syst_variation.C");
719  //
720  g_i.SetLineWidth(2);
721  g_i.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("I Variation (%)");
722  g_i.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
723  g_i.Draw("AL");
724  c.Print("i_syst_variation.C");
725  //
726  g_k.SetLineWidth(2);
727  g_k.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("K Variation (%)");
728  g_k.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
729  g_k.Draw("AL");
730  c.Print("k_syst_variation.C");
731  //
732  // ******************************************************************
733  //
734  //
735  //
736  double err_ewk = std::max(fabs(SMC-S_EWK_PLUS),fabs(SMC-S_EWK_MINUS));
737  double err_fz = fabs(SMC-S_FZ);
738  double err_fzp = fabs(SMC-S_FZP);
739  double err_i = fabs(SMC-S_I);
740  double err_k = fabs(SMC-S_K);
741  //
742  double DS_syst = sqrt(err_ewk*err_ewk + err_fz*err_fz + err_fzp*err_fzp+
743  err_i*err_i + err_k*err_k);
744  //
745  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
746  cout << "Signal Prediction: " << S << "+-" << DS << "(stat) +-"
747  << DS_syst << "(syst)" << endl;
748  cout << "stat error: " << 100.*DS/S <<"%" << endl;
749  cout << "syt error: " << 100.*DS_syst/S<< "%" << endl;
750  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
751  cout << "Parameters used in calculation: " << endl;
752  cout << "I= " << I << "+-" << dI << endl;
753  cout << "Fz= " << Fz << "+-" << dFz << endl;
754  cout << "FzP=" << FzP << "+-" << dFzP << endl;
755  cout << "EWK error assumed to be: " << ewkerror << endl;
756  cout << endl;
757  cout << "ABCD Regions population:" << endl;
758  cout << "A: N=" << Na << ", sig=" << a_sig << ", qcd=" << a_qcd
759  << ", ewk=" << a_ewk << endl;
760  cout << "B: N=" << Nb << ", sig=" << b_sig << ", qcd=" << b_qcd
761  << ", ewk=" << b_ewk << endl;
762  cout << "C: N=" << Nc << ", sig=" << c_sig << ", qcd=" << c_qcd
763  << ", ewk=" << c_ewk << endl;
764  cout << "D: N=" << Nd << ", sig=" << d_sig << ", qcd=" << d_qcd
765  << ", ewk=" << d_ewk << endl;
766  cout << endl;
767  cout << "Parameters from MC: " << endl;
768  cout << "I= " << Imc << "+-" << dImc << endl;
769  cout << "Fz= " << Fzmc << "+-" << dFzmc << endl;
770  cout << "FzP=" << FzPmc << "+-" << dFzPmc << endl;
771  cout << endl;
772  cout << "Real value of K=" << KMC << endl;
773  cout << "Real value of Signal=" << SMC << endl;
774  cout << endl;
775  cout << "Difference Measured - MC value (% wrt MC value except K=1): "
776  << endl;
777  cout << "Fz : " << dfz << ", (" << dfz*100./Fzmc << "%)" << endl;
778  cout << "FzP: " << dfzp << ", (" << dfzp*100./FzPmc << "%)" << endl;
779  cout << "I : " << di << ", (" << di*100./Imc << "%)" << endl;
780  cout << "K : " << fk << ", (" << fk*100./1. << "%)" << endl;
781  cout << endl;
782  //
783  cout << "DETAILS OF THE CALCULATION" << endl;
784  cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" << endl;
785  cout << "Statistical Error Summary: " << endl;
786  cout << "due to Fz = "<< SpFz*dFz<< ", ("<<SpFz*dFz*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
787  cout << "due to FzP= "<< SpFzP*dFzP
788  << ", ("<<SpFzP*dFzP*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
789  cout << "due to I = "<< SpI*dI
790  << ", ("<<SpI*dI*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
791  cout << "due to Na = "<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)
792  << ", ("<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
793  cout << "due to Nb = "<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)
794  << ", ("<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
795  cout << "due to Nc = "<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)
796  << ", ("<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
797  cout << "due to Nd = "<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)
798  << ", ("<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
799  cout << "Total Statistical Error: "
800  << DS << ", (" << DS*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
801  cout << "Stat Error percentages are wrt S prediction, not S mc" << endl;
802  cout << endl;
803  cout << "Systematic Error Summary:" << endl;
804  cout << "due to k = " << err_k << " ( " << err_k*100./S << "%)" << endl;
805  cout << "due to Fz = " << err_fz << " ( " << err_fz*100./S << "%)" << endl;
806  cout << "due to FzP = " << err_fzp << " ( " << err_fzp*100./S << "%)" << endl;
807  cout << "due to I = " << err_i << " ( " << err_i*100./S << "%)" << endl;
808  cout << "due to EWK = " << err_ewk << " ( " << err_ewk*100./S << "%)" << endl;
810  cout << "Syst Error percentages are wrt S prediction, not S mc" << endl;
811  }
812  //
813  //
814  if (mcOnly < 0 && mcOnly >-0.75) { // select value -0.5 that gives the
815  // string parser
816  cout << "=======================================================" << endl;
817  cout << "Calculating ABCD Result and Stat Error Assuming MC ONLY" << endl;
818  cout << "=======================================================" << endl;
819  cout << "All input parameters that the user have inserted will be "
820  << "ignored and recalculated from MC" << endl;
821  cout << "This option will not give you systematics estimation" << endl;
822  // recalculate the basic quantities
823  I = (a_sig + b_sig) / (a_sig + b_sig + c_sig + d_sig);
824  dI = sqrt(I*(1-I)/(a_sig + b_sig + c_sig + d_sig));
825  Fz = a_sig/b_sig;
826  double e =a_sig/(a_sig + b_sig);
827  double de = sqrt(e*(1-e)/(a_sig + b_sig));
828  double alpha = de/(2.*Fz-e);
829  dFz = alpha/(1-alpha);
830  FzP = d_sig/c_sig;
831  double ep =d_sig/(c_sig + d_sig);
832  double dep = sqrt(ep*(1-ep)/(c_sig + d_sig));
833  double alphap = dep/(2.*FzP-ep);
834  dFzP = alphap/(1-alphap);
835  //
836  double KMC = (d_qcd/c_qcd)/(a_qcd/b_qcd);
837  //
838  // now everything is done from data + input
839  double A = (1.0-I)*(FzP-Fz);
840  double B = I*(FzP+1.0)*(FzP*(c_sig+c_qcd)-(d_sig+d_qcd)) +
841  (1+Fz)*(1-I)*((a_sig+a_qcd)-dFzP*(b_sig+b_qcd));
842  double C = I*(1.+Fz)*(1.+FzP)*((d_sig+d_qcd)*(b_sig+b_qcd) -
843  (a_sig+a_qcd)*(c_sig+c_qcd));
844  //
845  // signal calculation:
846  double S = Trionym(A,B,C, a_sig+b_sig);
848  // the errors now:
849  // calculate the statistical error now:
850  double ApI=0, ApFz=0, ApFzP=0, ApNa=0, ApNb=0, ApNc=0, ApNd=0;
851  double BpI=0, BpFz=0, BpFzP=0, BpNa=0, BpNb=0, BpNc=0, BpNd=0;
852  double CpI=0, CpFz=0, CpFzP=0, CpNa=0, CpNb=0, CpNc=0, CpNd=0;
853  double SpI=0, SpFz=0, SpFzP=0, SpNa=0, SpNb=0, SpNc=0, SpNd=0;
854  //
855  double Na = a_sig+a_qcd+a_ewk, Nb = b_sig+b_qcd+b_ewk;
856  double Nc=c_sig+c_qcd+c_ewk, Nd = d_sig+d_qcd+d_ewk;
857  double Ea = a_ewk, Eb = b_ewk, Ec=c_ewk, Ed = d_ewk;
858  if (A != 0) {
860  ApI = -(FzP-Fz);
861  ApFz = -(1.0-I);
862  ApFzP = (1.0-I);
863  ApNa = 0.0;
864  ApNb = 0.0;
865  ApNc = 0.0;
866  ApNd = 0.0;
868  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
869  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
870  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
871  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
872  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
873  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
874  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
876  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
877  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
878  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
879  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
880  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
881  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
882  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
884  SpI = (-BpI + (B*BpI -2.0*ApI*C -2.0*A*CpI) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApI*S) /(2.0*A);
885  SpFz = (-BpFz + (B*BpFz -2.0*ApFz*C -2.0*A*CpFz) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFz*S) /(2.0*A);
886  SpFzP = (-BpFzP + (B*BpFzP -2.0*ApFzP*C -2.0*A*CpFzP)/fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApFzP*S)/(2.0*A);
887  SpNa = (-BpNa + (B*BpNa -2.0*ApNa*C -2.0*A*CpNa) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNa*S) /(2.0*A);
888  SpNb = (-BpNb + (B*BpNb -2.0*ApNb*C -2.0*A*CpNb) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNb*S) /(2.0*A);
889  SpNc = (-BpNc + (B*BpNc -2.0*ApNc*C -2.0*A*CpNc) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNc*S) /(2.0*A);
890  SpNd = (-BpNd + (B*BpNd -2.0*ApNd*C -2.0*A*CpNd) /fabs(2.0*A*S+B)- 2.0*ApNd*S) /(2.0*A);
891  }
892  else {
893  BpI = (FzP+1.0)*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0+Fz)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
894  BpFz = I*(FzP+1.0)*(Nc-Ec)+(1.0-I)*((Na-Ea)-FzP*(Nb-Eb));
895  BpFzP = I*(Fz*(Nc-Ec)-(Nd-Ed))-(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(Nb-Eb);
896  BpNa = (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz);
897  BpNb = -(1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*FzP;
898  BpNc = I*(FzP+1.0)*Fz;
899  BpNd = -I*(FzP+1.0);
901  CpI = (1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
902  CpFz = I*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
903  CpFzP = I*(1.0+Fz)*((Nd-Ed)*(Nb-Eb)-(Na-Ea)*(Nc-Ec));
904  CpNa = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nc-Ec);
905  CpNb = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nd-Ed);
906  CpNc = -I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Na-Ea);
907  CpNd = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*(Nb-Eb);
909  SpI = -CpI/B+C*BpI/(B*B);
910  SpFz = -CpFz/B+C*BpFz/(B*B);
911  SpFzP = -CpFzP/B+C*BpFzP/(B*B);
912  SpNa = -CpNa/B+C*BpNa/(B*B);
913  SpNb = -CpNb/B+C*BpNb/(B*B);
914  SpNc = -CpNc/B+C*BpNc/(B*B);
915  SpNd = -CpNd/B+C*BpNd/(B*B);
916  }
917  double DS;
918  DS = sqrt( SpI*dI*SpI*dI + SpFz*dFz*SpFz*dFz + SpFzP*dFzP*SpFzP*dFzP +
919  SpNa*SpNa*Na + SpNb*SpNb*Nb + SpNc*SpNc*Nc + SpNd*SpNd*Nd );
920  // warning: S here denotes the method prediction ..........
921  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
922  cout << "Signal Prediction: " << S << "+-" << DS << "(stat)" << endl;
923  cout << "********************************************************" << endl;
924  cout << "Parameters used in calculation: " << endl;
925  cout << "I= " << I << "+-" << dI << endl;
926  cout << "Fz= " << Fz << "+-" << dFz << endl;
927  cout << "FzP=" << FzP << "+-" << dFzP << endl;
928  cout << endl;
929  cout << "ABCD Regions population:" << endl;
930  cout << "A: N=" << Na << ", sig=" << a_sig << ", qcd=" << a_qcd
931  << ", ewk=" << a_ewk << endl;
932  cout << "B: N=" << Nb << ", sig=" << b_sig << ", qcd=" << b_qcd
933  << ", ewk=" << b_ewk << endl;
934  cout << "C: N=" << Nc << ", sig=" << c_sig << ", qcd=" << c_qcd
935  << ", ewk=" << c_ewk << endl;
936  cout << "D: N=" << Nd << ", sig=" << d_sig << ", qcd=" << d_qcd
937  << ", ewk=" << d_ewk << endl;
938  cout << "K value from MC: " << KMC << endl;
939  cout << endl;
940  cout << "Statistical Error Summary: " << endl;
941  cout << "due to Fz = "<< SpFz*dFz<< ", ("<<SpFz*dFz*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
942  cout << "due to FzP= "<< SpFzP*dFzP
943  << ", ("<<SpFzP*dFzP*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
944  cout << "due to I = "<< SpI*dI
945  << ", ("<<SpI*dI*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
946  cout << "due to Na = "<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)
947  << ", ("<< SpNa*sqrt(Na)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
948  cout << "due to Nb = "<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)
949  << ", ("<< SpNb*sqrt(Nb)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
950  cout << "due to Nc = "<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)
951  << ", ("<< SpNc*sqrt(Nc)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
952  cout << "due to Nd = "<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)
953  << ", ("<< SpNd*sqrt(Nd)*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
954  cout << "Total Statistical Error: "
955  << DS << ", (" << DS*100./S << "%)"<< endl;
956  cout << "Stat Error percentages are wrt S prediction, not S mc" << endl;
957  }
960 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
int i
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
double Trionym(double a, double b, double c, double sum)
double_binary B
const double I_SYST_MAX
const double EWK_SYST_MIN
const double EWK_SYST_MAX
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
const double I_SYST_MIN
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
const double FZ_SYST_MAX
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
double f[11][100]
double CalcABCD(double I, double Fz, double FzP, double K, double ewk, double Na_, double Nb_, double Nc_, double Nd_, double Ea_, double Eb_, double Ec_, double Ed_)
const double FZP_SYST_MIN
const double K_SYST_MIN
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
const double FZP_SYST_MAX
const double K_SYST_MAX
const double FZ_SYST_MIN
tuple cout
double CalcABCD ( double  I,
double  Fz,
double  FzP,
double  K,
double  ewk,
double  Na_,
double  Nb_,
double  Nc_,
double  Nd_,
double  Ea_,
double  Eb_,
double  Ec_,
double  Ed_ 

Definition at line 1148 of file

References funct::A, funct::C, Exhume::I, and Trionym().

Referenced by abcd().

1151 {
1152  double A, B, C;
1153  A = (1.0-I)*(FzP-K*Fz);
1154  B = I*(FzP+1.0)*(K*Fz*(Nc_-ewk*Ec_)-(Nd_-ewk*Ed_))+
1155  (1.0-I)*(1.0+Fz)*(K*(Na_-ewk*Ea_)-FzP*(Nb_-ewk*Eb_));
1156  C = I*(1.0+Fz)*(1.0+FzP)*((Nd_-ewk*Ed_)*(Nb_-ewk*Eb_)-
1157  K*(Na_-ewk*Ea_)*(Nc_-ewk*Ec_));
1158  //
1159  return Trionym(A, B, C, Na_+Nb_-Ea_-Eb_);
1161 }
double Trionym(double a, double b, double c, double sum)
double_binary B
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
void PlotCombiner ( )

Definition at line 131 of file

References abcd(), trackerHits::c, gather_cfg::cout, data, relativeConstraints::empty, MainPageGenerator::files, alignmentValidation::fname, Exhume::I, i, LaserDQM_cfg::input, j, geometryCSVtoXML::line, plotMaker(), searchABCDstring(), w(), and create_public_pileup_plots::weights.

132 {
133  // read the file
134  ifstream input("inputFiles");
135  int i = 0;
136  TString typeOfplot = "";
137  vector<TString> types;
138  vector<TString> files;
139  vector<double> weights;
141  if (input.is_open()) {
142  std::string myline;
143  while (! input.eof()) {
144  getline(input, myline);
145  TString line(myline);
146  TString c('#');
147  TString empty(' ');
148  if (line[0] != c) {
149  ++i;
150  if (i==1) typeOfplot=line;
151  else {
152  // read until you find 3 words
153  TString fname("");
154  TString ftype("");
155  TString fw("");
156  int lineSize = (int) line.Length();
157  int j=0;
158  while (j<lineSize) {
159  if(line[j] != empty) fname += line[j];
160  else break;
161  ++j;
162  }
163  while (j<lineSize) {
164  if(line[j] != empty) ftype += line[j];
165  else if(ftype.Length()==3) break;
166  ++j;
167  }
168  while (j<lineSize) {
169  if(line[j] != empty) fw += line[j];
170  else{ if(fw.Length()>0) break;}
171  ++j;
172  }
173  if (fname.Length() == 0) break;
174  files.push_back(fname);
175  types.push_back(ftype);
176  double w = fw.Atof();
177  weights.push_back(w);
178  if (w>0)
179  std::cout << fname << ", " << ftype << ", "<< w << std::endl;
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  input.close();
184  }
185  else {
186  std::cout << "File with name inputFile was not found" << std::endl;
187  return;
188  }
190  // now you can launch the jobs
191  if (typeOfplot == "wenu") {
192  cout << "wenu plot maker" << endl;
193  // ====================
194  // =====> WHICH HISTOS TO PLOT
195  // ====================
196  plotMaker("h_met", typeOfplot, files, types, weights, "MET (GeV)");
197  }
198  else if (typeOfplot == "zee"){
199  cout << "zee plot maker" << endl;
200  // ====================
201  // =====> WHICH HISTOS TO PLOT
202  // ====================
203  plotMaker("h_mee", typeOfplot, files, types, weights, "M_{ee} (GeV)");
204  }
205  else if (typeOfplot(0,4) == "abcd") {
206  // now read the parameters of the ABCD method
207  // look for parameter I and dI
208  double I = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "I");
209  double dI= searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "dI");
210  // look for parameter Fz
211  double Fz = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "Fz");
212  double dFz= searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "dFz");
213  // look for parameter FzP
214  double FzP = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "FzP");
215  double dFzP= searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "dFzP");
216  // look for the MET cut
217  double METCut =searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "METCut");
218  // do you want data driven only?
219  double data = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "data");
220  double mc = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "mc");
221  double mcOnly = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "mcOnly");
222  // what is the ewk error?
223  double ewkerror = searchABCDstring(typeOfplot, "ewkerror");
224  // sanity check:
225  if (METCut<0 || (data<-0.7 && mc<-0.7 && mcOnly<-0.7)) {
226  cout << "Error in your configurtion!" << endl;
227  if (METCut <0) cout << "Error in MET Cut" << endl;
228  else cout << "You need to specify one mc or data or mcOnly"
229  << endl;
230  abort();
231  }
232  if (mc>-0.7 && mc <0 && ewkerror<0) {
233  cout << "You have specified mc option, but you have forgotten"
234  << " to set the ewkerror!" << endl;
235  abort();
236  }
237  // ===============================
239  // ===============================
240  cout << "doing ABCD with input: " << typeOfplot << endl;
241  abcd(files, types, weights, METCut, I, dI, Fz, dFz, FzP, dFzP,
242  ewkerror, data, mc, mcOnly);
244  }
245  // force the program to abort in order to clear the memory
246  // and avoid further use of the interpreter after
247  abort();
249 }
int i
void plotMaker(TString histoName, TString typeOfplot, vector< TString > file, vector< TString > type, vector< double > weight, TString xtitle)
int j
void abcd(vector< TString > file, vector< TString > type, vector< double > weight, double METCut, double I, double dI, double Fz, double dFz, double FzP, double dFzP, double ewkerror, double data, double mc, double mcOnly)
const std::complex< double > I
Definition: I.h:8
string fname
main script
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
tuple cout
double searchABCDstring(TString abcdString, TString keyword)
T w() const
void plotMaker ( TString  histoName,
TString  typeOfplot,
vector< TString >  file,
vector< TString >  type,
vector< double >  weight,
TString  xtitle 

Definition at line 962 of file

References trackerHits::c, gather_cfg::cout, f, h, i, create_public_lumi_plots::leg, max(), min, and EnsembleCalibrationLA_cfg::NBins.

Referenced by PlotCombiner().

965 {
966  gROOT->Reset();
967  gROOT->ProcessLine(".L tdrstyle.C");
968  gROOT->ProcessLine("setTDRStyle()");
969  // automatic recognition of histogram dimension
970  int NBins = 0; double min = 0; double max = -1;
971  for (int i=0; i< (int) file.size(); ++i) {
972  if (weight[i]>0) {
973  TFile f(file[i]);
974  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
975  NBins = h->GetNbinsX();
976  min = h->GetBinLowEdge(1);
977  max = h->GetBinLowEdge(NBins+1);
978  break;
979  }
980  }
981  if (NBins ==0 || (max<min)) {
982  std::cout << "PlotCombiner::abcd error: Could not find valid histograms in file"
983  << std::endl;
984  abort();
985  }
986  cout << "Histograms with "<< NBins <<" bins and range " << min << "-" << max << endl;
987  // Wenu Signal .......................................................
988  TH1F h_wenu("h_wenu", "h_wenu", NBins, min, max);
989  int fmax = (int) file.size();
990  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
991  if (type[i] == "sig" && weight[i]>0) {
992  TFile f(file[i]);
993  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
994  h_wenu.Add(h, weight[i]);
995  }
996  }
997  // Bkgs ..............................................................
998  //
999  // QCD light flavor
1000  TH1F h_qcd("h_qcd", "h_qcd", NBins, min, max);
1001  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
1002  if (type[i] == "qcd" && weight[i]>0) {
1003  TFile f(file[i]);
1004  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
1005  h_qcd.Add(h, weight[i]);
1006  }
1007  }
1008  // QCD heavy flavor
1009  TH1F h_bce("h_bce", "h_bce", NBins, min, max);
1010  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
1011  if (type[i] == "bce" && weight[i]>0) {
1012  TFile f(file[i]);
1013  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
1014  h_bce.Add(h, weight[i]);
1015  }
1016  }
1017  // QCD Gjets
1018  TH1F h_gj("h_gj", "h_gj", NBins, min, max);
1019  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
1020  if (type[i] == "gje" && weight[i]>0) {
1021  TFile f(file[i]);
1022  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
1023  h_gj.Add(h, weight[i]);
1024  }
1025  }
1026  // Other EWK bkgs
1027  TH1F h_ewk("h_ewk", "h_ewk", NBins, min, max);
1028  for (int i=0; i<fmax; ++i) {
1029  if (type[i] == "ewk" && weight[i]>0) {
1030  TFile f(file[i]);
1031  TH1F *h = (TH1F*) f.Get(histoName);
1032  h_ewk.Add(h, weight[i]);
1033  }
1034  }
1035  //
1036  // ok now decide how to plot them:
1037  // first the EWK bkgs
1038  h_ewk.SetFillColor(3);
1039  //
1040  // then the gjets
1041  h_gj.Add(&h_ewk);
1042  h_gj.SetFillColor(1);
1043  // thent the QCD dijets
1044  h_bce.Add(&h_qcd);
1045  h_bce.Add(&h_gj);
1046  h_bce.SetFillColor(2);
1047  // and the signal at last
1048  TH1F h_tot("h_tot", "h_tot", NBins, min, max);
1049  h_tot.Add(&h_bce);
1050  h_tot.Add(&h_wenu);
1051  h_wenu.SetLineColor(4); h_wenu.SetLineWidth(2);
1052  //
1053  TCanvas c;
1054  h_tot.GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitle);
1055  h_tot.Draw("PE");
1056  h_bce.Draw("same");
1057  h_gj.Draw("same");
1058  h_ewk.Draw("same");
1059  h_wenu.Draw("same");
1061  // the Legend
1062  TLegend leg(0.6,0.65,0.95,0.92);
1063  if (wzsignal == "wenu")
1064  leg.AddEntry(&h_wenu, "W#rightarrow e#nu","l");
1065  else
1066  leg.AddEntry(&h_wenu, "Z#rightarrow ee","l");
1067  leg.AddEntry(&h_tot, "Signal + Bkg","p");
1068  leg.AddEntry(&h_bce, "dijets","f");
1069  leg.AddEntry(&h_gj, "#gamma + jets","f");
1070  leg.AddEntry(&h_ewk, "EWK+t#bar t", "f");
1071  leg.Draw("same");
1073  c.Print("test.png");
1077 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
int i
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
double f[11][100]
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
tuple cout
double searchABCDstring ( TString  abcdString,
TString  keyword 

Definition at line 1089 of file

References findQualityFiles::comma, gather_cfg::cout, findQualityFiles::size, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by PlotCombiner().

1090 {
1091  int size = keyword.Sizeof();
1092  int existsEntry = abcdString.Index(keyword);
1093  //
1094  if (existsEntry==-1) return -1.;
1095  //
1096  TString previousVal = abcdString(existsEntry-1);
1097  if (!(previousVal == "," || previousVal == " " ||
1098  previousVal == "(" )) return -1.;
1099  //
1100  TString afterVal = abcdString(existsEntry+size-1);
1101  //std::cout << "afterVal=" << afterVal << std::endl;
1102  if (afterVal =="," || afterVal==")") return -0.5;
1103  else if (afterVal != "=") return -1.;
1104  //
1105  // now find the comma or the parenthesis after the = sign
1106  int comma = abcdString.Index(",",existsEntry);
1107  //std::cout << "first comma=" << comma << std::endl;
1108  if (comma<0) comma = abcdString.Index(")",existsEntry);
1109  if (comma<0) {
1110  std::cout << "Error in parcing abcd line, chech syntax "
1111  << std::endl;
1112  return -99.;
1113  }
1114  TString svalue=abcdString(existsEntry+size,comma-existsEntry-size);
1115  std::cout << "Found ABCD parameter "<< keyword
1116  << " with value " << svalue << endl;
1117  // convert this to a float
1118  double value = svalue.Atof();
1119  return value;
1121 }
tuple cout
tuple size
Write out results.
double Trionym ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double  sum 

Definition at line 1124 of file

References b, trackerHits::c, indexGen::s2, and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by abcd(), and CalcABCD().

1125 {
1126  if (a==0) {
1127  return -c/b;
1128  }
1129  double D2 = b*b - 4.*a*c;
1130  //return (-b + sqrt(D2)) / (2.*a);
1131  if (D2 > 0) {
1132  double s1 = (-b + sqrt(D2)) / (2.*a);
1133  double s2 = (-b - sqrt(D2)) / (2.*a);
1134  double solution = fabs(s1-sum)<fabs(s2-sum)?s1:s2;
1135  return solution;
1136  }
1137  else {
1138  return -1.;
1139  }
1140 }
Divides< B, C > D2
Definition: Factorize.h:145
tuple s2
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121

Variable Documentation

const double EWK_SYST_MAX = 0.3

Definition at line 114 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double EWK_SYST_MIN = 0.3

Definition at line 113 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double FZ_SYST_MAX = 0.1

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double FZ_SYST_MIN = 0.1

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double FZP_SYST_MAX = 0.1

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double FZP_SYST_MIN = 0.1

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double I_SYST_MAX = 0.05

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double I_SYST_MIN = 0.05

Definition at line 116 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double K_SYST_MAX = 0.8

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by abcd().

const double K_SYST_MIN = 0.8

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by abcd().