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EMECALShowerParametrization Class Reference

#include <EMECALShowerParametrization.h>

Public Member Functions

double correlationAlphaT (double lny) const
double correlationAlphaTHom (double lny) const
double correlationAlphaTSam (double lny) const
const ECALPropertiesecalProperties () const
 EMECALShowerParametrization (const ECALProperties *ecal, const HCALProperties *hcal, const PreshowerLayer1Properties *layer1, const PreshowerLayer2Properties *layer2, const std::vector< double > &coreIntervals, const std::vector< double > &tailIntervals, double RCFact=1., double RTFact=1.)
const std::vector< double > & getCoreIntervals () const
const std::vector< double > & getTailIntervals () const
const HCALPropertieshcalProperties () const
const PreshowerLayer1Propertieslayer1Properties () const
const PreshowerLayer2Propertieslayer2Properties () const
double meanAlpha (double lny) const
double meanAlphaHom (double lny) const
double meanAlphaSam (double lny) const
double meanAlphaSpot (double alpha) const
double meanAlphaSpotHom (double alpha) const
double meanAlphaSpotSam (double alpha) const
double meanLnAlpha (double lny) const
double meanLnAlphaHom (double lny) const
double meanLnAlphaSam (double lny) const
double meanLnT (double lny) const
double meanLnTHom (double lny) const
double meanLnTSam (double lny) const
double meanT (double lny) const
double meanTHom (double lny) const
double meanTSam (double lny) const
double meanTSpot (double T) const
double meanTSpotHom (double T) const
double meanTSpotSam (double T) const
double nSpots (double E) const
double nSpotsHom (double E) const
double nSpotsSam (double E) const
double p (double tau, double E) const
double pHom (double tau, double E) const
double pSam (double tau, double E) const
double rC (double tau, double E) const
double rCHom (double tau, double E) const
double rCSam (double tau, double E) const
double rT (double tau, double E) const
double rTHom (double tau, double E) const
double rTSam (double tau, double E) const
double sigmaLnAlpha (double lny) const
double sigmaLnAlphaHom (double lny) const
double sigmaLnAlphaSam (double lny) const
double sigmaLnT (double lny) const
double sigmaLnTHom (double lny) const
double sigmaLnTSam (double lny) const
virtual ~EMECALShowerParametrization ()

Private Member Functions

double k1 () const
double k2 () const
double k3 () const
double k4 (double E) const
double p1 () const
double p2 () const
double p3 (double E) const
double z1 (double E) const
double z2 () const

Private Attributes

const std::vector< double > & theCore
const ECALPropertiestheECAL
const HCALPropertiestheHCAL
const PreshowerLayer1PropertiestheLayer1
const PreshowerLayer2PropertiestheLayer2
double theRcfactor
double theRtfactor
const std::vector< double > & theTail

Detailed Description

Electromagnetic Shower parametrization utilities according to G. Grindhammer and S. Peters, hep-ex/0001020, Appendix A

Patrick Janot
: 25-Jan-2004

Definition at line 19 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EMECALShowerParametrization::EMECALShowerParametrization ( const ECALProperties ecal,
const HCALProperties hcal,
const PreshowerLayer1Properties layer1,
const PreshowerLayer2Properties layer2,
const std::vector< double > &  coreIntervals,
const std::vector< double > &  tailIntervals,
double  RCFact = 1.,
double  RTFact = 1. 

Definition at line 23 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

30  :
31  theECAL(ecal),
32  theHCAL(hcal),
33  theLayer1(layer1),
34  theLayer2(layer2),
35  theCore(coreIntervals),
36  theTail(tailIntervals),
37  theRcfactor(RCFact),
38  theRtfactor(RTFact){}
const PreshowerLayer1Properties * theLayer1
const PreshowerLayer2Properties * theLayer2
const std::vector< double > & theCore
const std::vector< double > & theTail
virtual EMECALShowerParametrization::~EMECALShowerParametrization ( )

Definition at line 40 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

40 { }

Member Function Documentation

double EMECALShowerParametrization::correlationAlphaT ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 101 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References correlationAlphaTHom(), correlationAlphaTSam(), ECALProperties::isHom(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

101  {
102  if (theECAL->isHom()) return correlationAlphaTHom(lny);
103  return correlationAlphaTSam(lny); }
double correlationAlphaTSam(double lny) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double correlationAlphaTHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::correlationAlphaTHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 123 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by correlationAlphaT().

123  {
124  return 0.705-0.023*lny; }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::correlationAlphaTSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 141 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by correlationAlphaT().

141  {
142  return 0.784-0.023*lny; }
const ECALProperties* EMECALShowerParametrization::ecalProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 248 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

248  {
249  return theECAL;
250  }
const std::vector<double>& EMECALShowerParametrization::getCoreIntervals ( ) const

Definition at line 264 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theCore.

Referenced by EMShower::setIntervals().

264 { return theCore;}
const std::vector< double > & theCore
const std::vector<double>& EMECALShowerParametrization::getTailIntervals ( ) const

Definition at line 266 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theTail.

Referenced by EMShower::setIntervals().

266 { return theTail;}
const std::vector< double > & theTail
const HCALProperties* EMECALShowerParametrization::hcalProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 252 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theHCAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

252  {
253  return theHCAL;
254  }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::k1 ( ) const

Definition at line 288 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by rTHom().

288 { return 0.6590-0.00309*theECAL->theZeff(); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::k2 ( ) const

Definition at line 289 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by rTHom().

289 { return 0.6450; }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::k3 ( ) const

Definition at line 290 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by rTHom().

290 { return -2.59; }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::k4 ( double  E) const

Definition at line 291 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log.

Referenced by rTHom().

291 { return 0.3585+0.0421*std::log(E); }
const PreshowerLayer1Properties* EMECALShowerParametrization::layer1Properties ( ) const

Definition at line 256 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theLayer1.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

256  {
257  return theLayer1;
258  }
const PreshowerLayer1Properties * theLayer1
const PreshowerLayer2Properties* EMECALShowerParametrization::layer2Properties ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theLayer2.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

260  {
261  return theLayer2;
262  }
const PreshowerLayer2Properties * theLayer2
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlpha ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 51 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanAlphaHom(), meanAlphaSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

51  {
52  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanAlphaHom(lny);
53  return meanAlphaSam(lny); }
double meanAlphaHom(double lny) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double meanAlphaSam(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 61 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanAlpha(), and meanAlphaSam().

61  {
62  return 0.21+(0.492+2.38/theECAL->theZeff())*lny; }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 71 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References meanAlphaHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by meanAlpha().

71  {
72  return meanAlphaHom(lny) - 0.444/theECAL->theFs(); }
double meanAlphaHom(double lny) const
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaSpot ( double  alpha) const

Definition at line 214 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanAlphaSpotHom(), meanAlphaSpotSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

214  {
215  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanAlphaSpotHom(alpha);
216  return meanAlphaSpotSam(alpha); }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
double meanAlphaSpotSam(double alpha) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double meanAlphaSpotHom(double alpha) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaSpotHom ( double  alpha) const

Definition at line 229 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanAlphaSpot(), and meanAlphaSpotSam().

229  {
230  return alpha*(0.639+0.00334*theECAL->theZeff()); }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaSpotSam ( double  alpha) const

Definition at line 241 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References meanAlphaSpotHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanAlphaSpot().

241  {
242  return meanAlphaSpotHom(alpha)*(0.844+0.0026*theECAL->theZeff()); }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double meanAlphaSpotHom(double alpha) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnAlpha ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 91 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanLnAlphaHom(), meanLnAlphaSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

91  {
92  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanLnAlphaHom(lny);
93  return meanLnAlphaSam(lny); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double meanLnAlphaSam(double lny) const
double meanLnAlphaHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnAlphaHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 117 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log, theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanLnAlpha(), and meanLnAlphaSam().

117  {
118  return std::log(0.81+(0.458+2.26/theECAL->theZeff())*lny); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnAlphaSam ( double  lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnT ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 82 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanLnTHom(), meanLnTSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

82  {
83  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanLnTHom(lny);
84  return meanLnTSam(lny); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double meanLnTSam(double lny) const
double meanLnTHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnTHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 110 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log.

Referenced by meanLnT(), and meanLnTSam().

110  {
111  return std::log(lny-0.812); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnTSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 129 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::ehat(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, create_public_lumi_plots::log, meanLnTHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by meanLnT().

129  {
130  return log( std::exp(meanLnTHom(lny)) - 0.55/theECAL->theFs() - 0.69*(1-theECAL->ehat()) ); }
double ehat() const
ehat = e/mip of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
double meanLnTHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanT ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 47 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanTHom(), meanTSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

47  {
48  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanTHom(lny);
49  return meanTSam(lny); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double meanTHom(double lny) const
double meanTSam(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 58 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by meanT(), and meanTSam().

58  {
59  return lny-0.858; }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 68 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::ehat(), meanTHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by meanT().

68  {
69  return meanTHom(lny) - 0.59/theECAL->theFs() - 0.53*(1.-theECAL->ehat()); }
double ehat() const
ehat = e/mip of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one
double meanTHom(double lny) const
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTSpot ( double  T) const

Definition at line 210 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), meanTSpotHom(), meanTSpotSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

210  {
211  if (theECAL->isHom()) return meanTSpotHom(T);
212  return meanTSpotSam(T); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
long double T
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTSpotHom ( double  T) const

Definition at line 226 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanTSpot(), and meanTSpotSam().

226  {
227  return T*(0.698+0.00212*theECAL->theZeff()); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
long double T
double EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTSpotSam ( double  T) const

Definition at line 238 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References meanTSpotHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by meanTSpot().

238  {
239  return meanTSpotHom(T)*(0.813+0.0019*theECAL->theZeff()); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
long double T
double EMECALShowerParametrization::nSpots ( double  E) const

Definition at line 206 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), nSpotsHom(), nSpotsSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

206  {
207  if (theECAL->isHom()) return nSpotsHom(E);
208  return nSpotsSam(E); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double EMECALShowerParametrization::nSpotsHom ( double  E) const

Definition at line 223 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log, funct::pow(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by nSpots().

223  {
224  return 93.*std::log(theECAL->theZeff()) * std::pow(E,0.876); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
double EMECALShowerParametrization::nSpotsSam ( double  E) const

Definition at line 235 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References funct::pow(), ECALProperties::resE(), and theECAL.

Referenced by nSpots().

235  {
236  return 10.3/theECAL->resE()*std::pow(E, 0.959); }
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
double resE() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double EMECALShowerParametrization::p ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 162 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), pHom(), pSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::compute().

162  {
163  if (theECAL->isHom()) return pHom(tau, E);
164  return pSam(tau, E); }
double pSam(double tau, double E) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double pHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::p1 ( ) const

Definition at line 281 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by pHom().

281 { return 2.632-0.00094*theECAL->theZeff(); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::p2 ( ) const

Definition at line 282 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by pHom().

282 { return 0.401+0.00187*theECAL->theZeff(); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.
double EMECALShowerParametrization::p3 ( double  E) const

Definition at line 283 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log.

Referenced by pHom().

283 { return 1.313-0.0686*std::log(E); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::pHom ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 179 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp, p1(), p2(), p3(), and metsig::tau.

Referenced by p(), and pSam().

179  {
180  double arg = (p2()-tau)/p3(E);
181  return p1()* std::exp(arg-std::exp(arg));
182  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:36
double EMECALShowerParametrization::pSam ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 195 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::ehat(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, pHom(), funct::pow(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by p().

195  {
196  return pHom(tau, E) + (1-theECAL->ehat())*(0.348-0.642/theECAL->theFs()*std::exp(-1.*std::pow((tau-1),2) ) );
197  }
double ehat() const
ehat = e/mip of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
double pHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::rC ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 154 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), rCHom(), rCSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::compute().

154  {
155  if (theECAL->isHom()) return rCHom(tau, E);
156  return rCSam(tau, E); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double rCSam(double tau, double E) const
double rCHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::rCHom ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 170 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References metsig::tau, theRcfactor, z1(), and z2().

Referenced by rC(), and rCSam().

double EMECALShowerParametrization::rCSam ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 187 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::ehat(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, rCHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by rC().

187  {
188  return rCHom(tau, E) - 0.0203*(1-theECAL->ehat()) + 0.0397/theECAL->theFs()*std::exp(-1.*tau);
189  }
double ehat() const
ehat = e/mip of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
double rCHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::rT ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 158 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), rTHom(), rTSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::compute().

158  {
159  if (theECAL->isHom()) return rTHom(tau, E);
160  return rTSam(tau, E); }
double rTSam(double tau, double E) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double rTHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::rTHom ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::rTSam ( double  tau,
double  E 
) const

Definition at line 191 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::ehat(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, rTHom(), theECAL, and ECALProperties::theFs().

Referenced by rT().

191  {
192  return rTHom(tau, E) -0.14*(1-theECAL->ehat()) - 0.495/theECAL->theFs()*std::exp(-1.*tau);
193  }
double ehat() const
ehat = e/mip of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one
double theFs() const
Sampling fraction Fs of the calorimeter. 0 for homogeneous one.
double rTHom(double tau, double E) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnAlpha ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 96 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), sigmaLnAlphaHom(), sigmaLnAlphaSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

96  {
97  if (theECAL->isHom()) return sigmaLnAlphaHom(lny);
98  return sigmaLnAlphaSam(lny); }
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double sigmaLnAlphaSam(double lny) const
double sigmaLnAlphaHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnAlphaHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 120 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by sigmaLnAlpha().

120  {
121  return 1./(-0.58+0.86*lny); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnAlphaSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 138 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by sigmaLnAlpha().

138  {
139  return 1./(-0.82+0.79*lny); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnT ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 86 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References ECALProperties::isHom(), sigmaLnTHom(), sigmaLnTSam(), and theECAL.

Referenced by EMShower::EMShower().

86  {
87  if (theECAL->isHom()) return sigmaLnTHom(lny);
88  return sigmaLnTSam(lny); }
double sigmaLnTSam(double lny) const
bool isHom() const
a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
double sigmaLnTHom(double lny) const
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnTHom ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 114 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by sigmaLnT().

114  {
115  return 1./(-1.4+1.26*lny); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnTSam ( double  lny) const

Definition at line 132 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by sigmaLnT().

132  {
133  return 1/(-2.5 + 1.25*lny); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::z1 ( double  E) const

Definition at line 285 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::log.

Referenced by rCHom().

285 { return 0.0251+0.00319*std::log(E); }
double EMECALShowerParametrization::z2 ( ) const

Definition at line 286 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

References theECAL, and ECALProperties::theZeff().

Referenced by rCHom().

286 { return 0.1162-0.000381*theECAL->theZeff(); }
double theZeff() const
Effective Z: 68.36 for Standard ECAL.

Member Data Documentation

const std::vector<double>& EMECALShowerParametrization::theCore

Definition at line 275 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by getCoreIntervals().

const ECALProperties* EMECALShowerParametrization::theECAL
const HCALProperties* EMECALShowerParametrization::theHCAL

Definition at line 271 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by hcalProperties().

const PreshowerLayer1Properties* EMECALShowerParametrization::theLayer1

Definition at line 272 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by layer1Properties().

const PreshowerLayer2Properties* EMECALShowerParametrization::theLayer2

Definition at line 273 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by layer2Properties().

double EMECALShowerParametrization::theRcfactor

Definition at line 278 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by rCHom().

double EMECALShowerParametrization::theRtfactor

Definition at line 279 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by rTHom().

const std::vector<double>& EMECALShowerParametrization::theTail

Definition at line 276 of file EMECALShowerParametrization.h.

Referenced by getTailIntervals().