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HLT_PIon_cff Namespace Reference


 _sequence = None
tuple AlCa_EcalPhiSym_v13 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPreAlCaEcalPhiSym + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + hltAlCaPhiSymStream + hltAlCaPhiSymUncalibrator + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_LumiPixels_Random_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceRandom + hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsRandom + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_LumiPixels_v8 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1AlwaysTrue + hltPreAlCaLumiPixels + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_LumiPixels_ZeroBias_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsZeroBias + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_PAEcalEtaEBonly_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta + hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEBonly + HLTDoRegionalPi0EtaSequence + hltSimple3x3Clusters + hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEBonly + hltAlCaEtaEBUncalibrator + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_PAEcalEtaEEonly_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta + hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEEonly + HLTDoRegionalPi0EtaSequence + hltSimple3x3Clusters + hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEEonly + hltAlCaEtaEEUncalibrator + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_PAEcalPi0EBonly_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta + hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EBonly + HLTDoRegionalPi0EtaSequence + hltSimple3x3Clusters + hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEBonly + hltAlCaPi0EBUncalibrator + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_PAEcalPi0EEonly_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta + hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EEonly + HLTDoRegionalPi0EtaSequence + hltSimple3x3Clusters + hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEEonly + hltAlCaPi0EEUncalibrator + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_RPCMuonNoHits_v9 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaRPC + hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoHits + HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltRPCPointProducer + hltRPCFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_RPCMuonNormalisation_v9 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaRPC + hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNormalisation + hltRPCMuonNormaL1Filtered0 + HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AlCa_RPCMuonNoTriggers_v9 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sAlCaRPC + hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoTriggers + hltRPCMuonNoTriggersL1Filtered0 + HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
tuple caloDetIdAssociator
tuple CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )
tuple CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
tuple CastorDbProducer
tuple ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer
list cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']
tuple cosmicsNavigationSchoolESProducer
tuple CSCChannelMapperESProducer
tuple CSCChannelMapperESSource
tuple CSCIndexerESProducer
tuple CSCIndexerESSource
tuple datasets
tuple DQM_FEDIntegrity_v11 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPreDQMFEDIntegrity + hltCSCMonitorModule + hltDTDQMEvF + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer + hltEBHltTask + hltEEHltTask + hltESFEDIntegrityTask + hltHcalDigis + hltHcalDataIntegrityMonitor + hltL1tfed + hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelHLTSource + hltSiStripFEDCheck + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRPCFEDIntegrity + hltBoolFalse )
tuple DST_Physics_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPreDSTPhysics + HLTEndSequence )
tuple DTDataIntegrityTask
tuple ecalDetIdAssociator
tuple ecalSeverityLevel
tuple EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer
tuple hcalDetIdAssociator
tuple hcalRecAlgos
tuple hlt1PAFullTrack12
tuple hlt1PAFullTrack20
tuple hlt1PAFullTrack30
tuple hlt1PAFullTrack50
tuple hlt1PAHighMult100
tuple hlt1PAHighMult130
tuple hlt1PAHighMult140
tuple hlt1PAHighMult160
tuple hlt1PAHighMult190
tuple hlt1PAHighMult220
tuple hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET
tuple hlt1PAHighMult55
tuple hlt1PAHighMult70
tuple hlt1PAHighMult85
tuple hlt1PAVertexFilter
tuple HLT_Activity_Ecal_SC7_v13 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPreActivityEcalSC7 + HLTEcalActivitySequence + hltEgammaSelectEcalSuperClustersActivityFilterSC7 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam1_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxPlusPostQuiet + hltPreBeamGasHFBeam1 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHFAsymmetryFilterTight + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam2_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxMinusPostQuiet + hltPreBeamGasHFBeam2 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHFAsymmetryFilterTight + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_BeamHalo_v13 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BeamHalo + hltPreBeamHalo + HLTDoLocalPixelClustersSequence + hltPixelActivityFilterForHalo + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltTrackerHaloFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_DTCalibration_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreDTCalibration + hltDTCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_EcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreEcalCalibration + hltEcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v6 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPreEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVL + HLTEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_GlobalRunHPDNoise_v8 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNoBPTXNoHalo + hltPreGlobalRunHPDNoise + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreHcalCalibration + hltHcalCalibTypeFilter + hltHcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_L1SingleMuOpen_AntiBPTX_v7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen + hltPreL1SingleMuOpenAntiBPTX + hltL1MuOpenL1Filtered0 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_L1TrackerCosmics_v7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sTrackerCosmics + hltPreL1TrackerCosmics + hltTrackerCosmicsPattern + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_LogMonitor_v4 = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltLogMonitorFilter + hltPreLogMonitor + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Mu15_eta2p1_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu7 + hltPreMu15eta2p1 + hltL1fL1sMu7L1FilteredEta2p1Filtered0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2FilteredEta2p1Filtered7 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2fEta2p1f7L3FilteredEta2p1Filtered15 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PABptxMinusNotBptxPlus_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxMinusNotBptxPlus + hltPrePABptxMinusNotBptxPlus + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PABptxPlusNotBptxMinus_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxPlusNotBptxMinus + hltPrePABptxPlusNotBptxMinus + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PABTagMu_Jet20_Mu4_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1Mu3JetC16WdEtaPhi2 + hltPrePABTagMuJet20Mu4 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5L1FastJetCorrected + hltBJet20L1FastJetCentralBPH + HLTBTagMuJet20L1FastJetSequenceL25BPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25FilterByDRBPH + HLTBTagMuJet20L1FastJetMu5SelSequenceL3BPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5L3FilterByDRBPH + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm + hltPrePACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPixelTrackFilterCastorHfMin + ~hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastorHfMax + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfSingleChannel + hltPrePACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPixelTrackFilterCastorHfMin + ~hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastorHfMax + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1CastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity + hltPrePACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + ~hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastor + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PADimuon0_NoVertexing_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMu0erHighQ + hltPrePADimuon0NoVertexing + hltDimuonL1Filtered0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PADoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePADoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL + HLTDoubleEle6CaloIdTSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter + hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PADoubleEle8_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG7 + hltPrePADoubleEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVL + HLTDoubleEle8CaloIdTSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltEle8CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter + hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PADoubleJet20_ForwardBackward_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleForJet16EtaOpp + hltPrePADoubleJet20ForwardBackward + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltDoubleJet20ForwardBackward + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PADoubleMu4_Acoplanarity03_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMu0 + hltPrePADoubleMu4Acoplanarity03 + hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0L3f4 + hltDoubleMu4ExclL3PreFiltered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFAND_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16FwdVeto5 + hltPrePAExclDijet35HFAND + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltExclDiJet35HFAND + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFOR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAExclDijet35HFOR + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltExclDiJet35HFOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet100Eta2_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta2 + hltPrePAForJet100Eta2 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet100Eta2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet100Eta3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta3 + hltPrePAForJet100Eta3 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet100Eta3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet20Eta2_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta2 + hltPrePAForJet20Eta2 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet20Eta2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet20Eta3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta3 + hltPrePAForJet20Eta3 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet20Eta3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet40Eta2_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta2 + hltPrePAForJet40Eta2 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet40Eta2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet40Eta3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta3 + hltPrePAForJet40Eta3 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet40Eta3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet60Eta2_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta2 + hltPrePAForJet60Eta2 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet60Eta2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet60Eta3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta3 + hltPrePAForJet60Eta3 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet60Eta3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet80Eta2_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta2 + hltPrePAForJet80Eta2 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet80Eta2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAForJet80Eta3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta3 + hltPrePAForJet80Eta3 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet80Eta3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAFullTrack12_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet12BptxAND + hltPrePAFullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAFullTrack20_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAFullTrack20 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack20 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAFullTrack30_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAFullTrack30 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack30 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAFullTrack50_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAFullTrack50 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack50 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHcalNZS_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceNZS + hltL1sPAHcalNZS + hltPrePAHcalNZS + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHcalPhiSym_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceNZS + hltL1sPAHcalPhiSym + hltPrePAHcalPhiSym + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHcalUTCA_v1 = cms.Path( HLTPABeginSequenceUTCA + hltPrePAHcalUTCA + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHFOR_SingleTrack_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sPAMinBiasHFORBptxAND + hltPrePAHFORSingleTrack + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHFSumET100_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAHFSumET100 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + hltPAMetForHf + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter100 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + ~hlt1PAVertexFilter + hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET + hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHFSumET140_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAHFSumET140 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + hltPAMetForHf + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter140 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + ~hlt1PAVertexFilter + hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET + hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHFSumET170_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAHFSumET170 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + hltPAMetForHf + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter170 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + ~hlt1PAVertexFilter + hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET + hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAHFSumET210_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT40 + hltPrePAHFSumET210 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + hltPAMetForHf + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter210 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + ~hlt1PAVertexFilter + hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET + hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet100_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAJet100NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet120_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAJet120NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet120RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet20_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAJet20NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet40_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAJet40NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet40RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet40ETM30_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDAndETM30 + hltPrePAJet40ETM30 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet40RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet60_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAJet60NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet60ETM30_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36AndETM30 + hltPrePAJet60ETM30 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetIDinJet60ETM30 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAJet80_NoJetID_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAJet80NoJetID + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet80RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity + hltPrePAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleEG3_FwdVeto_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto + hltPrePAL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL + HLTDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleJet20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleJetC36_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd + hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMu0HighQL1FilteredHighQ + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0HighQ + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMu0 + hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0 + hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleMu5_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1DoubleMuOpen_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd + hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMuOpenL1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAL1DoubleMuOpen + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1SingleEG20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1SingleJet16_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAL1SingleJet16 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1SingleJet36_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAL1SingleJet36 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1SingleJet52_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1SingleMu20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_SingleTrack_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech53MB + hltPrePAL1Tech53MBSingleTrack + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech53MB + hltPrePAL1Tech53MB + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1Tech54_ZeroBias_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech54ZeroBias + hltPrePAL1Tech54ZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1Tech63_CASTORHaloMuon_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon + hltPrePAL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL1Tech_HBHEHO_totalOR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sTechTrigHCALNoise + hltPrePAL1TechHBHEHOtotalOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAL2DoubleMu3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd + hltL1fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAL2DoubleMu3 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_OR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasBscBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasBHCOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sBscMinBiasThreshold1BptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasBHC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMinBiasHF_OR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHFORBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHFOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMinBiasHF_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHFBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHF + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMinBiasHfOrBHC_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHfBptxANDorBscBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHfOrBHC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu12_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMu12 + hltL1fL1sMu12L1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu12 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sMu12L2Filtered10 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL2sMu12L3Filtered12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMu3 + hltL1fL1sMu3L1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu3 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sMu3L2Filtered3 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL2sMu3L3Filtered3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu3PFJet20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMu3Jet16 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu3PFJet20 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu3PFJet20L2Filtered3 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu3PFJet20L3Filter3 + HLTPFL1FastL2L3ReconstructionSequence + hltPFJetsL1Matched + hltPAMu3PFJet20 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu3PFJet40_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltPAL1sL1SingleMu3Jet36 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu3PFJet40 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu3PFJet40L2Filtered3 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu3PFJet40L3Filter3 + HLTPFL1FastL2L3ReconstructionSequence + hltPFJetsL1Matched + hltPAMu3PFJet40 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu7_Ele7_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Mu0EG5 + hltPrePAMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVL + hltL1Mu0EG5L1MuFiltered0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL1Mu0EG5L2MuFiltered0 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL1Mu0EG5L3MuFiltered7 + HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1Mu0EG5 + hltEG7EtFilterL1Mu0EG5 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLTHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu7_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMu7 + hltL1fL1sMu7L1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu7 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sMu7L2Filtered5 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL2sMu7L3Filtered7 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAMu7PFJet20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMu7Jet16 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAMu7PFJet20 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu7PFJet20L2Filtered5 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltPAMu7PFJet20L3Filter3 + HLTPFL1FastL2L3ReconstructionSequence + hltPFJetsL1Matched + hltPAMu7PFJet20 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton10NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton10And10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton15_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton15NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton15NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton15And10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton15And10TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton20NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton20NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton20And15NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton20And15TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon20_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon20NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton20And20NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton30_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton30NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton30_Photon30_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton30Photon30NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton30And30NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton40_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG20 + hltPrePAPhoton40NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton40NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton40_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG20 + hltPrePAPhoton40TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton40TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPhoton60_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG24 + hltPrePAPhoton60NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton60NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_FullTrack12_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100FullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult100 + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_L2DoubleMu3_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd + hltL1fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L1Filtered0 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter + hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100L2DoubleMu3 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered3 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult100 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity130_FullTrack12_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity130FullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult130 + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity140_Jet80_NoJetID_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity140Jet80NoJetID + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet80RegionalNoJetID + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult140 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity160_FullTrack12_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT40 + hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity160FullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult160 + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity100_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity100 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult100 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity130_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity130 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult130 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity160_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT40 + hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity160 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult160 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity190_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT40 + hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity190 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult190 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity220_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT60 + hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity220 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult220 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PARandom_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceRandom + hltPrePARandom + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PARomanPots_Tech52_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sRomanPotsTech52 + hltPrePARomanPotsTech52 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL + HLTSingleEle6CaloIdNoneSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltEle6CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter + hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL + HLTSingleEle6CaloIdTSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter + hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PASingleEle8_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG7 + hltPrePASingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL + HLTSingleEle8CaloIdNoneSequence + HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence + hltEle8CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter + HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence + hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter + hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PASingleForJet15_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPrePASingleForJet15 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet15 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PASingleForJet25_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleForJet16 + hltPrePASingleForJet25 + HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected + hltSingleForJet25 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAT1minbias_Tech55_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sT1minbiasTech55 + hltPrePAT1minbiasTech55 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATech35_HFSumET100_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sPATech35 + hltPrePATech35HFSumET100 + HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter + hltPAMetForHf + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter100 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + ~hlt1PAVertexFilter + hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET + hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATech35_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sPATech35 + hltPrePATech35 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATripleJet100_20_20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet1002020 + hltPrePATripleJet1002020 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet1002020 + hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID + hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATripleJet20_20_20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinTripleJet202020 + hltPrePATripleJet202020 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet202020 + hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID + hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATripleJet40_20_20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet402020 + hltPrePATripleJet402020 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet40RegionalNoJetID + hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID + hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATripleJet60_20_20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet602020 + hltPrePATripleJet602020 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetID + hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID + hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PATripleJet80_20_20_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet802020 + hltPrePATripleJet802020 + HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional + hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional + hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID + hltSingleJet80RegionalNoJetID + hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID + hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Full_TrackVeto7_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPASingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5FullTrackVeto7 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + ~hltPACountPAPixFilter10 + HLTPAUpcFullTrackRecoSequence + hltPACountUpcTrackFilter1 + ~hltPACountUpcTrackFilter7 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Pixel_TrackVeto_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPASingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5PixelTrackVeto + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + ~hltPACountPAPixFilter10 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenFull_TrackVeto7_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen + hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenFullTrackVeto7 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + ~hltPACountPAPixFilter10 + HLTPAUpcFullTrackRecoSequence + hltPACountUpcTrackFilter1 + ~hltPACountUpcTrackFilter7 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenPixel_TrackVeto_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen + hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenPixelTrackVeto + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + ~hltPACountPAPixFilter10 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMu_Onia_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen + hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOnia + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + ~hltPACountPAPixFilter10 + hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL1Filtered0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL2Filtered1 + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL3Filtered1 + HLTMuTrackUpcOniaPixelRecoSequence + hltMuOpenTrack1PixelMassFilteredUpcOnia + HLTMuTrackUpcOniaTrackRecoSequence + hltMuOpenTkMu1TrackMassFilteredUpcOnia + HLTMuTkMuUpcOniaTkMuRecoSequence + hltMuOpenTkMu1TkMuMassFilteredUpcOnia + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAZeroBias_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPrePAZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_DoubleTrack_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelDoubleTrack + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter2 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence + hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias + hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Physics_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPrePhysics + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPL1DoubleJetC36_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36 + hltPrePPL1DoubleJetC36 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity55_FullTrack12_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity55FullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult55 + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity70_FullTrack12_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity70FullTrack12 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult70 + HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPA + hltPAGoodFullTracks + hltPAFullCands + hlt1PAFullTrack12 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity55_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity55 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult55 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity70_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity70 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult70 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity85_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sETT20BptxAND + hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity85 + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence + hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult + hlt1PAHighMult85 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_TrackerCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreTrackerCalibration + hltLaserAlignmentEventFilter + hltTrackerCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple hltAK5PFJetL1FastL2L3Corrected
tuple hltAlCaEtaEBUncalibrator
tuple hltAlCaEtaEEUncalibrator
tuple hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEBonly
tuple hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEEonly
tuple hltAlCaPhiSymStream
tuple hltAlCaPhiSymUncalibrator
tuple hltAlCaPi0EBUncalibrator
tuple hltAlCaPi0EEUncalibrator
tuple hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEBonly
tuple hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEEonly
tuple HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )
tuple hltAntiKT5CaloJets
tuple hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPF
tuple hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5
tuple hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional
tuple hltAntiKT5PFJets
tuple hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0
tuple hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1
tuple hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2
tuple hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3
tuple HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXAntiCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceCalibration = cms.Sequence( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceNZS = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + hltL1EventNumberNZS + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceRandom = cms.Sequence( hltRandomEventsFilter + hltGtDigis )
tuple hltBJet20L1FastJetCentralBPH
tuple hltBoolEnd
tuple hltBoolFalse
tuple hltBPTXAntiCoincidence
tuple hltBPTXCoincidence
tuple hltBSoftMuonGetJetsFromJet20L1FastJetBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25BJetTagsByDRBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25FilterByDRBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25TagInfosBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5L3FilterByDRBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3BJetTagsByDRBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3TagInfosBPH
tuple hltBSoftMuonMu4L3
tuple HLTBTagMuJet20L1FastJetMu5SelSequenceL3BPH = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltBSoftMuonMu4L3 + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3TagInfosBPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3BJetTagsByDRBPH )
tuple HLTBTagMuJet20L1FastJetSequenceL25BPH = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltBSoftMuonGetJetsFromJet20L1FastJetBPH + hltSelector4JetsJet20L1FastJetBPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25TagInfosBPH + hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25BJetTagsByDRBPH )
tuple hltCalibrationEventsFilter
tuple hltCaloJetCorrected
tuple hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID
tuple hltCaloJetIDPassed
tuple hltCaloJetL1FastJetCorrected
tuple hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional
tuple hltCkfL1SeededTrackCandidates
tuple hltCombinedSecondaryVertex
tuple HLTConfigVersion
tuple hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersActivity
tuple hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded
tuple hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded
tuple hltCorrectedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity
tuple hltCsc2DRecHits
tuple hltCSCMonitorModule
tuple hltCscSegments
tuple hltCtfL1SeededWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltDimuonL1Filtered0
tuple hltDimuonL2PreFiltered0
tuple HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
tuple HLTDoCaloSequencePF = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForPF )
tuple HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence = cms.Sequence( hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape )
tuple HLTDoEGammaHESequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE )
tuple HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds )
tuple HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate )
tuple HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence = cms.Sequence( hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco )
tuple HLTDoLocalHfSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltTowerMakerForHf )
tuple HLTDoLocalPixelClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters )
tuple HLTDoLocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters + hltSiPixelRecHits )
tuple HLTDoLocalStripSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer + hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility + hltSiStripClusters )
tuple HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs + hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit + hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit )
tuple HLTDoRegionalJetEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalJetsFEDs + hltEcalRegionalJetsRecHit )
tuple HLTDoRegionalPi0EtaSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaFEDs + hltESRegionalPi0EtaRecHit + hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit )
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6EtFilter + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6EtFilter
tuple hltDoubleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5
tuple hltDoubleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7
tuple hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
tuple hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTDoubleEle6CaloIdTSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltDoubleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTHEFilter
tuple hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTDoubleEle8CaloIdTSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7 + hltDoubleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltDoubleJet20ForwardBackward
tuple hltDoubleMu4ExclL3PreFiltered
tuple HLTDoublePhoton10And10NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter )
tuple HLTDoublePhoton15And10NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterFirst + hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterSecond )
tuple HLTDoublePhoton20And15NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterFirst + hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterSecond )
tuple HLTDoublePhoton20And20NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble20And20EtFilter )
tuple HLTDoublePhoton30And30NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble30And30EtFilter )
tuple hltDt1DRecHits
tuple hltDt4DSegments
tuple hltDTCalibrationRaw
tuple hltDTDQMEvF
tuple hltEBHltTask
tuple HLTEcalActivitySequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + hltESRecHitAll + hltHybridSuperClustersActivity + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersActivity + hltMulti5x5BasicClustersActivity + hltMulti5x5SuperClustersActivity + hltMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity + hltCorrectedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity + hltRecoEcalSuperClusterActivityCandidate + hltEcalActivitySuperClusterWrapper )
tuple hltEcalActivitySuperClusterWrapper
tuple hltEcalCalibrationRaw
tuple hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer
tuple hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility
tuple hltEcalRecHitAll
tuple hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs
tuple hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit
tuple hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs
tuple hltEcalRegionalJetsFEDs
tuple hltEcalRegionalJetsRecHit
tuple hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaFEDs
tuple hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit
tuple hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs
tuple hltEEHltTask
tuple hltEG10EtFilter
tuple hltEG10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEG10TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltEG15EtFilter
tuple hltEG15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEG15TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltEG20EtPAFilter
tuple hltEG20TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEG20TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHEFilter
tuple hltEG22CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEG22EtFilter
tuple hltEG60EtFilter
tuple hltEG7EtFilterL1Mu0EG5
tuple hltEgammaSelectEcalSuperClustersActivityFilterSC7
tuple hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter
tuple hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterFirst
tuple hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterSecond
tuple hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterFirst
tuple hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterSecond
tuple hltEGDouble20And20EtFilter
tuple hltEGDouble30And30EtFilter
tuple hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5
tuple hltEGRegionalL1Mu0EG5
tuple hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12
tuple hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG20
tuple hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG24
tuple hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA
tuple hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7
tuple hltEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLPixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12 + hltEG22EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG22CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds + hltEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLPixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltEle6CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
tuple hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
tuple hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
tuple hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi
tuple HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )
tuple hltESFEDIntegrityTask
tuple hltESPAK5CaloL1L2L3
tuple hltESPAK5CaloL2L3
tuple hltESPAK5PFL1L2L3
tuple hltESPAK5PFNoPUL1L2L3
tuple hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPBwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9
tuple hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI
tuple hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D
tuple hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPEcalRegionCablingESProducer
tuple hltESPElectronChi2
tuple hltESPElectronMaterialEffects
tuple hltESPESUnpackerWorker
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherIT
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherRK
tuple hltESPFwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPHIMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
tuple hltESPKFUpdator
tuple hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D
tuple hltESPL1FastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL1PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL1PFNoPUFastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL2PFNoPURelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL2PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPL3PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL3PFNoPUAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltESPMeasurementTrackerForHI
tuple hltESPMeasurementTrackerReg
tuple hltESPMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
tuple hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco
tuple hltESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsReg
tuple hltESPPromptTrackCountingESProducer
tuple hltESPRKTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPRKTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
tuple hltESPSiStripRegionConnectivity
tuple hltESPSmartPropagator
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByPt
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPStraightLinePropagator
tuple hltESPTrackCounting3D1st
tuple hltESPTrackCounting3D2nd
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
tuple hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4PixelTriplets
tuple hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
tuple hltESRawToRecHitFacility
tuple hltESRecHitAll
tuple hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit
tuple hltESRegionalPi0EtaRecHit
tuple hltESSBTagRecord
tuple hltESSEcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltExclDiJet35HFAND
tuple hltExclDiJet35HFOR
tuple hltFEDSelector
tuple hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels
tuple hltGctDigis
tuple hltGetConditions
tuple hltGetRaw
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter100
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter140
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter170
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter210
tuple hltGtDigis
tuple hltHbhereco
tuple hltHcalCalibrationRaw
tuple hltHcalCalibTypeFilter
tuple hltHcalDataIntegrityMonitor
tuple hltHcalDigis
tuple hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter
tuple hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter
tuple hltHFAsymmetryFilterTight
tuple hltHfreco
tuple hltHIAllESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltHoreco
tuple hltHybridSuperClustersActivity
tuple hltHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded
tuple hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerPA
tuple hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerReg
tuple hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsPA
tuple hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsReg
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter1Merged
tuple hltIter1PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter1PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter1PFJetPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltIter1SiStripClusters
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerPA
tuple hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerReg
tuple hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairsPA
tuple hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairsReg
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter2Merged
tuple hltIter2PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter2PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter2PFJetPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter2SiStripClusters
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter3ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter3ESPLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter3ESPLayerTripletsPA
tuple hltIter3ESPLayerTripletsReg
tuple hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerPA
tuple hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerReg
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter3Merged
tuple hltIter3PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter3PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter3PFJetMixedSeeds
tuple hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltIter3SiStripClusters
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter4ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerPA
tuple hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerReg
tuple hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairsPA
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter4Merged
tuple hltIter4PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter4PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter4PFJetPixelLessSeeds
tuple hltIter4PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter4SiStripClusters
tuple hltIter4Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter4Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIterativeTracking = cms.Sequence( HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0 + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1 + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2 + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration3 + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration4 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForPA = cms.Sequence( HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0ForPA + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1ForPA + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2ForPA + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration3ForPA + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration4ForPA )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0 = cms.Sequence( hltPFJetPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks + hltPFJetCkfTrackCandidates + hltPFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity + hltTrackRefsForJetsIter0 + hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0 + hltTrackAndTauJetsIter0 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0ForPA = cms.Sequence( hltPAPixelTracksForHighPt + hltPAPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks + hltPACkfTrackCandidates + hltPACtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity + hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter0 + hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0 + hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter0 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1 = cms.Sequence( hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter1SiStripClusters + hltIter1PFJetPixelSeeds + hltIter1PFJetCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter1PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity + hltIter1Merged + hltTrackRefsForJetsIter1 + hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1 + hltTrackAndTauJetsIter1 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1ForPA = cms.Sequence( hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval + hltPAIter1SiStripClusters + hltPAIter1PixelSeeds + hltPAIter1CkfTrackCandidates + hltPAIter1CtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurity + hltPAIter1Merged + hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter1 + hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1 + hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter1 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2 = cms.Sequence( hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter2SiStripClusters + hltIter2PFJetPixelSeeds + hltIter2PFJetCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter2PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity + hltIter2Merged + hltTrackRefsForJetsIter2 + hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2 + hltTrackAndTauJetsIter2 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2ForPA = cms.Sequence( hltPAIter2ClustersRefRemoval + hltPAIter2SiStripClusters + hltPAIter2PixelSeeds + hltPAIter2CkfTrackCandidates + hltPAIter2CtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPAIter2TrackSelectionHighPurity + hltPAIter2Merged + hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter2 + hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2 + hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter2 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration3 = cms.Sequence( hltIter3ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter3SiStripClusters + hltIter3PFJetMixedSeeds + hltIter3PFJetCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter3PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity + hltIter3Merged + hltTrackRefsForJetsIter3 + hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3 + hltTrackAndTauJetsIter3 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration3ForPA = cms.Sequence( hltPAIter3ClustersRefRemoval + hltPAIter3SiStripClusters + hltPAIter3MixedSeeds + hltPAIter3CkfTrackCandidates + hltPAIter3CtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurity + hltPAIter3Merged + hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter3 + hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3 + hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter3 )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration4 = cms.Sequence( hltIter4ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter4SiStripClusters + hltIter4PFJetPixelLessSeeds + hltIter4PFJetCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter4PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter4PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity + hltIter4Merged )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration4ForPA = cms.Sequence( hltPAIter4ClustersRefRemoval + hltPAIter4SiStripClusters + hltPAIter4PixelLessSeeds + hltPAIter4CkfTrackCandidates + hltPAIter4CtfWithMaterialTracks + hltPAIter4TrackSelectionHighPurity + hltPAIter4Merged )
tuple hltKT6CaloJets
tuple hltKT6PFJets
tuple hltL1EventNumberNZS
tuple hltL1extraParticles
tuple hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0
tuple hltL1fL1sMu12L1Filtered0
tuple hltL1fL1sMu3L1Filtered0
tuple hltL1fL1sMu7L1Filtered0
tuple hltL1fL1sMu7L1FilteredEta2p1Filtered0
tuple hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMu0HighQL1FilteredHighQ
tuple hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMuOpenL1Filtered0
tuple hltL1fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L1Filtered0
tuple hltL1GtObjectMap
tuple hltL1GtTrigReport
tuple hltL1Mu0EG5L1MuFiltered0
tuple hltL1Mu0EG5L2MuFiltered0
tuple hltL1Mu0EG5L3MuFiltered7
tuple hltL1MuOpenL1Filtered0
tuple hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta
tuple hltL1sAlCaRPC
tuple hltL1sBscMinBiasThreshold1BptxAND
tuple HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded + HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Seeded )
tuple hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape
tuple hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso
tuple hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE
tuple hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso
tuple hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate
tuple hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds
tuple hltL1sETT20BptxAND
tuple hltL1sETT40
tuple hltL1sETT60
tuple hltL1sL1AlwaysTrue
tuple hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxMinusPostQuiet
tuple hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxPlusPostQuiet
tuple hltL1sL1BeamHalo
tuple hltL1sL1BptxMinusNotBptxPlus
tuple hltL1sL1BptxPlusNotBptxMinus
tuple hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm
tuple hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfSingleChannel
tuple hltL1sL1CastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity
tuple hltL1sL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleEG5
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleForJet16EtaOpp
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleMu0
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleMu0erHighQ
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd
tuple hltL1sL1Mu0EG5
tuple hltL1sL1Mu3JetC16WdEtaPhi2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG12
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG20
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG24
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG7
tuple hltL1sL1SingleForJet16
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet12BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDAndETM30
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinTripleJet202020
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet16FwdVeto5
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNoBPTXNoHalo
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36AndETM30
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta2
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet1002020
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet402020
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet602020
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet802020
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu12
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu3
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu3Jet16
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu7
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu7Jet16
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen
tuple hltL1sL1Tech53MB
tuple hltL1sL1Tech54ZeroBias
tuple hltL1sL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon
tuple hltL1sL1ZeroBias
tuple hltL1sPAHcalNZS
tuple hltL1sPAHcalPhiSym
tuple hltL1sPAMinBiasBscBptxAND
tuple hltL1sPAMinBiasHFBptxAND
tuple hltL1sPAMinBiasHfBptxANDorBscBptxAND
tuple hltL1sPAMinBiasHFORBptxAND
tuple hltL1sPASingleEG5BptxAND
tuple hltL1sPATech35
tuple hltL1sRomanPotsTech52
tuple hltL1sT1minbiasTech55
tuple hltL1sTechTrigHCALNoise
tuple hltL1sTrackerCosmics
tuple hltL1tfed
tuple HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )
tuple hltL2fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0
tuple hltL2fL1sMu12L2Filtered10
tuple hltL2fL1sMu3L2Filtered3
tuple hltL2fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2FilteredEta2p1Filtered7
tuple hltL2fL1sMu7L2Filtered5
tuple hltL2fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered3
tuple hltL2MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )
tuple HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL2Muons
tuple hltL2MuonSeeds
tuple hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds
tuple hltL3fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0L3f4
tuple hltL3fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2fEta2p1f7L3FilteredEta2p1Filtered15
tuple hltL3fL2sMu12L3Filtered12
tuple hltL3fL2sMu3L3Filtered3
tuple hltL3fL2sMu7L3Filtered7
tuple hltL3MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence + hltL3TkTracksFromL2 + hltL3MuonsLinksCombination + hltL3Muons )
tuple HLTL3muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL3MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL3Muons
tuple hltL3MuonsIOHit
tuple hltL3MuonsLinksCombination
tuple hltL3MuonsOIHit
tuple hltL3MuonsOIState
tuple HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltL3TrajSeedOIState + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState + hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState + hltL3MuonsOIState + hltL3TrajSeedOIHit + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit + hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit + hltL3MuonsOIHit + hltL3TkFromL2OICombination + hltL3TrajSeedIOHit + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit + hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit + hltL3MuonsIOHit + hltL3TrajectorySeed + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2 )
tuple hltL3TkFromL2OICombination
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState
tuple hltL3TrajectorySeed
tuple hltL3TrajSeedIOHit
tuple hltL3TrajSeedOIHit
tuple hltL3TrajSeedOIState
tuple hltLaserAlignmentEventFilter
tuple hltLightPFTracks
tuple hltLogMonitorFilter
tuple hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter
tuple hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter
tuple hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLTHEFilter
tuple hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
tuple hltMulti5x5BasicClustersActivity
tuple hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Seeded
tuple hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded
tuple HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Seeded = cms.Sequence( hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Seeded + hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Seeded + hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded + hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded )
tuple hltMulti5x5SuperClustersActivity
tuple hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Seeded
tuple hltMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity
tuple hltMuonCSCDigis
tuple hltMuonDTDigis
tuple hltMuonLinks
tuple HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )
tuple hltMuonRPCDigis
tuple hltMuons
tuple hltMuOpenTkMu1TkMuMassFilteredUpcOnia
tuple hltMuOpenTkMu1TrackMassFilteredUpcOnia
tuple hltMuOpenTrack1PixelMassFilteredUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTkMuMuonLinksUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTkMuMuonsUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTkMuTrackerMuonCandsUpcOnia
tuple HLTMuTkMuUpcOniaTkMuRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuTkMuMuonLinksUpcOnia + hltMuTkMuMuonsUpcOnia + hltMuTkMuTrackerMuonCandsUpcOnia )
tuple hltMuTrackCkfTrackCandidatesUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTrackCtfTrackCandsUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTrackCtfTracksUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTrackPixelTrackCandsUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia
tuple hltMuTrackTrackSeedsUpcOnia
tuple HLTMuTrackUpcOniaPixelRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPixelTracks + hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia + hltMuTrackPixelTrackCandsUpcOnia )
tuple HLTMuTrackUpcOniaTrackRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltMuTrackTrackSeedsUpcOnia + hltMuTrackCkfTrackCandidatesUpcOnia + hltMuTrackCtfTracksUpcOnia + hltMuTrackCtfTrackCandsUpcOnia )
tuple hltOnlineBeamSpot
tuple hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0
tuple hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1
tuple hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2
tuple hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3
tuple HLTPABeginSequenceUTCA = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + hltPAL1EventNumberUTCA + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple hltPACkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPACountPAPixFilter10
tuple hltPACountUpcTrackFilter1
tuple hltPACountUpcTrackFilter7
tuple hltPACtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEGDouble10And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEGDouble10And10CaloIdVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter )
tuple HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEGDouble10And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEGDouble10And10CaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple HLTPADoublePhoton15And10TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterFirst + hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterSecond + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEGDouble15And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEGDouble15And10CaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple HLTPADoublePhoton20And15TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5 + hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterFirst + hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterSecond + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEGDouble20And15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEGDouble20And15CaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple hltPAEG30EtFilter
tuple hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltPAEG40EtFilter
tuple hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble10And10CaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble10And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble15And10CaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble15And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble20And15CaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltPAEGDouble20And15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltPAFullCands
tuple hltPAGoodFullTracks
tuple hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult
tuple hltPAIter1CkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltPAIter1CtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltPAIter1Merged
tuple hltPAIter1PixelSeeds
tuple hltPAIter1SiStripClusters
tuple hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltPAIter2CkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPAIter2ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltPAIter2CtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltPAIter2Merged
tuple hltPAIter2PixelSeeds
tuple hltPAIter2SiStripClusters
tuple hltPAIter2TrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPAIter3CkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPAIter3ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltPAIter3CtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltPAIter3Merged
tuple hltPAIter3MixedSeeds
tuple hltPAIter3SiStripClusters
tuple hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltPAIter4CkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPAIter4ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltPAIter4CtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltPAIter4Merged
tuple hltPAIter4PixelLessSeeds
tuple hltPAIter4SiStripClusters
tuple hltPAIter4TrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPAL1EventNumberUTCA
tuple hltPAL1sL1SingleMu3Jet36
tuple hltPAMetForHf
tuple hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1
tuple hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter2
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet20
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet20L2Filtered3
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet20L3Filter3
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet40
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet40L2Filtered3
tuple hltPAMu3PFJet40L3Filter3
tuple hltPAMu7PFJet20
tuple hltPAMu7PFJet20L2Filtered5
tuple hltPAMu7PFJet20L3Filter3
tuple hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
tuple HLTPAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG10EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG10TightCaloIdVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter )
tuple HLTPAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG10EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG10TightCaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
tuple HLTPAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG15EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG15TightCaloIdVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter )
tuple HLTPAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG15EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG15TightCaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
tuple HLTPAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG20EtPAFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG20TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG20TightCaloIdVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter )
tuple HLTPAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG20EtPAFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltEG20TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltEG20TightCaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
tuple HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12 + hltPAEG30EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLHEFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso + hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso + hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter )
tuple HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12 + hltPAEG30EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple HLTPAPhoton40TightCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG20 + hltPAEG40EtFilter + hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape + hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE + hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLHEFilter )
tuple hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET
tuple hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult
tuple hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias
tuple hltPAPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
tuple hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult
tuple hltPAPixelTracksForHighPt
tuple hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias
tuple hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult
tuple hltParticleFlow
tuple hltParticleFlowBlock
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterECAL
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterPS
tuple hltParticleFlowPtrs
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitECAL
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitPS
tuple HLTParticleFlowSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTPreshowerSequence + hltParticleFlowRecHitECAL + hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL + hltParticleFlowRecHitPS + hltParticleFlowClusterECAL + hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL + hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM + hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD + hltParticleFlowClusterPS + hltLightPFTracks + hltParticleFlowBlock + hltParticleFlow )
tuple hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter0
tuple hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter1
tuple hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter2
tuple hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter3
tuple hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter0
tuple hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter1
tuple hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter2
tuple hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter3
tuple hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPAUpcCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands
tuple hltPAUpcCtfTracks
tuple HLTPAUpcFullTrackRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltPAUpcTrackSeeds + hltPAUpcCkfTrackCandidates + hltPAUpcCtfTracks + hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands )
tuple hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL1Filtered0
tuple hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL2Filtered1
tuple hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL3Filtered1
tuple hltPAUpcTrackSeeds
tuple hltPFJetCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltPFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltPFJetPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
tuple hltPFJetsL1Matched
tuple HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetsSequence = cms.Sequence( hltKT6PFJets + hltAntiKT5PFJets + hltAK5PFJetL1FastL2L3Corrected )
tuple HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetTriggerSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoSequence + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + HLTTrackReconstructionForPF + HLTParticleFlowSequence + HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetsSequence )
tuple HLTPFL1FastL2L3ReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetTriggerSequence )
tuple hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltPFMuonMerging
tuple HLTPhoton10NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG10EtFilter )
tuple HLTPhoton15NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG15EtFilter )
tuple HLTPhoton20NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltEG20EtPAFilter )
tuple HLTPhoton30NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12 + hltPAEG30EtFilter )
tuple HLTPhoton40NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG20 + hltPAEG40EtFilter )
tuple HLTPhoton60NoCaloIdVLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG24 + hltEG60EtFilter )
tuple hltPixelActivityFilterForHalo
tuple HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltCkfL1SeededTrackCandidates + hltCtfL1SeededWithMaterialTracks + hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded )
tuple hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded
tuple hltPixelTrackFilterCastorHfMin
tuple HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias )
tuple hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastor
tuple hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastorHfMax
tuple hltPixelTracks
tuple hltPixelVertices
tuple hltPreActivityEcalSC7
tuple hltPreAlCaEcalPhiSym
tuple hltPreAlCaLumiPixels
tuple hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsRandom
tuple hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsZeroBias
tuple hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEBonly
tuple hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEEonly
tuple hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EBonly
tuple hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EEonly
tuple hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoHits
tuple hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNormalisation
tuple hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoTriggers
tuple hltPreBeamGasHFBeam1
tuple hltPreBeamGasHFBeam2
tuple hltPreBeamHalo
tuple hltPreDQMFEDIntegrity
tuple hltPreDSTPhysics
tuple hltPreDTCalibration
tuple hltPreEcalCalibration
tuple hltPreEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVL
tuple hltPreGlobalRunHPDNoise
tuple hltPreHcalCalibration
tuple hltPreL1SingleMuOpenAntiBPTX
tuple hltPreL1TrackerCosmics
tuple hltPreLogMonitor
tuple hltPreMu15eta2p1
tuple hltPrePABptxMinusNotBptxPlus
tuple hltPrePABptxPlusNotBptxMinus
tuple hltPrePABTagMuJet20Mu4
tuple hltPrePACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm
tuple hltPrePACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel
tuple hltPrePACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity
tuple hltPrePADimuon0NoVertexing
tuple hltPrePADoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePADoubleEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePADoubleJet20ForwardBackward
tuple hltPrePADoubleMu4Acoplanarity03
tuple hltPrePAExclDijet35HFAND
tuple hltPrePAExclDijet35HFOR
tuple hltPrePAForJet100Eta2
tuple hltPrePAForJet100Eta3
tuple hltPrePAForJet20Eta2
tuple hltPrePAForJet20Eta3
tuple hltPrePAForJet40Eta2
tuple hltPrePAForJet40Eta3
tuple hltPrePAForJet60Eta2
tuple hltPrePAForJet60Eta3
tuple hltPrePAForJet80Eta2
tuple hltPrePAForJet80Eta3
tuple hltPrePAFullTrack12
tuple hltPrePAFullTrack20
tuple hltPrePAFullTrack30
tuple hltPrePAFullTrack50
tuple hltPrePAHcalNZS
tuple hltPrePAHcalPhiSym
tuple hltPrePAHcalUTCA
tuple hltPrePAHFORSingleTrack
tuple hltPrePAHFSumET100
tuple hltPrePAHFSumET140
tuple hltPrePAHFSumET170
tuple hltPrePAHFSumET210
tuple hltPrePAJet100NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAJet120NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAJet20NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAJet40ETM30
tuple hltPrePAJet40NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAJet60ETM30
tuple hltPrePAJet60NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAJet80NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0HighQ
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1DoubleMuOpen
tuple hltPrePAL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1SingleJet16
tuple hltPrePAL1SingleJet36
tuple hltPrePAL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive
tuple hltPrePAL1Tech53MB
tuple hltPrePAL1Tech53MBSingleTrack
tuple hltPrePAL1Tech54ZeroBias
tuple hltPrePAL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon
tuple hltPrePAL1TechHBHEHOtotalOR
tuple hltPrePAL2DoubleMu3
tuple hltPrePAMinBiasBHC
tuple hltPrePAMinBiasBHCOR
tuple hltPrePAMinBiasHF
tuple hltPrePAMinBiasHFOR
tuple hltPrePAMinBiasHfOrBHC
tuple hltPrePAMu12
tuple hltPrePAMu3
tuple hltPrePAMu3PFJet20
tuple hltPrePAMu3PFJet40
tuple hltPrePAMu7
tuple hltPrePAMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVL
tuple hltPrePAMu7PFJet20
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVLIso50
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLIso50
tuple hltPrePAPhoton15NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLIso50
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20Photon20NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLIso50
tuple hltPrePAPhoton30NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton30Photon30NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50
tuple hltPrePAPhoton40NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton40TightCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPhoton60NoCaloIdVL
tuple hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100FullTrack12
tuple hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100L2DoubleMu3
tuple hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity130FullTrack12
tuple hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity140Jet80NoJetID
tuple hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity160FullTrack12
tuple hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity100
tuple hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity130
tuple hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity160
tuple hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity190
tuple hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity220
tuple hltPrePARandom
tuple hltPrePARomanPotsTech52
tuple hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePASingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL
tuple hltPrePASingleForJet15
tuple hltPrePASingleForJet25
tuple hltPrePAT1minbiasTech55
tuple hltPrePATech35
tuple hltPrePATech35HFSumET100
tuple hltPrePATripleJet1002020
tuple hltPrePATripleJet202020
tuple hltPrePATripleJet402020
tuple hltPrePATripleJet602020
tuple hltPrePATripleJet802020
tuple hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5FullTrackVeto7
tuple hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5PixelTrackVeto
tuple hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenFullTrackVeto7
tuple hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenPixelTrackVeto
tuple hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOnia
tuple hltPrePAZeroBias
tuple hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelDoubleTrack
tuple hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPrePhysics
tuple hltPrePPL1DoubleJetC36
tuple hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity55FullTrack12
tuple hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity70FullTrack12
tuple hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity55
tuple hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity70
tuple hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity85
tuple HLTPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs + hltESRecHitAll )
tuple hltPreTrackerCalibration
tuple hltRandomEventsFilter
tuple hltRecoEcalSuperClusterActivityCandidate
tuple HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Uncorrected + hltCaloJetIDPassed + hltCaloJetCorrected )
tuple HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5L1FastJetCorrected = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltKT6CaloJets + hltAntiKT5CaloJets + hltCaloJetIDPassed + hltCaloJetL1FastJetCorrected )
tuple HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Uncorrected = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJets )
tuple HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5UncorrectedPF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequencePF + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPF )
tuple HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5UncorrectedPF + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5 )
tuple HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence = cms.Sequence( hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult )
tuple HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVertices )
tuple HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalJetEcalSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForJets )
tuple HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltScalersRawToDigi + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW )
tuple HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetConditions + hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )
tuple hltRPCFEDIntegrity
tuple hltRPCFilter
tuple hltRPCMuonNormaL1Filtered0
tuple hltRPCMuonNoTriggersL1Filtered0
tuple hltRPCPointProducer
tuple hltRpcRecHits
tuple hltScalersRawToDigi
tuple HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_Activity_Ecal_SC7_v13, HLT_Mu15_eta2p1_v5, HLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v6, HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam1_v5, HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam2_v5, HLT_BeamHalo_v13, HLT_PAHcalUTCA_v1, HLT_PAHcalPhiSym_v1, HLT_PAHcalNZS_v1, HLT_GlobalRunHPDNoise_v8, HLT_Physics_v5, DST_Physics_v5, HLT_DTCalibration_v2, HLT_EcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HcalCalibration_v3, HLT_TrackerCalibration_v3, HLT_L1SingleMuOpen_AntiBPTX_v7, HLT_L1TrackerCosmics_v7, AlCa_PAEcalPi0EBonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalPi0EEonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalEtaEBonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalEtaEEonly_v1, AlCa_EcalPhiSym_v13, AlCa_RPCMuonNoTriggers_v9, AlCa_RPCMuonNoHits_v9, AlCa_RPCMuonNormalisation_v9, AlCa_LumiPixels_v8, AlCa_LumiPixels_ZeroBias_v4, AlCa_LumiPixels_Random_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet16_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet36_v1, HLT_PASingleForJet15_v1, HLT_PASingleForJet25_v1, HLT_PAJet20_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet40_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet60_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet80_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet100_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet120_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAForJet20Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet40Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet60Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet80Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet100Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet20Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet40Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet60Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet80Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet100Eta3_v1, HLT_PATripleJet20_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet40_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet60_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet80_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet100_20_20_v1, HLT_PAJet40ETM30_v1, HLT_PAJet60ETM30_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_v1, HLT_PADimuon0_NoVertexing_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMuOpen_v1, HLT_PAL2DoubleMu3_v1, HLT_PAMu3_v1, HLT_PAMu7_v1, HLT_PAMu12_v1, HLT_PABTagMu_Jet20_Mu4_v1, HLT_PAMu3PFJet20_v1, HLT_PAMu3PFJet40_v1, HLT_PAMu7PFJet20_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton40_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton60_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton40_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon20_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_Photon30_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle8_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PADoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PADoubleEle8_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity100_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity130_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity160_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity190_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity220_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity130_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity160_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack20_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack30_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack50_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity140_Jet80_NoJetID_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_L2DoubleMu3_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity55_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity70_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity85_v1, HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity55_FullTrack12_v1, HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity70_FullTrack12_v1, HLT_PPL1DoubleJetC36_v1, HLT_PATech35_v1, HLT_PATech35_HFSumET100_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET100_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET140_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET170_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET210_v3, HLT_PARomanPots_Tech52_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech54_ZeroBias_v1, HLT_PAT1minbias_Tech55_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech_HBHEHO_totalOR_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech63_CASTORHaloMuon_v1, HLT_PACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity_v1, HLT_PACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm_v1, HLT_PACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel_v1, HLT_PAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHF_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHF_OR_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_OR_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHfOrBHC_v1, HLT_PABptxPlusNotBptxMinus_v1, HLT_PABptxMinusNotBptxPlus_v1, HLT_PAZeroBias_v1, HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAHFOR_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_DoubleTrack_v1, HLT_PADoubleMu4_Acoplanarity03_v1, HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFOR_v1, HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFAND_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG3_FwdVeto_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet52_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleMu20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleEG20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleJet20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleJetC36_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu5_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PADoubleJet20_ForwardBackward_v1, HLT_PAMu7_Ele7_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Pixel_TrackVeto_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Full_TrackVeto7_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenPixel_TrackVeto_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenFull_TrackVeto7_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMu_Onia_v1, HLT_PARandom_v1, DQM_FEDIntegrity_v11, HLT_LogMonitor_v4, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))
tuple hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSelector4JetsJet20L1FastJetBPH
tuple hltSimple3x3Clusters
tuple hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5
tuple hltSingleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneHEFilter
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTSingleEle6CaloIdNoneSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTSingleEle6CaloIdTSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA + hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltSingleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltSingleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneHEFilter
tuple hltSingleEle8CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter
tuple HLTSingleEle8CaloIdNoneSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence + hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7 + hltSingleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7 + HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence + hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoEGammaHESequence + hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneHEFilter + HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence + hltSingleEle8CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter )
tuple hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltSingleForJet100Eta2
tuple hltSingleForJet100Eta3
tuple hltSingleForJet15
tuple hltSingleForJet20Eta2
tuple hltSingleForJet20Eta3
tuple hltSingleForJet25
tuple hltSingleForJet40Eta2
tuple hltSingleForJet40Eta3
tuple hltSingleForJet60Eta2
tuple hltSingleForJet60Eta3
tuple hltSingleForJet80Eta2
tuple hltSingleForJet80Eta3
tuple hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet1002020
tuple hltSingleJet120RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet202020
tuple hltSingleJet40RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetIDinJet60ETM30
tuple hltSingleJet80RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltSiPixelClusters
tuple hltSiPixelDigis
tuple hltSiPixelHLTSource
tuple hltSiPixelRecHits
tuple hltSiStripClusters
tuple hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer
tuple hltSiStripFEDCheck
tuple hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility
tuple hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID
tuple hltTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForHf
tuple hltTowerMakerForJets
tuple hltTowerMakerForPF
tuple hltTrackAndTauJetsIter0
tuple hltTrackAndTauJetsIter1
tuple hltTrackAndTauJetsIter2
tuple hltTrackAndTauJetsIter3
tuple hltTrackerCalibrationRaw
tuple hltTrackerCosmicsPattern
tuple hltTrackerHaloFilter
tuple HLTTrackReconstructionForPF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTracking + hltPFMuonMerging + hltMuonLinks + hltMuons )
tuple hltTrackRefsForJetsIter0
tuple hltTrackRefsForJetsIter1
tuple hltTrackRefsForJetsIter2
tuple hltTrackRefsForJetsIter3
tuple hltTriggerSummaryAOD
tuple hltTriggerSummaryRAW
tuple hltTriggerType
tuple hltTrigReport
tuple hoDetIdAssociator
tuple MaterialPropagator
tuple MaterialPropagatorForHI
tuple muonDetIdAssociator
tuple navigationSchoolESProducer
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagator
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagatorForHI
tuple preshowerDetIdAssociator
tuple siPixelQualityESProducer
tuple siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )
tuple siStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer
tuple SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple streams
tuple trackerTopologyConstants
tuple TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
tuple UpdaterService

Variable Documentation

HLT_PIon_cff._sequence = None

Definition at line 15632 of file

Definition at line 15436 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.AlCa_LumiPixels_Random_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceRandom + hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsRandom + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15442 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.AlCa_LumiPixels_v8 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1AlwaysTrue + hltPreAlCaLumiPixels + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15440 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.AlCa_LumiPixels_ZeroBias_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsZeroBias + hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15441 of file

Definition at line 15434 of file

Definition at line 15435 of file

Definition at line 15432 of file

Definition at line 15433 of file

Definition at line 15438 of file

Definition at line 15439 of file

Definition at line 15437 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" )
5 )

Definition at line 1258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.caloDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "CaloDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1359 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )

Definition at line 1263 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder",
2  MapFile = cms.untracked.string( "Geometry/CaloTopology/data/" )
3 )

Definition at line 1264 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CastorDbProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CastorDbProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
3 )

Definition at line 1267 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "ClusterShapeHitFilter" )
3 )

Definition at line 1270 of file

list HLT_PIon_cff.cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']

Definition at line 15589 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.cosmicsNavigationSchoolESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "CosmicNavigationSchool" )
3 )

Definition at line 1366 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCChannelMapperESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer("CSCChannelMapperESProducer",
2  AlgoName = cms.string("CSCChannelMapperStartup")
3  )

Definition at line 15658 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCChannelMapperESSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string("CSCChannelMapperRecord"),
3  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1),
4  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True)
5  )

Definition at line 15653 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCIndexerESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer("CSCIndexerESProducer",
2  AlgoName = cms.string("CSCIndexerStartup")
3  )

Definition at line 15649 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCIndexerESSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string("CSCIndexerRecord"),
3  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1),
4  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True)
5  )

Definition at line 15644 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.datasets

Definition at line 39 of file

Definition at line 15579 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.DST_Physics_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPreDSTPhysics + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15425 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.DTDataIntegrityTask
Initial value:
1 = cms.Service( "DTDataIntegrityTask",
2  processingMode = cms.untracked.string( "HLT" ),
3  fedIntegrityFolder = cms.untracked.string( "DT/FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
4  getSCInfo = cms.untracked.bool( True )
5 )

Definition at line 3999 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ecalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "EcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.02 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 300 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 360 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1369 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ecalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "EcalSeverityLevelESProducer",
2  dbstatusMask = cms.PSet(
3  kGood = cms.vuint32( 0 ),
4  kProblematic = cms.vuint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ),
5  kRecovered = cms.vuint32( ),
6  kTime = cms.vuint32( ),
7  kWeird = cms.vuint32( ),
8  kBad = cms.vuint32( 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 )
9  ),
10  timeThresh = cms.double( 2.0 ),
11  flagMask = cms.PSet(
12  kGood = cms.vstring( 'kGood' ),
13  kProblematic = cms.vstring( 'kPoorReco',
14  'kPoorCalib',
15  'kNoisy',
16  'kSaturated' ),
17  kRecovered = cms.vstring( 'kLeadingEdgeRecovered',
18  'kTowerRecovered' ),
19  kTime = cms.vstring( 'kOutOfTime' ),
20  kWeird = cms.vstring( 'kWeird',
21  'kDiWeird' ),
22  kBad = cms.vstring( 'kFaultyHardware',
23  'kDead',
24  'kKilled' )
25  )
26 )

Definition at line 1376 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer

Definition at line 1273 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hcalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1402 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hcalRecAlgos

Definition at line 1409 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAFullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 12.0 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAFullCands" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13381 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAFullTrack20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAFullCands" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13420 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAFullTrack30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 30.0 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAFullCands" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13435 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAFullTrack50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 50.0 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAFullCands" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13450 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult100
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 100 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 12243 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult130
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 130 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 12258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult140
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 140 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13465 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult160
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 160 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 12285 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult190
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 190 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 12300 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult220
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 220 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 12327 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult3ForHFSumET
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 20.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13708 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult55
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 55 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13484 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult70
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 70 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13499 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAHighMult85
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinTrks = cms.int32( 85 ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 0.4 ),
5  MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
6  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
7  trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult" ),
8  vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
9  MaxPt = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinSep = cms.double( 0.4 )
11 )

Definition at line 13514 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hlt1PAVertexFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTVertexFilter",
2  maxZ = cms.double( 20.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
4  minVertices = cms.uint32( 2 ),
5  maxChi2 = cms.double( 99999.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
7  minNDoF = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  maxD0 = cms.double( 0.5 )
9 )

Definition at line 13695 of file

Definition at line 15414 of file

Definition at line 15417 of file

Definition at line 15418 of file

Definition at line 15419 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_DTCalibration_v2 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreDTCalibration + hltDTCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15426 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_EcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreEcalCalibration + hltEcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15427 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v6 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPreEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVL + HLTEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15416 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_GlobalRunHPDNoise_v8 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNoBPTXNoHalo + hltPreGlobalRunHPDNoise + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15423 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_HcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreHcalCalibration + hltHcalCalibTypeFilter + hltHcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15428 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_L1SingleMuOpen_AntiBPTX_v7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen + hltPreL1SingleMuOpenAntiBPTX + hltL1MuOpenL1Filtered0 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15430 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_L1TrackerCosmics_v7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sTrackerCosmics + hltPreL1TrackerCosmics + hltTrackerCosmicsPattern + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15431 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_LogMonitor_v4 = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltLogMonitorFilter + hltPreLogMonitor + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15580 of file

Definition at line 15415 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PABptxMinusNotBptxPlus_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxMinusNotBptxPlus + hltPrePABptxMinusNotBptxPlus + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15555 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PABptxPlusNotBptxMinus_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxPlusNotBptxMinus + hltPrePABptxPlusNotBptxMinus + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15554 of file

Definition at line 15478 of file

Definition at line 15546 of file

Definition at line 15547 of file

Definition at line 15545 of file

Definition at line 15471 of file

Definition at line 15510 of file

Definition at line 15511 of file

Definition at line 15571 of file

Definition at line 15560 of file

Definition at line 15562 of file

Definition at line 15561 of file

Definition at line 15457 of file

Definition at line 15462 of file

Definition at line 15453 of file

Definition at line 15458 of file

Definition at line 15454 of file

Definition at line 15459 of file

Definition at line 15455 of file

Definition at line 15460 of file

Definition at line 15456 of file

Definition at line 15461 of file

Definition at line 15520 of file

Definition at line 15521 of file

Definition at line 15522 of file

Definition at line 15523 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAHcalNZS_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceNZS + hltL1sPAHcalNZS + hltPrePAHcalNZS + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15422 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAHcalPhiSym_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceNZS + hltL1sPAHcalPhiSym + hltPrePAHcalPhiSym + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15421 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAHcalUTCA_v1 = cms.Path( HLTPABeginSequenceUTCA + hltPrePAHcalUTCA + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15420 of file

Definition at line 15558 of file

Definition at line 15534 of file

Definition at line 15535 of file

Definition at line 15536 of file

Definition at line 15537 of file

Definition at line 15451 of file

Definition at line 15452 of file

Definition at line 15447 of file

Definition at line 15448 of file

Definition at line 15468 of file

Definition at line 15449 of file

Definition at line 15469 of file

Definition at line 15450 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity + hltPrePAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15548 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleEG3_FwdVeto_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto + hltPrePAL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15563 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15570 of file

Definition at line 15509 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleJet20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15567 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleJetC36_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15568 of file

Definition at line 15472 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1DoubleMu0 + hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0 + hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15470 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1DoubleMu5_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15569 of file

Definition at line 15473 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1SingleEG20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15566 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1SingleJet16_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND + hltPrePAL1SingleJet16 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15443 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1SingleJet36_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet36 + hltPrePAL1SingleJet36 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15444 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1SingleJet52_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15564 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1SingleMu20_TotemDiffractive_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive + hltPrePAL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15565 of file

Definition at line 15540 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech53MB + hltPrePAL1Tech53MB + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15539 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1Tech54_ZeroBias_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech54ZeroBias + hltPrePAL1Tech54ZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15541 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1Tech63_CASTORHaloMuon_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon + hltPrePAL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15544 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAL1Tech_HBHEHO_totalOR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sTechTrigHCALNoise + hltPrePAL1TechHBHEHOtotalOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15543 of file

Definition at line 15474 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_OR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasBscBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasBHCOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15552 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sBscMinBiasThreshold1BptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasBHC + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15551 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAMinBiasHF_OR_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHFORBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHFOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15550 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAMinBiasHF_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHFBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHF + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15549 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAMinBiasHfOrBHC_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sPAMinBiasHfBptxANDorBscBptxAND + hltPrePAMinBiasHfOrBHC + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15553 of file

Definition at line 15477 of file

Definition at line 15475 of file

Definition at line 15479 of file

Definition at line 15480 of file

Definition at line 15572 of file

Definition at line 15476 of file

Definition at line 15481 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton10NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15482 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton10And10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15497 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15503 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton10And10TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15502 of file

Definition at line 15493 of file

Definition at line 15488 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton15_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton15NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton15NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15483 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton15And10NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15498 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton15And10TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15504 of file

Definition at line 15494 of file

Definition at line 15489 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton20_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPrePAPhoton20NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton20NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15484 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton20And15NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15499 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15TightCaloIdVL + HLTPADoublePhoton20And15TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15505 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon20_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton20Photon20NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton20And20NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15500 of file

Definition at line 15495 of file

Definition at line 15490 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton30_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton30NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15485 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton30_Photon30_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5 + hltPrePAPhoton30Photon30NoCaloIdVL + HLTDoublePhoton30And30NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15501 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50 + HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50Sequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15496 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG12 + hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15491 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton40_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG20 + hltPrePAPhoton40NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton40NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15486 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton40_TightCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleEG20 + hltPrePAPhoton40TightCaloIdVL + HLTPAPhoton40TightCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15492 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAPhoton60_NoCaloIdVL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG24 + hltPrePAPhoton60NoCaloIdVL + HLTPhoton60NoCaloIdVLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15487 of file

Definition at line 15517 of file

Definition at line 15525 of file

Definition at line 15518 of file

Definition at line 15524 of file

Definition at line 15519 of file

Definition at line 15512 of file

Definition at line 15513 of file

Definition at line 15514 of file

Definition at line 15515 of file

Definition at line 15516 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PARandom_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceRandom + hltPrePARandom + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15578 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PARomanPots_Tech52_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sRomanPotsTech52 + hltPrePARomanPotsTech52 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15538 of file

Definition at line 15507 of file

Definition at line 15506 of file

Definition at line 15508 of file

Definition at line 15445 of file

Definition at line 15446 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAT1minbias_Tech55_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sT1minbiasTech55 + hltPrePAT1minbiasTech55 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15542 of file

Definition at line 15533 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PATech35_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sPATech35 + hltPrePATech35 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15532 of file

Definition at line 15467 of file

Definition at line 15463 of file

Definition at line 15464 of file

Definition at line 15465 of file

Definition at line 15466 of file

Definition at line 15574 of file

Definition at line 15573 of file

Definition at line 15576 of file

Definition at line 15575 of file

Definition at line 15577 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PAZeroBias_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ZeroBias + hltPrePAZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15556 of file

Definition at line 15559 of file

Definition at line 15557 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_Physics_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPrePhysics + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15424 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_PPL1DoubleJetC36_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36 + hltPrePPL1DoubleJetC36 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 15531 of file

Definition at line 15529 of file

Definition at line 15530 of file

Definition at line 15526 of file

Definition at line 15527 of file

Definition at line 15528 of file

Definition at line 15429 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK5PFJetL1FastL2L3Corrected
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5PFJets" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK5PFL1L2L3' )
4 )

Definition at line 10459 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaEtaEBUncalibrator
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecalibRecHitProducer",
2  doEnergyScale = cms.bool( True ),
3  doLaserCorrectionsInverse = cms.bool( True ),
4  EERecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( '','etaEcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  doEnergyScaleInverse = cms.bool( True ),
6  EBRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEBonly','etaEcalRecHitsEB' ),
7  doIntercalibInverse = cms.bool( True ),
8  doLaserCorrections = cms.bool( True ),
9  EBRecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "etaEcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  doIntercalib = cms.bool( True ),
11  EERecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "etaEcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6869 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaEtaEEUncalibrator
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecalibRecHitProducer",
2  doEnergyScale = cms.bool( True ),
3  doLaserCorrectionsInverse = cms.bool( True ),
4  EERecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEEonly','etaEcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  doEnergyScaleInverse = cms.bool( True ),
6  EBRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( '','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
7  doIntercalibInverse = cms.bool( True ),
8  doLaserCorrections = cms.bool( True ),
9  EBRecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "etaEcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  doIntercalib = cms.bool( True ),
11  EERecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "etaEcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6950 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEBonly

Definition at line 6804 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaEtaRecHitsFilterEEonly

Definition at line 6885 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPhiSymStream
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEcalPhiSymFilter",
2  statusThreshold = cms.uint32( 3 ),
3  endcapHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
4  eCut_endcap_high = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
5  eCut_barrel = cms.double( 0.15 ),
6  eCut_barrel_high = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
7  eCut_endcap = cms.double( 0.75 ),
8  useRecoFlag = cms.bool( False ),
9  phiSymBarrelHitCollection = cms.string( "phiSymEcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  barrelHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
11  phiSymEndcapHitCollection = cms.string( "phiSymEcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6966 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPhiSymUncalibrator
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecalibRecHitProducer",
2  doEnergyScale = cms.bool( True ),
3  doLaserCorrectionsInverse = cms.bool( True ),
4  EERecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaPhiSymStream','phiSymEcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  doEnergyScaleInverse = cms.bool( True ),
6  EBRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaPhiSymStream','phiSymEcalRecHitsEB' ),
7  doIntercalibInverse = cms.bool( True ),
8  doLaserCorrections = cms.bool( True ),
9  EBRecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "phiSymEcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  doIntercalib = cms.bool( True ),
11  EERecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "phiSymEcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6978 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPi0EBUncalibrator
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecalibRecHitProducer",
2  doEnergyScale = cms.bool( True ),
3  doLaserCorrectionsInverse = cms.bool( True ),
4  EERecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( '','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  doEnergyScaleInverse = cms.bool( True ),
6  EBRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEBonly','pi0EcalRecHitsEB' ),
7  doIntercalibInverse = cms.bool( True ),
8  doLaserCorrections = cms.bool( True ),
9  EBRecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "pi0EcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  doIntercalib = cms.bool( True ),
11  EERecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "pi0EcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6707 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPi0EEUncalibrator
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRecalibRecHitProducer",
2  doEnergyScale = cms.bool( True ),
3  doLaserCorrectionsInverse = cms.bool( True ),
4  EERecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEEonly','pi0EcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  doEnergyScaleInverse = cms.bool( True ),
6  EBRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( '','pi0EcalRecHitsEB' ),
7  doIntercalibInverse = cms.bool( True ),
8  doLaserCorrections = cms.bool( True ),
9  EBRecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "pi0EcalRecHitsEB" ),
10  doIntercalib = cms.bool( True ),
11  EERecalibRecHitCollection = cms.string( "pi0EcalRecHitsEE" )
12 )

Definition at line 6788 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEBonly

Definition at line 6642 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAlCaPi0RecHitsFilterEEonly

Definition at line 6723 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )

Definition at line 15582 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5CaloJets

Definition at line 7236 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPF

Definition at line 8716 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "EtMinCaloJetSelector",
2  filter = cms.bool( False ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPF" ),
4  etMin = cms.double( 5.0 )
5 )

Definition at line 8756 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional

Definition at line 7460 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5PFJets

Definition at line 10419 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0

Definition at line 8896 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1

Definition at line 9145 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2

Definition at line 9337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3

Definition at line 9586 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15313 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15314 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXAntiCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15334 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequenceBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequenceCalibration = cms.Sequence( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis )

Definition at line 15333 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequenceNZS = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + hltL1EventNumberNZS + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15332 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequenceRandom = cms.Sequence( hltRandomEventsFilter + hltGtDigis )

Definition at line 15336 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBJet20L1FastJetCentralBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetL1FastJetCorrected" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 86 )
10 )

Definition at line 8506 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBoolEnd
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( True )
3 )

Definition at line 4337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBoolFalse
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( False )
3 )

Definition at line 4015 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBPTXAntiCoincidence
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
2  technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x8 ),
3  ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
4  invert = cms.bool( True ),
5  physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
6  physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
9  bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, 1, -1 )
10 )

Definition at line 6493 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBPTXCoincidence
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
2  technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
3  ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
4  invert = cms.bool( False ),
5  physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
6  physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x40000 ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
9  bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, -1, 1 )
10 )

Definition at line 7089 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonGetJetsFromJet20L1FastJetBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTCaloJetCollectionProducer",
2  TriggerTypes = cms.vint32( 86 ),
3  HLTObject = cms.InputTag( "hltBJet20L1FastJetCentralBPH" )
4 )

Definition at line 8516 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25BJetTagsByDRBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "JetTagProducer",
2  jetTagComputer = cms.string( "hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance" ),
3  tagInfos = cms.VInputTag( 'hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25TagInfosBPH' )
4 )

Definition at line 8541 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25FilterByDRBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTCaloJetTag",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinJets = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  JetTags = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25BJetTagsByDRBPH" ),
5  TriggerType = cms.int32( 86 ),
6  Jets = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH" ),
7  MinTag = cms.double( 0.5 ),
8  MaxTag = cms.double( 99999.0 )
9 )

Definition at line 8545 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "EtMinCaloJetSelector",
2  filter = cms.bool( False ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSelector4JetsJet20L1FastJetBPH" ),
4  etMin = cms.double( 20.0 )
5 )

Definition at line 8525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25TagInfosBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SoftLepton",
2  muonSelection = cms.uint32( 0 ),
3  leptons = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
4  primaryVertex = cms.InputTag( "nominal" ),
5  leptonCands = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  leptonId = cms.InputTag( "" ),
7  refineJetAxis = cms.uint32( 0 ),
8  jets = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH" ),
9  leptonDeltaRCut = cms.double( 0.4 ),
10  leptonChi2Cut = cms.double( 0.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 8530 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5L3FilterByDRBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTCaloJetTag",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinJets = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  JetTags = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3BJetTagsByDRBPH" ),
5  TriggerType = cms.int32( 86 ),
6  Jets = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH" ),
7  MinTag = cms.double( 0.5 ),
8  MaxTag = cms.double( 99999.0 )
9 )

Definition at line 8583 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3BJetTagsByDRBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "JetTagProducer",
2  jetTagComputer = cms.string( "hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance" ),
3  tagInfos = cms.VInputTag( 'hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3TagInfosBPH' )
4 )

Definition at line 8579 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetMu5SelL3TagInfosBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SoftLepton",
2  muonSelection = cms.uint32( 0 ),
3  leptons = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonMu4L3" ),
4  primaryVertex = cms.InputTag( "nominal" ),
5  leptonCands = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  leptonId = cms.InputTag( "" ),
7  refineJetAxis = cms.uint32( 0 ),
8  jets = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonJet20L1FastJetL25JetsBPH" ),
9  leptonDeltaRCut = cms.double( 0.4 ),
10  leptonChi2Cut = cms.double( 0.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 8568 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBSoftMuonMu4L3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "RecoTrackRefSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3Muons" ),
3  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
4  algorithm = cms.vstring( ),
5  maxChi2 = cms.double( 10.0 ),
6  tip = cms.double( 120.0 ),
7  quality = cms.vstring( ),
8  minRapidity = cms.double( -2.4 ),
9  lip = cms.double( 300.0 ),
10  ptMin = cms.double( 4.0 ),
11  maxRapidity = cms.double( 2.4 ),
12  min3DHit = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  minHit = cms.int32( 10 )
14 )

Definition at line 8554 of file

Definition at line 15347 of file

Definition at line 15346 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCalibrationEventsFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 2 )
3 )

Definition at line 6442 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCaloJetCorrected
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetIDPassed" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK5CaloL2L3' )
4 )

Definition at line 7291 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK5CaloL2L3' )
4 )

Definition at line 7507 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCaloJetIDPassed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTCaloJetIDProducer",
2  min_N90 = cms.int32( -2 ),
3  min_N90hits = cms.int32( 2 ),
4  min_EMF = cms.double( 1.0E-6 ),
5  jetsInput = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJets" ),
6  JetIDParams = cms.PSet(
7  useRecHits = cms.bool( True ),
8  hbheRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
9  hoRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHoreco" ),
10  hfRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
11  ebRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
12  eeRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' )
13  ),
14  max_EMF = cms.double( 999.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 7276 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCaloJetL1FastJetCorrected
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetIDPassed" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK5CaloL1L2L3' )
4 )

Definition at line 8502 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCaloJetL1MatchedRegional
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTCaloJetL1MatchProducer",
2  L1CenJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Central' ),
3  DeltaR = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  L1ForJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Forward' ),
5  L1TauJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Tau' ),
6  jetsInput = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsRegional" )
7 )

Definition at line 7500 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCkfL1SeededTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" )
17 )

Definition at line 11475 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCombinedSecondaryVertex

Definition at line 1468 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTConfigVersion
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_5_2_6/PIon/V109')
3 )

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
4  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Hybrid" ),
5  etThresh = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHybridSuperClustersActivity" ),
7  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
8  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
9  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
10  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
11  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  modeEE = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  modeEB = cms.int32( 0 ),
14  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
15  energyCorrectorName = cms.string( "EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecific" ),
16  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
17  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
18  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 1.1 ),
19  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.00121, -0.63672, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5655, 6.457, 0.5081, 8.0, 1.023, -0.00181 ),
20  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 8.0 ),
21  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.04382, 0.1169, 0.9267, -9.413E-4, 1.419 )
22  )
23 )

Definition at line 4205 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.03 ),
4  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Hybrid" ),
5  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded" ),
7  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
8  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
9  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
10  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
11  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  modeEE = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  modeEB = cms.int32( 0 ),
14  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
15  energyCorrectorName = cms.string( "EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecific" ),
16  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
17  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
18  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 1.1 ),
19  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.05208, 0.1331, 0.9196, -5.735E-4, 1.343 ),
20  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 8.0 ),
21  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 1.0012, -0.5714, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5549, 12.74, 1.0448, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0, 1.023, -0.00181, 0.0, 0.0 )
22  )
23 )

Definition at line 5801 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
4  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Multi5x5" ),
5  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded" ),
7  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
8  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
9  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
10  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
11  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
12  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.6 ),
13  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.04163, 0.08552, 0.95048, -0.002308, 1.077 ),
14  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 6.0 ),
15  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.9746, -6.512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02771, 4.983, 0.0, 0.0, -0.007288, -0.9446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
16  ),
17  modeEE = cms.int32( 0 ),
18  modeEB = cms.int32( 0 ),
19  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
20  energyCorrectorName = cms.string( "EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecific" ),
21  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
22  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
23 )

Definition at line 5892 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCorrectedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
4  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Multi5x5" ),
5  etThresh = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity" ),
7  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
8  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
9  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
10  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
11  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
12  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.9 ),
13  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 1.0, -0.4386, -32.38, 0.6372, 15.67, -0.0928, -2.462, 1.138, 20.93 ),
14  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 6.0 ),
15  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.05228, 0.08738, 0.9508, 0.002677, 1.221 )
16  ),
17  modeEE = cms.int32( 0 ),
18  modeEB = cms.int32( 0 ),
19  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
20  energyCorrectorName = cms.string( "EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecific" ),
21  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
22  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
23 )

Definition at line 4293 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCsc2DRecHits

Definition at line 4493 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCSCMonitorModule

Definition at line 15104 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCscSegments

Definition at line 4541 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCtfL1SeededWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltCkfL1SeededTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
14 )

Definition at line 11492 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDimuonL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMu0erHighQ" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8066 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDimuonL2PreFiltered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDimuonL1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8077 of file

Definition at line 15339 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoCaloSequencePF = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForPF )

Definition at line 15348 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoEgammaClusterShapeSequence = cms.Sequence( hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape )

Definition at line 15389 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoEGammaHESequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence + hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE )

Definition at line 15390 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoEGammaPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds )

Definition at line 15391 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoEGammaStartupSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence + hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate )

Definition at line 15388 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoElectronDetaDphiSequence = cms.Sequence( hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi )

Definition at line 15394 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )

Definition at line 15338 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco )

Definition at line 15328 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalHfSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltTowerMakerForHf )

Definition at line 15344 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalPixelClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters )

Definition at line 15330 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters + hltSiPixelRecHits )

Definition at line 15320 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalStripSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer + hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility + hltSiStripClusters )

Definition at line 15321 of file

Definition at line 15325 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoRegionalJetEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalJetsFEDs + hltEcalRegionalJetsRecHit )

Definition at line 15342 of file

Definition at line 15335 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.075 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11823 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 11852 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 11841 of file

Definition at line 15397 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.01 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.01 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11862 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11879 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.031 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11805 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG5DoubleEle6EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 6.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 6.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11795 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 6.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 6.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11900 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 8.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 8.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 12005 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.075 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11928 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 11946 of file

Definition at line 15398 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.031 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11910 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.075 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 12033 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 12051 of file

Definition at line 15399 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.031 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 12015 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleJet20ForwardBackward
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 0 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 1 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 1 )
11 )

Definition at line 14386 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDoubleMu4ExclL3PreFiltered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  ChargeOpt = cms.int32( -1 ),
4  MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
5  FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
6  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
7  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0" ),
8  MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 3.0 ),
9  MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
10  MaxAcop = cms.double( 0.3 ),
11  MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
12  MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 9999.0 ),
13  MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
14  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
15  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
16  MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
17  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
18  MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
19  MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 99999.9 ),
20  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
22  MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
23  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.15 ),
24  MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
25  CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
26  MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 0.0 )
27 )

Definition at line 14179 of file

Definition at line 15379 of file

Definition at line 15380 of file

Definition at line 15381 of file

Definition at line 15382 of file

Definition at line 15383 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDt1DRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTRecHitProducer",
2  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(
4  tTrigMode = cms.string( "DTTTrigSyncFromDB" ),
5  minTime = cms.double( -3.0 ),
6  stepTwoFromDigi = cms.bool( False ),
7  doVdriftCorr = cms.bool( False ),
8  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
9  maxTime = cms.double( 420.0 ),
10  tTrigModeConfig = cms.PSet(
11  vPropWire = cms.double( 24.4 ),
12  doTOFCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
13  tofCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
14  wirePropCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
15  tTrigLabel = cms.string( "" ),
16  doWirePropCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
17  doT0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False )
19  )
20  ),
21  dtDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonDTDigis" ),
22  recAlgo = cms.string( "DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo" )
23 )

Definition at line 4387 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDt4DSegments

Definition at line 4410 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDTCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780 )
4 )

Definition at line 6449 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDTDQMEvF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTUnpackingModule",
2  useStandardFEDid = cms.bool( True ),
3  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  dataType = cms.string( "DDU" ),
5  fedbyType = cms.bool( False ),
6  readOutParameters = cms.PSet(
7  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  rosParameters = cms.PSet(
9  writeSC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
10  readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
11  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
12  readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
13  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
14  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
15  ),
16  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
17  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( True )
18  ),
19  dqmOnly = cms.bool( True )
20 )

Definition at line 15151 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEBHltTask
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "EBHltTask",
2  mergeRuns = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  FEDRawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  EBDetIdCollection3 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
5  EBDetIdCollection2 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
6  EBDetIdCollection1 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
7  EBDetIdCollection0 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityDCCSizeErrors' ),
8  enableCleanup = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
9  folderName = cms.untracked.string( "FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
10  EcalElectronicsIdCollection3 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemTtIdErrors' ),
11  EcalElectronicsIdCollection5 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemChIdErrors' ),
12  EcalElectronicsIdCollection4 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemBlockSizeErrors' ),
13  EcalElectronicsIdCollection6 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemGainErrors' ),
14  EcalElectronicsIdCollection1 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityTTIdErrors' ),
15  prefixME = cms.untracked.string( "EcalBarrel" ),
16  EcalElectronicsIdCollection2 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityBlockSizeErrors' )
17 )

Definition at line 15174 of file

Definition at line 15315 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalActivitySuperClusterWrapper
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaTriggerFilterObjectWrapper",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoEcalSuperClusterActivityCandidate" ),
5  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 4321 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 )
4 )

Definition at line 6457 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer",
2  workerName = cms.string( "" )
3 )

Definition at line 15171 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  workerName = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 4103 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRecHitAll
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs" ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet(
8  e6e2thresh = cms.double( 0.04 ),
9  tightenCrack_e6e2_double = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  e4e1Threshold_endcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
11  tightenCrack_e4e1_single = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  tightenCrack_e1_double = cms.double( 2.0 ),
13  cThreshold_barrel = cms.double( 4.0 ),
14  e4e1Threshold_barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
15  tightenCrack_e1_single = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  e4e1_b_barrel = cms.double( -0.024 ),
17  e4e1_a_barrel = cms.double( 0.04 ),
18  ignoreOutOfTimeThresh = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
19  cThreshold_endcap = cms.double( 15.0 ),
20  e4e1_b_endcap = cms.double( -0.0125 ),
21  e4e1_a_endcap = cms.double( 0.02 ),
22  cThreshold_double = cms.double( 10.0 )
23  ),
24  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
25 )

Definition at line 4141 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" ),
5  doES = cms.bool( True ),
6  type = cms.string( "egamma" ),
7  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
8  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
9  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 ),
10  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
11  Ptmin = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' )
13  ),
14  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 ),
15  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
16  Ptmin = cms.double( 5.0 ),
17  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
18  )
19  ),
20  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
21  ),
22  MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
23  esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
24  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
25 )

Definition at line 5704 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs" ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet(
8  e6e2thresh = cms.double( 0.04 ),
9  tightenCrack_e6e2_double = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  e4e1Threshold_endcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
11  tightenCrack_e4e1_single = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  tightenCrack_e1_double = cms.double( 2.0 ),
13  cThreshold_barrel = cms.double( 4.0 ),
14  e4e1Threshold_barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
15  tightenCrack_e1_single = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  e4e1_b_barrel = cms.double( -0.024 ),
17  e4e1_a_barrel = cms.double( 0.04 ),
18  ignoreOutOfTimeThresh = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
19  cThreshold_endcap = cms.double( 15.0 ),
20  e4e1_b_endcap = cms.double( -0.0125 ),
21  e4e1_a_endcap = cms.double( 0.02 ),
22  cThreshold_double = cms.double( 10.0 )
23  ),
24  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
25 )

Definition at line 5729 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" ),
5  doES = cms.bool( True ),
6  type = cms.string( "all" ),
7  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
8  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
9  ),
10  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
11  ),
12  MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
13  esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
14  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
15 )

Definition at line 4126 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalJetsFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
4  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  Ptmin = cms.double( 14.0 ),
6  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Central' )
7  ),
8  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
9  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  Ptmin = cms.double( 20.0 ),
11  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Forward' )
12  ),
13  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
14  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
15  Ptmin = cms.double( 14.0 ),
16  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Tau' )
17  )
18  ),
19  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "NotNeededoESfalse" ),
20  doES = cms.bool( False ),
21  type = cms.string( "jet" ),
22  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
23  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
24  ),
25  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
26  ),
27  MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
28  esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
29  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
30 )

Definition at line 7337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalJetsRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalJetsFEDs" ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet(
8  e6e2thresh = cms.double( 0.04 ),
9  tightenCrack_e6e2_double = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  e4e1Threshold_endcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
11  tightenCrack_e4e1_single = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  tightenCrack_e1_double = cms.double( 2.0 ),
13  cThreshold_barrel = cms.double( 4.0 ),
14  e4e1Threshold_barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
15  tightenCrack_e1_single = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  e4e1_b_barrel = cms.double( -0.024 ),
17  e4e1_a_barrel = cms.double( 0.04 ),
18  ignoreOutOfTimeThresh = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
19  cThreshold_endcap = cms.double( 15.0 ),
20  e4e1_b_endcap = cms.double( -0.0125 ),
21  e4e1_a_endcap = cms.double( 0.02 ),
22  cThreshold_double = cms.double( 10.0 )
23  ),
24  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
25 )

Definition at line 7367 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" ),
5  doES = cms.bool( True ),
6  type = cms.string( "egamma" ),
7  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
8  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
9  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 ),
10  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
11  Ptmin = cms.double( 2.0 ),
12  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' )
13  ),
14  cms.PSet( regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 ),
15  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
16  Ptmin = cms.double( 2.0 ),
17  Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
18  )
19  ),
20  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
21  ),
22  MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
23  esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
24  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
25 )

Definition at line 6572 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaFEDs" ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet( ),
8  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
9 )

Definition at line 6606 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "NotNeededoESfalse" ),
5  doES = cms.bool( False ),
6  type = cms.string( "all" ),
7  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
8  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
9  ),
10  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
11  ),
12  MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
13  esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
14  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( )
15 )

Definition at line 4111 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEEHltTask
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "EEHltTask",
2  mergeRuns = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  FEDRawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  enableCleanup = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  folderName = cms.untracked.string( "FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
6  EEDetIdCollection0 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityDCCSizeErrors' ),
7  EEDetIdCollection1 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
8  EEDetIdCollection2 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
9  EEDetIdCollection3 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
10  EcalElectronicsIdCollection3 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemTtIdErrors' ),
11  EcalElectronicsIdCollection5 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemChIdErrors' ),
12  EcalElectronicsIdCollection4 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemBlockSizeErrors' ),
13  EcalElectronicsIdCollection6 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityMemGainErrors' ),
14  EcalElectronicsIdCollection1 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityTTIdErrors' ),
15  prefixME = cms.untracked.string( "EcalEndcap" ),
16  EcalElectronicsIdCollection2 = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer','EcalIntegrityBlockSizeErrors' )
17 )

Definition at line 15191 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG10EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 10.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 10.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10643 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG10EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10781 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG10TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10799 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG15EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 15.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 15.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10657 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG15EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10821 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG15TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10839 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20EtPAFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 20.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 20.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10671 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20EtPAFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10861 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10879 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.2 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.2 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG22CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 5994 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.2 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.2 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 6217 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 6181 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG22CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG22EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 5951 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG22EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 22.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 22.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 5935 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG60EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG24" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 60.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 60.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10767 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG7EtFilterL1Mu0EG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1Mu0EG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 7.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 7.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 14479 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaSelectEcalSuperClustersActivityFilterSC7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoEcalSuperClusterActivityCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalActivitySuperClusterWrapper" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 7.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 7.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 4327 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 10.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 10.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11168 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterFirst
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 10.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 10.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11182 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterSecond
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 15.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 15.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11192 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterFirst
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 15.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 15.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11206 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterSecond
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 20.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 20.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11216 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble20And20EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 20.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 20.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11230 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGDouble30And30EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 30.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 30.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11244 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1DoubleEG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleEG5" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 11153 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1Mu0EG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1Mu0EG5" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 14464 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG12" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 5920 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG20" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 10711 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG24
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG24" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 10752 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 10628 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
6  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
7  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
8  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG7" ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
13  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
14  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' )
15 )

Definition at line 11675 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG22CaloIdLCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 6291 of file

Definition at line 15329 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 11615 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11625 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11642 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 11957 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 11512 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.01 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.01 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11967 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.01 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.01 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11530 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11984 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11547 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle8CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 11747 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle8CaloIdNoneOneOEMinusOneOPSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11757 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDphiSingleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVLDetaSingleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 11774 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  electronNonIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  barrelcut = cms.double( 999.9 ),
6  electronIsolatedProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltDoubleEle8CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter" ),
9  endcapcut = cms.double( 999.9 )
10 )

Definition at line 12062 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.01 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.01 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Deta' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle8CaloIdTOneOEMinusOneOPDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 12072 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDphiDoubleFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  thrTimesPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
8  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
9  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
10  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
11  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
12  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi','Dphi' ),
13  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVLDetaDoubleFilter" ),
14  thrTimesPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
15  thrOverPtEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
16  thrOverPtEB = cms.double( -1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 12089 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltElectronL1SeededDetaDphi
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTElectronDetaDphiProducer",
2  variablesAtVtx = cms.bool( False ),
3  useSCRefs = cms.bool( False ),
4  BSProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  electronProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded" ),
6  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
7  useTrackProjectionToEcal = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 11522 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )

Definition at line 15316 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESFEDIntegrityTask
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "ESFEDIntegrityTask",
2  FEDRawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  ESDCCCollections = cms.InputTag( "NotUsed" ),
4  ESKChipCollections = cms.InputTag( "NotUsed" ),
5  FEDDirName = cms.untracked.string( "FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
6  prefixME = cms.untracked.string( "EcalPreshower" )
7 )

Definition at line 15208 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK5CaloL1L2L3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL1FastJetCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer',
4  'hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 1522 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK5CaloL2L3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
4  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 1528 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK5PFL1L2L3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL1PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPL2PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer',
4  'hltESPL3PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 1533 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK5PFNoPUL1L2L3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL1PFNoPUFastJetCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPL2PFNoPURelativeCorrectionESProducer',
4  'hltESPL3PFNoPUAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 1539 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" )
5 )

Definition at line 1545 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2747 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 2761 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" )
5 )

Definition at line 1550 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPBwdElectronPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1555 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit" )
5 )

Definition at line 1563 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 30.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" )
5 )

Definition at line 1568 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" )
5 )

Definition at line 1573 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9" )
5 )

Definition at line 1578 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1583 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 1597 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1611 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialForHI" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTrackerForHI" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1625 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 1639 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 6 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  minPt = cms.double( 11.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI" )
14 )

Definition at line 1653 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CloseComponentsMergerESProducer5D",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
3  MaxComponents = cms.int32( 12 ),
4  DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" )
5 )

Definition at line 1667 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetLayerGeometryESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
3 )

Definition at line 1672 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPEcalRegionCablingESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "EcalRegionCablingESProducer",
2  esMapping = cms.PSet( LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) )
3 )

Definition at line 1683 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPElectronChi2
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 2000.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPElectronChi2" )
5 )

Definition at line 1686 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPElectronMaterialEffects
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfMaterialEffectsESProducer",
2  BetheHeitlerParametrization = cms.string( "BetheHeitler_cdfmom_nC6_O5.par" ),
3  EnergyLossUpdator = cms.string( "GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
5  MultipleScatteringUpdator = cms.string( "MultipleScatteringUpdator" ),
6  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
7  BetheHeitlerCorrection = cms.int32( 2 )
8 )

Definition at line 1691 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPESUnpackerWorker
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "ESUnpackerWorkerESProducer",
2  RHAlgo = cms.PSet(
3  ESRecoAlgo = cms.int32( 0 ),
4  Type = cms.string( "ESRecHitWorker" )
5  ),
6  DCCDataUnpacker = cms.PSet( LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPESUnpackerWorker" )
8 )

Definition at line 1675 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
20 )

Definition at line 1699 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
20 )

Definition at line 1719 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFittingSmootherIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( 10.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1739 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFittingSmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1750 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFwdElectronPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1761 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GlobalDetLayerGeometryESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
3 )

Definition at line 1769 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1772 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
5  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
6  GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" )
7 )

Definition at line 1783 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ErrorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
4  Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
6  GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
7  MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" )
8 )

Definition at line 1790 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPHIMixedLayerPairs

Definition at line 1798 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPHIPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 1845 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
11  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
12  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
13  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
14  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
15  ),
16  TID = cms.PSet( ),
17  BPix = cms.PSet(
18  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
19  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
20  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
21  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
22  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 )
23  ),
24  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
25  TOB = cms.PSet( )
26 )

Definition at line 1879 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "Fake" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit" )
7 )

Definition at line 1905 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1912 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1923 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( 20.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -14.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPRKFitter" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPRKSmoother" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 1934 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 1945 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 1953 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 1961 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 1970 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 10.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 1979 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFUpdator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFUpdatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" )
3 )

Definition at line 1988 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DistanceBetweenComponentsESProducer5D",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" ),
3  DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "KullbackLeibler" )
4 )

Definition at line 1991 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL1FastJetCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  srcRho = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6CaloJets','rho' ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5CaloHLT" ),
5  level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
6 )

Definition at line 1995 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL1PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  srcRho = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6PFJets','rho' ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFHLT" ),
5  level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
6 )

Definition at line 2001 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL1PFNoPUFastJetCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  srcRho = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6PFJets','rho' ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFchsHLT" ),
5  level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
6 )

Definition at line 2007 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL2PFNoPURelativeCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFchsHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
5 )

Definition at line 2013 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL2PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
5 )

Definition at line 2018 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5CaloHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
5 )

Definition at line 2023 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5CaloHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
5 )

Definition at line 2028 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 2033 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL3PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
5 )

Definition at line 2041 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL3PFNoPUAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK5PFchsHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
5 )

Definition at line 2046 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 2051 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMeasurementTrackerForHI

Definition at line 2098 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMeasurementTrackerReg

Definition at line 1211 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMixedLayerPairs

Definition at line 2145 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
8  deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
11  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
12  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
13  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
14  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
16  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
17  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
18  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 2248 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( True ),
8  deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
11  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
12  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
13  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
14  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
16  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
17  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
18  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 2267 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 2286 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" )
3 )

Definition at line 2300 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2192 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 9 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 2206 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2220 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" )
14 )

Definition at line 2234 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPEGenericESProducer",
2  EdgeClusterErrorX = cms.double( 50.0 ),
3  DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
4  LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
5  UseErrorsFromTemplates = cms.bool( True ),
6  eff_charge_cut_highX = cms.double( 1.0 ),
7  TruncatePixelCharge = cms.bool( True ),
8  size_cutY = cms.double( 3.0 ),
9  size_cutX = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = cms.bool( False ),
11  IrradiationBiasCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
12  TanLorentzAnglePerTesla = cms.double( 0.106 ),
13  inflate_errors = cms.bool( False ),
14  eff_charge_cut_lowX = cms.double( 0.0 ),
15  eff_charge_cut_highY = cms.double( 1.0 ),
16  ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 ),
17  EdgeClusterErrorY = cms.double( 85.0 ),
18  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
19  eff_charge_cut_lowY = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  PixelErrorParametrization = cms.string( "NOTcmsim" ),
21  Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True )
22 )

Definition at line 2303 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPETemplateRecoESProducer",
2  DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
3  LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco" ),
5  Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True ),
6  ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  speed = cms.int32( -2 ),
8  UseClusterSplitter = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 2325 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 2334 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
11  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
12  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
13  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
14  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
15  ),
16  TID = cms.PSet( ),
17  BPix = cms.PSet(
18  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
19  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
20  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
21  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
22  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 )
23  ),
24  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
25  TOB = cms.PSet( )
26 )

Definition at line 2368 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3' ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB" ),
4  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
5  FPix = cms.PSet(
6  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
7  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
9  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
10  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
11  ),
12  TID = cms.PSet( ),
13  BPix = cms.PSet(
14  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
15  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
16  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
17  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
18  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 )
19  ),
20  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
21  TOB = cms.PSet( )
22 )

Definition at line 2394 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
4  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE" ),
7  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
8  FPix = cms.PSet(
9  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
10  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
12  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
13  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
14  ),
15  TID = cms.PSet( ),
16  BPix = cms.PSet(
17  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
18  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
19  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
20  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
21  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 )
22  ),
23  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
24  TOB = cms.PSet( )
25 )

Definition at line 2416 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTripletsReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsReg" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
11  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
12  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
13  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
15  ),
16  TID = cms.PSet( ),
17  BPix = cms.PSet(
18  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 ),
19  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
20  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
21  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
22  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
23  ),
24  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
25  TOB = cms.PSet( )
26 )

Definition at line 2441 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPromptTrackCountingESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PromptTrackCountingESProducer",
2  maxImpactParameterSig = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
3  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
5  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
7  deltaRmin = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  maxImpactParameter = cms.double( 0.03 ),
9  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
10  nthTrack = cms.int32( -1 )
11 )

Definition at line 2467 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPRKTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRKFitter" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 2478 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPRKTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRKSmoother" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 2486 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( True )
8 )

Definition at line 2495 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSiStripRegionConnectivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiStripRegionConnectivity",
2  EtaDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
3  PhiDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
4  EtaMax = cms.untracked.double( 2.5 )
5 )

Definition at line 2503 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagator" )
7 )

Definition at line 2508 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" )
7 )

Definition at line 2515 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" )
7 )

Definition at line 2522 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite" )
7 )

Definition at line 2529 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByDistanceESProducer",
2  distance = cms.double( 0.5 )
3 )

Definition at line 2536 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSoftLeptonByPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByPtESProducer",
2  ipSign = cms.string( "any" )
3 )

Definition at line 2539 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" )
20 )

Definition at line 2542 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
20 )

Definition at line 2562 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPStraightLinePropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "StraightLinePropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPStraightLinePropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" )
4 )

Definition at line 2582 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrackCounting3D1st
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
2  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ),
4  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
5  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
6  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  nthTrack = cms.int32( 1 )
8 )

Definition at line 2614 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrackCounting3D2nd
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
2  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ),
4  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
5  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
6  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  nthTrack = cms.int32( 2 )
8 )

Definition at line 2622 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronChi2" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 90.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2630 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2644 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTrackerReg" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1197 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2658 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
3  fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  ValidHitBonus = cms.double( 100.0 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
6  MissingHitPenalty = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 2672 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds" ),
3  fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  ValidHitBonus = cms.double( 100.0 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds" ),
6  MissingHitPenalty = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( True )
8 )

Definition at line 2680 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  minPt = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( -1 ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons" )
14 )

Definition at line 2688 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
14 )

Definition at line 2702 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 1000000000 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" )
14 )

Definition at line 2716 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 2730 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 2738 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate" )
7 )

Definition at line 2593 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
7 )

Definition at line 2600 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4PixelTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4PixelTriplets" )
7 )

Definition at line 2607 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" )
7 )

Definition at line 2586 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESRawToRecHitFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  workerName = cms.string( "hltESPESUnpackerWorker" )
4 )

Definition at line 4107 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESRecHitAll
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( False ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs','es' ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet( ),
8  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" )
9 )

Definition at line 4166 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( False ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs','es' ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet( ),
8  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" )
9 )

Definition at line 5754 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESRegionalPi0EtaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  splitOutput = cms.bool( False ),
3  rechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" ),
4  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
6  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaFEDs','es' ),
7  cleaningConfig = cms.PSet( ),
8  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" )
9 )

Definition at line 6597 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSBTagRecord
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "JetTagComputerRecord" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 757 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSEcalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "EcalSeverityLevelAlgoRcd" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 762 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 767 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltExclDiJet35HFAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTExclDiCaloJetFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  inputJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
4  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
5  minPtJet = cms.double( 35.0 ),
6  HF_OR = cms.bool( False ),
7  minHFe = cms.double( 50.0 )
8 )

Definition at line 14234 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltExclDiJet35HFOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTExclDiCaloJetFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  inputJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
4  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
5  minPtJet = cms.double( 35.0 ),
6  HF_OR = cms.bool( True ),
7  minHFe = cms.double( 50.0 )
8 )

Definition at line 14210 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFEDSelector
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 1023 )
4 )

Definition at line 15292 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFEDSelectorLumiPixels
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 )
4 )

Definition at line 7074 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGctDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "GctRawToDigi",
2  unpackSharedRegions = cms.bool( False ),
3  numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
6  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  unpackerVersion = cms.uint32( 0 ),
8  gctFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 745 ),
9  hltMode = cms.bool( True )
10 )

Definition at line 4027 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGetConditions
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "EventSetupRecordDataGetter",
2  toGet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False )
5 )

Definition at line 4007 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGetRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTGetRaw",
2  RawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 4012 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGlobalSumETHfFilter100
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  Min = cms.double( 100.0 ),
6  Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMetForHf" ),
8  triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
9 )

Definition at line 13686 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGlobalSumETHfFilter140
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  Min = cms.double( 140.0 ),
6  Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMetForHf" ),
8  triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
9 )

Definition at line 13727 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGlobalSumETHfFilter170
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  Min = cms.double( 170.0 ),
6  Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMetForHf" ),
8  triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
9 )

Definition at line 13740 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGlobalSumETHfFilter210
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  Min = cms.double( 210.0 ),
6  Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMetForHf" ),
8  triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
9 )

Definition at line 13753 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGtDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi",
2  DaqGtFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 813 ),
3  DaqGtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  UnpackBxInEvent = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ActiveBoardsMask = cms.uint32( 0xffff )
6 )

Definition at line 4021 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHbhereco

Definition at line 6022 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 )
4 )

Definition at line 6470 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalCalibTypeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter",
2  InputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  CalibTypes = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ),
4  FilterSummary = cms.untracked.bool( False )
5 )

Definition at line 6465 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalDataIntegrityMonitor
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HcalDataIntegrityTask",
2  mergeRuns = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  UnpackerReportLabel = cms.untracked.InputTag( "hltHcalDigis" ),
4  subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string( "Hcal" ),
5  skipOutOfOrderLS = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
6  enableCleanup = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
7  RawDataLabel = cms.untracked.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
8  NLumiBlocks = cms.untracked.int32( 4000 ),
9  TaskFolder = cms.untracked.string( "FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
10  online = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
12  AllowedCalibTypes = cms.untracked.vint32( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 )
13 )

Definition at line 15215 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HcalRawToDigi",
2  UnpackZDC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
3  FilterDataQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
5  ComplainEmptyData = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
6  UnpackCalib = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  UnpackTTP = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  lastSample = cms.int32( 9 ),
9  firstSample = cms.int32( 0 )
10 )

Definition at line 6012 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalPM1Tower3GeVFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalTowerFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinN_HFM = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  MinE_HB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
5  MaxN_HB = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForHf" ),
7  MaxN_HE = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
8  MinE_HE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  MinE_HF = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  MinN_HF = cms.int32( 2 ),
11  MaxN_HF = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
12  MinN_HFP = cms.int32( 1 )
13 )

Definition at line 8190 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalPM2Tower3GeVFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalTowerFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MinN_HFM = cms.int32( 2 ),
4  MinE_HB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
5  MaxN_HB = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForHf" ),
7  MaxN_HE = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
8  MinE_HE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  MinE_HF = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  MinN_HF = cms.int32( 4 ),
11  MaxN_HF = cms.int32( 999999999 ),
12  MinN_HFP = cms.int32( 2 )
13 )

Definition at line 12122 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHFAsymmetryFilterTight
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHFAsymmetryFilter",
2  ECut_HF = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  SS_Asym_min = cms.double( 0.45 ),
4  HFHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
5  OS_Asym_max = cms.double( -1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 6318 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHfreco

Definition at line 6083 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHIAllESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2775 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHIAllESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2789 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 2803 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
8  deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
11  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
12  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
13  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
14  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
16  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
17  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
18  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 2850 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHIAllESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2869 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHoreco

Definition at line 7135 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHybridSuperClustersActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HybridClusterProducer",
2  eThreshA = cms.double( 0.003 ),
3  basicclusterCollection = cms.string( "hybridBarrelBasicClusters" ),
4  clustershapecollection = cms.string( "" ),
5  ethresh = cms.double( 0.1 ),
6  ewing = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  RecHitSeverityToBeExcluded = cms.vstring( 'kWeird' ),
8  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
9  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
10  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
11  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
12  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
13  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
14  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
15  ),
16  HybridBarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 1.0 ),
17  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool( False ),
18  shapeAssociation = cms.string( "hybridShapeAssoc" ),
19  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vstring( ),
20  useEtForXi = cms.bool( True ),
21  step = cms.int32( 17 ),
22  eThreshB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
23  xi = cms.double( 0.0 ),
24  eseed = cms.double( 0.35 ),
25  ecalhitproducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
26  dynamicEThresh = cms.bool( False ),
27  ecalhitcollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
28  excludeFlagged = cms.bool( True ),
29  superclusterCollection = cms.string( "" )
30 )

Definition at line 4175 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded

Definition at line 5763 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 8950 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 2883 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerPA

Definition at line 3231 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerReg

Definition at line 1150 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
11  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
12  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
13  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
14  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
15  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
16  ),
17  TID = cms.PSet( ),
18  BPix = cms.PSet(
19  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
20  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 ),
21  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
22  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
23  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
24  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
25  ),
26  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
27  TOB = cms.PSet( )
28 )

Definition at line 2930 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsPA" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
11  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
12  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
13  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
14  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
15  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
16  ),
17  TID = cms.PSet( ),
18  BPix = cms.PSet(
19  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
20  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 ),
21  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
22  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
23  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
24  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
25  ),
26  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
27  TOB = cms.PSet( )
28 )

Definition at line 3092 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTripletsReg" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
11  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
12  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
13  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
14  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalReg" ),
15  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
16  ),
17  TID = cms.PSet( ),
18  BPix = cms.PSet(
19  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
20  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 ),
21  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
22  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
23  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalReg" ),
24  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
25  ),
26  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
27  TOB = cms.PSet( )
28 )

Definition at line 1122 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 2958 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3217 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerReg" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1108 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.2 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
14 )

Definition at line 2972 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9126 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFJetPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 9010 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFJetCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter1" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 9027 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFJetPixelSeeds

Definition at line 8963 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9111 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 9041 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 9076 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker" )
4 )

Definition at line 8959 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3278 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1Tau3MuESPPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  FPix = cms.PSet(
10  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
11  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
12  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
13  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
14  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Tau3MuClustersRefRemoval" ),
15  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
16  ),
17  TID = cms.PSet( ),
18  BPix = cms.PSet(
19  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
20  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 ),
21  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
22  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
23  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Tau3MuClustersRefRemoval" ),
24  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
25  ),
26  TIB = cms.PSet( ),
27  TOB = cms.PSet( )
28 )

Definition at line 3325 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3353 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 9199 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3367 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerPA

Definition at line 3170 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerReg

Definition at line 1061 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 3414 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairsPA

Definition at line 3120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairsReg

Definition at line 1025 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3450 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3156 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerReg" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 1011 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
14 )

Definition at line 3464 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltIter1Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9318 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFJetPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 9252 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFJetCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter2" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 9269 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFJetPixelSeeds

Definition at line 9212 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 9283 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker" )
4 )

Definition at line 9208 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3478 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2Tau3MuESPPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 3525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3561 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 9391 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPLayerTriplets

Definition at line 3575 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPLayerTripletsPA

Definition at line 2986 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPLayerTripletsReg

Definition at line 966 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3620 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerPA

Definition at line 3045 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerReg

Definition at line 919 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3667 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3031 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerReg" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 905 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
14 )

Definition at line 3681 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltIter2Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9567 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3PFJetMixedSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 9451 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3PFJetCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter3" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 9468 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFJetMixedSeeds

Definition at line 9404 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9552 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 9482 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 9517 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker" )
4 )

Definition at line 9400 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3Tau3MuESPLayerTriplets

Definition at line 3695 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3740 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter3Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 3787 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 9640 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3801 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerPA

Definition at line 773 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerReg

Definition at line 858 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairs
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'TIB1+TIB2' ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairs" ),
4  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
5  FPix = cms.PSet( ),
6  TID = cms.PSet( ),
7  BPix = cms.PSet( ),
8  TIB = cms.PSet( TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ) ),
9  TOB = cms.PSet( )
10 )

Definition at line 3848 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairsPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'TIB1+TIB2' ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairsPA" ),
4  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
5  FPix = cms.PSet( ),
6  TID = cms.PSet( ),
7  BPix = cms.PSet( ),
8  TIB = cms.PSet( TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ) ),
9  TOB = cms.PSet( )
10 )

Definition at line 834 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
14  minNrOfHitsForRebuild = cms.untracked.int32( 4 )
15 )

Definition at line 3858 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 820 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITReg" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerReg" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 844 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  filterPset = cms.PSet(
3  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
6  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
8  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 6 ),
10  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
12  ),
13  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
14 )

Definition at line 3873 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltIter3Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter4PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9759 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4PFJetCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter4PFJetPixelLessSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 9693 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4PFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter4PFJetCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter4" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 9710 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4PFJetPixelLessSeeds

Definition at line 9653 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 9724 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker" )
4 )

Definition at line 9649 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 3887 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter4Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
14  minNrOfHitsForRebuild = cms.untracked.int32( 4 )
15 )

Definition at line 3934 of file

Definition at line 15357 of file

Definition at line 15406 of file

Definition at line 15352 of file

Definition at line 15401 of file

Definition at line 15353 of file

Definition at line 15402 of file

Definition at line 15354 of file

Definition at line 15403 of file

Definition at line 15355 of file

Definition at line 15404 of file

Definition at line 15356 of file

Definition at line 15405 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltKT6CaloJets

Definition at line 8462 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltKT6PFJets

Definition at line 10379 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1EventNumberNZS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTL1NumberFilter",
2  invert = cms.bool( False ),
3  period = cms.uint32( 4096 ),
4  rawInput = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
5 )

Definition at line 6381 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1extraParticles
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1ExtraParticlesProd",
2  tauJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','tauJets' ),
3  etHadSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
4  etTotalSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
5  centralBxOnly = cms.bool( True ),
6  centralJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','cenJets' ),
7  etMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
8  hfRingEtSumsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
9  produceMuonParticles = cms.bool( True ),
10  forwardJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','forJets' ),
11  ignoreHtMiss = cms.bool( False ),
12  htMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
13  produceCaloParticles = cms.bool( True ),
14  muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
15  isolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','isoEm' ),
16  nonIsolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','nonIsoEm' ),
17  hfRingBitCountsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" )
18 )

Definition at line 4058 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMu0" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8039 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sMu12L1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu12" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8391 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sMu3L1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu3" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8269 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sMu7L1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu7" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8324 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sMu7L1FilteredEta2p1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu7" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.1 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 4356 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMu0HighQL1FilteredHighQ
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( 7, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8109 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sPAL1DoubleMuOpenL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8207 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 8222 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1GtObjectMap
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTrigger",
2  TechnicalTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
3  ProduceL1GtObjectMapRecord = cms.bool( True ),
4  AlgorithmTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
5  EmulateBxInEvent = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  AlgorithmTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
7  ProduceL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
8  ReadTechnicalTriggerRecords = cms.bool( True ),
9  RecordLength = cms.vint32( 3, 0 ),
10  TechnicalTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
11  ProduceL1GtEvmRecord = cms.bool( False ),
12  GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
13  TechnicalTriggersVetoUnmasked = cms.bool( True ),
14  AlternativeNrBxBoardEvm = cms.uint32( 0 ),
15  TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( 'simBscDigis' ),
16  CastorInputTag = cms.InputTag( "castorL1Digis" ),
17  GctInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
18  AlternativeNrBxBoardDaq = cms.uint32( 0 ),
19  WritePsbL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
20  BstLengthBytes = cms.int32( -1 )
21 )

Definition at line 4037 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1GtTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1GtTrigReport",
2  PrintVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32( 10 ),
3  UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = cms.bool( False ),
4  PrintOutput = cms.untracked.int32( 3 ),
5  L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" )
6 )

Definition at line 15302 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1Mu0EG5L1MuFiltered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1Mu0EG5" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 14413 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1Mu0EG5L2MuFiltered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1Mu0EG5L1MuFiltered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14424 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1Mu0EG5L3MuFiltered7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1Mu0EG5L2MuFiltered0" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 7.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14444 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1MuOpenL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 6519 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sAlCaPAEcalPi0Eta
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND OR L1_SingleEG7 OR L1_SingleEG12 OR L1_SingleEG20 OR L1_SingleEG22 OR L1_SingleEG24 OR L1_SingleEG30 OR L1_DoubleEG_13_7 OR L1_TripleEG7 OR L1_TripleEG_12_7_5 OR L1_DoubleEG5 OR L1_TripleJet_64_44_24_VBF OR L1_TripleJet_64_48_28_VBF OR L1_TripleJetC_52_28_28 OR L1_QuadJetC32 OR L1_QuadJetC36 OR L1_QuadJetC40 OR L1_DoubleEG6_HTT100 OR L1_DoubleEG6_HTT125 OR L1_EG8_DoubleJetC20 OR L1_Mu12_EG7 OR L1_MuOpen_EG12 OR L1_DoubleMu3p5_EG5 OR L1_DoubleMu5_EG5 OR L1_Mu12_EG7 OR L1_Mu5_DoubleEG5 OR L1_Mu5_DoubleEG6 OR L1_MuOpen_EG5" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6556 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sAlCaRPC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu7 OR L1_SingleMu14er OR L1_SingleMu16er" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6990 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sBscMinBiasThreshold1BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14032 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL1SeededEcalClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded + HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Seeded )

Definition at line 15327 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTClusterShapeProducer",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  ecalRechitEB = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
4  ecalRechitEE = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  isIeta = cms.bool( True )
6 )

Definition at line 5945 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTEcalRecIsolationProducer",
2  etMinEndcap = cms.double( 0.11 ),
3  tryBoth = cms.bool( True ),
4  ecalBarrelRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
5  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
6  useNumCrystals = cms.bool( True ),
7  etMinBarrel = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
8  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
9  eMinEndcap = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
10  intRadiusEndcap = cms.double( 3.0 ),
11  jurassicWidth = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  useIsolEt = cms.bool( True ),
13  ecalBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
14  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
15  eMinBarrel = cms.double( 0.095 ),
16  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.046 ),
17  ecalEndcapRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
18  extRadius = cms.double( 0.3 ),
19  intRadiusBarrel = cms.double( 3.0 ),
20  subtract = cms.bool( False ),
21  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 ),
22  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.101 ),
23  ecalEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
24  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6CaloJets','rho' )
25 )

Definition at line 5969 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducersRegional",
2  eMinHE = cms.double( 0.8 ),
3  hbheRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
4  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  outerCone = cms.double( 0.14 ),
6  eMinHB = cms.double( 0.7 ),
7  innerCone = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  etMinHE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  etMinHB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6CaloJets','rho' ),
11  depth = cms.int32( -1 ),
12  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
13  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.17 ),
14  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
15  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
16  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 ),
17  doEtSum = cms.bool( False )
18 )

Definition at line 6163 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducersRegional",
2  eMinHE = cms.double( 0.8 ),
3  hbheRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
4  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  outerCone = cms.double( 0.29 ),
6  eMinHB = cms.double( 0.7 ),
7  innerCone = cms.double( 0.16 ),
8  etMinHE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  etMinHB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6CaloJets','rho' ),
11  depth = cms.int32( -1 ),
12  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
13  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.17 ),
14  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
15  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
16  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 ),
17  doEtSum = cms.bool( True )
18 )

Definition at line 6199 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded" ),
3  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Seeded" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 5915 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds

Definition at line 6235 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sETT20BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETT20_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 12106 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sETT40
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETT40" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 12269 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sETT60
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETT60" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 12311 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1AlwaysTrue
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_AlwaysTrue" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7058 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxMinusPostQuiet
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BeamGas_Hf_BptxMinusPostQuiet" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6324 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1BeamGasHfBptxPlusPostQuiet
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BeamGas_Hf_BptxPlusPostQuiet" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6302 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1BeamHalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BeamHalo" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6340 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1BptxMinusNotBptxPlus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxMinus_NotBptxPlus" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14096 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1BptxPlusNotBptxMinus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxPlus_NotBptxMinus" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14080 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_CastorEm_NotHcalHfCoincidencePm" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13938 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1CastorEmNotHfSingleChannel
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_CastorEm_NotHcalHfSingleChannel" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13968 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1CastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_CastorEm_TotemLowMultiplicity" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13915 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_CastorTotalEnergy_TotemLowMultiplicity" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13984 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG3_FwdVeto" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14242 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleEG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG5" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 11137 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG5_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14354 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleForJet16EtaOpp
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleForJet16_EtaOpp" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14370 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleJet20_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14306 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleJetC36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13533 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleJetC36_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14322 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleMu0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMu0" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8023 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleMu0erHighQ
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMu0er_HighQ" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8050 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMu5_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14338 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAnd
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMuOpen_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8097 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1Mu0EG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_MuOpen_EG5" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14397 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1Mu3JetC16WdEtaPhi2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_Mu3_JetC16_WdEtaPhi2" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8446 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG12" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 5688 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG20" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 10695 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG20_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14290 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG24
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG24" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 10736 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 10612 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG7" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 11659 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleForJet16
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleForJet16" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7306 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet12BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet12_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 13400 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7099 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDAndETM30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND AND L1_ETM30" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7981 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7591 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinForJet20Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7726 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16BptxANDinTripleJet202020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7861 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet16FwdVeto5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_FwdVeto5" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14218 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNoBPTXNoHalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJetC20_NotBptxOR" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 1 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6418 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7115 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36AndETM30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36 AND L1_ETM30" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7997 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7699 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet100Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7834 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7618 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet40Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7753 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7645 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet60Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7780 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7672 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inForJet80Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7807 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet1002020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7955 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet402020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7907 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet602020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7923 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet36inTripleJet802020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 7939 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet52_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu12" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8379 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu20_TotemDiffractive" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14274 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu3" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8257 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu3Jet16
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_Mu3_Jet16" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 8592 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu7" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 4340 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu7Jet16
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_Mu7_Jet16" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 10546 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMuOpen" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6503 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1Tech53MB
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "53" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13778 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1Tech54ZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "54" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13851 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "63" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13899 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1ZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZeroBias" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 4087 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAHcalNZS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND OR L1_SingleEG7 OR L1_SingleEG12 OR L1_SingleEG18er OR L1_SingleEG20 OR L1_SingleEG22 OR L1_SingleEG24 OR L1_SingleEG30 OR L1_SingleJet16_BptxAND OR L1_SingleJet36 OR L1_SingleJet52 OR L1_SingleJet68 OR L1_SingleJet92 OR L1_SingleJet128 OR L1_SingleMu7 OR L1_SingleMu12 OR L1_SingleMu16 OR L1_SingleMu20 OR L1_SingleMu14er OR L1_SingleMu16er OR L1_SingleMu20er OR L1_SingleMu25er OR L1_ZeroBias" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6402 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAHcalPhiSym
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG_13_7 OR L1_TripleEG7 OR L1_TripleEG_12_7_5 OR L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND OR L1_SingleEG7 OR L1_SingleEG12 OR L1_SingleEG18er OR L1_SingleIsoEG18er OR L1_SingleEG20 OR L1_SingleIsoEG20er OR L1_SingleEG22 OR L1_SingleEG24 OR L1_SingleEG30 OR L1_SingleMu3 OR L1_SingleMu7 OR L1_SingleMu12 OR L1_SingleMu16 OR L1_SingleMu20 OR L1_SingleMu14er OR L1_SingleMu16er OR L1_SingleMu20er OR L1_SingleMu25er OR L1_DoubleMu0 OR L1_DoubleMu5 OR L1_DoubleMu_12_5 OR L1_DoubleMu_10_Open" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6386 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAMinBiasBscBptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasOR_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14048 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAMinBiasHFBptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14000 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAMinBiasHfBptxANDorBscBptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND OR L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14064 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPAMinBiasHFORBptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfSingleChannel_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14016 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPASingleEG5BptxAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 14572 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sPATech35
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "35" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13549 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sRomanPotsTech52
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "52" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13762 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sT1minbiasTech55
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "55" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13867 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sTechTrigHCALNoise
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "11 OR 12" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 13883 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sTrackerCosmics
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "25" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( True )
12 )

Definition at line 6530 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1tfed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1TFED",
2  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  DQMStore = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  rawTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
5  stableROConfig = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  FEDDirName = cms.untracked.string( "L1T/FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
7  disableROOToutput = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
8  L1FEDS = cms.vint32( 745, 760, 780, 812, 813 )
9 )

Definition at line 15228 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )

Definition at line 15312 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14139 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sMu12L2Filtered10
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sMu12L1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 10.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8406 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sMu3L2Filtered3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sMu3L1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8284 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2FilteredEta2p1Filtered7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sMu7L1FilteredEta2p1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 7.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.1 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 4844 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sMu7L2Filtered5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sMu7L1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8339 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sPAL2DoubleMu3L1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8237 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2MuonCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonCandidateProducer",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( 'hltL2Muons','UpdatedAtVtx' )
3 )

Definition at line 4841 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )

Definition at line 15318 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )

Definition at line 15319 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2Muons

Definition at line 4754 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2MuonSeeds
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonSeedGenerator",
2  ServiceParameters = cms.PSet(
3  Propagators = cms.untracked.vstring( 'SteppingHelixPropagatorAny' ),
4  RPCLayers = cms.bool( True ),
5  UseMuonNavigation = cms.untracked.bool( True )
6  ),
7  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
8  L1MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  OfflineSeedLabel = cms.untracked.InputTag( "hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds" ),
10  L1MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  L1MinQuality = cms.uint32( 1 ),
12  GMTReadoutCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
13  UseOfflineSeed = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
14  Propagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
15 )

Definition at line 4739 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds

Definition at line 4649 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0L3f4
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sL1DoubleMu0L1f0L2f0" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.15 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 4.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14159 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2fEta2p1f7L3FilteredEta2p1Filtered15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sMu7L1fEta2p1L2FilteredEta2p1Filtered7" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.1 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 5668 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL2sMu12L3Filtered12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sMu12L2Filtered10" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 12.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8426 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL2sMu3L3Filtered3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sMu3L2Filtered3" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8304 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL2sMu7L3Filtered7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sMu7L2Filtered5" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 7.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8359 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonCandidateProducer",
2  InputLinksObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
3  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL3Muons" ),
4  MuonPtOption = cms.string( "Tracker" )
5 )

Definition at line 5663 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence + hltL3TkTracksFromL2 + hltL3MuonsLinksCombination + hltL3Muons )

Definition at line 15323 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL3muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL3MuonCandidates )

Definition at line 15324 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3Muons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit','hltL3MuonsIOHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 5660 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsIOHit

Definition at line 5538 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsLinksCombination
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackLinksCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit','hltL3MuonsIOHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 5657 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsOIHit

Definition at line 5296 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsOIState

Definition at line 5046 of file

Definition at line 15322 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkFromL2OICombination
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 5406 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit','hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit','hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState' )
3 )

Definition at line 5654 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
14 )

Definition at line 5524 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
14 )

Definition at line 5282 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
14 )

Definition at line 5032 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCandCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit','hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit','hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState' )
3 )

Definition at line 5651 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedIOHit" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( False ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
17  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
18 )

Definition at line 5506 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedOIHit" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( True ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
17  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
18 )

Definition at line 5264 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedOIState" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( True ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit" ),
17  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
18 )

Definition at line 5014 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajectorySeed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonTrajectorySeedCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TrajSeedIOHit','hltL3TrajSeedOIState','hltL3TrajSeedOIHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 5648 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedIOHit

Definition at line 5409 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedOIHit

Definition at line 5156 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedOIState

Definition at line 4923 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltLaserAlignmentEventFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "LaserAlignmentEventFilter",
2  FED_Filter = cms.bool( True ),
3  FED_IDs = cms.vint32( 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 273, 274, 277, 278, 281, 282, 284, 285, 288, 289, 292, 293, 294, 295, 300, 301, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310, 311, 316, 317, 324, 325, 329, 330, 331, 332, 339, 340, 341, 342, 349, 350, 351, 352, 164, 165, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 189, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 204, 205, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 221, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 249, 250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 478, 476, 477, 482, 484, 480, 481, 474, 459, 460, 461, 463, 485, 487, 488, 489, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 288, 289, 292, 293, 300, 301, 304, 305, 310, 311, 316, 317, 329, 330, 339, 340, 341, 342, 349, 350, 164, 165, 177, 178, 179, 180, 189, 190, 197, 198, 204, 205, 212, 213, 220, 221, 224, 225, 230, 231 ),
4  SINGLE_CHANNEL_THRESH = cms.uint32( 11 ),
5  FedInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
6  DET_ID_Filter = cms.bool( True ),
7  CHANNEL_COUNT_THRESH = cms.uint32( 8 ),
8  SIGNAL_Filter = cms.bool( True ),
9  SIGNAL_IDs = cms.vint32( 470389128, 470389384, 470389640, 470389896, 470390152, 470390408, 470390664, 470390920, 470389192, 470389448, 470389704, 470389960, 470390216, 470390472, 470390728, 470390984, 470126984, 470127240, 470127496, 470127752, 470128008, 470128264, 470128520, 470128776, 470127048, 470127304, 470127560, 470127816, 470128072, 470128328, 470128584, 470128840, 436232506, 436232826, 436233146, 436233466, 369174604, 369174812, 369175068, 369175292, 470307468, 470307716, 470308236, 470308748, 470308996, 470045316, 470045580, 470046084, 470046596, 470046860 ),
10  DET_IDs = ( cms.vint32( 470307208, 470307272, 470307464, 470307528, 470307720, 470307784, 470307976, 470308040, 470308232, 470308296, 470308488, 470308552, 470308744, 470308808, 470309000, 470309064, 470323592, 470323656, 470323848, 470323912, 470324104, 470324168, 470324360, 470324424, 470324616, 470324680, 470324872, 470324936, 470325128, 470325192, 470325384, 470325448, 470339976, 470340040, 470340232, 470340296, 470340488, 470340552, 470340744, 470340808, 470341000, 470341064, 470341256, 470341320, 470341512, 470341576, 470341768, 470341832, 470356360, 470356424, 470356616, 470356680, 470356872, 470356936, 470357128, 470357192, 470357384, 470357448, 470357640, 470357704, 470357896, 470357960, 470358152, 470358216, 470372744, 470372808, 470373000, 470373064, 470373256, 470373320, 470373512, 470373576, 470373768, 470373832, 470374024, 470374088, 470374280, 470374344, 470374536, 470374600, 470389128, 470389192, 470389384, 470389448, 470389640, 470389704, 470389896, 470389960, 470390152, 470390216, 470390408, 470390472, 470390664, 470390728, 470390920, 470390984, 470405512, 470405576, 470405768, 470405832, 470406024, 470406088, 470406280, 470406344, 470406536, 470406600, 470406792, 470406856, 470407048, 470407112, 470407304, 470407368, 470421896, 470421960, 470422152, 470422216, 470422408, 470422472, 470422664, 470422728, 470422920, 470422984, 470423176, 470423240, 470423432, 470423496, 470423688, 470423752, 470438280, 470438344, 470438536, 470438600, 470438792, 470438856, 470439048, 470439112, 470439304, 470439368, 470439560, 470439624, 470439816, 470439880, 470440072, 470440136, 470045064, 470061448, 470077832, 470094216, 470110600, 470126984, 470143368, 470159752, 470176136, 470045320, 470061704, 470078088, 470094472, 470110856, 470127240, 470143624, 470160008, 470176392, 470045576, 470061960, 470078344, 470094728, 470111112, 470127496, 470143880, 470160264, 470176648, 470045832, 470062216, 470078600, 470094984, 470111368, 470127752, 470144136, 470160520, 470176904, 470046088, 470062472, 470078856, 470095240, 470111624, 470128008, 470144392, 470160776, 470177160, 470046344, 470062728, 470079112, 470095496, 470111880, 470128264, 470144648, 470161032, 470177416, 470046600, 470062984, 470079368, 470095752, 470112136, 470128520, 470144904, 470161288, 470177672, 470046856, 470063240, 470079624, 470096008, 470112392, 470128776, 470145160, 470161544, 470177928, 470045128, 470061512, 470077896, 470094280, 470110664, 470127048, 470143432, 470159816, 470176200, 470045384, 470061768, 470078152, 470094536, 470110920, 470127304, 470143688, 470160072, 470176456, 470045640, 470062024, 470078408, 470094792, 470111176, 470127560, 470143944, 470160328, 470176712, 470045896, 470062280, 470078664, 470095048, 470111432, 470127816, 470144200, 470160584, 470176968, 470046152, 470062536, 470078920)+cms.vint32( 470095304, 470111688, 470128072, 470144456, 470160840, 470177224, 470046408, 470062792, 470079176, 470095560, 470111944, 470128328, 470144712, 470161096, 470177480, 470046664, 470063048, 470079432, 470095816, 470112200, 470128584, 470144968, 470161352, 470177736, 470046920, 470063304, 470079688, 470096072, 470112456, 470128840, 470145224, 470161608, 470177992, 436232314, 436232306, 436232298, 436228198, 436228206, 436228214, 436232506, 436232498, 436232490, 436228390, 436228398, 436228406, 436232634, 436232626, 436232618, 436228518, 436228526, 436228534, 436232826, 436232818, 436232810, 436228710, 436228718, 436228726, 436233018, 436233010, 436233002, 436228902, 436228910, 436228918, 436233146, 436233138, 436233130, 436229030, 436229038, 436229046, 436233338, 436233330, 436233322, 436229222, 436229230, 436229238, 436233466, 436233458, 436233450, 436229350, 436229358, 436229366, 369174604, 369174600, 369174596, 369170500, 369170504, 369170508, 369174732, 369174728, 369174724, 369170628, 369170632, 369170636, 369174812, 369174808, 369174804, 369170708, 369170712, 369170716, 369174940, 369174936, 369174932, 369170836, 369170840, 369170844, 369175068, 369175064, 369175060, 369170964, 369170968, 369170972, 369175164, 369175160, 369175156, 369171060, 369171064, 369171068, 369175292, 369175288, 369175284, 369171188, 369171192, 369171196, 369175372, 369175368, 369175364, 369171268, 369171272, 369171276, 470307468, 470323852, 470340236, 470356620, 470373004, 470307716, 470324100, 470340484, 470356868, 470373252, 470308236, 470324620, 470341004, 470357388, 470373772, 470308748, 470325132, 470341516, 470357900, 470374284, 470308996, 470325380, 470341764, 470358148, 470374532, 470045316, 470061700, 470078084, 470094468, 470110852, 470045580, 470061964, 470078348, 470094732, 470111116, 470046084, 470062468, 470078852, 470095236, 470111620, 470046596, 470062980, 470079364, 470095748, 470112132, 470046860, 470063244, 470079628, 470096012, 470112396) )
11 )

Definition at line 6478 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltLightPFTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "LightPFTrackProducer",
2  TrackQuality = cms.string( "none" ),
3  UseQuality = cms.bool( False ),
4  TkColList = cms.VInputTag( 'hltPFMuonMerging' )
5 )

Definition at line 10263 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltLogMonitorFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLogMonitorFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  default_threshold = cms.uint32( 10 ),
4  categories = cms.VPSet(
5  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "TooManyTriplets" ),
6  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
7  ),
8  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "Muon" ),
9  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
10  ),
11  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "RecoMuon" ),
12  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
13  ),
14  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "L3MuonCandidateProducer" ),
15  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
16  ),
17  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "MatrixInversionFailure" ),
18  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
19  ),
20  cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "BasicTrajectoryState" ),
21  threshold = cms.uint32( 0 )
22  )
23  )
24 )

Definition at line 15264 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.031 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG7EtFilterL1Mu0EG5" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 14489 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.2 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.2 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLTHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 14525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.2 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.2 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLEcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 14543 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLTHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 14507 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVLHcalIsoFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 14561 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5BasicClustersActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "Multi5x5ClusterProducer",
2  endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
3  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelBasicClusters" ),
4  IslandEndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
5  doEndcap = cms.bool( True ),
6  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
7  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
8  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
9  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
10  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
11  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
12  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
13  ),
14  barrelShapeAssociation = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelShapeAssoc" ),
15  endcapShapeAssociation = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapShapeAssoc" ),
16  endcapHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
17  clustershapecollectionEB = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelShape" ),
18  IslandBarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
19  barrelHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
20  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vstring( ),
21  barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
22  clustershapecollectionEE = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapShape" ),
23  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
24  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
25 )

Definition at line 4228 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTMulti5x5ClusterProducer",
2  l1LowerThr = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  Multi5x5BarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  Multi5x5EndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
5  endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
6  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "notused" ),
7  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
8  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.3 ),
9  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
10  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vstring( ),
11  l1TagNonIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
12  endcapHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
13  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
14  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
15  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
16  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
17  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
18  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
19  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
20  ),
21  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
22  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
23  barrelHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
24  l1LowerThrIgnoreIsolation = cms.double( 0.0 ),
25  l1TagIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
26  barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
27  doBarrel = cms.bool( False ),
28  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
29  l1UpperThr = cms.double( 999.0 )
30 )

Definition at line 5824 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PreshowerClusterProducer",
2  assocSClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  preshStripEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  preshClusterCollectionY = cms.string( "preshowerYClusters" ),
5  preshClusterCollectionX = cms.string( "preshowerXClusters" ),
6  etThresh = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  preshRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsES' ),
8  endcapSClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Seeded','multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters' ),
9  preshNclust = cms.int32( 4 ),
10  preshClusterEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  preshSeededNstrip = cms.int32( 15 )
12 )

Definition at line 5880 of file

Definition at line 15326 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5SuperClustersActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer",
2  barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelSuperClusters" ),
3  endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
4  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelBasicClusters" ),
5  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool( False ),
6  endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltMulti5x5BasicClustersActivity" ),
7  barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
8  endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
9  barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltMulti5x5BasicClustersActivity" ),
10  seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 ),
11  endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters" ),
12  barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.06 ),
13  bremRecoveryPset = cms.PSet(
14  barrel = cms.PSet(
15  cryVec = cms.vint32( 16, 13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 ),
16  cryMin = cms.int32( 2 ),
17  etVec = cms.vdouble( 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 45.0, 55.0, 135.0, 195.0, 225.0 )
18  ),
19  endcap = cms.PSet(
20  a = cms.double( 47.85 ),
21  c = cms.double( 0.1201 ),
22  b = cms.double( 108.8 )
23  )
24  ),
25  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
26  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
27  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
28 )

Definition at line 4253 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer",
2  barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelSuperClusters" ),
3  endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
4  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelBasicClusters" ),
5  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool( False ),
6  endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Seeded" ),
7  barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
8  endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
9  barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "notused" ),
10  seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 ),
11  endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters" ),
12  barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.06 ),
13  bremRecoveryPset = cms.PSet(
14  barrel = cms.PSet( ),
15  endcap = cms.PSet(
16  a = cms.double( 47.85 ),
17  c = cms.double( 0.1201 ),
18  b = cms.double( 108.8 )
19  ),
20  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
21  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
22  ),
23  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
24  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
25  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
26 )

Definition at line 5854 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PreshowerClusterProducer",
2  assocSClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
3  preshStripEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  preshClusterCollectionY = cms.string( "preshowerYClusters" ),
5  preshClusterCollectionX = cms.string( "preshowerXClusters" ),
6  etThresh = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  preshRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltESRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsES' ),
8  endcapSClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltMulti5x5SuperClustersActivity','multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters' ),
9  preshNclust = cms.int32( 4 ),
10  preshClusterEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  preshSeededNstrip = cms.int32( 15 )
12 )

Definition at line 4281 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonCSCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CSCDCCUnpacker",
2  PrintEventNumber = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  UseSelectiveUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
4  UseExaminer = cms.bool( True ),
5  ErrorMask = cms.uint32( 0x0 ),
6  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  UseFormatStatus = cms.bool( True ),
8  ExaminerMask = cms.uint32( 0x1febf3f6 ),
9  UnpackStatusDigis = cms.bool( False ),
10  VisualFEDInspect = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
11  FormatedEventDump = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
12  Debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
13  VisualFEDShort = cms.untracked.bool( False )
14 )

Definition at line 4479 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonDTDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTUnpackingModule",
2  useStandardFEDid = cms.bool( True ),
3  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  dataType = cms.string( "DDU" ),
5  fedbyType = cms.bool( False ),
6  readOutParameters = cms.PSet(
7  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  rosParameters = cms.PSet(
9  writeSC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
10  readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
11  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
12  readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
13  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
14  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
15  ),
16  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
17  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False )
18  ),
19  dqmOnly = cms.bool( False )
20 )

Definition at line 4367 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonLinks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MuonLinksProducerForHLT",
2  pMin = cms.double( 2.5 ),
3  InclusiveTrackerTrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPFMuonMerging" ),
4  shareHitFraction = cms.double( 0.8 ),
5  LinkCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( 2.5 )
7 )

Definition at line 9789 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )

Definition at line 15317 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonRPCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCUnpackingModule",
2  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  doSynchro = cms.bool( False )
4 )

Definition at line 4636 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuons

Definition at line 9796 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuOpenTkMu1TkMuMassFilteredUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonTrackMassFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDCAMuonTrack = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMuOpenTkMu1TrackMassFilteredUpcOnia" ),
5  TrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTkMuTrackerMuonCandsUpcOnia" ),
6  MaxTrackDz = cms.double( 999.0 ),
7  MaxTrackNormChi2 = cms.double( 1.0E10 ),
8  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
9  MinTrackHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
11  MaxMasses = cms.vdouble( 12.0 ),
12  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
13  MaxTrackEta = cms.double( 999.0 ),
14  checkCharge = cms.bool( True ),
15  MinMasses = cms.vdouble( 2.0 ),
16  CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
17  MaxTrackDxy = cms.double( 999.0 ),
18  MinTrackP = cms.double( 1.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 15077 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuOpenTkMu1TrackMassFilteredUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonTrackMassFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDCAMuonTrack = cms.double( 99999.9 ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMuOpenTrack1PixelMassFilteredUpcOnia" ),
5  TrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackCtfTrackCandsUpcOnia" ),
6  MaxTrackDz = cms.double( 999.0 ),
7  MaxTrackNormChi2 = cms.double( 1.0E10 ),
8  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
9  MinTrackHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
11  MaxMasses = cms.vdouble( 1.0E20 ),
12  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
13  MaxTrackEta = cms.double( 999.0 ),
14  checkCharge = cms.bool( True ),
15  MinMasses = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
16  CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
17  MaxTrackDxy = cms.double( 999.0 ),
18  MinTrackP = cms.double( 1.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 14788 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuOpenTrack1PixelMassFilteredUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonTrackMassFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDCAMuonTrack = cms.double( 99999.9 ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL3Filtered1" ),
5  TrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackPixelTrackCandsUpcOnia" ),
6  MaxTrackDz = cms.double( 999.0 ),
7  MaxTrackNormChi2 = cms.double( 1.0E10 ),
8  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  MinTrackHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
11  MaxMasses = cms.vdouble( 1.0E20 ),
12  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
13  MaxTrackEta = cms.double( 999.0 ),
14  checkCharge = cms.bool( False ),
15  MinMasses = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
16  CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
17  MaxTrackDxy = cms.double( 999.0 ),
18  MinTrackP = cms.double( 0.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 14725 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTkMuMuonLinksUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MuonLinksProducerForHLT",
2  pMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
3  InclusiveTrackerTrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackCtfTracksUpcOnia" ),
4  shareHitFraction = cms.double( 0.8 ),
5  LinkCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( 1.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 14807 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTkMuMuonsUpcOnia

Definition at line 14814 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTkMuTrackerMuonCandsUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonCandidateProducerFromMuons",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTkMuMuonsUpcOnia" )
3 )

Definition at line 15074 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTMuTkMuUpcOniaTkMuRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuTkMuMuonLinksUpcOnia + hltMuTkMuMuonsUpcOnia + hltMuTkMuTrackerMuonCandsUpcOnia )

Definition at line 15411 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackCkfTrackCandidatesUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackTrackSeedsUpcOnia" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder" )
17 )

Definition at line 14753 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackCtfTrackCandsUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackCtfTracksUpcOnia" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "mu-" )
4 )

Definition at line 14784 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackCtfTracksUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackCkfTrackCandidatesUpcOnia" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "hltMuTrackJpsiCtfTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 14770 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackPixelTrackCandsUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "mu-" )
4 )

Definition at line 14721 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "QuarkoniaTrackSelector",
2  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
3  muonCandidates = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
4  MaxTrackEta = cms.double( 999.0 ),
5  tracks = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
6  MaxMasses = cms.vdouble( 1.0E20 ),
7  checkCharge = cms.bool( False ),
8  MinMasses = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
9  MinTrackP = cms.double( 1.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 14711 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuTrackTrackSeedsUpcOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
7  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia" ),
8  originRadius = cms.double( 1.0E9 )
9 )

Definition at line 14744 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTMuTrackUpcOniaPixelRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + hltPixelTracks + hltMuTrackPixelTrackSelectorUpcOnia + hltMuTrackPixelTrackCandsUpcOnia )

Definition at line 15409 of file

Definition at line 15410 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltOnlineBeamSpot
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotOnlineProducer",
2  maxZ = cms.double( 40.0 ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltScalersRawToDigi" ),
4  gtEvmLabel = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  changeToCMSCoordinates = cms.bool( False ),
6  setSigmaZ = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  maxRadius = cms.double( 2.0 )
8 )

Definition at line 4079 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0

Definition at line 12464 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1

Definition at line 12713 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2

Definition at line 12905 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3

Definition at line 13154 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPABeginSequenceUTCA = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + hltPAL1EventNumberUTCA + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 15331 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPACkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 12394 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPACountPAPixFilter10
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32( 10 )
4 )

Definition at line 14588 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPACountUpcTrackFilter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands" ),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32( 1 )
4 )

Definition at line 14640 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPACountUpcTrackFilter7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands" ),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32( 7 )
4 )

Definition at line 14644 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPACtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPACkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter0" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 12411 of file

Definition at line 15385 of file

Definition at line 15384 of file

Definition at line 15386 of file

Definition at line 15387 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG30EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG12" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 30.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 30.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10685 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEG30EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10901 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10919 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG40EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG20" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 40.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 40.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 10726 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEG40EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10941 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEG40TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10959 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble10And10CaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEGDouble10And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11276 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble10And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGDouble10And10EtFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble15And10CaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEGDouble15And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11356 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble15And10TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGDouble15And10EtFilterSecond" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11338 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble20And15CaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEGDouble20And15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11396 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAEGDouble20And15TightCaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.035 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.014 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGDouble20And15EtFilterSecond" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11378 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAFullCands
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAGoodFullTracks" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 13377 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAGoodFullTracks

Definition at line 13342 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult

Definition at line 12204 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1CkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1PixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" )
17 )

Definition at line 12578 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 12518 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1CtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1CkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter1" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 12595 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 12694 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1PixelSeeds

Definition at line 12531 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" )
4 )

Definition at line 12527 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityTight" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 12679 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 12609 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 12644 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2CkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2PixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" )
17 )

Definition at line 12820 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 12767 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2CtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2CkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter2" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 12837 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPAIter1Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter2TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 12886 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2PixelSeeds

Definition at line 12780 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" )
4 )

Definition at line 12776 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter2TrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 12851 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3CkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3MixedSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" )
17 )

Definition at line 13019 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 12959 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3CtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3CkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter3" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 13036 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPAIter2Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 13135 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3MixedSeeds

Definition at line 12972 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" )
4 )

Definition at line 12968 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityTight" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 13120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 13050 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 13085 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4CkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter4PixelLessSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderITPA" )
17 )

Definition at line 13261 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTTrackClusterRemover",
2  doStrip = cms.bool( True ),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
4  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3ClustersRefRemoval" ),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
6  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
7  Common = cms.PSet( maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ) ),
8  doPixel = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 13208 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4CtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter4CkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter4" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 13278 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltPAIter3Merged" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltPAIter4TrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 13327 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4PixelLessSeeds

Definition at line 13221 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4SiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTrackerPA" )
4 )

Definition at line 13217 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAIter4TrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 13292 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAL1EventNumberUTCA
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTL1NumberFilter",
2  invert = cms.bool( False ),
3  period = cms.uint32( 8192 ),
4  rawInput = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
5 )

Definition at line 6372 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAL1sL1SingleMu3Jet36
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_Mu3_Jet36" ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 10480 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMetForHf

Definition at line 13569 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 1 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinSep = cms.double( 1.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 13844 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMinBiasPixelFilter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 2 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinSep = cms.double( 1.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 14128 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1PFJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetsL1Matched" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 10470 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet20L2Filtered3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu3Jet16" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8608 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet20L3Filter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMu3PFJet20L2Filtered3" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 8628 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet40
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1PFJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 40.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetsL1Matched" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 10536 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet40L2Filtered3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAL1sL1SingleMu3Jet36" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 10496 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu3PFJet40L3Filter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMu3PFJet40L2Filtered3" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 10516 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu7PFJet20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1PFJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetsL1Matched" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 10602 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu7PFJet20L2Filtered5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu7Jet16" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 10562 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAMu7PFJet20L3Filter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAMu7PFJet20L2Filtered5" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 7.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 10582 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEGDouble10And10CaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11298 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPhoton10AndPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11316 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG10TightCaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10981 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPhoton10CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 10999 of file

Definition at line 15375 of file

Definition at line 15370 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG15TightCaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11021 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPhoton15CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11039 of file

Definition at line 15376 of file

Definition at line 15371 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20TightCaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11061 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPhoton20CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11079 of file

Definition at line 15377 of file

Definition at line 15372 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonEcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAEG30TightCaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11101 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPhoton30CaloIdVLIso50EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11119 of file

Definition at line 15378 of file

Definition at line 15373 of file

Definition at line 15374 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelCandsForHFSumET
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 13704 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelCandsForHighMult
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAGoodPixelTracksForHighMult" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 12239 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 13840 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 0.6 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult" ),
6  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
7  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelTracksForHighPt" ),
8  originRadius = cms.double( 0.2 )
9 )

Definition at line 12385 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult

Definition at line 12135 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelTracksForHighPt

Definition at line 12342 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias

Definition at line 13798 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PrimaryVertexProducer",
2  vertexCollections = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( maxDistanceToBeam = cms.double( 2.0 ),
4  useBeamConstraint = cms.bool( False ),
5  minNdof = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  algorithm = cms.string( "AdaptiveVertexFitter" ),
7  label = cms.string( "" )
8  )
9  ),
10  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
11  TkFilterParameters = cms.PSet(
12  maxD0Significance = cms.double( 100.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
14  maxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 100.0 ),
15  minSiliconLayersWithHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
16  minPixelLayersWithHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
17  trackQuality = cms.string( "any" ),
18  algorithm = cms.string( "filter" )
19  ),
20  beamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
21  TrackLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult" ),
22  TkClusParameters = cms.PSet(
23  algorithm = cms.string( "gap" ),
24  TkGapClusParameters = cms.PSet( zSeparation = cms.double( 0.1 ) )
25  )
26 )

Definition at line 12178 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlow

Definition at line 10300 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowBlock

Definition at line 10268 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterECAL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFClusterProducer",
2  posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32( 9 ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  showerSigma = cms.double( 1.5 ),
5  thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 10.0 ),
6  thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double( 4.0 ),
8  PFRecHits = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowRecHitECAL" ),
9  cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool( False ),
10  depthCor_B = cms.double( 7.4 ),
11  depthCor_A = cms.double( 0.89 ),
12  nNeighbours = cms.int32( 8 ),
13  thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
14  minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble( 0.04, -0.024 ),
15  thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
17  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
18  thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double( 15.0 ),
19  thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.23 ),
20  depthCor_Mode = cms.int32( 1 ),
21  depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double( 4.0 ),
22  useCornerCells = cms.bool( True ),
23  depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double( 0.89 ),
24  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
25  thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.15 ),
26  minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble( 0.02, -0.0125 ),
27  thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.6 ),
28  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( -1.0 ),
29  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 0.04 )
30 )

Definition at line 10113 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFClusterProducer",
2  posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32( 5 ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  showerSigma = cms.double( 10.0 ),
5  thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
6  thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
8  PFRecHits = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL" ),
9  cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool( True ),
10  depthCor_B = cms.double( 7.4 ),
11  depthCor_A = cms.double( 0.89 ),
12  nNeighbours = cms.int32( 4 ),
13  thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
14  minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble( 0.032, -0.045 ),
15  thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
17  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 0.8 ),
18  thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
19  thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.8 ),
20  depthCor_Mode = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double( 4.0 ),
22  useCornerCells = cms.bool( True ),
23  depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double( 0.89 ),
24  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 0.8 ),
25  thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
26  minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble( 0.032, -0.045 ),
27  thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 1.1 ),
28  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( -1.0 ),
29  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( -1.0 )
30 )

Definition at line 10143 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFClusterProducer",
2  posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32( 5 ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  showerSigma = cms.double( 10.0 ),
5  thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
6  thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double( 80.0 ),
8  PFRecHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL','HFEM' ),
9  cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool( False ),
10  depthCor_B = cms.double( 7.4 ),
11  depthCor_A = cms.double( 0.89 ),
12  nNeighbours = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
14  minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble( 0.11, -0.19 ),
15  thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
17  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 0.8 ),
18  thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double( 80.0 ),
19  thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 1.4 ),
20  depthCor_Mode = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double( 4.0 ),
22  useCornerCells = cms.bool( False ),
23  depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double( 0.89 ),
24  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 0.8 ),
25  thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
26  minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble( 0.11, -0.19 ),
27  thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 1.4 ),
28  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( -1.0 ),
29  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( -1.0 )
30 )

Definition at line 10173 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFClusterProducer",
2  posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32( 5 ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  showerSigma = cms.double( 10.0 ),
5  thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
6  thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double( 120.0 ),
8  PFRecHits = cms.InputTag( 'hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL','HFHAD' ),
9  cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool( False ),
10  depthCor_B = cms.double( 7.4 ),
11  depthCor_A = cms.double( 0.89 ),
12  nNeighbours = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
14  minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble( 0.045, -0.08 ),
15  thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
17  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 0.8 ),
18  thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double( 120.0 ),
19  thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 1.4 ),
20  depthCor_Mode = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double( 4.0 ),
22  useCornerCells = cms.bool( False ),
23  depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double( 0.89 ),
24  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 0.8 ),
25  thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
26  minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble( 0.045, -0.08 ),
27  thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 1.4 ),
28  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( -1.0 ),
29  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( -1.0 )
30 )

Definition at line 10203 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterPS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFClusterProducer",
2  posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32( -1 ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  showerSigma = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
6  thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
8  PFRecHits = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowRecHitPS" ),
9  cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool( False ),
10  depthCor_B = cms.double( 7.4 ),
11  depthCor_A = cms.double( 0.89 ),
12  nNeighbours = cms.int32( 8 ),
13  thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
14  minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0 ),
15  thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
17  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 6.0E-5 ),
18  thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
19  thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double( 1.2E-4 ),
20  depthCor_Mode = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double( 4.0 ),
22  useCornerCells = cms.bool( False ),
23  depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double( 0.89 ),
24  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 6.0E-5 ),
25  thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
26  minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 0.0 ),
27  thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double( 1.2E-4 ),
28  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double( -1.0 ),
29  minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double( -1.0 )
30 )

Definition at line 10233 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowPtrs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandidateFwdPtrProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag('hltParticleFlow')
3  )

Definition at line 15628 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitECAL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFRecHitProducerECAL",
2  crossBarrelEndcapBorder = cms.bool( False ),
3  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  ecalRecHitsEE = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  ecalRecHitsEB = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
6  thresh_Cleaning_EB = cms.double( 2.0 ),
7  timing_Cleaning = cms.bool( True ),
8  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
9  thresh_Cleaning_EE = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
10  topological_Cleaning = cms.bool( True ),
11  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 0.3 )
12 )

Definition at line 10057 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL

Definition at line 10069 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitPS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFRecHitProducerPS",
2  ecalRecHitsES = cms.InputTag( 'hltESRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsES' ),
3  thresh_Barrel = cms.double( 7.0E-6 ),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  thresh_Endcap = cms.double( 7.0E-6 )
6 )

Definition at line 10107 of file

Definition at line 15360 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity" )
14 )

Definition at line 12504 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.4 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 12753 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 12945 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackAndTauJetsIter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 4.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 13194 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 12460 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter1Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 12709 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter2Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 12901 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackRefsForJetsIter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAIter3Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 13150 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPATrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 12425 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcTrackSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder" )
17 )

Definition at line 14605 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcCtfTracks" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "mu-" )
4 )

Definition at line 14636 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcCtfTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "hltMuTrackJpsiCtfTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 14622 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPAUpcFullTrackRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltPAUpcTrackSeeds + hltPAUpcCkfTrackCandidates + hltPAUpcCtfTracks + hltPAUpcCtfTrackCands )

Definition at line 15408 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMuOpen" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 14660 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL2Filtered1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14671 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL3Filtered1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOniaDCAL2Filtered1" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
19  MinPt = cms.double( 1.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 14691 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPAUpcTrackSeeds
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
7  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias" ),
8  originRadius = cms.double( 1.0E9 )
9 )

Definition at line 14596 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFJetCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
11  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
12  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
13  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
14  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
15  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
16  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" )
17 )

Definition at line 8826 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFJetCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
6  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
7  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
8  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
9  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
10  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
12  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "iter0" ),
13  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
14 )

Definition at line 8843 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFJetPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelVertices" ),
6  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
7  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
8  originRadius = cms.double( 0.1 )
9 )

Definition at line 8817 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFJetsL1Matched
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTPFJetL1MatchProducer",
2  L1CenJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Central' ),
3  DeltaR = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  L1ForJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Forward' ),
5  L1TauJets = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Tau' ),
6  jetsInput = cms.InputTag( "hltAK5PFJetL1FastL2L3Corrected" )
7 )

Definition at line 10463 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetsSequence = cms.Sequence( hltKT6PFJets + hltAntiKT5PFJets + hltAK5PFJetL1FastL2L3Corrected )

Definition at line 15361 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetTriggerSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoSequence + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + HLTTrackReconstructionForPF + HLTParticleFlowSequence + HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetsSequence )

Definition at line 15362 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPFL1FastL2L3ReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF + HLTPFL1FastL2L3JetTriggerSequence )

Definition at line 15363 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 8857 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFMuonMerging
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SimpleTrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  promoteTrackQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
7  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
8  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" ),
9  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
10  TrackProducer1 = cms.string( "hltL3TkTracksFromL2" ),
11  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
12  TrackProducer2 = cms.string( "hltIter4Merged" ),
13  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
14  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 9774 of file

Definition at line 15364 of file

Definition at line 15365 of file

Definition at line 15366 of file

Definition at line 15367 of file

Definition at line 15368 of file

Definition at line 15369 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelActivityFilterForHalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
2  maxClusters = cms.uint32( 10 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
4  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
5  minClusters = cms.uint32( 0 )
6 )

Definition at line 6356 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPixelMatchElectronL1SeededTrackingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltCkfL1SeededTrackCandidates + hltCtfL1SeededWithMaterialTracks + hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded )

Definition at line 15393 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelMatchElectronsL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTPixelMatchElectronProducers",
2  BSProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
3  UseGsfTracks = cms.bool( False ),
4  TrackProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCtfL1SeededWithMaterialTracks" ),
5  GsfTrackProducer = cms.InputTag( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 11506 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTrackFilterCastorHfMin
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 1 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinSep = cms.double( 0.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 13954 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPixelTrackingForPAMinBiasSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPAPixelTracksForMinBias )

Definition at line 15407 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastor
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 10 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinSep = cms.double( 0.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 13931 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTrackMultVetoFilterCastorHfMax
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPAPixelCandsForMinBias" ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 3 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinSep = cms.double( 0.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 13961 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTracks

Definition at line 8761 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelVertices
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PixelVertexProducer",
2  WtAverage = cms.bool( True ),
3  Method2 = cms.bool( True ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  Verbosity = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  UseError = cms.bool( True ),
7  TrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
8  PtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
9  NTrkMin = cms.int32( 2 ),
10  ZOffset = cms.double( 5.0 ),
11  Finder = cms.string( "DivisiveVertexFinder" ),
12  ZSeparation = cms.double( 0.05 )
13 )

Definition at line 8804 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreActivityEcalSC7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 4099 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaEcalPhiSym
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6962 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaLumiPixels
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7070 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsRandom
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7085 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaLumiPixelsZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7078 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEBonly
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6800 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaPAEcalEtaEEonly
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6881 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EBonly
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6568 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaPAEcalPi0EEonly
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6719 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7017 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNormalisation
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7043 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreAlCaRPCMuonNoTriggers
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7002 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreBeamGasHFBeam1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6314 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreBeamGasHFBeam2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6336 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreBeamHalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6352 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreDQMFEDIntegrity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 15100 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreDSTPhysics
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6438 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreDTCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6445 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreEcalCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6453 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreEle22CaloIdLCaloIsoVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 5700 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreGlobalRunHPDNoise
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6430 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreHcalCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6461 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreL1SingleMuOpenAntiBPTX
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6515 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreL1TrackerCosmics
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6542 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreLogMonitor
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 15288 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreMu15eta2p1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 4352 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePABptxMinusNotBptxPlus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14108 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePABptxPlusNotBptxMinus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14092 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePABTagMuJet20Mu4
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8458 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13950 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13980 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13927 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePADimuon0NoVertexing
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8062 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePADoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11896 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePADoubleEle8CaloIdTTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12001 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePADoubleJet20ForwardBackward
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14382 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePADoubleMu4Acoplanarity03
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14135 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAExclDijet35HFAND
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14230 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAExclDijet35HFOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14206 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet100Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7711 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet100Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7846 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet20Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7603 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet20Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7738 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet40Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7630 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet40Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7765 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet60Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7657 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet60Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7792 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet80Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7684 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAForJet80Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7819 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAFullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13412 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAFullTrack20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13416 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAFullTrack30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13431 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAFullTrack50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13446 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHcalNZS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6414 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHcalPhiSym
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6398 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHcalUTCA
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6377 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHFORSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHFSumET100
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13719 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHFSumET140
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13723 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHFSumET170
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13736 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAHFSumET210
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13749 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet100NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7563 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet120NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7577 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet20NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7333 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet40ETM30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7993 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet40NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7521 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet60ETM30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8009 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet60NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7535 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAJet80NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7549 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13996 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleEG3FwdVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14254 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11791 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleEG5TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14366 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleJet20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14318 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleJetC36TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14334 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8035 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleMu0HighQ
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8203 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleMu5TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14350 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1DoubleMuOpen
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8218 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1SingleEG20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14302 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1SingleJet16
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7111 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1SingleJet36
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7127 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1SingleJet52TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14270 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1SingleMu20TotemDiffractive
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14286 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1Tech53MB
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13790 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1Tech53MBSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13794 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1Tech54ZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13863 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1Tech63CASTORHaloMuon
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13911 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL1TechHBHEHOtotalOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13895 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAL2DoubleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8233 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMinBiasBHC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14044 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMinBiasBHCOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14060 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMinBiasHF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14012 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMinBiasHFOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14028 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMinBiasHfOrBHC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14076 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8402 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8280 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu3PFJet20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8604 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu3PFJet40
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10492 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 8335 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu7Ele7CaloIdTCaloIsoVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14409 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAMu7PFJet20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10558 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10624 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11149 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11254 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10Photon10TightCaloIdVLIso50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11294 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10777 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton10TightCaloIdVLIso50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10977 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton15NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10653 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11178 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton15Photon10TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11334 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10817 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton15TightCaloIdVLIso50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11017 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10667 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11202 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20Photon15TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11374 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20Photon20NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11226 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10857 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton20TightCaloIdVLIso50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11057 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton30NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10681 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton30Photon30NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11240 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10897 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton30TightCaloIdVLIso50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11097 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton40NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10707 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton40TightCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10937 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPhoton60NoCaloIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 10748 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100FullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12338 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity100L2DoubleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13476 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity130FullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13392 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity140Jet80NoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13461 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTrackMultiplicity160FullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13396 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity100
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12118 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity130
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12254 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity160
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12281 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity190
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12296 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAPixelTracksMultiplicity220
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 12323 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePARandom
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 15096 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePARomanPotsTech52
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13774 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11564 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePASingleEle6CaloIdTTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11414 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePASingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrkIdVL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 11671 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePASingleForJet15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7131 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePASingleForJet25
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7318 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAT1minbiasTech55
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13879 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATech35
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13561 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATech35HFSumET100
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13565 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATripleJet1002020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7967 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATripleJet202020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7873 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATripleJet402020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7919 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATripleJet602020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7935 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePATripleJet802020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7951 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5FullTrackVeto7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14592 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAUpcSingleEG5PixelTrackVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14584 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenFullTrackVeto7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14652 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenPixelTrackVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14648 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMuOnia
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14656 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14112 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelDoubleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14124 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePAZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 14116 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePhysics
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6434 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPL1DoubleJetC36
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13545 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity55FullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPPixelTrackMultiplicity70FullTrack12
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13529 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity55
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13480 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity70
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13495 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePPPixelTracksMultiplicity85
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 13510 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalESRestFEDs + hltESRecHitAll )

Definition at line 15359 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreTrackerCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6474 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRandomEventsFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 3 )
3 )

Definition at line 7082 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRecoEcalSuperClusterActivityCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshowerActivity" ),
3  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersActivity" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 4316 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Corrected = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Uncorrected + hltCaloJetIDPassed + hltCaloJetCorrected )

Definition at line 15341 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5L1FastJetCorrected = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltKT6CaloJets + hltAntiKT5CaloJets + hltCaloJetIDPassed + hltCaloJetL1FastJetCorrected )

Definition at line 15345 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5Uncorrected = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltAntiKT5CaloJets )

Definition at line 15340 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5UncorrectedPF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequencePF + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPF )

Definition at line 15349 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoJetSequencePrePF = cms.Sequence( HLTRecoJetSequenceAK5UncorrectedPF + hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5 )

Definition at line 15350 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecopixelvertexingForHighMultPASequence = cms.Sequence( hltPAPixelTracksForHighMult + hltPAPixelVerticesForHighMult )

Definition at line 15400 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVertices )

Definition at line 15351 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRegionalTowerMakerForJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalJetEcalSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForJets )

Definition at line 15343 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltScalersRawToDigi + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW )

Definition at line 15581 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetConditions + hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )

Definition at line 15413 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRPCFEDIntegrity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "RPCFEDIntegrity",
2  MaximumFEDID = cms.untracked.int32( 792 ),
3  RPCRawCountsInputTag = cms.untracked.InputTag( "hltMuonRPCDigis" ),
4  MinimumFEDID = cms.untracked.int32( 790 ),
5  NumberOfFED = cms.untracked.int32( 3 ),
6  RPCPrefixDir = cms.untracked.string( "RPC/FEDIntegrity_EvF" )
7 )

Definition at line 15257 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRPCFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTRPCFilter",
2  rangestrips = cms.untracked.double( 1.0 ),
3  rpcDTPoints = cms.InputTag( 'hltRPCPointProducer','RPCDTExtrapolatedPoints' ),
4  rpcRecHits = cms.InputTag( "hltRpcRecHits" ),
5  rpcCSCPoints = cms.InputTag( 'hltRPCPointProducer','RPCCSCExtrapolatedPoints' )
6 )

Definition at line 7037 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRPCMuonNormaL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sAlCaRPC" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 7047 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRPCMuonNoTriggersL1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sAlCaRPC" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( 6 ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 7006 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRPCPointProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCPointProducer",
2  cscSegments = cms.InputTag( "hltCscSegments" ),
3  rangestripsRB4 = cms.untracked.double( 4.0 ),
4  TrackTransformer = cms.PSet( ),
5  tracks = cms.InputTag( "NotUsed" ),
6  rangestrips = cms.untracked.double( 4.0 ),
7  incltrack = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  MinCosAng = cms.untracked.double( 0.95 ),
9  MaxDrb4 = cms.untracked.double( 150.0 ),
10  inclcsc = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
11  dt4DSegments = cms.InputTag( "hltDt4DSegments" ),
12  ExtrapolatedRegion = cms.untracked.double( 0.5 ),
13  incldt = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
14  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
15  MaxD = cms.untracked.double( 80.0 )
16 )

Definition at line 7021 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRpcRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCRecHitProducer",
2  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet( ),
3  deadvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCDeadVec.dat" ),
4  rpcDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonRPCDigis" ),
5  maskvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCMaskVec.dat" ),
6  recAlgo = cms.string( "RPCRecHitStandardAlgo" ),
7  deadSource = cms.string( "File" ),
8  maskSource = cms.string( "File" )
9 )

Definition at line 4640 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltScalersRawToDigi
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ScalersRawToDigi",
2  scalersInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 4076 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_Activity_Ecal_SC7_v13, HLT_Mu15_eta2p1_v5, HLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v6, HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam1_v5, HLT_BeamGas_HF_Beam2_v5, HLT_BeamHalo_v13, HLT_PAHcalUTCA_v1, HLT_PAHcalPhiSym_v1, HLT_PAHcalNZS_v1, HLT_GlobalRunHPDNoise_v8, HLT_Physics_v5, DST_Physics_v5, HLT_DTCalibration_v2, HLT_EcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HcalCalibration_v3, HLT_TrackerCalibration_v3, HLT_L1SingleMuOpen_AntiBPTX_v7, HLT_L1TrackerCosmics_v7, AlCa_PAEcalPi0EBonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalPi0EEonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalEtaEBonly_v1, AlCa_PAEcalEtaEEonly_v1, AlCa_EcalPhiSym_v13, AlCa_RPCMuonNoTriggers_v9, AlCa_RPCMuonNoHits_v9, AlCa_RPCMuonNormalisation_v9, AlCa_LumiPixels_v8, AlCa_LumiPixels_ZeroBias_v4, AlCa_LumiPixels_Random_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet16_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet36_v1, HLT_PASingleForJet15_v1, HLT_PASingleForJet25_v1, HLT_PAJet20_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet40_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet60_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet80_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet100_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAJet120_NoJetID_v1, HLT_PAForJet20Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet40Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet60Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet80Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet100Eta2_v1, HLT_PAForJet20Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet40Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet60Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet80Eta3_v1, HLT_PAForJet100Eta3_v1, HLT_PATripleJet20_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet40_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet60_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet80_20_20_v1, HLT_PATripleJet100_20_20_v1, HLT_PAJet40ETM30_v1, HLT_PAJet60ETM30_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_v1, HLT_PADimuon0_NoVertexing_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMuOpen_v1, HLT_PAL2DoubleMu3_v1, HLT_PAMu3_v1, HLT_PAMu7_v1, HLT_PAMu12_v1, HLT_PABTagMu_Jet20_Mu4_v1, HLT_PAMu3PFJet20_v1, HLT_PAMu3PFJet40_v1, HLT_PAMu7PFJet20_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton40_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton60_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton40_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon20_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton30_Photon30_NoCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton10_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_Iso50_v1, HLT_PAPhoton15_Photon10_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPhoton20_Photon15_TightCaloIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle6_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PASingleEle8_CaloIdNone_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5DoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PADoubleEle6_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PADoubleEle8_CaloIdT_TrkIdVL_v1, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity100_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity130_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity160_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity190_v2, HLT_PAPixelTracks_Multiplicity220_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity130_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity160_FullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack12_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack20_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack30_v2, HLT_PAFullTrack50_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity140_Jet80_NoJetID_v2, HLT_PAPixelTrackMultiplicity100_L2DoubleMu3_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity55_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity70_v1, HLT_PPPixelTracks_Multiplicity85_v1, HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity55_FullTrack12_v1, HLT_PPPixelTrackMultiplicity70_FullTrack12_v1, HLT_PPL1DoubleJetC36_v1, HLT_PATech35_v1, HLT_PATech35_HFSumET100_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET100_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET140_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET170_v3, HLT_PAHFSumET210_v3, HLT_PARomanPots_Tech52_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech53_MB_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech54_ZeroBias_v1, HLT_PAT1minbias_Tech55_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech_HBHEHO_totalOR_v1, HLT_PAL1Tech63_CASTORHaloMuon_v1, HLT_PACastorEmTotemLowMultiplicity_v1, HLT_PACastorEmNotHfCoincidencePm_v1, HLT_PACastorEmNotHfSingleChannel_v1, HLT_PAL1CastorTotalTotemLowMultiplicity_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHF_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHF_OR_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasBHC_OR_v1, HLT_PAMinBiasHfOrBHC_v1, HLT_PABptxPlusNotBptxMinus_v1, HLT_PABptxMinusNotBptxPlus_v1, HLT_PAZeroBias_v1, HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAHFOR_SingleTrack_v1, HLT_PAZeroBiasPixel_DoubleTrack_v1, HLT_PADoubleMu4_Acoplanarity03_v1, HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFOR_v1, HLT_PAExclDijet35_HFAND_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG3_FwdVeto_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleJet52_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleMu20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1SingleEG20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleJet20_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleJetC36_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleMu5_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PAL1DoubleEG5_TotemDiffractive_v1, HLT_PADoubleJet20_ForwardBackward_v1, HLT_PAMu7_Ele7_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Pixel_TrackVeto_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleEG5Full_TrackVeto7_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenPixel_TrackVeto_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenFull_TrackVeto7_v1, HLT_PAUpcSingleMuOpenTkMu_Onia_v1, HLT_PARandom_v1, DQM_FEDIntegrity_v11, HLT_LogMonitor_v4, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))

Definition at line 15585 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSecondJet20RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7887 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSelector4JetsJet20L1FastJetBPH
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "LargestEtCaloJetSelector",
2  maxNumber = cms.uint32( 4 ),
3  filter = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltBSoftMuonGetJetsFromJet20L1FastJetBPH" )
5 )

Definition at line 8520 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSimple3x3Clusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTNxNClusterProducer",
2  statusLevelRecHitsToUse = cms.int32( 1 ),
3  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "Simple3x3ClustersBarrel" ),
4  flagLevelRecHitsToUse = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  maxNumberofClusters = cms.int32( 38 ),
6  clusPhiSize = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
8  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
9  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
10  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
11  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
12  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
13  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
14  ),
15  clusEtaSize = cms.int32( 3 ),
16  useRecoFlag = cms.bool( False ),
17  endcapHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
18  maxNumberofSeeds = cms.int32( 250 ),
19  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "Simple3x3ClustersEndcap" ),
20  debugLevel = cms.int32( 0 ),
21  barrelHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
22  clusSeedThrEndCap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
23  doBarrel = cms.bool( True ),
24  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
25  useDBStatus = cms.bool( True ),
26  clusSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 )
27 )

Definition at line 6615 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG5PA" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 6.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 6.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11418 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGRegionalL1SingleEG7" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 8.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  etcutEE = cms.double( 8.0 )
10 )

Definition at line 11690 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11586 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 11604 of file

Definition at line 15395 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11568 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.075 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11446 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdTPixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle6CaloIdTHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 11464 of file

Definition at line 15392 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle6CaloIdTTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.031 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEG6EtFilterL1SingleEG5" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11428 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededPhotonHcalForHE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11718 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle8CaloIdNonePixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
7  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneHEFilter" ),
10  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededStartUpElectronPixelSeeds" )
11 )

Definition at line 11736 of file

Definition at line 15396 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleEle8CaloIdNoneTrlIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededRecoEcalCandidate" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1SeededHLTClusterShape" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleEG8EtFilterL1SingleEG7" ),
17  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 )
18 )

Definition at line 11700 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet100Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 100.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7715 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet100Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 100.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7850 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7295 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet20Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7607 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet20Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7742 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet25
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 25.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7322 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet40Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 40.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7634 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet40Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 40.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7769 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet60Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 60.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7661 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet60Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 60.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7796 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet80Eta2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 80.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7688 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleForJet80Eta3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTForwardBackwardCaloJetsFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 80.0 ),
4  maxEta = cms.double( 5.1 ),
5  minEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrected" ),
7  nTot = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  nPos = cms.uint32( 0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
10  nNeg = cms.uint32( 0 )
11 )

Definition at line 7823 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 100.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7567 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet100RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet1002020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 100.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7971 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet120RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 120.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7581 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7511 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet20RegionalNoJetIDinTripleJet202020
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7877 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet40RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 40.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 60.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7539 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet60RegionalNoJetIDinJet60ETM30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 60.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 8013 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleJet80RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 80.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7553 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelClusterProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelDigis" ),
3  ChannelThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
4  maxNumberOfClusters = cms.int32( 20000 ),
5  VCaltoElectronGain = cms.int32( 65 ),
6  MissCalibrate = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  SplitClusters = cms.bool( False ),
8  VCaltoElectronOffset = cms.int32( -414 ),
9  payloadType = cms.string( "HLT" ),
10  SeedThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
11  ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 4000.0 )
12 )

Definition at line 4875 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRawToDigi",
2  UseQualityInfo = cms.bool( False ),
3  CheckPixelOrder = cms.bool( False ),
4  IncludeErrors = cms.bool( False ),
5  UseCablingTree = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
6  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  ErrorList = cms.vint32( ),
8  Regions = cms.PSet( ),
9  Timing = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
10  UserErrorList = cms.vint32( )
11 )

Definition at line 4864 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelHLTSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "SiPixelHLTSource",
2  saveFile = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  outputFile = cms.string( "Pixel_DQM_HLT.root" ),
4  slowDown = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  ErrorInput = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelDigis" ),
6  RawInput = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  DirName = cms.untracked.string( "Pixel/FEDIntegrity_EvF" )
8 )

Definition at line 15237 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRecHitConverter",
2  VerboseLevel = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
4  CPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" )
5 )

Definition at line 4887 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
2  InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
3  measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" )
4 )

Definition at line 4919 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiStripExcludedFEDListProducer",
2  ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 4892 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripFEDCheck
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "SiStripFEDCheckPlugin",
2  PrintDebugMessages = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  CheckChannelStatus = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  DoPayloadChecks = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  CheckChannelLengths = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
6  WriteDQMStore = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
7  CheckFELengths = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  RawDataTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
9  HistogramUpdateFrequency = cms.untracked.uint32( 1000 ),
10  CheckChannelPacketCodes = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
11  DirName = cms.untracked.string( "SiStrip/FEDIntegrity_EvF" )
12 )

Definition at line 15245 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiStripRawToClusters",
2  ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  DoAPVEmulatorCheck = cms.bool( False ),
4  Algorithms = cms.PSet(
5  SiStripFedZeroSuppressionMode = cms.uint32( 4 ),
6  CommonModeNoiseSubtractionMode = cms.string( "Median" ),
7  PedestalSubtractionFedMode = cms.bool( True ),
8  TruncateInSuppressor = cms.bool( True ),
9  doAPVRestore = cms.bool( False ),
10  useCMMeanMap = cms.bool( False )
11  ),
12  Clusterizer = cms.PSet(
13  ChannelThreshold = cms.double( 2.0 ),
14  MaxSequentialBad = cms.uint32( 1 ),
15  MaxSequentialHoles = cms.uint32( 0 ),
16  Algorithm = cms.string( "ThreeThresholdAlgorithm" ),
17  MaxAdjacentBad = cms.uint32( 0 ),
18  QualityLabel = cms.string( "" ),
19  SeedThreshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
20  ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 5.0 ),
21  setDetId = cms.bool( True ),
22  RemoveApvShots = cms.bool( True )
23  )
24 )

Definition at line 4895 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltThirdJet20RegionalNoJetID
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 3 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltCaloJetCorrectedRegionalNoJetID" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 7897 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForAll

Definition at line 7168 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForHf

Definition at line 8120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForJets

Definition at line 7392 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForPF

Definition at line 8648 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackAndTauJetsIter0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter0" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" )
14 )

Definition at line 8936 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackAndTauJetsIter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.4 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter1" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 9185 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackAndTauJetsIter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter2" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 9377 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackAndTauJetsIter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 4.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5TrackJetsIter3" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAntiKT5CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.0 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.0 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 9626 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackerCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 273, 274, 277, 278, 281, 282, 284, 285, 288, 289, 292, 293, 294, 295, 300, 301, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310, 311, 316, 317, 324, 325, 329, 330, 331, 332, 339, 340, 341, 342, 349, 350, 351, 352, 164, 165, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 189, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 204, 205, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 221, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 249, 250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 478, 476, 477, 482, 484, 480, 481, 474, 459, 460, 461, 463, 485, 487, 488, 489, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 288, 289, 292, 293, 300, 301, 304, 305, 310, 311, 316, 317, 329, 330, 339, 340, 341, 342, 349, 350, 164, 165, 177, 178, 179, 180, 189, 190, 197, 198, 204, 205, 212, 213, 220, 221, 224, 225, 230, 231 )
4 )

Definition at line 6489 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackerCosmicsPattern
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Pattern",
2  ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( False ),
3  triggerPattern = cms.vint32( 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ),
4  triggerBit = cms.string( "L1Tech_RPC_TTU_pointing_Cosmics.v0" ),
5  invert = cms.bool( False ),
6  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
7  throw = cms.bool( True ),
8  daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
9  bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 )
10 )

Definition at line 6546 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackerHaloFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTrackerHaloFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  MaxAccus = cms.int32( 4 ),
4  MaxClustersTEC = cms.int32( 60 ),
5  MaxClustersTECm = cms.int32( 50 ),
6  SignalAccumulation = cms.int32( 5 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
8  MaxClustersTECp = cms.int32( 50 ),
9  FastProcessing = cms.int32( 1 )
10 )

Definition at line 6362 of file

Definition at line 15358 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackRefsForJetsIter0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 8892 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackRefsForJetsIter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 9141 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackRefsForJetsIter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 9333 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackRefsForJetsIter3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter3Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 9582 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerSummaryAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerAOD",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 15296 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerSummaryRAW
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerRAW",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 15299 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerType
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 1 )
3 )

Definition at line 4018 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTrigReport",
2  HLTriggerResults = cms.InputTag( 'TriggerResults','','HLT' )
3 )

Definition at line 15308 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hoDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HODetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 30 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 3949 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.MaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1304 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.MaterialPropagatorForHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialForHI" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.139 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1312 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.muonDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "MuonDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.125 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 48 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 48 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 3956 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.navigationSchoolESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" )
3 )

Definition at line 3963 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1320 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagatorForHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.139 ),
5  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
7  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1328 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.preshowerDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "PreshowerDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.1 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 60 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 30 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 3966 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siPixelQualityESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelQualityESProducer",
2  ListOfRecordToMerge = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( record = cms.string( "SiPixelQualityFromDbRcd" ),
4  tag = cms.string( "" )
5  ),
6  cms.PSet( record = cms.string( "SiPixelDetVOffRcd" ),
7  tag = cms.string( "" )
8  )
9  )
10 )

Definition at line 3973 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )

Definition at line 3983 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer",
2  LatencyRecord = cms.PSet(
3  record = cms.string( "SiStripLatencyRcd" ),
4  label = cms.untracked.string( "" )
5  ),
6  LorentzAngleDeconvMode = cms.PSet(
7  record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
8  label = cms.untracked.string( "deconvolution" )
9  ),
10  LorentzAnglePeakMode = cms.PSet(
11  record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
12  label = cms.untracked.string( "peak" )
13  )
14 )

Definition at line 3984 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
20 )

Definition at line 1336 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.streams
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  A = cms.vstring( 'Commissioning',
3  'Cosmics',
4  'HcalHPDNoise',
5  'HcalNZS',
6  'LogMonitor',
7  'MinimumBias',
8  'PAHighPt',
9  'PAMinBiasUPC',
10  'PAMuon',
11  'PPFSQ',
12  'PPJet',
13  'PPMinBias',
14  'PPMuon',
15  'PPPhoton',
16  'SingleElectron',
17  'SingleMu' ),
18  ALCALUMIPIXELS = cms.vstring( 'AlCaLumiPixels' ),
19  ALCAP0 = cms.vstring( 'AlCaP0' ),
20  ALCAPHISYM = cms.vstring( 'AlCaPhiSym' ),
21  Calibration = cms.vstring( 'TestEnablesEcalHcalDT' ),
22  DQM = cms.vstring( 'OnlineMonitor' ),
23  EcalCalibration = cms.vstring( 'EcalLaser' ),
24  Express = cms.vstring( 'ExpressPhysics' ),
25  HLTDQM = cms.vstring( 'OnlineHltMonitor' ),
26  NanoDST = cms.vstring( 'L1Accept' ),
27  RPCMON = cms.vstring( 'RPCMonitor' ),
28  TrackerCalibration = cms.vstring( 'TestEnablesTracker' )
29 )

Definition at line 10 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.trackerTopologyConstants

Definition at line 15665 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TransientTrackBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "TransientTrackBuilder" )
3 )

Definition at line 1356 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.UpdaterService
Initial value:
1 = cms.Service( "UpdaterService",
2 )

Definition at line 4004 of file