9 throwExceptionUninitialized(
const char *where)
12 "Trying to access " << where <<
" for a RecHit that was read from disk, but since CMSSW_2_1_X local positions are transient.\n" <<
13 "If you want to get coarse position/error estimation from disk, please set: ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = True \n " <<
14 " to the TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder you are using from RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/python/TTRHBuilders_cff.py";
18 throw cms::Exception(
"BaseTrackerRecHit") <<
"CLHEP is obsolete for Tracker Hits";
AlgebraicROOTObject< D, D >::SymMatrix & measuredErrors()
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 2, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 2 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix22
bool hasPositionAndError() const
to be redefined by daughter class
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 1 > AlgebraicVector1
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError() const
virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
void getKfComponents2D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 1, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double, 1, 5 > > AlgebraicMatrix15
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters() const
AlgebraicROOTObject< D >::Vector & params()
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
const AlgebraicVector5 & tsosLocalParameters() const
void getKfComponents1D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
AlgebraicROOTObject< D >::Vector & measuredParams()
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double, 2, 5 > > AlgebraicMatrix25
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix() const
AlgebraicROOTObject< D, D >::SymMatrix & errors()
AlgebraicROOTObject< D, 5 >::Matrix & projection()
const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 & tsosLocalErrors() const
ProjectMatrix< double, 5, D > & projFunc()
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 2 > AlgebraicVector2
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 1, 1, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 1 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix11