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SETSeedFinder Class Reference

#include <SETSeedFinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for SETSeedFinder:

Public Types


Public Member Functions

std::pair< int, int > checkAngleDeviation (double dPhi_1, double dPhi_2) const
void estimateMomentum (const MuonRecHitContainer &validSet, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &momentum, int &charge) const
std::vector< SeedCandidatefillSeedCandidates (std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &allValidSets)
std::vector< MuonRecHitContainerfindAllValidSets (const std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer)
void limitCombinatorics (std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer)
TrajectorySeed makeSeed (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer &hits) const
void pre_prune (MuonRecHitContainer &validSet) const
virtual void seeds (const MuonRecHitContainer &cluster, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &result)
virtual void setBField (const MagneticField *field)
 ignore - uses MuonServiceProxy More...
 SETSeedFinder (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
void setServiceProxy (MuonServiceProxy *service)
std::vector< MuonRecHitContainersortByLayer (MuonRecHitContainer &cluster) const
void validSetsPrePruning (std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &allValidSets)
virtual ~SETSeedFinder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MuonSeedVFinder
void setBeamSpot (const GlobalVector &gv)
virtual ~MuonSeedVFinder ()

Private Attributes

bool apply_prePruning
bool useSegmentsInTrajectory

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from MuonSeedVFinder

Detailed Description

I. Bloch, E. James, S. Stoynev

Definition at line 12 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 15 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SETSeedFinder::SETSeedFinder ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 24 of file

References apply_prePruning, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and MuonSeedVFinder::thePtExtractor.

26 {
27  // Parameter set for the Builder
28  ParameterSet trajectoryBuilderParameters = parameterSet.getParameter<ParameterSet>("SETTrajBuilderParameters");
29  apply_prePruning = trajectoryBuilderParameters.getParameter<bool>("Apply_prePruning");
30  // load pT seed parameters
31  thePtExtractor = new MuonSeedPtExtractor(trajectoryBuilderParameters);
33 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
bool apply_prePruning
Definition: SETSeedFinder.h:61
MuonSeedPtExtractor * thePtExtractor
virtual SETSeedFinder::~SETSeedFinder ( )

Definition at line 18 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

References MuonSeedVFinder::thePtExtractor.

18 {delete thePtExtractor;}
MuonSeedPtExtractor * thePtExtractor

Member Function Documentation

std::pair< int, int > SETSeedFinder::checkAngleDeviation ( double  dPhi_1,
double  dPhi_2 
) const

Definition at line 317 of file

References VarParsing::mult.

Referenced by pre_prune().

318 {
319  // Two conditions:
320  // a) deviations should be only to one side (above some absolute value cut to avoid
321  // material effects; this should be refined)
322  // b) deviatiation in preceding steps should be bigger due to higher magnetic field
323  // (again - a minimal value cut should be in place; this also should account for
324  // the small (Z) distances in overlaping CSC chambers)
326  double mult = dPhi_1 * dPhi_2;
327  int signVal = 1;
328  if(fabs(dPhi_1)<fabs(dPhi_2)){
329  signVal = -1;
330  }
331  int signMult = -1;
332  if(mult>0) signMult = 1;
333  std::pair <int, int> sign;
334  sign = make_pair (signVal, signMult);
336  return sign;
337 }
void SETSeedFinder::estimateMomentum ( const MuonRecHitContainer validSet,
CLHEP::Hep3Vector &  momentum,
int &  charge 
) const

Definition at line 484 of file

References DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), pat::helper::ParametrizationHelper::dimension(), python.cmstools::loop(), funct::pow(), MuonSeedPtExtractor::pT_extract(), and MuonSeedVFinder::thePtExtractor.

Referenced by fillSeedCandidates().

486 {
487  int firstMeasurement = -1;
488  int lastMeasurement = -1;
490  // don't use 2D measurements for momentum estimation
492  //if( 4==allValidSets[iSet].front()->dimension() &&
493  //(allValidSets[iSet].front()->isCSC() || allValidSets[iSet].front()->isDT())){
494  //firstMeasurement = 0;
495  //}
496  //else{
497  // which is the "first" hit (4D)?
498  for(unsigned int iMeas = 0;iMeas<validSet.size();++iMeas){
499  if(4==validSet[iMeas]->dimension() &&
500  (validSet[iMeas]->isCSC() || validSet[iMeas]->isDT())){
501  firstMeasurement = iMeas;
502  break;
503  }
504  }
505  //}
507  std::vector<double> momentum_estimate;
508  double pT = 0.;
511  // which is the second hit?
512  for(int loop = 0; loop<2; ++loop){// it is actually not used; to be removed
513  // this is the last measurement
514  if(!loop){// this is what is used currently
515  // 23.04.09 : it becomes a problem with introduction of ME42 chambers -
516  // the initial pT parametrization is incorrect for them
517  for(int iMeas = validSet.size()-1;iMeas>-1;--iMeas){
518  if(4==validSet[iMeas]->dimension() &&
519  (validSet[iMeas]->isCSC() || validSet[iMeas]->isDT()) &&
520  // below is a fix saying "don't use ME4 chambers for initial pT estimation";
521  // not using ME41 should not be a big loss too (and is more "symmetric" solution)
522  fabs(validSet[iMeas]->globalPosition().z())<1000.){
523  lastMeasurement = iMeas;
524  break;
525  }
526  }
527  }
528  else{
529  // this is the second measurement
530  for(unsigned int iMeas = 1;iMeas<validSet.size();++iMeas){
531  if(4==validSet[iMeas]->dimension() &&
532  (validSet[iMeas]->isCSC() || validSet[iMeas]->isDT())){
533  lastMeasurement = iMeas;
534  break;
535  }
536  }
537  }
538  // only 2D measurements (it should have been already abandoned)
539  if(-1==lastMeasurement && -1==firstMeasurement){
540  firstMeasurement = 0;
541  lastMeasurement = validSet.size()-1;
542  }
543  // because of the ME42 above lastMeasurement could be -1
544  else if(-1==lastMeasurement){
545  lastMeasurement = firstMeasurement;
546  }
547  else if(-1==firstMeasurement){
548  firstMeasurement = lastMeasurement;
549  }
551  firstHit = validSet[firstMeasurement];
552  secondHit = validSet[lastMeasurement];
553  if(firstHit->isRPC() && secondHit->isRPC()){ // remove all RPCs from here?
554  momentum_estimate.push_back(300.);
555  momentum_estimate.push_back(300.);
556  }
557  else{
558  if(firstHit->isRPC()){
559  firstHit = secondHit;
560  }
561  else if(secondHit->isRPC()){
562  secondHit = firstHit;
563  }
564  //---- estimate pT given two hits
565  //std::cout<<" hits for initial pT estimate: first -> dim = "<<firstHit->dimension()<<" pos = "<<firstHit->globalPosition()<<
566  //" , second -> "<<" dim = "<<secondHit->dimension()<<" pos = "<<secondHit->globalPosition()<<std::endl;
567  //---- pT throws exception if hits are MB4
568  // (no coding for them - 2D hits in the outer station)
569  if(2==firstHit->dimension() && 2==secondHit->dimension()){
570  momentum_estimate.push_back(999999999.);
571  momentum_estimate.push_back(999999999.);
572  }
573  else{
574  momentum_estimate = thePtExtractor->pT_extract(firstHit, secondHit);
575  }
576  }
577  pT = fabs(momentum_estimate[0]);
578  if(1 || pT>40.){ //it is skipped; we have to look at least into number of hits in the chamber actually...
579  // and then decide which segment to use
580  // use the last measurement, otherwise use the second; this is to be investigated
581  break;
582  }
583  }
585  const float pT_min = 1.99;// many hardcoded - remove them!
586  if(pT>3000.){
587  pT=3000.;
588  }
589  else if(pT<pT_min ){
590  if(pT>0){
591  pT=pT_min ;
592  }
593  else if(pT>(-1)*pT_min ){
594  pT=(-1)*pT_min ;
595  }
596  else if (pT<-3000.){
597  pT= -3000;
598  }
599  }
600  //std::cout<<" THE pT from the parametrization: "<<momentum_estimate[0]<<std::endl;
601  // estimate the charge of the track candidate from the delta phi of two segments:
602  //int charge = dPhi > 0 ? 1 : -1; // what we want is: dphi < 0 => charge = -1
603  charge = momentum_estimate[0]> 0 ? 1 : -1;
605  // we have the pT - get the 3D momentum estimate as well
607  // this is already final info:
608  double xHit = validSet[firstMeasurement]->globalPosition().x();
609  double yHit = validSet[firstMeasurement]->globalPosition().y();
610  double rHit = TMath::Sqrt(pow(xHit,2) + pow(yHit,2));
612  double thetaInner = validSet[firstMeasurement]->globalPosition().theta();
613  // if some of the segments is missing r-phi measurement then we should
614  // use only the 4D phi estimate (also use 4D eta estimate only)
615  // the direction is not so important (it will be corrected)
617  double rTrack = (pT /(0.3*3.8))*100.; //times 100 for conversion to cm!
619  double par = -1.*(2./charge)*(TMath::ASin(rHit/(2*rTrack)));
620  double sinPar = TMath::Sin( par );
621  double cosPar = TMath::Cos( par );
623  // calculate phi at coordinate origin (0,0,0).
624  double sinPhiH = 1./(2.*charge*rTrack)*(xHit + ((sinPar)/(cosPar-1.))*yHit);
625  double cosPhiH = -1./(2.*charge*rTrack)*(((sinPar)/(1.-cosPar))*xHit + yHit);
627  // finally set the return vector
629  // try out the reco info:
630  momEstimate = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(pT*cosPhiH, pT*sinPhiH, pT/TMath::Tan(thetaInner)); // should used into to theta directly here (rather than tan(atan2(...)))
631  //Hep3Vector momEstimate(6.97961, 5.89732, -50.0855);
632  const float minMomenum = 5.; //hardcoded - remove it! same in SETFilter
633  if (momEstimate.mag()<minMomenum){
634  int sign = (pT<0.) ? -1: 1;
635  pT = sign * (fabs(pT)+1);
636  CLHEP::Hep3Vector momEstimate2(pT*cosPhiH, pT*sinPhiH, pT/TMath::Tan(thetaInner));
637  momEstimate = momEstimate2;
638  if (momEstimate.mag()<minMomenum){
639  pT = sign * (fabs(pT)+1);
640  CLHEP::Hep3Vector momEstimate3(pT*cosPhiH, pT*sinPhiH, pT/TMath::Tan(thetaInner));
641  momEstimate = momEstimate3;
642  if (momEstimate.mag()<minMomenum){
643  pT = sign * (fabs(pT)+1);
644  CLHEP::Hep3Vector momEstimate4(pT*cosPhiH, pT*sinPhiH, pT/TMath::Tan(thetaInner));
645  momEstimate = momEstimate4;
646  }
647  }
648  }
649 }
double charge(const std::vector< uint8_t > &Ampls)
MuonSeedPtExtractor * thePtExtractor
virtual std::vector< double > pT_extract(MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::ConstMuonRecHitPointer firstHit, MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::ConstMuonRecHitPointer secondHit) const
uint32_t dimension(pat::CandKinResolution::Parametrization parametrization)
Returns the number of free parameters in a parametrization (3 or 4)
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
std::vector< SeedCandidate > SETSeedFinder::fillSeedCandidates ( std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &  allValidSets)

Definition at line 451 of file

References SeedCandidate::charge, estimateMomentum(), SeedCandidate::momentum, and SeedCandidate::theSet.

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::produce().

451  {
452  //---- we have the valid sets constructed; transform the information in an
453  //---- apropriate form; meanwhile - estimate the momentum for a given set
455  // RPCs should not be used (no parametrization)
456  std::vector <SeedCandidate> seedCandidates_inCluster;
457  // calculate and fill the inputs needed
458  // loop over all valid sets
459  for(unsigned int iSet = 0;iSet<allValidSets.size();++iSet){
460  //
461  //std::cout<<" This is SET number : "<<iSet<<std::endl;
462  //for(unsigned int iHit = 0;iHit<allValidSets[iSet].size();++iHit){
463  //std::cout<<" measurements in the SET: iHit = "<<iHit<<" pos = "<<allValidSets[iSet][iHit]->globalPosition()<<
464  //" dim = "<<allValidSets[iSet][iHit]->dimension()<<std::endl;
465  //}
468  CLHEP::Hep3Vector momEstimate;
469  int chargeEstimate;
470  estimateMomentum(allValidSets[iSet], momEstimate, chargeEstimate);
471  MuonRecHitContainer MuonRecHitContainer_theSet_prep;
472  // currently hardcoded - will be in proper loop of course:
474  SeedCandidate seedCandidates_inCluster_prep;
475  seedCandidates_inCluster_prep.theSet = allValidSets[iSet];
476  seedCandidates_inCluster_prep.momentum = momEstimate;
477  seedCandidates_inCluster_prep.charge = chargeEstimate;
478  seedCandidates_inCluster.push_back(seedCandidates_inCluster_prep);
479  // END estimateMomentum
480  }
481  return seedCandidates_inCluster;
482 }
CLHEP::Hep3Vector momentum
Definition: SETFilter.h:36
void estimateMomentum(const MuonRecHitContainer &validSet, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &momentum, int &charge) const
MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::MuonRecHitContainer MuonRecHitContainer
MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::MuonRecHitContainer theSet
Definition: SETFilter.h:35
std::vector< SETSeedFinder::MuonRecHitContainer > SETSeedFinder::findAllValidSets ( const std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer)

Definition at line 166 of file

References findQualityFiles::size.

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::produce().

167 {
168  std::vector <MuonRecHitContainer> allValidSets;
169  // build all possible combinations (i.e valid sets; the algorithm name is after this feature -
170  // SET algorithm)
171  //
172  // ugly... use recursive function?!
173  // or implement Ingo's suggestion (a la ST)
174  unsigned nLayers = MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.size();
175  if(1==nLayers){
176  return allValidSets;
177  }
178  MuonRecHitContainer validSet;
179  unsigned int iPos0 = 0;
180  std::vector <unsigned int> iLayer(12);// could there be more than 11 layers?
181  std::vector <unsigned int> size(12);
182  if(iPos0<nLayers){
183 =;
184  for(iLayer[iPos0] = 0; iLayer[iPos0]<size[iPos0];++iLayer[iPos0]){
185  validSet.clear();
186  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos0][iLayer[iPos0]]);
187  unsigned int iPos1 = 1;
188  if(iPos1<nLayers){
189 =;
190  for(iLayer[iPos1] = 0; iLayer[iPos1]<size[iPos1];++iLayer[iPos1]){
191  validSet.resize(iPos1);
192  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos1][iLayer[iPos1]]);
193  unsigned int iPos2 = 2;
194  if(iPos2<nLayers){
195 =;
196  for(iLayer[iPos2] = 0; iLayer[iPos2]<size[iPos2];++iLayer[iPos2]){
197  validSet.resize(iPos2);
198  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos2][iLayer[iPos2]]);
199  unsigned int iPos3 = 3;
200  if(iPos3<nLayers){
201 =;
202  for(iLayer[iPos3] = 0; iLayer[iPos3]<size[iPos3];++iLayer[iPos3]){
203  validSet.resize(iPos3);
204  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos3][iLayer[iPos3]]);
205  unsigned int iPos4 = 4;
206  if(iPos4<nLayers){
207 =;
208  for(iLayer[iPos4] = 0; iLayer[iPos4]<size[iPos4];++iLayer[iPos4]){
209  validSet.resize(iPos4);
210  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos4][iLayer[iPos4]]);
211  unsigned int iPos5 = 5;
212  if(iPos5<nLayers){
213 =;
214  for(iLayer[iPos5] = 0; iLayer[iPos5]<size[iPos5];++iLayer[iPos5]){
215  validSet.resize(iPos5);
216  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos5][iLayer[iPos5]]);
217  unsigned int iPos6 = 6;
218  if(iPos6<nLayers){
219 =;
220  for(iLayer[iPos6] = 0; iLayer[iPos6]<size[iPos6];++iLayer[iPos6]){
221  validSet.resize(iPos6);
222  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos6][iLayer[iPos6]]);
223  unsigned int iPos7 = 7;
224  if(iPos7<nLayers){
225 =;
226  for(iLayer[iPos7] = 0; iLayer[iPos7]<size[iPos7];++iLayer[iPos7]){
227  validSet.resize(iPos7);
228  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos7][iLayer[iPos7]]);
229  unsigned int iPos8 = 8;
230  if(iPos8<nLayers){
231 =;
232  for(iLayer[iPos8] = 0; iLayer[iPos8]<size[iPos8];++iLayer[iPos8]){
233  validSet.resize(iPos8);
234  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos8][iLayer[iPos8]]);
235  unsigned int iPos9 = 9;
236  if(iPos9<nLayers){
237 =;
238  for(iLayer[iPos9] = 0; iLayer[iPos9]<size[iPos9];++iLayer[iPos9]){
239  validSet.resize(iPos9);
240  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos9][iLayer[iPos9]]);
241  unsigned int iPos10 = 10;
242  if(iPos10<nLayers){
243 =;
244  for(iLayer[iPos10] = 0; iLayer[iPos10]<size[iPos10];++iLayer[iPos10]){
245  validSet.resize(iPos10);
246  validSet.push_back(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer[iPos10][iLayer[iPos10]]);
247  unsigned int iPos11 = 11;// more?
248  if(iPos11<nLayers){
249 =;
250  for(iLayer[iPos11] = 0; iLayer[iPos11]<size[iPos11];++iLayer[iPos11]){
251  }
252  }
253  else{
254  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
256  }
257  }
258  }
259  else{
260  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
261  }
262  }
263  }
264  else{
265  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  else{
270  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
271  }
272  }
273  }
274  else{
275  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
276  }
277  }
278  }
279  else{
280  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  else{
285  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
286  }
287  }
288  }
289  else{
290  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  else{
295  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
296  }
297  }
298  }
299  else{
300  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
301  }
302  }
303  }
304  else{
305  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
306  }
307  }
308  }
309  else{
310  allValidSets.push_back(validSet);
311  }
312  return allValidSets;
313 }
MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::MuonRecHitContainer MuonRecHitContainer
tuple size
Write out results.
void SETSeedFinder::limitCombinatorics ( std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer)

Definition at line 129 of file

References i, and hitfit::return.

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::produce().

129  {
130  const int maximumNumberOfCombinations = 1000000;
131  unsigned nLayers = MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.size();
132  if(1==nLayers){
133  return ;
134  }
135  // maximal number of (segment) layers would be upto ~12; see next function
136  // below is just a quick fix for a rare "overflow"
137  if(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.size()>15){
138  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.resize(1);
139  return;
140  }
142  std::vector <double> sizeOfLayer(nLayers);
143  //std::cout<<" nLayers = "<<nLayers<<std::endl;
144  double nAllCombinations = 1.;
145  for(unsigned int i = 0;i<nLayers;++i ){
146  //std::cout<<" i = "<<i<<" size = "<<<<std::endl;
147 =;
148  nAllCombinations*;
149  }
150  //std::cout<<"nAllCombinations = "<<nAllCombinations<<std::endl;
151  //---- Erase most busy detector layers until we get less than maximumNumberOfCombinations combinations
152  int iCycle = 0;
153  while(nAllCombinations > float(maximumNumberOfCombinations)){
154  ++iCycle;
155  std::vector <double>::iterator maxEl_it = max_element(sizeOfLayer.begin(),sizeOfLayer.end());
156  int maxEl = maxEl_it - sizeOfLayer.begin();
157  nAllCombinations/;
158  //std::cout<<" iCycle = "<<iCycle<<" nAllCombinations = "<<nAllCombinations<<std::endl;
159  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.erase(MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.begin()+maxEl);
160  sizeOfLayer.erase(sizeOfLayer.begin()+maxEl);
161  }
162  return;
163 }
int i
TrajectorySeed SETSeedFinder::makeSeed ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitContainer hits 
) const

Definition at line 653 of file

References alongMomentum, dir, oppositeToMomentum, trajectoryStateTransform::persistentState(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), and useSegmentsInTrajectory.

655 {
656  edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> recHitsContainer;
657  for(unsigned int iHit = 0;iHit < hits.size();++iHit){
658  recHitsContainer.push_back(>hit()->clone());
659  }
662  dir = alongMomentum;// why forward (for rechits) later?
663  }
665  PTrajectoryStateOnDet const & seedTSOS =
666  trajectoryStateTransform::persistentState( firstTSOS,>geographicalId().rawId());
667  TrajectorySeed seed(seedTSOS,recHitsContainer,dir);
669  //MuonPatternRecoDumper debug;
670  //std::cout<<" firstTSOS = "<<debug.dumpTSOS(firstTSOS)<<std::endl;
671  //std::cout<<" iTraj = ???"<<" hits = "<<range.second-range.first<<std::endl;
672  //std::cout<<" nhits = "<<hits.size()<<std::endl;
673  //for(unsigned int iRH=0;iRH<hits.size();++iRH){
674  //std::cout<<" RH = "<<iRH+1<<" globPos = "<<>globalPosition()<<std::endl;
675  //}
676  return seed;
677 }
PTrajectoryStateOnDet persistentState(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, unsigned int detid)
bool useSegmentsInTrajectory
Definition: SETSeedFinder.h:62
void push_back(D *&d)
Definition: OwnVector.h:273
dbl *** dir
void SETSeedFinder::pre_prune ( SETSeedFinder::MuonRecHitContainer validSet) const

Definition at line 352 of file

References checkAngleDeviation(), prof2calltree::count, pat::helper::ParametrizationHelper::dimension(), dPhi(), and phi.

Referenced by validSetsPrePruning().

353 {
354  unsigned nHits = validSet.size();
355  if(nHits>3){ // to decide we need at least 4 measurements
356  // any information could be used to make a decision for pruning
357  // maybe dPhi (delta Phi) is enough
358  std::vector <double> dPhi;
359  double dPhi_tmp;
360  bool wildCandidate;
361  int pruneHit_tmp;
363  for(unsigned int iHit = 1;iHit<nHits;++iHit){
364  dPhi_tmp = validSet[iHit]->globalPosition().phi() -
365  validSet[iHit-1]->globalPosition().phi();
366  dPhi.push_back(dPhi_tmp);
367  }
368  std::vector <int> pruneHit;
369  //---- loop over all the hits in a set
371  for(unsigned int iHit = 0;iHit<nHits;++iHit){
372  double dPHI_MIN = 0.02;//?? hardcoded - remove it
373  if(iHit){
374  // if we have to remove the very first hit (iHit == 0) then
375  // we'll probably be in trouble already
376  wildCandidate = false;
377  // actually 2D is bad only if not r-phi... Should I refine it?
378  // a hit is a candidate for pruning only if dPhi > dPHI_MIN;
379  // pruning decision is based on combination of hits characteristics
380  if(4==validSet[iHit-1]->dimension() && 4 == validSet[iHit]->dimension() &&
381  fabs(validSet[iHit]->globalPosition().phi() -
382  validSet[iHit-1]->globalPosition().phi())>dPHI_MIN ){
383  wildCandidate = true;
384  }
385  pruneHit_tmp = -1;
386  if(wildCandidate){
387  // OK - this couple doesn't look good (and is from 4D segments); proceed...
388  if(1==iHit){// the first and the last hits are special case
389  if(4==validSet[iHit+1]->dimension() && 4 == validSet[iHit+2]->dimension()){//4D?
390  // is the picture better if we remove the second hit?
391  dPhi_tmp = validSet[iHit+1]->globalPosition().phi() -
392  validSet[iHit-1]->globalPosition().phi();
393  // is the deviation what we expect (sign, not magnitude)?
394  std::pair <int, int> sign = checkAngleDeviation(dPhi_tmp, dPhi[2]);
395  if( 1==sign.first && 1==sign.second){
396  pruneHit_tmp = iHit;// mark the hit 1 for removing
397  }
398  }
399  }
400  else if(iHit>1 && iHit<validSet.size()-1){
401  if(4 == validSet[0]->dimension() && // we rely on the first (most important) couple
402  4 == validSet[1]->dimension() &&
403  pruneHit.back()!=int(iHit-1) && pruneHit.back()!=1){// check if hits are already marked
404  // decide which of the two hits should be removed (if any; preferably the outer one i.e.
405  // iHit rather than iHit-1); here - check what we get by removing iHit
406  dPhi_tmp = validSet[iHit+1]->globalPosition().phi() -
407  validSet[iHit-1]->globalPosition().phi();
408  // first couple is most important anyway so again compare to it
409  std::pair <int, int> sign = checkAngleDeviation(dPhi[0],dPhi_tmp);
410  if( 1==sign.first && 1==sign.second){
411  pruneHit_tmp = iHit; // mark the hit iHit for removing
412  }
413  else{ // iHit is not to be removed; proceed...
414  // what if we remove (iHit - 1) instead of iHit?
415  dPhi_tmp = validSet[iHit+1]->globalPosition().phi() -
416  validSet[iHit]->globalPosition().phi();
417  std::pair <int, int> sign = checkAngleDeviation(dPhi[0],dPhi_tmp);
418  if( 1==sign.first && 1==sign.second){
419  pruneHit_tmp = iHit-1;// mark the hit (iHit -1) for removing
420  }
421  }
422  }
423  }
424  else{
425  // the last hit: if picture is not good - remove it
426  if(pruneHit.size()>1 && pruneHit[pruneHit.size()-1]<0 && pruneHit[pruneHit.size()-2]<0){
427  std::pair <int, int> sign = checkAngleDeviation(dPhi[dPhi.size()-2], dPhi[dPhi.size()-1]);
428  if( -1==sign.first && -1==sign.second){// here logic is a bit twisted
429  pruneHit_tmp = iHit; // mark the last hit for removing
430  }
431  }
432  }
433  }
434  pruneHit.push_back(pruneHit_tmp);
435  }
436  }
437  // }
438  // actual pruning
439  for(unsigned int iHit = 1;iHit<nHits;++iHit){
440  int count = 0;
441  if(pruneHit[iHit-1]>0){
442  validSet.erase(validSet.begin()+pruneHit[iHit-1]-count);
443  ++count;
444  }
445  }
446  }
447 }
std::pair< int, int > checkAngleDeviation(double dPhi_1, double dPhi_2) const
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
uint32_t dimension(pat::CandKinResolution::Parametrization parametrization)
Returns the number of free parameters in a parametrization (3 or 4)
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
void SETSeedFinder::seeds ( const MuonRecHitContainer cluster,
std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &  result 

The container sent in is expected to be a cluster, which isn't the same as a pattern. A cluster can have more than one hit on a layer. Internally, this method splits the cluster into patterns, and chooses the best one via a chi2. But it calculates the trajectoryMeasurements at the same time, so we can't really separate the steps.

Implements MuonSeedVFinder.

Definition at line 36 of file

38 {
39 }
virtual void SETSeedFinder::setBField ( const MagneticField field)

ignore - uses MuonServiceProxy

Implements MuonSeedVFinder.

Definition at line 20 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

20 {}
void SETSeedFinder::setServiceProxy ( MuonServiceProxy service)

Definition at line 32 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

References theService.

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::SETMuonSeedProducer().

32 {theService = service;}
MuonServiceProxy * theService
Definition: SETSeedFinder.h:59
std::vector< SETSeedFinder::MuonRecHitContainer > SETSeedFinder::sortByLayer ( MuonRecHitContainer cluster) const

Definition at line 55 of file

References MuonSubdetId::CSC, MuonSubdetId::DT, Plane::localZ(), mag(), CSCDetId::ring(), sortSegRadius, DTChamberId::station(), CSCDetId::station(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), and theService.

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::produce().

56 {
57  stable_sort(cluster.begin(), cluster.end(),sortSegRadius);
58  //---- group hits in detector layers (if in same layer); the idea is that
59  //---- some hits could not belong to a track simultaneously - these will be in a
60  //---- group; two hits from one and the same group will not go to the same track
61  std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer;
62  if(cluster.size()){
63  int iHit =0;
64  MuonRecHitContainer hitsInThisLayer;
65  hitsInThisLayer.push_back(cluster[iHit]);
66  DetId detId = cluster[iHit]->hit()->geographicalId();
67  const GeomDet* geomDet = theService->trackingGeometry()->idToDet( detId );
68  while(iHit<int(cluster.size())-1){
69  DetId detId_2 = cluster[iHit+1]->hit()->geographicalId();
70  const GlobalPoint gp_nextHit = cluster[iHit+1]->globalPosition();
72  // this is the distance of the "second" hit to the "first" detector (containing the "first hit")
73  float distanceToDetector = fabs(geomDet->surface().localZ(gp_nextHit));
75  //---- hits from DT and CSC could be very close in angle but incosistent with
76  //---- belonging to a common track (and these are different surfaces);
77  //---- also DT (and CSC now - 090822) hits from a station (in a pre-cluster) should be always in a group together;
78  //---- take this into account and put such hits in a group together
80  bool specialCase = false;
81  if( detId.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT &&
82  detId_2.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT ){
83  DTChamberId dtCh(detId);
84  DTChamberId dtCh_2(detId_2);
85  specialCase = (dtCh.station() == dtCh_2.station());
86  }
87  else if(detId.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC &&
88  detId_2.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC){
89  CSCDetId cscCh(detId);
90  CSCDetId cscCh_2(detId_2);
91  specialCase = (cscCh.station() == cscCh_2.station() && cscCh.ring() == cscCh_2.ring());
92  }
94  if(distanceToDetector<0.001 || true==specialCase){ // hardcoded value - remove!
95  hitsInThisLayer.push_back(cluster[iHit+1]);
96  }
97  else{
98  specialCase = false;
99  if(( (cluster[iHit]->isDT() &&
100  cluster[iHit+1]->isCSC()) ||
101  (cluster[iHit]->isCSC() &&
102  cluster[iHit+1]->isDT())) &&
103  //---- what is the minimal distance between a DT and a CSC hit belonging
104  //---- to a common track? (well, with "reasonable" errors; put 10 cm for now)
105  fabs(cluster[iHit+1]->globalPosition().mag() -
106  cluster[iHit]->globalPosition().mag())<10.){
107  hitsInThisLayer.push_back(cluster[iHit+1]);
108  // change to Stoyan - now we also update the detID here... give it a try. IBL 080905
109  detId = cluster[iHit+1]->hit()->geographicalId();
110  geomDet = theService->trackingGeometry()->idToDet( detId );
111  }
112  else if(!specialCase){
113  //---- put the group of hits in the vector (containing the groups of hits)
114  //---- and continue with next layer (group)
115  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.push_back(hitsInThisLayer);
116  hitsInThisLayer.clear();
117  hitsInThisLayer.push_back(cluster[iHit+1]);
118  detId = cluster[iHit+1]->hit()->geographicalId();
119  geomDet = theService->trackingGeometry()->idToDet( detId );
120  }
121  }
122  ++iHit;
123  }
124  MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer.push_back(hitsInThisLayer);
125  }
126  return MuonRecHitContainer_perLayer;
127 }
T mag() const
The vector magnitude. Equivalent to sqrt(vec.mag2())
float localZ(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Fast access to distance from plane for a point.
Definition: Plane.h:52
static const int CSC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:15
struct sorter sortSegRadius
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
Definition: DetId.h:20
MuonServiceProxy * theService
Definition: SETSeedFinder.h:59
const BoundPlane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:35
MuonTransientTrackingRecHit::MuonRecHitContainer MuonRecHitContainer
static const int DT
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:14
void SETSeedFinder::validSetsPrePruning ( std::vector< MuonRecHitContainer > &  allValidSets)

Definition at line 340 of file

References pre_prune().

Referenced by SETMuonSeedProducer::produce().

341 {
342  //---- this actually is a pre-pruning; it does not include any fit information;
343  //---- it is intended to remove only very "wild" segments from a set;
344  //---- no "good" segment is to be lost (otherwise - widen the parameters)
346  for(unsigned int iSet = 0;iSet<allValidSets.size();++iSet){
347  pre_prune(allValidSets[iSet]);
348  }
349 }
void pre_prune(MuonRecHitContainer &validSet) const

Member Data Documentation

bool SETSeedFinder::apply_prePruning

Definition at line 61 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

Referenced by SETSeedFinder().

MuonServiceProxy* SETSeedFinder::theService

Definition at line 59 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

Referenced by setServiceProxy(), and sortByLayer().

bool SETSeedFinder::useSegmentsInTrajectory

Definition at line 62 of file SETSeedFinder.h.

Referenced by makeSeed().